T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H l s t , 1 9 4 5T H A A I N S A E M , B O A V L , O T R O S o l d i r U r g s C i t z e n sS o ld i e r s ' L e t t e r s i ssn i m a i r r e n t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Soldier Urges C lizensfinger; function is stili possible aparticular case. This applies to Build ouiin nity entreFrom Lieut. Stan. L. Dunn, 27 but curtailed.fl im aming. Another phaseh e Ialf u C.A.R. (Sher. Fus.), Holland, to In regard to local news, I learn is concerned with those who wish MsMuiel Dunn, Division St. that Jake Allun and young Cry- to continue at other occupations MIn asre fsxrcn etr derman are near here but haven't and can take up small holdings his mother, Lieut. Dunn gives seen the mn yet. & n ao e rt w s hc a e w r e C- 12 6, B. . M H b. H o p e , it p o p r la ni g.th se h ig h îi h s w ic r u W ally B ra d en la st w eek an d h e is in sp are tim e. . 66 Fd. Bty., 14 Cdn. Fd. Regt., In closing, I have a plan for my mrzd tops. John Baker, Jr., of Solina, The case referred to is that of a r R C . A , C A . O , B L . A , G r m a y , t w n . I ' m f i r l y o n v n c e i t a n y t h a k s o r h e r e q e n td r o p p e d i n t o t h e c l i n i c t o t e l O f r e t u r n e d m a n w h o h a d f a r m e d a l _ _ 'e.4,1945. will workfor that it cn his -day leave in England, and his life and came home after 2 Dear Mr. James: I've been talking with others from letteglrs gn and aclsfo ' or F D C er vres i home Arn i ti rshe was looking fit. A small world Some time ago, I read bt a ome n eeived a good deal of anetting alongt fine and Abertaond't worrthe A -editorial and an itemonteed encouraging comments. We've for Iadr seldtonepym shlat- fo sain i o n Bohen did fig ro vr on-nwandram ydnt auuc t former *friends in most unexpect-tato h ecrd 6 ar s ic foille, igri Th Satsmn Simne ceiableange (and eve haon tention. We have considerable ed places. In the best of health, it had bought under the scheme vleincialanl (adwvehdwinter with some snow. He tells I amn, sincerely, GEORGE. for$00. thaagodoue then there has been littie else four years to do it). that Jack Cameron and his gun fair farm buildings and a good said, and in ail probabiîity a good Surely, in my town, there's at crew saw Sandy Colville's planeWOESWA AUIAR water supply. Under the terms dalless done, by way of attempt- least one interested party. IL can fal and when they got to the M * M GETS MORE LETTERS dw 1 e et0 ot.Tu WOME'S WR AXILIRY 0f the Act, the veteran paid $300 ing such an undertaking, submit instantly ail the details scene he was dead. He had pic- 'I I . RM VRES ook 10per ein t byodt his I May be going out on the pro- but first I must be convinced that tures of Bill and ail the family in FO VRESh okpseso u eodti vebalhmb f ayi's arah r others are interested in the en- is pocket and later they were DO OSITo relleve dseomnfortg, lf am e uipmen it d he wasreyin risky venture just at the moment. cture.t identify him. la put a good spoonful f home- overseas addressed to the Bow- osatpetin.Btogta litwoud sem o m tht te rl Whn buil a bautiful nedmral He has had several meetings tested Vlcks VapoRub ln a bowl manville Women's War Auxiliary, to start eofp ra nemns.B tt e Wemutwavnastutue hih erda. Each Nov emer ial ith Hub Hooper and chats have of bolllng water. xrsigtakfoprclreflowni xlied nee d mth a ne sruc tu r h e nk.u t tod ti e . E cl s dc iv d n l d e t o e fr m C . A fu ll tim e farm er can get help cay eInet re 2mmbeha o h d eorial t oo husbns, th with the letters were souvenirs in- as you breathe ln the stat