THURS., DECEMBER 9th, 1943 THE CNADIA STATSMAN BOWMNVIPAGEOM"APT PAGE FIVE IL DJJUHAM COUNTY GIRL AND PERSONAL ..... Phone 663 ....... A AL~rpurn si a c I I ar al 's Pa h i an loi no h Marr's Jewellery BO WMAN VIL'LE Double -Barrelled Co -operation With s0 many women working in munition plants and trying ta carry on household duties Sas well, they find it very helpful ta buy their baking at our store. Then there 's the disadvantage af rationing, particularly with sugar. Again aur bakcing cornes to the rescue in nxany housewives on their sugar rationing. Our staff bakers are glad to make available this war-tirne ca-aperation. LAC Donald Congdon, Trenton, hasi beon transforrod to Petawa visited his uncle, Mr. W. J. Hon- Art ilery Camp. Before going derson. his new station ho visited Mrs. S. BlackWell and Mrs. C. wifo and family here. Samis were recont visitors in To- Yllaw renewal subscripti ronto. blanks for The Statesman areE cloaed in this issue. Look at t LICpl. Silas Trewin and Mrs. label and sec if your papor is d Trewin, Simcoo, visitod lher par- this month, if sa sond it in bofî enta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundîe. the end Of the month, please. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Milîson and Gnr. James Beckett, Marcha Margaret, Orano, wore guests oif Grove, Sask., who has been taki: Mrs. L. J. Barton. a course at Woodstock, visited1 AW ýdean Davey, R. C. A.F. sisber-in-law, Mrs. S ta nlI (W.D.)I-Trenton, visited Mr. andl Beckett and other relatives b Mrs. (:Ï Dean Hodgson. fore roturning ta his station MieISlma Bartlett, Dept. of Brandon, Man. Laboiur, Ottawa, visitod hor par- P'rizo winners for the Confode ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bartîett. atian Ladge, No. 474, Loyal Tri Mrs V Bry f TllonbrgisBlues draw on Navomber 13 rs. V. Bih r0fTianbr, Mr'are: L. Cumbie, Mrs. W. E. Fic visiing ithher augterM E. Wilkins, Mrs. N. Palmer, Ro S. Blackwell, and Mr. Blackwell. Stevens, Mrs. F. Battle, T. Sim] Mrs. Grace Hains and son, Law- kins, Mrs. E. Sanderson, Ed. Ude rence, visited her aunt, Mrs. R. (Whitevalo, Ont.), Mrs. Rani Patterson, Westmount. Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Swinton, Trinity C.G.I.T. held a Dopar Toronto, were week-end guests ment meeting in the Sunda with her sister, Mrs. John Hender- Schaol raam, Tuesday evenin, son. President Dorathy Morris cor Mrs. J. E. Wylie and AC2 Cax, ductod the apening service an R.C.A.F., Toronto, were guests 0f business period. Service of woi their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- ship an "The Christmas Starc neth E. Cox. Hope" was prosented by Doroth Mrs. Gea. Watson, David and Marris and Miss Helen Pritchar( Roy, Mrs. Horchfield and Frank, Group meetings were thon held. Orillia, visited Mrs. Stanley L. Barbon; E. Clarke, H. Hamrr Beckett. F. Blackburn, F. Thompson, I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent and Hayes and C. Greenham reprE hiîdren, Oshawa, visited hier par- senbed Court Bawmanville, Nc nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hender- 964, C.O.F., when they wer ion. Sles guests of Court Peterboro, Frida: Gnr.Geore A..A.,evoning. A feature of the eve Gnr.Geoge ellrsA.RA.,ning was the presontation a )ebert, NS., has been homo on beautiful mounted deer heads ti ;hrt beave with his parents, Mr. Court Bowmanville, Oshawa an( ind Mrs. Thomas Sellers, Hunt St. htyb CutPero.A Sgt. Bihl Harrison who gradu- the conclusion of the initiation ited as a Wireless Operatar A.G., banquet of venison was sorved b3 snow sponding beave with his Court Peterboro ladies. )arents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. H1r- Leading Seaman Bruce MV son, before leaving for Halifax. White visited his cousin, Mrs Mrs. R. B. Arkwright, 45 Ross Stevens, Maple Grave, fai lowes Ave., Loasido, writes: Am four days, on his way home tc nclosing renewal for The States- Ridgeway, Ont., on a 28-day beave nan which 1 greatly onjay and Bruce is