Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY lOth, 1945 The Canadian War Gratuity plan bas been extended to allow paymnent of gratuities to the estates of deceased members of the services where no individuais qualify. ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fni., May 10, il Wallace Beery In BARBARY COAST #GENT With Binnie Barnes, John Carradine and Bruce Kel- logg. Rough, iyomantic, rio- tous. It's Beery's best. Added TAKE IT BIG Starring Jack Haley, Harriet Hililard and Mary Beth Hughes, with Ozzie Nelson and his orchestra. 5 big song bits, romance and laughter! Saturday, May 12 Wally Brown, Alan Carney GIRL RUS H With Frances Langford and Vera Vague. Whatta w ham of a show - Robust f un and tickling songs of the gold rush era. Added George OBrien In MARSHALL 0F MESA CITY Two grim men pursue six outlaws and wiu. Mon.,,Tues., Wed., May 14-15-16 Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon lu MRS. PARKINGTON With Edward Arnold, Agnes Moorhead and Cecil Kella- way. Gus Parkington had a theory, if a girl winks, she kisses - revealing a great struggle and sacrifice for the man she loves. The first large group of Cana- dian wives of Australian service- men will leave Canada for Australia early in May. The party wilI include 40 wives and 10 children. About 200 more wili foilow later. BONVNANVILLE FIRE ALARMS 1-Fire Hall, Church St. 2-Corner King and Division Sts. 3-Corner King and Ontario Sts. 4-Corner Ontario & Durham Sts. 5-Corner King and Liberty Sts. 6-Corner Centre and Lowe Sts. -Corner King and Silver Sts. si-Corner Prospect and Odeil Sts. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs., Fni., Sat., May 10, 11, 12 Joan Fontaine, Atturo de Gordova In FRENCHMAN'S CREEK With Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Cecil Kellaway Flaming wîtb love and dar- ing, intense with excitement. In Glorious Technicolor Mon., Tues., May 14-15 THE VERY THOUGHT 0F YOU Starring Dennis Morgan, Eleanor Parker, Dane Clark. A screenful of bugs, kisses and gorgeous misses. FOUR DAYS Wednesday Till Saturday May 16-17-18-19 HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN Ail of Hollywood's heart is in it, and 62 of Hollywood's stars; also Jimmy Dorsey & bis band. Songs, Don't Fence Me In, Hollywood Canteen, ý Sweet Dreams Sweetbeart. and many more. You Can Count on Glen Rae Dairy Milk Day in, day out, it provides the same fine source of energy - it 's flot only a body builder, but it's econoniical too! In times of bigher cost of living, this nulk is unsurpassed for keeping expenses down and food leI styled with fitted bodice and fl Wedd isi bouffant skirts. Bot w o re ________matching sboulder length veilsi HANCOCK-SMITH heid in place by a wreath of 1 _______flowers, and carried cascade bou-1 Principals in a wedding whicb quets of pink and yellow camna- took place Saturday, April 7, at tions. Miss Carol Hughes, niece St. Pancras Parish Church, in of the bride, made a charming London, England. were Lieut. flower girl in bier pale green or- (O.T.) Eleanor Margaret Smith., gandy frock with floor-length full R.C.A.M.C.. daughter of Mrs. skirt with tiny pirik rosettes. Hem Arnold Smith and the late Mr. shoulder-lengtb veil fell from a Smith of Cobalt, and S.B.A. James wreath of white flowers and she Arthur Hancock, R.C.N.V.R., son carried a nosegay of carnations of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hancock, and baby's breatb. Mr. Wallace Courtice, Ont. Rev. Jobn Hodg- McKnight acted as best man and kinson performed the ceremony the usbers were Mr. Dentzel An- and was assisted by Capt. the derson, brotber of the groom, and Rev. D. DeMilie. Mr. Edgar Jacques, brother-mn- The bride, given in marriage by law of the bride. Capt. the Rev. C. Hardwinck, was A reception was held at the smart in a taiiored suit of sea- borne of Mrs. B. Hughes, sister of green xvool crepe with cherry red the bride. Receiving with the acecssories, and carried a bouquet bridai couple were the bride's of white carnations and narcissi. mother wbo chose an orchid crepe Her bridesmaid, Lieut. (O.T.) ensemble witb mauve accessories Mary Paterson-Smytb, R.C.A. and corsage of white carnations. M.C., of Toronto, wore a spring She was assisted by the groom's print dress with brown acces- mother in a flowered jersey en- sories and corsage of yeîîow roses. semble with black accessomies The best man was Sto. 11C Francis and corsage of white carnations. Thrasher, R.C.N.V.R.. of Windsor. For the wedding trip to Niag- ara