Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CNADIN STTESMA ~OW~ffAVTT.T flADTr' Miss Doris Aluin was home from overcoats, 4 knitted children's Toronto. sweaters, 3 babies' knitted jackets, Mrs. A. F. Pepper, Whitby, visit- 6 babies' knitted bonnets, Il pr. 'ng her sister, Mrs. E. Powell. babies' knitted bootees, 72 infants' Lbn. Brenton Rickard was home gauze diapers, 6 capture scarves, fromKington.92 pr. of socks, 35 pr. of gloves, 4 fromKington.helmets, 9 turtle-neck sweaters, 1 Mr. J. Tucken spent the week- sleeveless sweater, 12 knitted end in Toronto. wash cloths, 1 comfort bag, 5 Mrs. Gordon Laking and Mar- quilts. lene visited in Oshawa. Mr. Wesley Glenney has pneu- Mrs. A. S. Houston was hostess monia and is in Bowmanville hos- at a bridge party on Saturday pital. afternoon. Mrs. Scott Howard fell on the Sgt. Reg. Gibson, R.C.A.F., and walk in her gurden and suffered Mrs. Gibson are visiting his Par- a sprained wrist. 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. Young People's m et Monday Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. wlth business period led by the Lloyd Stephenson and Mr. and president. After business Glenn Mrs. Talbot Aiidread on the birth Allin had charge o! the devotional. of sons. Four groups presented a pnogram Mrs. Gordon Ash, Margaret and consisting of skits and musical Helen, spent the week-end in To- numbers. ronto with Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Miss Hilda Simnick, Bowman- Weatherall. ville, visited Mrs. L. Gaines on Miss Evelyn Allin spent Sunday Thursday. Miss Evelyn Wood- with Mrs. Clinton Farrow, New- ward, Bowmanville, was guest o! tonville. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines. Miss Shirley Harris, Toronto, Mrs. Grace Couch, Mrs. Betty with Miss Jacqueline Smith. Brown, Mrs. Earl Walton, Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. N. Ashton, Ajax, Trudy Sallows and Mrs. Grace were in town for the week-end. Gaines wene in Bowmanville, Miss, Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, Monday, to see "Going My Way". was home. Mrs. L. Gaines heid a double Mrs. L. Alldread and Linda are birthday party ,Feb. 24, for her visiting in Ottawa. daughters, Carol and Jean,* when Mrs. M. Ransberny, Enterprise, 17 girls and boys had a lovely visited her mother, Mrs. M. Ail- time. Refreshments were served. dread. Mrs. Betty Brown, Mrs. Lillian Miss Christine Alldread was at Aiken, Mrs. Trudy Sallows, Mrs. Tyrone with Mrs. Howard Mc- Grace' Couch, Corporal Mubel Roberts. Wallace, Ottawa, Mrs. Velma Tay- Miss June VanDusen, Toronto, lor, Bowmanville, were guests o! visited hen father. Mns. Gaines. Mr. Hanlan Parker has accepted Mr. Harold Allin, Toronto, was1 a position in Milton. home.E Mr. Fred Couch, Toronto, was Miss Laura Allin, Oshawa, vis-1 home. ited Mrs. Harold Allin.t Newcastle Red Cross society Mrs. Scott Pollard visited her1 met in the Council Chamber on mother, Mrs. Fred Rowe, and1 Feb. 22, President Miss Beatrix Hazel. 1 Mcîntosh presided. Secretary Sgt. George Meadows, Veteransf read minutes and Treasurer gave Guard, was home on furlough. Het her report. Convenors gave their is now stationed ut Bowmanville1 reports. Miss Cora4 Butler, con- Intennment camp.c venor o! packing committee, re- Miss Rue Venner spent week-h ported the following completed end ut Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mur-p articles shipped to heudquarters tin's. S ini Toronto in February: 15 boys' C.G.I.T. met on Feb. 20 in the ______________________United church Sunduy school.a After the minutes were read a s ~~ general discussion was held and a chapter o! the study book reud.V Meeting closed with recreution r ~*~ff lh *~ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hure wenep wST uWmmmum ' in Toronto, Tuesduy evening, ut- t tending the 5th weddlng unniver- Dependable Headquarters for sury o! Mr. Hare's aunt und uncle, tf High Quality