a Soaman Tarpedaman, ouîd miss very much if it did and while stiil in his teens ha; ýot came. crassed the Atlantic eloyen timeÇ F. J. Gilmer, Clarke, in send- in convoy, stapping at Iceland, ig in bis subacription ta The England, Ireland and, Scatîand, tatesman writes: Our family bosides many ports on this side' iould be lost without yaur papor. Before gaing back ta sea ho Y r fact, I believe they would miss taking a further torpedo course in more than the daily paper. Halifax for four manths. His Mrs. Alice E. Garner, 19 mother will bo remombered as hurchill Ave., Toronto, in re- Ethel Brittain, a former higlr ewing her Statesman writes: "I school pupil here. Bruce also vis. ire would miss the paper after ited his uncle, Mr. F. F. Morris, U'the years I have taken it as it town. On Saturday, with Don like getting news fram homo." Morris and Bob Stevens, ho was oy ntertained by another cousin. Children's Aid Society Tag Da Jack Langmaid, at the home ai 'Saturday realized $141. It is Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, :ped Ibis amount will be con- Oshawa. dorably increased by donations Mr. and Mrs. Mlton J. Werry, om variaus local organizationsi17Clon t . saa ee id scietes.bratod thoir 43rd wedding anni- FIS John Darch, R.C.A.F., is versary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. aving Bella Bella, B.C., where Werry have been rosidonts af Shas been stationed for two Oshawa for 21 years, going there ýara, ta spend Christmas at from Tyrone and they are highly )me.' F e will thon be trans- respected by thoir many friends red 1ý%~Trontan, Ont. and neighbbrs who join in wish- Leut. Newton Hackney, who ing them many more years of is been stationed aI Brockvillo, good healtb and happiness. awa gta his tion en- the due fre int .ng his at ue 3th ic0, ce lay ng. id- r- of îy rd. ay oft .0 a t Dy1 n Dr asS Behind Red Shield R.C. Church Bans Mrs. Colonel Ham, Territorial Sociaîism In Secretary Salvation Army Home Defined Sense League, visited Bowmanvîlle Tuesday evening and spoke ta (By Most Rev. J. C. McGuigan, members and friends of the Home Archbishop of Toronto.) League and Red Shield. Mrs.____ Ham spoke of the splendid work It is very easy to state the atti- carried on by the Home League in tude of the Catholic Church to- the different cities in assisting the wards Socialism-when we know poor, caring for the sick and try- what kind of Socialism is meant. ing to bring comfort ta the be- The word Socialism is usod to roavod ones of our war heroes. connote everything from Lenin 's Mrs. Ham was accompaniod by Communism down to The Can- Mrs. Colonel Spooner, also Major adian National Railways. Evon and Mrs. Gage of Toronto. Hitler adopted the name Social- Mrs. Harry Bartlett road the ism, with the adjective National, names of enlisted men from the for his system. H o me Loague "Romembrance Writers who accept the designa- Book." A prayer îvA sung by tion of Socialist for themselvos mombors of our Town League, have learned to avoid givlng def- followed by a prayer from Mrs. initions of Socialism. Recent Gage. Major Gage gave a sound books in Canada which are alI in film "'Behind the Red Shield," favor of "socialization" use Social- which vividly depictod the work ism as a magic word of promise of the Salvation Army among the but they do not attempt to bell troops. Ahl prosent enjoyed see- us what il moans ing the pictures of the boys on- Tho opponents of '"socializatiôn" joying sports, good meals, quiet are no more precise. They hurl times with their loved ones, get- the word Socialism against any ting their mending and pressing proposai to restrict the existing done, etc., under the supervision powers of profit-seeking corpora- of the Salvation Army Red Shield. tions. Rofreshments were served. Strict Sense of Word The Church, always realist in Coîlar Button Shower her approach to questions, recog- nizos the word Socialism has dif- Talk aout afrien in n ed!frent curront meanings and it is Talkabot