Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER Gth, 1943 WARNING to Mlotorists ........... If you are going to drive .....>..... your car or truck this - wmter, don 't wait u.ntil ' your engine freezes up be- fore you have the oil - changed and anti-f reeze put i teradiator. BRING YOUR CAR IN TODAY AND HAVE OUR EXPERT MECHANIOS PUT IT IN PIRST CLASÉ SHAPE FOR WINTER DRIVING GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville The CheapestAnd Best Food Dootors and nutrition experts are continually urging people, old and young, to drink more milk. Milk has been proven to be the best body- builder of ail foods. You don 't need to skimp on milk because it is the cheapest food obtain- able. So serve GLEN RAB Millc at EVERY meal and give it to the children between meals. GLEN RAE MILK 1S DELIVERED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS Tyrone Visitors: Mi-. and Mrs. Allan Brown, Peterboro, at Mrr R. B. Scott's and Mr. Willis Stewart's... Mrs. Stan Beckett, Bowmanville, with her mother, Mrs. Laura Virtue. . . Pte. Jas. Smith, Strat- ford, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.. Mi-. I. W. Las-mai-, Mr. Keith L a r mar, Herbie, and A. J. Bahl, Millbrook, at Mr. Gus Rosevear's... Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott at Mr. W. F. Park's. Several farmers were plough- ing last week. The Young People's Club held a crokinole party at the parsonage with about 14 present, Thursday evening, Nov. 25. After the busi- ness was discussed Rev. Mi-. Gard- ner gave a devotional talk on "Religion in the Home." The i-e- maindes- of the evening was spent playing crokinole and chinese checkers, after which lunch was enjoyed, of sandwiches and tea. Tyrone Red Cross Tyrone Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. E. Woodley for bus- iness meeting and quilting. The quilts quilted during the year wee38. Sewing convener's report - 30 men's shirts, 2 pi-s. boys' long pants, 25 pi-s. knickers, 1 lady's blouse, 2 pi-s. men's pants, 8 pi-s. men's pyjamas. Wool convener's report-6 pi-s. ladies' gloves, 3 pi-s. children's mitts, 4 turtle-neck sweaters, 1 baby's bonnet, 1 pr. baby's bootees, 9 pi-s. ,airmen's gloves, 81 prs. service socks, 2 pi-s. seamen 's socks, 2 children's sweaters. Treasui-ei's report- Receipts for year ---------$76.85 Expenditures --------------64.64 Balance on hand --------- $12.21 Oui- Red Cross packed two Christmas Cheer bags for a sol- diers' hospital in Newfoundland, they cost $5.45. President-Mrs. Leslie Thomp- son; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. Robert McCullough; Secretary-Treasurer -Miss Clara Woodley. We are very thankful to Mi-. and Ms-s. Wm. Wright who donated a fui- coon coat for vests for the navy boys; and also to Mrs. Russell Luke who donated eigbt quilt tops. Meeting closed with lunch and social hall hour. Blackstock A Boy Scout service was held at the United Church, Sunday evening, with Archdeacon Simp- son in charge. Two flags were presented to the Scouts, one by' Mi-. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert, and the other by Mi-. and Mrs. Tom Smith. Dedication service was made by Rev. Bruce Harrison. Sympathy is extended to Mi-. R. P. Allin, MA., on the passing of his mother, Mrs. Allun, of Whitby. Visitors: Misses Dorothy and Cas-ol Henry, Janetville, with Ms-s. F. A. Bailey... Mi-. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert took the plane from Mal- ton to Vancouver on Sunday night to visit Mi-. Gilbert's father who is ill. . . Mi-. and Mrs. Leonard Breau (nee Isobel Chilvers) Que- bec City, at Dr. J. A. McArthur's Mrs. Mai-k Weldon, Uxbridge, wîth Ms-s. Robt. Pari- and Miss Eva Pari-. Mi-. and Mrs. Casey Flett and son, Grenville, Fenelon Falls, at Mervin Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and daugh- ters, Weston, at Percy Phayers'. Howard Fos-der underwent a nose and throat operation in Bow- manville Hospital on Monday morning. United Church W.A. Bazaar Annual W.A. Bazaar was held Nov. 29, with a large crowd in at- tendance. Members answered i-oll cali with a quilt block. Rev. Bruce Harrison gave the devo- tional and Bible reading was taken by Mrs. Fred Trewin. Ms-s. Wilbert Archer was in charge o! this program: a lovely solo, "'In The Garden of Tomorrow" was given by Mrs. Jabez Wright. Guest speaker was Dr. R. P. Bowles who is always a welcome3 visitor. His splendid address wase a pleasure and inspii-ation to a,,l present. For a time he delighted us by opening the door o! his memory and allowing us to seet hlmn as a small boy entering for the fis-st time the country school o! his day. He gave us an inter- esting picture o! the "bad boy"0 of that school who aftei-wards I gained a tribute o! pi-aise from hisà employer. He spoke o! the great changes time has brought, par- ticularly in religious thinking. In Have a "Coke"= Corne, be blessed and be happy qr 5 "Coke". Coca-Cola Its natural for popular namnes to acquire friendl!y abbreviations. That'a J I il j'~r1.