Seeds Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakeley, In- tl ALALAdian Road. 0 ALFALFANewcastle Skating Rink Asso- fc ciation sponsored a dance and c( RED CLO VER bingo on Friduy evening in thew ALSIKE comrunity hall. Bingo was play- v SWEET CLOVERS winners taking frorn $1.00 to $2.50 s TIMOTHY__ GRASSES, Etc. HYBRID SEED CORN Irotect your needs as hundreds of others have by ordering NOW Note - Don't miss our special bargain in Hybrid Corn this year Stewart's Seed Store Phione 577 Bowmanville WANTED F or Export Rog'd Holstein Buils, Springer Cows & Backwards (Grade or Registered) PLEASE PHONE or WRITE F. Leobi R.R. 2, PORT FERRY PHONE 107-R-31 SEED Cleaning Have your seed cieaned and graded by the best equip- ment availabie. Registered grain and show samples now being done. If Your-grain won't make good seed, we can supply you with the best recom- mended varieties. Please cail before bringing in large quantity. No loads taken after 5 p.m. Carnet IL. Rickard Bowmanviiîe Phone 2813 E' a m a A Profession of Precision! Thre ski!! and fluwless accuracy with whleh Your Rexail phar' macist ful! ils his professional duties assures you the fullest possible benefit from the medicines your doctor prescribes. Where precision plays such a vital role it is comforting hn time of sickness to know that you can rbly Implcity on ac- curate dispenslng at your Rexali Store. OPepsodent Tooth Faste --- Tootir Powder Colgates Tooth Faste---- Tooth Fowder mi 31 Tootir Faste Tooth Fowder 29c, 45e 29e, 45e 25e, 40e 25e, 40e 23c, 43e -----40e FOR DENTURES ... Polidient, recommended by Dentists ----------39e, 73e Ming, Dental Plate Powder 34c, 59e Corega, for false Teeth -- --- 29c, 45c, 79e FOR HAIRDOS Amnron Wave Set ---------17e Holiywood Wave Set ---15e Wlldroot Wave Set -------15e Fitch's Hum Ou .---------15c Fltch's BrÏliuntine ------ 15e Kieuzo Cocoanut 011 Sbampoo...........---60C THERMOS KITS Complete wlth thermos bottle --- .----- - $2.25 Air-Wick - Dispels kitchen odours, the only house- hold product of Its klnd containing chlorophyll 89e Jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes Ut Us Don. Properly PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS o Trinity Y.P.U. "Music" formed the basis for un intenesting meeting o! Trînity Union, Monday evening, when Jean Cnossmun and Vivian Fuir- les o! the Christian Culture de- puntment convened for thein in- itial pnognum. The histonical background o! composer-s o! sev- eral well-known hymns was given by the convenens. Eleanon Johns- ton read un account o! the life o! Piotn Iich Tschuikowsky, fumous Russian composer who studied under Rubinstein and wus pro- fessor o! harmony and composi- 1866-1877. He appeared as con- cert conductor in New Yonk, and his works include operas, sym- phonies, concertos, oven t u n e s, songs and muny piano pleces. Phyllis Challis, in her very cap- able munner, played Tschaikow- sky's "Concerto No. i in B Fiat Minor", and Ernest Seltz, "The World Is Waiting for the Sun- rise". Two delightful vocal num- bers býj Lenore Collacutt, accom- panied by her fathen, completed the program. Helen Pritchard presided for the business session and extended .hunks to the members on behaif of Pte. Mubel Brooks, C.W.A.C., for the Christmas curd she ne- ceived. Sunduy evening the Union vill conduct a special church ser- vice and present the beautifully colored set o! Oak Lake camp slides. Contests were conducted by )oreen Hardy, and a lively period of recreation was enoyed under the leadership o! Ralph Mcîntyne. r. y e y r f D tE Trinity C.G.I.T. News Onwego group o! Trinity C.G, I.T. met ut the home o! Doroth; Morris last Wednesday evening. Marjorle Rundle pnesided for the business period, and the final chapters o! the missionury study book were discussed. This smull gnoup is this yea: continuing unden the guidance of the Senior Quiz sponsoned by the Ontario Girls' Wonk Board, To- ronto, and the membens are to be highly commended