Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l8th, 1943 PAGE FIVI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1- 1 - - - - . - - - - -.- - - - .- -- m<- Miss Ida West visited in Toron- to during the week-end. Howard A. Piokard is now stationed at Nanaimo, B.C. Miss Jean Rundie, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie. AC2 Bob Evans, R.C.A.F., To- ronto, spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Mrs. John Martin, Noranda, Que., is visitîng her daughter, Mrs. ~oward Piokard. $e Miss M. Moore, of the High School teaching staff, was in To- ronto for the week-end. Miss Dorothea Jeffery spent the week-end with her parents in To- ronto. Gordon Robert Jarvie, Bow- manville, graduated as an air nav- igator at Maiton recently. We are sorry to learn that Col. E. White, of Coral Gables, F10- rida, has been very il. He is now progressing slowly. Sandy Colville, E.F.T.S., Osha- wa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Coi- ville. [WALLPAPERj Our 1943 papers are here. Attractive patterns well blend- ed eolormngs - A paper for evezrY Ioom - A price for every purse. Over 200 pat- terus to ehoose from. Speclal bargains lu reminants of dis- contlnued numbers. VISIT OUR WALLPAPER DEPARTMENT COLD WATER FASTE 15c Lb. J, W. JEWELL "dBIG 20"9 4 BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanvllle Miss Beuiah Tommey spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R. F. Topxmey, Cooksville, and also visited friends in Brampton. Mrs. Gilbert Doey recelved word Thursday o! the passîng of lher father, Mr. John Holmes, Dres- den. Mrs. Doey left Friday to attend the funeral. Cadet Wilfred Edward Flax- man, of Bowmanville, received his certificate at the Canadian Army Officers' Training Centre, Brock- ville, Feb. 13. A number of Bowmanville peo- pie were pleased to hear Brian Flaherty on "The Happy Gang" programi from Toronto on Tues- day. He is with the R.C.A.F. in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Manvers Road, who is attending High Schooi in town, stays with hier aunt, Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle, during the week. L.-Cpl. R. R. G. Shortt, Bow- manville, is a despatch rider with a Canadian Armoured Division in Britain. A large giossy photo of him, taken during training, may be seen at The Statesman office. In our report of the annual meeting of Trinity United Church pubiished last week we omitted to give credit to Miss Eleanor Wight for the pleasing solo she sang during the business session. Mis. W. R. Harrison spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stollery, Toronto, whiie visiting hier eider son, Trevor, at Christie Street Hospital. Bill, the younger * son, is stationed at the University o! B.C., Vancouver. Mr. W. J. Cully has been visit- ing his daughters, Mrs. William Watson, Hamilton, and Mrs. Hughi McDonaid, Welland, and getting acquainted with his new grand- daughter, Carlyn Martha Mc- Donald. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Staples, An- gusviiie, Manitoba, are visiting his brother, Mr. W. S. Staples, and Mrs. Staples, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon and other relatives and friends. Mr. Staples has been postmaster at Angusville for 34 years. Principal L. W. Dippeli o! Bow- manville High School made an ap- peal to f armn girls, attending the school to join the Girls' Garden Brigades. He stressed the im- portance o! a vegetabie garden on every farmn to assure healthful meais for the famiiy. Durham County increased its production of creamery butter from 42,645 ibs. ini January, 1942, to 45,186 ibs. in January, 1943, according to the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture report. Fig- ures for Cheddar cheese produc- tion for the county are not avail- able. The February meeting o! the Durham County Club wili be heid Thursday evening, Feb. 25th, at I.O.D.E. Headquarters, 182 L7ow- ther Ave. Harold Guliey, a for: mer Bowmanville boy, is the guest speaker. His address will be very interesting to former THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL SALE VICTORIA SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION LINDSAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1943 Commencing at 1.30 p.M. 17 Maies of excellent quality, mostly ready for service will be offered at auction. Sons of Cairossie Bondsman; grand- sons of Glastullich Champion, Glenburn Royal Ransom, Collynie Royal Barrage and Rigfoot Sensation are included in the offer. For Catalogues apply ta: ROSLYN FLETT, TED JACKSON, M. H. WTINTER, Oakwood, Port Perry, Lindsay, President. Auctioneer. Secretary. HALE.. HEARTY.. HEALTHY.