Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1943, p. 8

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v 4 r.IGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO T, The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Christmas services weil attend- Rev. R. E. Morton delivered ed wcne held in the S.S. hall o! thought!ul sermons bascd on the the Ufiited Church on Sunday. nativîty and the choir with Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the piano rendercd appropriate music. Miss Marie Aluin sang a solo at the monning service. The place of worship was suitabiy adorned with Christ- .mas decorations including a holly S E E D matter o! holding next Sunday's L u communion service, Jan. 2, in M ~Manortm e Tosanth DRAIN M. F Wood, Leaside and GRAI Mr.Wm. Toms, Toronto. havea cr o Gov. Tst- Employees of the J. Anderson We hve acar f Got. Tst-Smith Co. went happily home Fni- ed No. 1 Victory Seed Oats day aftcrnoon canrying their bas- comnmg in soon. These Oats kets of Christmas gifts, a goose aE coming fram the Peace in each this year, instead o! a Rivr isric, hih I cn- hard-to-get turkey, oranges, Riveredistictfine sranr- cigarettes for the men and per- sideed he ines grin ro-fume for the girls. d.ucing district in the wanld. Miss Mary Chaplin was homeI We are seiling these Oats off from Toronto. the car at $1.00 per bushel. Mn. T. W. Jackson was taken AlsowiilhaveNo. Carier quite iii eariy last week but is Alsowil, hve N. 1Carier now reported somewhat improv- and Erban Varieties, and a cd. car of Govt. Graded No. 1 Many family gathenings werc 0. A. C. 21 Barley later in held in Newcastle Christmas Day,a the winter. Orders taken for but there were fcw from. whichD the above NOW. one or more membens wcre not f missing, bcing cither in some war ________theatre or in some !ar-away place in the homeiand.p IANEY Mis harlotte Gray, Toronto,C A.y, GL NNwas home for the famiiy gather- C A.I ,GL N E ing'at Geo. Gnay's.E Newcasle andajor H. W. Dudley and Mr. Newcasle andMrs. Geo. A. Walton wcreC Telephone Clarke 33-12 away for a couple days. t Mr. and Mns. J. A. Ingnam and 1f Mn. W. VanDusen wene in To- J Aà HOPEFUL NEW YEARI The Carter Faniily extends to ail thei.r friends and patrons very genuine wishes for a most hopefu.l New Year and ail the Happixiess it may be possible to achieve therein. It has been our aim during thc past and pre- ceding years of this war to render the best ini service and produot within our capabiities, subj oct always to difficulties of supplies and help. Ma.y we express our appreciation of the generous patronage and understanding of al whom we have sought to serve ta the best of our abilities during the past year. Our hope is that w. may continue to merit the succesa nmade pos- sible by our customer friends. I hATi i H foz I Carter's COFFEE US THE CUP THAT REFRESHES NO TICE FRUIT GROWERS Tfie Northu.mberland and Durham Apple Growers' Annuai Convention IN ST. PETER'S PARISH HALL, COBOURG FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th, COMMENCING AT 10 a.m. Instructive programme on Insect and Fungus Control; Orchard Management including Pruning. SIECMAL FEATURE - Question box at door. Bring your questions Please forward your resolutions to secretary or hand same in morning o! the convention EVERYBODY WELCOME Harold Gibson, President E. A. Summers, Sec'y-Treas. M4ale &Female HELP WANTED ]FOR WAR WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT Vacation with Pay after One Years Service Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks Hose, Beiting and Packing Full Cost of Living Bonus Legal Holidays with Pay