Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1942, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1142 - - - - - - - - -M - D he Newcastle Independent = = Phone Clarke 1114 Tl...m~:rmm m.m Miss Phyllis Gilmer, Starkvile, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan. Another in a lengthy'series of United Church W. A. vanishing teas was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Cowan. Mr. W. H. Anderson was visited by his brother, Mr. John Ander- son, and Mrs. Anderson and his son, Hubert Anderson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawke, Leskard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, Jr., and on Saturday accompanied them and Master Donald to Toronto. Pte. Keith Rowe returned to Vimy training camp on Monday. He had been home with a bad cold and threatened pneumonia. Keith has gained greatly in weight since joining the army. Miss Dorothy Hay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay, Toronto and Newcastle, is to be married in Toronto, early in December, to L.A.C. Hugh Blacklock Allan of the R.C.A.F. The bride-elect is a sister of Mrs. John Rickard, New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Found and son Newton, Beamsville. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bowen. From here 'they visited relatives at Port Perry. Mrs. Bowen recalîs that when she was visiting her brother at Beamsville early in the fail she saw 40 tons of peaches going to waste on her brother's fruit farm, because of insufficient markets for the big crop. Funeral service for Mrs. George C. Wright was conducted by Rev. W. G. Blake of St. Andrew's I THEATRE- iOWMANVILLE -M...-= = 1mU Thurs. - Fl. - Sst. DECEMBER 3-4-5 Double Feature GUNGA DIN starrlng CARY GRANT VICTOR McLAGLEN -also- There's One Born. Every Minute with HUGH HERBERT - TOM BROWN - GUY KIBEE M on.-Tues.-Wed. DECEMBER 7-8-9 FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK with ERROL FLYNN BRENDA MARSHALL News - Shorts COMING JANUARY 11-12-13 Reap the Wild Winds JANUARY 28-29-30 Mrs. Miniver -Presbyterian Church. Bowman- ville, at the Wright home on Nov. 28th, in the presence o! only the immediate' relatives. Her death was preceded tiy a lengthy illness. Newcastle friends will alw'ays remember hier as a lady o! kindly temperam-ent and gentie attri- butes, hospitable in her home life and helpfully active in women's work for the church. Interment was in Oshawa cemnetery. Besidos her husband she is survived by three sons, ail marzyied. They are: Donald o! Coppercliff; Douglas, oat home. and James o! Canada's .Merchant Marine. Deceased was 1the former Miss Margaret Smith of Oshawa. Mr. J. W. Bradley, now staying in Toronto, was at Mr. W. E. Beman's on Monday and Tuesday settling up some insurance busi- ness and Division Court matters. He aIso met Rev. R. E. Morton at the Masonic Lodge rooms in re- spect o! turning over the secre- tarial material. Miss Irene Rinch has been appointed Division Court clerk to succeed Mr. Bradley. Reeve C. R. Carveth succeeds him temporarily as chairman o! the Library Board. Mr. E. E. Patter- son takes over the insurance busi- ness. and Rev. R. E. Morton stops into the secretaryship o! Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M., held for so many years by Mr. Bradley. Mr. Bradley also has some official duties pertaining to Newcastle Lodge, S.O.E.B.S., but these can ho carried out by correspondence. On November 28th, in Toronto, Sgt. Wireless Gunner Stanley F. Brown and Miss Elizabeth (Betty) Lawrie were unitod in marriage by Rev. W. Harold Young, o! St. Paul's Avenue Rd. United Church. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lawrie, Port El- gin, and the groom is youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown, Newcastle, who have three sons in the armed forces. Sgt. S. F. Brown has been in training at Fingal, Ont. Ho and Mrs. Brown have been spending a short honoy- moon with his parents here, who held a recoption for the young married couple on Monday even- ing. Among the twenty-eight pro- sent wore two of the groom's bro- thers, Floyd and Hilliard Brown, employed at Ajax, and his two sisters, Miss Margaret Brown, Newcastle P. O. staff, and Mrs. Gordon Watson and her husband, Mr. Watson, also a number of local young frionds. Sgt. S. F. Brown goes later te Nova Scotia. About