Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1942, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 The Newcastle Phone Cha Harold Hoar, R.C.A.F., is home on furlough from Winnipeg. Mrs. E. H. Joil and Wm. bave gone to their new home in Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dickinson, Port Britton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson. Newcastle Dairy treated ail tbe pupils of Newcastle High Scbool to chocolaté milk on closing day, Docembor 22. Mr. Stanley Rickard, who has been on the teaching staff of the Anglican preparatory school for boys at Lakofield, bas resigned to join the metoorological depart- ment o! the R.C.A.F. Mrs. Gordon Ash is re-entering ber former profession of teaching and wil be taking a scbool near the Rouge His after Cbristmas. Local canvassers of Upper Can- ada Bible Society have been caîl- ing at local homes, offering to tako subscriptions and meeting with kindly responses. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan held a successful auction sale Satur- day of the furniture they acquiir- ed by the purchase of the late Mrs. P. O'Neil's bouse and lot. Ilndependent lrke 1114 Ronald Ross Dickinson, Ben Cowani Dickinson, Jon Byron Fisher and Gary Blair Naylor were christened by Rev. R. E. Morton at a baptismal service in the United Churchi Sunday morn- ing. Mr. Morton preached a Christmas sermon and the choir rendered Christmas music. An- other baptismal service will be held next Sunday morning. Rural members of Newcastle United Churcb S. S. Orchestra made the best of the weather Sunday and took tbeir dinners with them when they went to cburch in the morning. During the noon period they ate their dinners at the cburch and re- hearsed their music. The group consisted of Ross, Glenn, Marie and Betty Allun, Donald and Fran- cis Jose and Margaret Hockin. NEWVCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL PITPILS RECEIVE PRIZES As Principal Thos. A. Rodger explained in bis address, the scope and character of the New- "And there were in the same country shepherds abidi.ng in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. "And, Io, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of h6avenly host praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on -earth peace, good will toward men."~ THE ARCADE ALIGHT THAT WILL ALWAYS SHINE I I I I I * In the hearts of men, women and children in this Canada of ours gleams a light that will neyer be dimmed. Its flame is fed by an inward spirit of determination to put down tyranny at the cost of any sacrifice; to enthrone freeedom everywhere. * One by one, in coun tries ail over the world, the light of liberty has "'gone out", but here, it is Christmas. *True, outside of our homes there is less artificial glitter than of old, but because of that, the lights in our war industries shine brighter and there is more power available to make tools that will the sooner diffuse the light of liberty "over there". * And so, though our Christmas may be a littie less bright to the eye, within our hearts and our homes the light of a great purpose is aflame. The comparatively small- sacrifices we make to coniserve electricity wil make more ships, guns, planes and tanks to speed the coming of Peace anid Good Will to Ai the world. / i'i4i HYDRO-ELECTRIC / / I g I j I g I I j j J I f POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO by Miss Smith-Ann Cryderman; Grade 4, by Mrs. H. S. Britton- Velma Price; Grade 5, Stephen Joý.e Memorial-Rodger Mellow; Grade 6, by Principal Rodger- Betty Gray. Music Proficiency Prizes in Sr. Room: Grade 7, by J. Anderson Smith -Joan Duck and Bobby Purdy; Grade 8, by Dr. J. A. But- ler-Buddy Bonathan and Balfour LeGresley; Wm. Hooper Memor- ial prize for Music, $5.00-Mary Toms. Masonic prizes for highest standing in Entrance Exams. - Village pupil, Hugb Aiken; Rural pupil, Shirley Brunt. Punctuality and Atten da nc e prizes, by Principal Rodger - Mary Toms and Connie Enwrigbt. Note Book Prizes, Sr. Room- Grade 6, Dorothy Foster; Grade 7, Joan Duck; Grade 8, Ivynne Har- ris. Public Speaking - lst, $4.50, Murray Walton; eacb of the oth- ors, an appreciation prize of a book, by Board of Education. The afternoon