evd icueths rmi. oloigi epand cluin Frnc, Blgan nd edicated vapors that penetrate Cameron, Sgt. A. J. Allun, Bdsm. to buy land and buildings worth myan Iyeanrswen Teraylor'sIc and loved ones who had paid the D utch paper money and a piece poriumalserved no other pur-sosuprumens crefche.BEachayearnI to the cold-congested upper 1H. S. Brooking, Gerald Bird, Sto. $4800. He can get equipment and -Epoium srg nosummer andfalvisited that memorial on Nov. il of canvas fromn a glider that land- soothes Irritation, quiets cough- In many cases the fighting fronts of $6000. He can look around D IKG E A poseeinhsngipassagesmeSeendwfhls ..IO.eWood, anin Sgt. D..Westnut.Ilivestockeworthl$1200, horda totalaDRINn GLENnRAEsMoLn but LY than as a storage place for num- ond each year I thought to myself e topstatlin llad n Su-e nging and lsconear t.e ad he a rnarse nortshoen u il and choose his location, then make Nosigefo aim rtnii eru atcls Oefaa isane- We could have done better". movecanstntcatincndingSun- ringigtgrnd1cofprt This trtcleseOaefdtaîinsaycedays, lhe tells of visiting Jake's FOR NDOED RENJEF. .. rub throat, he igh priseothauilary aplcton.He mesonthe 10lper I le fod the fa ortant icn orfml'dets My h auom olaks in hisr e4e sayuid so mmy oodtw ard and sperans: "Let aedtim. Vck wtVapoRub orks sent was dispatched to the follow-ofteppry.H ing that there are many wo il imgout with Hub Hoop etd cet and backswtVapoRub a TeJauryqot f ares ymn o hele MntiLK.an nda e aofulthess fGe ReM humble opinion ,a building whîch more lasting, more beautiful ing Lou know we saw Jake and his fohur-2 wiasatonc-to aring Hallon teurttio0.N. chme Gr f h roet. ewllbe cestan foan vabrnanceaofthe snnadoo vless mr sflFo hs hhandouT . relief from distress.Jqeaue o adad ulig w ould be a com bination gym - m o e u fu . F r h se w o h e father H arry." Rem em ber ,it'sVic sVi C IC Ldg. Tel. N . G . H annan, S Sgt. E. ov r a p r o f 2 e r t 3 / c l e t s u c o l m n s c n r nasium, anquet all and coin- p ssed on and wh may, e enheawvalueCoofrlandt eandttbuildingsanne cesRuarySforrndibrant. .eM.lHatandC1perrcenalntty.sItIf'seanepex- nau n bn qe t w h ar lidecom - , îet's have a fitting m em orial . and also found "Spider" B yron a J. B. H ockley, Pte H . W . H obbs, hi a m n s f rth ier0 y a sb o e , h a t y t et , a d r S s a c Boy Scouts and various clubs To those w ho have fought, an di Cryderm an and Jack A llin. SpiderB r Sg .E B. t e th go rn n w l pa t e ould meet in the proper atmos- died for our country, let's bu Id was back fromn leave in England Hooper, S.Q.M.S. E. S. Hunt, Sgt. eang one third in ful. Also epkpyorfmlphscl. pher . I ore ast rat er ryin ourelv s so eth ng t be eaily w ere e g t mremainiengs 'He*lp keept.W.yo Hrrisamiifly ephysicarl1lyeasfit Panddefoentallyen malert.y time for the youth of our town- proud of. not had time ïet to locate friends what snow looks like although I ACi K. G. Hooper, Pte. J. J. Ire- payments for land and buildings, those between the ages of 12 and Last time we built a cenotaph of C. P. Prinsen who is interpret- have seen a lot of it in the moun- land, Sgt. G. Jackson. Lieut. John he gets is $1200 for stock and a pint for aduts. 