haîf a dozen overcoats and some hats were taken from the basement o! the communîty hall Friday evening while a dance was in progress, and to date have net boon recovered. Among the losers of overcoats were: Bert Stapleton, Newtonville, Jirn Simp- son, Cowanvilie, Elford Cobble- dick, Shaw's, and Alian Head and Wmn. Hawkins, Newcastle. George Crowther's hat was gone. T. W. Jackson, voteran doorkeeper, re- membered noticing some mon leaving the hall with overcoats over thoir arms; but thought they were carrying their own eut. The mon carrying ovorcoats were also seen by some boys and by John Holmes, Lake Shore farmer. Mr. Holmes was able to tell Provincial Constable Thompson, Bowman- ville, who investigated the thefts, that hie saw two mon, carrying evercoats, got into a 1933 Chevro- lot car, and although his suspic- ions weren't exactly aroused hoe did wonder why they were carry- ing their overcoats, instead ol wearing themn, on a fairly cold night. Alexander Moffatt took over his duties as local constable December lst. A "dIock watcher" nover be- comes "the man o! the heur." It doos seem queer, but those who have the thickest skulls hv the least need of them.j Canadian Vegetables For Health and Economy P.E.l. POTATOES.............. bag 1.85 CARROTS ................... 5 lbs. 10e CABBAGE ................... 2 for 15c TURNIPS - Large.............. each 5c WHITE COOKING BEANS.......... lb. 5c Flowerdale TEA lb. 1.00 WiII give nearly 50 per cent more cups than ordinary tea and at the same time gives matchiesa flavour C-eIN!W MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES ... J NEW and OLD ~4PFAKESCHEESEA Our Own Blend Coffe. lb. $Oc zCDZ<OMY m Magie Coffee ....... lb. 43e « Fresh Fish Every Day » HARRY ALLIN The Corner Grocery ]Phones 367 - 38 W. Deliver BIRTIl LUXTON-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Thursday, November 26, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Luxton, a daughter. 49-1 * DEATH-S BALLAGH-In Peterborough on December 2, 1942, Elizabeth Jane Ballagh, aged 82 years. Private funeral fromn F. F. Mor- ris Co. Chapel, Bowmanville, on Friday, December 4, at 2 o'clock, leaving for interment at Orono Cemetery. JAMES, Alfred M. - In Detroit, Mich., Saturday, November 28, 1942, brother of Mrs. Edward J. Power, Oshawa. Interment in Bowmanville Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. 49-1* KNIGHT-On November 25, 1942, Henry James Knight, beloved husband of Ethel Power, aged 80 years. MOORE, Wilbur -At his home, 164 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto, December 2, 1942, Wilbur Moore (traveller Dominion Manufac- turers, Limited), beloved hus- band of Leta Philp, father of Jack and Jean, and only bro- ther of Arthur Moore of Ennis- killen. Resting at the Chapel of Mc- Dougaîl and Brown, 646 St. Clair Avenue West. Service in the chapel, four o'clock Friday. Interment Prospect Cemetery. MUTTON-In Whitby, November 29, 1942, Olive Luella Mutton, daughter of Mrs. David Mutton and the late Mr. Mutton, Bow- manville, aged 44 years. IN MEMORIAM HOOEY-In loving memory of a dear wife, Jane Hooey, who passed away December 2, 1941. We cannot clasp your hand, Jane dear, Your face we cannot sec, But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. -Sadly missed by Husband. 49-1* HOOEY-In loving memory of a dear mother who passed away December 2, 1941. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is flot a day, dear Mother, That we do not think of you. -Sadly missed by Gladys, Bob, and Granddaughter Orma. 49-1 * MASON-In ever loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Maria Mason, who passed to the Great Beodon December 3, 1937. 49-1 * PNGLE-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Ann Frances Pingle, who passed away December 3, 1932. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns every leaf. -Ever remembered by Hus- band and Family. 49-1 POTTER-In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and aunt, Annie Potter, who passed away November 24, 1938. Always remembered. -Husband and Family. 49-1* Card of Thanks Mr. Frank C. Orchard and daughters wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from their kind friends and neighbours during the illness and death of a beloved wife and mother. 