Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1944, p. 5

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THURS., DECEMBER 28th, 1944 PAGE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 1 Dr. Dorothy M. James has lef i for Philadeiphia to spend New Year's with Miss E. MacDonald. a oglq.~~~idSiemon v - s i er tjire!ftt'dmonton, Alta. Rev. C. B. Jeffery, assisted by Rev. G. C. Wer, baptized the for- mee~s grand-daughter, Judith Anne Jeffery, at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar, on Christmas Day. The editor is pleased to acknow- ledge personal greeting cards fromn Prime Minister Mackenzie King, and Premier George Drew of Ontario. Christmas takes pre- cedence over politics. Children of the members of St. John's Anglican Church enjoyed the annual Christmas Tree and concert in the Parish Hall, Friday evehing. Ail received appropriate gifts. Mrs. ]?on Mcllveen who has THE EVENT 0F THE SEASON! The 2nd Midland (Reserve) Reg't. are again holding A New Year 's Eve BALL BOWMANVI LLE ARMOURIES Dancing commences 12.05 a.m., until 5 ar. As ticket sales are being limited to theckcpacity of the Armouries. you are advised te secure yours ut once. BOTH MAY BURN THE carlessness of your neighbor can be the cause of a fire which may spread to your home. Be sure you HAVE enougli insurance on your home anid household goodi to pay for any loss. Check up with this agency NOW!1 Stuart R. James Insurance and Real .Estate Succeiaor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681, Ring st. Bowmanville ES 1 or -1»t lmt Iim lem We extend to ail our friends and patrons very genuine wislies for a most hopeful New Year and ail the Haiipiness it may be possible to jachieve therein. It lias been our aim during the past and preced- ing years of this war to render the best in service and product within our capabilities, subject ai- ways to difficulties of supplies and help. May we express our appreciation of the generous patronage and understanding of ahl whom we have souglit to serve to the best of our abilities durin g the past year. Our hope is that we may continue to menit the success made possible by our customer friends.' Cawker's, Butcher & Grocer 'n tbeen visiting Mn. and Mirs. F0 iMellveen since lier husband, F0 Don Mcllveen, went overseas, 1left last week for lier home at r Abbotsford, B.C. In the radio contest, "Why Like Kresge's Santa Claus," Bruce and Linda Colwell, Bowmanviile, won 2nd and 3rd prizes. Tliey ea* caieceived a hundsome story book autographed Personaliy by Kresge's Santa Claus. Those !rom out o! town Who ut- tended the funeral o! Mis. G. Alex Edmondstone were: Mn. and Mis. Clark Morrison, Mis. Leta Sharp, Mn. George Nichols, To- ronto; Mi. and Mns. Harny Ed- mondstone, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mis. Tliompson, Cobourg. Sevenal citizens have phoncd The Statesman to complain tiat dhildren are using sidewaiks as sldes, thus exposing spaces o! ice o! great danger to older peo- pie. The incline opposite Shcp- ard & Gill's is particulariy dan- gerous. They ask if teachers could bring this to the attention o! Pupils before some aged person becomes seriousiy or !atally in- juned. Resident in Vancouven sàince lier marniage many yeurs ago, Mrs. Bertha Hughes Hannu, daughter o! the late Dr. and Mrs. James L. Hughes, the former a one - time superintendent o! sciools in Toronto, died recently in Vancouver after un iiiness o! some length. She is survived by' her husband, Robent Hqnna, and lier' daugliter, Mrs. Frank Tosi- uch, both o! Vancouver. Citîzens uppreciate the efforts o! Roads and Streets crews who workcd oven the week-end, in- ciuding Christmas Day, keeping snow slearedfor the holiday traf- fic. Cliairman Tim Garton per-1 sonaily drove the snow plow in town and tic boys o! tic Law Construction Co. gave' up ticir holiday to keep Highway No. 2 open and safe for driving. With thanks to these men, no tra!fic accidents have been reported. Trinity Women's Association met in the'içliool room, Dec. 19, witi Mrs. T. E. P ut, and lien Circle in charge o!f è program and Mrs. A. J. Cole ut thc piano. The Scipture