@I American manhood and womanhood are a healthy lot t o day. There is no reason why they should be otherwise. They un- derstand the import- ance o! eating correct foods and they know about the beneficial qualities o! bread. Eat Carter's Bread MADE IN BOWMANVILLE -FRESH FROM OVEN TO YOU- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Round and Square Dancing Proceeda In Aid of Assoelated Service Clubs Admission - 25e MEN IN UNIFORM FREE WED THIS MONTH - - Mm mm f-- mm - - Mm =<DC>=CDC>= MM P.% P.% P" Mm 1 m i Durham County people, and a cordial invitation is given to ail. The September Probationers' Ciass of Women's Coilege Hospi- tal, Toronto, received their caps on February lth. Among these were Misses Jessie Scott and Jean Pattinson. The award given by the Hospital for the highest stand- ing in the class was won by Miss Pattinson, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Bowmanviile, were guests at the wedding of the former's niece, Miss Josephine Elizabeth Cooper, formerly of Oshawa, to Stafford John Sullivan, R.C.A.F., which took place at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Peter- boro. Mr. Cooper gave his niece in marriage. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Hartman, of Oids, Alberta, have had a cabie announcing the safe arrivai over- seas of their son, Sergt. C. L. Hartman. Sergt. Hartman, who graduated from No. 3 Air Observ- er School, Regina, Sask., as an air bomber navigator on Jan. 4, 1943, visited his uncies, Elmer and Kenneth Cox, here last sum- mer. Alex. T. Muir, herdsman at El- dersle Farms, Courtice, which is operated by Archie Muir & Sons, tells The Statesman that they have just shipped two richly-brea show heifers to D. F. Bradley, High Cliff, Manitoba. These heifers, Fayne, will be used as a founda- sired by Eaton Hall Chief tain tion by Mr. Bradley, who is en- deavourîng to establish a herd of high-quality Hoîsteins. "A chocolate bar may seem a trivial gif t, but I assure you it really isn't now. Ration points are carefuliy spent here these days. Besides, these bars were much like miik chocoate-a luxury in these days of our Lord 1942." That is an iiluminating quotation from a letter written by Dr. G. Murray Fraser, Peterborough Medical 0f- ficer of Health, on active service in the Old Country, to Alderman James Dutton, recailing the cele- bration of Christmas. Bowmanville people sending boxes overseas to men in the services wiii be interested in the list of articles suggested by a Whitby soldier, Sgt. Alfred Rear- don, who has recentiy returned from overseas. Sgt. Reardon lists items which soidiers actually need such as a good tooth powder and brush, canned fruit, oxo or bovril cubes, razor blades, toilet soap and containers, shaving cream, milk chocolate, ovaltine or any hot drink, handkerchiefs, flints, light- ers. On no account shouid boxes contain lighter fluid, after-shaving lotion, matches or anything in- flammable. Your attention to drawn to an advertisement which appears else- where in this paper announcing the 32nd annuai sale o! the Vic- toria Shorthorn Association. The Association is rather proud of the number of years which it has con- tinued to offer weli-bred animais to the public. This year the en- tries have been inspected and passed by a representative of the Dominion Livestock Branch. Vic- toria County, being a restricted area, these animaIs can go any- where in Ontario. Several breed- ers ,as mentioned in the catalogue, have accredited herds. Most of the animais are federaliy blood tested or will be biood tested prior to the sale. The sale wiil be heid in the Fanning Barn. Orono Boy Scouts Are Serving In Forces This being Boy Scout week let