Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1945, p. 6

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THE CANAIAN STATSMAN ROmAN JVTT.T.R fyM1rin TTR. FBUR lt.14 Hampton Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn have returned from visiting their son, Dr. Wallace R. Horn, and wife, Mount Kisco, N.Y. Sgt. Lewis TrulToronto, at home. Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman. Sgt. B. M. Smith, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson. Local men were busily engaged shovelling out the Scugog Road in the forth end section and aiso south nearer Bowmanville, on Saturday. The plow was most welcome on Sunday. Many of our village folk were storm stay- ed for a day or so during the week and also over the week-end, flot being able to return from their places of work. The wenther of Monday has been somewhat miid. er and more enjoyable. The Service Club met at the home of Mrs. Arnold Damant, or Wednesday evening, and took the form of a Valentine party. A jolly time was spent. (Intended for last week) A most interesting and pleas. ant evening was spent by a goodly [i BE P Po Pol BAI IRA Il.El Drel OU DRI PRA CM PoL TN A lb35' 80'M tlUS AMD WIMEY mil ILACK TEL 'RINCESS FI IDEX SOAP OAp CASHMEI O11 Special C ' LO PAN( [APLE SYRI IUAKEIR OAil ANN PAGE ILK BREAD) White or Brown I 2 24-OZ. i LOAVES 15e )BINHOGD FLOI INKET RNE IODlEIIM FLOIJR 'WES FLOOR W ÂWES LEMON I INATGES H9 CANS CUT GREENC ONATO JUICE AVYLMER TOM. or VEG.. soUp 2 Tins 15g IUSTARD LET FOOD UNCHIES LIBBY LIB REAID CEI STEAKS 01 IÎTEIHOUSE 1IKET RISS 'NE 1111 number in the basement o! the Office, Toronto, who contributed made me feel as if I were near church on Thursday evening, Feb. much to the evening's pleasure. home. I hope we will ail be home 'Ist, it being the Women's Institute Miss Muir gave a very interesting, soon. e annual "At Home." Miss L. Reyn- and belpful talk on "Electricity wa _ iton Brown is the second 1olds, President, was in the chair.inteHm and on t he Farm," ra e youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. ,She welcomed the guest artists and expressed much pleasure in W l a e Herbert Brown who have three and Hampton friends. Mrs. Geo. having the privilege of coming to sons overseas, one in Egypt, one in it Farncomb read a number of in- Hampton. Mr. Lake presented Belgium, one in England. Milton teresting letters fromn overseas some very fine talking pictures was one of the Newcastle boys boys and girls, expressing thanks pertaining to electricity, which who went away first from New- and appreciation for Christmas proved most instructive. The Na-j castie. parcels received. Rev. W. Rack- tional Anthem closed this part of WALL "The Statesman Has Doubled ham acted as chairman for the the program, after which W.I. In Value h bailance of the evening in his usual ladies served refreshments. A vote 1PAIE.. The following letter has been jovial manner. Miss D. Creasser, of appreciation was expressed by received by Mrs. Olga A. Gibson, soloist, Bowmanville, in her pleas- Mrs. W. G. Doidge and seconded yi Ùi recently appointed Newcastle cing style favored with two de- by Mrs. H. Gaud, to those who had correspondent, frorn a rnuch be- 0 ihfl elrnee oo and poie uhafn rgn.M loved former citizen o! Newcastle, responded with encores. Miss A. E. Billett moved an~d Mr. T. ex-Principal John W. Bradley, n Muriel Stevens, elocutionist, de- Wray seconded an expression o!f j~.neidwhich reads: ;t lighted the audience witli her appreciation to the ladies for en- t 224, St. George St., If humorous number, 'Rheuma- tertaining the men and others, s0o~ Toronto, Ont., tism," being dressed as a lovely well.Fe.3195 old lady. This evoked