lesson was nead by Mrs. M. W. Tmblyn, prayers by Mrs. Polley followed by a vocal solo "Thc Holy City," by Miss Dorotiy Nichois. The Christmas address was given by Rev. J. E. Griffith. Interesting reports wcre given by tic Circle secretanies. Francis Sutton, 68 Roscberry Place, St. Thomas, Ont.: We en- close cheque for $2.00 for tic paper. We arc very interested to, get the news and to know that 50 many people are distinguishing tiemselves in different wuys. We can understand how proud you will be o! Wiiliam's wonderful work. The report o! tic operetta ut tic higli' school brought back many memonies o! the operettas, and the choir o! years ugo. Wish- ing you a very Happy Christmas and the speedy and safe return o! the soidier son. Mr and Mis. C. J. Mountjoy, Islington, Mi. and Mis. Fred Mountjoy, Hewurd, Sask., Mn. Elmer Siemon, Toronto, Mi. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Mn. Mil- ton Siemon, Lloyd and Gordon, Haydon,. Mn. and Mis. Russell Gil- bent and Velma, Solina, wcre guests o! Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss Annie Mountjoy on Christ- mas Day. An added feature o! tie day was tic celebration o! the Silver Wedding anniversary o! Mn. and Mis. RussellGGlibert. In- stead o! tic regulation address a tiree-act impromptu play was put on by Gordon Siemon and Velma Gilbert. The !irst act depicting the courtship, the second tic pro- posaI and the third act tic man- niage. This ail proved highiy amusing to the otier guests. At the close o! tic third act tic bride and groom o! 25 yeurs ugo wenc stesdte importance o! reucli- ing ail the chiidren and o! having them, participate rather than sit back and watch others. He paid. tnibute to M&. Sutton's work and ability but intimated that those other instructors who remaincd unnamed siould not be forgotten. Laten lie directed a fcw wonds o! commendation to the pupils, not- ing that tliey ail seemed to like to sing. He added that in music if it lsn't fun~ it isn't worth dolng. presented with a purse o! money and an appliqued quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert responded in ap- propriate speeches thanking al for the unexpected surprise. Art Hurst Appointed General Foreman At Goodyear Plant BowmanVjlie welcomes a new citizen ini the person o! Arthur, 1Hurst, newly appoinfed Generai Foreman of the local plant o! the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany. Mr. Hurst took up his duties here on November 20, 1944, com- ing direct from the New Toronto factory. Born at Guelph, Ont., some 40 years ago, Mr. Hurst became iden- tified witli the rubber industry and 20 years ago joined the Good- year Company at New Toronto and workcd his way up tlirougli the production departments. Since war broke otit lie was placed in charge o! the Fuel Tank Division. Employed in this department were 1100 women workers turn- ing out tanks for airpianes, aiso life rafts. Mr. Hurst was promot- ed from that brandi, direct to Bowmanviiie. Mt. Hurst is married, with one daugliter whose husband is in Canada's -armed services. He lias disposed of his home in Mimico and will make lis home in town as soon as suitable accommodation can be found. The family are ad- herents o! the Churdli o! England a~nd Mr. Hurst is a Mason o! Chapter 258 (Blue) Guelphi, and a Past Principal, Royal Arch, Chap- ter 215. For recreation in season, when not goi!ing lie is fishlng. The community extends a warm welcome to its geniai new citizen. Before leaving for Bowmanville Mn. Hurst was presented with a wrist watcli, to mark the esteem o! lis friends wîtli wlom li hs been associated in the industrial and social life in New Toronto and Mimico for the past two decades. Mr. Francis Sutton Gives Carol Festival On City of St. Thomas The St. Thomas Times-Journal o! Dec. 1i6, gîves an account o! the Carol Festival held in that city, at which G. R. Fenwick, Pro- vincial Music Supervisor, gave higli praise to Francis Sutton, Supervisor o! Music for St. Thiom- as Schoois. We quote below some extracts fromn the report for the information o! the many friends o! Mr. Sutton in Bowmanviile. In the write-up we note with