was brougbt to a close by the pupils singing, Wings of England, and, Silent Night, and witb all joining in, God Save The King. castle Public School commence- ment xvas somewhat circumnscrib- ed again this year because of war- time circumstances. However, tbe programme provided for the prize-giving entertainment at the school Friday afternoon included 20 numbers. The exercises were held in Miss Hattie Mason's room with a number of visitors present, including four clergymen. Rev. D. R. Dewdney, Board of Educa- tion, acted as chairman and made a good opening speech, interest- ing to the grownups and encour- aging to the pupils. The first musical number con- sisted of two choruses by Inter- mediate and Senior pupils, with Miss Mason at the piano. Other musical numbers were: Nursery Rhymes in song, illustrated and with appropriate exercises, by pupils of the Primary Room, Miss M. Bernice Smith, teacher. Piano solos were contributed by Claire Allin, Mary Toms and Anne Cry- derman, and a duet by Mary Mar- garet Bonathan and Mari ory Toms. The first prize song, mel- ody composed by Mary Toms, was sung by six primary pupils-Dor- een Selby, Merle Fisher, Helen Graham, Jean Toms, Jack Allia and Jack Gray. These eight girls executed a pretty dance number featuring intricate group move- ments-Helen Ash, M a r j o r i e Toms, Mary Margaret Bonatban, Joan Neilson, Mary Hagerman, Betty Lou Hagerman, Hazel May Fisher, Christine Alldread. Three boys and tbree girls com- peted for tbe Nora E. Coleman Memorial Prize for Public Speak- ing. Neil Britto-n spoke on, The Victory Loan; Jane Lunt on, Ai- fred the Great; Rodger Mellow on The Seven Wonders of the An- dient World; Mary Dewdney on, Mrs. Miniver; Murray Walton on The Japanese Conquest of Burma; and Claire Allia on, Laura Secord. The judges were Rev. Jno. Mc- Lachlan, Newtonville, Rev. S. Lit- tlewood, Orono, and Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn, Orono. wbo doclared Murray Walton the winner. Prizes were presented during the programme. Among those making the presentations were Rev. D. R. Dewdney, Principal T. A. Rodger, Miss H. A. Mason, Miss M. B. Smith and Rev. R. E. Morton who presented the En- trance Class prizes donated by Durham Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Fol- lowing is the complote list: Grade 2 Writing Prize, by Miss Smith-June Neilson. Note Book Prizes, Inter. room, by Miss Mason-Grade 3, Joan Wannacott and Douglas G r ay; Grade 4, Marjorie Toms and Stan- ley Powell; Grade 5, June Harris and Billie Holubenko. Proficiency Prizes: Gradel, by Miss Smith-Jean Toms; Grade 2, BIRTIl TAYLOR-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Oshawa, are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Patricia Jenice, at the Bowmanville Hospital, Wed- nesday, December 16, 1942, a sister for Douglas. 52-1 DEATHS ELLIOTT -At his residence, 11i Spadina Road, Toronto, Decem- ber 18, 1942, Dr. Jabez Henry Elliott, beloved husband of the late Mabel Tait, father of Mrs. Charles P. Holmes of Ottawa, and brother of Mrs. C. J. Kers- lake, Hampton. METCALF-At the residence of bis son, Russell, Moorefield, on December 18, 1942, Isaac John- ston Metcalf, (formerly of Dar- lington), in bis 88th year. Bro- ther of J. L. Metcalf and Mrs. E. J. Burke, Bowmanville.521 SIMMONS - At Newmarket on December 16, 1942, Clara Cris- tina Carson, wife of the late George B. Simmons, formerly of Barrie, Ont., and mother of Mrs. W. P. Corbett, Bowman- ville. SMITH-At the residence of ber youngest son, Maxwell Smith, Maple Grove, on Decemnber 16, 1942, Sarah Smith, beloved wife of Josiah Smith, in ber 77th year. Interment Edgeley, Ont. IN MEMORIAM RUTHERFORD-In loving mem- ory of my dear motber, Edna, Rutberford, who passed away December 26, 1940. In my beart your memory lin- gers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear Motber, Tbat I do not tbink of you. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daugbter Vera. 52-i COMING EVENTS Old Time Dance ln Newtonville Community Hall on Monday, Dec. 28tb. Barclay's Orchestra. Admis- sion 35c. Refreshments sold. 52-1* Dance at tbe Hall, Solina, Sat- urday, December 26. Cutb Burt's Orcbestra. Admission 25c. 52-i Experimental packages of de- bydrated foods are stored for sev- eral montbs under tropical climate conditions, tben opened to test the nutritive value and palatability of the contents. Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL W. M. Brown CASE DEALER Let us check your machlnery now for Spring Phono 2610 Bowmanviiie Enniskillen Women's Missionary Society and the Women's Association met in Enniskillen cburch hasement. Worsbip service took tbe form of an impressive candel-ligbt ser- vice in which missions around the world were remembered in pray- er. A splendid musical program was presented featuring Christ- mas songs. W. A. Officers elected for 1943 are: President-Mrs. J. A. Worry; First Vice-Mrs. E. Wright; Sec- ond Vice-Mrs. F. Werry; Tbird Vice-Mrs. T. Slemon; Organist- Mrs. Lam~b; Assistant-Mrs. Stain- ton; Secretary-Mrs. Plant; As- sistant-Mrs. Rahm; Treasurer- Mrs. Hobbs; Nominating Com- Mrs. O. Asbton, Mrs. E. Werry; Comforting Com. - Miss Souch, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Trewin, Mrs. Ormiston, Mrs. E. Werry; Parson- age Com.-Mrs. J. Werry, Mrs. T. Slemon.. Results of W.M.S. election are: President-Mrs. R. Ormiston; lst Vice-Mrs. Plant; 2nd Vice-Mrs. H. McGill; Secretary-Mrs. H. Mc Gill; Assistant- Mrs. J. Werry; Treasurer-Mrs. Page; Correspon- ding Secrrtary -Mrs H o bbhs; Christian Stewardsbip -Mrs. W. Ashton; Temperance and Citizen- sip-Mrs. O. Ashton; Supply Work-Mrs. J. Werry and Miss Souch; Missionary Monthly-Mrs. E. Ashton; Press Secretary-Mrs. Harding; Comfort and Friendsbip .-Mrs. L. Asbton; Pianist-Mrs. Lamb; Assistant - Mrs. Staî*nton;* Mission Band Leader -Mrs. E Werry; Assistants-Mrs. M. Stan ton, Mrs. L. Asbton and Mrhs. J. Slemon; Auditors-Mrs. O. Ah ton, Mrs. J. Siemon; Nominin Committee-Mrs. S. Trewin and Mrs. C. Virtue. Please send in your list of boli- day visitors early, pbone 663. Considerable local news bad to be he]d over this week due to going to press a day earlier. Geo. A. Sherrin, Torunto, in sending in bis subscription writes: I was glad to read your favorable remarks on Jobn Bracken-Tbe Man of Destiny. Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Electrie Treatments, Spinal Adjustmonts, Massage Phone 538, Bowmanviile Year 1932. Case R.-Female age 18, locked joints right elbow, an- kle and lateral curvature of spine. Considered incurable. 75 treat- ments. Stiil doing well. Lumbago and Sciatica innum- erable cases average one to fifteen treatments. 40-tf ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile enter- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Dlustrated circular free. - Addresa - 628b Crawford Street, Toronto We Wish Ail Our Friends and Customers MERRY CHRISTMAS1 Je J. FLETT FUELS BOWMAN VILLE Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra la made when advertisement la not pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of lOc when replies are dlrected to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memoriams, 50c for notice plus 10c per lune for verse. Classifled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.ni. Wednesday. For Rent FOR RENT-8 ROOMED BRICK bouse, 2 miles nortb of Bow- manville on the Middle road. Possession after Cbhri st m as. Pbone 2194. 52-1* Wanted SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- ers of Alfaîf a, Timotby, Timo- tby and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Clover, Sweet C i o v e r. Bring or mail in a sample for bigbest off er. Stewart's Seed Store, pbone 577. 38-tf Repairs EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL makes of vacuum cleaners and floor poiisbers. Telephone our "C.U.C." Service Depot, Bow- manville 774, at The McGregor Hardware Store. -49-16* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - SOW AND SIX Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old. Apply Mrs. Cora Allun, Hamp- toh, pbone 2556. 52-i 'FOR SALE -ONE HORSE sleigb and cutter. Apply H. B. Foster, Bowmanviile, pbone 745. 51-3 FOR SALE - TWELVE GOOD Soutbdown ewes, bred to lamb in April; eigbt ewe lambs, not bred. A. Ayre & Sons, Hamp- ton. 52-2* FOR SALE - HEREFORD BULL about 10 months old, bred from purebred stock. Tbe last one for 1942 offering. Priced to sell. T. S. Mountjoy, R. R. 6 Bow- manville, pbone 2503. 