_____ ___ ____ ____ _UMM PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1943 Hampton Visitors: Pte. Ceeule Petit, Newmarket, spent the week-end at W. Chapman's... Pte. Ted Ker- sey, Ottawa, spent the week-end at home. .. Cadet Jackson Wray, O. T. C., Brockville, and Mrs. Wray, Bowmanville, at T. Wray's . Mrs. D. Rackham with Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Bowmanville ... Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds... Mr. Mark Blackburn visited bis son, Wilbur, Maple trove. .. AC Lewis TrulI, Manning Depot, To- ronto, spent the week-end at home ..Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemens. Oshawa, visited Mrs. H. E. Cole ..Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly at- tended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. W. Caverly, Bownianville, Saturday. .. Mrs. Will White and son, Donald, Orono, visited her OSHAWA, ONTARIO Free Parking - Phone 1011 Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. MARCH 24-27 It's the Time . . and the place For Romance . .. Melody ... and Fun. Betty Grable, John Payne, Carmen Miranda and Harry James and his Music Makers in SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES with Charlotte Greenwood and Edward Everett Horton In Glorious Technicolor Mon.-Tues.-Wed. r MARCH 29-31t TWO GREAT FEATURES THE PALM BEACH STORY Starring Claudette Colbert, Joei McCrea, Mary Astor and Rudy Valîe -on the same programn- 1 He's The Toast of The Ghost's 1 THE MAN IN THE z TRUNK with Lynne Roberts and 1 George Holmes COMING Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. 1 APRIL 1-3 In Technicolor THUNDER BIRDS (Soldiers of the air) Gene Tierney and Preston c Fosterc mother during the week-end.. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Burn and sons. Janetville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersex'. . . Mr. and Mrs E. Adamson and Dorothy visiteè relatives in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly visited Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen. Rev. H. Linstead, Courtice. xvil lic the special speaker for the church Thankoffering services next Sunday. The North group of ladies met for quilting and sewing at the home of Mrs. John Cowling, Wed- nesday afternoon. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. Elias Greenaway visited friends at Elmvale. Miss Annie E. Allun, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allun, Mr. Sam Alun, Mrs. Olive Allun. Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, Is- lington; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cav- erly, Peterboro: were r ec e n guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Caverly. The "Pot Luck" supper helc Wednesday niglit under the au- spices of the Women*s Institute was quite successful. The tables were attractive with white covers and green shamrocks and the church basement where the sup- per was held xvas also decorated in keeping with the day. After supper the following short pro- gram was presented: Readings by Mr. E. Doidge. Mary Niddery, Mrs. H. Gaud, Rev. W. Rackhanm and Mrs. E. Doidge; vocal solo, Mrs. Arnold Damant, and piano numbers by Jean Balson and N. Horn; vocal duet by Edith Rack- ham and Eileen Wray. L. Reyn- olds presided for the program. Proceeds $22.50. Red Cross Meeting The Red Cross Society met in the basement of the church Wed- nesday evening. March l7th, with the president, Geo. Barron, in the chair. He made reference to the medical supplies, blood serum, sailors' comforts, prisoners-of- war parcels, and other things sent overseas by the Red Cross. The report of last year's work xvas preserxted by the secretary, Mrs. Wilfred Greenaway. Num- ber of completed articles packed and sent into Bowmanville branch were 305, 180 lbs. of jam, 90 lbs. of wool and $11.10 for blankets. Red Cross campaign funds $218.85. It was moved and seconded thal the same canvassers as last year act again. They are as follows: Mrs. H. Salter, Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mrs. Geo. Farncombe, Mrs. E. H. Cole, Mrs. W. Greenaway, Messrs. C. E. Horn, A. E. Billett, L. Truli, T. Chant, R. Knox, L. Clemens. T. M. Chant, 2nd vice president of the Bowmanville branch of the Canadian Red Cross, and alsc chosen to organize the canvass 1 sc .S 4,6 ; IT'S GOOD TO DRINK EITHER WAY Milk la flot only a deliclous beverage, it la one of the most healthful foods known te man. Milk con- tains many of thse vital elements necessary to health. Glen Rae mIIk la pasteurized and bottled under the most sanitary conditions, te insure you of its being sweet and fresh. Order milk from your Glen Rae milkman today. mu DELIVERED DAILY - FREEI NUTRITION Nutrition made easy! A "1can't-go to healthful family meals It's here at last! A really practical guide to meal. planning. Alil you need to know about nutrition, FI in an easy-to-follow, interesting, authoritative book. yro qatl This is important to you; for receunt Government wrk-t1 surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fail short net" of good nutrition, even though seemingly well-fed. Perhaps you.r family lacks proper food for vital good health ... stamina . .. high morale. So get in line with the "Nutrition for Victory" drive. Send for your copy of "Eat- to-Work-to-Win", NOW. Follow the new EASY plan for serving TUE delicious, well-balanced meals. - 0p 9R W Sponsored by ,~puYRY THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ONTARIO inthe întersoo ntiin dhat *outside of Bowmanville, gave id helpful hints and suggestions for id anvssngandveRYDAY um e, ours and criticisms of the Red E f ]Y A id Cross which are unfounded. The s. objective of the campaign for ýd Darlington township is $1,000. id 7a Newtonville *s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh, Osha- wa, with Mrs. Ronald Gibbis. ýt Master Bobby Leuty, Port Hope, [e with bis grandparents, Mr. and 1- Mrs. W. C. Lane. ts Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh and family BowmuvilIe andRW'Aan d Mrs. W. J. Lancaster at Mr. Sid d Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gibbs, Bowmanville, with ber mother, PLAIN WHITE ;Mrs. Roy Stacey. - Mr. Lennox Vasey, Port Mc- utrcie32pe ss -Nichol, with Miss Betty Stapleton. Jutreid3-peess t Mrs. Bruce Whitney with 6 large plates d friends in Oshawa for a week.1 Mrs. Fred Gibbs and George in 6 smaîl plates Oshawa. 6cp n acr i Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson 6cp n acr - and Ronald Ellis, Toronto, at Mr. 6 fruits eD. Denault's. S Mrs. Wilbert Hancock in Peter- 1 platter sboro. at Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Toronto, 1 vegetable dish at Mr. and RJns. W .Lnatr frol 32 adMr. and Mrs. . J. -Lancaster with Mrs. Ivison Munday, who was in Bowmanville Hospital with Supply llmlted - No repeats pneumonia. i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie at SEE THEM NOW Mr. W. A. Wright's, Tyrone. Congratulations to Mr. Patrick Cotter, who celebrated bis lOth i.W. JEWEL Sorry to report Mr. George J .J W L 1Payne is quite ili in Port Hope Hospital. His son, Harold, of Phe56 Bwmnll Cayuga, visited him last week. Phn56 o avle iMrs. McMurray. Jr., and family have moved to Port Hope. I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Rex'. J. McLachlan attended at especial meeting of Presbytery S1~~U I¶ L comittes n Osawarecently. In B a k tc accord With decisions arrived at at the meeting, he is conducting a tchurch membership class in thc Silver Wedding church basement Saturday after- Seventy or more, including rel-1 noon at 2 o'clock. Plans are en atives and friends, gathered at1 madeto crryout go beingrc the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. madeto arr ou a