Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Perfect for Mot her's Day Just what she wants most - a slm2mlng redingote - effect dress with insets of glowîng print ! One of niany flatterers for Mother in print, stripes, light and dark solids ! Couch, Johoston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE Mr. Richard Tudor, Mr. and Miss Barbara Allun and William Mrs. Leslie Tudor, Linda and Hannah, Gunner, R.C.N.V.R., Beverley, Toronto, spent t he Oakvifle, spent the week-end with week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans. H. Dilling, Queen Street. Fariners .e Let us help you wlth youse Springtime needs of grease, oil, elec- trie fence controllers; also woven wire fence, DeLaval milk coolers, separators and electro-palls available at once. A Good Supply of Repairs for DeLaval Products On Hand CASE OWNERS - We bave a supply of repairs on hand now, corne in and diseuss youxÉ problems with us. 011 filter replace- ment cartrldges for most tractors. - Prompt and Courteous Service at Ail Times - DeLaval, Warco Grease & 011 - Fram 011 Filters QUANTITY 0F WIRE FENCE NOW AVAILABLE W. H. Brown Case D3ealer Canadian Steel Fence Phones: 497 & 2610 Miss Marion Scott, B.A, Perth, spent the week-end with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Scott. Mrs. Cuthbert McDonald visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peacock, Port Hope. Miss Grace Hall was week-end guest with Miss Thelma Schlie- vert, Belleville. Miss Betty Spencer as joincd the office staff of the R. M. Hol- Iingshead Company. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd, Kath- leen and Ross, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Covcrly. Mrs. Ervine Foster bas return- cd home after spending twa weeks in Windsor with her sis- ter, Miss B. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent and Miss Jacqueline Bienvenue, To- Mr. C. B. Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cator, Ralph and Diane, Mrs. Hobbs, Donald and Sandria, Toronto, visited their mother, Mrs. F. Cator. Mrs. B. Hubbard, Burketon, bas received word that ber son, Ptc. Merle Hubbard, bas arrived aver- seas. Miss Edythe Carter and Mrs. Thomas Carter w c r e Sunday vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Durno, Toronto. Mr. Herbert Cale, University of Toronto, was home for the week- end and bas since acceptcd a po- sition for the summer with a well- known firm of Toronta arcbitccts. Sergt. Gilbert Mcllveen, R.C. A.F., Nassau, Bahamas, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mllvccn and left later this week ta fly ta England. Sgt. R. E. Bate, C-6218, reccntly rcturned from averseas, wishcs ta sincercly thank the Ratary and Lians Clubs and the Women's War Auxîliary for par ls and cigarettes he reccivcd whilc an active service overseas. Pte. Charles Mcllvcen, Medical Corps, Quecn's University, Kings- tan, bas successfully completed bis 5th ycar in Medicine and with Mrs. Mcllveen is visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mc- Ilveen and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jones. CONNORS & McKNIGHT FREED FROM HUN PRISON CAMP In advance of official informa- tian, general telegrams have been received within the past few days telling that Cpl. Harold McKnight and Pte. Leon Cannors, bath of Bowmanville, bave been rescued from German prison camps by the advancing troaps of the Allies into Germany. Not anly have they been released but they are back in England and have persanally wired that they are safe and saund. It will be remembered that when Sgt. Russ Candler came home he tald that these chums of bis were left behind in the samne prison camp in which he was can- fined. All these boys went thraugh the desperate fighting with the 8th Armny in Italy. Bath McKnight and Cannors went out together, faught together, were captured together, and were ta- gether in aIl the Hun campaunds in whicb they were canfined since Jan., 1944. The news of their release was received with the greatest of joy by their parents, by Sgt. Candler and by their former Cay. Sgt. Major, Ross McKnight, D.C.M., brother of Cpl. Harold. Don't run down your neighbors. Run in'and visit them. - 1Iý W lt's much f00 early te throw ou, hats in the air and cheer. . & ...time enough for that When the Jap is defeated; when those boys and girls in the armed forces who are sacri- ficing go much ... can celebrate complete Victory with us. 'Till themn we cannot-we must flot let down ... * And se until final Victory we must al Buy Victory Bonds!I The Canada Life Assurance Company At the Cburch af St. Thomas of Canterbury, West Hill, Wands- wartb, England, on Wednesday, Marcb 14, Miss Doreen Rasemary Gayford was married ta Gunner Laurence Gerald Connors of the Royal Canadian Army. The Rev. Father Gower officiated. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Gayford, 537A Garratt-lane, Earlsfield, and the bridegroom third san of Mr. and Mrs. Thamas Connars, 24 Liberty Street, Bowmanville. Wearing a white lace dress, an embroidcred veil and a headdress of orange blossoms, and carrying' a bouquet of red carnations and Newtonville Visitors: Mrs. J. Paedon with friends in Orono. . . Mrs. Lennox Vasey with ber husband, Pte. Lennox Vasey, Toronto, with his bis parents, Mr.