Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Miss Gwen White, Toronto, is visiting Miss Jean Living. Mr. Meryvin Scott, Toronto, visited bis sister, Mrs. C. Yeo. Carter's bakery will be losed all day Wednesday, Sept. lst. Pte. Bud Oke, Listowel, spent the week-end with bis wife. Mr. James Pinkerton, Toronto, visited Miss Florence Densem. Mrs. A. E. Devitt and Helen, are visiting Mrs. J. R. Irwin, Cobourg. ?, MiAValker, Meaford, is visit- - ingWt aunt, Mrs. Neil Yellow- lees. Mrs. Elgin Wight is visiting ber cildren and friends in Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss A. Patterson, Toronto, was guest of ber sister, Mrs. V. H. Storey. Mrs. W. E. Gerry bas been holi- daying at Hollywood Lodge and, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Darcb, New York City, are visiting rela- tives bore. Mr. Murray Bate, CGE., Peter- boro, visited bis father, Mr. Ro-- land Bate. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber and family, spent the week-end at Haliburton. Mrs. J. J. Bush, Trape, Md., is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Ingram, Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. William Bealle, Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. G. F. Watson. Mrs. C. M. Cudlip, Hamilton, is STATIONERY1 SPECIALS SCOTTIE 'Pads and envelopes three size pads ------10c ea. Envelopes ---------10e pkg. Excellent for everyday use "CHESTER" PADS size. 100 shoots - AIR M4AIL PADS y velopes. - Lettor -25e only and En- GIFT STATIONERY Always acceptable. White and colored. Attractlvely boxed -------- 25e upward J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 Seel ~ ecks, strii Dati INew stock( iSPRING i ATl ITHIS STOK Coucd Phone 836 staying with the Misses Allen, Beech Avenue. Pilot Officer Donald Mclveen bas been posted to No. 24 E.F.T.S. Abbotsford, B.C. Mrs. Roland Bato and grand- daugbter, Shirley Bate, visitod friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Robinson have been vacationing at Cameron Lakë, Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, are bolidaying with ber father, Mr. J. J. Mason. Miss Dorothy Knox, Reg.N., Toronto, is vîsiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hamlyn, Ottawa, are spending their vaca- tion at Bowmanville Beach. Miss Ethel Luxton and Miss Leona Mutton are visiting Mrs. Howard Bradley, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wray McCready are holidaying with their parents at Simcoe and LaSaiette. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phare at- tended VanLuven - McQuarrie wedding in Oshawa on Saturday. Mrs. T. E. Walker, Chicago, Ill., bas been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Centre St. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson attended the funeral of ber cousin, Stanley Beatb, in Toronto, last week. Mrs. N. S. B. James is enjoying a holiday wîth ber daughter, Dr. Dorotby M. James, near Minden. Sgn. Ken Summersford, Que., spent the week-end with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Summer- ford. Miss Doreen Hardy, town, and Miss Dorotby Hardy, Solina, spent holidays with relatives in To- ronto. Misses -Eleanore Wight and Ruth Hutchinson were week-end guests of Miss Glenna Reade, To- ronto. Miss Dorotby Richards, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Prout and Shirley, Oshawa, visited at W. J. Richards. Miss Beryl Seymour, Montreal, and Miss Helen Mclveen;,Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mclveen. Miss Dorothy Smale was bridesmaid for Miss Helen Kel- logg's wedding at Welcomo on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bal bave returned te Richmond Hill after a week's visit with the Misses Al- len, Beecb Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Langstono and Mrs. Edith Thackeray, To- ronto, were guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Woods, Base Lino. Mr. E. C. Thornton, Woodstock, gave The Statesman office a cal Wednesday wbile on bis way to visit bis native Village o! Oreno. AW2. Cybil Sparks, Sackville, NS., and AW2. Helen Tait, To- rente, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tait. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McIl- veen, Kingston, have beon visit- ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcîlvoen and Mayor and Mrs. R. O. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowson and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fer- guson, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dowson, Providence. Forty of bis friends gathered at Jackman's Flats te hold a wienor roast for Stoker Bud Pingle last week. Tbey presented hlm wlth an identification bracelet. rsuclker rpes and patterns in a number of colours. Priced - ---------- -- - - - 79c, 90e and $1.10 -AGENT FOR McCALL'PATTERNS - blong Suits of ladies and children's bathlng suits. iCOATS, LADIES' CLOTH COATS SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS RE CLOSES AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT h, Johnston & Cryderman King Bt. j m Cpl. and Mrs. J. H. Beattie, Sgt. and Mrs. Cecil Watkins and Helen, Miss Marjorie Jones, Toronto, were guests of Mayor and Mrs. R. 0. Jones. Mr. R. D. Fairbairn, Toronto, wbo bas been in hospital for soverai weeks undergoing an op- ration, visited bis sister, Miss B. H. Fairbaîrn. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lee and, family, Scugog St., bave returned bome fromn Lindsay, owing to the death of Mr. Lee's father, who died Monday. The minister of Bailieboro United Cburcb, Rev. Morgan Row- land, bas been called to serve as Chaplain with the Royal Cana- dian Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent and Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent, Tyrone, and Mrs. R. Pooly, Salem, visited at Mr. R. Pooly's, Oshawa. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson and family, Avonmore, have re- turned home after spending two weeks with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. George Hîlson, Sarnia, have returned after visit- ing bier mother, Mrs. T. E. Prout.j Mrs. Prout, Vivian and Ruby Welsh returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rowe, To- ronto, spont the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Blackburn, Providence. Mrs. Jennings, their mother, returned witb tbem. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike, and son Alan; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chase, and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison, are bolidaying at Manitou Lake, Algonquin Park. Congratulations to Lieut. ybil Mutton of the Salvation Army Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, wbo bas been promoted to tbe rank of Captain. Sybil is spending ber vacation witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartlett. Mrs. George Richards and sons, Alan and Glenn, expect to leave this week to take up residence at Nanaimo, B.C., wbere bier bus- band, Sergt. G. Richards, is an in- structor at the Canadian Small Arms Scbooh. Pte. Wm. J. Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Terry, Liberty St., Bowmanvilie, is among those re- ported seriously wounded in tbe Siciian campaign. He was a member of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regt. Cpl. Frank Mcllveen, Peterboro, lst Lieut. Bob Melveen, Petawa- wa, Pilot Officer Don Mcllveen, Oshawa, Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie MeIlveen, Kingston, were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. O. Mellveen. Further word was received by Mrs. Alan Densem in an airgrapb from bier husband in Sicily, saying that lie had been thrown from bis motorcycle and had injured bis armn and foot. He reports that bis injuries were not serious and hoe is doing well. An bonor roll in memory of Pte. Matt Milîs (kilied at Dieppe) and all those of Hampton district who bave eniisted for active serv- ice will be installod and unveiled in Hampton United Churcb in the near future. The date wiil bo an- nounced ater. Thursday morning, August 19, Mr. and Mrs. John Milîs, Ajax, formerly of Hampton, piaced a wreath on the Cenotaph, Bow- manvilie, to honor the memory of their son, Pte. Matt. Milîs and bis particular comrades who *gave their lives at Dieppe. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McDonahd and daughter, Karl.rn, Welland; Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Hamilton, Sergt. and Mrs. Albert Cully, Halifax, NS.; Mrs. James Cuily, LAC. Arthur Cuily and Mr. John Cully, Toronto, have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully. Mrs. Norman Hannan (nee Madeline Caiver), a récent bride, was guest of honor at a cup and saucer sbower given by Mrs. Stan- loy Dunn and Miss Helen Norwick1 at tbe home of Mrs. Charles De- pew. A miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Hannan was also given by Mrs. Carman D. Lott, Oshawa. Mr. Russell Candler, caretaker of the Federal Building, and Mrs. Candlei4, have returned from a tbree weeks' holiday at Ganan- oque and Goderich. Veteran Thos. Cartwrigbt bas very capably car- ried out the caretaker's duties in bis absence, althougb we bear the town dlock had a short holiday for a few hours. Friends who visited Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dowson, Providence, on Tbursday inchuded: Miss Ruth Neal, thoir grand-daughter, Mrs. W. J. Neal, Miss Vina Neal, Reg.N., Victoria Road, Mrs. J. McWinney and daughter, Ottawa, Mr. J. Ar- mour, Miss M. Armour, Orono, and their cousij from Muskoka, wbo is on bolidays. Tis b as been a very rainy sum- mer, but it seems to have been alright for the grain. The fields of grain are just wonderful. Many of the farmers in this part of Alberta bave bougbt combines. Besides combining their own, they help out neighbors wbo are short of bolp. BEACHNEWS THE COVE Mrs. Irving Pomper, New York City, Miss Audrey Flinn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Flinn, Mr. E. Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferry and Mr. and Mrs. E. Dryer, Toronto, at "Or- manook Cottage." L.-Cpi. B. Hutchinson, Mrs. Hutchinson and baby, Toronto, witb Mrs. O. J. Hutcbinson. Bruce Edstrome and Ross Hon- dry, Toronto, with Mrs. E. Sorreli, Doris. and Joan, "53." Miss Claire Roach, Toronto, with Miss Betty Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Holmes and children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Harrap. EAST SIDE Miss Enrigbt, Mr. and Mrs. Armburst, Miss Ruth Armburst, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. P. Howard, Miss Howard, Miss M. Hicks, Miss Judgess, Miss Cary and friend, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Motit- real, with Mrs. Blake Shortt. Mrs. Rose Bone and Miss Ruth Stevens at their cottage. Mrs. F. D. Ledgett, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Rehder. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bickle and f amily, town, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thoman and family, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Shoomaker. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Trebilcock, Toronto, with Mrs. Hugb Richie, "Berkshire Lodge." Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pethick, To- ronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Petbick, "Mayfair." Miss Lorraine Davie, Mr. Har- old Wotten, Mr. H. McKeen, Miss Dorothy McKeen, Toronto, Maî>- ter Ross Jeffery, town, witb Mr.i and Mrs. Chas. Davis, "Sunny Nook." Mrs. W. L. Cuttehi and Mar- jorie, Mrs. A. Loriman. Mrs. Chas. Gildman, Miss Edna Cherry, To- ronto, Mr. F. Matta, formorly of London, Eng., with Mrs. Percy Cherry. WEST SIDE Mrs. H. Botsford, Donald and Peggy, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hornsby, and Glen, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Frogley. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cousins, Osbawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parkhilh. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Flegg, Brenda and Nora Lea, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Sbarpless, "Kilkare." Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Coppen, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, "Beach Hayon." Mrs.- F. Turoîl, Toronto; Cpi. Evelyn Cook, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), Centralia, with Mrs. E. Cook, "Cy- lant Phore." Mrs. Margaret King and Con- nie, town; Wallace Stewart, Lon- don, witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colo, "Bosky Dell." Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and family at "Tacoma." Mrs. F. Connors, town, with Mrs. D. Martin. Mrs. Geo. Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bang, Oshawa, with Mrs. W. Matbews, "Idylwlyd." Miss Joan Richardson, Cobourg, with Miss Helen Williams. Mrs. J. W. Noble and Miss Helen Noble, Indianapolis, witb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bounsaîl and f amily. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tapping and family with Mrs. A. J. Frank,1 "Sandhurst." Mrs. Frank Williams was host- 055 at a tea given in honor of ber mother, Monday. About 10 of ber friends were present. CHAPEL-ON-THE -HILL Twenty-five of the regulars of the Cbapel goors met at "Summer Havon", home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Simpson Saturday night to lay plans for next seabon. The off i-1 cors will be: Speaker, Wm. Me-1 Cartney; Sunday School leader. Mrs. W. H. Carlton; sec.-treas., Mrs. Bort Nash; ushers, Messrs. Sid Gage, Bail and Arthur Fox. The reports sbowed a steadily in- creasing attendance. Included with other disbursements a smal donation was allotted to the Bow- manville Hospital as a gesture of appreciation for its help with sum- mer accidents. In recognition of their work in making Sunday ser- vices possible Mr. Wm. McCart- ney and Mr. Geo. Harrap were presented with books and Mrs. Carlton witb a scroll contaîning a contribution to one of ber many charities. After the business, re- freshments were served and Mr. Grey Barrick led in a sing-song. Simultaneously with the aduit meeting the juniors held a party et "Happy Daze' supervised by Burke-t-on: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Alex Gilbert. Nestleton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: W. H. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lano & Ce. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, Jury & Loveil, W. J. Bagnell. Weddings VAN LUVEN-MeQUARRIE At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanLuven, 168 Nassau St., Oshawa, Aug. 21, Arvilla Winola McQuarrie, only daugbter of Mr. JO-seph McQuarrie and the late Mrs. McQuarrie, of Bowmanville, became the bride of Pte. Frederick Percival VanLuven, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanLuven. The room was decorated in pink and white and an archway of cedar boughs formed the setting for the coremony, wbich was conductedi by Rev. C. Lynn, of Bowmanvilhe, assisted by Rev. Mr. Routley, ofi Oshawa. The Wedding Marcb was played by Mrs. Routley. The bride, given in marriage by ber uncle, Mr. Albert Phare, wore a floor longth gown of white sheer witb point lace over satin. Her floor length veil of white silk lace feIl fromn a halo of sbirred lace. She carried a bouquet of white and pink gladioli. .The bride was attended by tbe bridegroom's sistor, Miss Doris Van Luven, dressed in a floor length gown of Pink sheer witb a fingertip veil of pink net falling from a halo of shirred net. Sho carried a bouquet of yellow and mauve gladioli. Tbe bridegroum was attended by his friend, Pte. Murray MacPberson. A reception was beld for im- modiate relatives at the home of the bridegroom's parents. CUNNINGHAM-JENNINGS On Saturday a very pretty wed-i ding took place in St. Paul's Pros-' byterian Church, Port Hope, when« Norma Elizabeth Jennings, daugb- ter of Mrs. Jennings and the late Norman E. Jennings, was mar- ried to H. Victor Cunningham, son of Mrs. Cunningham and the hate Harry Cunningham, by Rev. Geo. Rowland. The churcb was charmingly decorated with gladioli and ferns, and the wodding music was play- ed bv Mrs. Lenore Greer. Dur- ing the signing of the register Mrs. D. Town sang "Calm as the Night.' The bride, who was givon in marriage by ber uncle, Mr. T. J. Watson, of Cobourg, iooked iovely in a gown of white satin with a long flowing veil fromn a halo headdress. She carried an arma bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Law- ronce G. Henry of Cornwall, was matron of bonor, and Miss Doris Jennings was bridesmaid. The former was dressed in a corn- flower blue sheer with a smail matching beaddress, and carried a nosegav of yelow rosebuds. Miss Jennings wore a pale blue sheer, also with a smali matching bead- dress, and carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds. Mr. George Bick, of Cannington, was best man. and Mr. Donald Clack. of Hamilton, and Mr. John dfutton, of Cobourg, were ushers. After a reception at the home of the bride Mr. and Mrs. Cunning- ham left for a cruise up the Great Lakes, the bride wearing a moss green wool suit with accossories. The couple will reside in Cobourg. Bowmanville; a brother, Arthur An o]d timer is the one who ObitLuaries J. Honey, Vancouver, and one sis- can recall when a mnhsttd ter, Mrs. W. Pascoe Goard (Ar- ý to appear around the ladies with- THOMAS ENGLISH anda C. Honey) also of Vancouver,ou ernacat and ninc' grandchildren. Two bro-ou arnacat Thomas Engish, formerly of thers, Charles and Tom, and one ________________ Cartwright Township, passed sister, Mrs. W. G. Stott (Ida), pre- away at Chapin Hospital, June 4, deceased her. following a stroke of paralysis, The funeral service from the while on duty at Voluntary Civi- family residence, Liberty St., on lian Defence work. He was son August 18, was conducted by Mr of the late John English and Mar- R. G. Tress, a former FirtRaer.'7 .