Moided Goods Pension 'Plan Applicants now on War Work not accepted Apply National Selective Service ( Oshawa - Fle 2670 I I i MRS. GEO. P. )ICKARD HEADS j FAMILY GATHERING jMns. Gco. P. Rickard, now in liber 9th year, was the central figure at a lange family gathering Ion Christmas Day at the home of hier son-in-law and daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Irwin S. Aluin, 3nd Line, jClarke. Among the 33 present *werc bier six daughters, Bertie, iEthel, Lillie, Pearl, Olive and iEdna, three sons-in-iaw, 20 grand- children, one grandson-in-law and jIone great grandson. Festivities continued throughout noon and jeventide with much music, carol jsinging and picture taking in be- 1tween. Tables were set in four m oims o! the former Middleton big !arm home. Some o! the young people went skating at night and others to a picture show in Bowmanvile. Mn. Stuart Joil, Gliddcn, Sask., was among the grandehiidrcn present; ais o Misses Marion Fisher and Frances Toms, Montreai, and Misses Doris Aluin and Minnie Pearce, Toron- to. NEWCASTLE NOMINATIONS Newcastle Municipal nomina- tions passcd off very quietiy on Monday evening with Cierk H. C. Bonathan presiding. Reeve C. R. Carvetb was re-elected by accla- mation. Six men wene nominat- cd for the four councillonships: the four acting councillors, E. A. Walton, Fred Couch, Sr., Chris Law and J. H. Jose, and two ncw aspirants, John Rickard and Geo. A. Walton. Rev. D. R. Dcwdney,c Ross Dickinson and C. S. Hornocks3 were re-elected by acclamation ast members of the Board of Educa- tion for another 2-year terni. Commissioner J. E. Rinch was ne- eiected by acclamation as a mcm- ber o! Newcastle Hydno-Elcctric Commission. Reeve C. R. Car- veth and Inwin Colwill, Vice- P Chairman o! the B. of E. spokef brie! iy. (Intended for last week) Mns. A. H. Fisher, cldest daugt. ter of Mns. Geo. P. Rickard, wa presented with a if!e membcrshi centificate in the Woman's Mis sionary Society in recognition c ber services -as Treasurer of th Tabernacle United Church WM.S Belleville, for 17 years. Mr,. R. W. Allun, M.A., forme Diocesan Treasurer o! the Cburc. of England, Toronto, vîsitcd hi cousins, Misses Ada and Elizabet Allin. He is now ietincd; but i: former years he bas on differen occasions spoken !rom the pulpi of St. George's Church in the in terests of Missions. Public and High Schools closei Wednesday with closing exencise and a joyous social time in eac] department. Each room o! th Public School bad its own dis tinctive programn and yuletid festivities. Miss Ruby E. Thorn dyke, Supt. o! Music, bas goni home to Wesleyville for Christ mas. Miss Heita Cooke is home fron Port Credit and Mn. Laurenci Morton fromn Victoria Coilege. Mns. Paul Shatier, Oshawa with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs Ed. Powell. Board o! Education met Mon day evening and wound up thR business for the year. This wa: the first time in many yeais thai ail provincial legislative grant! have been paid in full. There arE General grants, Agricultura' grants and Music grants. Anothei thing. the Board bas neceivci cheques for two music grants this year, one o! $64 in January for the 1942 grant, and one o! $80 in December for 1943. Mns. Harvey Curtis and Mns. R~. A. Delve, Onono, at Mrs. W. N. Buckley's. The epidemic o! influenza bas hit Newcastle quite bard and persons o! ail ages bave been a!