PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL1. ON'TATTO '1'T~iTtR5~flAY. MARCH l5th, 1945 DE FURBER -1 Furber, beli Minnie Passa resideçce, Qi ville, on Sal aged 61 yea: ýTORMS-At pital on Tue 'Frederick Sti band of Sadi 84th Battalic Resting at t Chapel. 5er on Thurs.,1 p.m. Interr Cemetery. GARDINER - on March i1 son, be1ovecd Benjamin F. years. The residence of Florence Ga Bowmanviile 15. Service; ment Bethes McGILL - Or her home, 33 ronto, Cathe Gi, former: wife of the and beloved R. Hambly Ont.; bMisses leen W., and Gil, Toroi Fore'st Lawn GARDINER,A on February 8th year,1 daughter of Mrs. John F of EnniskiUl ville, widow er Gardiner, of Mrs. Willi ence), and Brett (Alice ronto Necrol There is muc determination"' tions. But whz unseifish deteri STE'à Dependable1 High QQ ALFALFA RED CLI ALSIN1 SWEE' TIMO1 GRASSE HYBRID 5 Note - Don't bargain in Hyb SEED POTATC STEWART'S SI est9 STEWART'S SI est O"What's on the BULK GARDE you buy Stewa Seeds you get seed for youl< z As a conveniq deners we have tiMl year to sel] quantities of Ce Stewart's ]Phone 577 7ATHS Auction Sales Benjamin Banner On Thurs., Mai. 22, the under- oved husband of signed will seil by public auction ant, died at his late fou S. L. Berry, Lot 23, Con. 7, ýueen St.,' Bowman- Clarke, bis farm stock and imple- t., March 10, 1945, ments. Sale at i p.m. Terms xs. cash. Faim sold, no ueserve. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 10-2* Bowmanvillý Hos- s., March 13, 1945, Tuesday, Nauch 27, 1945, theý :orms, beloved bus- farin stock, implements, bauness e Oster, veteran o! and saine bousebold furniture, on, aged 67 years, etc., the property o! Fred Black- le Moins Funeual burn, Lot 35, Con. 4, Clarke vice in the chapel Township. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Maucb 15, at 2:30)Terras cash. Elmeu Wilbur, auc- mient Bowmanville tioneèi; A. E. Norton, cleuk. 11-2 I bave been autbouized to self - In Bowmanville, bY Ptiblic auction for William 2, 1945, Ida Hadg- Dawson, Lot 3, Con. 5, Darling- 1wife of the late ton (Happy Valley) on Wed., Gardiner, aged 73 April 4, bis faim stock, impie-« funeral from the ments, pigs, and barness. Sale at ber daughteu, Miss i p.m. Terms cash. T. S. Mount- udiner, Cburch St joy, cleuk; Elmer Wilbur auc- e, on Thurs., Maucb ine.1- sa23 .m. Inter- The undeisigned bas ueceived ida emetry. instructions from. Carl Ferguson, North bal! Lot 35, Con. 8, Dar- i Marcb 7, 1945, at lington, (1 mile West o! Enfield) 3 Welland Ave., To- to seli by public auction« erine Waddell Mc- on Saturday, Maucb 3lst, bis faima 1Y o! Bowmianville, stock, implements, pigs, harness, late Peter McGill, and ather articles. Teums cash. mother o! Nus. W. Sale at 1 pin. Theron Mountjoy, (Edna), o! London, cleuk;, Elmner Wilbuî, auctioneer. Eva N. and Kath-___ 1Dr. Gçorge W. Mc- The undeusigned bas received n t o. Entombment instructions ta sell by public auc- iMausoieum. tion fou Leonard G. Bradley, Lot 27, Con. 8, Darlington, on Tues., Agnes-At Toronto, Mar. 20, at 12:30 p.m.: 26 bead o! y 20, 1945, in ber cattle, including 4 cows; 5 bouses; Agnes NcCuliougb, 18 Leicester bîeeding ewes; 30 the late Du. and pigs; buggy, cutter .and some im- Robert McCullougb plements. Fou fuither particu- .en and Bowman- laus see bills. Terras cash. Ted o! Richard Beecb- Jackson, auctianeer.. 11-1* and deai mother iam Bennett (Flou- I have been authorized ta seli Mis. Fuederic 1. by public auction for Cecii Quan- ýY. Inteument To- trill, Lot 33, Con. 8, Hope Twp., ýpolis. 11-1 (2 miles E. o! Kendal, Y4 mile N.) on Wed., Mai. 28, at 1 p.m. Sharp, ch tl bou "slf-ah bhis f aum stock, including bis :b all abut sel- egisteued Shouthoun berd; im- as the rigbt o! na- plements; and bousehold furni- at we need is more tuîe. Terms cash. Jack Reid, miaio.auctianeer. 