for the ad- vance work they une undertuking. Three pnojects have now been completed-the !inst-'being a most important study on religion, en- titled "What Do We Believe". The second, o! a lighter nature, dealt wlth "Personality and Chanm,'1 and the thind wus a study o! mis- sionury wonk in the United chunch, emphusizing the evacua- tion o! the Jupunese Canadians ir the western part o! Canada. Plans wene made to prepure an Easten pageant for presentution ai the Sunday evening church ser- vice, Apnil lst. A ,delight!ul lunch was senveci by the hostess to whom the presi- dent extended thanks on behaif of the membens. I Dine & Dance EVERY Friday & Saturday -at the- "Piccadilly Room"l Hotel Genosha, Oshawa -to- Ragnar Steen and His Hotel Genosha Orchestra ADMSSION Fridays -- ------------- 75c Saturdays.........-----$1.00 (Fer person) COMING 1 ONE NIGHT ONLYl SAT., MARCH lOth Mart Kenney Admission $2.00 per person HOLD YOUR NEXT PARTY OR BANQUET AT THE GENOSHA! Baliroom avuilabie for Private Dunces and Parties! Phone 3000 for Reservutions IMM IN MEMORIAM 1 BIRTHS-1 -in cash. The dance upstairs was, 1as usual, well patronized. It is 1hoped the association will have 1a goodly sum to add to their funds. 1Mrs. Douglas Wright, Miss Pauline DeLine, Mr. H. Ward and Mr. F. Graham, North St., had charge of the bingo with Mr. Percy Hare convenor of the dance. Mrs. C. H. Porter, Toronto, and Mrs. J. Staples, Lindsay, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Members of Women's Auxiiiary of St. George's church were hos- tesses on Feb. 2, to the members of Women's Association and mem- bers of the Evening Auxiliary of Newcastle United church, when colored slides dealing with the subi ect of "Christian Pioneering in South-East Asia" were shown. The pictures deait with the sub- jects taken up in "West o! the Date Line," which is the study book that the members of the three aforementioned societies are taking up this year. Miss Beatrix Mcîntosh, literature sec'y of St. George's W.A., acted as narrator and explained eaçh slide in a clear concise manner. The pictures shown of the Philippines were of special interest to the residents o! Newcastle because The Right Rev. Charles H. Brent, D.D., son o! Canon Henry Brent, former rector of St. George's church for 40 years, served as bishop of the Philippines for a number of years. Refreshments werè served and a social haif hour enjoyed. For Sale 6 DURHAM STOCKERS. Ralph Davis. Phone 2413. 9-1 BLACK COW, 5 yrs. old, due to freshen March 15. Apply George Benetin, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, phone 2612. 9-1 PLANET JUNIOR Garden Seeder. with cultivator attachments, in box as direct from factory. Neyer used. Phone 2186, Bow- manville, before 7 p.m. FridaY, or after 7 p.m. Saturday. 91 AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions fnom Mn. Milton Elliott to seli by public auction a large quuntity o! his household furniture and furnlshings us he is m ov in g fnom his furm h o m e into smallen premises in town. Sale will include chesterfield suite; three bedroom suites; chest o! dnawers; china cabinet; wulnut couch; chiffrobe; ferneny; floon and table lumps; dining table and chairs; kitchen cabinet; 3 settees; odd tables and TRIMM - In loving memory of a w o nder ful1 grandmother, Sarah M. Trimm, who passed away two years ugo, Murch 5, 1943. "Sup'shine fades andi shadows f al, But sweet remembrance outlasts ail. -Fondiy remembered by her grandson, Jack, Cunadian Anmy Overseas. 9-1* TRIMM - In loving mêmony o! our beloved grandmother, Sarah Maria Trimm, who passed away on March 5, 1943. Oft ànd oft our thoughts do wander To the grave not far away, Where we laid our dear Grand- mother, Just two years ago to-day. -Ever remembered by Helen, David, Thomas and Kenneth. ALLDREAD-Mr. and Mrs. Tal- bot Alldread (June Gray) are happy to announce the birth of their son (Alfred Charles), on Friduy, Feb. 23, at Bowmanville hospitai. 