- flicted. Rev. D. R. Dewdney, wrho bad been very poorly, took his services at St. Geore's Church <I UNITED CHURCH S.S. Z onSna.Ree R.H avt -CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT is necovcning !rom a severe attack. _______H. C. Bonathan, Municipal Clerk nday and Treasuren, kcpt cuurageous- The United Church Sun yly at work while only bal! well, School held its Christmas tnee en- btwsodrdb i otrt tertainment Dec. 22, with audi- btwsodrdb i otrt torium and galleries filled. Rev. go to bcd. Mrs. J. Scott Howard R. E. Morton was chairman and wvas a sufferer but is now much Supeintendent Chas. Glenney împrovcd.. School children scem assigned himsel! to the duties of to have been laid up from the Santa Claus' valet. The proceed- epidemîic in relays, some going ings opcned with the orchestra down and some coming up and playing carois and the audience others bal! way along, and school sîngîng. Cas attendance bas been much cur- The PiayCas unden the tailed. Councillon J. H. Jose was direction o! Mrs. W. E. Beman, among those caught in the throes Miss Irene Rinch and Mns. Morley o! the epidemic. Saliows, presented part I o! the 1United Church Y.P.U. met Dec. progam. avi Ricardgave13,when these officers wene elect- promise o! an oratonical cancer dHo.PéietRvR.E in the opcning speech o! wcîcomc. Morton; Presîdent - Ross Aluin; Other bright little members o! Secretary - Kathleen Toms;' the class who gave recitations Treasuer-Bob Aluin; Fellowship wcre: Marlene Laking, Joyce Pol- Convener - Huby Thorndyke; lard, Jean Toms and Jack Allin. Missions - Wylma Farrow; Citi- Ten boys appcaned in a flag drill~ zenshi p-Donald Jose; Culture- boys and girls enacted a play; Evelyn Aluin; Pianist - Betty eight o! the more advanced Prim- Aluin; Recreation - Glenn Allun, ariens nendered a song, Rainy Day, Morley Aluin and Bill Morley; sharing a big oriental umbrelia, P r c s s Secnetany - Margaret and the whole class rendened a Hockin. Donald Jose had charge sogThe Robins, o! a short worship period aften Part II o! the programn was a hc a period o! games was en- composite o!fering, ail the more joyed. Lunch was served. interesting and ententaining for __________ the !act. No. 9, Brown's and Lake Shore schools, in ail o! which Rev. ELECTION AT ORONO R. E. Morton gives neiigious in- struction, pnesented school num- For the first time in a good bers, quite a number o! the pupils, many years there will be an elcc- but not ail, bcing members o! the tion in Orono for Police Trustees IU.C.S.S. ,t-d Hydro officiais. The five Bnown's pupils under the di- le! t to nun for the three places rection o! their teacher, Miss are: Messrs. McLaren, Riddell and Bertha Cain led o!! with thnee Mencer (ahl last yean's) and twa rhythm band selections with new ones, R. E. Logan and C. T Laurence Morton at the piano. Miller. 1ronto attending the Ingnam-Van- 1Dusen wedding. 1 Francis Jose and Balfour Le- 1Gneslcy are attending the Agni- cultunal Short Course at Orono this week. George and Miss Jean Bonathan. of Toronto, were home. Mrs. A. S. Houston, after at- tending 8 o'clock communion ser- vice in St. George's Chunch on Christmas with other members o! the congregation, drove out to the farrm for Chnistmas dinner with ber sister, Mrs. O. P. Hentzberg, and came back in time to have tea with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hornocks and daughtens. Jannie Wright, who joined the Merchant Marine in company wîth Geo. Graham, camie home for the second time to, spend Christ- mas with his famiiy. Mr. George Gaines, Jr., Bank o! Commerce, Barrie, and Camp Borden, with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Gaines. Miss Betty VanDusen and Alex Ingram, R.C.A.F., son o! Mn. and Mns. James Ingnam, Queen's Hotel, Newcastle, were married in Toronto on Dec. 27. Alex is home from B.C. on funlough. Mr. Jno. Tebble spent Christ- mas with his