s ORONO daughtcr, Dorohy. Toonto. vis- Xited bis brother. Wm. Waltcrs. Social and Person al thA numconenton hmwek Phn IJrl Geo . Mercer had an accident Phone40r16last week when bis car ran into *****~ *~ some cattie and killcd two. The front part 0f bis car wa's broken Lt. Col. J. C. Gamey ,vas homo badlv. for the week-end. Mrs. H. Smith bias joined her A number froni lere attended hcisband in Halifax. the district LOL. held at Kendal Eileen and Clifford Jones visit- Friday. Il was decided that no cd thein parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 'inle woulcl be held July l2th as Jone.. tîerict. Each lodge, bowever, Mr. and Mrs. H. Joncs visited in ~ma rch in the ncarest town if Port Hope. they so desire. Mrs. Chapman ( n e e Helen Mr. and Mrs. Orme Walters and Case) formerly of Orono, was a __________________________guest of Miss M. Flintoff. A few more new books have been received at the Library. Miss Louise Cowan. Toronto, visited bier father, Mr. Geo. Cow- an. Norman Allen xvas home on ]cave. Mis. H. Smith, Wbîtby. was guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. 'Miss J. Swimming was guest of Mrs. M. Smith Ibis weck. Around I m m in the intercst of the Upper Can- ada Tract Society she addrcssed JACK HUDSON, Orono; the Sunday School Sunday after- 1noon1 on the work of Ibis society Wilfred Richardson, Pontypool; among the inland water sailors. Marlow Hancock was home on F. L. BYAM, Tyrone; or leave. A. W. GLENNEY, Newcastle LeRoy Brown, with two others, won in a group quiz program heard ovcr CKCL last wcek. Each NEWS member of the trio receivc,,d a prizc. 1 Mi's. C. Joncs' parents spent the week-end with bier, ber mother remainîng for a longer visit. At cburch Sunday morning Mrs. A. A. Drumnmond favoured with a lovely vocal solo, and at the evening service the soloist xvas Mrs. C. Joncs. Mrs. 0. Sand- ercock was organist. Mrs. F. Hall spent a few days in Toronto. Beatrice Hamm, Toronto, spont the week-end at home. Mr. and Mss. Dowýýning and daugbter, Toronto, visitcd rela- tives bore. Mrs. Fuller and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fuller. Mrs. Sisson and Miss E. Epps expeet 10 leave for Detroit Ibis xveek for a visit with Mrs. (Dr.) Ross. Miss L. Workman xvas in the village last week. O.C.S. Examinations arc in full swing. The McElrox's were in town for a few hours last weck. Several cases of gas sipboning bave been reportcd. Mr. Lcighton G. McGinnis. B.A.. of Belleville. bas been engageci as principal of O.C.S. The Presbytery picnic, sched- uled for last nigbht (Wed.) will bc reported next week, if it material- izes. Mrs. Littlewood bas been on the sick list, and thus was unable t0 take in the Dominion W.M.S. meeting. Masonie banquet is being beld in Orono tonight (Tbursday). The W.I. is catering. Navy League Tag Day was beld Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples will play bost and bostess to the S.S. executive at ils regular monthly meeting tonigbt, (Tbursday). Several personals were receîv- ed too late for last week, namely the arrivai of radio operator Wil- fred Froste in town, and the ar- rival of Horace Yoskc and Victor Phasey overseas. Mrs. Ed. Graham bas rented the apartment soon to be vacated by Mrs. D. Carscaddcn. ORONO RED CROSS The regular meeting of the Orono Red Cross was held Thurs- day aftornoon. The treasurer's report w as 'given as follows: Balance May t $1573.48; campaign 2.00; donations 15.00; Victory Loan commitcee 5.73, making a total of $1596.21. Expenses w e r e: Head office 1191.75; bill .50; balance June 1 403.96; campaign to date 1541.30. C. B. Tyrreli, president, read some excerpts from the reports of- the Ontario division and explain- CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Township