-- and Mrs. Mer- edith Vasey, Port McNichol... Mrs. J. Morris and Mrs. Evans, Orono, at Mr. Wm. Stapletan's.. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ail- dread, Lake Shore. . . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapleton at Mr. Lorne Todd's, Starkville. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton and Mrs. George Smith in Peterboro and Lindsay. b While some scbools are decreas- ing in numbers ours is on the up- ward trend. Mr. McMullen bas about 50 pupils on the roll. On Sunday evening, Mr. Clare Kellogg, B.A., Welcome, who is studying for the ministry, preach- cd in the United Church here to a very appreciative audience. Clare bad an enviable record ail through high scbool and is mak- ing splendid progress through university as well as being a fluent speaker. Next Sunday Rcv. Hinton, Co- bourg, will preach in the United Church. Mr. Edwin Hancock, Newcastle, will take the services from then until our new minister, Rev. L. B. Smith, B.A., B.D., Ad- dison, takes charge in July. Be- ginning next Sunday seryice will begin at 7 p.m. through May and June. Mrs. Thos. Coatham passed away at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Cecil Stapleton, on Apr. 30th. The community extends sincere sympathy to ber sorrow- ing family. Mrs. A. V. Urrýr and three children have arrived to live for the present with her mother, Mrs. H. Randall, on account of the lack of housing accommodation in Ottawa. There will be a joint meeting of the Hall Committee and Ceme- tery Committee in the Commun- ity Hall, May 8th, at 8 p.m. Mr. W. E. Reid has undergone a crîtical operatian in Bowman- ville Hospital. Mr. W. N. Stevens is seriously i11 in Bowmanville Hospital. Maple Grove Mrs. Wm. Jeffery bas returned hiome after a visit with her ilaughter, Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Courtice, a n d grand-daughter, Virs. O. Robinson, Oshawa. Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Bert Martin, Virs. Wm. Morrison, Oshawa, with Virs. L. C. Snowden. ACi S. L. VanCamp, R.C.A.F., Dartmouth, N.S., on leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp. Rev. W. C. Smitb, B.A., Port Perry, has been engaged for the anniversary on Sunday, June 17. Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Clancy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greentree and Dina, MIr. and Mrs. Maurice Winters, VIrs. Ken Stroud, Mr. and. Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert, Mr. and Mrs. N. IW. Grose, Oshawa, at Mrs. Hurlbert's and Mrs. Grose's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer. C-33124, Cpl. G. H. Wright, B.W.$., 2nd Cdn. Corps SignaIs, C.A.O., March 15, 1945. Dear Mr. Jeffrey: I hope this inds you ail well as it leaves me the same. I received cigarettes from the Victory Club and I wish ao thank you for them. They are rcally appreciated over here. I am now in Germany and 1 hope we soon meet the Russians and by then the Jerries should be beaten. 1 hope it will be soon as it will be ever sa nice to get back hame. I hope you arc hearing from the others o.k. and that they white beather. the bride was giv- en away by bier father, who is a police constable. Mr. Robert Jessop, a friend of the bride and bridegroom, was best man. About 40 guests attended the reception at the home of the bride's parents. Among many useful presents were a number of cheques. After the reception the bride wore a pink dress with floral trimmings. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Connors will live at 537A Garratt-lane tili the war ends. Afterwards tbey will mfake their home in Ontario. are ahl well. Roy Bothwell is over here some place. I haven't seen him as yet. I have met Charlie Richards and Mai. Ban- ister and we had quite a talk ta- gether. I must close now and thank you for the cigarettes and I hope that we are soon home and then we can thank you in persan. Ail the best. Yours respectfully, GEORGE. The Canadian Army bas intro- duced a new leave classification ta aid in food production. Term- cd "bog, dairy and beef produc- tion leave,'" it may be granted ta soldiers nat eligible for reinforce- ments. Local Soldier Married ln England Tyrone Visitors: Mrs. Herb Burgess, Eîleen, Laura and Ray, Antioch, Mrs. Viola Smith, Orono, at Mr. R. Burgess'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Virtue, Oshawa, with Mr-. Wm. Virtue. . . Mrs. R. Hatherley at Toronto and Dixie. .. Mrs. Gladys Cameron, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Arthur Richards. .. Mrs. William Goodfellow and son, Phil, Orland, with Mrs. Howard Philp. . . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson and son, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Thompson. .. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Larmar and Marshal, Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosevear. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park and children at W. F. Park's ..Mr. George Young, Bowman- ville, at Mr. L. Hooper's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradley, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. George AIl- dread. Mrs. Lorne Hoskin bad a tonsil operation Saturday. William Virtue bas a new gar- age built and also has it wired. Women's Institute Meeting W.I. met April lBth at the home of Mrs. Friend with the president presiding. Roll caîl was answer- cd by "How to destroy insect pests". A letter of thanks from Mrs. Philp was read, for a plant received during her illness. It was decided to fill out the form receivcd for boney or jam for Britain, based on last year's con- tribution. Mrs. Friend kindly of- fered to be flower convenor for the church for April. There was also a salvage committee chosen. Two dollars was votcd to Federa- tion of Agriculture, $3.00 to the Comfort Committee, also the sec- retary's fee to be paid. Mr. Good- man was chosen to consult the Church Board about the lawn cut- ting at the hall. Mrs. Rosevear suggested a shower of cards be sent Mrs. Roy at Western Hos- pital. Financial report showed balance of $12.66 on hand. Com- fort Committec report and work donc for the Navy League were read. These officers werc elect- cd: Pres.-Mrs. L. Annis; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. N. Woodley; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. A. Wood; Se'y-Treas. -Mrs. R, Glaspel; Ass't-Mrs. H. Skinner; Press Correspondent- Mrs. Rosevear; Branch Directors -Mrs. Woodley, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Thompson;A Group Leaders-Mrs. Yellowlces, Mrs. T. Scott, Mrs. G. Brent and Mrs. A. Hoar, Mrs. A. Richards and Mrs. Friend, Mrs. RosevearP and Mrs. Macdonald; Devotional ' - Mrs. Goodman and Mrs. R.u Hodgson; Comnforts - Mrs. W. F. Park and Mrs. W. Park. Devo- tional was ably taken by Mrs. t Goodman. Mrs. Roscvear's groupe gave this program: twa selections on Victrola by Mrs. Fricnd; poemC "Simple Things", was read by i Mrs. Rosevear: Mrs. Rosevear led i an intcrcsting and worthwhîle l discussion on "Care and Slipping i of House Plants," alsa on garden perennials. Lunch was servcd bys the group. I Baby's Own 011------------------ - -------- 50c Baby's Own Soap --- ------------- 3 for 29e Electresteam Baby Bottle Warmer $4.40 Baby Cough Syrup---------------- special 18e Mennen's Baby 011- -------------- 5e, $1.19 Baby Pants--------------------- 39c, 49c, 69e Johnson's Baby Sets ------------50c, $1.00 Rock-A-Bye Diapee Wash ------ -------39e Waterproof Crib Mattress ---------- $2.49 Baby's Soap Boxes ---- - ----------30c Nursing Bottle Wah - --- --- 9--e Baby Bowls Bakelte ---------- 49e Baby Biba -----29c, 49e Thumz, discourages thumb sueking -- 50e Tray and 4 bottles, for Nipples, etc. --- $1,98 Toys -- 45e, 90e and Up was returning home on leave af- ter jaining the army at Kingston. He notified the constables and an investigatian it was found the safe was forced open and cash amaunting ta $200 taken, but papers lef t intact. The tbeory is that twa or more thieves, taking advantage of the noise of passing trucks, had ef- fected entrance without arousing the family sleeping above the garage and made off with the beavy safe in a trunk. No arrests have been made ta date but po- lice are cantinuing their search. Pacts of friendsbip will not last witbout acts of friendship. -il BABY NEEDSI One of the features of your I.D.A. Drug Store is a complete Baby De- partment. For baby's health and comfort we offer you the best of pro- duets and at lowest prices. Phone 792 for your baby's requirements NOIV. Mead's Pablum, 1 lb . ........... 45e ýPREAD OF e WTH Dextri-Maltose, 1 lb. & 5 lbM. 65c, $3 :NEA Lactogen, 1 lb. & 2½/ lb. .. 69c, $1.59 ,~. Robinson's Barley, 60e size....33c 13e Boracic Acid, 1 lb. special.....19c SPECIAL . .. 25e Wax Paper, 100 ft.- -_----21c ~-1i FOR QUICK FIRSI AID ADHESIVE BANDAGES 1IONN D25 I' "LLE N B U RYS" M HALIBORANGIEA 2 70niceet way of L la taking Halibut LiverA L 85c-.50 AURASECORD CANI 69e CoId Cream, 1ilb.----------- 56e Sun Glasses -----------------19c 19c A.B.S. & C. Tablets ------ 14e DRUGS 'I Treat Sead Grain for Smuts Ceresan ------------------ $1.1o,$30 Formaldehyde, 16 oz.----------25e PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALlr XMcOREOOR PHONE 79? - WE DELIVER ROBBERS STEAL SAFE AND MONEY FROM HODGSON'S GARAGE Delegates returning from the political convention at Orano, Thursday night, saw nathing un- usual around Hodgsan's Garage, King St. East, but a few hours later a bread truck driver naticed that the back door had been forc- ed and called police at 2 a.m. Chief Sidney Ventan and Prov. Constable Pollard immediately investigated, found the safe miss- ing, and scoured the back raads loaking for the rabbers, withaut immediate resuits. Later, when daylight broke, the safe was found out an the Man- vers Road by Fred Seymour, wbo, A' Comfy Nursers, special....3 for 10e Rectal Syringes, infant's special 19, 33c 1 g EPTIC OINTMENT j M MM momp, 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAar C;EVEN DRUGS

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