9-1 GLENNEY - Charlie and Helen Glenney, Newcastle, are delight- ed to announce the arrivai of their son, John Charles, at Bowmanville hospitul, on Feb. 23, 1945. 9-1* WESTNUTT - To Mrs. Westnutt (nee Frances Knight) and the late Pat Westnutt o! Huntsville, Ontario, at the Soldiers' Me- morial Hospital, Orillia, on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1945, a daughter, Patricia Frances. 9-1* HUGHES-Mr. and Mrs. Frede- rick Hughes (formerly Lillian Pritchard) of 52 Branstone Road, Toronto, are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, James Frederick, at Bowman- ville hospital, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 28th, 1945. DEATHS THOMPSON - In Newcastle on Feb. l8th, 1945, James Thomp- son, father of Mrs. W. H. Cooke, in his ninetieth year. 9-1 THOMPSON - In Bowmanville Hospital, on Thurs., Feb. l5th, 1945, Wesley Norman Thomp- son, beloved husband of Alice McDonald, aged 64 years. MANNING-On Feb, 15, 1945, at the Winnipeg General hospital, Frank Manning, beloved hus- band of Laura R. Manning of Reston, Man., in his 76th year. DUNCAN -At Cobourg General Hospital, on Feb. 21, 1945, Pro- vincial. Constable Robert W. Duncan, beloved husband of Marion K. Troop, aged 32 years. BEACOCK-At the residence of her brother, Albert H. Moore, Concession St., Bowmanville, on Feb. 25th, 1945, Elizabeth Mary Moore, wife of the late Abram Beacock, in her 9th year. GALBRAITH-On Feb. 17, 1945, at Toronto General Hospital, Mary Flora Galbraith, Nursing Sister, daughter of the late Don-1 ald Galbraith of Bowmanvîlle. Interment Family Plot, Bow- manville. Coming Events_ Annivensury Services will be held March l6th and l7th at the Sulvution Army Hall. 9-1 The Navy League is holding a Bazuar and sale o! Home Cook- ing on Sat., Mar. 3, fnom 2:30 to 6 p.m., ut the Nuvy League Rooms, King St. E. 9-1* Dance ut the Armouries, Bow- manville, Saturduy, Manch 3nd, sponsoned by Women's War Aux- iliary. Good orchestra fnom Osh- awu. Dancing commences ut 9 p.m. Admission 50c. 9-1 Bomber Club Curd P a n t y, bridge, cuchre and five hundred, will be held in the Community Hall, Newcastle, March 7th, ut 8 o'clock. Lunch senved. Admis- sion 25c. Pnoceeds fon smokes Cards of Thanks Articles For Sale 2 ALADDDIN LA M PS. Mrs Bullock, Qucen St., (Lakeviev Residence). 9-Pl LIVINGSTONE STOKER, nearli new. Apply N. J. Scott, Duk( St., Bowmanville. 8-1q FLOOR COVERINGS For Ever3, room in the house. Wilson'e One Store, 20 Church Street Oshawa. 8-E 6-LID QUEBEC COOK STOVE with hot water front, in good condition. Cheap. Mrs. C Childrehose. Phone 540. 9-14 JOAINSON "IRON HORSE motor, 1/ horsepower, in good condition; also Jamesway coal brooder stove. E. Cain, phone 56-19 Orono. 9-2* B A B Y PRAMS, CRIBS, Bassin- ettes, walkers, play pens, com- modes, rockers, toys, etc. Wil- son's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Suites. New shipment just arrived. We guarantee lower prices. We are out of the high rent district. See our large selection.. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church St., Osh- awa.88 TOBOGGAN SLEIGHS, EXTRA good set; also McLaughlin cut- ter, in real good condition. Set o! team harness with Goodyear tugs. Phone 2186, Bowman- ville, before 7 p.m. Fni., and after 7 p.m. Sat. 9-tf NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES. Ail spring filled. Now on sale from $89.00. Also iovely studio couches and chesterfield beds. Our prices are lower. