Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1945, p. 9

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?HUURSDAY, MARCH lst, 1945 THE CANADTAN STATESMAN ~oWl~n~AMvTT T 1' <WPA1~Tfl S A 1W SPORT NEW O.C.V.I. SRS. FINALLY DEFEAT1 B.H.S. QUINTET For five yoars, Oshawa's basket- bail coach, Doug. Waugh, has tried vainly to defeat a certain gnoup of Bawmanville boys. Friday ho finally succeeded. In a close, fast- nioving game, Oshawa emenged victorious by a 31-26 score. This garne eiiminated B.H.S. Srs. for this year and deserves a quarter by quarter description. In the first quarter, Oshawa .checked very closely, but B.H.S. rolled up a 6-point iead. In an attempt ta open up the ,close checking, in the second quarter, Bowmanville resorted to fast breaks, but O.C.V.I. knew how ta stop this attack and chew- .ed down the Bowmanvilie lead. At haîf-time it was il ail. In the third quarter, B.H.S. ne- vorsed again to their fast-work- ing, first-quanten technique and ralied up a 7-point lead. But here the Pace began to tell on the Bow- manville squad. Oshawa kept pouring fresh mon on and these siowly ran the original B.H.S. five into the f loor. As the final quarter started O.C.V.I. had a 3-point iead. Slow- ly the fresh Oshawa squad puiied away from the fast tiring but Legal W. R. STRIRE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Banik of Montreai Money ta Loan - Phone 79) Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., ~; Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Kinig Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Bieakley Block Bowmanville -Ontario Q Phones: Office 825- House 409 *2-tf MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Asistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hourà 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 m~on Wodnesday, Closed Sunday Phono 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmeni. in Office H Hi a Jù -Or Maney Back For qui ck relief f rom 1 tching eute by eczerna. athlete's foot. scabies. pimplea and theritchin conditions, use pure, coolin. medicated, I qui D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and etainen. Soothes. comforta and qu ckly cairns '~Intense ltching. Iont iffer. Ak your ruggist toda, for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION If or I6TTemiSIà .. 017 M ff ,NUIT/O.' irV MI A l57MI!t valiantly trying B.H.S.c the closing seconds the ville boys finaiiy liftec off the basket and rac points but to no avail. Bowmanviile had mor, basket but could not jinx that aiways foilowý the Oshawa gym. Patt, Points was high man foi while "Frisky" Moffatt Mcllveen 7, and Ciemen( best for B.H.S. O.C.V.I. - Stafford 3, Hess 4, Dell 7, Seeiey 2, 4, Smithers, Lindsay, Bi B.H.S. - McIlveen 7,: Clemence 6, Brown 3,1 Sturrock, Wilcox, Passai MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE The Men's League piayed one game of their three when the 'S President, Dr. H. Rundle, made a presentation to Ernie "Mickey"' -1 Roach on behaîf of the Men's quintet. In League for rollîng a perfect gamo. Bowman- This was the oniyý 100 per cent 1 the jinx game rolled on the alîcys in 20 ked up 6 years. After a iengthy speech by Dr. Rundie a modal was pinned e shots on on "Mickey" by the Treasurer, loose the Jack Cole. Quite taken by sur- rs them. in prise, "Mickey" thanked the Club te with il for the honor bestowed upon him. r O.C.V.I., After the excitement had sub- ;t with 8, sided the teams got underway ice 6, were Patte 11, Crawford k fid. Moffatt 8, A Rundie 2, int. ROTARY JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Due