49-1* OSHAWA, ONTARIO Starts TOMORROW Stan Oliver LAUREL HARDY IN "A Hauntinig We WiII GO"P DANTE the Magiclan Monday & Tuesday Jerry Ann COLONNA MILLER "PRIORITIES ON PARADE" wltixBETTYRODES -ADDED RIT- Henry Aldrich, Editor -WEDNESDAY- For Four Days WILLIAM POWELL HEDY LAMARR IN "CROSS ROADS" wlth BDs11 Rathbone ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Dawson H. Siater, Arnprior, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Frances Evelyn, Ottawa, te Lance Corporal Donald H. Williams, Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Bowmanville, the marriage to take place at St. John's Anglican Church, Ottawa, early in Januiary. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arthur Anthistle, Grimsby, announco the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Eva Rosellen Anthistie to Wallis Murphy, R.C.C.S., young- est son of Mrs. M. H. Murphy, Essex, England. The wodding will take place in Toronto December 9th. .49-1* Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ard announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Gladys Wilma to William Lawrence Greenwood, only son of Mr. axýd Mrs. Wm. Greenwood, Kendal. The marriage to take place early in Decomber. 49-l* Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Myles, Orono, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Thelma Edythe. to Gordon Henry, eIder son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Smith, Toronto, the marriage to take place December th, in Donlands United Church, Toronto. 49-1* COMING EVENTS Euchre, Friday, Decomber 4th, Goodyear Recreation Club, 8 p.m. sharp. Good prizes. Everybody welcome. Admission 25c. 49-1* Canadian Ordor of Foresters are holding a dance at Enniskillen Hall on Friday, Dec. 4th. Music by Oshawa Serenaders. Rouind and square dances. Freo prizes, 9 p.m. Admission 25c. 49-1 Old Time Dance, Nowtonville Community Hall, Monday, Dec. 7. Barclay's Orchestra, Oshawa. 35c admission. Lunch extra. Proceeds for Hall. 49-1* The annual meeting of the Dur- ham County Shorthorn Associa- tion will be held at the office o! the Department of Agriculture in Bowmanville on Saturday, Dec. 5th, 1942, at 2.30 p.m. Ail inter- ested in Shorthorns are invited to attend. Cyril H. Mumford, Pre- sident; S. Chas. Allun, Sec.-Treas. 49-l* Please reserve Thursday, Dec. l7th, for Maple Grovo Winter Fair. Big Negro demonstration. 49-1* Dance at Tyrono Hall, Wed- nesday, Dec. 9th, to music by the Serenaders. Admission 25c. 49-1 Courtice Brotherhood will hold their first meeting at Maple Grove Church on Friday evening, Dec. llth, at 8 p.m. Mr. Geo. E. Chase, Bowmanville, will be guest speak- er.1 See the play "Coveralîs" by Salem Dramatists, in the United Church S. S. hall, Newcastle, this Friday evening, December 4th, under the auspices of the Woman's Association. Admission: Adults 25c, children 15c. Time: 8.15. Notice IF YOU CAN'T GET FUEL THIS Winter, sleep under steam heat- ed quilts. - Wool and alpine cloth, etc. patches at cotton price. Three pounds $1.00 post- paid. Avoid disappointment. Buy today and lay them away. Button Shop, Whitby. 49-1 For Rent FERRETS FOR RENT-$10 DE- posit, $1 a day; real hunters. Fred Bond, George St. East, Newcastle, Ont. 49-4* FOR RENT-BRICK DWELLING, garage and large hen house, electricity. Phono Bowmanville 805. 49-1 FOR RENT- SMALL APART- ment suitable for 2 aduits and 2 small children. Apply T. Ly- mer, Bowmanvillo, phone 379. 49-1 FOR RENT-SERVICE STATION on main highway in Bowman- -ville. Very reasonable rent. Write Box 147, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 48-2* Wanted WANTED - QUANTITY 0F good timothy hay. Apply te Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, phond 345. 49-1* WANTED - A QUANTITY 0F feed oats and feed barley, high- est market prices. C. Payne, Newcastle R. R. 3; phono Clarke 2811. 49-1* SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- ors *of Alfalfa, Timothy, Timo- thy and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Clover, Sweet Clio ve r. Bring or mail in a sample for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 38-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-SMALL 5 ROOMED frame house with good gardon, situated on Prospect St., Bow- manville. Telephone 810. 49-1 T. H. KNIGHT HAS SO0M E farms fer sale; aise some bouses in tewn fer sale; and seme te rent. See hlm if you are loek- ing for real estate. 491* FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-85 acres, more or buss, near village o! En! ield, good spring water on farm and in stable. ADply C. W. Souch, phono 2564 Bow- I- manville. 46-4e Articles For Sale FOR SALE-HALL SEAT WITH large bevelled glass mirror, also small table. Cheap for quick sale Phone 577. 49-1* FOR SALE--GURNEY HEATER in good condition. Apply Bryce Brown, Solina, phone 2444. 49-1 FOR SALE-McCLARY RANGE, in good condition. Apply Mrs. A. Weinberger, R. R. 1 Orono, phone Clarke 1624. 49-1 PIANOS FOR SAL-FOR IN- formation telephone 492 or write P. O. Box 353, Bowman- ville. Fred J. Mitchell. 49-1* bast LOST- A SUM 0F MONEY, mostly in $5 buls. Reward of- fered if returned to The States- man Office, Bowmanville. 49-1* L OS T - TWO FANCY PINS, gold one set with pearls. and silver one with knot design. Don't know where or when they were lost, but value them as keepsake. Phone 498. 49-f STOLEN OR TAKEN - FROM Frank Cryderman's blacksmith shop recently, one boy's wagon. Unless this is returned to where it was taken from or left at the home of W. C. Caverly, J.P., charges may be laid and the mattercorne up in police court. FOR SALE - MAN'S HORSE-1 W. C. Caverly, J.P. 49-1* hide leather coat, practicaily new, si70 46, for $10.00 cash. Notice to Creditors Apply at Caverly's Grocery. ____ ____________ 49____ ALL PERSONS having any FOR SALE-"PRINCESS ROSE" dlaim against the Estate of the late Range, used one year; hot water James D. Carrtithers, who died frQnt attached. Apply Archie on or about the lSth day of No- Brown, R. R. 2 Newcastle. vember, 1942, at the Town o! 49-1* Bowmanville, in the County o! Durham, are required te file the FOR SALE -1929 CHEVROLET same with proof thereof with the Coach, 5 good tires, 4 nearly undersigned, Executor, or his now, good battery, anti-freeze. Solicitor, net later than December Cheap for cash. Phono 2190._ Slst, 1942, after which date the 494j* Estate will be dîstributed and al SIDEBOARDS FOR S A LE -_ daims of which the Executor has Maheanygeeddesin. Tle-net received notice will be barred phon 492,dFre igJ. Mtellas against him. phon 49, Fed . Mtchll, DATED at Bowmanville this Church St. W., Bowmanvilie. 28th day o! November, 1942. 49-1* CHARLES M. CARRUTHERS, FOR SALE-1929 OLDSMOBILE Executer, Sedan in good condition, five Bowmanvilie, Ontario, R.R.6, good tires. Privately owvned. By M. G. V. GOULD, Reasonable. Write P. O. Box Bowmanville, Ontario, 991 nwmnuilp 4-1* His Solicitor. FOR SALE-ORGAN SUITABLE for church or home, and side- board. In good condition. Ap- ply Mrs. William Roberts, Wel- lington Street. 49-1 FOR SA4E - PIANOS, HEINTZ- man & Co., Gerhard-Heintzman, and Bell. Apartment sizes. Ap- ply Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, phone 251. 44-8* 60 PARTY GA ME S 10c; 120 Magic Tricks 10c; 50 Mono- logues 10c; 84 Card Tricks 15c; Teacup Fortune Telling Book 60c. Postpaid. Empire Noveltios, Peterboro, Ontario. 49-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m.ýdern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - 5 EWE LAMBS, cross bred, Leicester and Sùf- folk, $13 each. Phone 56r12, Orono. 49-1 FOR SALE-9 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old; 20 geese. Apply Carl Weiss, R. R. 3 Bowmanville, phone 2864. 49-1 FOR SALE-S5 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. Apply C. W. Downey, phone 2590, Bowmanville. 49-1 FOR SALE-ELEVEN PIGS, SIX weeks old. Apply Walter Par- rinder, Hampton, phone Bow- manville 2470. 49-1 FOR SALE - 15 LEICESTER owe iambs, one 3-year-old Bay golding. O. Hyland, Burketon, Ont. 49-1* FOR SALE-i NO. 7 MASSEY- Harris cream separator, 750 lb. ' capacity; 1 No. 17 DeLaval.- O. Hyland, Burketon, Ont.491 FOR SALE-LARGE PUREBRED Toulouse geese, $375; ganders $4.00; until Dec. 15. Phone 195- 111 Port Perry, Edgar Gibson, R. R. 1 Burketon. 49-1* FOR SALE-7 PIGS, 7 WEEKS old, and frosh cew and caîf. Apply John Liptay, Hampton, Con. 5, Lot 15, Darlington. 49-1* Any religion that makos a man unreasonable or intolo'rant is a complete failure. AUCTION SALES E. A. Werry will sell at 1 o'clock Monday, Dec. 7th, at his farmn north of Enniskillen, the follow- ing: 5 horses, 60 cattle, number of hogs, one threshing machine complete on rubber, including 28- 46" miii, Farmaîl (M) tractor, 16" silo filler, one International hay baler. Terms cash. Ted Jack- son, auctioneer. 