PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMANT BOWMANVTT T - rTAR AUCTUON SALES jFor Sale or Rent -- - -Wedding BIRTJI TheNe catl InepndntTAYL:OR-COTTER SHACKLETON - Mr. and Mri ______Gerald Shackleton, (ne Phone Clarke 1114 A wedding of Newcastle inter- Leonora Bail), Kirby, ar, ******est took place i n St. John's Angli- happy ta announce the birth a ~MMM MMU MUUmmm can Church, Bowmanville on Dec. a son at Bowmanviile Hospita Among the carload receipts at 1 Church, Sunday evening, supply- 4th, when Stella Grace Cotter, on Sunday, December 5th, 1943 the C.N.R. station last week were ing for Rev. J. McLachian who daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 491i threp cars of coal for Fred Gra- was ill Cotter, Newcastle, became the________________ ham, a car of Western wheat and Pte. Cari Fisher was home from bride of Tpr. Douglas Ronald Tay- Montreai and Pte. Chas. Thackray lor, son of Mrs. Gea. Polley, Bow- MARRIAGE another of ail cake in 100 lb. bags from Toronto. manville. The marriage was for A. W. Glennèy, a car of oats Mr. E. E. Patterson is recover- solemnized by Canon C. R. Spen- SCOTT-EDWARDS - In St for A. O. Parker, also for farmer ing from a six weeks' illness cer. The bride, gowned in blue Margaret's Anglican Church distribution and a car of Western which has kept himi from is with brown accessories, and wear- New Toronto, on Nov. 27, 1943 gran fr Hrac BstOroo. wok îthCandia Canes ng a corsage of pale pink mumis, by Rev. M. B. Williams, Alict gran fr Hrac Bet Oono A orkwit Caadin Cnnes. was given in marriage by hier Ray, eldest daughter of Mr. and carload of general mierchandise Somne more Newcastle boys are father. Her sister, Miss Viola Ms letEwrs eln came in early this week. in Itaiy, Carp. Harold Hockin and Cotr wsbiesad ews . A bPe rewiEd gar s c elad Clarence Allun sustained pain- Pte. Keith Rowe ar eatdt ressed in brown, with brown ac- riet o of Mr. and Mrs. Her- fui injuries and had a bone bro- be among the number. cessories and wore a matching bert 'Scott, Orono. 49-1' ken in his knee when he was Two of Newcastle's distinctive corsage of bronze mumis. The* knocked down by a bull when hie Graces becamne brides Saturday groom was attended by Mr. Alfred was ieading it into the stable. He when Miss Grace Powell, younger Samelîs. After the wedding a re- DEATI-S was thrown under a horse and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ception was held at the home of might have been hurt much Powell was united in marriage the bride's parents, Toronto St * LTHRI saa e.4 warse. The trouble occurred with Mr. Paul Shetier by Rev. R. Newcastle. Mrs. B. Cotter, moth- LTHRI OhwDc when the ring came out of the E. Morton at the United Church, er of the bride, and Mrs. Gea. 1943, Margaret Fletcher, widaxw animal's nose. The injured knee and Miss Grace Cotter, daughter Polley, mother of the groom, as- of Joseph C. Fletcher, aged 90 has been put in a cast. Mr. Allun of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cafter, sisted in receiving, each gowned years. will be be incapacitated for saime was united in wedlock with Tpr. in navy blue. The wedding coin-CAR- CriteS.' weeks. Douglas R. Taylor, Bowmanvîlie, cided with the 36th anniversary TLARK-nto hron tDe. Hospital, Donald Jase took the church by Canon C. R. Spencer of St. of the wedding of the bride's par- RortoW. DClark, 1943, Dr. service - at Newtonvilie United John's Anglican Church, Bow- ents. Following the reception the RoetWClrBwavl, ____________________manvilie. young couple took a honeymoon beloved husband of Evva H. Y.P.U. met Monday evening trip ta Toronto. The groom was Clark. xwith Presîdent Ross Allun in expecting ta report back ta Camp MALLEY - In Oshawa Hospital charge. Members voted $15 ta- Barden today. on Monday, December 6, 1943,' .vardshe new rink in the village. __________ John Nelson Maiiey, beioved Evelyn Allun had charge of wor- son of James and Tenchia Edna ship and programn. June Allun NEWCASTLE RED CROSS Mailey, in bis 36th year. The read the Scripture, Evelyn read late Mr. Malley is resting at R O Y A L ?