17, once this battie has ended. because it was the popular thing er at the Bowmanviîîe întern- tains during our trip to Florence. Jury, Spr. G. M. S. Johnson, Capt. mahnrfe. We who have been gone frorn our to do. Let's go original this time, ment Camp. However friends as I must close John M. James, Major W. G. cno emfree.w hs l home now, some for four or so tbat there will be no "next The Statesman looks good even wishing the Maple Grove Victory James, Cpi. H. G. King, Gnr. J. L. berta case works out if the terms five, or even six years, will have timne". Give the young people of though the copy hie recentîy got Club every success and thanks Kimble, Pte. J. H. Kennedy, Pte. are fuliy met. Two thirds of the ourproles to.Andsoe o or twn hechacethe dsere.from England was dated Nov. 30. again for your kindness. J. Large, Pte. M. L. Lighterness, $3000 property is $2000. At 31/2 us even now, feel that we must I'm certain no one could ever SawHu Hoprslte intIreanicreyLet.B sedPe.M ite have a hand in things. bregret such a move. The possi- which was quite to the point but D. R. ROSS. Cpi. J. Living, Bdr. A. B. Lobb per cent over121.3.ye asoanua The "Community Centre"...for biiis0 ucb an undertaking sorry to see s0 many from the tprxeBruceouunne60Spegt. D. Lar itie ofpSyment isuce2unn34. He aisoDpays Iack of a better name..could be a are 5 vast and far-reacbing that home town have "gone west." Also From Sgt. Ed. Hooper, 22nd kmn, Pte. D. C. Mason, Lieut. G. H *p cash, $300. and assumed a defnie sst o urton.Prpe- t the momen ti adt iul saw Arnold Lobb passing on an Battery, C.A.O. McîIveen, F0 J. H. G. Morden' balance of $2000. Regular pay- ly organized and supervised, it ize. Bu the fact stili eais artillery truck. When not on the Dear Editor: Just a lne in Pte. H. McKnîgbt, Can. R., G. P metfo10yasm n htte could serve as a monument to the we do need such a building. l'M move he is busy hunting billets hopes that 1 may find a cornri ors n.J .Mie,~t.G rent ors10 ea m enhtoth foresight f those who reaiized wondering how many are interest- for bis commuand and finds many your paper to tbank the Rotary, Mutton, Cpi. J. E. Moorecraft, $700. Then he cniust a H N O soon noug just how reat he eSvernMientllp soo eouh us hw ret heed towns completely deserted with Lions and other clubs and auxil- Pte. R. L. McMilian, Lieut. K. J. out the balance. And at the end need is for such a building. In closing, I hope that tbis may things strewn aIl about in the iaries who sent their parcels of McQuarrie, Sgt.S.G Mice, of 10 years be gets $1200 in ma- I've ventured this subject to be treated much as current post- houses. comforts, cigs, chocolates, gum, Pt.K icmbe, Gds. K. Nicker- chinery free. So ail told, if terms yvou and to other citizens as welh, war probiems are being treated. Takîng time out, Stan trained etc. You need only to be here 1 sonBdr D. B. Norton, Pte. R. G. are met, he gets $700 pluI$20 in days w en 1 had a and in It's ne er too late to begin 'tis some of is boys for boxing to fully appreciate their useful- ke gran C. S. Oke, Spr. F. A. absolutely free. In future issues _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -voung peope's work. I haven't said. Te sooner the better we tournaments and ail won their ness. Osmond. The Statesman wili deai with forgotten for a moment the recep- feei. contests. His hater letters tell We had a wonderfuî Christmas other cases. Boy" wbo spent the whole of a son. tion it got at the time. Always Hope al is well ini town and that spring bas ahmost arrived but hope our next one will be PLANS SET FORTH FORloglfinhsom muit Pre it seemed the same-no time, no that we'll aIl be home soon. Things and it won't be long now till the back in our own homehand wbicb SOLDIERS WHO WISH TO BE TRIBUTE TO F. L. SQUAIR and was worthy of being classed ronto Unvri1ws bte money. Most of tem forgot to are looking much better on al Russians enter Berlin where the l'in sure it will. In closing thanks FARMERS_____.konbuFrkSqaribs add-and "not interested". fronts