niece, Mrs. Stephens, Bowmanvîlle. Mr. Alex McLeod, Fedenal Dept. Game and Fishenies, To- ronto, was in Newcastle annang- ing to take his mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod, to a home in Bowman- ville. Born at Bond Head and now in her 96th year, she bas been staying for some years wîth Mis. John Robinson who is un- able to, take cane of ber longer. Mrs. McLeod has knitted socks for soldiers and saîlors ever since the beginning of the war. A goodly number o! worship- pers attended the il o'clock Christmas Day service in St. George's Chunch, conducted by Rev. D. R. Dewdney. Teachers and officers of St. George 's S.S. are planning to hoid the Christmastide entertainment for the pupils on the evening of Jan. 4th, with a supper as the opening feature. The alumni of Newcastle High School, (Wr a stated numben of1 ,'ears bap, are planning a grand 'e-union in the community hallE on Saturday evening, Jan. Ist. à Lighting was restored in the1 Board Room o! the United Chuncb S.S. last week and mid-wek prayer and praise services haves been resumcd there.i Bandsman H. C. Allun of thez R.C.O.C. is home from Kingston.c Mn. E. H. Joli, Ajax, witb hisl parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. H.j [oll. IN MEMORIAM KERR-In memory of my belo't er wife, Sarah Jane Kerr, v hpassed away January 4, 19 Ls Not just today, dear wife,1 th every day, in In silence I remember. nt -Wes. 52. it n- TREWIN-In loving memory our dear daughter and sist jd Anne, who passed away Jý es uary lst, 1942. !h - Sadly missed by Moth ie Father and Sisters and Bi S- thers. 52. le .1e COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, WR mJan. 5. Admission 35c. M ,e Brown's H. & S. Annual N( aYear's Eve Frolic in Newcas SCommunity Hall on Fni., Dec.: at 10 o'clock. Russ Creightoi orchestra. Good prizes. Admissi 75c per person. 51 IRE-ELECT COUNCEL Ls IN DARLINGT< il Ail members of the coundil f x the Township of Darlington we dreturned to office by acclamatic ýThose elected are: Reeve, W. rPickell; Deputy Reeve, R. nStevens; Council, R. K. Squa Everton White and ArthurMi. son. S o o o o OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phne 1011 - Free Parking jho Thurs., Fr1., Sat., UDec 30.-31 - Jan. 1 no In glorious technicolor l B EST FOOT FORWARD L n Starring i Lcille Bail, William Gax- ton, Virginia Weidler Harry James and hismui makers Dmakes you feel young. Harry Jae strrfco i Dtrumpet, Lucille Bail is gor- geous, the tunes are tops. New Year's Eve Midnite Show at 11.30 p.m. 0 If it's fun you're after, 0 let's go n AROUND THE OL Il Starring Kay Kyser, Mischa Auer, IJoan Davis, Marcy McGuire, IlWally Brown, Alan Carney Uand Kay Kyser's band. o 5 song hits, the joy'ride of Oyour life. Make up a party ~, Loge Seats Reserved IlStartlng Monday for 1 week HTHIS IS THE ARMY Il In technicolor UStarring men of the armed oforces and George Murphy, Joan Leslie, Lt. Ronald Rea- Ugan, George Tobias, Alan n' Hale, Charles Butterworth, ilKate Smith. A generous portion of pro- eeeds of this Theatre's show- ing of This Is The Army, o goes to Canadian Army Sho and Recreation Fund. 'For Rent /1/ ~ 4 ~4~T à Il mi 1 Lenore Osborne and Helen Turn. er o! No. 9 nendered a vocal duet, Stan of tbe East; Donna Bruni and Bobbie Martin of No. 9, anc Norman Eddy, Samn Turner and Peggy Stephenson o! Brown's, al, icontributed interestîng recita tions. Hazel Farrow of Bnown'.