__ explanations and led in prayer, Newcastle Red Cross Society The Luke Funeral Home, Osh- -atrwhich Bob Allun took up theme No.2.PeietMs awuilWdsayvnng THEATRnry cllcto. vey Funeral from the home of bis B p M A NVU1LL E Allun read the summary of te~ Beatrix Mclntosh presided and parents, Pontypool, an Thurs- Life." Numbers on the programi meeting witb prayer. Treasurer's United Church for service at included readings by Margaret report showed a balance of $140.88 2:30 p.m. Interment Pontypool Thurs., Fr1.,y Sat., Ash and vocal duets by Pauline on hand. Branch has remitted Cemetery. 49-1 DE.1 9, l, Deline and Margaret Ash, ac- 85 per cent of its funds, viz. ________________ DE. , 0,11companied by Mary Toms. $1,483.19, ta Headquarters in To- DOUBLE FEATURE Howard J. Toms, President of ronto since the beginning of the Cards of Thanks BA K SWAN Newcastle ink Association, and year. * L CKIHugh M. MCol, Se'y-Treas., are Conveners of different commit- Mrs. S. G. Preston wishes ta InTY technicoior, wlth meeting witb encauraging success tees gave their reports, ail show- thank the Superintendent and TYONE POWER and in their canvass for funds ta get ing that a great deai of wark had nurses of Bowmanviile Hospital MAUREEN OHARA a rink underway. A bank account been finished and sent ta Head- and Drs. Birks, Siemon, for their ALSO has been apened. quarters. kindness. Also the many friends MRanaî Geo. Patterson and Mrs. Miss Cora Butler, convener of who sent flowers, fruit, books, BETWEEN US adl and two children, Hamp- Packing cammittee, reparted that cards>and candy, and for the kind- tonwer Suday isiorsof r. or qotaof 00 uderarmntsness shown ber since her return GIRLS and Mrs. A. W. Pearce. . for Greek refugees working on home. 91 farmis in Syria and Turkey had ____ 4-1 Mrs. Gea. P. Rickard will ob- been completed and sent away. To The Electorate, I I ~~~serve lher 89th birthday, Sunday, The shpmet alis pd 10 Abgtakyufrtesln Mon., Tues., Weder Dec. l2th. ah t 0 e The Town of Bowmanvilie: DEC. 13, 14, 15 Among the bride's relatives at- knitted wash cloths, 30 khaki did support given me at the Polis dingiag the Unite ron wD- e.bx cnt aining qisch1ilrneouon Monday. Extending ta al the IMMORTAL tding tthe Unite hr-Ponelî wed- hanrcief, isomuiscellarnos Seasan's Greetings. SE G A T4th, and the reception at the home garments and feit bootees. Sneeyyus SE G A Tof Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Powell, were: The Brancb is makin g arrange- SincerelyyER . Iit Mr. Laverty and daugbter and ments ta have the Folri'e here in A.S.