~Ju i garet Hooey. He was born in of Third Church of Christ, Scien -______________ Cartwright in 1868 and educated tist, Toronto. Many beautiful at Public Scbool No. 1 and Port floral tributes from relatives andr OSHAWA, ONTARIO Ferry High School. Over 50 years friends banked the casket. Bear-1 Phone 1011 - Free Parking ago he went to New York City, ers were W. G. Bickle, Mont _______________ where he took a business course Bickle, Headiey Bickle and K. J.IUSFR. A. and accepted a position with the Hodgert, Port Hope; A. T. Honey HR.FISA, Patterson Press f irm, later enter- and W. A. J. Honey, Toronto. AUG. 26, 27, 28 ing into partnership which he con- Friends and relatives from To- Mickey Rouney tinued until 1930. ronto, Oshawa, Port Hope, and I Prior to retiring from business Peterboro, attended the funeral. THIHMn CM life in 1940, he served on the staff WithHMA OMD of Briarcliff Young Women's New JOSEPH WELSH rakMognJmetrag York State sehool. Ho was a mem- FrnkMra, Bames ra ber of the Canadian Club of New Joseph Welsh, Taunton, died in' a ane York, also of American Authrsthe Oshawa General Hospital on Moving, Thrilling, Refreshing Association of U.S.A. August 21, as the resuit of com- Floral offerings from relatives, plication fromn a severe burning MON., TUES., friends and business associates about the hoad and shoulders, AUGUST 30, 31 paid sulent tribute to the deceased. which lie received on the after- CareLugtn Muen The following is a quotation from noon of June 20 when bis bouse at Chrl H atnMura a telegram from the office of Na- Taunton burned down as the re- OHr tional Institute of Immigrant suit of a coal oil stove exploding. I Welfare. which ho gave Volun- The son of the late Mr. and THIS LAND IS MINE tary Civilian Defense work: We Mrs. George Weisb, of Darlington, With wish to express our appreciation Township, ho was born in Hamp- George Sanders, Walter Slezak of the lovable Christian charac- ton, Darlington Township, on De- A dramatic oxperience that ter and great spirit of service of cember 16, 1870, and was in his you'Il nover get out of your our friend. His friendship and 73rd year. Ho lived in that dis-. heart generous belp were a priviiege to trict ahi bis ife and farmed and ________________ have and will be treasured al- worked in the Taunton - Zion dis- ways." , trict, where ho was higbly respect- WED., THURS., FR1., SAT. Funerai services were heid 'n ed and held in high esteemn by aIl SEPT. 1 - 4 Chapin Chapel and conducted by who knew him. Judy Garland, Van Hoflin bis pastor Rev. Andrew Magill, Lfttmurbilosion Loeerhaevascefu D.D. Interment was in Ma pie ett or i osion oee haevascefu Grove Cemetery, Jamaica, Ne brother, James Wehsh, of the of terrifie talent York. 0 Hydro staff. In Surviving are a brother, John, The funeral was held Tuesday PRESENTING LILY MARS on the family homestead, Cart- afternoon from Armstrong's Fu- With wright, and a sister, Mrs. James neral Homne and interment inl Fay Bainter, Richard Carlson Larmer, Cartwright Township. Bowmanville Cemetery. Rev. A. For you and your gal, it's a D. Cornett conducted the services. honey of a show. Songs, haugh- CHRLTT______ E MELNGSAT ter, music by two top bands, CHALOTE EA BCKL SMLLIG SLTSPOPULAR Tommy Dorsey and bis or- _____a__if i______harott chestra. Bob Crosby and bis Aftr abref llnss Chrlote Smelling salts of the Victorian band. Eva Honey, beloved wife of Geo. era reaily had a job on their bands B. Bckl. Dssedon n Uwman- . . . e t..