49-1 Tuesday, December 8th-Edith May Cheeseborough, Lot 17, Con. 3, Clarke Twp., will seli by public auction the following: 3 horses, cattle, poultry, pigs, implements and hay. Farm consisting of 50 acres, more or less, with buildings, will be offered for sale subject to a roserved bld. Terms cash on chattels. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 48-2 The undersigned has received instructions from Mrs. F. L. Etcher to sell by public auction at her residence, Temperance St. (just north of Dominion Store), the followîng goods: Extension table, 2 beds, springs and mattressos; linoleum rugs; arm chairs; centre tables; Quebec heater; McClary cook stove, nearly new; sideboard; piano; radio; hall rack; odd chairs and tables; ladder; 3½ tons of coal; quantity hardwood; bicycle; carpenter tools; garden tools; 50 jars of fruit; complete encyclo-, pedia on the last war; and many other articles. As this party is going to Toronto everything must be sold. Sale at 1.30 p.m., Satur- day, Decembor Sth. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneor. 49-1 CARROTS WANTED, Wm. D. Branson 53 COLBORNE ST. TORONTO Reconditioned TIRP«E S The largest stock of re- eonditloned tires east- of Toronto, ail sizes. G.F. JAIàdESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office FURNITURE THE IDEAL GIFT A LOVELY'CEDAR CHEST 15.75 to 49.50 FORHIM ... A DESK or EASY CHAIR 17.50 to 49.50 Shop early while stocks are complete F. F. MORRIS CO. BOWMANVILLE FOUND - SATUbÂDANICHT near post office, purse contain- ing small sum of monoy. In- quire at Siatesman Office. 4- Some mon use twelve-cyýinder words te express four-cylinder ideas. Ho is the kind of a man who wouldn't swing at a golf bail for fear he'd miss something. ýPhone 836 l-leip Wanted - HELP WANTED - RELIABLE man for poultry farm. Good wages. Apply Alvin Clemens, R. R. 6 Bowmanviile,îhni 2433. Repaira EXPERT REPAIRS 0F ALL makes o! Vacuum Cleaners. Tel. our "C.U.C. Depot" Bow- manville 774 at the McGregor Hardware Store. 49-8* Gifts for.VVartime GIVING Give Yourself A LOUNGING ROBE SMART SOFT ROBES FOR FIRESIDE GLAMOUR! Chenilles, flannels and other materlals lu choice.colors. 32-40 3.25 to 10.95 Handkerchiefs Se to 1.00 ea. Single and boxed, ln al colors. Boxes of three 29C - 59C and up to 1.00. UMBRELLAS ln black and colors, with fancy handies, at 1.95 -2.95 and 3.9.5 LADIES' GLOVES Woollen, at 59c and up Aiso Kid at 1.69 - 2.95 Fabrie at 59ecand up P URSES I black and colors, many new styles, -from 98é to 7.50 Chlldren's Purses at soc KNITING BAG S 98e and up T. LUNCHEON SETS 1.00 te 3.50 King st. GIFTS of ENCHANTMENT BY ... HELENA RU.BENSTEIN -0F-- Apple Biossom and Reaven- Sent Soap, Taleum, Cologne, Body Powder. Sets ln, Cologne,« B o d y Powder'and Soap., Apple Blossom ---------1.85 Reaven-Sent------------- 2.25 Cologne and Body Powder Apple Biossom ---------1.50 Reaven-Sent -------------- 1.76 Rand Lotion and Soap Apple Blossom ----- - , 1.50 Heaven-Sent ----------1.50 ADRIENNE -OF- Cologne----------------- 1.10 Body Powder wlth Puff 1.10 Talcum ----------- - ---40c 3 Creams, Powder, Lipstlck, Rouge and Perfume with lovely Mirror Tray - Complete --------------- 7.25 Bath Powder, Cologne, 2 Cakes Soap ----------3.00 Powder, Perfume and Compact -- -------- ---- 5.00) ELI ZABETH' ARDEN -OF- BLUE GRASS Cologne-------------------- 1.50 Flower Miat -------------1.50 Atomizer ------------------ 2.15 Perfume-.-----------1.50 Body Powder -- 1.85 GIft Box Flower Mist and Powder -------------- 3.50 - GIFT SETS - Jnn Geranium Soap and Dustlng lPowder encased lu transparent arch -- 2.25 Make-Up Kit ----------6.50 Nine proparatiens in Leatherette Case & Mirrer. Individuai Soap -------75c Bath Mit -------------- 75c Bath 011 ------- ------ 1.25 BY ... HARRIET HUBBARD AYER -0F- PINK CLOVER Soap --- ------------------ 5q Talcgne 1.10-1p,, Soap and Talc lu Cellophane Wrap ----- --------- 1.35 EXCLUSIVE LINES WITH Jury & Lovel Phone 778 The Rexaîl Drug Store When we test eyes Itlal don. properly C.N.R. Ticket Agency Couch, Johoston & Cryderman, READaýWUSE I/W tif r- WANTcAD5',ý THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1942 PAGE EIGFIT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO i

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