~ why>'w>u hear Coca-CDola calIed "Cote". 9aor how to break the ice in Iceland Have a "Coke," says the Canadian soldier ini Iceland, and in three words he has made a friend. It works in Reykjavic as " it does in Regina. 'round the globe Coca-Cola stands for :hepause that refreshes- has become the ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers. Authorized Bottier of "Coca-Cola" - the global Hambly's Carbonated Beverages - Oshawa high-sign 4 that day people were apt to stress "feeling" in religion and now the stress is on action in everyday living. In that day emphasis was placed on the individual and a person was apt to think a great deal about his individual feelings and desires. Now the stress is placed on the community. "How a man can best serve his com- munity," is the great religious theme of this day. Dr. Bowles said ail organizations for community benefit had value but the Church was the greatest of ail. A man who desires to, truly serve bis day and generatioh cannot do bet±er than unite his effort with the effort of the great Church universal for the good of man- kind. Two minutes of silence was ob- served in memory of Mrs. Stan- ford Swain. Meeting closed with O Canada, then a sale of goods and lunch took place. Proceeds of the bazaar and lunch were over $35.00. % Women's Ilnstitute Mrs. Mervin Graham was hos- tess to members of Victorian Wo- men's Institute, Dec. 1, with 23 members present and four vîsit- ors. Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mrs. A. L. Bailey reported that 21 Ditty Bags had been shipped to Navy League. A period of silence was observed in loving memory of Mrs. S. Swain, one of our charter members who passed to higher service. Mrs. Murray Byers gave a report of the recent Health League meeting held in Bowman- ville and told of the work they aim to do. Christmas hymns were sung. Mrs. F. Samelîs was program convener: re a di ng, "What Girls Want in Mothers," by Mrs. W. Archer. A splendid in- formative report of the W.I. area convention was given by. Presi- dent Mrs. N. Mountjoy, when she told us interesting items one does not get in the newspapers. A read- ing, "Flowers to the Living," was given by Mrs. T. Samels. St. John's A.Y.P.A. A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Anglican Church was entertained at the home of Miss Eva Parr on Dec. 2. Prayers were taken by the Presi- dent, Miss Leona Devitt. Scrip- ture read by Miss Janet Watson. Letters were read from A.Y.P.A. members overseas who have re- ceived their boxes. Laves-ne Devitt, Vice Pres., was named to secure a play for New Year's night. Program in charge of Tom Hodge included: two poems, "The Value o! Praise" and "Save" by Edgar Guest, given by flrs* V. Archer; vocal solo, "Christmas in the Heart," by Mrs. W. W. Van- Camp; contest, "Kitchen Uten- suls," conducted by Tom Hodge; reading, "lHerr Hitler's Christmas Wish," by Miss Norma Hooey; recitation, "The Visit o! Cousin Jane," Mrs. A. L. Bailey; reading, "The Habitat,"; by Dr. Drummond, read by Archdeacon Simpson, Who mastered the broken English to prefection. Lunch was served. Nestieton Nestleton W.I. met at the home o! the president, Mrs. M. Emer- son, with 15 ladies present. Pro- gram was in charge of Mrs. Loi-ne Thompson: reading by Mrs. Vine, "Too Tired to Prayv"; solo by Jean Thompson, "A Bicycle Built for Two"; reading, Mrs. -L. Thompson, "'Holiday and Holy Day"; reading, 'Christmas," by Miss G. Beacock. Several Christmas carols were sung and a musical contest won by Mrs. S. Malcolm. Roll caîl: A Christmas Custom. Ladies de- cided to pack bale for Russians land send a donation to British War Victims' Fund. Miss E. Thompson read letters from soldiers who had received boxes overseas. A hearty vote o! thanks was given Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Thompson for a pleasant and profitable afternoon. Visitors: Miss May Reynolds with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Dickey ...Don Mairs, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex \fairs. .. Dan Black has purchas- ed a piano. .. Miss Connie Wheel- er with her grandmother, Mrs. R. E{oskin, Janetville. . . Mr. John McGill, Janetville, with his sis- ter, Mrs. Jas. Williamson... VIrs. John Hooey, Burketon, with her sister, Mrs. Herman Samelîs ..Sgt. Gilbert Marlow is home on leave. .. Ralph Malcolm, Yel- ,relton, with Harvey Malcolm... M~'r. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot, Bowmanville, with Miss Ethel Thompson. .. Miss Jean Malcolm, Toronto, at home... Mr. atpd Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Robt. and Chris- topher, and Mrs. R. C. Jackson, Oshawa, at Mr. Wilfred Jackson's ..Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLean and Miss Jean, Uxbridge, wîth ervice on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. Norman Jalcolmn, Lemsford, Sask., and Jiss Minnie Gibbins, Toronto, on .eir marriage on Dec. 4, in To- *nto.. The scientific unîty which exists etween God and man must be irought out in life-practice, and rd's wiil must be universally one-Mary Baker Eddy. Hampton Visitors: Mi- and Mrs. Sam Snuwden, Oshawa, Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and son, Ross, Base Line, Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bowmanville, at Mi-. L. Trull's.. Ms-. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and Mrs. R. Avery with Mrs. Cathe- s-ne Jacob, Port Hope. . . Miss Elinor Vivian, Toronto, with ber parents, Mi-., Mrs. Chas. Vivian... Misses Minnie and Nos-ah Hos-n with their sister, Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Ohawa... Miss Jean Bal- son, Oshawa, at home. . . Miss Pearl Gilber-t, Western Hospital, Toronto, with ber parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbes-t. .. Mi-. and Mrs. A. Noithcutt and daughters, Bowmanville, at Ms-. Laverne Clemens'... Mi-. and Mrs. R. Burn and two sons, Janetville, at S. Kersey's. . . Ms-. and Mrs. Cleve Clemens, Oshawa, with Ms-s. H. Cole... Mi-. and Mrs. A. E. Billett and Mi-. and Ms-s. A. Blanchard at Mr. Fred Billett's, Scarboro Bluffs. . . Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, with ber sister, Wilma. About twenty C.G.I.T. girls met at the home o! Mrs. A. E. Billett on Nov. 24th and presented ber with a "Friendship Motto" in ap- preciation o! ber services and leadership of their group for the past nine years. Miss Audr-ey Kersey s-ead a nicely worded ad- dress and the presentation was made by Dorothy Adamson. This was a complete surprise to Mrs. Billett who exps-essed her appre- ciation and tbanks to the girls for the lovely gift. An enjoyable evening was spent and refresh- ments served. Miss Edith Rackhani, Mission- ai-y Supt., conducted a short mis- sionary program in the Sunday School session. Three little boys, Franklin Truli, Bsian Damant and Gary Chant, contributed a vocal selection, "Jesus Wants Us All To Love Hlm," accompanied by Ralph Peters, and Miss Thelma Robbins presented an interesting missionary story. The Nor-th Group met Dec. lst for sewing o! vas-bus kinds and quilting at the home o! Ms-s. Jno. Cowling when the hostess assisted by Ms-s. W. Wilbur, served i-e- freshments. The young folks have been en- joying skating on the mill pond. Women's Institute Women's Institute met in the Sunday School room Dec. 2nd, wîth Miss L. Reynolds, President, in the chair, and Mrs. J. Chap- Secretary. Mrs. Horn, Convener for the Centre group, took charge o! this program: roll caîl answer- ed by wartime economics; Mrs. J. Baker, Solina, sang a beautiful0 solo, "Would God I Were a Ten-0 der Blossom," with Miss Norah 0 Horn accompanying; Mrs. S. E. f Werry, Solina, gave a glowing re- f port of the W.I. convention at I Toronto, warning the W.I. that we f should not rest in our work, but f be prepared for post-wartme and to be sure and sing aIl of the f National Anthem, not just oneo verse; solo, "The Star of Beth- 0 lehem," by Mrs. J. Baker; reading, I "If," by Rudyard Kipling, given f by 'Mrs. G. Adcock. A very hearty I vote of thanks was tendered the f ladies from Solina by Mrs. L. I Trull and Mrs. H. Peters. 0 far Salem Service here on Sunday was farywell attended and Rev. Gardner delivered a splendid Is. course. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis and 0 daughters, Toronto, visited her f parents, Mr. and Ms-s. W. Cann. f MrU. and Mrs. E. Doidge were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp, Tyrone, on Sunday. f Mrs. P. Kelly and babe haveo gone to reside in Oshawa for the f winter. Haydon Russell Aunger has sold his ranch. We have purchased an organo for our Church services. 0 Sorry to report Ms-s. Wm. Myles, Mrs. W. Martin's mother, is no better. I The School children are look- 9) ing forward to Santa's annual Il visit at the Christmas Tree. 0 Visitors: Mrii. and Mrs. C. Avery fl at Mr-. Cyril Avery's, Maple 0 Grove, and Mrs. Will Stacey's, f Little Brittain. . . Mi-. and Mrs. I Louis Ashton and Mary Lou, To- I ronto. at Mr-. A. Read's. . . Miss I Grace Trewin, Miss Edith Henry, I Toronto, at Mr. W. Trewin's.. Mrs. Frank Osmond with rela - tives in Toronto. .. AC2 Roy Gra-- ham, R.C.A.F., has been trans- ferred to Ottawa. wir Get Ready Now for 'Cold Weather Although new goods are hard to get, we have been fortunate in receiving several shipments of Ladies' Fal and Winter CoatsO and Dresses Some are plain while others have fur collars, but ail are very at- tractive ii the newest styles and0 very reasonably priced.1 EARLY CLOSING SATURDAY NIGHTS0 Until further notice this store will close 0 Saturday nights at 9 o'clockI Couch, Johnston& Cryderman Phone 836 King St.0 There are forty-seven rules for1 fight. Neyer mmnd the other ~ining a war. The first is to1 forty-six. Rtechecl'ed ChgeIied fur< PAGE SIX m - - --- M- MW THURS., DECEMBER 9th, 1943 f

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