Falls, Buffalo and other bor- Organist for the occasion was der cities, the bride changed to a Petty Officer Carl Tapscott, R.C. brown two - piece dress with N.V.R., of Toronto, and the soioist matching accessories and green Lieut. Oscar Natzke, of New Zea- topcoat with corsage of talisman land, basso, wbo sang Handel's roses. The happy couple will re- "Where'er You Waik". Follow- side on Elgin Street, Bowman- ing the wedding the couple left ville. for a week's holiday in Soutbern Previous to bier marriage, the Devon. bride was presented with a The bridegroom, best man, or- beautiful waii miror and end ganist and soioist are ail with tbe table from bher many friends and Royal Canadian Navy sbow. neighbors, when Mrs. Garfield Before joining the services the Clarke was bostess at a gathering couple were both on tbe staff of at the home of Mrs. Charles Mut- the Ontario Hospital, Woodstock. ton. Fellow workers of Dept. 281, Goodyear, presented the bride MUTTON-COOK with many beautiful and useful gif ts. On Saturday, April 14, Dorothy Lila Cook, daughter of Mr. and MARKSMANSHIP WINNERS Mrs. F..R. Cook, Burketon, was AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH united in marriage with George SCHOOL William Mutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mutton, Bowman- In tbe marksmansbip conteste ville. Rev. J. E. Griffith officiat- conducted recently among the ed. Higb School Cadets, the resulte, The bride cbose a street-lengtb laccording to Principal L. W. Dip- maize sbeer frock witb corsage of pell, M.M. and Bar, who is Officer pink carnations and maiden bain Commanding the local Company, fern, with brown accessories. Her 2nd Midland Regiment, were of a only attendant, her sister, Miss standard equal to or better than Doreen Cook, Burketon, wore the general average. paie yellow with brown acces- Called up to receive prizes won, sories and corsage of carnations. the following winners were given Frank Westlake, Solina, acted as! a big hand by their competitors. best man. Only the immediate1 The winners are: Girls-Shirley relatives were present. Grant, Pearl Breslin and Mar- After the ceremony the young garet Thompeon; Boys-Howard couple motored to Burketon Sturrock, Glen Williams and Ron- where a reception was held at the aid Simpkin; Jr. Boys-Michael home of the bride. The bride's Kowal. mother received in a mauve drees Before the prizes were given with black accessories and cor- out a mînute's silence was ob-i sage of white carnations. She served in memory of the membersj was assisted by the groom's motb- of Bowmanville Higb School, both~ em, wearing dusty rose witb cor- students and staff, wbo have giv- sage of pink carnations. en their services and lives in the The young couple left mid cause of freedom in the present sbowems of confetti and good conflict. wisbes for a trip west. On their Latest to join up from the Higb return tbey will reside in Bow- School was Ray Rundie, bonor manville. student, who was called to Kings- ________ton by military authonities and ANDERSON..SELLERS who reported one day in advance ________of the final date for filing a re- Rev. W. P. Fletcher officiated quest for postponement to coin- for the afternoon wedding in St. plete bis studies. Paul's United Churcb, Bowman- Before a telephone caîl could ville, on Apnil 2lst, wben Mar- be put tbrougb suggesting a de- garet Alice, daugbter of Mr. and ferment to complete Higb Scbool Mrs. Thomas Sellers, became the exame, young Rundie had been bride of Tbonton Howard Ander- induced to enlist and bie did s0 son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie for general service anywhere. Anderson, ail of Bowmanville. He was told bie could get bis The ceremony was performed Junior Maticulation if bis termi against a background of vani- work was 50 per cent or over, colored snapdragons. Mrs. Reta even after lie joined up.Now be Dudley presided at the organ, and is a member of the Canadian dunngthesinig o te rgite Army, (Active) and will continue Miss Donalda Creaseer nendered in any theatre until the war is "O Promise Me". over. Given in marriage by ber fathera the bride îooked cbarm- lsiidA ae ing i gown of white satin fasb- lsiedA Ra s ioned with fitted bodice with One cent a word cash, each sweetheart neckline, full sleeves insrtion (minimum charge ending in lily points over the back 25c). Charge of 25e extra ie of ber bande, and long full skirt. made -,vhen advertisement ls Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion flot paid same week as inser- was crested with a sweetbeart tion. Extra charge of 10e halo, and ebe carried a cascade when replies are. directed to bouquet of ned roses. a Statesman box number. She was attended hy lber sis- Bfrths, Geaths and marriages ters, Mrs. Fred Sayer, Scarboro, 50c each. In Mesnoriams, 50oc as matron of honor, and Miss for notice plus Ioc per lune Louise Sellers as hidesmaid. for verse. Chia~fied adver- Their gowns of blue chiffon and tisemente accepted up untli pink chiffon, respectively,- were Wednesday noon. PROUD GRANDPA: D.