afrind n ned!sometimes usod for things which No soonor had the oditor mon- she condemns and somebimes for tioned in iast weok's Statesman things which she sacin.Hw that ho couldn't finan z in1ldfash-I -acin.Hw ionod collar button in stores hero than kind frienda came ta the roscue. Firat ta save aur poaceoaf mind came aur aid friond Ex-Mayor Frank L. Mason of Oshawa, with a gift of two elegant, poarl and gold, fore and aft fasteners that will bo worn and treasured as an expression of roal friendship. Mr. Mason latoly suffered a fractured right shoulder in a motar accident and is laid up but stilI reada The Statesman. Our thanka, publicly, ta hlm with aur wisb for bis speedy reovery. Alderman Gea. W. Pingle, Ot- tawa, also took pity on the odi- tar's dilomma in these wards: Please find enciosod one callar buttan. Being in business I know how easy it would bo for you ta ;;ý. ..base1yaur shirt thesei days. oW seeks to represent and h a Poas ortNw taken a prominent part there for PoieC utN w social betterment and hias been 'active in women's units of Runny- Charged with vagrancy, three Pmede United Church. A year ago wartime civilian youths, a»l of 'SMrs. Sanderson contested for the military age and without the urge isHigh Park municipal district and either to work or fight, appeared hmade a splendid run. before Magistrate Gee in Town Hall Court, Tuesday, and were sentenced to 7 days in the County n Jail. They were arrested in New- Trinity W.M-S. Eîects castle by Provincial Constable R. New Officers-Mrs. W. Duncan, who conducted the 1,W. P. Rogers President spent the 7 days in County Jail awaiting trial, they were released Trinity Woman's Missionary So- and headed out of town. They ciety met Tuesday afternoon with had no homes, s0 they said, and Mrs. Chas. Wight occupying the no visible means of support save chair. Report of nominating com- their hands which exhibited the ýfmittee as presented by Mrs. A. saine degree of callous as their eBaker was adopted as follows: respective consciences. yPresident-Mrs. W. P. Rogers; lst Charged with an offence under sVice Pres.-Mrs. Chas. Wight; 2nd the Highway Traffic Act some -Vice Pres.-Mrs. Arthur Baker; time ago, David Steinman, resi- fRecording Sec. - Mrs.M. J. dent elsewhere in the province, Hutchinson; Corr. Sec.-Mdiss Lýeta again failed to appear and prose- Jackson; Treas.-Mrs. L. Nichols; cution took place "'in absentia" Assist. Treas.-Mrs. Chas. Mason; with Constable W. F. Thompson Sec. Christian Stewardship-Mrs. giving evidence before Magistrate L. W. Dippell; Community Gee, who accompanied a finding Friendship - Mrs. W. R. Strike; of "guilty" with a fine of $10 Missionary Monthly-Mrs. D. Ai- plus costs. dread; Assist. Miss. Monthly Sec. -Miss Allie Bragg; Literature- Joyous Christmas Mrs. I. Bragg; Supply-Mrs. Fredý Colmer; Press-Mrs. C. Ivos; As- Spirit Pervades Trinity sociate Helpers-Mrs. E. Hoar;* Young Peopils Union Convonor of Group Leaders -1 Mrs. C. W. Slemon; Pianist-Mrs. h oosCrsmssii W. C. Workman; Finance Con.- he joyouhe Chistmasf srit Mrs. Dippell, Mrs. NichaIs, Mrs Yervade the'meetino rnity Mason, Mrs. Warder, Mrs. J. W. eYoung.Poople'ynioun, ondaye Jowell; Baby Band Leader-Miss eveCrsingavn Duinn, Convdenor Florence Worry; Assist. Leader- 0 hi~a isospeie o Mrs H.Cryermn;Girs' issonthe program. Mary Alldread ren- BadLesMrs. Roy Sma; iemison dered two delightful Christmas BadLesMrs. N.Rre oys Mson, solos and Joan Greenfield played Ba.Nd Lead ers Bo- ' Mr s i oytwo excellent piano numbers. An MrBansd .ru Leaders anr. .doy interesting paper on the origin ofI assitant: Goup -Mr . J. yuletide customs and familiar ausdietand rs. R. H.Wadr carols was presonted by Ada I-rs. G.ndMr. .L . Wga ad r. H.Clark, and several 0f the carols Fot II-Mrs. JohWga ndAllin and were ,ung. The convonor gave a MorG.ri; I V-Mrs. C. Alinan short resume of the work being Mrs.G. orrs; I-Mr. C W.done in Christian Medical Mis- Siemon and Mrs. A. W. Pickard; sions in other lands. V-Mrs. C. Curtis and Mrs. D.