Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1944, p. 4

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/PAGE;O~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BC, WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER 28th, 1944 New Year's Greetings We sincerely appreciate the kindly co-operation we have had from our many friends during a year that has been trying for ahl. Let us conltinue this anme spirit in the year ahead a.nd work together for final victory. WITH SINCERE GOOD WISHES I W. Len Elliott I-L~ Plunibing and Heating H¶ampton The Christmas concert on .Thursday evening, gîven by the scIhool children in charge of their teachers, Mrs. M. Laramie and Miss N. Steckley, was held in the basement e! the Church and was well attended. An interesting pro- gram was presented consisting of an opening chorus by ahl the childrcn, a short play, «Mrs. Santa's Saucepan,"' a pageant, "The Christmas Story," recita- tiens by: a group of Juniors, a humorous play, "Trouble at the Chlldren's Clinic," a group of songs, I'Thé.nksgiving," "L e a d, Kindly Light," and "Christmas BehIs," a dialogue, "The Broken Picture," a play, "The Picketts' .Çhristmas Party,", and a patriotic rpigeant, "Canada, Our Home- lahd," followed by a patriotic chorus, "We Love You, Canada," whieh cencluded the program. Mliss M. Niddery and Ralph Peters accompanied the vocal selections. Santa appeared lnter and many gifla fromn the Christmas tree in- \ciuding aranges for the wee tots were presented te those present. Wodding belîs are ringing in aur- village. The funeral o! the late Mrs. j- r i i o I i UN i -ao i o i i i Geo. Joll, Newcastle, took place on Saturday afternoon at the North Cernetery. The Sunday evcning Church service was well attended and the singing of Christmas carols with cemments by Rev. W. Rackhnm was much enjoyed. The choir rendered special Christmnas music. Our pastor will have a New Year's message next Sunday 'evening. Young People's Union is spon- soring a Crokinole Party and social evening this Friday evening at the close o! the annual election o! officers. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur are delighted te have their son, Gor- don, home with them. having ar- rived from overseas on Friday. Gordon's many !riends extend te hima a warm welcome, and Best Wishes for the New Year. VisitorsÉ: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alexander, at Listowel... Sgt. L. TrulI, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Trul... Mr. and Mrs. Brodis, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds... Miss Pearl Gilbert, Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gilbert. . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Price and son, Billy, Willowdale, at T. Salter's ..Mrs. C. Goodman and Louise Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Grif - fin and family, Mr. M. Griffin at Mr. W. Abernethy's, Tottenhnm... Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens at Mr. W. Moore's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Oshawa, at Mrs. Ella Smith's. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pethick and Gail, Mr. F. Pethîck and Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, at Mr. S. R. Pethick's. .. Mr. J. Tabb, Tyrone, at Mr. C. Pethick's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. George Reid with relatives in To- rente. . . Mrs. R. Thompson and Karon at Mr. W. Thompson's.. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethîck and Mrs. E. Strutt at Mr. H. Strutt's, Osh- awa... Mr. and Mrs. T. M. 51cm- on and Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Annis at Dr. C. W. Slemon's, Bowmanvihle... Mr. and Mrs. F. McGill and Don- ald, Toronto, at Mrs. J. McGiil's ..Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa, with her parents at Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry's. .. Christ- mas gathering at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's included Miss Ethel Cole, Bowmanville, Miss M. Cole, Mr. W. Gilbert and Miss Edna Gilbert, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Gili and Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrow- dale, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton in Port Perry... Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm and girls, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grace, Bowmanville, Mrs. H. Rahm, Burkcton, ACl Roy1 Graham, Trenton, at Mr. W. Rahm's. Word has been received by Pte. Jim Simpson's wife that he hadc been operated on for appendicitis and wns unable te get leave forE Christmas.1 On Dec. 20 our school concert 1' with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Parker, Toronto. . . LAC Reg. Rackham, St. Johns, Que., and Mrs. R. Rack- ham, Bowmanville, at the par- sonage. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks and daughter and littie war guest, and Mrs. Cumberland, Toronto, Lieut. and Mrs. Ed. Rob- son and littie son, Brockville, at Geo. Farncomb's. .. Mr. E. Blair, Oshawa, at Mrs. C. Colwill's... Miss Reta Kersiake, Bowmanville, with relatives... Cpi. Fred Payne, Sussex, N.B., with Mr. and Mrs. W. Greenaway. . . Miss Noreen Steckley at her home near Stouff- ville. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Baison and Jean with Mr. and Mrs. J. Macnab, Bowmanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowling with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowling, Bow- manville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and farnily with Mr. and Mrs. C: Smith. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Balson with her sister, Mrs. Hagerman, on Sunday. who is seriously 111 in Oshawa Hospital. Enniskillen TO THE Electors of Darlington Ladies and Gentlemen - 1 have consented to aliow my name to go before the electors on Monday for the office of Councilior. With most of the road work flow passing from the horse age to motors and maehinery equipment, 1 feel with my 25 years' experience in the auto, truck and garage business, 1 arn weil quali- fied to see that the ratepayers get the best value for their money in this important de- partment. It wiil be my aim to see that the Township has better ioads, and at the same time to get more miles out of the Township equipment. i have aiways taken a just pride in M my native Township to see that it 18 kept weil to the fore in the van of pro- gresa and prosperity. If eiected I wili do my part to serve the entire Town- ship to the best of my abiiity to make it a better place in which to work and live. With this understanding 1 solicit your vote and influence at the polils on Monday. Wishing you ail the Compliments of the Season. Yours sincereiy, Roy W. Nfichols Phone 25 10 Courtice CANADA'S NEWEST V.C. WINNER was held in the Community Hall, consisting of plays, dialogues, songs and a cantata. In spite of bad roads there was a good at- 1tendance. Santa Claus was good to ail. Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmer and family, South Monag- han, CpI. Ross Richards, Ottawa, Mrs. Ross Richards and family, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech and Janice, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Caro- lyn, at Mr. A. Beechs... Pte. and Mrs. D. Fontaine, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. .. Mr. W. Robert- son at Mr. R. Aunger's. . . AC1 Roy Graham, Trenton, on Christ- mas leave. .. Tel. and Mrs. John Ross, Liverpool, N.S., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, famlly, Miss Jean McLean, Toronto, Mrs. Herb Bradley at Mr. E. Bradley's. Mrs. Ashton and children are staying for the holidays. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy at Mr. W. Challis', Bowmanville... Mr. and Mrs. Roy 27hompson and family, Leskard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett and family, Bowmanville, LAC Lloyd Thompson, Kingston, Sto. I Doft Thompson, Sheibourne, N.S., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chaters, Glenn Thompson, Toronto, Mrs. Roland Thompson and Karen, Enniskill- en, at Mr. W. Thompson's... Miss Emma Werry, Sgt. Hamilton Mc- Connell, Toronto, Miss Isabel Me- Connell, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Ray McConnell, Enniskillen, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's ...Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lou, Toronto; at Mr. A. Read's. .. Misses Grace and May Trewin, Toronto, Miss Verna Tre- win, Oshawa, at M.r. W. Trewin's ...Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Mr. Wilbur Marks at Mr. W. Mar- tin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mount- joy, Messrs. Milton, Lloyd and Gordon Slemon at Mrs. J. E. Elliott's, BoWmanville..,. Deanna and Danny Bickell in Bowman- ville. Our school children put on an excellent concert on Wednesday eveming consisting of choruses, dialogues, recitations and a piano solo. Jovial Old Santo arrived and -distributed presents frern a well-laden tree. Tyrone Our annual Sunday School Christmas service was held Sun- day afternoon. Program consisted of readings and recitations, por- traying the Christmas spirit, and carol singing. The Christmas story was well given by Mrs. Un- stead. After the program gxfts from.the Christmas tree were pre- sented to the younger members. Ebenezer Christmas Visitors: Mr. andi Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. B. Courtice and .family . . . Miss Pat Husband, Toronto, wîth lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Husband. . . Mr. A. Minto, Starkville, Miss Catherine Minto, Oshawa Hospital, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir, Sr. .. Pte. Gor- don Vinson, Cam~p Borden, with Mrs. Vinson . . . Pte. Gordon Brown, Kingston, with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown... Pte. Wilfrid Brown, Niagara-on-the- Lake, with lMrs. Brown, Nancy and Virginia. .. Sr. Radie Navi- gator J. Elston and Mrs. Elston, Montreal, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oke . .. Lieut. and Mrs. C. Smnith, Pembroke, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce. . .Miss Lyla Osborne, To- rente, with her sister, Miss Aura Osborne.. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Jack- son, Miss Leta Jackson, Miss F. Jackson, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gay. .. Mr. E. Rose, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay. .. Mr. Don Courtice, S.B.A., R.C.N., Halifax, with his father ..Miss Mary Wilkins, Toronto, with Mrs. Harry Gay, and Mrs. W. Brown. The W.M.S. ladies held their Christmas meeting on Dec. 19. Christmas chimes were played by Miss Louise Osborne, followed by the Cali te Wership by Mrs. G. F'. Annis. -The business period fol- lowed when many letters o! ap- preciation were rend frôm the boys who had received the Christ- mas boxes overseas. Mr. Linstead :ook the chair and gave the report of the nominating committee. Mrs. A. J. Gay read the officers a full report o! which will be printed niext week. Progrnm was in charge of Mrs. W. Bickie, Mrs. B. Oke, Mrs. Frank Worden. Study Book was taken by Mrs. C. Pen- found. Worship service was in the form o! a candle-lighting ser- vice, those taking part were Miss Hl. Burnham, Mrg. H. Gay, Mrs. E. Werry, Mrs. L. Down and Mrs. C. Choate. Zion Visiters: Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and Alan at Donald Yel- iowlees', Columbus. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mei Morgan, Joan and Glenna, at Jack Leach's, Toronto ..Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawiey, Peterbero, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, Toronto, Misses Eleanor and Lyla Stainton, Oshawa, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Miss Jean Mc- Master, Toronto, at'home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger and family at August Geissberger's, Harmony. .. Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Flett and Murray, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman, Tyrone, at Norman Leach's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly, Lloyd and Kenneth, Ebenezer, at Wes. Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bern- ard McEwan and Faye, Dunbar- ton, at Russ. Stainton's.. Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, Mrs. Michael Nemis and Bebbie, Niag- ara-on-the-Lake, Mrs. Harvey Balson and Glenn, Oshawa, at Robt. Killen's... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainten at Sam Snowden's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- Master at George Hilts', Oshawa ... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shackelton and Keith, Bowmanville, at Fred Camneron's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry, Osh- awa, at Aif. Ayrc's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Mar- garet at Walter Hulatt's, Oshawa ..Miss Marguerite Martin, Mr. Fred Martin, Toront&, Mr. Wm. Giiroy, Enniskillen, at Tom Mar- tin's. . . Gnr. Keith Maitland, Camp Shiloh, Man., Mrs. Mait- land, Mr. and Mrs. Ross West, Oshawa, at R. W. Bail's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staintetc andf fam- ily spent Christmas Eve at Ross Lee's, Kedron. . . Little Misses .lean, Marilyn and Barbara Flint-1 off, Master Grant Flintof!, Maple1 Grave, with their aunt, Mrs. Wcs. Cameron, while their mother is1 ill. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heskin,1 Harmony, at Reford Carneron's... Mrs. J. W. McMaster has been ihi but is same better. Men ful o! anxiety have little raom le! t for affection. And vice1 versa. _j& Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virtue and John with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonnacott, Dixie... Miss Helen Werry, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. .. Miss Grace Little, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis. . . Mr. and, Mrs. Thos. Down, Billie and Carôlyq, Lake- field, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatherley and children, Dixie, Mr. Frank Hatherley, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatherley, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. 1R. Hatherley. .. Mrs. Art Spicer and children and Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John with Mrs. Laura Virtue.. Mr. Ephriam Wheeler, Thornbury, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert His... LAC Robert Cameron, Torbay, 1Newfoundland, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron... Mr. Percy Hayward, Ajax, with Mrs. Hayward and children... Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Tabb and- Lawrence with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford. . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, Wesley, Bessie and Ralph, with Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, Havelock. . Miss Kay Macdonald, Stayner, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdon- aid. .. Miss Jean Philp, Mrs. How- ard Philp, Ronnie and Marilyn, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodfel- low, Codrington.. . Mr. and Mrs. F. L. B yamn, Clifford and Gren- ville, M~ Miss Yvonne Byam, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. I. Lîllicrapp, Cannîngton. . . Pte. Walter Park, Mrs. Park and Cecile, with Mr. and Mrs. Devai, Peterboro. . . Sgt. Edward Mill- son, St. Jerome, Que., and Mrs. V. Milîson, Toronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. We hope for Mrs. Byron Moore a speedy recovcry in Bowman- ville Hospital. Many family gatherings were held in the village and vicinity.! Mr. Walter Jones, Ajax, with Mrs. Jones and family. Mrs. Wm. Macdonald and Mrs. R. B. Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber and their aunt, Miss C. Mackenzie, Toronto. A splendid Christmas concert consisting of recitations, solos, dialogues, drills and choruses was given by the pupils of the school. Thursday evening in the Com- munity Hall. At the close of the programn Santa appeared aiqd helped distribute the gifts off the tree. E. A. Virtue held the lucky Starkville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tedd, Mr. and Mrs. Cari Todd'! with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtonville. .. Mrs. Ross Hallo- weli and son at Mr. Laurence White's, Maple Grove. . . Mrs. Clysdale had a real pleasant sur- prise when hier son, Gardon, came home for the holiday season. Gor- don is in the armed forces at New- foundland and has net been home for a long time. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson~, aIse Mr. Wmn. Savery spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. Mr. Savery remained over a few days. .. Miss Lorraine Stark ef Hanover at Mrs. I Stark's ..Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallewell and Jackie at Mr. E. White's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer at Mr. Cecil Burley's, Newtonville... Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and son at Mr. Warren Carson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery and family,I Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruth- yen, Zien, at Mr. A. Dobson's.. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Wark and daugh- ter, Westoni, MVr. Clarence Henry, Mrs. C. Reid, Miss Hazel Reid,I Miss Beulah Haliowell, Toronto, at Mrs. S. G. Haliowcli's. .. Miss Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, and Miss Sophia Shutka, Peterboro, at Mr. M. Shutka's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Farrow entertained their famiiy fromn distant points for Christmas dinner. . . Mr. -and Mrs. H. Stapleton and son, Oshawa, at W. A. Haliowcll's. .. Miss Minto, Oshawa, with hier father. .. Miss Bertha Halloweli, Toronto, at Mrs. Jacob Hniioweii's . .. Art McKay at Mrs. R. Bougcn's .. . Miss Deck- hard at hier home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowcl an famiiy at Thos. Falls'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell at H. Rusk's,, Port Hope. Mrs. G. Silver has been on the sick list. Miss Dorothy Farrow has re- turned te Toronto. The pupils o! our school put on a very fine concert fer the Christ- mas Tree. Art McKay shipped two truck loads of cattie ta Toronto. 