us not forget that we have Boy Scouts here in Orono. Aithough nbw only 14 in number. With the aid of Scoutmaster J. J. Melior, they are collecting a large amount of salvage and helping the girls coiiect fat. Regular meetings are not held at present owing to train- ing Monday and Thursday eve- nings for the Reserve army which takes quite a number of the lead- ers. -Among the Scouts and ex- Scouts in the Reserve army are: Franklin Tamblyn, 1Bob Cooper, Bruce Chapman, Jim Lmton, Roy Forréster, Howard Myles, Scout- master J. J. Mellor, Scout Com- mittee member R. C. Rosborough, who is also principal of O.C.S., and Sgt. Manley Littlewood who is in charge o! the Orono train- ing. In addition to this the troop has six former Scouts in the ac- tive services: John Grady, LeRoy Myles, overseas, Ronald and Dick Patterson, Horace Yorke and George Mitchell, overseas. Not bad for a village o! this sîze, is it? Lois Elizabeth Emmett Whose marriage ta W. Donald Burns took place on February 17 in St. Clement's Anglican Church, Toronto. Miss Emmett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Emmett, of King, formerly of Bowmanville, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Burns, Mary Street, Oshawa. Introducing Dowmanville Scouts and C ubs IST BOWMANVILLE TROOF Scoutmaster-Charlie Carter. Assistant-Tom Gatcheli. Troop Leader-James Stutt. Stag Patrol Leader - Albert Graham. Scouts - Bill Dadson, Lloyd Hamilton, Leon Brown, Ted Bird, Jim Paterson, Walter Morris, Ken Davies. Muskrat Patrol Leader-Charlie Cattran. Scouts-Alan Strike, Bob Rog- ers, Elton Brock, Vernon Jones, Jim Lunn, A,. Evans, Gordon Heard. Beaver Patrol Leader - Jim Martin. Scouts -Leonard Knight, Bob Jones, Gordon Sturrock, Frank Hooper, Sonny Sheehan, Maurice Crook, Don Rundle. Eagle Patrol Leader-Jack Tait. Scouts-John Cattran, J. Aber- nethy, M. Tamblyn, J. Knight, Irwin Brock, R. Bird. 2ND BOWMANVILLE TROOF Leader-Douglas Bryant. Assistant Leaders-Rev. F. H. Joblin, E. Miller. Troop Leader-George Roberts. Patrol Leader-J. Samis. Scouts-R. Westiake, R. Long- man, B. Cowle, B. Dustan, J. Rice. Patrol Leader-A. Sieep. Scouts-C. Boe, Li Forsey, F. Cowle, J. Bedford, J. Longman, B. Fraser. Patrol Leader-G. Irwin. Scouts-R. Simpkins, J. Stutt, G. Wolfrain, B. Brannigan, J. Hayes. Patrol Leader-B. Hooper. Scouts-S. Cramp, J. Levett, S. Gatcheil, B. Calver. H. Rowe. TRINITY Y.P.U. "Christian Culture" was the themne of the worship service pre- sented at Trinity Young Peoples Union Monday night. Gwen Gil- mer, convener of the Culture group, conducted the service and was assisted by Marion Beacock, Helen Nelles and Bert Johnston. An excellent musical programn in- cluded these numbers: Piano solo by Collette Ferguson, vocal solos by Donnie Creasser accom- panied by Helen Williams, and Eleanor Wight accompanied by Louila Workman. A Valentine story was read by Marion Bea- cock and George Roberts favored with a cornet solo accompanied by Ileen Balson. Business period was presided over by Doris Dudley. Rules for the attendance contest were read by Helen Pritchard. The contest will begin next week and all young people will be welcomed. Bert Johnston and Jack Dunn conducted an interesting quiz in which prizes were won by Ada Clark, Ileen Balson and Louise Hircock. Tenders For Printing Tenders for prmnting for the United Counties will be received Up to noon on lst day of March, 1943, by the undersigned. Tenders to be for a period of three years. Specimens of forms required may be seen at the of- fices of the Counties' Clerk and Crown Attorney. Ail prices to in- clude free delivery at County Clerk's office. Tenders to be plainiy marked as such on outside covering. E. L. MacNACHTAN, Counties' Clerk Tenders For Paintinig and Decorating Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on lst day of March 1943, for painting and decorating Law Library and Crown Attorney's Room in Town Hall, Cobourg. Tenders to be piainly marked as such on outside covering. E. L. MacNACHTAN, Counties' Clerk CANADIAN CLUB (Contlnued from page 1) the girls in general. Women could do a great deal to offset this ten- dency on the part o! disgruntled scandal-mongers. "Living