*.fr.. * A d.. *V* ville Hospital, on August 16th emlswbo were so tightly haced aged 72 years. Born in New- that it's a wonder tbey bad castle, Ont., she was the daughter strength enougb to get around at of the late Richard and Isabeli aIl. . . but great was their fame. Honey. On August 15, 1894, she Interestingly enougb, there's a was united in marriage to George current revival of smelling saits' B. Bickle. They resîded in To- use. . . net to bring the girls out ronto until moving to Bowman- of general fainting spelîs. . . but ville in December, 1924. She was to give them a tension-oasing out a membor of First Church of when things go wrong, or fatigue Christ, Scîentist, Oshawa, and a is harrying and efficiency-imped- charter member of Third Church ing. of Christ, Scientist, Toronto. She Its creators say they realizo was a devoted wife and mother, bow difficuit it is to keep that and lived for ber borne and famihy. sparkling, fresb look wben one is She aiso contributed ber talents rusbed witb war work or burning to knitting for the Red Cross, and the midnigbt oil over an office other war charities, in ber church desk. And so tbey've created a and neighborbood. She had a new botthe witb a spicy sconted kind and friendly disposition form of smelling saîts in it... wbich won bier the bigh esteem of and tbey say you'il ho surprised ail wbo made bier acquaintance. at the way a whiff xill banisb an She was a shining light in bier fa- enervated or wilted feeling. mily circle. Into the lives uf ail wumen, She is survived by bier husband, even today. . . business girls, two daughters, Mrs. C. L. Upper housewives, assembly lino work- (Gladys) of Peterboro and Mrs. ers, Red Cross recruits. . . come G. F. Jamieson (Evelyn), and two the heurs wben everytbing gees sons, Charles and Howard, of wrong and nerves are on edge. Evangelistic TABER NACLE Ontario St., N. Continuing Sun. 7.30 p.m., a serles on "Those Things Most Surely Beiieved Among us." NO. 2 - - "Himself took our infirmi- ties and baro our sieknesses."' Matt. 8:17. There wilI be special prayer for the sick ALL ARE WELCOME Pastor C. W. Lynn M..... ........... .... ......... =m = = u mumrn = = -..mmu===.. .... =... SAVE MONEY BY BUYING ALL DRUG NEEDS AT YOUR I.D.A. DRUG STORE LOWEST The extra money I.D.A. LOW PRICES put into your purse is visible proof of the economy of buying here. We operate an Independent Drug P RICES Store offering courteous, prompt and personal service. Our prices are the _______________ owest available in the Dominion of Canada. BARGAINS - 4THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY * $1.25 Pinkham's Compound..... $1.19 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 94e *50c Pinex - cough compound ...... 32c 39c Milk of Magnesia Tablets, 100's 29c Corega, Denture powder 35c, 60c and $1 sizes-24c, 39c, 69c O 25c Camphorated 011, 3 oz.....19c Hay Fever Remedies - Allergitabs $1.00, $2.50 Haytone --- 25e, 50c, $1.00 Razmah Capsules ----- 50c, $1.00 Frosst's Aliersol, 6 oz.------ $1.00 Resperin, Wampôies -------50e (24 d-ACK 2il4e KOLY-NOS Dental Creum 29C c(IM 7] CUE DENTRIFICE 19C - 33e KILL FLIES - .D.A. Cod Liver Oul Capsules, 100's- 79e $2.25 Lactogon - S1.59 Flaxseod, 16 oz.---- - ---lic Calvert's Tooth Poîvder-------- 19c, 37c 50e I.D.A. Kidney Pis 39c $1.39 Estivin --------- $1.23 Ephedrine Inhalant 1 oz.- ----------------- 59e Pocket Combs----- 60c Robinson's Barley Fine Tooth Combs --- Lux Soap Eye Cups 2 for lc -- -- - - - 7c A.S.A. Tablets, 100's --- 19e Medicine Glasses --------- 7c Lifebuoy Soap~ 2 for lic Whiz Insect Killer --- -- Fly Colis----- Shelltox ------ 24c, 43c, 73e ----5 for 10e ------24c, 43c Wilson's Poison Pads Package 0f 3------- Fiy Tox ------ Sapho Liquid 24c, 43e 29c, 49e Preserving Supplies Sweet Piekie -Mixture, 1 gai Paroivax - -- - - Jar Rings, 12's-- Diii Pickle Mixturt Preserving Powder Celery Seed, oz. - C erto ----------- -- Parko's Catsup Fla, NOTHING BE ANACII TABLEl FOR TI] RELIEFC COLDS, PAIN, E' 22c - 4, 69C - 91 "5e IN I rs [E OF 8C Ir - -- ---- ý -- 2 5e er, oz.- ------20e -- -- -- - - - - 2 5 e lvour ------35e ETFER FOR 29 DRY, 29C UNRULY 45e HAIR PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIIES MCOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Ladies' Rats Large Range -AT- 79c Purses.. AIl klnds, sizes and colours. Black and colourod leather from ------------ --- ----------------- --- --- 98e to $7.50 each Large loth purses with wooden frames, assorted' colours. Several prices. Imitation needlepoint purses with wooden trames-------------------------------------------------------- -$2.59 Sumner Dresses Another shlpment of sunimer dresses has arrlved. Prlced from - --- - ------------- $3.50 Up - ........ ..... .... ... --------------------------- 4m TFIURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STAUSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 1

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