-A1:* WithMrs. Ross Joncs and son Douglas, April, 1944. HENRY FONDA Osbawa; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones Newcastle Harticuiturai Society May I take this opportunity ta MAUREEN OHARA and Mn. and Mrs. Harold McFad- beld a card party and gave the thank the electors for the support * THOMAS MI[TCHELL den, Toronto. proceeds ta the Red Cross ta help given me at the polis on Monday. * ON SAME BELL I George Grahain, Newcastleon- pay for the Christmas boxes 1 greatîy appreciate the confi- 1the-Lake, shot three red foxes in wbich we are sending ta the en- dence placed in me and I wili do GILDERSLEEVE'S1 quick succession west of the Low- listed men. my utmost ta measure up ta your B D D Yer Marsh on Howard Pearce's xetios nadctng n 13ADDAYfarm. The skîns were wortb $10 UNITED CIfURCH W.M.S. eectiaon ficadvocaing an- Featuring each. ministration. HAOLD FERRY and Contractor L. Martineil, Ken- W.M.S. meeting was marked by OWEN NICHOLAS. JANE DARWEL dal, and men are making good these special features: signing of____ Progress in rebuilding and fitting a temperance pledge sent by the 1 desire ta take this means of J. Anderson Smith Ca. factory perance and Christian Citizenship braved the weather of last Mon- destroyed by the fire. The fac- and presented by the local Secre- day ta came out and vote for me tary, Mrs. N. Rickand; election In placing me at the bead of the 0fof ffîcens; reports of the Section- polis, you have shown your confi- ai Ra]iy beld in Orono: and the dence in me, and I will do my best «~'Christmas Candle-Lighting Cene- ta live up ta the obligation thuý mony. imposed. Again tbanking you and ____The veny excellent reports Of if it is not too early, wishing you the raliy wene given by Mns. A. E. the Compliments of the Season. Meliow, Mns. Hl. McColl and Mrs.RA J.DLIG R. Dickinson. Those taking partRA J.DLNG in the Candie-Lighting ceremany Ladies and Gentlemen: were Miss T. Fergusan, leader, For youn kindness at the poils Fi assisted by Mns. P. Hare, Mrs. C. an December 6, 1 wish ta extend - - - R. Carveth, Mns. A. E. Mellaw and my sincere thanks. I will carry Mrs. C. Hall. out my duties ta tbe best of my The apening prayen was offered ability for the intenests of the by Mrs. Cooke. Warsbip peniod tawn in the coming year. consisted of Bible reading by Miss I wish yau ail a Menry Christ- \ \~Rickard and Mrs. Hoar ad ms a nad Na MaNAISNew eL vocal solo by Mrs. H. M. Aluin, ac- Bowmanviîîe, companied by Mns. Honey. Dec. 7, 1943. 4- Officens eiected are: Hon. Pres. 4- ) -Mrs. N. Rickard; Pres.-Mrs. N. Aluin; lst Vice-Mrs. J. C. Han- UN MEMORUAMI cack; 2nd Vice - Mrs. W. H. Cooke; 3rd-Mrs. R. E. Morton; CLARKE-nlvn eoyo 4 Recording Secretary-Miss E. M.Em ainiemr 7o Blackburn; Corresponding Sec'y aur dean mother, Hannah Eliza- -Miss T. Ferguson; Christian beth Clarke, wbo died five Stewardship and Finance-Mrs years ago, Dec. 3, 1938. E. C Hor; CmmuityFiend It's only a grave but stili needs .1ship-Mns. P. Hare (assist.); Sup- care ply-Mrs. E. C. Hoar; Associate For one I love is sleeping there, Members-Mrs. J. A. Awde; Mis- Saime may forget bier now she * sion Band-Unfiîîed; Baby Band l5 gone, I -Mrs. N. Goheen (assist.); Tem- But I shahl neyer no matter penance and Christian Citizenship owlog -Mrs. N. Rickard; Missionary -aymisd ydagtr Monthly-Mns. Harold Toms, Mrs. Hla n aiy 91 F. Couch, Sr.; Literature-Mrs _______________ J ~C. Fenguson; Press - Mrs. T. Clark; C.G.I.T.-Miss K. Toms; Premier Drew Fies Pianists-Mrs. E. Rinch, Mrs. G. SKGet rti t ~~~~~Honey. T ra rti rs. ee ri 13. j* ;t. h, ýe d, A-A MERRY CHRISTMAS STOCKING....Deck.d with holly end enclosed in cellophane is a jolly ltfIe red velvef boot. A dramn of wanderful Blue Gtass Perfume nestIes inside ... one dram six............- . .2 O-WHITE ORCHID SET-A gift fa brng sparkl. ro a lady's *yes . safin soif dusting powd.r and a liglit ling.ring FIowe. Msf in the delicate scent of Whte Orchici C--FOR TUB FUN ... A GIFT FROM ELIZABETH ARDEN-To make any bath gayer . . . a beautiful bal af June Geronium Saap and a tell box of Ardena snowy soif dusting pawder, fied festively togetheu ond pack- og.d as a gift . ..