Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1942, p. 4

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r PAGE FOUR THE .CANAflTAN SPA'rEfAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1942 4 Union, Darlington Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. William Wotten and Blanche at Mr. Cyril Avery's, Maple Grove. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm and family at Mrs. Smith's, Enniskillen. .. Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm and family at Mr. Leonard Bradley's, Ennis- killen... Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Me- Laughlin and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Hamold Wright and Joyce, Osha- wa, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Laughlin. Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin and tamily at Mr. Russell MeLaughlin's... Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore, Picker- ing, Mrs. Harold Moore at Mr. Frank Moore's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten, Ernest and Evelyn, Oshawa, Mrs. C. Bugmaster, - Bowmanville, at Mr. R. Giffin's., N OTICE FRUIT GROWERS The Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' ANNUAL CONVENTION INi ST. PETER'S PARISH HALL, COBOURG THURSDAY, JANLJARY 7th - Conunencing at 9:30 a.m. INSTRUCTIVE PROGRAM ON "Importamt Orchard Insects', by Mr. W. A. Ross, Chief Fruit Insect Investigation, Vineland Station, Ontario. "SFpraYing for Disease Control" by Prof. J. E. Howitt, O.A.C., Guelph, Ontario. "Apple Growers' Wartime Problems" by Mr. Paul Fisher, Burlington, Ontario. Noon Banquet 75e per plate- Everybody Welcome Harry Sirett, E. A. Summers, President Secretary-Treasurer ... VICTORIOUS NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Bowmanville ..Miss Eileen Rahm, Toronto, at Mr. George Rah's... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke and Merle, Miss Velma and Keith Ferguson, Osh- awa, at Mr. Walter Ferguson's.. Mrs. C. Burgmaster, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, Elsie and Don, and Miss Corsina Sais, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sa mis'. Burketon Christmas Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard, Elenore and Elgin, Enniskillcn, Mrs. A. Gully, Osh- awa, Mr. Walter Ormiston, Bow- manýville, Glen and Bert Hoskin, and Ella and Dorothy Hoskin, Oshawa, at Mr. Wes. Hoskifl's .. Mr. M. Williams in Havelock .. Ruby Bailey, Alma Graham, Hel- en Rice and Isabel Carter at Mrs. Richard Rowan's, Enniskillcn... Robert Carter, Roy Carter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rice and Helen, Scarboro Jct., Miss Mary Stamps, Toronto, at Mr. J. Car- ter's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilson, Oshawa, L.A.O. Harold Wilson, Aylmer, with Mrs. A. Wilson... Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sanderson, Roy, Harry and Beth, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kay and Bill, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp and fami- ly, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson and Ray, Miss Olga Sanderson, Enniskillen, and Mr. Rits, North Bay, at Mms. C. Sanderson's... Gordon Hudson, Peterboro, with Mr. N. Hudson. . . Miss Bernice Barber, Toronto, with Mrs. E. Caughill. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cochrane and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and Billy, Oshawa, Mr. Ivan Cochrane, Doreen and Donald, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodman, Pte. Ross Good- man, Mrs. Victor Barns, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Briton. Bowman- ville, Mr. N. Hudson at Mr. E. Ad- ams'. .. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchel and Bobby, Mr. P. Gatchell, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gatcheil and family, Miss Annie Riddell, Oshawa, Mrs. C. Gatchell, Tommy and Stanley, Bowmanville, Russell White, Pet- erboro, and Mrs. T. Breck at Mr. J. Gatchell's and Mr. H. Abbott's. ..Harold Gatchell, Oshawa, at home... Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill and Mrs. J. Gill at Mr. W. Lonsberry's, Bowmanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Curran and Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean at Mr. Lorne Dean's, Oshawa, and Mr. Lunn's, Kirby. ... Miss Ruby Bailcy in Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacDonald and fami- ly, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Bail- ey's. .. Mr. W. Slingerland, Alden Merle and Ross Hubbard, Osha- wa, at Mr. B. Hubbard's. The young people from Burke- ton attended the Christmas con- cert at Archer's School and en- joyed the fine progmam. Pte. John Wclsb, Corps of Signals, Brampton, visited bis parents in town. Hampton Several people are suffering from severe colds. The roads are in a very slippery condition, making it treacherous getting about. The sick folk and "shut ins" enjoyed the carol singing by the C.G.I.T. girls with their leaders Mrs. A. E. Billett and Mrs. A. Blanchard, who sang on the streets from door to door on the evening of Dec. 2lst. The girls also sang a number of carols at the Sunday School Sunday after- noon. Owing to the slippery streets and rain the Sunday ser- vices were more slimly attended than usual. Our pastor gave a timely message and the choir ren- dered Christmas music. A number of Christmas gather- ings were held in the village. Yuletide Visitors: Arthur Jar- dine, Brantford, Russell Phillips, Barrie, and Mrs. C. Phillips, To- ronto, at Mr. W. Craig's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery and three children, Mrs. Jno. McGre- gor, Oshawa, at Mr. Bruce Fer- guson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. Wil- liams at Mr. E. Wood's, Bowman- ville. .. Miss Madeline TrulI, To- ronto, and L.A.C. Ralph Taylor, Victoriaville, Que., at Mrs. A. C. Trull's... Miss Margaret Somer- scales, Bowmanville, with Misses Florence and Marjory Allin.... Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, at Jno. Reynolds', Solina. .. Miss Doris Cryderman, Courtice, at home. . . Mr. C. H-. Burrows, Oshawa, with Mrs. M. a MI Goodman. .. Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Rackham, Bowmanville, at S. Kersey's and Rev. W. Rackbam's. ..Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen, at C. W. Souch's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, Toronto, with Miss Beatrice Colwill. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hor at Dr. W. R. Horn's, Port Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Famncomb in Oshawa. .. Mrs. B. Yeo and Carol, Bowmanville, at C. Colwill's... Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly and family in Toronto... Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens and Mrs. Esther Stevens at Mr. Robt. Burgess', Tyrone... Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett and Keith at Mr. Frank Virtue's, Burlington.... Walter Blackburn and Miss Bes- sie Blackburn, Toronto, with their parents. . . Miss Doreen Perrett, teacher at Archer's Scbool, Burke- ton, at home. .. Mrs. Nellie Tre- nouth at Mr. Roy Metcalf's, Base Line. .. Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, at J. R. Reynolds'... Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with ber mother. ..Mr. and Mrs. Len Barton and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. Den- nis Pickard's. . . Misses Cecile Petit and Gladys Chapman, Bow- manville, Raymond Petit, Ennis- killen, at Wm. Chapman's. .. Pte. Jackson Wray, R.C.O.C., Kings- ton, and Mrs. J. Wray, Bowman- ville, at T. Wray's. . .' Miss Reta Kemslake, Bowmanvifle, with re- latives. . . Miss Beatrice Leach,, Oshawa, with her sister Wilma.. Everett Allin and Miss Stephen- son, Toronto, at Harold Allin's.. Mrs. H. E. Cole with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke, Tyrone. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and daughter Eiîcen in Bowmanville. Orono News Carl Flintoff sprained bis knee. Miss Norma Haw visited at Mrs. F. Peate's. Orono Reserves Company now number 26. Miss J0 Armstrong visited Mrs. C. G Armstrong. Misses Tourjee visited witb Mrs. McPberson. Mrs. McPberson severefy burt ber arm when she feil. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walsh enter- tained at Christmas dinner. Miss Ida Stephens, Bowman- ville, is guest of Mrs. W. S. Roy. Helen Lewis bas ber arm in a sling as a result of a faîl at the rink. Mrs. J. R. Cooper and Miss Kate McKay spent a few days with their ýbrother in Coîbomne. A cable from Wilfred Froste bas been received which gives his parents the hope he May be home- soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lageer, Miss Jean Lageer and Miss Eunice Middleton spent the weekend with' relatives in Toronto. Mr. J. W. Glenney, Mm. Howard Glenney, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley, Newcastle, Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Delve and son, Wooler Mr. John Delve, Oshawa, visitedj with Mrs. H. Curtis and Mrs.I Delve. The l3th annual L.O.L. party held in Orono town hall Tuesday evening was very largely attend- ed and highly enjoyed. Russ Creighton's troop of musicians and entertainers provided a vani- ety show which was highly pleas- ing. Following the program, danc- ing in the town hall to Russ Creighton's orchestra and card playing in the orange hall were enjoyed. Prizes in cards were won by Elsie Rowe and Frank Hall. Herb Murray was miaster of ceremonies. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES RE-ELECTED All three police trustees for Orono were re-elected Monday night. It was one of the quietest meetings ever held. Hydro and the Police reports were given by W. J. Riddell. Police report follows: Receipts--------------------- $2,152.26 Expenses ------------l,204.52 Balance---------------------- 947.74 Bal. aftel debenture ---- 941.19 Sidewalk agreement ---- 537.00 Township grant ----------- 100.00 Dog tax rebate-------------- 25.00 Carried over --------------2,550.43 Hydro report for eleven months showed: Receipts $6,198.03, ex- penses $4,611.07, balance $1,586.96. Hydro debentures of 1942, 1947 and 1948 have been paid off, leav- ing only. $3,671.84 lef t before pro- f its will be coming in. This, Mr. Riddell stated, would be paid off by March 1944 if ahl went well. R. E. Logan was appointed chairman and R. R. Waddell sec- retary for the meeting. KENDAL NEWLYWEDS SHOWERED WITH GIFTS Friends and neigbbors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood gathered at Kendal Orange Hall to of fer best wishes on their me- cent marriage. Mr. H. Lowery called on Mr. John McKelvey to escort the newlyweds to the plat- form, then Mr. Garland Cathcart read an address stressing the fine qualities of the couple when they were presented with a studio couch. The bride and groom thanked their friends for this beautiful token of their kîndness and in- vited tbemn to visit tbemn at their home. Lunch was served, after which dancing was continued to music provided by Charles Coop- er and Mr. and Mrs. Hatwell Lowery. A miscellaneous sbower was also held for Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Greenwood (nec Gladys Ard) at the home of the bride's parents, when tbeir Kirby and Enterprise friends gathered to of- f er congratulations. Mr. Hartwcll Lowcry acted as chairman and callcd on Miss Jean Wannan who read an eulogistic address. A bas- ket piled bigh with beautiful and DO NOT SE CON FUSED BY 4«CLAIMS" AND BARGAIN PRICES le We do flot promise $10,00 gold pieces for $5.00, but % do promise each and every patient a thorough, complete and scientific eye examination. We have a complete range of popular-priced frames and mountings in modern styles. We guarantee eye comfort and the very best service. We are licensed to supply Canada's finest, scientific CORECTAL Wide-Visbon Lenses - the lenses that give clear, undistorted' vision from edge ta edge Let us examine your eyes COWLING'S DRUG STORE Phone 695 We Fit Trusses ZOE. £', I. useful gifts was then brought in. The bride and groom replied fit- P Y WY A tingly thanking ail for their lovely HAP YN W EA presents. Lunch was served at To ail our -friends the close. Mrs. Lillian Mountjoy enjoyedan ptr s the holiday with friends in To- THE OLYMPIA CAFE ronto. Commencing January Ist, 1943, by order of the Wartine Prices and Trade Board - There is to be NO MORE WHIPPING CREAM SOLD The Ontario ÈM Control Board bas also set up a new scale of prices on «, 18 Per Cent. CREAM » Ini order No. 42-120, effective January 19t, 1943 1-2 pintsl5 pinte 28Ç BOWMANVILLE DAIRY GLEN RAE DAIRY greetings ,wish that 1943 wiII 1 them happiness, 0 prospý and/ PEAC 1E fi L k .~ jrin ed Ill]'i - ~r-~ ...~r , -- - .~ ~ -. .1 j-.- '-. "%. iEw VTEAm GREETINGS FROM Douglas Byrant Your Metropolitan Representative Wellington Street Bowmanville - Phone 2809 i IË!T- -- W, qumw- -gwowaffl. MWIW- ' -- - - -Wqmmmlwww IMW wlawfgwmw4wwý- lmw- - ý - lm LM,

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