plea- sure that Francis Sutton, Jr., took part as a trombonist with the Brass Quartet, a promising son o! a talented teacher. The report is as follows: Roy Fenwick, Mus. Bac., o! To- ronto, Provincial Supervisor o! Music for tie Department o! Edu- cation, toid membens o! a large and appreciative audience Friday niglit that lie was "very mucli and very favorably impressed" at the informai carol festival whici was given for their benefit by the pupils o! the city public scliools in the auditorium o! the Arthur Voaden Vocationai Sdliooi. Mr. Fenwick spoke toward the end o! a varied progrum o! vocal and instrumental music which was prepared by Francis Sutton, Supervisor o! Music for St. Thom- as sdhoois, in co-operation with the individual teachers. On the basis o! Friday evening's per- formance one can say that a very fine job lias been done in training the pupils in musical appreciation and performance. While Public School Inspector J. C. Smithi cautioned --the audi- ence in a few introductory re- marks not to expect a finished performance, many of the 20 numbers on the program were performed in sucli a way as to demonstrate that even in the short space o! three months of training the chuldren already have a good grasp o! tlie fundamentals which siould carry thern far. This was particuiarly noticeable in the four-part choral singing and in the work of the 46-piece orchestra. It was expluined during the eve-ý ning that many o! the orchestra members had neyer piayed their oItthestral instrument prior to September. The group included piano, 8; reed organ 1; violin 15; cello 2; drum 1; clarinet 7; cornet 7; saxophone 2, and trombone 3. Mr. Fenwick's Remarks In lis few remarks, Mr.' Fen- wick said lie was speciaily inter- csted in the four-part singing whici enubles many o! the boys to Mr. Chas. Ii. Haddy, Toronto, with Mrs. Chus. H. Mason. Mis. G. H. Jolinston, Toronto, witi her daughtcr, Mrs. J. O'Neil. Mn. and Mrs. T. Meek, Montreul witli Mi. and Mrs. G. L. Wugar. & Miss Joy Hallinun witi ber aunt, ?&ks. A. Gabourie, Toronto. Miss Margaret Campbell, Mapie Grove, ut Mrs. Wm. A. Clarke's. Mrs. Rd. Pooiy with her daugli- ter, Mrs. Doris Anderson, Oshawa. Miss Rose Palmer, Toronto, witi her mother, Mis. Nellie Palmer. Mr. Don Venton, University o! Toronto, witi his parents, Chie! o! Police and Mrs. Venton. Dr. and Mis. H. Rundie, Brighit- on, witli their son, Dr. H. B. Rundle. Mn. and Mis, S. Davidson, Osh- awa, witli Mi. and. Mis. E. W. Begiey. Mis. Ted Johns and Freddie, Toronto, witi 1er parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bickle. Sergt. Lucy Lyle, C.W.A.C., Ot- tawu, wîth her mother, Ifrs. George Lyle. Mi. Herbert Cole, University o! Toronto, witli lis parents, Mr. and Mis. J. F. Cole. Mi. and Mis. Stan Biackwell spent tic holiday week-end in Tillsonburg. .F0 Bill Hutchinson, Hugersvilie, with lis mother; Mis. M. à~ Hutch- inson. .Miss Kathleen Storey, Kitchen- er, witli ler parents, Dr. and Mis. V. H. Storey. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Maynard in Toronto with their daugliten, Mis. George Lockington. Sgt. and Mrs. FÏàhk: McIlveen, Bnockviiic, witi their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen. Mrs. Beatnice Hall and son, Barry, Toronto, witi ber fathef, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Miss Mary Jury, Scliool o! Social Services, Toronto Uni- versity, with Mns. J. H. H. Jury. Miss Pat Clarke, St. Mlcliacl's College, Toronto, witi lier moth- er, Mis. Wm. Clarke. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Weir, Man- daumin, Ont., witli ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar. Miss Dorothy Richards, Toron- to, witi lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Richards. Mrs. J. B. E. Staples and Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, witi Mis. N. S. B. James. Mi. and Mrs. T. J. Meek, Jr., Montreal, witli 1er parents, Mr. and Mis. G. L. Wagur. Mi. and Mis. Ernest Purdy and family, Port Hope, with lis par- ents, i. and Mis. G. F. Purdy. Mrs. R. Gabourie, June, James and Donald, Toronto, with lier mother, Mrs. C. S. Hallnnan. Mi. and Mrs. L. W. Dippeli