11-2f Thuis., Mai. 29th - Under i- structions froin R. G. Moffat, Lot 28, Con. 3, Clarke, 11/4 miles south o! Orona, I will seil bl public AD if S auction a full line o! implements 1 1A R T inciuding Ford tractor on uubbert witb Ferguson piough and culti-S Heaqurtes or vator; bouses, cattie, sheep and il ueualit see or swine. Faim sold, no reserve.g ýua11t Seeds A. E. Moton, Icleuk; Ted Jackson, e auctioneer. 11-2* s fi OV RI have been autborized ta seli S ,OVER by public auction for John J.9 (E Hartwig, Lot 30, Con. 3, Darling- IE T CLOVERS ton (½ mile N. o! Pidduck's store, ri Courtice) on Tues., Mai. 20, 4 S horàes; 4 head cattle; 18 sheep, ti THY witb lambs; Ayrshire heifer, 3 s 3yrs., due Apuil, al bis implements, (i , Ec. auness and potatoes. Sale at 1 cl BEED CORN p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, d: auctioneer. 10-2 r( miss aur special r îrid Coin this year The undersigned bas received n )ES:Cerifld ~ instuctions ta seli by public auc- gi DES Cetifed nlytion fou Walter Truil, Lot 30, Con. li ;EEDS mean Hlgh- 4, Darlington on Sat., Mai. 24, st Quallty al bis faim stock; implements, ;EEDS mean Low- including Ford tractor on îubbeu o] tPrîce witb piow and cultivator attach- 3( ment, nearly new; grain; bau- ai tag lasu the bag"l ness; and bousehoid furniture. cl N SEEDS: When Teîms cash. Sale at i p.m. J. D. bi art's BuIk Garden Hogarth, clerk; Elmer Wilbuu, more and better auctioneer. 11-2 s: noney. Teudrine a ev d d lence to amaîl gar- Teudrindbsucie e a special pesuî instructions ta seil by public auc- st I lsathn agtfion for Fred Honey, Lot 15, Con. U et. Seed Potatees. 4, Dalington (on Higbway, 3 su miles N. o! Bowmanville) on Wed., Mai. 28, all his faim stock; Seed Storeimplements; hay; grain; harness; S] Bowrmavlile and quantity o! household furni- pi ture. Sale at 1 p.m. Teins cash. cc J. D. Hogarth, clerk; Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 11-2 4. sa to fa: Mi FEATHER-LIGHT FOUNDATION iSs sodiff.oent. . . Bocauso it doosilis work without being obrusive . ;; goos on smoothly, holds makoup firmly, bFots out fine lines ... siveS ci radiant new look-AND STAYS PUTI Fivo wonderful shades ta make YOUR complexion look its Ioveliest . .. whatever the tint you neod for that " radiant lookc. Naturelle, Rachel, Rose Rachul, $un Fuir, Rosefta-Sronze $1.25 Jury ULovell THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Ey.m lit la Don, Properly PHONE 778 - - C.N.R. TICKETS BIRTI-S WRIGHT - Mr. and Mrs. George Tod Wright announce the birth of their daughter at Mount Hamilton Hospital, Hamilton, March 5, 1945. 11-1* CORNISH-Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Cornish wish to announce the birth of a son, Edgar Lloyd, in Bowmanville Hospital, on March 10, 1945, a brother for TURNEY - Sigmn. and Mrs. Claude Turney (nee Rita Hynes, Peterboro) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Mary Sheila, at Bow- manville Hospital, on Friday, March 9, 1945. 11-1 AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer bas ueceived instructions fioi MILTON J. ELLIOTT Lot 10, Con. 2, Concession St., Eat Bowmanville ~4Mlle North of the White RoE Service Station ta seil by public auction on WED., MARCH 218t ail bis faim. stock, impiement hay, grain and ouchard equil ment. Houses: Matched team Clyde 10 yus. old; Clyde bouse, 7 yi: oid. Cattle: 7 head Durham an Herefords, feeder cattle, froin 85 to, 900 lbs.; 6 bead o! Durbar and Hereford fat cattie, 1050 t 1100 lbs. Pigs: Brood sow, due April i brood saw, due Apil 20; 1 shoats, 100 lbs each. Tracter Equipsuent: Alli Chalmeus tractai, madel B, oa rubber, equipped witb wheE weights and pawer take off, neu Massey - Harris 2-fuuuow tracta plougb, new; Nassey-Harris 13 toatb cultivator w it b tracta hftch; double dise. Fausu Machineuy: M-H culti vatar; M-H ail bath mower, 5'ý foot dut, new; M-H manur spueader, new; M-H seed dri] with feutilizer attachinent; M - 1- binder, 6 ft. dut; M-H hay rake MV-H hay tedder; roller; set 4 sec tion harrows; set sod harîows Bain