g-tochucliBailey, Blackstock, Saturday eve- campaign, as is being done in other ning, March 20, to honour themn on Tulaesdain rh 6 the Presbterytheir 25th wedding anniversary. i Tusday Mach 1, te W..S. A beautiful three-tier wedding meeting of the United Church was cake centred the lace covered held at thc parsonage. During dining table and a lovely bouquet the business period plans were of red and white carnations wasc t made for the quilting Tuesday, intelvgro.Ahdan rMarch 23rd. Also it was decidedi ntS i ngroom. r ch dann 1 donations for the bale were to be> Simson thedpp a harirn ad brouht n nxt metig. isser by singing "Blest be the tie Laing and Mrs. J. A. Barrie were that binds". named as delegates to attend the Presbyterial meeting in Whitby, Miss Helen Van Camp, Nurse-1 Mardi 25th. Mrs. McLacblan had in-Training, Oshawa Hospital, t charge of the program. During the read the account of the originalt eworship service Mrs. Barrie led in wedding recorded in The States-r D prayer. The leader read the Com- man at that time. Mrs. W. W. smandments, thc members follow- Van Camp sang "Perfect Day" ast 2îng in unison, after whîch Mrs S. she dîd on the occasion a quarter J. Lancaster read a poem. Scrip- Of a century ago. Miss Jean Mal-t ture reading, Mrs. McLachlan. colm sang a lovely solo, "Silver Rev. J. McLacblan gave a very We d di ng Anniversary". The interesting message on "Commun- Archdeacon made a very approp-t ity Ncighborlincss." Mr. McLach- riate and humorous address andf Ian closcd with prayer, after which then învited the bride and groom a refresiments were served. to take their places in the centre The series of sermons on the of thc livingroom, when Mrs. t 23rd Psalm just concludcd in thc Bert McMullen, Janetville, read t United churci have been well Lhe address, and Mr. Russell Mc- received and have been of great Laughlin, Burketon, presented the spiritual uplif t. During Lenten bridal pair with a beautiful mantel9 season the minister will deliver a dlock with Westminster Chimes. 1 series of sermons on "Notable Both Mr. and Mrs. Bailey made Characters in Connection Witb suitable replies All joined in tic Trial and Deati of Jesus." sînging "For they are jolly good Sunday evening Rex'. McLachlan fellows".b delivered a toucbing sermon on A beautiful lunch was served, the part played by Judas and including wedding cake and iceA Pilate, after which Mr. George cream. Many more years ofv Campbell sang "Jesus Is Standing happy wedded life are wished for1 in Pilate's Hall." Next Sunday Mr. this good hearted couple, affec- MeLachlan wlil speak on Pilate's tionately known as Art and Jessie.a Wife. St. John's W.A. Wednesday, March l7tb, the St. John's W.A. met at the Rec- r United Sunday School room was tory March 18. A hymn, W.A. t suitably decorated for the annual Lîtany and prayers led by the L St. Patrick's tea of the W.I. The Pres., Mrs. Simpson, opened the regular business was attended to meeting. Scripture reading was f first, when it was decided to send taken by Mrs., Levi McGill. Mrs. socks to boys who have gone over- Harry McLaughlin displayed a c seas since the Christmas parcel W A. quilt. Mrs. L. McGill do- il was sent. Splendid results were nated thc lining and Miss McKee reported from the February card the bat. Miss Eva Parr reportedS parties. It was decided to make making a quilt and cushion fromV jam again for overseas. The fol- velvet blocks, donated by Mrs.