1 Burketon On Dec. 13 the Women's Asso- ciation met in the -Church wîth Mrs. J. A. Plant presiding. Nine members nnswered Roll Cali. Mrs. Plant read a letter from W.M.S.. It was decidcd te pay $2.00 to the W.M. Society. Mrs. Aidread read Treasurer's report. Rev. J. A. Plant presided fer election o! these efficers: Hon. Pres.-Mrs. J. A. Plant; Pres.- Mrs. Len. Gatchell; lst Vice- Mrs. Jas. Gili; Sec'y-Mrs. Jno. Carter; Treas. - Mrs. H. Rahm; Orgafnirit-Mrs. Caughill, Ass't Or- ganist - Rev. Mr. Plant; Devotion- al Cern. - Mrs. Breqk and Mrs. Baiicy; Fruit and Flower Cer.- Mrs. Hoskin and Mrs. Aldrcd; Quilt Cern. - Mrs. Breck and Mrs. Aldred and Mrs. Carter. Mrs. Plant sRyved sandwiches. Mrs. H. Rahm invited the ladies ta her home for the January meeting which was accepted. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Haskin werc Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and family, Ennis- killen; Misses Ella. and Dorothy Hoskin and Bill Vivian, Hamp- ton. j'al-field Christmas Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and family, Mr. B. Rahm, Miss Margaret Prescott, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahm, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E. Vallant and family, Whit- by, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and family at A. W. Prescott's.. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, Miss Cor- sîna Samis, Oshawa, LAC Don Samis, St. Thomas, at Fred.Samis' . .. Miss Verna Ormistôn, Toron- te, at H. Smith's. .. Miss Pearlie, Miss Evelyn, Miss Jean, John and Ross Taylor, Toronte, Ray Tay- lor and Miss Joyce Brown, Ajax, at T. Taylor's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beaton and Ian, Miss E. J. Pascoe, Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, Mr. and Mirs. W. Pascoe and family at G. Bowman's... Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm and family, Union, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley and famîly, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Stainton and babe, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brad-, ley and babe, Bowmanvlle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Luke and family, Ty- rone, at L. Bradley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Bruce at A. J. Tamblyn's, Orono. If we were concerned with peo- pie's needs we would be less criti- GOLDEN HARVEST HOG FEEDS RESULTS PROVE, THE QUALITY Let your hot pens yleld extra dollars for your pocket. Ralse healthy, thrtfty hogs and take thern to market ln record tne by feedlng "Golden Harveat" RHot Feeds front start te finish. Sba- stantial stocks of this top-qUallty 'hot feed are avallable. ASK YOUR DEALER TODAY 0O0c'O Ashton ENNISKILLEN 49-51-52 'I I MAKE OLP GLASSES OBSOLETE J>ý Tens cf thousanda of pairs or glasses-now being worn--are doomed te be discarded because they fan te give the maximum eyesight comfort which modema science makes possible. Cor ectal Lenses are flot a "«fad'" --not a "thery"-but a dies tlnctly advanced, n.w system of eyesight correction recognizeci byb the whole eptical profkssion. Cowling's Drug Store Truth may be stranger than fiction but it should be ne strang- TEL. BOWMANVIILLE 2829 In extending te our friends henrty greetings for the New Yenr, we add our appreciation for your loyal support nnd co-operation during the pnst yenr, and sincerely hope that pence nnd pros- perity with goodwill te nil men will be realized befare this season is with us agnin. ISheppard & Gi Lumber Co., Ltd. Gireetingsl Today we approach another year under the shadow of war ... but brightening skies in the East warrant hope that the dawn of Peace 18 0on the horizon to end a long -night of strifle. That you . . and ail good people everywhere . . may soon bask in the sunshine of happier days, is our sincere wish at thiF season. *The Hydro Shop r. 'I J' , PAGE FOUR lie- 4 Pte. E. A. "Smoky"l Smith 0f New Westminster, B.C., who is the first private to win a Vic- toria Cross in this war. The photo was taken shortly before he went overseas with the Seaforth High- landers. Since his daring exploit in holding an important bridge- head against a German tank as- sault he has been dubbed "Can- ada's one-man army." At a pri- vate investiture Ris Majestyf King George VI presented "Smoky» with the V.C. saying 'Here's a littie present from me te you." He is the second soldier from New Westminster, B.C., to win the V.C. (Canadian Army Photo) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER 28th, 1944 ENNISKIILLEN 1 1 4'i w*ý. ý f 9

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