Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURS., JANUARY llth, 1945 Starkville S (Intended for last week) Happy New Ycar to everybody. No one knows what this year may bring to us. God alone holds the key. Let us be strong and willing to meet it with a will. Sorry to report Mrs. R. Bougen has gone .4o the Port Hope hospi- tal for further treatxment on her finger. Miss Bertha Hallowell has re- turned to Toronto aftcr her holi- * day at home. Mr. Minto spent New Year's * with friends at Courtice. Miss Betty Farrow has returned home after a pleasant visit in To- ronto. Mr. Elvpxt Robinson has pur- chased a new tractor. Miss Sophia Shutka has return- cd to Peterboro. Mrs. Silver and Mr. Gco. Etwell were in Oshawa, Saturday. Mr. Ross Hallowell was in Peterboro, Saturday. Mrs. 1. Plumb and son, Charles, 1~ -r L Toronto, spent New Year'saet her brother's, Mr. Art MsKay's. Mr. Bert Trim has been con- fined to bcd with a sore throat. Miss Audrey Farrow has secur- ed a position with the A. & P. store, Bowmanville.. Miss Olga Andree of Oshawa has returned after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Shutka. Mrs. Howard Farrow in Osh- awa. Mr. William Hallowell, Mr. Lloyd Hallowell were in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell en- tertaincd a few friends to dinner on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell in Orono. Miss Beulah Hallowell and Wil- fred Walker returned to Toronto. Our children take more notice of what we are, than of what we tell them we were. If what you did yesterday stili looks 'big, you've done very littie today. A' ~r I BUTTER TEA SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE NECTAR Orange Pekot LB. 38o pkg 391 CATSUP AVLM ER 12-oz. Bottle12 SUPERSUDS Pg. :24e< G..381 PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 ks e<c3kes &23l PURITY GATS DGNESTIC SHORTENING l. 194 JIFFY PORRIDGE JâP »ns 17< MqACARONI CATELLI 16-oz. Pkg. 99 .rn AyIn SOUK Tomato and' DRODIES FLOUR aSlf 3-l. 23d~ ~flflU5fl~Hedlunda 7-oz. B NEAT SREADS B eefHam Ton gue Tin 190 SMOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFV PIE CRUST 1. --z pkg. 24e MMLKBREAD A.-P DOKAR HARRY HORNE'S ILIBUID GRAVY NAIKER "e 24< Rolled v-u'~E SPECIAL OR CE CL QU A ITY B E Fq q uI~bblu~uDflutU~WING or POR1LERUSE IRO DONLESS ROUND FIRST MIE RISS PIRINE RIB ROAST DEEF DRISKET LAMB LEGS FEH - PORK ROCKS - VEA FRONTS#, ole -lb. 39e -lb. 31g . .lb. 134 Lb. 41g 2 Lbe. 259 Lb. 259 5-lb. Bag 24e mer Vegetable 2Tins 15< Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Archie Masters, sons, Donald and Terry, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Mahon at Miss M. Katerson's. Sgt. Arnold Damant, Windsor, N.S., with Mrs. Damant and fam- ily. Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, who has recently returned from the West, with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Adams, and niece, Mrs. AIf. Randle. Mrs. Brine, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. Wilfrid Craig. Bruce Ferguson attended the funeral of his sister-in-law Mrs S. Ferguson, at Blackstocýk, on Tuesday. Burial was in the North Cemetery, Hampton. Mrs. E. H. Cole and Mrs. H. Wilcox were hostesses for a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Wilcox on Friday evening in honor of Doris Cryderman, bride- to-be. About 30 ladies were pres- ent, and she was the recipient of many nice and useful gifts. The evening was spent in games and a pleasant time was spent to- gether. Refreshments were serv- cd by the hostess. On Thursday evening Doris was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Austin Barron who was hostess for the girl friends of Doris who had gathered for an evening of fun and enjoy- ment. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Women's Institute met in the basement of the Church on Jan. 4 with the president in the chair. Mrs. Harold Salter acted as sec- retary in the absence of Mrs. Warren. Several items were dis- cussed, among wieh was the matter of a paper drive, and the open meeting in February was also discussed. Several letters were read from boys and girls overseas expressing thanks for Christmas parcels received, also letters from shut-in folk in our community, for Christmas greet- ings. Mrs. Geo. Farncomb pre- sided for the following interest- ing program, prepared by the West group: a New Year's hymn, roll call, which was responded to by a New Year's thought; a New Year's reading.by Mrs. Farneomb; a piano solo by Mrs. P. Dewell; reading, Mrs. G. Adcock, "For the New Year"; a selection from the song sheet and a humorous reading "The Snow Is Deep," by Mrs. H. Salter, followed by greet- ings for the New Year from the president and the National Anthem. Refreshments followed. (Intended for last week) Visitors: Jean and Allin Kectch at Mrs. J. McCourt's, Toronto.. Mrs. K. Winterburn with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Parker, Oshawa... Mrs. C. J. Wray, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and son, Donald, Bowmanville, with M.îr. and Mrs. K. Caverly and Mr. C. W. Souch. . . Mr. John Whitsett, Oshawa, with his aunt, Mrs. Keetch. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and family, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and son, Lorne, Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, Miss Gertrude Dewell, Bowmanville, LAC Ruby Dewell, Uplands, Ot- tawa, with Mxr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Starkville Mrs. L. Jamieson, Cambourne. with hier mothen, Mrs. Jacob Hallowell, before Mrs. Jamieson icaves for Flonida. Mrs. Silver in Oshawa visiting her father who is ill in the hos- pital. Mrs. R. Bougen is quite poonly and is staying with lier sister-in- law in NewcasQe, under the doc- tor's care. Mr. and Mrs.' Ross Haiiowell in Port Hope. The weathcrman has b èe n handing out some reai ccdd wea- ther and old fashîoned wintcr, hence the wood piles and coal bins have been fnequently visited and are going down fast. Miss Deckhard at A. Dobson's. Many from here attended the funeral of the late Bill Cooper, at Kendai Church, on Sunday. He was kiled by a falling iimb whiie cutting wood. Our dcepcst sym- pathy goes out to, his sorrowing wife and littie daughter. He and his wif e were citizens of this ncighborhood at one time. Burketon Visitors: Mr. T. Bneck in Ot- tawa. .. Mrs. F. Hoiroyd with Mr. and Mrs. Thompkins. . . Henry DeMilie and Aiden Hubbard in Peterbono. . . 3&s. George Carter, Peterboro, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Carter. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, with Mrs. Sanderson. .. Mn. and Mrs. W. Slingeriand and Linda wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. Rev. J. Plant was unable to be present at the Sunday service owing to bad noads. Communion was postponed tili next Sunday, Jan. 14. Mn. Grant Carnochan is now in Oshawa Hospital. We extend sympathy to the husband and relatives of Mrs. Sam Fenguson, Blackstock, who passed away at hen home, Jan. 6. Trustees' meeting was held on Jan. 4. Trustees for 1945 are: J. Cunran, H. Tnick, B. Hubbard; caretaker and Se'y-Treas., Mrs. Tom Baiiey. Mns. H. Rahme finished a quilt in her home for the W.A. No man was ever s0 compiete- ly skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new informationt fromn age and expenience. -Terence Non deem the irrevocabie Past, As wholly wasted, wholly vain,r If, rising on its wnecks, at iasta To something nobier wc attain. r -Longfellow.s Maple Grove Services on Sunday were with- drawn on account of road con- ditions. Misses Jean, Marilyn, Barbara, Master Grant Flîntoff, have re- turned home after a pleasant visit with their aunt, Ivts. Wes. Cam- eron, Zion. Their mother is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Zion, at Morley Flintoff's. Sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. T. H. Knight in the sudden passing of her hus- band. Reeve R. R. Stevens has re- turned home fromn Toronto wherc he was making investigations into snow removal equipment for Dar- lington Township. The many friends and relatives of Mr. Ray Snowdcn are pleased to know that he is doing nicely after his operation in a Toronto hospital. Orono News Pilot Officer Neil Wood and Mrs. Wood have arrived from the West to spend two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. Neil, who has been posted ai Rivers, Man., now goes to Green- wood, N.S., for further training. Mrs. Wood will accompany him there. Pte. Howard Myles, Kingston, has been on leave visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M4yles. Orono Chamber of Commerce held their annual meeting Jan. 8th. R. A. Forrester was elected