much laugh- Dea Mr . isonT194 ttes ter nd alle fo anencoe, Whyman bas rçcently doubled in value r Do We Fight for England," which 1',Aa to me because of the fine items Ifwas much appreciated. Mr. Geo. HL&ay .A mna. o! néws frorn Newcastle. This I -Chase, Manager, Public Utilities Bu AIVw have learned is due to the new eCommission, also favored with a Mr. E. Bradley, Mrs. John Ross, representative the paper has in rousing vocal patriotic number at Mr. Frank Coulter's, Bowman- Make your choice early to Newcastle. I arn not speaking.dis- rand encore. Mrs. Percy Dewell ville, to see their cousins, Mr. and avoid disappointment later. paragingly o! any former repre- Sand Miss Norah Horn contributed Mrs. Joe Carscadden, fromn Wyn- sentative, but simply commending a liv'ely piano duet. Miss Helen yard, Sask.th rsn.Salb lokg Williams very efficiently acted as A gathering o! the Beecb Fam- NEW SHIPMENTS te r een rt. hh bne ooking accompanist for the singers in be- ily was held at the home o! Mr. Plain and patterned for column o! The Statesmar!. With coming manner. Accompanying and Mrs. Austin Larmer, Bow- vrrom Brn yu bsofgdwihIa, Mr. Chase were Mr. Norman Lake manville, on Tuesday, when Caro- evr om rigyu et o ood ihear, and Miss Muir from Hydro Head lyn, infant daughter of Mr. and measurements and let us or sneey Mrs. Don Carr was christened. show you for how~ little you JOHN W. BRADLEY. Rev. E. L. Beech, Ripley, officiat- can re-decorate your home. edW.A. was held at Mrs. Leslie COLD WATER F r i F r m Graham's on Thursday. Bible____ SLreading was read by Mrs. C. SHW' FRMFOU Siemon and the devotional by Saves time, assures good re- HWSFR FOU Mrs. W. Martin. A vocal duet xas rendered by Mrs. B. Ashton suts ----------------5el. Ten members o! our Forum met and rs.F. smon, areaingat Wrightson Wight's on Monday SEV adien Mrs. .OmnA. Readng night for a discussion o! "Are s givby MWfr ed Tan aCommodity Exchanges Neces- ILOCKb 29< FGDSTDREii Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack JIVC L speati Won in whea and othe '. N ELWJones' group. Cpi. Bert Ashton J' *Wfood L sp ctommoits.Wheat suport MULLO sent each member a calendar from thed coortiesalesfrupr- NECTAR Lb. 6:~ Holland in appreciation of the "BIG 20"tducpeatruhich mae ans prhe INDIA - CEVLON many letters and cards hie has re- PHOE 56 pîmay rou c ean ltnte ceived. Pconsu6prmrar bro raugh tiser o ~,~ILarge Pkg. 1 Mr. Wesley Thompson is in gethuer the coe loe to ec A RES 24e Bowmanville Hospital, very ii. gothers deymd esti ng in ah He walked up to Enniskillen store _______________ uh et er nd esutndin o Cakes j< and was taken suddenly iIad ikien ech bter usequrements. pof RERonald at Mr. W. Brownlee's, duikllnTcts t reatteo ain a pro- Cakes *Leaside, and attended the Ice befcit atl. ti hspoe L 1£2 Follies at Maple Leaf. Gardens. Service Club met Feb. 6, at the efial sFacial Cae home of Mrs. H. Degeer with an PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM DffCak3. & attendance o! 14. The evening was JfEr v m Manie Grove pent in sewing. Lunch was serv- Our Forum met at the home o! JEMIA 4Pkgs u.,r ed by Mrs. Degeer and bier group Milton Wright with 14 present.j ýCA KE 2 s 2V0f Mrs. Austin, Mrs. D. Lewis and The last two subjects bave been Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden Mrs. O. Ashton. Next meeting at worth while discussions for the OL 1-z'29 iste herdaughtersMsA. r.Hadil', on Feb. 2th. farmer. "Is Co-operative Mar-1 gp COLONY Bdi. J. Brown, Miss Marion Snowden,ktigEfie?"aswek ad LAREToro1e Anto LTf.Yun Pepl us do some real studying. The1 rs ARG Pk Anumed t o!Toong PeopFid Newcastle group is in favor of ail farm pro-1 evening and enjoyed a good skate. dcsmree