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 APPLE TREES, Three and Four y e a r s oid: Red Mcîntosh, Northern Spy, Gravenstein, Red Delicious, Melba, etc. Special price on quantities. Order now for spring planting. C. A. Gle- co!f, 174 Ritson Rd. South, Osh- awa. 4m LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. SeIect yours fnom over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRAflEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-t! OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evenything ini modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covermngs a speciulty. Quality merchandise ut com. petitive prices. Before buying visit Bnudley's New Funniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tl Shorthorn Sale Durham County Shorthorn Breeders Club wîll hoid their 24th Lnnual Auction Sale o! Purebred Shorthorns, Thursday, March 8th, t the fanm o! Mr. Alex Prout, 1/ mle south o! Kurv Inn on No. 2 Highway. There will be offered 14 young bulis, 15 heifens and 2 zows with calves at foot. This is avery choice offering, ail are uc- credited, negative to the blood est and inoculated to prevent 'iipping fever. For catalogue urite or phone S. Chas. All±m, 3owmanviile. 8-1 Livestock For Sale 'ROPPED CALF, good size. Ap- ply Victor Szold, Hampton, phone 2173. 9-1* YOUNG YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 UM211b, uét'i' The SavationeArmy wishes to rel. eo radio; complete dining room suite; Th avtoArywset, rn. Sgrumuphone and records; carpets; thank the Bowmunviile Firemen ;t rugs; pillows; curtains; drupes; for their contribution o! $25 to be GOOD COLLIE PU, -eiectrlc imon; dishes, including used for wur services. Cupt. J. E. oid. Everett Cryd( e some Lamoge china; cooking uten.. Winters. 9- killen. Phone 226, It sils; fur robes; chicken feeders; 15 REAL dOOD) and numerous small articles. Suie The family o! the lute Mrs. Lydia cesten ewes, due1 - t 1:30 p.m., Sut., March 10, in Twist wish to express thein sin- week in May. S. IC dChallis' hete gag.Trm cere thanks to their friends and ,Bw nviej -cash. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Wm. neighbors for the many acts o! 56r14. ri J. Challis, auctioneer. 9-2 kindness and expressions o! sym- ______________________puthy during their necent sud be- CHICKS - We are reavement. 9-1* oxders for Tweed], .tNotice breeds. Order eanl Mn. and Mrs. F. Albert Crugo, prices. Stewunt's Durlington, wish to express their phone 577, Bowrnx We have vucated our King grateful appreciation to thein Street Store and are now located many friends for gifts, curds o! TEAM 0F HORSES, in our one large store ut 20 Church congratulations, and flowens on uges-l 1 years, 150 fStreet, Oshawa. Wilson's Furni- the occasion o! their Golden Wed- euch, good fanm turc Co. 8-8 ding unniversary. 9-i workers, weli-mai quiet. Also good s, Bowmanvilie Electricians Mrs. W. H. Cooke and daughter, ing team hurness. 4 Doors West of Eaton's ini Virginia, wish to express their ap- Bowmanville, befi Building Occupied by preciation for the muny acts o! Fnl., after 7 p.m. S Nuvy League kîndness and expressions o! sym- Ahl kinds o! electric wiring done pathy and beautiful floral tnibutes Real Estate F Motors repaired and instulled extended by friends and neighbors Phone 438 34-t!12* during the recent illness and death 2 BUILDING LOTS. o! their dean father and grand- munville Cleaners. INVEST WISELY - 5%/ Prefer- father. 9-1 8ROE OI red shares in United Furmers 8_______SOLI Co-operutive Co., Ltd., a r e The family o! the late Mn. Wes- ouselat r and hr availabie to furmers and others. ley N. Thompson wish to extend o!elnd .,rn'Mrs If you une interested, write for their sincere thanks and appre- Centre0.,Bw informational pamphlet to A. C. ciation to their many relatives, Bx38 Savage, 28 Duke Street, Toron- friends and neighbors for acts o! WHITE BRICK COT to. 9- kindness and messages o! sym- St. East, ail newiy -pathy and beautiful floral tri- first class condition WanedT o uy butes extended ut the time o! their June 15, 1945. AI Wate T By recent bereavement. 1 * Scott, Duke St., Bo, MAN'S BICYCLE, uny condition. Mrs. H. J. Werry wishes to ex- E. Laird,-' Concession and Man- press her sincere thanks and up- FOR SALE OR RENI vers. 9-l* preciation to the societies and FARM-75 ACRES, -many friends for their kind ex- lots o! water, goc FRAME HOUSE AND BARNi in pressions shown duning her recent fa!! ploughing doi uny stute o! repair, regardless illness ut the home o! her sister, wheat crop in. Wr o! location. State lowest cash Mns. J. D. Brown, Orono. Special Statsmun Office, B price. Write Box 472, States- thunks is extended to, Dr. Mc- man Office. 