* C. Ciaskin, of Windsor, viee-prcsi- dent and genemal manager of Studebaker Corporation of Canada, .and year-old Caroline Anne, his grand-daughter, hit it off weil on their first meeting at the Canadian Pacifie Rail.. way's Windsor Station in Mlontreal when ho met her and her inother on an JI.C.A.F. ivives' train. They are waiting the arrivai of F/L. V. M. Gaskin, overseas with the bomber com- m.and since 1941. -.C.P.R. Photo. As our Service of National Thanksgiving is merged - so appropriately - with Mother's Day, Jet us remember that the principles which She taught us to hold Supreme have again emerged, through trial, to Victory!1 Charming Purses for Mot he r $2.29 to $8.35 A marvellous assortment of really smart styles in every imaginable shape - drawstring pouches, umderarm, satchel to shoulder bags. Colours in- cluded blackr, brown, green, red, navy and white. Prices for every budget! FINE Cotton Sheets. A MOST PRACTICAL GIFT FOR BRIDE OR MOTHER! Size 81" x 99" $5.50 pair Dazzling white sheets of beautiful firm texture, free from dressing, wWxch will give service - for years and launder to perfection. Chenille Bed Spreads PULL DOUBLE BED SIZE $10.95 to $21.00 We obtained a large and varied assortment with Mother's Day specially in niind. White and coloured grounds, and many new and delightful designs and colour harmonies. Be sure to see them. Gloves, Neckwear, Costume Jewellery Nothing enhances Mtoher's charm or delights her heart more than these small, but vital, accessories. Our assortment is large, carefully selected, correct for style, outstanding for value. FiWALKER STORES, £JMITED T H E CANA DI AN W AY 0F A Chance to Go Fishin 5 Y ES, and the right to go fihin' ... the right to enjoy the simple, pleasant things of life! Picnics by the river-week-end trips in the old' family jalopy-these are some of the things that your boy is fighting for today! And lie won't be able to enjoy those things, unless we at home fight for /,irn against inflation-unles we make sure when lie gets back his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect hie dollar, we muet realize NOW the dangers of careless, unnecessary buying! We muet buy on/y what we need-never buy two where one will do! We muet flot evade rationing or price control, or deal with black markets. If we break the rules, our country-the country he's fighting for-wili start on that spiral of prices known as inflation! Remember! Every time ONE of us breaks ONE of these rules, we're lowering the value of our soldier's dollar. We're helping to shoot pnices sky-bigh . . . and sky-high prices mean inflation. The value of every dollar in Canada goes down, and wh en the men overseas corne back their dollar might buy only a quarter's worth of goods! We can prevent inflation! We can give our fighting man hie "right to go fishin' ", if we make sure his dollar will be worth a dollar, when lie cornes home, We cant give back to him lis lost years, or lis lost youth. But if we keep up the figlit against inflation, lie can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living - the Canadian way of life! Pu/,Iisbed L'y THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveil the dangers of ini«atiotL. I I F E . . 1u Make this Pledge Today! 1 pledge myseif ta do my part in flghting inflation: By observing ratloning and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By resp.ecing prico controis and other anti-inflation measures, and re- frainingfrom careless and unneces- sary buying. 1 wili not buy two where one will do, nor will 1 buy a * new'" where an "old' wiIl do. By buylng Victory Bonds and War Savinga StamPs, suPPorîing tax- ation, and abiding by ail siich measures which will lowcr the cost of living and help keep Prices at a normal level. 1 il 1 IFAMILyARTEIZ THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1945 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTAýRIO

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