ý »gave a realistic impersonation o« .a badly used and crippied dol: iwhich plead for better treatment 1Nine pupils of Lake Shore School under the direction o! Miss Editl iHendry, prettily portrayed, b3 ,Gospel neadings and song, eventi iof the Nativity and thnee girl! and three boys, in a double trio favored with an encore. Bett3 Aluin accompanied for Lenore Os. borne and Helen Turner. Mary Hagerman of Miss Betty Enwnight's class beld the rapt at. tention o! ail as sbe read in clear and nicely controiied tones, Mcry Christmas on the Farm. ThreE boys of Donald Jose's class, Lloyd Martin, Rodger Mellow and Billie Fisher, ententained in a bewilder. ing magic skit entitled, Prof. Dis- appearo. Marie Aluin, Shirley Brunt, Pauline Branch, Mary Toms and Arvilla Brunt of Miss E. M. Blackburn's class sang in sweet barmony, Pro Dreaming of a White Christmas, with Margaret Hockin at the piano. Mn. H. M. McColl's class o! boys staged a littie play, It Hap- pened One Christmas Ev e, the scene, a railway station. It had the right Christmas spirit and the boys taking parts were: Stanley Powell, Neil Britton, Tracy Embly, Francis Jose and Tommy Kebick. During an interlude Joyce Mar- tin, Hazel May Fisher and Hazel Farrow entertained with piano solos. Mns. A. E. Mellow's mixed Young People's Bible Class pre- sented a seasonabie one-act play, The Christmas Child. A railway station was also the scene o! this heart-wanming act. Those taking parts were: Bob Aluin, Tracy Embly, Ross Allun, Betty Aluin, Donald Jose, Margaret Hockin, Mary Margaret Bonathan, Mar- jonce Toms, June Allin and Marie Pearce. Santa Claus, having become seriously iîl after attending a school concert the night before, his place was ably taken by his 2nd lieutenant, Clarence Turner, who, after shaking hands with several of the childrcn and tell- ing o! the difficulties o! his trip, appiied himscîf to the genial task o! handing out bags of goodies to ail the Cradie Holl members and Pnimary Class members. ENGAGEMENT 1 Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spei 1 Bowmanville, wish to annc 1the engagement of their daug -Catherine Eleanor Victoria sPilot Officei Hugh Fredq f Hoblitzell, son of Mr. and .Frederick G. Hoblitzell, M.P., bronto. The marriage will 1place in St. Clements Apg àChurch, North Toronto, on Fr y December 3ist, at 3 o'clock. secption at the home of Mr. sMrs. John Ellis, Lytton Blvd, ronto. MARRIAGE OSBORNE-TIGHE - On1 r nesday, Dec. 22, 1943, in vestry of St. Joseph's Chi Bowmanville, by Rev. S Coffey, Frances Yvonne, e: daughter of Mrs. Tighe anc late Dr. F. T. Tighe, toà Henry Osborne, son of Mr. Mrs. H. C. Osborne, Bowr ville. DEATI-S CATOR-In Darlington, on 25, 1943, Fuller Cator, Sa aged 75 years. DUDLEY - In Bowmanville Dec. 26, 1943, Olive Henri Dudley, Tyrone, widow James C. Dudley, in her year. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Brookc Tyrone wish..to thank their in friends and neighbors for t] good wishes and kind greeti in the ceiebrating of their . wedding anniversary on Ch: mas Day, which was also J Brooks' 77th birthday. To, ail we say cheerio, and as wes over the threshold out of the into the new, doing our bit A a smile, helping to usher in New Year in a spirit of friends and good will and a peace, not the world gives.5 Fît. Sgt. Keane. J. H., Overs( wishes to thank his many friei for their kind remembrances him in the past year, with parci letters, telegrams and cards,z pictures which were ail v, much appreciated and enjoyec find it impssible to get time acknowledge each one as I wol like to, so take this opportun of saying a million thanks. Happy New Year, and God bl you, one and ail, Love, Johnny 52 ncer, unce ghter, , to leick Mrs. ,To- take li«can iday, Re- and To- 52-1 Wed- ithe unch, . J. ýldest i the Alan .and man- 52-1 Dec. 1cem, e, on of 76th ýs of any Lhein LingsF 59th rist- Mrus. you F, step