President; E. R. Woodyard, Vice Pres.; Charles Miller, re-elected Secnetary and C. H. Froste, Treas. It was decided to carry on the tree planting campaign started in 1944 and to hold the annual sports day on July 2nd. A ne- habilitation committee was ap- pointed to assist war veterans to get re-established. Committee is comprîsed of W. E. Armstrong, L. Lowery and E. Milîson. Mrs. R. A. Delve has received a telegram from her son, Capt. Sam Delve, stating he has arrived in Canada. Capt. Delve has been in hospital in England since early in November and now returns to Canada for furthcr hospital treat- ment. Woman's Missionary Society held their first meeting for 1945 on Jan. 2. As the president, Mrs. M. H. Staples, was unable to be present, Mr: Littlewood prcsided. Annual reports were given by the different secretaries and the trea- surer's report showed givings had gone over the allocation and three of our members werc made Life Members during 1944. Installa- lion of officers which was to have been held was postponed until February on account of the in- clement weather. Mss Davy had charge of the study book, "The Chunch in the Phillipines." She gave a most interesting talk, tell- ing when the Spaniards discover- ed the islands on up to the pres- cnt. On Jan. 8 Executive of W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. R, E. &Logan and pianncd the work for the year. At thc close of the meet- ing a cup of tea and social hour wcre enjoyed. At Park St. United Church on Sunday morning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observ- ed. Duc to the country roads be- .ng blocked by snow the attend- ancc was smalier than usuai. Rev. S. Littlewood gave an inspiring message, "Jesus the Mediator of a New Covenant?" The choir sang the anthcm, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." A new feature at the Sunday Schooi session in the aftennoon vas a men's discussion group lead by Mr. J. J. Meilor. Starting with the first Sunday in January this will be carried on for 12 Sun- days. Printed cards show the subject to be discussed each Sun- day. The evening service, now being Leid at 7:30 p.m. was held in the basement, Rev. Littlewood took .îs tcxt from "~Happy is the man that findest Wisdomn." A duet was sung by Mrs. Chas. Wood and Mr. C.Taylor. "The heaith of the people is really the foundation upon which. ll their happiness and all their, powcrs as a state depend." So ,id Disraeli in an address in 1877. v t d si c ri p si Solina Y.P.U. met Monday night with Harvey, Yellowlees presiding. A special New Year's program was conducted by Ruth Reynolds, Fel- lowship Convener. Worship ser- vice was presented by Bruce Tay- lor and Margaret Flintoff and the topic, based on thoughts for the New Year, was given by Mrs.* A. J. Balson. Vocal solo by Pearl Leach, violin solo by Francis Wot- ten and a reading by Jerry Mill- son were m u c h appreciated. Harvey led in games. Pte. Jerry Mîlîson, Brantford, is home on leave following an operation. Home and School Club meet- ing schcduled for Jan. 19 has been postponed uritil more favor- able road conditions prevail. Mr. Frank Westlake and Wesley Werry have been il1. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Oshawa, visited their mother, Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, 3Toronto, and Miss Mary Pearce, Scugog Island, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pearce. Miss Edith Wright, Weston, with hier parents. Mrs. Oakley Canlcy, Cavan, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mariow. Mrs. Naysmith Henry and childrcn, Janetviile, with Mrs. Fred Baiiey. Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Patsy, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Mr. Clarence Parr, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Aobt. Parr. Mrs. Austin Beacock with- friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright and 1Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright in Oshawa. Mr. Eari Dorrell has been ap- pointed superintendent of the United Church Sunday School for anothen year. He has capabiy and faithfully served in this capa- city for 20 years. The teachers of our schools and those going to other schools had a hard time reaching their des- tination after the hoiidays. Mr. Walter Wright, Ottawa, with his parents, h1n. and