hog h n The sideroads are stili closed (Coritinued fromn page 10) kind o! market. The co-operative to traffic by car. a sing-song was enjoyed. The market is the fairer way o! mar- Te an fied o! rsL.leader, Miss Kathleen Toms, serv- keting as the farmer bas some say BIRD SEED Pkg Twist are sorry to learn that she ed lîght refreshments. Mieetinig what ie. wants. g. 17< still continues quite poorly at the closed with Taps. The other subject, "Are Coin- --RPk.g home o! bier daughter, Mrs. Win. Y.P.U. met Feb. 5. Worship modity Exchanges Necessary?" GRVL(Jake) Laird. period and program were in This exchange might be alright1 charge o! the Christian Citizen- !rom an international point o! MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS sbip Convener Glenn Allin. Eve- view as it would supply a placeI 24-Lb lyn Allin and Margaret Hockin frbyr ome.W o' unH Bag 789 (By Kay Lycett, Gr. VHI) favored with a vocal -duet. Mr. tbink that any man or group o! TALT Pkge Friday Mr. Dolin, our music Venner, Principal of Newcastle men should be allowed to buy TABLE3e teacher, gave us our music lesson. High School, spoke to the mern- or seil farm products that doesn't r 1 Self Raising 3-Lbqq We are taking two new pieces, bers on the duties o! Citizenship. know sornetbing about the grow-p Pkg.* 3 "The Race," and "One Man Shahi Donald Jose led in some îiveîy. îng o! the farmi product. Theseo AX1-Lb. Tin 4s Mow My Meadow." With our recreation. type o! men are only in the garneÉ 45e lessons we were favored by a Y.P.U. met Feb. 12. Fellowship for the profit tbey can get. They1 12-Oz .12- selection from one of Beetboven's Convener Betty Allin, assisted by have no interest in the farmer.n ~Btl. e tizl25 Sonatas, played by Mr. Dolin. .. Marie Allin and Francis Jose bad Next meeting at Earle Osborne's. r ICE 2!/2'& iný hinney at recess and noon-hour charge o! the worship period.n A . is stili prevailing and there is a Miss Frances Morgan favored S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON E OR WAx 2 20-Oz. Tins 23e considerable amount o! skiing on with a piano solo. Speaker was$ M.Skelding's gangway. .. Ph1l1p Mr. T. A. Rodger, Principal o! Two groups met on Feb. 5, the ri 4LL BRAND 20-oz. ~ Finney brought bis aeroplane to Newcastle Public School, who western section meeting at Art J( Os3Ti.. -23 scbool and is working on it in spoke on "The Cboosing' of a Found's with an attendance o! 0 mm ... mm.i manual training period. . . The Vocation." Recreation in line 13 and the eastern section at W. 3 Mothe Jackonlitboys have been glueing several o! with St. Valentines Day was con- Rundle's with an attendance o! 9.C MoterJacso'.the Sunday Scbool chairs. . . ducted by Mrs. Morley Sallows Subject was Is Co-operative Mar- JIMFY Tbanks to Jake Laird for sending and Donald Jose. Before adjourn- keting Efficient?" L Il us another bundie of magazines ing Mrs. Morley Sallows led in a Products at present marketedR . .. In Agriculture we bave been sing-song.. co-operatively include cream, liveH PORI DGEb. learning the cuts o! beef. Newcastle Boy Writes from stock and wool. Advantages o! Belgium marketing co-operatively are: (1)N _______________________ Christmas overseas tells factory outlet is provided for pro- te Blacksx-iatock sme o! bis experiences over ducts; (3) good prices created for S 5< 60z there. We haed a very nice bigh quality products. $ aaAcdao anMr.Cbristmas this year whicb maderasnfrno-oopr-f Las19Acdao n r.Simpson Oeresn o onc-oea BY'S Tin j are visiting in Toronto. us feel more like home when we tive agencies being given the a] 7e ~Mr. Leith Byers attended an sat down to dinner. We had preference by some members is ta DY TO EAT 2Pkga. 2< J Agricultural