to bad ice the games thal were to have been played on Sat. urday morning were piayod Tues. day afternoon at Rotary Rink. Flyers 3, Killers 1 Many observers were surpris. ed to see Alan Lobb's Kiliers hoid Lloyd Hamiiton's Flyens to 3 goals. In previous games the Flyers had waiked away from ail opposition but met much difficulty in defeat- ing the rejuvenated Kiliers. The Killers were trailing 2 to 1 andi threatening to tie the score when G. Dilling netted the dlinching goal for the Fiyers. Goals: Flyers-Lunney, Hamil- ton, Diiiing; Killers-Shaw. Penalties: J. Moffatt. Bulldozers 7, Wlldcats 0 In the second game the Bull- dozers waltzed ta an easy victory. Bill Fraser in the Bulldozer net had to stop only three or four shots ta earn his first shutout. At the other end of the rink Kilpat- rick did much ta hoid the Bull- dozers to six goals. Goals: Bulldozers-Reynolds 4, Luxton 2, Donaghue 1. Penalties: None. Officiai scorer and timo keeper, Murray Tighe; referee, Alan Stnike. As the resuit of their win Tues- day the Bulldozers jumped into second place leaving the Kiliers in third place and the Wiidcats in iast. The Fiyers stili top the longue with five wins and no de- feats. The iast two games will be played whenever ice is availabie. Announcement of time of games will be made through the Public and High Schools. First game, Flyers vs. Bulldozers; second game, Kiliers vs. Wiidcats. Team W. T. L. G.F. G.A. Pts. Flyers ----5 0O047 5 10 Bulldozers 2 1 2 19 24 5 Killers ----i1i 3 20 26 3 Wildcats __ 1 0 4 7 38 2 B.H.S. CAGERS AT O.C.V.I. Bantam Game O. C. V. I. Bantams took the B.H.S. Bantams for an easy win on Feb. 16, at Oshawa. B.H.S. held thein opponents to a 6-3 score the first haîf, but in the latter haîf O.C.V.I. outscorod the locals by 12 points, making the final score 22-9. Zigzay and Gif- ford, with 6 points each were best fon Oshawa, while Paterson with 4, Tighe 3, and Phillips 2, wore the locais' scorers. B.H.S. - Tighe (3), Tuenk, - amblyn, Hilîs, Fniend, Munday, Longman, Pattenson (4), Rundie, .,impkin, Phiilips (2). Oshawa - Zigzay (6), Heney, Colo, Noien, Mayer, Johnson, Habberfield (2), Shantz, Ruben- zahi, Failman (4)>, Gilbert (4), Giffard (6). Junior Game In the Junior game O.C.V.I. cagers established a lead o! 12 points in the first haif which B.H.S. boys were unable to over- corne. Crawford was autstanding for O.C.V.I., netting 8 points, whiie Simpkin, with 4, was high scorer for Bowmanville. Final score 19-8. B.H.S. Juniors - Stnike, Fer- guson, Stevens, Simpkin (4), Boe, Martin, Rundie (1), Cox, Pen- found (2), Dadson (1>. Oshawa Juniors - Reddock (2), Hanna, Bird (3), Eiliott, Umphrey (2), Wells, Nornis, Wallace, Mazewsky, Souch (4), Crawford (8). W With the roofing and siding of three box cars being buiit for the Canadian National Raiiways, aiuminum is being used in the construction of raiiway freight equipment for the fîrst time in Canada. The doors are aiso of aluminum. The change reduces the weight of each car by 3,600 pounds. It is an experiment. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note tie new changes of collection and delvery I your district. This is made necessary b7 usw goverument regulations whlch permit un to caver auj' one district one day a week only We wlll, tiierefore, be In Dowmauville MONDAY ONLY HAVE Y OUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaninig CO. LIBUTED FOR ECONOMY Bond your cleang wih your laundrj PHONE -41 Frances Rowe --------15 Viv. Pickard ---------21 Benn Carter ------------- 21 Vena Hobbs ----------15 Dot Nichols ---------- 15 Helen Piper ---------- 21 Vi. M artyn ----------- 15 Duaine Palmer--------- 21 M arg. Colo ------------ 21 Betty Brough --------12 Olive Patfield ---------- 21 Doris Polley ---------20 Marlon Allun------------ 21 Marg. Osborne--------- 12 again to finish the games. H. 1 give-a _"pep" talk to hon teamn to Palmer's team set the paco for put them in form, as they have the night rolling 3590 pins to take won oniy two games this month, 7 points from R. Heanle and move and did much botter than that on into 3rd place. They nolied the the finst schedule. highest game, 1357, of the sched- High single gamo for the ove- ule. The rest o! the teams spiit ning was rolied by Viv. Pickard, 5 to 2 on the points. having 343, with Vera Hobbs close The high thnee games were: R. behînd with 329. These are the Hearle 784, S. Woods 771, K. Lux- best scores so fan on either sched- ton 766, H. Gay 747, M. Vanstone ule. Good work girls! 704, and M. Roach 699. The high Viv. Pickard took aiso three single gaine by R. Hearle with 299 game total with 712. Viv. was tfoilowed by W. Mutton, 297, S. certainly "right on" Friday night. Woods 292, and H. Gay 285. Dot Oke roiied a nico total o! 697 Standing for three games. Team Won Lost Pins Pts. Week Ending Feb. 23 W. Hearle ---- 19 5 25728 45 Total 3 Total D. Carter ----13 Il 25339 30 Teamn Gamnes Won Lest Pte. Pte.. H. Palmer - -- .12 12 24590 26 Head Pins: T. Bagnol----10 14 24459 25 Capt. Viv. R. Hearie ----10 14 24386 24 Pickard 3216 15 9 20476 35 J. Colo --------- 8 16 24500 18 Lucky Strikes: Name Games Ave. Capt. D. A. Osborne ------ ----20 235 Palmer 2531 14 10 20210 33 F. Williams (B.T.) -- 23 230 Bowlers: D. Carter ------------ 24 226 Capt. A. R. Hearie ---------------- 24 218 Tomlinson 2348 13 il 19541 31 T. Bagnel------------ 24 218 Spares: W. Hearle--------------- 23 214 Capt. Vi. B. Westlake ----------- 24 218 Martyn 2524 6 18 18595 13 K. Luxton------ -----20 212 Name Games Ave. E. Roach ---------------- 24 211 Ada Tomlinson------ 24 186 H. Haliman ------------- 24 209 Muriel Henderson 15 180 B. Mutton --- il- ------- 1 209q Aida Luxton --------- 24 179 P. Cancilla----------- - -24 208 Kay Beauprie ---------- 24 179 H. Gay ------------- ----20 206 Viv. Pîckard ------------- 24 177 H. Depew------------ 21 204 Vera Hobbs--------- 18 176 J. Colo ------- --------- 24 203 Frances Rowe ------- 18 175 H. Carpenter------------ 22 203 Olive Patfield ---------- 24 167 S. Woods ----------- 14 201 Bern Carter------------ 24 167 M. Oke------------------- 19 200 Marg. Cale ---------- 24 167 M. Vanstone------------ 15 200 Marg. Osborne--------- 15 167 Helen Piper ---------- 24 165 Dot Nichois---- 18 163 MEN'S MAJOR BOWLING VI. Martyn--------------- 18 163 LEAGUE Betty Brough ---------- 15 163 Duaine Palmer, ------- 24 160 Wmý. Hearlo's team again took Dot. Oke --------------22 157 7 points. There seems to be no Doris Polley------------ 22 157 stopping this team. They only Marion Allin -------- 24 154 need 4 more points to cinch lst place. Carter's team has takon BodD nr over second place fromn R. Hearle BodD nr and Bagneil's team moved uip in- Wd.Fb.7LendH.B- to fourth place, e. e.7 enr .Br In the high 3 gamos, F. Williams ton, Bowmanville, l2th donation. (B.T.) was the onîy one to roll M ns. Sydney Bond, Bowmanvilie, oven 700. His score was 784. The 9th donation. Robent Lindsay, nearost one to him was T. Bag- Countice, 6th donation. Mrs. noîl, 693. Frank also nolled the Madeline Siaght, Bowmanville, highest single gaine 312, followed th donation. Mrs. Helena Geddos, by D. Taylor with 304. Frank Mrs. Percy Cowan, Bowmanvilie, raised