farm wagon; set f a r n trucks; Fleury single plaugb ;tane boat; M-H straw cutter, 1'1 in.; Fleury grain roller, 12 in. grain guinder, 8 in.; turnip pulp. er; wood sawing machine; ril :aw and table; roat duinp rack, flat battoin hay rack; wagon box, tock racle; tuunip seed drill; grindstone; wheel - baraw; 3 lage grain boxes; set pea li!ters; riding plough; light wagon; Cock- shutt 21 single plaugb; M-H cul- ivatar; McCoumick - Deering single scuffler; gasoline engine (Nova) 4 boise power; 2 Ideal in- ubatous, 300 capacity and 500; draining tools; 160 !t. bay !ork aope; set double pulleys and ropes; !anning miii; seed grain mill with wild aat separatar; 100 gai. gas tank with pump; set grain ifteus; 2 scuffiers; set fence stetchers; 100 feet 3-mn. field tule. Ouchard Equipment: Giant bean urchard duster, ncw; 20 ladders; 300 appie barrels with heads; 100 appie crates; 20 apple baskets; ullng table; apple press; nuin- ber of saws and pruners. Blacksmitb Equipsuent: Black- smitb anvil; screw jack; hand drill, iran vise and several toals. Grain: 100 bus. Urban oats, suitable for seed; 300 bus. mixed ruban oats and Nobarb bauley, .îitable fou seed. Quantitýr o! mangeis. Harness: Set buass mounted -ow bauness; set plough harness; r. bouse biankets and several !oiaus. Miscellaneous: Coal-ail stave, J 1buineu Perfection; window ;shes, different sizes; grain bags, 'biffietrees; neck yokes; forks; îovel; 4 logging chains and nany other articles too numeraus omention. Auctioneer's Remauka: Th e arm bas been sald and the new ýner is taking possession un- nediately. Hence eveuytbing aust be sold without reserve. ale at 12.30 sharp. Teuins cash. A. E. MORTON, Clerk; JACK REID, Auctioneer. Notice To Creditors In the Estate o! WILLIAM REYNOLDS, deceased. Ail persans baviug clIa imnis against the estate o! William Reynolds, late o! the Township o! Daîlingtou, deceased, wha died on au about the l8th day o! Sep- tember, 1944, are hereby noti!ied ta send in ta the undeusigned Ex- ecutor on or before the 2nd day o! Apuil, 1945, full pauticulars .o! their cdaims. Immediately after the sai 2nd day o! April, 1945, the asffets o! the testator wiil be distributed amongst t he parties entitied thereto, baving regard only ta dlaims o! whicb the Executor shahl then have notice. DATED at Bawmanvilie, this 7tb day o! Mauch, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE, Executor. 11-3 Notice To Creditors In the Estate o! ANDREW Mc- SORLEY, deceased. Ail persans having clia imns against the estate of Anduew Me- Souley, late o! the Town o! Bow- manville, deceased, wbo died on or about the 27th day o! Septein- ber, 1944, are bereby notified to send in ta the undeusigned Ad- ministrator on or before the 2nd day of Apuil, 1945, full particu- laus o! their dlaims. Immediately after the said 2nd day o! Apuil, 1945, the assets of the deceased wiii be distributed amaongst the parties eutitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaims o! which the Administrat- or shahl then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 7th day o! March, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE, Administrator. 11-3 DIPHTHERIA IMMJNIZATION Toxoid f o r immunization against diphtheria will be given at the Central School on the fol- lowing dates: March 23, April 20, May 18. It wili be given at the South Ward School on March 29, April 26, May 25. Parnswho wish to have their pi~-~coolchildien immnunized may bring them to either school on the above dates. W. H. BIRS, M.O.H. for Bowmaniville. 11-2 Notice PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO tap Maple trees on town pro- peîty. By Order, Town Coun- cil. A. J. Lyle, Clerk. 11-1. We have vacated our King Street Store and are now located in our one large store at 20 Church Street, Oshawa. Wilson's Furni- ture Co. 8-8 Bowmanville Electrîclans 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors îepaired and instailed Phone 438 34-tf 12* WILL THE PARTY WHO Bought a wash stand for $2.50 and a rocking chair for $6 at Milton Elliott's sale, Sat., March 10th, 1945, please caîl at once at Challis garage and settie for same. Name withheld. 