Mrs. Garnet Wright. Mrs. Walter Wright came before Christmas. Councîl met on Monday for the first meeting of the ncw year. i Congratulations to F(D Edgar« Emerson and Mrs. Emerson (Anne Griffith, R.N..) on their their manriage on Dec. 27. We are ail very sorry to learn that Ralphi Emerson is missing after air oper-, ations and hope good news wil soon corne.1 Sympathy is extended to Mr.1 Sam Ferguson and family on the passing of Mrs. Ferguson on Jan. 6th. The annuai meeting of St.1 John's W. A. was held at the hom~ei of Mrs. Fred Bailey. These of- ficers were eiected with Arch-i deacon Simpson conducting the election: Hon. Presidents - Mrs. E. P. Wood, Mrs. Robt. Parr; Pres. -Mrs. Simpson; lst Vice-Mrs.j V. M. Archer; 2nd Vice - Mrs.1 Tom Smith; Recording Scc'y -. Mrs. Arthur Baiiey; Treas.-Miss1 Eva Parr; Lit. Sec'y-Mrs. Mc-) Arthur; Living Message Sec'y -c Mrs. F. Crawford; Dorcas Sec'y-E Mrs. Jos. Forder, Sr.; Dorcas As-z sistants-Miss McKee, Mrs. Lang- Feid; Little Helpers Se'y-Mrs.. Levi McGili; Corr. Sec'y - Mrs.1 Velva Baiiey; Prayer Partner Sec'y - Mrs. Ffed Wiiian; FruitI & Flowen Committee - Mrs. T.1 Smith, Mrs. Ira Argue; Qrganist -Mrs. V. M. Archer-, Auditos-i Mrs. W. VanCamp, Mrs. F. Ham-f ilton.1 In spite of the stonmy weather eight ladies metS at the home of2 Mrs. E. Dorreil, VJan. 5, to windN up the business of)1944 and makeN new plans and si.ggestions withs the hope that 1945 imight be moret far reaching eveni than the year 1 just ciosed for th W.M.S. ofg Biackstock United Church. e Friday evenin~ the United1 Church Sunday 'fhool heid its3 annuai re-onganizetion meeting.t A smaii but enthusiastic group1 turned out and .lierc again new3 ideas were laid fon the table for1 the benefit of t] e S.*S. in particu-D lar and the conpitunity in genenal. 1 Missionany Tr hs. reported contri-s butions by syptematlc giving of oven $100. jqot many changesS were made in the office personnel. In several cases they having taken office last year and it was felt they were just beginning to get the feeling of the work. Officers are: Supt.-E. Dorreil; Ass't-R. P. Allun; Sec'y-Ralph Larmer; Ass't-Keith Johnston; Supt. of Primarp Dept. - Mrs. C. Hill; Teachers: Mesdames John Ven- n i n g, R o y Ferguson, Hector Shortridge, Clarence Mar 1 o w; Primary Girls - Miss Gertrude Henry; Primary Boys-Mrs. Roy Taylor; Inter. Girls-Mrs. R. B. Harrison; Inter. Boys-Mr. Alex Gilbert; Senior Girls - Mrs. F. Stinson; Senior Boys-Mr. E. Dor- reli; Missionary Committee-Mrs. Leith Byers, Mrs. Hector Short- ridge, Stanford VanCamp, Dalton Dorrell; Temperance Committee -Mrs. C. Marlow, Jim Marlow, Wilma VanCamp, Thelma Fer- guson, Murray Byers. a Many family 'parties were held in the community at New Year's some of them lasting for some days on account of the storm and filled-in roads. Kathleen Taylor and Kathleen Wright, two of our girls who teach in outlying dist- ricts, had an extra week of holi- days. Not many schools were able to open on time. LAC Roger Dorrell of Dart- mouth, N.S., and friend, Miss Simkins, Montreal, spent the holi- day at home. Arnold Taylor spent a week at O.A.C., Guelph, taking a short course in horticulture. A very impromptu farm forum met at Earl Dorrell's on Monday night after it was decided that the weatherman was going to be fair- ly kind for the evening. Sixteen were present and the new series which has just started, "Educa- tion for Rural Living," was found vry interesting. Tea and hot biscuits were served. Get out the team and sleigh and gather up the neighbors and come to the meeting at Carl Wright's on Jan. 15th. Newtonville Holiday Visit o-r s: Mr. Ed. Symons and Inez, Moorish; Misses iLaurna Pearce and Mary Forsythe of Toronto, at Mr. J. T. Pearce's . .. Pte. Lennox Vascy, Port Mc- 3Nichol, at Mr. Wm. Stapleton's ...Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dix in Toronto. . . Mrs. C. J. Carlaw, rWarkworth, with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Joncs. .. Miss Lila Payne, Port Robinson; Mr. Stan. Payne, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harris and Howard; MrAnd Mrs. Otto Kliser, Toronto, at Mr. Reuben Payne's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden and Ruth, and Mr. George Stone, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas. Stone's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Starkville, Mr. R. Martin, Lake Shore, at Mr.' G. J. Staple- ton's. . . MacGregor Joncs, R.C. A.F., and LAC Keith Burley, Prince Edward Island, were home for furlough. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Powers, Peterboro, at Rev. J. McLachlan's... MT'. and Mrs. AI- fred Redknap, Oshawa, at Mr. Arthur Rcdknap's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chester, Oshawa, at Mrs. W. Whittaker's. .. Mrs. Wm. Hale and Mrs. Ellis, Sr., in To- ronto. .. Mrs. J. C. Moore, Hamil- ton, with her parents, Mr. and M.rs. Thos. Burkell. .. Mrs. Louise clntyre, Detroit, with her cousin Miss Isabel Laing. . . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapleton at Mr. Lorne Todd's, Starkviile. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton at Mr. Herb. Gilmer's, Bowmanviile... John Scott, R.C.A.F., Trenton, Mrs. Scott and babe at Mr. Nor- man Scott's. .. M.iss Isabel Kelly, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Donald Stapleton. A large transport was badly smashed in Newtonville, Monday, when it swerved to miss a dog and crashed into a tree. The driver escaped with minor in- juries. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, Starkvillc; Miss Evelyn Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and Kenncth, Oshawa, at Mr. Max Stapleton's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, Starkville, at Mr. Cecil Burley's. Women's Institute met Dec. 20 at the home of Mrs. Cecil Burley with seven ladies present. Several gifts werc brought in for the Children's Aid Society in Port Hope. Program 'was in charge of Mrs. C. Burley. Papers on "In Times of War Prepare for Peace" and "Education of Chjldren in Phîlosophy of Lif e to meet the nced of reconstruction period." January meeting at Mrs. C. Mor- ris'. Roll caîl will bc: a verse of Scripture on the birth of Christ. Mr. Patrick Cotter passed away in Oshawa Hospital, Jan. 1. Mr. Cotter spent most of his life around Newtonville but he passcd thc last few of his declining years with his son, Bruce Cotter, New- castle. He lived to the ripe old age of 102 and was exceptionally active tili almost the end. Word has been reccived that Jack McLachlan and Harold Bur- ley have arrived safely overseas. Loftus Bellamy was taken to Port Hope Hospital Wednesday following a severe heart attack. George McCullough was ap- pointed titistee for our school to fll the vaL'ancy caused by Stan. Rowe's resignation. Women's Association met Dec. 27 at the home of NMrs. McLachlan with il ladies present. Letters were read from several boys over- seas expressing their thanks for their boxes. It was decided to have a supper at the annual con- gregational meeting. W.A. donat- ed $5.00 to the M. & M. Fund. After the business was finishcd Mr. McLachlan took the chair for the election of these officers: Pres.-Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Sec'y- Mrs. Arnold Wade; Trcas.-Mrs. Arthur Redknap; Visiting Com.- Mrs. Langstaff, Mrs. Daynard, Mrs. G. Kimbaîl, Mrs. G. Hendcr- son; Flower Com.-Mrs. Pearce, Mary Lane, Mrs. S. Smith, Mrs. S. Lancaster. Lunch was then WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU ARE ASSURED PERFECT SATISFACTION IN FITAND PRICE I I I.. I. i i I FOR THE HAIR.. Vaseline Hafr Tonie --------50e, 85e Liiac Hair 011 -- --- 45e Russian Bear 011-----30e Fitch Brilliantine ---- 15e, 25c Vitalis---------- 54c, 99e KremI -------- 59c, 98e Wildroot Cream 011 -- 59e COLD REMEDIES Thermogene Wool ---- 49e Thermogene Rub ----43o Buckiey's Rub 30e, 50c Musterole -----------40e Nyal Nasal Drops ---35C Analgesie Balm 25e, 50e Nyai Laxacold -------25e Grove's Cold Tablets ------24e, 44c Buckiey's Mixture 40, 75e Mason's 49 ------40c, 75e Rinol ---------- 25e, 50c Honey & Horehound ---- 25e, 50e White Fine & Tar -----------25c, 50c VI-MI CAPS Vitamins and Minerais 100 capsules ------$3 Ext. Malt and C.L.0. 1 M. _ ------------------ 59C 2 Ibs ------------- - ---- -- 98e 4 lbs ----------- $1.69 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules $1.25, $2.25, $5 Liquid $1.15, 2.45, 4.45 3 kinds of One-A-Day Tabs multiple Vitamins .. $1.23, $2.47 Vitamins A & B ----- 44c, 98c, $1.77 SCOTT'S EMULSION A IF Botter Way te take Cod Liver 011 Centaine l Vitamine A end D 590& 989 ALCOHOL ANTIFREEZE ------------- $1.39, $1.59 gallon PhoRUneTO EFi 6,5 IDPJUINGIIUMG SOR russes served and a social haîf-hour spent. Miss June Ware and friend, To- ronto, at Mr. George Ovens'. Nestieton Roads are open again and the schools are open too. Miss Evelyn Campbell, Lind- say, Mr. Henry Mark, Little Bni- tain, with Mrs. Wesley Campbell. Miss Je7an Malcolm has return- ed to her school at Providence and Miss IVarjorie McClaren, Orono, to Cedardale. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs,. Melville and Anna, with Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy. Use of Wood (Continued from page 1) any with informed remarks on their uses and versatility which, unfortunately, cannot be included for lack of space. Miss Fay Found in presenting "some thoughts on the wood in- dustry of the future" observed that we are just beginning to learn of the real possibilities in- hcrent in forest products. Scient- ists, chemists and industrial and structural engîneers have already given us an insight of what the future holds in the use of by- produets of the trces and govern- ments are at last taking. an in- formed interest in conservation and reforestation. Miss Found gave, in fact, such a highly tech- nical view of the subject that ade- quate reporting was found im- possible. But she was equally at home in discussing the practical aspects of lumbering and manu- facturing and described her im- pressions gained from visits at milîs - in Quebec and British Columbia. Miss Found described the uses of plywood and glues in shaping wood to multiple uses. Science had demonstrated that wood, treated and laminated, can be curved and formed into structures stronger than steel and refined into plastics capable of strength and beauty in a multitude of use- ful manufactures. Che*mistry has broken it down into liquids which produce cellophane and rayon, sugar, alcohol and even foods and we are only at the beginning. In conclusion she observed that once, in pioncer days the forcst was vîewed as an enemy to be over- corne; today it is viewed as an op- portunity to be safeguarged for the future. An ovation vNs ten- dered the speakers following the expression of thanks tendereci by Charlie Bartlett. Councillor A. S. Baker was a guest of the evenipg and much interested in the topie with which he is familiar as a practical con- servationist. Charlie Bartlett in announcing a net of $103.26 from the turkey draw, thanked ail who> assisted in its success with par- ticular mention of Bert Parker and Lorne Allun. En-niskillen Mrs. Floyd Beckett spent thec week-end with Mrs. Leslie Sleight Bowmanville. Cleara ùce SALE FANCY KNITTING YARNS 25e Skein Ideal for children's and aduits' sweaters and suits. REGULAR 39e to 55e Skein Wide range of shades An opportunlty to make at- tractive outfits at smail cost. SEE *FOR YOURSELF J, W. JEWELL 4131G 2011 PHONE 556 4< PORK SAUSAGE, smaIl Link Lb. 27g HEIIN SI Fr.sh Lake Superor Lb. TOMMTES, Empire Grown 2 Ibm. 33e iMPORTED, Extra Larae Heade ICEBERG LETTUCE' size 60, ea. Ise SPINACI Curty Leaf, Fresh 2 Ibn. 199 DRUSSELS SPIGUTS, Califoriei lb. 290 GRAPEFRUIT# Seedlens Six. 96 5 for 25e LENON1S, California, ie 360 Doz. 350 BEAPES, Ribler or Emperop lb.- 29e ' ~.C APLE, licUiJmbSize 7 5's for29 CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES AT USUAL A. & P. LOW PRICES VOUR A.&P. F00D STORE HAS AMPLE SUPPLIES 0F CANNEDj AIEA N 04ÀOS EASDTOMATOS AT USUAL A. & P. LOW PRICES 1 he . .. . 1é tq...ffý Renew Subseription Now! A large numnber of Statesman subseriptions fail due at this thne of year. We wouid ask our subscribers to co-operate lu maklng it unneeessarY for us to send a, subseription Involce, beyond the renewal slip enciosed ln your paper recently. You can do this by early payment of your subserîption. The label on your paper shows the date on which payment Is due. Ail subserîptions must now be pald wihlin thfrty days of the due date or we will bc compelled by government regu- lations to discontinue the subseription. If your label reads "Dec '44" thîs means that the subscrlption is due January lst snd must be pald before January 3lst. Your co-operation will be appreclated, as It wlll greatly simplif y the work of our sta.ff at this busy season of year. PAGE FOUR THURS, JANUARY llth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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