now and with the "Water Canucks will be glad to meet again to ai those wo ave and _____wtb the best of tem. sphere easily next time, rest assured. shouhdn't be too long. All the best He concludes by teliing that forts roiling. We certainîy ap- Th era'LndAtss tribute to the memory of tbe-at e latenart aurad eTe Most of us have profited from ur to you al. Most sincerey, after a tour as Duty Officer hie preciate ail you are dig a down specific terms under whicb Frank L. Squair wose life tr loved the beautiful and the good brtesJONEL T. visits to far ofSansaneahHB HO E. was back with the unit and had we wish you ail a very happy ex-servicemen who wish to take was sketched in ast week' States- whether in life or literature. 80 w as0 iequltllo one of us bas been more tban just P.S.-The termi "Water Rats " is tbe pleasure of receiving a return New Year, from this side of the up frigmybcm sa-mn a little impressed by the tings the latest tite pinned on us' by salute fromn Field Marshal Sir pond. Sincerely yours. lished on the land. Since it is From bowmanvile, Darington I ventured to give an address on that can be done in a smail toen our current opposition. Bernard Montgomery who was ED. HOOPER. e.ne the direction we takerk ourseives d rig en ysn t yrne a d ra k hid passing in bis Packard staff car and others servîng at the front, the years, many wbo were a credit SquairI was a sympathetic listener. tedr wih miiay sot.Wt a 'Itogether with the generai public to the old home county. Here was LaterI found that I could learn than by tecreto egv "hello" ta friends in the oid home Dental Co., C.A,O., to Mr. andae"ubm fom fr ke en town be signs off with the hope Mrs. Geo. W. James:d Your C r Is E sentia "it wn't.beUNFrom Today marked te first signs of , spring when a mild wind swept *. Somewhere In Italy, away snaw witin 24 hours, leav- .. .. Dear Mr, James: local public school principal as- K'eep It In the F'ight be ailman as brought me will ave green grass and spring aout 4 or5 weekly issues of the flowers. home town news so thaugbt I During aur conversation this Your car is only as good'as the service it wauld drop this short line to ex- evening 1 learned mucb of the An advertisemnent explaining to the people press my thanks to you and your educational systemn and profes- of Canada the re-establishraent credit avail. gives you. Keep it on the lob as long as you staff at The Statesman for keep- sionah standards in the Nether- able ta amen and women of the Armed Forffes ing me up-to-date on current af- lands. First, public schools are of canandavod dlay thougoutthe n.~ fairs in Bowmanville. of tbree types: Roman Catholic lt Midiand Regiment, and from State schools, which are inter- ter by making sure it is ready for action a t other members of that Urnit who denonntionai. AIl people pay u.A àL *À * 1 h a v e m e t la te ly d o w n h r n o , d ir e c t to t h a e ail times. Italy, we greatly appreciated the1wbich in trn subsidizes each way you pubiished the story of tp.: BRING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK TO OUR Onlyreg~r d t t . ubetdentsisperse into various oc- GAR GE TO AYcould not have been brougbt to pations at the conclusion of eie- GA A E T D Y AND HAVE A light to the public while we were mentary education. The remaînd A EX P A ATI N F HE GR AN intact and before we were used as er enter high secihool. There, after th ggjfocs,-ariularly T N R U H C E K U Y O Ra door mat for political p wers tree years, graduation is accm- n o e ai t ffed. o nfy TH R U HC E KU YO Rto wipe their shoes on. panied by a diphoma which entîthes