Council met June 1, ail members being pres- cnt. M. H. Staples addresscd the Council on bebaîf of the Central Durham Agricultural society, and the Farmers' Federation, and R. R. Waddcll on behaîf of the Law- rcnce's Cburcb cemetery. At 2.30 the Township Court af Revision was fommed, three ap. peals were beard and in ail cases appeals were not confirmed. The correspondence was read and a lettes fsom A. E. Wilson and Co. se Road Liability In- surance was deait witb by resolu- lion and one from the Wawanesa Insurance Company in connection witb the damagecl Newtonvillc monument was ordered filed. The Orono Police Trustees met witb the Council ta discuss the possible closing of the damaged parts of the road leading fromn Higbway 35 10 the county road in the north of Onono. The letter from the Provincial Engineers se this malter was ordered filed. The clerk xvas instructed ta gel information about the cost of enecting a new flag polo at the town hall. The following resolutions were passed: 1115-Setting the bour for the opening of the Court of Revision at 2.30; tlt6-Approv- ing the assessment soit for 1943 as rovised; li17 Renewing the Road Liability Policy xvitb Lloyds of London; 1118-Continuing C. F. Awde as tax collector up to and including July 6tb. The foliowing bis were ondes- cd paid: Road voucher 5, $605.96:1 Wm. E. Davey, B.O.H., $6.50: Gordon Martin, one sheep killed by dogs, $8.00; Clarence J. Allun, crie trip as x'aluer, $2.50; Bease's Ltd., o f f i c e supplies, $13.65; George Buttons, work at town bail, $1.50: Mrs. H. Morris, $6.50: Orono Coal and Lombes, $3.50: J. J. Mellor, salary, postage and excbange, $65.20; Mss. E. J. Rancll, R vs. F, $32.00: Orono Weekiy Times, printing and ad- vertising. $8.00: R. H. Wood, cane of toxvn hall, $9.00; Ontario Pro- v'incial Treas., B.O.H., $ .65; Clan- ence J. Allun, one sbeep kiiled by dogs, $20.00; Mss. J. C. Gamcy. Ftoad Liability Insusance, $227.75: Osono Hydro Commission, town hail lights, $10.11; Dr. Stanlc 'v, B.O.H., $9.00; E. L. MacNachtail. hospitalization, $23.25. Fosm accidents in the U.S. cause 4,500 deatbs a year and 'nipplo 15,000 pessons for life. Wedding FAGAN-COOPER The marriage of Marion Gwen- dolyne. cjaughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper of Orono, to 2nd Lieut. Owen M. J. Fagan, C.A.C.. Camp Bordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Fagan. Bowmanville, took place June 5tb in Toronto. The bride wvore a street length dress of charm pink sheer with matching taffeta halo hat and cor- sage of butterflv roses and bou- vardia. She was attended by Miss Adcle Morton, Orono. wear- ing a twilight blue sheer dress and corsage of pink carnations. Mr. Dennis Fagan. brother of the groom., vas best man. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents in Orono. where lier mother received in romance bluec repe and lace and corsage of apricot roses. Later the couple left on a short motor trip, the bride wearing a beige dressmaker suit xith cocoa brown accessories and corsage of roses. On their return they will live in Toronto. cd tbe blood clinic set-up, also the mobile clhnic. Mrs. Dean gave the work roomn report, after which bills amount- ingI to $4.14 were passed. It was aonounced that 85 per cent of the money had 10 be sent t0 Headquarters. Mrs. Mercer having rcsigned as head of the work commitîce, Mrs. F. Tamblyn was appointcd in lier place. Township Council t 1 f c b 0 L c h c i le v 0 el dl R 0 h CE cr OI WELZ, 11DF4Avlf- YeS AEe, 1g @T/OV611>92uY.s'; 'o, rs MVPF-1%6 À>0,.qr ?,Échaees ontcarmaowomapo rnd ch.iinn ad a osiblefwas. ofNCanadaTagLondon, Canada DIM AND DISTANT 1 Advisable To Spray HAPPENINGS I Strawberries 1 FRO'M TIIE ORONO NEWVS .lune 7. 