11-1. nm INVEST WISELY - 5 % Prefer- ao red shares in tUnited Farmeus Co-operative Ca., Ltd., a r e available to farmers and others. 8 If you are inteuested, write for informational pamphlet ta A., C. s- Savage. 28 Duke Street, Toron- )n ta. 9-3 eAPPLICATIONS For ASSESSOR r Applications will be received - for the position af Assessor of r Township of Daîlington, for the iyear 1946. Applications must be in the Clerk's hands by 12 noon, March 22, 1945. re J. D. HOGARTH, 11 Clerk, Twp. of Darlington, H Hampton, Ontario. 11-1 'Lost, Strayed or Stoen LOST - NAVY BLUE Homburg hat (L. J. Applegath), lost at .2 Newcastle Community Hall, Manday, March 12. A. C. An- derson, phone 2897, Bowman- 'LOST - FOUR KEYS in black 1; case, lost Saturday afternoon, 3 March lOth, on King Street, be- tween Alex McGregor's, Do- minion Store and Statesman Office. Finder please leave at 9 Statesman Office, il-if Notice Tro Creditoris Ail persons having 1a i m s against the estate of FRANK FREDERICK MORRIS (0f F. F. Morris Co.) late o! the Town of Bowmanville in the County o! 7Durham, Funeral Director and Merchant, who died on or about the 3ud day o! February, 1945, are îequiued ta send to the under- signed at Bowmanville, Ontario, full particulars of the same on or before the lOtb day of April, 1945, after whicb date the assets o! the deceased will be distuibuted hav- ing regard only to the dlaims of which the Executous shall than have notice. Dated this 8th day of March, 1945.1 C. G. MORRIS, W. J. LANGMAID and ROSS STEVENS, Executors, by Apha I. Hodgins, their solicitor berein. 10-3 Notice To Creditors All persans having claims against the estate of WILLIAM PARNAL, late o! the Village o! Newcastle, in the Çounty of Dur- hamn, Gentleman, wha died on or about the 19th day o! January, 1945, are required ta send ta the undersigned full particulaus of the same on or before the 22nd day o! March, 1945, after whîch dates the assets o! the deceased will be distributed, having regard only ta the claims of which the Executors shaîl then have notice. 1 DATED this 1lst day o! March, 145. APHA I. HODGINS, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Executors 9-3 Notice' to Creditors In the Estate of THOMAS HENRY KNIGHT, deceased. Ail persans baving clia i ms against the estate o! Thomas Henry Knight, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day o! Janu- ary, 1945, are heueby notified ta send in ta W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the executor, Bowmanviile, Ontario, on or before the 2nd day o! April, 1945, full pauticulars o! their cdaims. Immediately after the said 2nd day o! April, 1945, the assets o! the testatar will be distributed amnongst the partie%* enti led thereto, having regard only Nta dlaims o! which the said solicitor for the executor shahl then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 7th day o! Mauch, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor fou the Executor. 11-3 Livestock, etc.. PUREBRED SHORTHORN Bull, serviceable age, dark red, good type and well bred froin a good milking cow, T.B. and blood tested. Garnet B. Rickard, phone 2813, Bawmanville. 11-1 Wanted to Rent GARAGE, centrally located near King St. Phone 513. 11-1* RIELIABLE COUPLE MOVING to town desire to rent a three room apartment. Write to P.O. Box 187, Bowmanville. 11-1* 2OR 3 ROOMS for adults, wanted immediately in Bow- manville. Phone 23r3, Little Britain, and reverse telephone charges. 11-1* URGENTLY NEEDED BY Reli- able married couple, smal house, flat or part of house by April.30 or before. Write Box 480, Statesman Office, Bow- Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d H-ousekeeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, re- placements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. BowmanvUlle, 774. 