9-tf Kenzie, Rev. Littlewood and Rev. LIV PULRY andfeths Plant.. 9-1* FOR SALE OR REN' LIVEPOUTRY nd eathrs.FARM-90 ACRES, Gzood pnices purd. M. Flutt, R.R. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Richards acres orchurd, besi 1, Bethuny. Phone 7r13. (Busi- wish to express their sincere up- miles East o! B ness curried on by Mn. Flatt per- preciatioiq to their relatives and Lake Shore, 2/ mi. sonuliy, no agents employed.) friends for their beautiful floral Highway on nev 2-42* tributes und messages o! sympa- highway (when thy in the recent beneuvement o! Good brick house ar Vacuu s fo Sal their son. flwro evny a!! with Hydro. Fa Vau m o ae Sweet littie foe fhael done. Reuson for s birth, Phone 2206, Bowr VACUUMS REFAIRED He was too fuir to bloom on earth. write Box 471, Sta "Good Vacuums f or G o o d 9-* fie Housekeeping." Also guaranteed.' ooeaigi h a a-W ne expert repairs, lubnication, ne- C-prtn nteWrSv at placements, etc. Culi C.U.C. Ser-1 ings Stamp Cumpuign, February HOUSE WITH EUE vice Brunch, McGregor's Hard- I2. to March 9, the Canadien Na- Hampton or Bownai ware Store. Bowmanvtlie, 774. Itoa alasi tpigu t Write Bo,#» 5-fIsales o! stamps on dining cars. *i'ice, Bownl*IW u.a..,v 'fn, J -r - 9-1 iPS, 8 weeks lerman, Ennis- 35. 9-1* iOUNG Lei- to lamb first D. Souch, R.R. phone Orono 'e now taking le Chicks, all rly for special 3Seed Store, inville. 3-tf Clydesdal'es, ,0 to 1600 lbs. blocks, true annered and set of breech- Phone 2186, ore 7 P... Bat. 9-tf For Sale AG-ply Bow- 8-6 ÎD BRICK ydro, 3/4acre s.Roger Bird, nanville, P.O. TAGE, King yrepaired, in m. Possession ýpply N. J. owmanville. rT- best of soil, id buildings, Dne and faîl ite Box 470, Bowmanville. 9-ltf -T including 9 st of. soi!, 2 Bowmanville, Lfrom No. 2 w four-lane completed). 'id buildings, a11 ploughing nanville, or itesman 0f- 9-2 .CTRICITY, nviiic vicin- êtatesman GIRL OR WOMAN for light housework for few months. Sleep out. Tîp wages. Phone 577. 9-tf-* SALESLADY WANTED to work in local ready-to-wear store; ex- perience unnecessary. Write stating age, education and any other qualifications, to Employ- ment & Selective Service Office, Oshawa, Ont., File No. 7653. 8-1 TENIjERS REQUIRED FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply of Fuel to Counties' Home, Counties' Juil and Regîstry Office, Cobourg, will be received by the undersigned up to 12:00 o'clock noon on 7tFi April, 1945. Ail tenders to be plainly marked as such on. outside wrapper. Particulars as to type of fuel and tonnage required may be ob- tained from the three institutions named. E. L. MacNACHTAN, Counties' Clerk. 9-3 Lost, Strayed or Stoen LOST-WALLEr CONTAINING sumn of money and registration card, lost Thursday night be- tween Bowmanville Hospital and Creamn of Barley camp. Reward if returned to W. Mar- joram, King St. E., Bowmanville. 9-1 Personai SLEND)OR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 9-26 DRAIN Wehave a car of Govt. grad- ed Ajax Oats. These oats were grown from registered seed, and are a. heavy yield- ing, stiff strawed, and rust- resisting variety, expect the car around March 15. Speciai price at the car $1.05 per bus. Also have Erban, Vie- tory and Cartier varleties, aIl being Govt. test No. 1 oats. Both two and six row- cd bariey, spring rye, spring wheat, field peas, etc. CLO VER SEEDS Alfalfa, Red Clover, Sweet Clover, Tlmnothy, Red Clover Mixtures. %We have liberal quantities of these at espe- ciaily good prices. Hybrid Corn, Small Seeds, Feeds, Fertlizer, etc. A. W. Glenney PHNE1lnk 13-1 1 Bowmanviîîe, Ont. Phone Clanke 3811 I 9-2 ~III 4tf 'I Il Auction Sales The undersigned has received instructions to seli by public auc- tion for Mr. Milton J. Elliott, Con- cession St. E., Bowmanville, (k mi. N. of White Rose Service Sta- tion) on Wed., Mar. 21, at 12:30 sharp, al his farm stock, impe- ments, hay, grain, and orchard equipment. Fullist later. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 9-2 I have been authorized to sel by public auction for J. T. Slee- man, Lot 5, Base Line, Whitby, (1 mile south of Harmony), on Sat., Mar. 3, al his dairy catte (25), 3 horses, machinery (a lot nearly new), and harness. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. This is an exceptionally good sale of stock and implements. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 8-2 Wanted to Rent YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE TWO or three rooms by April st. Write P.0, Box 187, Bowman- ville. 9-1* TIýRE N EWS We wiil endeavor to answer any questions you have, through this column. QUESTIONS - 1.--Do synthetic tires Wear as Weil as pre-war tires? 2. Can synthetic tubes bêt repalred? 3. Are synthetic tires as good in snow and ice? ANSWERS - 1. No - but we have seen synthetie tires wlth 20,- 000 miles on them. 2. Yes - but they must be vulcanized. 3. No - the synthetic tire acts in snow and ice, as a pre-war tire does af- ter spinning, when stuck they become slip- pery, because of heat. GF. JAMESONf TIRE & BATTERY SHOF King & Silver, Bowmanville Phones: 467 - Res. 376 REFRIGERATO R Commercial - Domestio ANY MAKE H.J. Bowyer f PHONE OSHAWA 244 Il .4 RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS From Élood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay Parent stock. AU chlcks sired by R.O.P. coc- kerels insure hlgh egg pro- duction and excellent meut type. We would appreciate eurly ordering. Mixed Chicks, Pullets, Coc- kerels, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE Donald E. Gibson Spring-FiIIed Mattresses.a.a AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET Special sale of Simnmons and Mairshal Mattresses now in stock at $14.95, $17.95, $19.75, $22.50, $27.50, $29.50, $34.50 INOTE - Spnlng-filied Mattresses are deflniteîY ln short su»- pîy, early selection will assure you of the finest sleep eomfort by Canada'r, Jeading mnakers. F. F. Morris Co. Bowmanvllle, Phone 480 Orono, Phone 27-1 'i g r g 'Io g 'Jo 1!Jr * Pharmacy TOOTH CARE 90 0o ne 10 Notice To Creditors - e All persons having claims ainst the estate of WILLIAM PARNAL, late of the Village of Newcastle, in the Couniky of Dur- ham, Gentleman, who died on or about the l9th day of January, 1945, are required'to send to the undersigned full particulars of the same on or before the 22nd day of March, 1945, after which dates the assets of the deceased will be distributed, having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executors shaîl then have notice. DATED this lst day of March, 1945. APHA I. HODGINS, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Executors 9-3 1 ;;l 1 - m 1 a TRIMM - In memory of a loving mother, Surah M. Trimm, who passed away two years ugo, March 5, 1943. Two long yeurs have passed away And lonely is my. heurt toduy, For the one I loved so deurly Hus forever been culled uwuy. Her weury hours and days o! pain, Her troubled nights are pust, And in our aching heurts we know She has found sweet rest ut last. -Sudly missed and even re- membered by hier daughten, Ethel. 9-1* COLVILLE-In loving memony o! a dean husbund and futher, Colin Colville, who passed uwuy Feb. 23, 1944. Remembrunce is a golden chuin Deuth tries to break, but all in vain; To have, to love, and then to part, Is the gneutest sorrow o! one's heurt. The years muy wipe out muny things, But this they wipe out neer- The memony o! those happy days When we wene ail togethen. -Lovingly nemembened by his wife, Evelyn, and family, "Jim," "Bill," "Bernice," "Jack" and "Bertha". 9-1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO 1.4. 1 GAR Il

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