1928 PlIC follexx ng xcîe dccl Pi ciuipal otlicers of Orono Lodge. AF& A.Mv., No. :25. ai regîjlar ilo.Thursclav even înq I P M., Bro. G. MI. Lin ton: W.M.. B.0. Gordon Poxvcr: S.W.. Bro. S. E Allen: J.W.. Bro. Adolpb Hnx:Chaplaini, Bro. R. R. Vidl:Treasiirer. Bro. R. Z. H W11 SecretarY. Bro. Dr. Neil Col- Vie Installation a i r egu,11arI mooting, June 28tb. \lsL. M. Buchanan. who lbas béun principal of tbe Continua- tii i school bere for thec past1 sex in ýi cars, bas tenc'ered ber res-1 iP"ition 10 tbe sebool board. o10 tale effect at the close of the pres- Durham Caif Brings 1Iigh Price At Auction Mýunco Inka Josephine, tne beif- or' ialf lonated jointly by the D i boani and Peteshoro Iol i.ein Brisdei'Clcubs 0to ie wa r ElIn foi' Cali Auction held àMay 26. at BI«x1mmtoni, brocight S 125 un thtel bihi ut Lauchîl Kîcles, Lindsay'. The 33 heifes calx'es sold ati B. iimmtoin Lsought a total of, Sti.hl). for an average of $193.79. Al xv-ese donated by indix idual bîcîders and County Holstein ClubIs of Western and Ceniral Ootaî'io. A similas Caîf Acîction belsi May 27, at Kcmptvillc. spon- sored bx' Eastern Ontario and Quebec Holstein Cluibs. sealized $3.705 on the sale ot 14 calves, avenaging S264.64. The pnoceeds of file txvo acîctions. plus cash donations fsom Holstein bseedcî's, thrnî gbout the cocuntry thal hax'e saîsed the total 10 SIII.500, are being foswasded 10 the British Friesian Society to be dîstsibutcd by ils officers for Wan Relief pur- poses. Smmilas fonds totalîing $13.884 sent in 1941 and 1942 wese lasgely used to relieve dîstress armongst menchant sailorss xvose ships bad been sunk by cnemy action. The R.A.F. Benex'olent Fcînd was also aided. At the National Holstein Sale of xx'icb tlhe Brampton Caîf Auc- lion was an opening feature, 57 bead brougbt $34,665 for an aven- age of S608.15, the bigbest made aI a Holstein Consignment Sale in Canada since 1920. Top price was S2,500 for a yearling heifes wbile a sevcn-montbs-old bull bnougbî $1,700 and nine head sold fos $1,000 cacb os bettes. M. J. Tamblyn. Orono, scceived S63,5 for a five-montbs-old bull calf fsons the "Excellent coxx, Cedas Dale Ray Apple Flossy. The pcur- choses was Wm. J. Murphy. Lindsay, xvho also paid $,510 for an igbt-months-old haîf-brother consigned by James T. Broxxn. Newxcastle. At the Ail-Fasteso Sale wx'ich immediately foliowed the Caif Auclion at Kemptvilie, 57 bead brocîght $22,685 for an average of $397,98. The top price for a fe - maie xvas $1,025 wbile the lasgest amutpito cl a 83 Burketon Visitons: Ms. W.Cochrane, Mn. and Mss. Verdon Lethangue and Marie, Bowmanville, xitb Mn. and Mss. H. Adams. .. Mss. H. Adams xitb bier moîbes. Mss. G. T. Fer- guson, Blackstock. .. Miss Marie Hartnet, Miss Hazel Parker. Osb-, awa, witb Miss Betty Mof fatt. Mrs. S. Ashton and Ïoy.MissA Ashton, Mss. Cal Powvell. Mss.1 Powell, Sr., Toronto, xvtb Mn. T. jTrick. . . Ms. Sani 7McKnigbî tat Peterboso. . . Msl. and Mss. A. Dean and Beth. Oshawa, Tpr. Harold Gatchel, Hamilton, xith Mr. and Mss. L. J. Gatcheil... Mr. and Mss. Sxxinton Kin-mocinlt. Ms. and Mss. H. Abbott, Jesry and Murray, Tynone. witb Mr. and Mss. J. H. Gatcbeli. . . Mr. and Mss. Bert Perfect. Cobourg, Mr. and Mss. George Perfect, Bow- manville, xitb Ms. and Mss. E. Adams. . . Mss. H. Gregg, Miss Jessie Hogarth, Hampton, xvith Mrss. C. Sanderson. .. Mn. Leo Mof-fa-t and Mr. C. Hoskins aI Rice Lake. . . Mrs. F. Caugbill xith Mss. S. Iron's, Lotos.:. Mn. W. Hoskins, Oshawa. at home ...Miss Jean Davey, Bowman- ville, xith Ms. and Mss. R. Davey ..Ms. M. Williams xith bis par- ents at Hax'elock.j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cannochano hax'e mox'ed 10 Port Penny. The Young People of Nexv- castle pcut on the play. "Tom Boy" Jcîne 2nd. 10oa full c'cc. Thosc iaking part did remiaikabiy xx l Rex'. A. G. Carscadlden of To- ronto. pseached Sunclay mornine n the interest of the Insti'i' ie fo! the Blind and expIaincd a il tha: ',vas Leing donc foi' the blind and :îartim' lv blind today. Miss Nellie Hanna. R.N.. of To- i i'onto. xxho bias been spendi oq a couiple of xx seks xith lies porints. MnI. and i' Rober't Hanna. î'e- tuî'ned Satciîd'iv. Mi's. T. IH. Wilson. Mn1. and M.