up to the Joneses" is now a thing o! the past. Women now can buy only what they need or especially want, and can feel patriotic in doing so. The Joneses have been killed off, and Mrs. Fisher fervently hoped that they may stay dead forever. NAVY LEAGUE (Continued from page 1) shipwrecked sailors, and the aid that the Navy League had given themn at Eastern Canadian ports. He also outlined various other work carried out by the Navy League, including hostels, distri- bution of ditty hags, etc. After his address, Mr. Cannem answered many questions regard- ing the Navy League. A'discus- sion regarding the setting up o! a local committee followed, and it was agreed that this shouid be done. A nominating committee was formed, and the following were elected from those present: D. A. McGregor, chairman; D. R. Mor- rison, secretary; E. A. Summers, treasurer. A further meeting was called for Tuesday, March 2, in the Agriculture Offices, to go more fuily into the organization o! the local committee, and plan the work that may be carried on here. Ail organizations, especiai- iy in the surrounding vicinity, are invited to send representatives to this meeting, and ail persons in- terested in the work of the Navy League are invited to attend. Clarke Union The thermometer registered 30 below zero Monday morning in this section. A number from this section at- tended the funeral of the late James Oke. Mr. Oke was a resi- dent of this section for a goodly number of years. The palibearers were his old neighbours. TEXAS NEW PICKLED DBEETS 27-oz. Jar 2 MRS. LUKE'S tended the funerai o! Mr. Charles pnreanveigsntti- Cummings of Toronto last week. ment lu aid o! war work. The Mr. Cummings was a brother-mn- event included a combination law of Mrs. Souch. euchre-skating-dancing party. The There was no school for a few winnerso!riedungtev- days recently on account o! the . ofpie ungtev- cold weather and bad roads. ning were: Euchre, Miss Leona Mr. Murray Patterson broke his Devitt and Mr. John Nesbitt; lucky ankle playing hockey. There will number skating, Beverly Veale. be a hockey game this week, the Alan Jackson, assisted by Eari proceeds going to Murray. Bowers, presided for the draw on Mr. Trewin Scott, Toronto, was a Paisley comforter. Mrs. M. Neale home over the week-end. (nee Marie Prout) o! Victoria Road heid the wînning ticket. Total receipts amounted to $54.20, expenses $12.05, net proceeds Blacktock$42.15. The school's Junior Red Cross treasury has on hand $8.57 CAESAREA SCHOOL PARTY IN ahle to divide the sum of $50.00 COMMUNITY HALL and the pupils are happy to be _______among the B.W.V.F., the Navy Many were present Friday night League, the Junior Red Cross, the when Caesarea Public School Russian Relief and plan also to PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring yqur prescription' ta us you can be assured of the finest possible resuits. ' Each one is earefully studied and aceurately filIed with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When siekness prevents you from bringing your prescripton to us PHONE 792. WE SHALL CALL FOR IIT, FILL IIT, AND DELIVER IT PROMPTLY TAKE YOUR VITAMINS EVERY DAY THOMAS ECLECTRIC OIL 33C - 98e Carter's LITTLE LIVER PIELLS 23e - 69e, PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER 29c - 45e THERMOGENE --------49e-98c IMACLEANSI LARGEST SEWLNG lOTft PASTU UN OREAT BRffAINi 'LI "lAlenhurys" Basic Soap super fatted em aoaP - free from adulteranta-wIil fot inur moast tender skm per cake 25e UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY L"ALLEN BU RYS"I 'm HALIBORANGE 16 The nicest way of taking Halibut Liver vIlAamê*Oil. 85e-1.50-2.75 TRUSTED REMEDIES FOR COLDS I.D.A. Bronchida 50e Buekley's Clnnamated Capsules.......----35c Mason's "49" - 40c-75c Grove's L.B.Q. Tablets 24c-44c Pertussin ----- 59e-1.39 Bayer Aspirin 22c-98c Sot as a fleecy cloud! 25C in bo Aiphamettes 1.00-3.50 Neo-Chemical Food- 1.15-2.45-4.45 Wampole's Extraet --------- 1.00 Cod Liver Oil-I.D.A. High Test- , 69C-1.19 Neo-Chemical Food Caps.