l lnigth ur ocliin ife'if ae ndwm a u teare ocs aid' alan often wonder just wbether the one ta a position in an office, an bassistane i r etblabloe ma cve Wd 'EXPERT MECHANICS Unit is still intact. If so, what a apprentice in accountancy, pro- realized that assac nC fetn « h a mi an d N o rth u m b erla n d C o u n - etc. S h o u d th e stu d e n t d esire lri i g o h o s h a p o t f i Y t on i u n l e s a P e ~ i ~ . O h r an e tdt ro ties it must be. I doubt very much entrance ta a five-year university ten etennwoite nfalan frn rO aat hlings ptinatd wîamrergrfrnc iftbere is any Infantry Unit course, high school must be comn- Isîom nt.lmai17 case"acmiaino ha W hngtrîgadla ete ti1b G AR TO N~ S G AR AG E(Cdn) over here in Europe but pleted. .pliaio.orthntr.rvc GA T N A A Ewhtteei o noriginal Mid- Latin and Greek are essential, t..o.to.Leiitil o thatpec sesalihontWIP5utit aiyl 'ewr land represented. At the present for engineering, mathematics and any district ofce of the departmet ocswt hc ' Phne266 B w anlletie yours truy is emoyed byno classics. The university sys- ANOHER.ARE GOUPci tned la mde to the brfo fd' resit 1Eastern Canada. Quite a long student progresses in direct ratio Teee owvr ntervery large gr-oup who O nf etean _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ __ M ds bu fro . Im qute sue itative Tha is a say if he tairon andprovieci tuasand ormamai' securci f>rsr way from the locaiity where the to capacity for iearning and in- w'arnt uited for land seutleets that if you need any supporters student is ready for first year under the Vetrnt ad ancfer lng o th ryear b se o r tUDYAnyofie fd' eArtfetofVtrnaAf ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ for ny tate ent yo mad re exa s atersix onts isteahofd'es veeramporltneantssitane alo. here wil bethos wh sha haehaveeadeadet garding our Unit you can be as- 12, the exam may be written on nornalli' would have owned heronomes adt no aveenli for thD L EAUE EO e APYN re sured of the original Mids who application and if successful the hi evc.Teew etoe who own hoe u ho haePt ipr an"t evr etean get back to Canada agaîn when candidate proceeds to tbe ensuing ho e a n.i t e "p r et a " t de tew.nc d asi tan e r i na cin . the e s a ndiailent C ei Is desige i L aci Asi ncn a piai n fr de ce i h eea cant as t f t r CP . H N E. R C A D , ih sfice tf n s, m y d w lefrti lte rop n riaiYl a ieratv ataiigac lp danaeo heeo'rbeeis n> eeis ne ' atnoe.~1hee' wer bs heprfession advanc ment cf Veterans Altairs onflor iuca ~- ahtgapeet.nas avetre lacdo heetiednts-ORCMLEEIFOMTONWIETO THE NEAREST OFFICE OF THE asakbar, dancing, shows, a cd 50fan. Nowhene is so much FDEPCRMPLET13FINETERANIONFFAIRS autrwanadiantc.re starataes try.Enland isn progesiedng.s HerDEATMN ail cafes are strictiy "out of newest schoois are enjoying ~Hn o .Miknî,Mntro eeasAfia bounds" but as we stayed at a Amenican policies, and though i t T R N home they gave us a good many will take time for the people to t lsud ndr htNu"..t o meals of spaghetti. The Canadian become' dentally consciaus; thatDEP RTM ENT 0 VETE ANS AF A Concert Party "Kit Bags" was in1 instead of the man on the street 'T OF.2 -Florence and gave us a good in Engiand, as well as France, E A OEMNO OA !rj'w ~Lfl.ta&.~gi" . .show, we aiso saw a good Polish Belgium and Holland, believing ' SEND HSAVRIEETT 0BMNO OA VRES fez~~~~~~~~~ cocr.ta hnyuae2ho r ear you have had quite a man and hence ready fon uppe . blizzard in Ontario, I suppose you and lower dentures; that they wili \'*di .,c got your share of it. 1 forget feel as we do, that ta bace a tooth ...... lie