Convention in To- steaks, roast pork, plum pudding that it is often more convenient C :REAL 2 20 rnto last week. and many other tbings. Pair o! to market. produce in tbis man- Tc IMrs. Gordon Strong, Phyllis, stockings was on every chair for ner as private concerns arrange pi L OR obbie«and Beth spent a few each one, filled witb candy, cigs for transportation o! purchases, le dys with Mrs. Robt. Bruce and and other useful things. We'have whereas to send to a co-operative ce L________BEE _ Miss King. somne good times along with our o!ten entails the providing by the p( Friday is the World's Day o! bard times. I have been in a farmer for transportation to high- Praer nd s bin hed a th nmber o! battles. I can't explain way or station. Another reason M~ B ROASTS United Cburch. mta the ~~feeling it gives when in battle. is that nearness to towns makes- The Farm Frm e i teOeo! my cburns was shot local marketing satisfactory. - SIRLOIN OR Lb. 1 Continuation Scbool on Monday through the hip and on the other We do not feel the need for the WING - Al night. side o! me a cbap got a bullet extension o! co-operative market- Lb. Sgt. Robt. W. Smitb visited Mr. tbrough the sboulder. I helped ing. Canning crops are our chie! b*139 n r.HryVneti o to carry tbem hoth aside until cash crop. Regarding other pro- aondtM. ryVneti o the orderlies took tbem. When ducts we feel that not enough RibeLb -319Mr. and Mrs. Cli!! McGiil and on leave I walked into a tea roorn farmers o! this district specialize Vernon, Oshawa, with Mr, and Ln Belgium. wbere I picked- up a in _the- samne -lies- to make co- lt «ED 1IK SHGIJLDERS RE ROCKS - EGNf SLICED BE IITE FISH IN IEBUT STEAKS nlRINC EA àu Oysters. . &MGES, California E5S Texas No. 1 Gr& LU t Vifl'E'Texai kIPIUIE q See< Freh Texas BROTS arge Oi LIERY STALKS,, . Native Gra: Y [ONfS No.1 Ya IATOESE Mexican, No. 1 Gr fltPaid same week as huer- the Uommittee should go into the rates for use o! the hall. Firm, Ripe, Lb. 19gin.Exra charge of 10o . M. H. Linton addressed Coun- rade when replies are directed to \ z ~ cil asking for a letter o! occupa- a Statesman box number. thon on road allowance between Bfrths, deaths and marriages Lots 34 and 35, Con. 5. ESfor ac noti e mplus 10eper 0one TAtiN 50eeah.hi emrlma,50AOCherk was asked to get furtber Alni& oii eCo i. for noerse.pls locier AT o information re planting o! trees fo es.Casife adver- uAY£>* A 1le or snow breaks on Township _____the_______________________ j tisemnents aceepted up until O"O roads. M Wednesday noon. ~N Letter from Bowrnanvilhe Hos-14 Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin h ave purchased Mrs. C. Sanderson's '.property in Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Oshawa, have taken over the home farm. pital was laid over to next meet- ing. Letter from George Wil- liams claiming recompense for road use on his farm was referred to Road Supt. These By-Laws were passed: Pound Keepers: William Milligan, R. Payne, Ross Hallowell, Chas. Cowan, Thos. Robinson, G. M. Soper, Jas. Luxon, H. Coatham, R. Graham, Norman Andrews, H. Glenny, George Laing, R. Moffatt, Roy Cochrane, M. Chatterton, A. J. Bigelow, Jas. Ransberry, Wm. Penwarden, Lyle Lowery, Lorne Robins, Lorne Bell; Fence View- ers - Arthur Robbins, Edward Dean, Stanley Rowe; Asking for appropriation of $14,000 to be used for road purposes during 1945. These resolutions were passed: Permitting citizens of Leskard to plow road to their village at their own expense; Continuing C. F. Awde as Tax Collector to March 6, 1945; Appointing Council a Com- mittee to look into matter of road machinery and report at next meeting; Requesting Dept. of [-ighways to subsidize Council on $12,344.50 