and fumily with lier parents ut Clint- on. Miss Frances Crook, Hamilton, with lier parents, Mr. und Mrs. Maurice Crook. Mi. and Mis. Merwin Scott, To- ronto, with lis sister, Mrs. Clan- ence Yeo. Miss Maian Dudley, Peterboro, with lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Albert E. Dudley. Miss Charlotte Ho!!man and Mir. A. E. Purks, M.M., Toronto, with Mis. Bert Curtis, Lake Road. Mn. and Mis. George Spencer, Sarnia, with thir parents, Canon -and Mis. C. R. Spencer, and Mn. and Mis. W. L. Elliott. Mi. and Mrs. D. Bone, Mn. and Mrs. K. Flint, Donald and Larry, Mupie Grove, witli Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Begley. Mn. James Southey, Queen's University, Kingston, witi lis parents, Mn. and Mis. E. C. Southeiy. Sgt. and Mrs. Chiarles Phpineau, Kingston; Loftus Papineau, R.C.N. V.R., Sydney, N.S., with their par- ents, Mn. and Mis. C. H. Papineau. Mn.,and Mis. George Hilson; To- ronto, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Prout and Shirley, Oshawa,, witi their mother, Mrs. T. E. Prout. Mn. Paul Chant, town, Pte. Gor- don Chant, Hamilton, witli their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chant, Sultan, Northern Ontario. Miss Irene Thetor! and Miss Evelyn Gordon witi tic former's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Theton!, Dundalk. Cpi. Thomas Bennett, R.C.A.F., Deseronto, Mrs. Bennett, Gordon and Dorothy, Toronto, witli lis parents, Mn. and Mrs. T. Bennett. Miss Editi Platford, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Bell. Misses Mac and Edna Bottreil, Toronto, witli friends. C.S.M.>George Graham, Vernon, B.C., witli lis wife and datigliter. Miss Emma Werry, Toronto, with Miss Florence Werry. Mr. and Mrs. R. A~ Kent, Whit- by, witli Dr. and Mrs. R. Colvilie. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Harold Whcelcr and !amily with Mis. Jas. Williamson. .. Miss Margaret Steele, London, with lier parents M i. Ceccl Philp, Yelventon, Mr. and Mes. Mervin Bird and Nancy, Brooklin, ut Mr. M. Emer- son's... Mis. G. Punke and fam- ily, Green River, with Mn. Han- vey Malcolm. . . *Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Dora and Jean, with Mis. Clarence Ginn. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt, Blackstock, ut Mn. Rcginuld Nesbitt's. .. Harvey Malcolm witli lis parents ut Yel- verton... Mi. and Mns. Herb Tay- lor, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbent Malcolm, Murray and Dorothy, Mi. and Mis. Howard Malcolm, Yclverton, ut Mn. Stan- ley Maicolm's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Ganny and Ross, Bowmanville, Miss Nora Por- teous, Toronto, ut Mn. C. H. Pon- teous'. . . Mi. and Mrs. Melville Henry and Garry, Raglan, -Mn. Laurie Hoskin, Janetviile, ut Mn. Harold Wlieeler's. .. Miss Connie Wlicer witli ler aunt, Mis. Mel- ville Henry, Raglan. Congratulations to Miss Nora Porteous, Toronto, and Gordon Woods, R.C.N.V.R., Willowdale, on ticir recent marriage. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Mullen, Marian and Beti, Lotus, Missi Jean Campbell, Toronto, Miss Evelyn Campbell, Lindsay, Messrs. Peter Shenston and Guy McGill, Junetviile, John and Wil- liam Armstrong, with Mis. Wes- ley Campbell. Congratulations to Mr, John Proutt who celebrated lis 83rd birthday on Dec. 26. Sympatliy is extended to Mis. Joe Veule in Mn. Vealc's sudden passing, also symptiy is extcnd- cd to Mns. Peter Wrighit and Mn. A. H. Veule in tic passîng o! thein br6tier. A wise man wiil always be a Christian, because tic perfection o! wisdom is to know wliere lies tranquillity o! mmnd, and how to attain it, whici Christianity teacies. -Landor. Solina Mrs. Bert Parker. Mrs. Anthur Wynn (formenly Celia Tait) with lier husband's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wynn, Brantford. Pte. Russell Bulson*, Brampton, Mrs. Baison and Carolyn, town, witli Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson, Solina. LAC Don Cox, B. & G. School, Mount Pleasant, P.E.I., Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Wylle, Tononto, with their parents here. Miss Kay O'Neill, Toronto, niglit editor, Canadian Press, To- ronto, witli ler parents, Major and Mrs. J. O'Neill. Rcv. C. B. and Mrs. Jeffery, Willowdale, and Mns. McDonaid, Thornbury, with Mr. and Mns. Howard Jeffery. Mn. John Martin, Noranda, Que., witli lis wifc wlio is staying witli ler daugliter, Mis. Howard A. Pickard. Miss Ruth Stevens, nurse in training, Belleville Gencral Hos- pital, with lier parents, Mi. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens. Mr. and Mns. A. Lymer, Billy and Ray, Oshawa, witli Master Bruce and Linda Colwell at their Cliistmas 'party Fniday evening. Major A. R. Virgin, Ottawa, was home for Chrnistmas and acted as Chairman at the concert and Yuietide tree for the boys at the training school, Beecli Ave., Mn. Arthur Burgess, Mn. nd Mrs. Morley Burgess, Jean 2n Art, Mrs. Jim Clarke, Maple Grove, with Mi. and Mis. Nor- man Burgess, Oshiawa. Miss I. F. Weekes, Reg.N., Mn. and Mis. E. F. Weekes o! Toronto, and their daughter-in-law, Mns. W. L. Weekes, Nanaimo, Vancou- ver, B.C., with Mis. Gco. Weekes. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brownson and Phliss, Oshawa, Mi. and Mrs. Blake Short, LeRoy and Russell, Lakeside, at Mn. T. E. Clarke's. Pte. Ruth Hutchinson, C.W. A.C. Army Shows, Toronto, was home for Christmas and gave some fine, character readings at the B.T.S. concert Christmas morning. Stoker Eric Coombes, R.C.N. V.R., Sydney, N.S., Sgt. Grace Hall, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), Ottawa, Mis. Eric Coombes and daugli- ters of Toronto, and Cyril Coombes, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall. Surgeon Lieut. Angus MacMil- lan, R.C.N.V.R., arrived Christ- mas Eve tb spend Christmas witi lis wi! e and daugliter at Mrs. H. W. Foley's home, Liberty St. Tliey will visit Dr. MacMillan's mother, at Ottawa, for New Years. Nestieton Training School (Continued from page 1) and one of the most important of the day, Chef W. Crossey. Under leadership of Mr. Brown, Major Virgin and Mr. Workman, Christ- mas forenoon at the School was an event long to be remembered. "Something cooking" in the kitchen turned out to Ïbe the fol- iowing: Dinner: Roast chicken and dressing; creamed potatoes; mashed turnips; hot mince pies;M apples, oranges, tea, bread andi, butter. Supper: Sliced cold roast chicken; baked potatoes; green 1 peas; apples; oranges; butter tarts; candy and nuts; tea and milk; bread and butter. To ail of which full justice was donc. Nylon rope, used to pick up and tow gliders behind airpianes, can stretch nearly a third without breaking. i HOLIDAY VISITORS Christmas Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Gail at E. Ormistbn's, Mapie Grove. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker with Mrs. Howard Couch*'. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and June, Kedron, at Ralph Davis'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapmàn, Hampton, with Mrs. R. J. McKessock. . . Miss Bessie Reynolds, Welland; Mr. and MrL. Brodie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, David and John, Hampton, at Jack Reynolds' ..Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyle, Toronto, LAC Roscoe Baker, Mrs. Baker and Bobby, Ottawa, at Mr. Wiil Baker's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and family, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake, Frank Westlake, Miss Doreen Cook, at F. West- lake's. . . Mrs. Gerald Balson, Jerry and Anne, Miss Helen Pingle, Hampton, at A. J. Bai- sons. Excellent entertainment waà provided by the pupils of Solina Public School under the capable leadership of their teacher, iVrs. F. Gilbert, at the school, Wcdnes- day evening. The program in- cluded dialogues, monologues, a. character duet of exceptional mention, choruses and Rhythm Band exercises with these stu- dents taking part: Isobel Cruick- shank, Fac Reynolds, Raymond Rundlc, Don Pascoe, Arnot Wot- ten, Douglas Cruickshank, Lyn Pascoe, David Reynolds and cul- minated in the arrivai of Santa Claus. Mr. Isaac Hardy was chairman and Mrs. Hardy very ably accompanied the musical numbers. The annuai Christmas concert, under auspices of the C.G.I.T., was held at the Churcli, Friday evening, with Rev. W. Rackham chairman. Program included an excellent dialogue, recitations and vocal solo from Bakcr's School, appropriate songs by Fae Reyn- olds, reprcsentîng Solina Schooi, and a drama, depîcting the ideal Christmas spirit, "The Rowes' Christmas Gucsts," enactcd by Evelyn Parrinder, Gladys Yeliow- lees, Helen Langmaid, Pearl Leachi, Harvey Yellowlecs, Har- old Clendennen, Francis Wotten and directed by Mrs. Roy Lang- maid. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL ALL ACCLAJMED Nomination on Friday at Biack- stock resulted in the Council be- ing elected by acclamation as fol- lows: Reeve - Norman Green; Councillors - Roy Ferguson, La- verne ýDevitt, Oscar McQuade, Herbert Swain. OVER $37,000,000 BET IN 1944 AT HORSE RACE TRACKS At 35 race meetings in Canada in 1944, with 298 days' racing, a total of $37,068,199 was wagered, which was $3,923,186 or about 12 Per cent more than was wagered at 32 race meetings with 283 days' racing in 1943, according to a statement issued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture, which supervises betting at the race tracks. The amount wagered in 1944 was the largest since 1930 when 332 days' racing rang up $38,007,- 146 in the pari-mutuel machines, bùut the record year was in 1921 wlen a total of $75,110,551 was wagered on the races. Pnize money paid at ail the 35 racing meetings in 1944 was $1,- 427,582, an increase of $249,032 over 1943. Ontario which had 98 days' rac- ing was the leader among the provinces in the aggregate arnounit wagered in 1944 with $22,588,144 compared witli $21,- 031,393, with the same number o! days' racing as in the previous year. British Columbia, with 56 days' racing, was second with $6,- 168,817;, Manitoba, with 26 days' racing, was third with $3,461,143. Alberta, with 35 days' racing was fourth with $2,125,553. Quebec with 69 days' racing was fifth with $2,120,387 and Saskatche- wan with 14 days' racing was sixth with $604,155. There were no -races in the three Maritime Provinces. .Scout Saves Two Lives Prompt action on the part of Bruce Weir, a 14-year-oid Toron- to Boy Scout, saved the lives o! two Toronto children receritly. Brucefougoht througah dens -s- Marr's Jewellery BOWMANVILLE Season's Greetings Another eventful year draws to a close. For many it lias been a year of sadness in being separated £rom loved ones overseas - some having paid the supreme price. A new year is approaching. We join with you in the prayer that the year 1945 will usher in Victory and Peace, and that it may bring to you hope, courage and happiness to the full- est measure. W 'e wish also to take this opportunity of thanking you for your patronage throughout the past year and for your patience with our service through a very trying business period. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMAIfVILLE 1-L 4'FW To ail of our fricnds who have given us their con- fidence and support duning thc very busy and tnying yean of 1944. To all citizens indeed wlio, together with us, hope for n rupidiy brightening New Ycan and an curly rctunrn to Peace on Eartli. May we express the hope that each and ail may enjoy thc best that can be adhieved in heaith and happiness for 1945, and that ioved ones ovenseas may sooù again be with us. We shall hope to deserve youn continued patronage. Togethen with oun loyal and competent staff we extend oun most sincene New Year's Greetings Alex MecGegor DRUGS Happy New Year May we express oun sincene thanks to ail our fniends and customens who have so genenousiy supported us duning 1944. And may we also express the hope for thein continued patronage throughout 1945. Wishing ecd and ail as happy a new year as may be possible in these times. Office Training Course A Five-M onth Course Beginning in January INCLUDES Typlng, Office Practice. Bookkeeping, Spelling and Raid Calculation ENROL NOW! Blowmanville Business School Registered Trade Sehool King and Silver Sts., Bowmanvllle Phone 337 or 434 51-2 THURS., DECEMBER 28th, 1944 PAGE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO

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