his average 4 points to 4th donation. Mrs. A. T. Fletch- move into second place, 1 point on, Mrs. L. Leddy, Mrs. Dora below AI. Osborne who has high Moore, Bowmanville, 3rd dona- average, 237. tion. At D.I.L., Ajax - Elmen Team Won Lost Pins Pts. Archer, Grace Murdoch, Bowman- W. Hearle 18 3 22646 43 ville, 9th donation. Oliver Gibb, D. Carter il 10 22171 25 Orono; Anne Welsh,'Bowmanville, R. Heanie 10 il 21189 24 th donation. Ervin Rainoy, Orono, T. Bagnoîl 8 13 21320 20 3rd donation. H. Palmer 9 12 21000 19 Fni., Feb. 9: Ross Stevens, J. Colo 7 14 21434 16 Bowmanville, lSth donation. Roy Names Gamnes Ave. S. Hooper, Bowmanville, l3th do- A. Osborne------------- 17 237 nation. J. F. Gregory, Howard F. Williams (B.T.) -- 21 23r, Cowle, Bowmanvilie, llth dona- D. Carter ---------------- 21 230 tion. R. G. Harding, Bowman- T. Bagnel -------------- 21 220 ville, 6th donation. Elva Potter, W. Hearie--------------- 20 216 Bowmanvîlle, 5th donation. John P. Cancilia--------------- 21 213 His, Enniskilien, 2nd donation. R. Hearle ---------------- 21 212 Evelyn Parrinder, A. Milîson, W. Westlake -------- 20 209 Isaac Crockett, Bowmanvilie, lst E. Roach ---------------- 21 208 donation. J. Colo -------------- ---21 207 Mon., Feb. 12: Charles Archer, H. Haîlman ------------- 21 207 Bowmanvilie, l4th donation. H. M. Oke ----------------16 207 W. Jeffrey, Bowmanville, l3th K. Luxton--------------- 17 205 donation. B. T. King, M. J. P. H. Murphy ------------- 19 203 Moore, Bowmanviile, l2th dona- H. Depew ---------- 18 201 tion. Stanley Cordon, Bowman- H. Palmer ---------- 17 201 ville, lth donation. E. Phiiiips, H. Carpenter ---------- 19 200 Lois Branch, Bowmanvilie,. 5th ______________ donation. Mrs. Lucy Walken, Bowmanvilie, 3rd donation. H. C.< LADIES MAJOR LEAGUE McDonaid, Bowpianviiie, 2nd do- nation. R . Robinson, Eanl R. The Bowlers took a lead o! 3 Thompson, Blanche Preston, Bow- points on the Lucky Strikes Fni- manvilie, îst donation. day night. However, the Lucky Wed., Feb. 14: Fred Lane, Bow- Strikes stiil have a smail lead on pin total. Head Pins did weil tak-r ing 7 points from the Spares, andi tying them with the Lucky Strikesr in second place. E High three garno total was taken by Vera Hobbs, Vera having a nice 1 total o! 601. Other high threo Ie game totais were< Ada Tornlinsonf 584, Lou. Ailin 583, Muriel Hon- denson 555, Doris Polley 518, Bern. S< ( Carter 511, Betty Brough 508, Vi. / Martyn 503, Olive Patfield 502,t Viv. Pickard 501. 2 Lou Aluin waiked away with - ~V high single total having 270. Nice i going Lou.a Up ta and inciuding week end-S ing Februany l6th: TotalI3 Total Teamn Gamnes Won Lost Pte. Pte. Bowlers: If rmonng finda You only half reated, stlai Capt. A. Weary ... if your aleep as brokien by fiiffu Tomlinson 2385 13 8 17193 31 Iosaing and tuning ..- ifyou cmn't eem toC Lucky Strikes: amtie down te relazing regt -... your lddneys 1 Capt. D. Mîay beto blame.F Palmer 2345 12 9 17679 28 When YOUr kidneys get out of order, your f Head Pins: leeP Uaually sulfets. To help your liidneys Capt. Viv.. regain a normal condt ionl, ft elp Yeu enjoy Pickard 2647 12 9 17260 28 reafful aep.a Dodd'a kidney Pille, a Spares: favourite tretuet for more than hall a Capt. VI. cehwuy. Dodd'a Kidney pinlsaeeayFo Martyn 2499 5 16 16071 il "5 and aMeflot habit Eorming.r Aak for Averages Dd8ds iITni Plet any deug oumter.V Ada Tomiinson ------ 21 1861 Look for the lau. box with thae red band. 127 f ýi LADIES MAJOR LEAGUE The Head Pins were out in good stylo Friday night, taking 7 points, and roiiing 1348 pins one game. They woro certainly