Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1944, p. 7

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IHIJRS., DECEMBER 28th, 1944 ______________THE CANADUA? STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVE1 ODRONO NE ime runerU 0 te elate S. G. ciooper wbs beld fromn Park St. Church on Thursday afternoon. The citizens of Orono regret that another familian figure bas gone fram aur midst. -- -.- Tinution cnooî dance, held"in the Town Hall, iDec. 30, was the social event of the season. The decorating corn- mzittee deserves much credit in the effort ta make the hall beauti- fuI. Lights twinkled from numer- aous Christmas trees and strings of pîne canes touched with silver and gald reacbed from a very at- tractive centre ta far corners of the roam. A large crowd danced ta the strains of Van Walker's orchestra wbich ieft notbing to be desired in tbe way Of music. Luncha waF efjoyed in the base- nment and prîzes were given for spot dances. Pte. Bill Gianville spent Christ- mas leave with bis wife at Mr. and Mrs. C. Bebee's. Miss Margaret Roy with ber mather. Mýr. Clifford Jones with bis par- ents. Mn. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Donny -and Billy, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. E. iLogan. Lieut. and Mrs. George Arm- Business Directoryt Legai W. a. S'VRIRE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montres Malney ta Loan - Phone 7 ,Bawmnanviile, Ontario JLAWRkNCE C. MASON, B., 13arrister, Salicit0r, Notary Publ King St!leet W., Bownanville 'Poe Office 688 Residence5. W. F. WARD, BA, Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Bleakley Block Bawmanvile -Ontario Phones: Office 825 House 40 2-1 MISS APHA IL HODGINS Bar4ig SoUcitor, riIotary Publi Sc.M ta Pg. G. V. GOULI 'T Pance St. - Bowmanvil * Phone 351 34-t DI. J. C. DE VK Ambltaat: Dr. E. W. Sin 'Graduate of Royal Dental Cal lege, Toronta, Office: Jury Jubile( eldg., Bawmanville. Office howr '- 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily, 9 a.m. ta 12 m~on Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - Hause' phone 325 -X-Ray Equipmeni. in Office R t: ni3 th ac de ci 109 tf Ha Lic a [le Mr sin -Mr for bal Pri pia Fl:i rF Ner EvE Bri Pa Ret Mai thei dic in fair pale Fosi mak whi Bni call man and Miss Miss Mrs. hind Ifinainrfna onoIy hall reated *0il weay.. ifourlep is roloenbfitfid togdsurnhig ;ifstyou Cif't seein ta May de do hnm. lxngra. your kidneya When Yoin kidneys get out of aider,yoc alIMPUUR uaual sera. Té help your kidnraya regain a norias] Condition, ta help you enjoy Restlu alepk-Ua e dd'a Kidney Pinsa, a lavouite treatuent for more than haf a Cetry. Dodd'a Kidney Pilla are easy to 41»se n i ohabit forniig. Ask for Dodd'a Kidney Pilla at any drug cut. "ào for tii. blue box with the. red banid. 127 Dodd's Kidney Piis Obituaries SAMUEL G. COOPER ono died at St. Micbael's Hospital, Toronto, Dec. 18, wbene be had been a patient for the past two weeks. Mr. Cooper,, who was active in the grain and feed business for many years farmed for some time in Clarke Township wbere he was born. In 1915 he moved to Orono, laten became a partnen in Note the new changes af collection and dellvery hn Vour district. This ln made neeessary by »ew govewnmt reguimUions wblch permit us te cover any, one district one day a week only We will, therefibre, be ln Bowmanvile MONDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laondry & Dry Cleaning CO. LMTE FOR ECONOMY Bond your elng wlth yen, Iaundr PHONE - 419 -p. 4, h S. Ys EARS' SERVICE strong and son with Mr. and Mrs John Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and tAllin, and Mr. and Mrs. Normar Winter witb Mr. and Mrs. S. E Allin. 