$22 Jury Loveli THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778 ---C.N.R. TICKETS When W. Test Eyes t s Dons Properly HONOR ROLL Immediately after an illness t h a t threatened pneumania, An Addltional List of Men from Premier George Drew lef t for Newcastle and South Clarke in the Armed Services Bitain by air, personally ta set in motion the first plank in bis Allan Clark pre-election piatform wbich is Ralpb Simpson pimariiy in the interests of agni- Stanley Brown cutue Donald Powellcutr.e Donald Brooks It bas been decided ta open re Leonard Buckler Ontario Offices in England sa that SE ACi W. M. Jones Ontario may be dircctly repre- H Pte. A. N. L. Nesbitt sented in arranging agicultural 7 D. Law ACi H. J. Stacey and industriai outiets in Britain O C. Donaidson as soon as trade revives. ThrougbHO H. Burley offices, plans will aiso be ACi Keith Burley made for the extension af com- Teno AC2 M. Morton mercial and trade autlets in van- LAC R. F. Gilmer ious countries as soon as trade can R. Scott ersmd Theaboe ae al fom he It is also intended ta make Ot Lake Shore and Newtanville. special arrangements for assist- wate Now In the R.C.A.F. (W.D.) ing troops from Ontario in con- forh AW2 N. A. Adams nection with any problems wbicb An Formerly Miss Norma Van may arise duning the peniod of lanci Dusen. demobilizatian onM It is understood that the Prime ducti Minister wiii announce funther giver tory is naw working overtime. arrangements of considerable im- appre H. S. Bitton, electrician, and partance after they have been here Gea. Gaines, skilled artisan, bave compieted in London. watez been repairing the damage ta tbe It will be recalled that the first andE Board Room of the United Churcb point in the 22-point program about caused when it was stnuck by which hie placed befare the peo- in thq iigbtning. Some plaster had ta pie of Ontario last summer, proni- A be removed ta get at the wiring. ised the strengthening of the Bri- rental tish partnersbip in every way pas- areel In days of yore, if anyone miss- sible and it is understood that bis of hot ed a stagecoach hie was content ta personal visit ta Britain is con- new( wait two or three days for the nected with tbat undertaking. servie ncxt one. Now hie lets out a The Prime Minister flew by janitu squawk if bie misses one section bomber from Montreal and arniv- tinued .of a revolving door. ed in Britain Dec. 2. chanci Voters' List Posted CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1943, Township of Darllngton, County of Durham Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in MY office at Hampton, on the 9th day of De- cember, 1943, the list of ail per- sans entitied to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 hereby caîl upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceedings ta have any errors or omissions corrected according to law the last day for appeal being Friday, the 24th day of December, 1943.' J. D. HOGARTH, ---~ eiectriW, coas or ail brooder Dated this 9th day of &llgu. staves for samne. Stewoart'S December, 1943. 49-2 Seed Store, phone 577. 49-1 0 - WANTED - HATCHING EGGS. Articles For Sale We nequire breeding flocks ail 1, breeds ta suPPly us with batcb- FOR ALE-UNFLWER eed ng eggs for the 1944 hatching O istock.Stewart's Seed season. Fiocks culled and blood- now n sock Stwar's eed tested free. Guaranteed pre- Stoe. 9-1 mium paid. Aiso 'addîtional FOR SALE -Al Eectic Train, atchability premium. -Also camplete with tracks and trans-~ turkey focks wanted ta supply former. Phone 2524. 