spent on Township roads in 1944; Instructing Clerki fo draw up a Letter of Occupation on road allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Con. 5, in favor of Orono Forestry. These bills were ordered paid: Lorne Martinell, tax refund, $5.72; R. E. Logan, fixing pump, $2.00; Hope Treas., relief charge, $17.03; WVhillier & Co., book binder, $8.36; N. F. Porter, Clerk's bond prem- um, $12.00; Municipal World, dog tags, $11.73; J. J. Mellor, postage, :alary, etc., $74.77; Vital statistics, $11.75; Mrs. Harry Morris, charity for child, $5.00; Mrs. E. J. Rand- 111, R. vs. F., ----32.00; W. E. Davey, taxi to Oshawa, B.O.H., $7.00; W: C. Lane, sup., $7,19; Orono Hydro, Town Hall, $15.57; Orono Times, printing, -- 16.50; Dr. W. H. Stan- ley, B.O.H., $12.00; R. H. Wood, care of Hall, $25.30; J. C. Gamey, postage, tax arrears,-1.48. Council adjourned to meet March 6, 1:30 p.m. Yes, people both old andj young, are realizing that MiIk iu the heaithiest food, as well as the cheapest food, you can buy Serve Bo w m a n v ii e Dairy Milk at EVERY meal for a healthy famîàly. Bowm a ovule Dairy PHONE 446 Selective Service Enforces Wartime Regulations In recent releases under author- ity of the Dept. of Labor, prosecu- tions are enumerated under Selec- tive Service and border crossing regulations are explained. Since August, 1942, under Selective Service, 1789 charges have been laid with 1207 convictions, 38 acquittals and 288 cases deferred. December judgements included 15 against employers hiring work- ers without permits. Employees quitting or failing to accept high priority work, etc., numbered 67, and 40 conscientîous objectors were convicted for failing to obey orders. The January list pending includes charges against 14 em- ployers, 100 employees and 142 conscientious objectors. Commencing Feb. 1, 1945, cus- toms officers at border points have instructions not to allow any man to leave Canada if he requires permission from a mobilization board but fails to produce the necessary document. Men in OSHAWA Free Parking Phoie 1011 Fri., Sat., Feb. 16-17. Wallace Beery, Binnie Barhes, In BARBARY COAST GENT With John Carradine, Bruce Kellogg. It's ai ACTION, rough, tough, riotous ADDED March of Time-Imperialism Latest Paramount News Color Cartoon Mon., Tues., Feb. 19-20 Another SMASH double feature show MUSIC IN MANHATTAN With Anne Shirley, Dennis Day, Phillhp Terry. Songs and spiçp & joyous laughter ALSO DAYS 0F GLORY Starring Tamara Touman- ova, Gregory Peck. Days o! danger, nigbts o! fear Wed., Thurs., Feb. 21-22 WING AND A FRAYER Witb Don Ameche, Dana Andrews, William Eythe. A sbip with wings, men with guts, a story o! glory JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE designated military categories can only leave Canada with permis- sion of the Chairman or Deputy o! a mobilization board. In rare cases* involving a hurried visit due to serlous family sickness, a permit may be had after careful enquiry, but almost always the rule will be rigidly enforced. His work is done, and we have only to avail ourselves of God's rule in order to receive Ris bless- ing, which enables us to work out our own salvation. The Bible is the only source of ail Christian truth ;-the only rule for the Christian life;-the only book that unfolds to us the reali- ties of eternity. ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fr1., Feb. 15-16 Sidney Greenstreet, Zachary Scott and Peter Lorrie, in THE MASK 0F DIMITRIOS With John Abbott and Mar- jorie Hosheile. Warner Bros. again cornes through with an exciting melodramna of suspense and mystery. Saturday Only, Feb. 17 At 2, 6.45, 9.15 FIGHTING GRINGO Starring George O'Br&en with Lupita Tovar. Hard fighting, trlgger action, ro- mance. ADDED FALCON AND THE COEDS. With Tom Conway, Je.ji Brooks, Rita Corday. A mys- tifying detective drama. Don't fail to see this! Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 19, 20, 21 Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Lamour, Betty- Hutton, Diana Lynn and Mini Chandler, In AND THE ANGELS SING Hlere la 100%/ entertainment of romance - tip top hit tunes and Iaughter. Coming GOING My WAY LE B-R A LIQUID D-r PASTIE 'STOVE PoLisfi EiH '-t - '4 .','. .,M#~~~Sb*s'4 .1. PAGE SIX .,* -~' - '-s Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott at the Ice Follies in Toronto... Miss Betty Stapheton accompanied by Pte. Lennox Vasey, Brampton, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Vasey, Port McNicbolh ..Mr. Ehwood Moore, Castieton, with bis sister, Mrs. Jas. Stark.. Miss Wilma Prouse at ber borne at* Osaca. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane at Mr. Hnrry Lane's, Col- borne. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap wîtb Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley, Toronto. . . Lloyd Ellis is ihl in Bowmanvilhe Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and farn- ily, Toronto, bave moved to their farm east o! the village wbich tbey purchased frorn Lloyd Moore. A large gang o! men is shovel- ling the Kendal to Newtonville County road, taking off the top which is packed bard by sleighs, so the snow phow can open the road for cars. Wm. Hale is sbipping turnips to Belleville. Women's Institute met at Mrs. C. Morris' with ten ladies present. It was decided to combine the card parties and have one in the Community Hall, Feb. 21. A St. Patrick's tea wilh be beld in March. Program was in charge o! Mrs. Redknap. Roll caîl; reading, Mrs. W. D. Joncs; reading on cancer, Mrs. Morris. Mrs. Red- knap conducted a contest a!ter Whicb a cup o! tea was enjoyed. Women' s Association met at Mrs. J. T. Pearce's. It was decided to send $5.00 to Victor Home in Toronto. Program was in charge o! executive. Scripture reading, Mrs. A. Wade; solo, Mrs. Redknap; roll cali, a country you would like to go to and wby. A social bal! hour was spent at the cose. Burk-eton V01-ýý-d aýýd Operafed by The Great, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURS., FEBRUARY 15th, 1945 STOPS COUGHS Creophos - the deal Sot as a fleecy cloud! eough medicine $1 bti. Mason's "49" --- 40c, 75c Buckley's Mixture 40, 75e Pmnol ---------- 25c, 50c Nyalyptus ----35c, 75e White Pine and Tar ------------25c, 50e Thermogene ----- ---49c Thermogene Rub ----43e Vicks Rub ------------43c Viks Drops------------- 43c12pd Grove's Cold 2 C l o Nyal Laxacold ----- --25e FOR THE BABY Castora ----------33c, 63e Baby's Own Tab. --- 23e e * Dextri Maltose 65c, $3.0 Lactogen ----69c, $1.59 REGULAR LARGE Pablum -*----------- 45e Casee ------ - -------$1.00 Pyrex Botties------25e Rigo Botties -- 3 for 25C 2 q &4 74 Nipples 5c, 10, 3 for 25c .J.Baby _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P ow d e r - - - - -- 2 8 e, 5 5 e _______________________ Z. B. T. Powder 28c, 59c Mennen's 011 -- 59c, $1.19 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver Antifreeze 011 -----------67, $1.69 Aleohol ---$1.39, $1.59 Oleum Perco- Safe Dry Cleaner 60e gal. morphum ----75, $3 ____________________ Meads NylInhalers -------29e Viosterol ---65e, $3.25 Nyal hles--------3e Aiphamette Vik Ihles - 9 iquid ---------- 85e, $1.65 Hind's Special - 2 bot- Hot Water tes, 49c size, for 79e Bottes 69, $1.19, $1.39 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses SATISFACTION IN FIT AND PRICE GUARANTEED 6., COYWnLING'S DRUG STOREDPrmpt si

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