----1.25-2.25-5.00 BARGAINS 50e PINEX ----------32e A.S.A. Tablets 100's 19e 2.25 LACTOGEN -- 1.59' 35c COREGA -------24e 50c DODD'S PILLS 43e 1.25 Pinkham's Comp. 87e 1.00 LACTOGEN ---69c LUX SOAF ---- 2 for lic LIFEBUOY -- 2 for lic TEXAS Grapefruit HOME-MADE STYLE PICKLES 27 -z.C send a parcel to N.S. Louise Day- idson, R.C.A.M.C., overseas. (This is a good example of what a smnall country school can do). Messrs. Creighton Devitt, Ceeil Hill and Osmond Wright attended the Good Roads *Convention ini Toronto Thursday and Friday. Neil Johnston went to Toronto Monday to take a course at the Technicai School in connection with the R.C.A.F. The Blackstock and Egypt Farm Forum met on Monday eve- ning at Mr. John Larmer's. Misses Marion Hill and Edith Wright, Toronto, and Miss Marion Beacock, Bowmanville, were home for the week-end. Congratulations to Miss Lucille Fallis and George Eaton, R.C.A.F., on their marriage in Toronto, Sat- urday, Feb. l3th. 2 or 3 drops pet b RtWns ades vaut J teeth dazzling white. I Keeps your mouth fresh, breoth sweef. LARGE " MEDIUM SIZE 33'ç SIZE 1L9 On the air-"Share the Wealth'" every Saturday Ngbt. Lots cf big cash prizes. 31 an a tations-C.B.C. Sec your radio listing for cime and station. a M i BABY'S OWN TABLETS ---23e Children's Own Tablets -----25e ANACIN TABL ETS FOR THE RELIEF 0F COLDS, PAIN, ETC. 22c - 43c 69c- 98c IRONIZED YEAST ---- ----98e William's PINK PILLS .-- 5 c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIIES McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER ----- --------- ------ - rn m m m m - m m m "-m - - - - - - -=- --U-U- - Shortliorn Sale Durham County Shorthorn As- sociation will hold its 22nd annual auction sale of purebred Short- horns on Thursday, March 4th, at the Lovekin Farm, occupied by Mr. Alex Prout, located 1-4 mile icouth of Kurv Inn, on No. 2 High- way. There will be offered 18 bulis; 16 heifers and 3 cows, one with a bull caif at foot. This is a very choice off ering o! young cattie, and with but 2 exceptions are ail from Accredited Herds. AIl are negative to the blood test. They have also been inoculated to prevent Shipping Fever. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Lunch may he pro- cured at Mr. Prout's. Proceeds for war work. For catalogue, ap- ply to, S. Chas. Aluin, Bowman- ville. 7-1 IMMMUUMMUMMUUUMMMUMMMUMMEUUMMMM MACLEAN ~ S TOMAC H idu ....P 0OW D E R THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1943 FIRST PACK CUBS Cubmistress-Mary Cowan. Assistant-Helen Sumersford. Senior Sixer-Ron Brock. Sixer-Don Cole. Cubs-Roy Falls, Alan Moffat, Donnie Richards. Sixer-Gerry Diiling. Cub - Francis Crowe, Russel Irwin, Donnie Grant. Sixer-Don Stutt. Cubs-Ron Frank, Harvey Lun- ney. Sixer-Bili Harnden. Cubs-Bobby Payne, Sam Wil- son. Meetings - Every Tuesday at Centrai School gymnasium. SECOND PACK CUBS Red Six Cubmistress-Celia Tait. Sixer-John McGuire. Seconder-Jimmy Aluin. Cubs-Ivan Woolley, Bill Ab- ernethy, Jim Crampton, Ted But- tery, Glenn Buttery. Black Six Sixer-Bili Fraser. Seconder-Paul Simpkin. Cubs-Roy Bickle, Tom Annis, Steven Sisson, Jimmy Dunn, Douglas Walker. Brown Six Sixer-Bob Morris. Seconder-Arthur MeGuire. Cubs - John Bunner, John Stainton, Jack McCoy, Larry Deineli, Leonard Phillips, Harold Graham, Sam Annis. Grey Six Sixer-Bud Sleep. Seconder-Ross Je!! ery. Cubs-Bob Biekie, Bob Martyn, Murray Yeo, Jack Bard, Bill Lyle,1 Bill Hurst. Meetings-Every Thursday eve- ning from 7-8 at Central Public School gymnasium. ST. PAUL'S W.M.S. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. Geo. Chase, Feb. 16, with the president, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, in the chair. The1 meeting opened with the theme of the month, "Co-operating With God's Purposes," Mrs. Robt. Hcth- erington had charge o! the worship service, Mrs. Robt. Whitmee,1 the devotional period, and Mrs. S. Me- Alister offered prayer. An interesting discussion was1 held on the subject, "Wholesomne1 Recreation In Our Commùnity."1 Raîsing food at home saves transportation and cash. PAGE FIVZ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FLORIDA - 288's GRANDES D.25C TILSON'S ROSOMPR QUICK lC OLIVE 1g OATS 15 OIL l BOTTLE - -- SEA-TAN SARDINES 3TFns 2 c LOWEST PRICES t

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