* Wrhpsrieaon h Aldread; VI-Miss V. Spargo and Worship erviceoutnd thea Mrs. Chas. Wight. manger scono with lighted candle Mrs. Wight made a strong ap- on either sido was conducted by peal to the whole membership Evelyn Dunn, assisted by Ada ta assist and co-oporate with the Clark.* exocutive in making the work of Usual business period was in the auxiliary a success. charge of Prosident Doris Dudley. A letter was read from Mrs. Lettors extending season's greet- Afleck, Temperance Sec. of Osh- ings to all mombers on Active awa Presbyterial, on the ncreas- Service in Canada will bo sent ing use of intoxicating beverages from the Union. An enjoyable in the homos. Sho asked that poriod of recreation closej. the niembers of W.M.S. pledge them- meeting. selves to use their influence in ________________ overcoming this growing customu. A fine showing of kiddies' toys other nations the responsibîîity of sent in by the C.G.I.T. was on dis- providing homes for a limited play and were quickly bought up number (10,000 has been suggest- and orders taken for more of ed) of these unfortunate people at them. present exilod in Portugal. It Corrosponding Secretary was was foît that Christian considera- requested ta send Christmas carda tions, rather than economic fac- o aIl shut-in members. tors, ought to determine our W.M.S. will confer with the course in this matter. It was de- Women's Association in sending cided to express ta the committee vegetablos ta the Victor Home- aur sympathy with and support of a moat worthy undertaking. their campaign. Rev. J. E. Griffith presented a The programi presented by Mrs. paper on "The Hope of His Caîl- C. Curtis and her group was of ing." The speaker expressed it unusual interest. Mrs. Curtis as his conviction that the coming ead an excellent article on revival of religion would, like iladam Chiang Kai-Shek, stress- past revivals, be based upon a re- ing the reasons for her strong newed concern for Christian doc- Christian faith. A Christmas ser- trine. The paper proceeded ta set vice was conducted by Mrs. Dixon forth a statement of Christian with Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. F. Allin, doctrine on the subjects of Man, Mrs. W'.C. Ashton, Mrs. D. AI- Jesus, and God. Religion is a dread,, Mrs. K. Squair, Mrs. Fred matter of relationships and the Colmer taking part and Mrs. W. E. key word is Responso. Jesus was C. Workman at the piano and Mrs. unique in that his response to the Nelson Osborne as soloist. will of God was full and complete. Trinity Church Pastor Addresses Ministers On Hope of His CaIIing West Durham Miniaberial Asso- ciation met at the home of Canon Spencer, Bowmanville, on Dec. 6, with Rev. W. P. Rogers prosiding. The camrpaign of the Canadian Committee on Rofugees came up for discussion. This committee la urging that Canada abare witb S1in is th0 îacic ai response ta God. Conversion is the change of re- sponse on the part of man towards God. The paper led ta a very in- terosbing discussion in which al participated. The officers for 1944 were chosen by the simple expedient of re-ehecbîng the presont officers, as foîlows: Hon. Prs-Canon Spen- cer; Pres.-Rev. W. P. Rogers; Vice Pres.-Adj. Hart; Soc.-Treas. -Rev. H. C. Linstead., Exocutive consista of these afficers together with Rev. J. E. Griffith. ever, this doos not impiy that one juse la as correct as anather. T hoe Church when using the word Sacialism hersoîf reserves it for a doctrine or systom which she has condemned. Socialism, in the sense in which the Caîhoic Church uses the term moans the deniai 0f the right of private property, the assertion that alI wealth, especially produc- tive land and capital, belonga by right only toalal the people collec- tiveîy, ie., the State or Govern- ment. The Church dofenda the right of private proporty bocause this right is essential ta private liber- ty. The individual has nothing ho can caîllbis own if the State exciusivoiy bas the rigbt ta con- trai