\rs. Tomn Wilson and Ross, are occu- pying theii' cottage"ak'ix' Ibis xveek. The terrible coapcrThcrs- day moî'ning sdd great sîcal of damage beî'e. Miss Bcssie Ecîgerton is home froni Peteî'boî'o Nor'mal. The scholais of both sebools are bISv practiSin., for the anni- x'rsary. Ms. Milton Slemnon and Lloyd of Haydon, visîted the Elliott liomne Scinda '. Mr. andi Mis. Henisboxx'andi fani- ily attencleci the funei'al of Msrs. lienislbaw"s sister aI Nexvmarket. Liv'ing costs are somiething that -ilxtays seenis 10 zoom cip qcîickeî' thon the\, exer fali cloxwn. Scîmmci' once xvos that peî'iod xvben o fc'lloxx' w'ould hegin 10 fig- Lire on xx'bere hlievocild spend bis vacation. In the eai'ly davs of 1te war Hitler andI Mussolini met and talk-1 cd things over. Now. Mcissolini just listens. (Science Service Nexx - Lea I spot, sc orcb andm lc aie fungous diseo ses xx bîcb attack fic f oliage or lie si rawxbei ry vonu resuit in %vcakened vigocr iandl i - dUCedCi-cop. Ordinarilv th11 s e clisea:es are of minor imporiance ~î ndrl i ire nou sptciai control mneasures. Hoxvýex'er. the extreme- 1v wet Conditions prevailîng 1h w x car are pric al favoijrable for cleveloprnent of' tiese diseases. andi is advisable to protect botb yoxing andi fri inig plantations 1)*v sprayîog xx itb BordieauIxmixture. .-4-40. liefore blo-soming, i epeot- ing the application 10 days Inter. If preferreri. dusting xvith an 8.5- 1,5 lime copper dust jmay be uised. in place of sprayîn.g. 0f the more commonly groivi varieties. Glen Mlary and Parson's Beauty are More susceptible 10 Ibese foliage clîsea ses. The spraY treatment suggesled is also valuable in prcventing loss lrom gre--iiioLdrot. a fuin- gois dîsease xvbich ottacks prin- cipallY tbe partivy maýture Cfr'uit. clestro\ ing it. Ibe clisease also causes a blighting, of tbo blossoi-ns and a rotting of tbe leaf and flow er stalks xvben conditions of con- tinued wxet prevail. Spraying should reduce. greatly. tbe losses due to Ibis di.,ease. Mn. andi Mrs. Wni. Wrigbfft wene colled 10 Newtonville last Tues- day oxvîng 10 the sudden passing of their b)i'otliei -în-laxv-, vr. John Barrie. Visitons: Mr. and Mns. A. W. Clemens, Toronto. %vith M\r. ai-d Mrs. Lcuther Goodman ond called on a number of friends. . . MnU. and Mrs. Howard Pbilp, Ronnie and .Marily-n, and Miss Jean Pbilp, spent the week-end witb Mn. and Mrs. G. Pbilp, Morganston, and other relatives. . . Mn. and Mss. Charles Downe. Base Lino, witb Mns. Byron Moore. . . 'Mr. and Mss. S. Eddyvean, New Liskeard. vis- îted bis son. Bobby Eddyvean. at Msr. Howard Brent's. .. Mrs. Car- lyle Stevens and son Gerald. To- ronto, witb Mn. and Ms. W. H. Taylor. . . Mr. and Mss. Jack Hatbenly and family, Newton- ville. and Mrs. R. Hatberly. Hampton, witb Mn. R. Hatberly ..Mr. and Mss. Jack Joncs and babe. Enniskillen, witb Mss. L. Joncs. .. Miss K. Macdonald, Osh- awa. spent the wveek-end at ber home. . . Ms. and Mss. F. L. Byam, Cliff and Grenville. xx'itb ber parents. Mn. and Mss. J. Lillicrapp. Cannington. Ms. and Mss. Lillicnapp returned home witb tbomr for a x'isit. Howard Pbilp left for TorontoI Monda.,wbese be bas enlistedI with the R.C.A.F. Mr. and Mns. T. H. Richards,I Mn. and Ms.Arthur Richards and Mss. Clinton Bigelow. witb Mn. and Mss. Howard Findley. Union- ville. Sunday. Ms. Leon Moore was called to Kineston, Monday, for bis final medical. A w'cdding took place in the Tyrone parsonage. Saturday af- ternoon. wben Miss Blanche Beecb became the bride of Ms. Donald Carr. botb of Haydon. Rex'. A. F. Gardner seturned home Friday. hax'-in,, attended the Bay of Quinte Confesence. Gan- anoque. Several fnom bore attended Solem anniversasy services. Sun- day. -E-nfield Visitoî s. Mi-s Vera StInson, To- ront o. atMn N. Stinson's. .. Mrs H. Boaton. Ian. and Mý,iss Bessie Pasoe .. MssGrceStask To- nonto. 