5-tf For Rent TWO GARAGES, central loca- tion, in rear of A. & P. Store, immediate occupancy. Apply Roy Lunney. Phone 565. 11-1 SMALL STORE on King St. suitable for office or small store. Apply Mrs. Wesley J. Knight. 1- Wanted LONE WOMAN WANTS Com- fortable room and board with private family. Would do iight work for part pay. Write P.O. Box 263, Bowmanville. 11-1*' Notice Dog Owners All persons owning or harbour- ing a dog are required to secure a Iicense for same not later than the lSth day of May, next. After the above date, prosecution for failure to hold a license may be instituted, without further notice, under' By-law goveuning the keeping or haîbouring of dogs. F. -PATTINSON, Tax Collector. Town Hal, 1.Bowmanville Tenders Required TENDER FOR PRUNING Thirty old apple trees, near Courtice. fice, Bowmanville. 11-2* TENDER FOR LABOUR ONLY, erecting 80 uods of 42" farm w i re fence, near Courtice. Write Box 478, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanviile. 11-2* Bowmanville Dairy MILK A GREAT INFANT FOOD To our Millc - the most valuable and complete food for infants, we have added wonderful bone-building, tooth-forming Vitamin D. This is the greatest boon, in food, that science yet has afforded chidren. And here is the best reminder careful mothers could ne- ceive!1 Order Bawman- ville Dafry Milk today. YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT OUR PLANT KING ST., E. TRY OUR CHOCOLÂTE MILK Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 SEED Cleaning Have your seed clea»ed and graded by the best' equip- ment avallabie. Anycue wantlng Reglstered Grain cleaned please get tu teuch with ns at once. Reglstered No. 1 and Com- mercial No. i seed of the best recommended varieties foif sale. Please cail before brlnglng i large quantity. 1 No Ioads taken after 5 p.m. Gauet B. Rickard Bowmanville Phone 2813 Articles For Sale G O O D USED COOK STOVE with reservoir. Apply Bob Cale, O'Dell Street., 11-l* WIND MILL AND PUMP, in good condition. Phone 2215. FLOOR COVERINGS For Every uoom in the house. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 35 MODEL G.N.C. 2% Ton Truck, good tires. Serial No. 515240529. Puice $625 cash. Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 11-1* CO0K STOVE, good condition, water front ,water pipes, stove pipes, $25.00. Apply C. Lunney, evenings. Phone 717. 11-1 B A BY PRAMS, CRIBS, Bassin- ettes, walkers, play pens, com- modes, rockers, toys, etc. Wil- son's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 6 CYLINDER Chevrolet Motor, in good condition. Also 3 burner coal oul stove, nearly new. Phone 2591, Bowman- ville. 11-1 APPLES-A limited quantity of Spies and Wagners. Jump seat buggy, 3 - horse cultivator. Phone 2281, 2282, or cal at Lot GAS STOVE, four-burner and simmerer, high oven and grill; also Quebec kitchen stove with wauming closet, with or with- out oiù burner. Phone 863. 11-l1' ENGLISH PRAM, maroon, in good condition. Apply -Mis. Penton, Lamb's Lane, or write clo General Deliveuy, Bowman- CANARIES, ready for nesting, yellow, mottled, a few dark. "Puices reasonable". P h o n e 2340. Mus. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 11-2* STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Per- mier, Parson's Beauty, Poco- moke. Order early ta ensure getting your plants. J. C. All- dread, Liberty St. North. Phone 800. 