1 Mr. Glen Tamblyn, Mr. Donald Staples and Mr. Bob Cooper, To- ronto University, at homne for Christmas bolidays. L Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood, Mrs. V. Phasey and children witb Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowthers, Newcastle. Mr. Gordon Bruton with bis mother. A splendid Christmas sermon was preached at Park St. Churcb on Sunday morning. The choir rendered the antbem, "The Sbep- herds' Vision," and'Mrs. A. A. Druammond sang a beautiful solo, "And There Were Shepherds" by Ira B . Wilson. Tbe evening ser- vice was in tbe formi of a Young People's rally. The I.O.O).F. dance and draw on Friday nigbt, Dec. 22, was at- tended by a very lûrge crowd. The tickets were drawn and six turkeys and six geese went ta lucky winners. Mrs. Glen Lycett won tbe doîl and $10.00. CLARKE TOWNSHIp HOLDS NOMNATIONS At the municipal nominations [n the Town Hall, Friday a.fter- noon, T. A. Reid was elected by acclamation. This. is 15 years Bert bas been a memben of Coun- cil, and the 9tb consecutive time as Reeve. He has bad to contest the office only twice in that tume. Councillors, also elected by accla- mation, are F. B3. Lovekin, Wmn. Laing and Melville Jones, the lat- ter, being a new member taking he place of Lowery. Somewhat of a surprise was created at the last minute wben E. R. Woodyand, a new aspirant in municipal affairs qualified for )eputy Reeve, wbo will contest the office beld for the past 8 37asby that veteran civic 0f- icial, Deputy Reeve W. J. Patton. At the nomination meeting held Friday evening for Police Trus- ees the board was elected by aclamation as follows: W. J. Rid- Je, R. E. Logan and C. T. Miller. PUBLIC SUHOOL PUPELS , z PRESENT OPERETTAs 1INDERELLA, IN TOWN HALL S The public school operetta, Cmn- 1 lrella, which was given on Trues- ly night, Dec. 19, in the Town lal, was very mucb enjoyed by a Sfull bouse. A great deal o! i] vok must have been done by i ns. D. Robb, music supenvisar, ta ing about such perfection in riging, dancing and acting. To I' ns. F. Lorniman goes the credit C nr designing the costumes whicb rn rene very lovely as seen at the bV .11, whene Cindereila won the a: ince's heant. Cinderella was v layed very ably by Shirley c] lintoff; Kay Ganisby, as Fainy ac odmotben, cbanged Cinderella h, ,ia beautîfui pnincess, "Fif! g, enIa," played by Patsy Moffat; verett Wood as Prince Cbarm- li g; Gerald Rainey as Courtier; CL rian O'Boyle as court jester; th ta McKenna as Mrs. Peppentit;L aureen McKenna a n d Jean in iney, lber -pod daugbters, icula and Brenda, ail played dni Parts exceptionally well as d ail othen pupils wbo took part, groups as guests at the baIl, iries and brownies, maids at the dace, etc. At the close of the play Miss c Eten tbanked the audience for so king possible thbe proceeds th ich would be farwarded ta the wl tish War Victims' Fund, and unf Ied Mrs. Robb and Mrs. Lorri- let in to receive special applause foi d gifts. Mis. Robb was pianist, ani ss Gwen Tenllant conducting, ss Fosten, Miss Ruth Goode and nei '. F. Lorniman directing be- 1 id the scenes. prq awa General Hospital, holidaying lie Thompson, Leslie Brooks, Rs- at home. seiFaklin, Bradburn, Dr. Me- ACi S. L. VanCamp, R.C.A.F.,Athur, C. P. Devitt; Auditors- Newfoundland, with is parents. Jas. yers, Herb Hooey. Election and Installation was conducted by Rt. Wor C. P. Devitt, P.G.M. of B1ackstock Ont. E. A social time was enjoy- ed after the business session. The Public School eld its an- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and nual Christmas concert on Dec' Grant, Maple Grove, Mr. and 21. There was a good attendance Mrs. G. Faint and Valerie, To- CcI.a ALAu, and an excellent program, the ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. . kiddies taking their parts wonder- Wright. Christmas Vistors: ,isses Leah fully well. Afer the program Miss G. Marlow, Toronto, with an d A u d e y c Q u de, O ah w a t t e t ee, fil ed to o v erflo w in g lier p aren ts, M . an d , M rs. W . M ar- O.MQaes .Ms .B* with presents which were dis- low. PalWihTrno 0.M Q ad '.. r. .Bair, tributed by Hector Sbortridge Miss P al W ih, T rno daughter Diane, and Helen Fowl- acting the part of Santa Claus. with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. er at Geo. Fowler's. . . Misses C. Venning had the rink ready Wright. Lucile, Eileen and Muriel Hyland, for skating on Dec. 