at their bost, having a total of 3216 for threo games. The Head Pins have been steadily making their way ta the top, and after Friday night's performance, accompiishod their goal. Having every member but one on their team roll over 200, and two o! them rol.iing over 300. The Lucky Strikes are now in second position, with their cap- tain letting them down, and cen- tainly setting a "no good" ex- ample. The Bowlors wene definiteiy "off" losing 7 points ta the Head Pins, but having only four memn- bers out, which makes quite a Idifference in total pins. The Spanes' captain will have to manville, l2th donation. J. T. Brown, Newcastle, 1th donation. Mrs. R. Jarvie, Bowmanville, 9th donation. Mns. R. D. Preston, Bowmanville; Margaret Alldread, Newcastle, 8th donation. Mrs. Jean Kennedy, Bowrnanviiie, 7th donation. Mrs. George Brooks, Bowmanviile, 6th donation. Han- vey Yeliowlees, Frank T. Smith, Enniskiilen, 5th donation. Cpi. C. M. Henry, Russell Girnblett, Bowmanviile, 4th donation. Mrs. Ada Tomiinson, Mrs. Doris Poliey, Sgt. A. Bell, Pte. H. J. Antonia, Pte. T. H. Jacobs, Bowmanville, 3rd donation. Mrs. Mary Cowle, Pte. R. W. Brown, Sgt. Robent J. O'Reiiiey, Pte. P. C. Abel, Pte. E. Baker, Pte. J. N. Cooley, Mrs. Elia M. Wright, Bowmanviile, 2nd donation. Lorna McMulien. Pte. H. G. Cannon, Pte. C. G. Janes, Cpi. F. L. Burgess, Pte. L. Roman- chik, LICpI. C. S. Drinkwalter, >Pte. J. J. Dunn, Pte. J. McTavish, L Cpi. A. Waiker, Pte. F. W. Lane, Bowmanville; Alfred Garrod, Gordon Laking, J. Smnith, New- castle; Ross Cryderman, Ennis- killen, lst donation. At D.I.L., Ajax - Norman Bothwell, Bow- manville, 1lth donation. Poily Tkatch, Bowmanviile, 3rd dona- tion. Fni., Feb. 16: Charles Rundie, Hampton, l3th donation. W. G. White, Hampton, 1 lth donation. Elmer Poilard, Countice, 8th do- nation. Allan Clarke, Royal S. Hall, W. M. Thetford, Wm. H. Flaherty, Bowmanviile, 5th do- nation. J. G. Ferguson, Bowman- ville, 2nd donation. Mon., Feb. 19: Gilbert Doey, Bowmanvîlle, l2th donation. Lance Plain, Bowmanville, llth donation. Mns. F. Crowe, Bow- manville, 9th donation. Erroîl M. Brown, Newcastle, 7th donation. Mrs. June Williams, Bowmanvilie, 6th donation. Mary J. Wallace, Bowmanvîie; Everett AllUn, Hampton, 2nd donation. Wed., Feb. 21: At D.I.L., Ajax: Wm. Hoar, Orono, 9th donation. Florence Disioy, Bowmanviile, 5th donation. Fni., Feb. 23: W. L. Paterson, Bowmanville, l3th donation. Don- aid S. Lewis, Enniskiilen, llth donation. Gerald A. Peterson, Bowmanviiie, lOth donation. Stan- ley H. Coverly, Bowmanviile, 7th donation. Keith Johnston, Bow- manville, 5th donation. W. J. Malley, Bowmanville, 4th dona- tion. Mon., Feb. 26: Howard Bickie, Bowrnanville, 8th donation. Nel- son Couvier, Bowrnanvilie, 7th donation. Obituaries MRS. LYDIA TWIST Following some months of faii- ing heaith, Lydia Twist passed peacefuliy to her rest, February 17, 1945, at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. William Laird, Mapie Grove. She was born in Easingwold, Yorkshire, Engiand, Juiy 3rd, 1875, daughter of the late George and Anne Crosby. In 1927, two years after the ateath of hon hus- band, she came to Canada with her four chiidnen. Aften living in Oshawa and To- ronto, she took up nesidence at Maple Grove in 1931. Since thon most of her time has been spent in this locaiity where she made many frietids and was highly esteemed by ail who knew her. Sunviving besides her daughter, Enid, are two sons, Fred of Whit- by, Ernest of Maple Grove, and five grandchiidren. One son, George, predeceased hon 15 years ago. The funeral service was heid at the