11-4* SEED - MIXED GRAIN, Ajax oats guown fuom reg. seed and No-baîb bauley, $ 1.00 per bu. Stewart hand clippers in good warking aider. Fred R. Stev- ens, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 11-1* POULTRY EQUIPMENT-TWO coal brooder stoves, two battery brooders, 600 chick size; one electric' broader; 2 colony houses; 2 range shelteus. Phone 2433, Bowmanviile. A. H. Clem- ens. 11-1 BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Suites. New shipment just aîuived. We guarantee lower Prices. We are out o! the high rent district. See oui large selection. Wîlson's One Store, 20 Church St., Osh- awa. 8-8 FERTILIZER - Suggest taking immediate delivery. For puices phone Bowxnanville a g e n t, Fergus E. Morrill, Telephone 2466. Agricultural Chemicais Ltd. il-tf REGISTERED AJAX OATS, 2nd generation, puice $1.40 peu bus. Also registeîed No-Barb II bau- ley, puice $1.75 peu bus. Sacks free. Clare E. Allun. Phone 2847. 11-2* NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES. Ail spîing filled. Now on sale froin $89.00. Also lavely studio couches and chesterfield beds. Oui puices are lawer. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 APPLE TREES, Three and Four years old: Red Ncîntosh, Noutheun Spy, Gravenstein, Red Deliciaus, Melba, etc. Special puice an quantities. Order now fou spring planting. C. A. Gle- caf!, 174 Ritsin Rd. South, Osh- awa. 4.13* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Se1eC~ yours froin aveu 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Eveuything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coveumngs a specialty. Quaiity meuchandise at com. petitive puices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tl N E W EQUIPMENT - Power grain binders, combines, bain- mer milis, moweu for boise or tractar, dump rakes, wagon on uubber, spring tooth harîaws, pony disc plow, steel wheels, Autotrac attachments, set o! knee sieigbs, cultivator and bar- row teeth. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15-20, dealer fou J. J. Case Co., Otaco Limited, Port Hope, fertilizeus. 10-2* Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER - Good wages. Apply J. D. Caîscadden, Beech Ave., Bowmanville. 1-l* EXPERIENCED FARM Helper, single, good wages. Fred R. Stevens, R.1t. 3, Bowmanvillc. 11-1* LOCAL HOSPITAL requires a cook, also a kitchen helper and cleaner. Apply Employment & Selective Service, Osh a w a. Refer File 7807. 11-2 MAýRRIED MAN for general farin wouk, middle aged maruied man preferred. Separate bouse and usual privileges. Top wages, preferably yeauly engagement. Commence any turne afteu Mar. 15. Also several men needed ta prune, by the day. Apply Howard Gibson, Bowmanville. Phone 2482. 10-tf Wanted To Buy SMALL BARN. Apply R. Stacey, GIRL'S ROLLER SKATES, to fit size 5 shoe. Phone 336. 11-1 TEN YOUNG BRED EWES, any breed. Write Box 479, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 11-2* OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply Margwill Faim, R.R. 1, Tyrone. C ail evenings, Bowmanville 2414. il-tf HOUSE WITH ELECTRICITY, Hampton or Bowmanviile vicin- it. rte Box 463, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 7-tf PIANO - Have you a piano you are not using? Wby not seil it now, also radios bought. Best puices paid. Write Box 473, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt per- sonaily, no agents employed.) 2-12* WASHING MACHINES, Sewing machines, bicycles, radios, pianos, violins, gramaphones, tricycles, record players, cam- eras-If not using these why not seil now. Write îmmediately to Box* 474, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-4* Real Estate For Sale 2 BUILDING LOTS. Apply Bow- manville Cleaners. 8-6 7-ROOMED BRICK COTTAGE in good shape, Cor. Church and Ontario 'Sts. Modern con- veniences and garden. Pîiced right for quick sale. For par- ticulars cali 2570. 11-1 Seed Cleaning SE19D CLEANING - Have Your seed grain and sinail seeds cleaned at the Newtonville Cleaning Plant. Up -ta -date equipment, maderate rates. For particulaîs ca il Newtonviile Grist Mill, phone 8 Claîkce. 6-7-9-10* Tenders Wanted TENDERS REQUIRED FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply o! Fuel ta Counties' Home, Counties' Jail and Registry Office, Cobourg, wili be received by the undersigned up ta 12:00 o'clock noon on 7th Apuil, 1945. Ail tenders ta be plainly marked as such an outside wîapper. Particulars as ta type o! fuel and tonnage required may be ob- tained froin the three institutions named. E. L. MacNACHTAN, Counties' Clerk. 