old with- the D hip ît as 52-1- Fi cas, nds ;to cîls,- also F( ieny . I Sto )uld- nity LI ý,a ýless Y. -F ced eho 939. but "FC of ;ter, ýan- her, no-- 11* i2-1 rew- tic FC 31, 1 on 1-2 ON E for S ere f on. R. R. air O c 2 F. v n- LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actuaily in stock You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - LADIES BLACK cloth coat, genuine black fox colla,, good condition, s i z e 18-20. Aiso black cloth coat, fui, trimmed, si -ze 16-18. Write B o x "272, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 52-.1* OR SALE-Linoleum Rug, 9 f t. by 1312 ft., only used few months. Reason for seiling, moving and doesn't fit room. Bargain for immediate sale. Fred Lewis, Silver and King Sts. 52-i VACUUMS FOR SALE "Good vacuums for Good Housekeeping." Also guaran- teed expert repairs, lubrication, replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Service Branch, McGregon's Hardware Store, Bowmanville, 774. 49-tf MR SALE - 1 Pair Red Ski mitts, mcd. size; 1 pair cub shprts, size 10; i boy's long pant suit, 8 to 10 yrs. size. Cheap. Mrs. D. Brown, 13 Carlysle Ave., Bowmanville. 52-1* )HAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in medern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf ,ivestock and Articles 'R SALE - 5 Black Minorca cockerels. C. W. Downey, phone 2590. 52 1 )R SALE-YOUNG PIGS, SIX weeks old. Apply Herb. Stain- ton, Hampton. 52-2* ILLS FOR SALE-HEREFORD 18 months old, Durham, 8 months old. Phone 2818, BoW- manville. 51-tf OR SALE-Purebned Yorkshire boar, serviceabie age, $30. Also litter of pigs. Apply James T. Brown, Newcastle. 52-1* OR SALE - YOUNG FRESH Jersey cow, quiet and sound. Apply Isaac Hardy, Hampton, phone 2184. 52-1 DR SALE-Quantity of Hay; 8 pigs, 8 weeks old and il pigs, 6 wveeks old. Also qûantîty o! ;py apples. Apply Earl Trewin, Enniskillen, phone 2351. 52-i DR SALE-25 COCKERELS and 83 good laying pullets. Apply VIns. Wheeler, Midd& Road, 3owmanville, (opposite C. M. Carruthers). 52-1* R SALE-Three Durham Heif- nrs, due to freshen first week in ranuary. Lorne Robbins, Les- kard P.O. Phone 54r13, Orono. 50-3* )R SALE - 2 Young Holstein cows and i young Durham Cow, all due first week in Januany. Apply Schwarz Bros., RHR. 3, Bowmanville, phone Oshawa 491w11. 52-1 )R SALE - Purebred Short- .orn bulîs, purebned Cotswold ewe 1ambs, and pure white Embden geeboth sex, 1943 tock. Orville Burton, Clare- mont, Ont. 50-4* I A i I FOR RENT - CABIN, centrafly Iccated. Phone 894. 52-1 FOR RENT-2 GARAGES, on the premises. Possession Jan. 1, 1944. Mrs. Archie Tait, Division FOR RENT-6-ROOMED House, ail conveniences. Apply B. Fur- ber, Queen St., Bowrnanville. 52-1 Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices for Timothy, Clover, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- rnanville. Phone 577. 34-tf Tenders Wanted ROYAL THEATRE PROGRAM FOR JANUARY' January 3, 4, 5 - MY FRIEND FLICKA January 6, 7, 8 - HELLO FRISCO, HELLO! Januany 10, Il, 12 - DULTBARRY WAS A LADY Jaîîuary 13, 14, 15 - CRASH DIVE January 17, 18, 19 - SLIGHTL Y DANGEROUS January 20, 21, 22 - FOREST RANGERS January 24, 25, 26 - CHINA HARRIGAN'S KID January 27, 28, 29 - ABOVE SUSPICION -1. [Thurs.,, Fr1., Sat., * Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1 * Double Feature IYOUNGEST PROFESSION WlthI *EDWARD ARNOLD * VIRGINIA WEIDLE1R * AND fASTI I Aise IAMAZING MRS. HOLLIDAY I IDEANNA DURBIN Mon., Tues., Wed., Jan. 3, 4, 5 IMY FRIEND FLICKA I With IRODDY McDOWELL P1IJSTON FOSTER I RITA JOHNSTON INEW YEAR'S EVE lWIDNfE SHOW I A13BOTT~ and COSTE&w LBi*~I PRIVATE - ~ NURSES' AIDES WANTED (WOMEN) Eight