Morris Funenal Chapel, Feb. 2Oth, with Rev. W. P. Fletcher of St. Paui's United chunch, Bow- manville, a former pastor, offici- ating, assisted by Rev. H. C. Lin- stead, Courtice. Many beautiful floral tnibutes graced the casket. Friends wene present from Osh- awa, Whitby and Toronto, as well as many from this vicinity. Interment was in Bowmanville ceometery. The pali bearers were: Messrs. Howard Foiey, Harry F'reeman, Harvey Brooks and Clif- !ord Swaiiow. WESLEY NORMAN THOMPSON Thefe suddenly passed to rest, E'eb. 15, after a short ilîness fol- .owing a heant attack at Bowman- vrille hospitai, Wesley Norman Thompson, son o! the iate Samuel and Emily Thompson. He was born October 18, 1880, in Darling- ton and after his marriage in March, 1906, to Alice McDonald, resided in Salem for 6 years after which they moved to Haydon where ho lived until his sudden passing. Duning his life his occupation and trade was carpcntening but was only oneofo the many occu- pations tp which ho could adapt hirnseif in tirne o! need. Ho was deeply devoted to his wif o and farnily and was always willing to lend a holping hand. Ho beaves to maurn his lass his widow, Alice Thompson, three1 daughters, Muriel (Mrs, W. Bridgett, Bowmanvilie), Lorna, (Mrs. R. Chaton, Toronto), Aud- rey, (Mrs. F. Osmond, at homo), and six sons, Eari, Bowmanvilie; Roy, Leskard; Lloyd, R.C.A.F., Kingston; Roland, R.C.N.V.R., .Halifax; Donald, R.C.N.V.R., Hall- fax, and Glenn o! Toronto; also two sisters, , Mrs. H. Paul and Mrs. Ida Ashton, and one brother, Mn. Frank Bamrbidge, Illinois, U.S. The funerai was held at North- cutt and Srnith's chapel, P'eb. 17. Rev. Unstead conducted the ser- vice. A pnivate buniai was held Feb. 19, due to the lato arrivai o! two sons from Halifax. The pal bearens wene the six sons o! the deceased. Many beautiful floral tnibutos banked the casket including a bouquet frorn Haydon Sunday schooi and wreaths from Knox Glass Co., and F. W. Wooiworth's store. DO YOU FEED YOUR WIFE? Dou you feed your wife? You'll have to say sa without quibble when you make out your incomo tax fonm in the next few weeks, assents The Financial Post. Says the Post: "According to the new income tax fonms for 1944, a married man who doesn't support his wife can no longer dlaim married man's exemptions without making him- self hiable to penalties for giving false information. "The new forms require a tax- payer claiming exemption for 1944 on account o! his wife, to state definitely that ho has sup- ported his spouse during the yoan. Previously ho had only to dlaim status as a married man whose wif e did not recoive unearned in- carne aven $660, and was a rosi- dent a! Canada or some other o! the United Nations." Four Bags of Purina Caif Startena Replaces 1,450 Lbs. Milk CAFValue of MiIk...........36.25 S'rATENAValue of Calf Startena ............. $17.20 SAVING FOR YOU ............... $19.05 THIS PLAN - 1. . Saves work, feed it dry in a box 2. Raises larger, healt hier heifers 3. Helps keep down s cours 4. Costs much Iess than milk Do you know PURINA DRY and FRESHENING COW CHOW re- duces the dairymen's troubles by 75 per cent? Feed it to each cow 60 days before calving, it means a stronger calf, easier calv- ing, less caking of udders and from 1000 to 2000 lbs. more milk per cow in the lactation. If you are short of grain corne In and get MARLOW'S CHOWMIX MILKING RATION. The cows will give you MORE milk and hold their f lesh at the same time. MARLOW TRANSPORT Telephone: Port Perry 106-R-2 Blackstock - - - Ontario Ernie "Mickey" Roaeh w. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE- ONTARIO COURTICE SUHOOL CHILDREN GUESTS AT ROTARY RINK The chiidren of Courtice School were guests at Rotary Rink, Bow- manviiie, Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 14, which was in the nature of a Valentine skating party. The Rotary Rink Committee, Reeve R. R. Stevens and R. L. Mitchell, noted for initiating Boy Scout in- novations, extended the invita- tion to schooi trustees, Messrs. Muir, Herron and Hoy, who with the concurrence of the teachers, accepted as a gesture of friendship and as a weicome relief from the academic grind during a hard winter. It ail came about through dis- cussion by Bob and Lin that countiess schools, lacking water supply and with play-grounds hip- deep in snow, couid have no rinks of their own. There was talk, too, about the meaning of "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" a phîiosophy borrowed by Rome from Periclean Greece, so the pair joined wt President Morley Vanstone,ul- mately to win three cheers from Courtice children. With the 50 chiidren came genial Principal Robert Lindsay and his two good looking assistant teachers, Mrs. C. Archer and Miss M. F. Simpson. Ice and music were provided free and the chiid- ren from Grades I to 8 had two hours of reai enjoyment. Big ones looked after littie ones and teachers .supervised the entire flock.* The idea of sound minds in sound bodies thus got a lift with expectation that studios wouid be approached with a new zest. The Rotary Committee was roundly thanked for a "sweii time." These senior Boy Scouts are now plan- ning to, invite children of other schoois for skating parties, health, weather, ice and time permitting. It should be added for general information that Courtice is an industriai, commercial and farm- ing centre, midway between the suburban towns of Oshawa and OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs., Fr1., Sat., March 1, 2, 3 Dorothy Lamour, Eddie Bracken, Gii Lamb, In RAINBOW ISLAND With Barry Sullivan In glorious technicoior There's joy ahoy, and love .. oh boy. Mon., Tues., March 5-6 Two Smash Hits Benny Goodman & his band Linda Darneil, Lynn Bari, Jack Qakie, In SWEET AND LOW DOWN Get hep to a hit Added Feature GAMBLER'S CHOICE Starring Chester Morris, Nancy Kelly, Russell Hay- den. Lusty, bM~wling drama. Starting Wednesday March 7th to loth Paramount's I LOVE A SOLDIER Starring Paulette Goddard, Sonny Tufts. Paulette's a Welder by day . .. but she's wiider by night. Bowmanville, with a schaol popu- lation probably the iargest ini the Township and with teachers whose charges consistentiy carli high marks at examinations. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with sait, that ye may know how ye ought to an- swer every man.-Colossians 4:6. ROYAL BOWMANVU LLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fr1., March 1-2 TWO TICKETS TO LONDON Starrlng Michale Morgan& Alan Curtis with C. Aubrey Smith and Barry Fitzgerald. In an exciting melodrama crammed full of suspense. Saturday, March 3 FORTY THIEVES Starring William Boyd, with Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers, Douglas Dumbrille, Lousie Currie and Kirk Alger. Added HOOSIERS HOLIDAY Starring Dale Evans and George Byron, popular ra- dio entertainers. A riot of f un. Mon., Tues., Wedl., March 5, 6, 7 Big Double Bill WOMAN0F THE TOWN Starrlng Claire Trevor and Albert Dekker. Her only weakness was her strength I love. Added ROSIE THE RIVETER Wlth Jane Frazee and Frank Albertson. Romance, music, mfrth. It's really a panic! THIN ICE w lp,&C-V. Mr"£

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