'atSMn. J. Stank's. . . Mr. and Mss. W. Boxvman and Bruce. Ms. and Mrs. G. Boxvman and Mary Helen at M' T. Bowrnan's. 2 cus fSour; 4 tsp. Magie Baking Powder Hsp. sa t ; I tbsp. butter; 1 tbsp.td; u od mil k * or balf milk aah1îf &wat ert Sift flour, baking powder and sait. Cut in the chilied short- ening. Now add the chilled iiquid ta make soft dough. Toss dough on coas floured board and do not handle more chan is necessary. Rolloct biscuit dough and sprinkle generausly with grated cheese. Roll up like a jeiiy roil and cut inta one-inch slices. Brush oves wih nmilk. Overs 4001 F. -Time 12.-15 minutés' IpIuality counts most -f or that i rich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use.. TEAc à Port Perrx' . . . le. ors. A. E. Cal- van and Allan Niddery andI Mr. Douglas Koer.r, nt. t the Niddery .cottage. Mr. Ros.x SmitbhOax. andI Mr. and DIrîs. J. S. Eddyvean. New Liskeard. xv.îh Mn.andi ,lrs. A. Prescott. Sr.andi Sîrs. Eddy - vean will occcipv tbe vacant bouse owvnedl i)%" be Prescot brothers. fer the sommeln(r. Bobbv Parr lhi. tbc chieken- pox. Consatcilatiorn. Io Mr. and 7Mrs, Donald Lee hosS cîarrie.i Saturslay. 'Mns. Lee was formerîx Miss Velim Fergci:on, The Allies are getting ibhe x'.ar in gooci sbope. Thorc are noti nearly as many table-clotb stra- tegists as formeriv Who says tbe arrmy is not com- posed of rciggod individualists? If tbey xvercn't tbey couldn't suîr- Dodd's Kidney Puis vive a ride in a jeep. InR UP MISTER? Keep yotir car dlean Washing will prevent the paint from rotting and help preserve the 111e of your car. Bring it to GARTON'S today and watch us polish it! When travelling between Bowmanvile, Oshawa, Whitby or Ajax, on account ef uncertainty of weather conditions, bail roads and rationing of gas and tires, more people are aband- oning their cars in favor of GARTON'S MOTOR COACHES. Convenient Schedules - Ask for Time Table GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville Rot Days Cail For A Good Tasting Drink! TIsats what this stroîsg ami 0of the law~ gets ithen he chooses re- freslsing GLEN RAE niiik! It's a drink that can't be beat for taste or for tlîroat-easing refresliment. lui DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery ini your district. This is made necessary by new governmont regulations which permit us te cover any one district two .lays a week, only, on alternate days. IVe will, therefore, be in Bowmanville WEDNESDAY- - SATURDAY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry& Dry Cleaning CO. LEMITED FOR ECONOMY Scnd your cleaning with your laundry PHONE - 419 THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW-MAMVTI.TýIr. n7JrAUln Toc.îache miay becomoe a rare occurrence when an ideal diet is coaton througIhout cbilclbood. This hope i: raised by tree ycars of exiuerimonts just reported 10 the Anierican Dental Association by Dr. Ju i D. Boyd of Iow~a City, BAC KACH E OFTEN WARNING Backache may be the first aign cf Kidney trouble. When your back aches, look te your kidneys. Don't fai to heed this wamn- ing-it is tou important. Talce prompt action to correct Bacicache, or ita cause. At the fikit sgn of Backache turn conidently te Dodd'a Kidney Pilla-for over hall a Century the favorite remedy for Kidlney aihnents. 107 a TT-TW CAMATAM P'fl~ MUWN TCVflfuTATL7TTT rN'TAnRIC SHINE