hour day. Attractive salary. Course in home and institutional nursing. Com- fortable living quarters. Good social and recreational facilities. Public Sehool edu- cation or better qualifies you. APPLY EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE, OSHAWA Refer to File No. 3743 EYES deserve the belt 1 AND TILLYER LENSES are the best. We are lioensed to fit Tillyer Lenses-the very latest achievement of ophthalmic scientists. They will give your eyes a new and 1V. or* glad te .apliss à., Tiliyer LeuaaiM dlfflerenL.s aus $heu. >wu noticeable comfort. For un- like ordinary lenses, Tillyer Lenses are accurate to the C:j ve.ry edge whether you look up or down, in or out. Wishing ai our friends a Happy New Year Jury C& Loveli THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TiC S When We Test Eyes It Is Don. re - - - - - - -3 WANTED-TENDERS for janitor for S.S. No. 5, Providence School. Duties to commence immediateiy. Apply, stating wages expected, Ciare E. Aluin, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2847. 52-i Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST-Return Soidiei's Service Button, No. O038225. Finder please leave at Statesman Of- fice. Lost by. Hector Gould, Concession St. 52-1* Articles For Sale e,11 2 F'OR SALE-Quantity of Choice hay, also quantity table turnips. Phone Clarke 1224. 51-2* F'OR SALE - Two Men's Over- coats, 39-40, $8.00 each. Apply Box 999, Statesman Office. 52-1 FOR SALE-1931 CHEV. Coupe for sale. Apply McKeever's Garage. Will sell cheap. 50-4 FOR SALF-1927 CHEV. COACH good tires. Appiy S. L. Buttery, Middle Road. Phone 2638. 52-i FOR SALE-Gentleman's Hunt- ing case Waltham watch, $20.00. Write Box 271, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 52-i FOR SALE - LADY'S SKATES with boots, size 5; girl's skates, sîze 1; 2 pairs boys' skates, size 4 and 51/. Phone 719. 52-i* mmw r- . THURS., DECEMBER 30th,. 1943 Seed Grain For Sale A quantity Of Cartier Qats, grown from registered seed in 1943, also a quantity of Cartier mixed with wlieat and barley. Ail this grain is from early sow- ing and is of first quality. Chas. A. Glenney, Newcastle, phone Orono 86-18. 52-1 Commercial No. i E rb an, Cartier and Victory oats, O.A.C. No. 21 Barley. We expect a car- load of the above varieties of seed about Jan. i. This is real good seed grown at New Liskeard. We are now takîng orders. GARNET B. RIOKARD, Bowmanville, phone 2813. 51-1 Wanted To Buy WANTED -Large Quebec Heat- ers. Apply Kingsway Green- houses. Phone 2633. 51-3 Found1 FOUND-MAN'S SIL VER-CASE pocket watch, on Highway 35. Owner may have same by prov- ing ownership and paying for Advertisement. R o s s Allun, phone 26-22 Clarke. 52-1 Chicks for Sale CHICKS-We are now taking or- ders for Tweddle Chicks. Al breeds including hybrids. Place your order early to avoid dis- appointment. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 52-tf ClassifiedAd Rates one cent a word cash, each insertion' (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra Io made when advertisement ls not paid same week as fuser- tion. Extra charge of 10o when replies are directedl to a Statesmai' box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. Ini Memorlams, 50o for notice Plus 10e per line for verse. (Jlasslfied adver- tisements accepted up untIl 6 p.m. Wednesday. IRELIEA S Tires now retreaded for S. senger cars wlthout Pu'lit. We are ln a Position î handie ail sizes of tires ot retreading. Three tread de. signs to choose from. TIRE SHOP e 1 block west Of Post Office Open frois 8 a.m. to 6 P.m. Phone 467 THEARE-LLE r- 77

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