À lowing program was tien enjoyed: McArthur, to be sent in our bale.A Roll caîl, name and Irish song; The following program was t solo (vocal), Mrs. L. Hughes; piano gîven: A reading from tic "Liv- p duet, Fae Joncs and Edna Den- ing Message", St. Valentine, Mrs. t ault; address, Mrs. W. R. Strike, R. Parr; reading by Mrs. Mc- a Bowmanville, wio witlu lier wonArthur on St. Patrick's Day, 0 derful personality and pleasing "Hurrah for tic Isle"; Study Book t voice, ield the interest of ber Chapter four, "Feeding the Scat- d listeners throughout the entire tered Sheep", by Miss Eva Parr.V talk on "Canada Official Rules"; The W.M.S. met at the home of piano duet, Margaret Ovens and1 Mrs. M. Fallis, March 18. The fj Fac Joncs; vocal solo, Wilma Pres., Mrs. Jabez Wright, read Prouse. Mrs. Frank Gilmer ac- thc Scripture from the Psalms hi companied the soloists. At the Thc devotional was taken lCy Mrs. SI close tea was served. A Johnston. Plans were made forE Mrs. J. McLachlan attended packing a bale. Mrs. Ernest church Sunday evening for the Larmer was in charge of the pro- f irst time since breaking ber ankle. gram. Mrs. Dorrell gave a read- e îng, "We can still keep Lent". Mrs. p Leacli, olina, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- *(The ntritional las.Ftt, Columbus, Miss Jean stteensi"Et- Leach, Bowmanvîllc, at Norman w( WOR t4zok.o4lin Lachs. .. Mrs. Harvey Balson L. Nutrition Ser- andGenn, shawa, at Rolit. Kil. fri WIN vires, Departnent le'...Pe. and Mrs. Jas. Mc-e of Pesin and Master, Toronto, at Mrs. J. W. Bî National Health, McMaster's . . . Mr. A. Winkel- Ottawa, for the man, Toronto, at Hans Geissberg- as laion Nati- er's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre at W~ tenPoramime.) 1 Lloyd Metcalfe's, Oshawa. .. Mr. fal and Mrs. C.Whittaker and is, n ur iMilliken, at Mcl. Morgan's. .. Mr. Lloyd Stainton, Miss Margaret Palmer, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Ked- ron, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooke, Miss Marg- uerite Martin, Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, Miss Shirley Martin, Oshawa, Miss Viola Goyne, Har- mony, at Thos. Martin's . . . Mrs. Robt. Killen at Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron, Kath- leen and Jean at Chas. Vivian's, Hampton. . . Mrs. Levi Burgess and Jimmie, Courtice, at Wes. Cameron's. . . Miss Peggy Killen went to Toronto on Monday to the C.W.A.C. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wcs. Cameron, Jack and Joyce at Bernard McEwen's, Dunbarton.. Mrs. Luther Pascoe visited ber iusband at the General Hospital, Toronto... Mr. Jos. McEwen vis- ited bis wife at the General Hos- pital, Toronto. Mrs. J. W. MeMaster had a W.A. quilting at ber home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at- tended a Lost Heur Party at Gor- don Leask's, SoUina. Mr. Stainton won the gentleman's first prize. The W.A. held a Lost Heir party at the home of Mr. A. T. Stainton on Marci l7th. It was a grand s uc c ess. Prizewinners were: gentleman;, lst, Mr. Lloyd Met- calfe, consolation, Russell Robbmns, lady lst, Mrs. Ross Lee, consola- tion, Mrs. Russel Stainton. Mrs. Alan Fisher has thc 'flu. Orono New& HYDRO MEETING The Orono Hydro-Electrie Com- mission met Monday evening witi ahl members present. Tic follow- ing business was transacted: On motion 50 per cent. of tac 1942 profit was transferred to a war contingency account; also a new transformer is to lie installed in service improved and extended ini tic south part of tic village. The bank balance was reported to lie $2, 199.10. Tic following bills were ordered paid: Association of Municipal Electric Utilities, $2.00; H.E.P.C., $298.30; B.P.U., $238.35; Orono Telepione Company, $8.05. Mrs. S. Baldwin is visiting thc Pingles in Bowmanville. Elmer Middleton cclebrated bis 22nd birtiday Saturday, tic sec- ond lie bas celcbratcd overseas. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie visitcd ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. LeRoy Brown and fricnd were gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. M. H. Staples took charge of tic Sunday sciool Sunday after- noon. It is expcctcd tiat Supt. Mrs. Drummond will soon lie able to take charge again. Mrs. J. J. Mellor will be bostcss to tic Sunday school staff tonigit (Thursday). Bruce Mercer, who bas been in tic hospital in Ottawa, spent a few days bere, still looking pale and ratier wcak. Rex'. Littlcwood continucd bis two series of sermons Sunday. In tic evcning R. E. Logan favored with a vocal solo. Mr. and Mrs. Denny wcre thc guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young and family and Mrs. Eva McMillan of Peterboro werc guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood. Mr. and Mrs. C. Shaw and Ralpi, Mrs. J. Moffatt and Mrs. H. Mercer visited Mr. and Mrs. George Keiti, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and family are moving to Bowmanville. Mr. C. Tennant bas rcnted thc rooms wiich will lie vacant wien tic Shaws move, and Mrs. Mercer is going to operate tic tearoom. Mr. Harper Allen visited bis fatier and sister here. Well, it looks as if spring bas come. Tic weatier is nice even if it is ratier chilly. Friends here were sorry to icar Sunday of tic deati of Mr. Milton Walkcr in New Toronto. Deceascd was a brother'of tic late Mrs. A. A. Rolpi and spent muci 0f bis time in Orono, wiere he was vcry popular. Tic funeral was hcld in the Park Street churci Tucsday ifternoon, witi Rex'. Littlewood officiating. Sympathy is extcnded to bis son, LlQyd, and bis twai laugiters, Mrs. Lowther and Mrs. Veak. Miss Dora Graham was home for tic week-end. Mrs. Staples and Mrs. Etchelîs have rcturned to Manitoba after spending several montas witi Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mrs. Gibbis. Gordon Major is home on leave. Police Trustees met Monday evening. One bull was ordered paid - George Butters, sanding sicewalks, $9.00. Tic auditors' re- port was receivcd and accepted. Plans wcre made for several ieccs of work to be donc as soon as possible. NEWCASTLE UNION VISITS ORONO UNION Newcastle Union members were guests of tic local Union Monday and put on a splendid program under tic chairmanship of Donald Jose wbici consisted of: Scripture, June Allen; vocal duet, Evelyn and Doris Allen; poem, Donald Jose; tirce orchestral selections, by several members of tic New- astle Union; two vocal solos by Pauline DeLine, and a vcry inter- sting talk by Rex'. R. E. Morton in wiicb bhe compared life to a jigsaw puzzle. Games, relays and group con- tsts under direction of Donald Staples and Glen Hancock filled in tic evcning, after whici tic lcal members servcd pie and ice ,ram. L. T. L. As intimated last week, plans were made for tac forming of an L.T.L., which would lie separate ýom tic Mission Band but whose mcmbers would be of Mission Band age. Tiursday officers wcre clccted is follows: President, Donald White; vice-president, Patsy Mof- at; secretary, Donna West; treas- irer, Gerald Rainey; correspond- ing secretary, 1'atsy Moffat; pian- ist, Joyce Sutton; fruit and dcli- cacies, Eleanor Hancock; librarian, Billy Hurst; contests, K. McKenna; fees, Jean Rainey. Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Rowe cx- plained tic work of the L.T.L., whicb will hold monthly meetings. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Town, Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday, Masters Ray, Jack, Miss Joan Munday, visitcd at Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday's. Sterling. Mrs. L. Twist, Miss Eilccn Tvit, Wiitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Twist. . Mr. and Mrm, Cyril Luke, daughtcr Lynda. Oshawa, recent- ly visitcd at Mr. W. J. Snowdcn's ...Rex'. and Mirs. H. W. Foley, Town, Mr. Eber Foley. Calgary, Alta.. Mrs. J. D. Stevens, visited their brother. Fred R. Foley, St..