49-1 hatcing eggs. It wll pay you ta write for full details im- FOR SALE - 2 Baby Bassinets mediately. T w e d d i e Chick with adjustable hoods and e- Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, movable stands. Phone 2140, Ontario. 47-5* B awmanvile. 49-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE - One Pair Hockey Carpentry tube skates and boots, size 5, in good condition. Phone 2567. C R E T y an E A R 49-4* APNR an EA S- Jack Leddy, builder, contractor, FOR SALE29 FORD COACH,. repairs, oofing, etc., Curch excellent condition every way St., Bowmanvili, phone 664. -Fan above average. Phone 47-4* 2 6 5 5 o r w r ite B o x 6 7 , B o w m a n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ville.49-1*Lost, Strayed or Stolen FOR SALE - 5 TOY TERRIER pups. What nicer gift can you give a cild for Christmas than LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN- a nice puppy. Phone 2469, Fox Round, black and wite. Lamne Metcaf. 49-1* Phone 2890, A. L. Darc, Bow- ;OR manville. 49-1* FRSALE - PIANO, medium size, in good condition; wood STRAYED..WHITE COW stray- heater; kitchen cupboard; kit- d on to the premises of Wal- chen chairs; easy chairs; bed ter F. Park, Tyrone, Lot 8, Con. and springs and numerus other 7. Owner may have samne by articles. Phone 2889. 49-1 pnving property and paying expenses. 49-1 FOR SALE-CHRISTMAS Trees, LS reserve now: Spruce and Pine, LS-ON TUES., DEC. 7, IN 3'4' 35c; 4'-5' S0c; 5'-4' 75c* 6' ost Office or Selrite Store, and up $1.00. Brookdae-Kings.. black leather case containing way Nurseries, near C. N. R. $10.45, 2 ration books and book Station, phone 345. 48-4 of tickets beonging ta Spitfirc Club. Finder please return ta FOR SALE-1939 HUDSON six Mrs. Wreford Cornish, Baw- cylinder in good condition, $650 manvile. 49-1* cash. W ill take ider model _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ car as part payment. Apply - tc ndAtce Len Downey, Manvers Rd., LavesokadAtce Bowmanvilîe, phone 423. 49-1* FOR SALE - 27 CHEVROLEÈT FOR SALE - 2 VEAL CALVES. coach. Good tires, battery and Phone 2278, Bowmanvilie. 49-1 lîghts, with excellent motor Ceap transportation for work:* FOR SALE - WINDSOR CHIEF ing man. Also 27 Chevrolet 3- apples, bring hampers. Apply ton truck, suitabe for farmi John Reiner, Hampton. 49-.* tractor. Phone Bowmanviiie FOR SALE- NEW RENFREW 2186. 49-1 separator, 450 lbs. capacity. )SH A A-S E W URNI URE A pply Charles Frank, R.R. 5, Store - Eveytbng in modem., Bowmanvlle. Phone 2403. 49-1 chesterfield, bcdroom, dining FOR SALE-ONE HOG 1 1-2 yrs. suites, and studios. Bcdding and oîd, for sale or trade, 3-4 York- floor covcrings a speciaity. sb~,1Brshire hn Qult erchandise at comn- 2831. 4- petitive pnices. Before buying 49- visit Bradley's New Furniture FOR SALE - Sow and 8 Pigs, 3 Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- weeks aid. Appiy Charles awa. 46-tf Rundle, Hampton, phone 2246. FOR SALE-400 Famous Songs 4-1 15c; book of games, tricks, FOR SALE-1 Registered Leices- puzzles, secrets 10c; big fortune- ter ram, 2 yeans off. Also 1 telling palmistry chant 15c. Leicester ramni amb. Phone Port included free, postpaid. Empire Penny 111r21. 4- N ov elties, P eterb oro, O n ta rio. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 *49-* FOR SALE - 2 Durham Cows, just renewed, aiso caif 2 days INOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM aId. Appiy John Kristof, phone Rugs. Select youns from aven Oshawa 1615w4.491 300 patterns actually in stock.49* You are invited ta view these FOR SALE-1930 CHEV. SEDAN, at BRADLEY'S New Furniture in good running condition. Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- Pice $100 cash. Apply Ivan awa. Brown, Tyrne. 49-1* 'R SALE-Man's Bicycle; play- FOR SALE-TEAM 0F MARES er Piano and bench; ral cabinet 8 years old or would excbange witb 4 dozen rols. Aso full on renewed on springer cows. size bedstead; 3-4 size bedstead; Phone 2294. 48-2 single bedstead. AIl are tubular construction, wanut finish, FOR SALE-MALPLE & BEECH witb Springs ta match. All Wood, 4-ft.' engts, aso -ft. nn-sag type, alI steel. Aso lengtb S, immediate delivery. folding cot. Everything in A-1 Apply J. A. Carscadden, Tele- condition. Phone Bowmanviîe phone 25r9, Orono. 49-1* 2208, between 6 and 9 p.m. 49-2 FOR SALE-SIXTY ROCK Pul- - lets, four and haif months old, Seed Wanted ninety cents each. Real bar- - gain. John Hantwig, phone Oshawa, 908w12. 49-4* EED WANTED - We pay bigb- est pices for Timothy, Clver, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - etc. Stewat's Seed Store, Baw. Leicester rami, 2 years old. Ap- manvile. Phone 577 34-tf ply A. D. McMaster, Hampton, - R.R. 1, phone Oshawa 1648j3. Vacuums for Sale FOR SALE - ONE 1928 ESSEX coach, good tires, camplete ovenhaul, witb new battery. Ap- VACUUMS FOR SALE piy Walter Ralim, Enniskiiien. Good vacuums fo0r G oo d 49-1* Husekeeping." Alsa guaran- ted expert repairs, lubrication, FOR SALE-Purebred Shortborn replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C: buls, nc roan, 15 ms. and nc Service Branch, McGrego's red, 6 ms., aso 3-year-old Hardware Store, Bowmanviîe, Percheron colt, god wrker. 174. 49tf Appy Raymond Clapp, Tymne. 49-1* M HOT IS HOT? RENTAL MN ASKED COMING EVENTS nants Should Be Given Watcr at 160 Derees Ottawa Coutice Circuit MW's Brother- Appraiser Says hood hold their first fal meeting in Ebenezer Cburcb, Friday, Dec. ttawa: How ot shuhd ot 10, at 8 p.m. Speaker: M. Mcn- ter furnised by the landlord tyre Hood, Toronto, Secrtamy, is tenants be? Agiculturai Commission. Varied £n answer ta this query by nc progam, lunch served, al we- lady of an Ottawa apartment came. W. R. Pickel, Pres. 49-1 which the tenaýnt sougbt ne- Wanted To Buy WANTED - WOOD FIBER FOR flower making. Lena Hoimes, 3624, 22 Ave., 5.W. Seattle, Washington. 48-4* WANTED - SMALL PONIES, cutters, nubber-tired buggies and harness. State pnices. 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto 2. 49-6* ARTICLES WANTED - SHOT gun in good condition. Mr. F. Bond, cia Mrs. Rutiand, New- castle, Ont. 49-1* WANTED TO BUY-CASH FOR your piano. If you have a plana for sale telephone 492, Bow- manvilie, F. J. Mitchell, Box 353, Bowmanville. 49-1 WANTED - BROODER HOUSE, i d u t v - W o n d rUI W Y I LMIQ r n WOOD SALE Standing hardwoad on the Ruî seil Aungen prapenty, south ha) Lot 21, Con. 1, Cartwright, (hea 0f Sault Road) will be sald b public auction, in quarter acr' lots, more or less, on Saturda3 Dec. 18, 1943. Sale at 1 p.M Terms: Cash. Ted. Jackson, Auc tioneer. 49-. Saturday, Dec. 1l, I will seli b: public auction for Tom Sibloc< one haîf mile from Oshawa Air part, the foliowing: 2 head cattIE Allis-Chalmers Model B Tracta: an rubber, used very littie, tractai plow; and other farm implements Also car trailer; 1934 Ford coach bay and many othen articles. Sali at 1:30.* Tejms: Cash. Eimei Wiibur, Auctioneer. 48-' WOOD SALE Sat., Dec. 11, the undersigneè will seli by public auction foi Miss Manza Staynof, Lot 34, Con. 4, Hope Twp. (2½V miles N. ai Harness' Blacksmith Shap) 12 acres, more an less, standing tima- ber consisting 0f eim, paplar, hemlock and some handwood, ta be sold in Y4 acre lots. Two years to take samne off. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Wes. Stningen, Cierk; Jack Reid, Auctioneen. 49-1* For Rent FOR RENT-2 OR 3 FURNISH- ed rooms for light bousekeep- ing. Phone 2213. 49-1* FOR RENT - BRICK GARAGE at west end of Carlisie Ave. Phone 389. 49-tf FOR RENT-FIVE - ROOMED apartment, ail modern conveni- ences; Fess ail burner, bouse insulated. Possession Jan. lst, 1944. Apply ta Mrs. Archie FOR RENT-FARM HOUSE, sit- uated South-east of Caurtice. Suitable for couple. Owner wisbes ta reserve two rooms for week-ends and boiidays. Apply giving references ta Box 262, Statesman, Office, Bow- manville. 47-2 Real Estate For Sale 'OR SALE - Immediate posses- sion, six-raamcd brick bouse and garage. Mrs. David Mutton, Lambert St., Bowmanviile. 49-2* 'R SALE - FARM, 96 acres, Lot 23, Con. 1, Darlington, 4 miles west of Bowmanville, be- loniging ta James Pearce estate. Gaod grain and grass farm, 5 acres bush, nunning streamn. Close ta new bighway. Apply AN UDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT.. A Spring-Filled Mattressl id jy SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES IN STOCK FROM.....2950 to $49.50 XMAS SPECIAL- 20% Off On any cash purchaso of a Ches- terfield suite bof or. Decomber 24th F. Fe Morris Co. Store Phone 480 Bowmanville H3elp Wanted TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Rose, Beiting, and Packing -Reels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legai Holiday's witb pay -Pension Plan --Group Insurance and Rospltallzation plan -Vacation wlth pay after one Year's service -Fuli ca ost f ivng Br ous t cepe Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 1-Iquop THURS., DECEMBER Dth, 1943 1--- -.- -- - - . FOR SALE or RENT-On Centre s- St., eight-roomed house. Hard if and soft water, garage, ice house, ýd hen house, fruit trees. Mrs. J. y Eagleson, Orono. 49-I* ,e AUCTION SALE 0F DAIRY CATTLE 12 1 have been authorlzed to seU by publie auction for y KARL WEISS Lot 23, Con. 3 Darlington (1 y2 miles East of Courtie rand 1 % miles North) r -on - * FR1., DEC. l7th the followlng * r Cattle 2 Durham cow, 6 years old,?uk ing good; Holstein cow, 7 er old, due Jan. 4; Holstein cow, 7 tyears old, due May 12; Durham rcow, 4 years old, due May 5; Brindle cow, 7 years aid, just re- newed; Holstein cow, 8 years oid, just renewed; Holstein cow, 5 years old, due Dec. 28; Holstein cow, 4 years oid, just rene*ved; Holstein cow, 6 years oid, due time of sale; Blue cow, 9 years old, due Jan. 2; Jersey cow, 5 years old, milking good, bred Sept. 15; Ayreshire cow, 3 years oid, fresh Sept., bred Oct. 9; Hol- stein cow, 5 years oid, due Jan. 21; Holsteincow, 6 years old, due Dec. 28; Fat cow, 4 years aid; Hol- stein cow, 3 years aid, just re- newed, caîf at side; Haistein heifer, due Jan. 1; Durham and Jersey heifer 2 1-2 years aid, due Jan. 1; Holstein heifer, 2 years aid, due Feb. 15; Black heifer, 1 1-2 years aId; Holstein Bull, 1 1-2 years oid. DeLaval milkîng machine, 2 unit (new) with gas engine. Horses Brown mare, 6 years aid; Brown horse, 6 years aid; Bay mare, aged. Harness Set team harness. Poultry. 80 Rock roosters; 14 young geese. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wllbur, Auctioneer. 49-1 IRELIEASIED Tires now retreaded for p~as-t senger cars wlthout permkit. We are in a position to handie ail sizes of tires for retreading. Three tread de- slgns to choose from. TIRE SHOP 1 block west of post office Open from 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m.