20. Mrs. N. Henry and cbildren, Oshawa, with their parents. . . Nomination was held on Satur- Janetville, with Mrs. F. Bailey. Miss Guelda Johnston, Ottawa, day, Dec. 23. Reeve and Council- Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp with Geo. Johnston .. . Thompson lors were re-elected with the ex- and cbildren, Listowel, with Mr. Taylor home on leave ... Mr. and ception of Norman Taylor who and Mî-s. Percy VanCamp. Mrs. E. Strong witb Mr. and Mrs. dropped out and Herb Swain took Mr. and Mrs. N. Marlow with Norman Edgerton... Mr. and Mrs. his place. Mr. n r.C alw Russell Brown and Mr. Gordon We had a real old fashioned .adMr.CMaow Brown witb G. Brown, Toronto Christmas this year with snow Pte. Gilbert Marlow, Aldershot, ..Mrs. Wm. Robinson with Mr. piled high everywhere and peo- N.S., with is wif e and parents and Mrs. E. Gibson. .. Miss Birdie pe aving difficuty reaching over the holiday. Gibson with Mr. and Mrs. C. their destinations. Mr. and Mrs. N. Marlow, Alder- Fallis. Wallace Holmes, R.C.A.F., and shot, N.S., with bis wife and par- Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ents over the holiday. Rutledge and son, Toronto, with The Young People of the United Maple Grove MrsJos. Forder. 38BakkChurch presented their play, beid their annual meeting on Dec. munity Hall on Christmas nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow, Edna, 19 when these officers were elect- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, c Clifford, with friends in Toronto. ed: I.P.P. - Cecil Hill; W.P. - Miss Mildred Archer and Mr. Te offering 'on Sunday, Dec. Laverne McGil; D.P. - Laverne Vincent Archer, Ajax, wtb Mr tor 17, Christmas Cheer for Britiýh Devitt; Chap. - Len Joblin; Reg. and Mrs. Wiibur Archer. ME Cbildren, taken in the formi of -Henry Thompson; Treas.-Herb Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McGill'ton White Gifts, amounted to $91.00.1 Swain; lst Lect.-Wilmer Fitze; and Vernon, Oshawa, Mr. and pel Several Christmas gatherings 2nd Lect. - Herb Hooey; lst Mrs. Harold Swain and children lee were held Christmas Day. 1 Censor- Herman Hooey; 2nd with Mr. and Mrs. Lutber Mount- Ber Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley with Cens9r- Elmer Nesbitt; lst St. joy. Car bier sister, Mrs. Everett Hall, Lon- Br. - Hildon Johoiston; 2nd St. Miss Lorna Trewin and friend, Far don. Br. - Dr. McArthur; Purs.-Jos. Toronto, and Mr. Ronald Trewin, ton Miss Jean Metcalf, R.N., Osh- Byers; Comm. - Jas. Byers, Les- Oshawa, at borne. f0:c ~'on Guaranteed 1% Trust certificates ISSUED for any amount .... for a termÀ of five years .... guaranteed both as te principal and interet . .. . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's >option, may be allowed te accumulate at comnpound .interest. An ideal investment for individual, com- panies; authorized by Iaw for cemnetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Towr, Toronto 33 years ln Busineis Z onBell's, Markham. ______ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin at- tended the funeral of LAC Albert (Intended for Last Week) Robinson at Oshawa. Visîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred The snow plow was a welcome *meron and Helen at J. Shackel- sight on Sunday. n's, Bowmanville... Henry De- -_________ ille with bis parents et Burke- :n. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glas- Creamery butter productio el and Alan at Donald yellow- Durham Ccunty for the firs as', Columbus ... Mr. and Mrs. months of 1944 was 736,83 ert Hoskin, Harmony, at Reford as compared with 911,669 1 .meron's. . .-Pte. Jeck Stainton, the same period of 1943. arnham, Que., et A. T. Stain- ber production in 1944 ~ s. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gif- 176 Ibs., as compared ~d, Joyce and Neil, at Frank 522 pounds a year prev'i ÇAN ADA'S pianeers, despite varying arigins and %0backgrounds, had one thing ini camman - Enter- prise-thle greatest farce for progress ever knawn. Enterprîse which discovered and explared Canada, developed and utilized her resaurces, Ituilt lier cities and papuksted lier domain. Enterprise which entabled General Motars ta become, ini peace, praducer of over a million civilian cars and trucks -in war, a rnighty arsenal forging front. line weapons for a fighting people. To meet thie challenge of tamorrow, the enterprise and initiative of General Motors will create better, safer transportation, link communities mare closely together, provide faster, easier distribution af goods, thus help- igensure this nation and lier people of a ricli and splendid future worthy of~ arich and splendid heritage. 1 hom and and Deec ro t fani awa, tiorE who a shi the the cont Marc to o Th and a c fror over! mVi Mr] GM-1144X 1"Love one another, as I have 4oVd you." No estrangement, no emulation,1 no deceit, entens into the beant that loves as Jesus ly ed. It is a false sense o! lo00ve that, like the summen brook, soon gets dry.-Mary Baker Eddy. ITCH01 c' Tc H r- Ma nieaok Who has beeni a member of Clarke Township Council for 15 consecutive years and on Friday was elected Reeve for the 9th con- secutive year. the firm o! Granville and-"Cooper. Survîving are a son, Laverne, and two daughters, Mrs. Winni- fred Frost and Mrs. Gladys Mar- shall. Mr. Cooper was a member of the United Church. MRS. R. J. ROWE On Dec. 5, at the home of her daugbter, Mrs. J. T. Pearce, New- tonville, Mrs. R. J. Ruwe passed quietly away in her 85th year. The former Laura Louise Allun was born at Orono in 1860, daugb- er of Wm. Allun and Fannie rhorne, 'both members of well- known Devonishire families. The great Wesleyan preachers, James and Samuel Thorne were her uncles. In 1881 she married Roger John Rowe wbo pre-deceased ber in 942. Always a devout Christian, s long as her health permitted 5he was an active member of the Uhîted Churcb and a steadfast ;upporter of missions, both at Lamne and abroad. One daughter, Mrs. A. E. Sy- ions, died as the result of an iccident in 1928, and the remain- ng members of the family are: Irs. W. Clifton Robb, West- nount; Rev. A. H. Rowe, Castor, 'dberta, M r s. M. Lenshner, fiagara Falls; Mr. F. R. Rowe, ttawa; Mrs; A. M. Sleeman, To. nto; Mr. P. J. Rowe, View Lake; [rs. J. Pearce, Mrs. F. Gilmer id Mr. S. Rowe, ail of Newton- [îlle. There are also 28 grand- hildren, five of whom are on etive service overseas, and one orne on leave, and 14 great- randchildren. The private funeral service was eld ini the A. W. George & Son Lapel, Port Hope, in charge of .e family pastor, Rev. J. Mc- ,achlan, followed by interment iOrono Cemetery. DAYS FORCOLLECTION (Intended for Dec. 14) The year is fast coming toaa tse and it tvill leave bebind :me happy bornes and happy 1oughts ta remember. While, itb some, it will be lonely heants d sad homes and memories. Sa Ius, try ta do aur part ta com- ir and cheer and help those wbo re lonely and sad. Old Man Winten bas given us a aI taste o! cold and snow. SÔme fnom bere attended the .esentation for Mr. and Mis. 'ac Stapleton, held in Newton- le. Warren Carson lost a valuable )se. Mrn. and Mns. Ross Hailowel id Jackie at Elizabethville. William Savery was in Oshawa. MIn. and Mis. Lew HalIowell i sons in Oshawa. MIiss Eileen Farrow and Miss :khard were in Bowmanville. Warren Carson was in Lindsay. Mr. Jacob Hallowell is in To- qta. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrey and nily, Miss Neilie Shutka, Osb- a, at M. Sbutka's. ITe extend hearty congratula- ns ta Mi. and Mis. Carl Todd, 10 were marnîed Saturday, after hont honeymoon ta points north happy couple will reside on groom's fanm here. We wel- ne the bride <formerly Miss irgaret Bowen of Newcastle) Our community. (Intended for Dec. 21) rhe recent storm tied up traffic 1business in this section. Ir. and Mrs. Shutka received cable o! Christmas gneetings n their son, Danny, wba la ýrseas. giss Deckhand was in Toronto. r. Savery bas a lame shoulder. 1 t s C d tg q tg T k g: a] U R H aE su hg: in ýC in m M, A] Ni Di ra in eil ,h ici 10. rre Le] 'h hE ,a n Reeve T. A. Reid

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