the matorial Ibinga man neoda for bis life and happineas. Mussa- lini (himself a former leader of the Sacialiat Party) defined Sacialism when ho defined Total- itarianism: "Everything for the State, evorything by the State, nathing oulside the State." Right la more than fact and property is mare than possession. If the State denies me my right ta praperty but promises me the use of mare wealtb, of more monoy ta spond, I am not recon- ciled ta this condition of abject1 dependence. If the individual bas no right ta anything ho cannot 1 be robbed of anytbing. The Stato can do no wrong. Such is the J logic of Socialism which denies the right of private property. Ilt la a logic against which we feel aur human persanality rise in1 proteat and tbe Cburcb, wbich bas been the defender of human rights througbout the agos, voices aur i .s hikoly a showdown wihl ho proteat and makos it ber awn. t ternal societies and other organi- ~ffected. Bowmanvafle Business. School DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Deginning Monday, January 3 INTENSIVE BUSINESS TRAINING LIEADING TO DIPLOMA IN THE FOLLOWING COURSES: STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL COCOFPTAORGEGSHORTHAND PN BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING FREE ISSUE 0F HONOR ROLL ing the names of the mon and PROVES POPULAR IN wamen wba have voîunteered for CANADAActive Service in the armed CANADAforces, is meeting with a wonder- atrcieful raction on the part of the Ottawa, Dec. 7-The tcie public,' Headquarters annaunced Honor Roll, issued free of charge taday. ta churches, educational institu- The 'Hanor Ral l i artistically tions, factories, offices, clubs, fra- dosigned and it symbolizes in striking and authentic heraldic ~ British Empire. In limes past we have boon in- clined ta boast how Durham County boys have made good in important places ouI in the warld. Naw, very apprapriately wo in- troduce a Durham County girl who bas won a place of import- ance in twa apheres. Mrs. Eva Sanderson of Toronto has won a place as an authar in agricultural economics and has entered the political field as C.C.F. candidate for aîdermanic bonars in High Park, Toronto, in the coming elec- tion. Her articles on praducer- consumer problems, with particu- ar referenco ta the Food Stamp Plan in the U.S.A. have appoared in high class publications. In Ibis sho has become an autbarity. Mrs. Sandorson is a daughter of th laIe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reynolds, Bawmanville, is a sis- or of Mrs. Ervine Fostor, Church St., and a niece of Dr. J. B. Reyn- olds, former President of the On- taria Agricultural College and of M[anitoba Agricultural, College. 'ho Reynolds family were pia- oers in the Salina district and averal of them have attained dis- .nctîon in academics and the ýaching profession. Jack and Ti Reynolds af Salina and ampton are first cousins of Mrs. 'andersan. For the past 23 years Ontario Government Lodges Protest Againsi Restricted Labor Code The Ontario Government bas taken the lead in prtesting Prime Minister King's propasal for a limitod national labor code whicb wauld restrict its aperatian ta war industries ony. Al other provincial governments bave fol- lowed suit save nly the Province of Qubec. Following the recent Dominion-Provincial Conference at Ottawa in the mattor, the views of eight provinces were st aside by the Prime Minister. Acting Premier T. L. Kennedy snt a telegram ta Mr. King which was released Dec. 6th, in these term: "Representatives of evry province but Quebec dcidd that a national labr code must apply to ail industries in Canada and it culd operate under juriadiction of Labor Relations Boards" and re urged Mr. King ta take cg- rizance of the views f the eight provinces. Ontario Labor Minister Charles Day declared that Ontario Labor and industry woud not be satis- ied uness the national code in- ludd all industry and Attorney Gneral Leslie Backwell, who aas at the conference pldged that Ontario would figt ta ave ahl industries inchuded. Together with the other sevn provinces it CANADAs r HNG NmYOasE CHRISTMAS J QIFI SUOOESTIONS Highlights from our stocks of smart, practical, economical giftt( Make I LA R G EST Donut doiay!iShopurightmore. STOCKS SEALS, TAG CARDS, TWINE, TISSUE, ETC. --------------5c, 10e, 15e BRUSHy COMB AND MIRROR SETS ... Christmas Cards Ladi IN SPECIAL GIFT BOXES IN PLAIN CUT- __ OUT BOXES ________$3995.95 CHRISTMAS GIFT STATIONERY. .. 