52-i FOR SALE-BARN 3OX50; SHED 15x35 witb good metal roofing; Seven ½ -acre lots of standing timber, good cedar, poplar and elm; also about one bundred rods of fence. A. Ayre & Sons, Hampton. 52-2* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-ONE PAIR GIRL'S skates, wbite boots, size 4; in good condition. P r i c e $2.50. Pbone 336. 52-i FOR SALE -CANARIES, HIGH class songsters. Apply Dr. E. W. Sisson, phone 604, Bowman- ville. 51-2 FOR SALE - 1937 DeSOTO SE- dan; tires and motor in good condition. Apply Leland Payne, Clarke, pbone Clarke 1304. 5- PIANOS FOR SAL-FOR IN- formation telepbone 492 or write P. O. Box 353, Bowman- ville. Fred J. Mitcbell, Ohurch St. West. 52-1* FOR SALE -: 1931 D e SOTOC coupe witb rumble seat. New battery and new brake lining. Ia good running order. $40.00. T. W. Jackson, Newcastle. 52-i BUY HER A GOOD REBUILT Vacuum Cleaner - while still available. Tel. our C.U.C. Ser- vice Depot, Bowmanville 774, at tbe McGregor Hardware Store. 51-4* FOR SALE - RADIOS, NEW Philco and Marconi, ahl models, priced fromi $23.95 to $144.95. Telepbone Bowmanville 2415 or Oshawa 289W3, Frank L. Wal- ter, Courtice. 52-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from ýover 300 patteras actually in stock. You are invited to view tbese at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf WOOD FOR SALE -WE PLAN to remove a number of apple trees past bearing, or undesir- able varieties. These would yield a good amount of good wood. Sell very cheap; supply your own labor. Donald E. Gib- son, phone Clarke 3811. 52-1* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in medern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality mercbandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf ANNOUNCEMItNT The Doctors o! Bowmanville bave agreed to uniform office hours as follows: Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday ONLY. Patienta will be seen at other bours only by appointment. Ia case o! an emergency, pa- tients may caîl the Bowmanville Hospital to find out whicb doctor is on duty. These hours la effect as from October lst. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Starts A FOR 4 DAYS FIBBER McGEE and MOLLY CHARLIE McCARTHY - EDGAR BERGEN - in - Here We Go Again wlth GINNY SIMMS COME TO OUR New Year's Jamboree 12 o'clock Midnight December 31 CARY GRANT and GINGER ROGERS - in - ONCE UPON A HONEYMOON REGULAR PRICES The Management and Staff of Oshawa's Famous Players' Theatre desire, at this time, to wish ail their friends a very Merry Christmas * and a Victory New Year RELEASED 600x16 TIRES TO US FOR SALE . The iargest stock of re- conditionedl tires east of Toronto, ail sizes. G.F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office 1 ~'~u~ipoeu~oe - - - ~. ~. .. Wr - W .,,i Li.Vi An O id-F ashi oned CGreeti*ng TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We could say "orchids to you" but that's too up to date. What we really mean is thanks for your patronage, and may your Christ- mas be merry, and 1943 a year of happiness and prosperity. F. Fa MORRIS CO. "When they had heard the king, tbey departed; and, 10, the star, wbich tbey saw la the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young cbild was. "Wben they saw the star, tboy rejoiced witb exceed- ing great joy. "And when tbey were come into the bouse, they saw the young cbild witb Mary bis mother, and foîl down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, tbey presented unto hlm gifts; gold, and frank- incense, and myrrb. St. Matthew. JURY & LOVELI 1 11 '4 maq t RE DandUSE die WANT ADS mon - - M. ROYAL THEATRE ____ BOWMANVI LLE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat DECEMBER 24-25-26 Double Feature SONG 0F THE ISLANDS In Technicolor with BETTY GRABLE and VICTOR MATURE -aiso- ON THE SUNNY SIDE Featuring RODDY McDOWELL JANE DARWELL Cartoon M on.-Tues.-Wed. DECEMBER 28-29-30 The Maie Animai Wlth HENRY FONDA OLIVIA de HAVILAND News, Cartoon and Shorts M«IDNIGHT SHOW THURS., DECEMBER 31 at 12:05 THE GREAT McGINTY with BRIAN DONLEVY AKIM TAMIROFF SHORTS 1 m f- 1 - 00 PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO GREETI NG S

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