9-3 TENDERS FOR ERECTION 0F RESIDENCE Tenders fou the erection o! a residence on the propeuty o! the Counties' Home, Cobourg, wiil be ueceived by the undeusigned up ta 12:00 o'clock, noan, on Mon- day, Maucb 26tb, 1945. Plans and Specifications a! construction may be seen at the office o! the Counties' Clerk, Ca- bourg, Ontario. 9 All Tenders to be sealed and plainly maslced "TENDERS FOR RESIDENCE" on outside wiap- Spmng. 1Mai. 10, - - 1 E. L. MacNACHTAN, Counties'Cekl. 1945. 11-21 WANTED F or Export Reg'd Holstein Bulls, Sprlng.r Cows & Backwards (Grade or Reglstered) PLEASE PHONE or WRITE F. Leob R.R. 2, PORT FERRY PHONE 107-R-31 TIRE NEWS We will endeavor to answer any questions you have. througil tisacolumn. Questions and Anawers 1. Can a tire with a break iIt bc retreaded? Yes - Vulcanize it, then have it retreaded. 2. What tirýe takes the most abuse on a car? The rlght reau tire, as it runs along the aide of the rail and plcks up the nails, glass, etc., thrown Up by the rlgbt front tire. 3. What causes uneven wear i front tires? Fast driving, turnlng cor- ners and wheel bearing wear; change front tires te reau and have wheels checked for allgnment. C. F. JAMON TIRE & BATTERY SHOF King & Silver, Bowmanvillie Phones: 467 - Res. 376 Livestock For Sale 20 GOOD PIGS, 6 weeks aid. Allan Down, R.R. 2, Bowman- ville, phone 2498. 11-1 HOLSTEIN C0W due ta freshen May.-IO. Apply Nick Hasiuk, R.R. 3, Bewmanvllle, Lot 20, 2 PUREBREAD Shortbarn Buls, 8 and 10 manths old. S. Hock- aday, Hampton, phone 2182. GOOD GANDER for sale, au wil excbange for goose. JT a c k Purdy, Jackman's Road, Bow- manville, Ont. 11-1w 15 REAL GOOD YOUNG Lei- cester ewes, due ta lamb first week in May. S. D. Souch, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, phone Orono 56r14. SOME GOOD YOUNG Holsteir~ caws, springing and fresh. Also 3 Durham stockeîs. Ralpb Davis, Hampton, phone 2413. 11-1 MATCHED TEAM, rising 3 and 6 years old; middle aged mare; also gray mare, 8 years oid. Lorne Griffin, Burketan. Phone Part Perry 165r2. 11-2* CHICKS - We are now takmng aiders for Tweedle Cbîcks, al breeds. Order early for special puices. Stewaît's Seed Store, AYRSHIRE A N D HOLSTEIN cow,% 4 years old, quiet, due to freshen April 15. Also small Quebec cook stove. Harold Allin, Hampton, phone 2825. 11-1 BELGIAN HORSE, 6 years, 1600 lbs.; Clyde, middle aged horse, 1600 lbs.; Percheron boise, 7 yeaus, 1400 lbs.; Holstein cow, 6 yeaus, spuinger. Wilfrid San- BLACK CLYDE FILLY, rising 5 years, broken; Massey 11-hae drill; Massey power' sprayer; International 2-furraw tractor plaw; 2-furrow walking plow; 22" boise collai, new. Russell Wrigbt, phone 2271. 11-1 eéPersonal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregar's Dîug Store. 9-26 SWEET PEAS Our mixture la unequalled. It la pianted every year by thousan4 of our customers acrossa Can, who app*<ciate the wonder*l show it will give in the garden. Stewart's Sweet Pea Mixture cou- tains the' fineat large-f lowering Spencer Sweet Pes offered at much higher prices. Mkt. loc - Oz. 30C Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 Bowmanvilie JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE REFRIGERAT OR H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 t RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS Frosu Blood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay Parent stock. AUl chlcks slred by R.O.P. cee- kerels lnsure higil egg pro- duction sud excellent meat type. We would appreclate early orderig. Mixed Chieka, Pullets, Co- kerels, day-old or stauted. WRITE ou PHONE Donald E. Gibson Bowmanvîîîe, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 4tf <~ / - 1 1 1 1 - 1 ý THURSDAY, MAIRCH 15th, 1945