- Catharines . . IMr. Eber Foley. Cal- gary, Alta.. spent a couple days last week n-ith bis ;ister, Mrs. J. D. Stev-ens. also visited other rel- atives. it is about 25 years ago Eber left for the West. The many friends of Mr. Allan Snowden are glad to know he is doing nicely after bis operation in Bowmanville Hospital. Haydon Altaougi there is plenty of snow around yet. Spring must be bere. Tic robins are appearing.. tulips are peeping tarougi tic ground and pansies are in bloonm in tac garden. A temperance program was given at tac Sunday School ses- sion. Mr. C. Slemon gave a read- ing and instrumentaIs were played by Miss Jean Crossman and Miss Shirley Gerrard. Visitors: Miss May Trewin, To- ronto, with ber parents. . .. Don Carr and Miss Blanche Beeci at Mr. C. Childerhose's, Bowman- ville ... Mrs. Elmer Bradley, Mrs. B3. Ashton and Bradley, Mrs. A. Read and Ina Beryl witi relatives in Toronto. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tiompson, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. W. Thompson's. . .. Mrs. H. Cow- ling and Vivian at Mr. W Black- burn's, Maple Grove. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, To- ronto, at Mr. E. Bradley7's.... Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lou, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. JUST ARRIVED! AN EN~TIRELY NEW AND PARTICULARLY BEAUMIUL ASSORTMENT 0F FINE SPRING M«ILLINVERY Smart tallored stylesý, serv- iceable sports modela, and exotie high-fashion crea- tions in felt and straws are ail included lu this lovely new assortmnent. Be sure te, see them before choosing your new spring hat. PRICES ARE ONLY $1.98 to $3.98 When We Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Entire Satisfaction In Fit and Price. CASHMERE TISSU.E ComPIel, wTpped l~-z I Soit Pure Wihmge 700 SHEETS to theroîll M 3!or25t 'E Lux Soap . ----2 for llc Pikham's Comp.------87e Phie'c...............---------32e Glant Kruschen.......-----69e FOR BABY Pablum...............--------45C Castoria .------- -----33c-63c Z.B.T. Talc ----- ----28c-55c J. and J. Talc , ----- 28e-55c Steedinan's Pdrs .----.: 25e Rigo Nursers.----3 for 25e Lactogen.........------69C-1.59 Mennen's O011--------59c-1.19 CREOPHOS For that persistent cough Body Builder 1.00 Btl. CERESAN prevents Smut 1 lb. 1.10 - 5 Ibs. 4.40 M A CLEAN S Hinds Cream - 5-5-5 PASTU IN GREAT Modes--------------25c-85c Kotex ----------------- 25c-85c Jergen's Lotion --25e-49c-98c ECONOMCAL Fellow's Syrup --- 1.39-89c ïÏM ! ~Agarol ----------- 69c-93c-1.29 RwEsz 52 -9 4 Mecca ---------23c-44c-79c Enlargement Special in Active Service or R.C.A.F. Folder ... .49e Complete I Phone Pl IIIf' fDI ~D We fit I 69 OWJ1LIN'S DlIlUM huUuî Trusses Another way to get a pleasant she looks -as young as her oldest smile out of a woman is to say daughter. SCARVES AND NECKWEAR New For Spring Our new sprlng stocks are now complete. Dainty scarves te add beauty and charm when worn with coat or suit. Sheer chiffons in self-white, white with black, colourful prmnted designs and delicate pastel tones. PRIVES RANGE FROM 69e to 52.39 COLLARS, J EWELLERY and FLOWERS To add life and sparkle te your present dress or supply the "Flnishing Touch" to your new one. THEY ADD SO MUCH AND COST SO LITTLE! GLOVES FOR SPRING HALF and HALF GLOVES À These useful gloves gain more favour every season. Fine leather backs ln sev- eral attractive stltched designs, wlth palme of sof t rayon fabric in matchlng shades. Black, white, natural, navy and brown. Ail Sizes $1.00 Pair LEATHER GLOVES 0F FINE IMPORTED SKINS Soft, light durable gloves ln several attractive pull-on styles. Black, brown or natural. Ail Sizes $2.49 Pair FABRIC GLOVES A large selection of styles, fabries andi colours. FrOM 59C to $1.29 REAL LEATHER IN 1943 DESIGNS AND SHADES Really stunnlng models, rooniy and smnart, wlth lots of "Bye - Appeal". There's quality built ln too, to give you lasting H A N DBA CS service. In red, green, beige, biue, black Other Selections at $1.66 - $1.98 - $3.98 Manufacturer's Excise Tax Extra BOWMANVI LLE '~~'1 BLOSSOMINO INTO SPRINOý THE WALKER WAY 4~a - CLIIU LVZID. ýl. YYILIL&.1ýe& alzu ýUàb, ' U.