25e - 49e- 75e and Up Bath Saits ------------ 25c to $2 Faney Soaps..........-------5ceUp Bath Dustlng Powders 69e Up Bubble Bath ----- 25c-50e-$1.00 Gifts by Yardiey Colognes Evening In Paris 65e-$1.25 Apple Biossom --60c-95e-$1.50 Lentherile-- $1.25 to 32.25 H ind's -------------- 8 e Perfumes Gleam -$1.65-$2.50 Lentherle $1.10 to 36.00 Evening ln Paris ---65c-$1.25-$2.25 Molinard -- ----75c-$2.00 CASHMERE BOUQUET GIFT SETS NEW DESIGNS 30e --e,90--1-5-L UR--C-D--N IE Lavender Perfume 65-95-1.25 Bath Sat Tablets --- --65e Talcums ------ -- - 45c-$1.00 Lavendomal --- ---1.35-$2.25 Individuai Cards 2 for 5e, 5e, 3 for Boxed Assortments 12 cards 15c, 12 cards 25c * 18 cards 49c, 12 cards 50e 20 cards 59c, 12 cards $1 Smloker's Gifts Pipes ---------49c- $1.00 to $5.00 Tobacco Pouches -- 49c, 65c, $1.15 Cigarette Rollers -- 17c, 45c, 59e Cigarettes, 50's,------------8c, 95c Cigarettes, 40's -------------66e Cigarette Lighters - POND'S BEAUTY BOXES CANADA DRY GINGER A L E ----------------- -- GIFTS FOR MEN SHAVING BOWLS, D evon ------- ---- Buckingham ----- Pali Mail ------ -- YaESRdIeyON A$1.25 LT --75e 29C les' Gift Sets Evening Ini Paris Three Secrets---- Petaltone -------- Molinard- - -------- Jane Seymour -- Three Flowers Yanky Ciover --- Vlta-Ray........----- Cutex ---------- Lentherl --- ---- -----60e to $5.00 -----60c to $5.00 $2.50 to $5.75 ----55e to $2.5 $1.90, $3, $5 $1.25 - $1.90 -$2.90 to $8.40 50e-$1-$1.50 up SHAVING SETS ... Wiliams, Woodbury's, Colgate's, Devon, Yardley, Palmolive. etc. 29e - 55e - $1.10 and Up Shaving Brushes ------------ 75e to 37.50 Men's Brush Sets -- --------- - $3 up Colgate's Kit Bag ----------- ----- g98e Pen and Peneil Sets ------ 3 ---- 2.30 up BillfoIds 59e-$1.00 to $6.50 McOREOOR ALEX ' ~, Mrs. Eva Sanderson, Toronto The basic motif is the Canadjan coat-of-arms with flanking shields' showing the maple leaf of Can- ada, the shamrock of Ireland, the thistie of Scotland, the rose of England and the fleur-de-lis of old France. In the design on the base are the heraldie flags of the Navy, Army and the Air Force. The coloring is rich and the whole is reProduced by a special process. The Honor Rolîs are in various sizes, namely for 12, 36, 102, 412 and 612 names, and it is pointed out that they may be obtained only by writing to the Director of Army Recruiting, Aylmer Building, Ottawa. While these Honor Roils are issued under the supervision of the Directorate of Army Recruiting it is explained that they are for the names of the men and women of the Navy, Army and Air Force - without distinction--on Active Service. The name of the church, school or business together with the size of roll required should be clearly r b 'V v c c foT tv gcn~ e~~taUo"?. SERVE CARTER'S WHOLESOME BREA AT EVERY MEAL mmm- 1 j This schoal wlll be in charge of Mrs. 0. A. Bartlett, who is at present on the staff of Shaw Business Schools, Toronto, and will be conducted according to the standards and nethods of the most outstanding Business schools ini the City of Toronto. ENROLMENT WILL B3E LIMITED RF-SERVE YOUR DESK EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE HAD - B3Y MAIL - Box 487 Bowmanville B3Y TELEPHONE - Now, Sat. evenings only; on or afte r Dec. 21, any day or evening Phone 434 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO K- *-,ý - - ternal societies and other organi- zations for the purpose of record- ý $1.15 te $10 59C to $4 -------- $1 up 1 .1 PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER DRUCS