Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1942, p. 2

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PAGE TWQ THE CANADIAN STATESMMq, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 19~ lIonoring Canada's Army Deseî'vcd tnibute irill bc paid to tihe figlht- in- meni of Canada's Amiliy iu'uîr u'ny Weck. 'lune 219t1u ro 1uîh- 5. Tlîis week iruis set aside uîi' espoîîse to wîtlespmead puîblie dcmuauîd for flche ui'otf lioioiimîi te mien iii kiaki rhuo have offcî'ed to sauî'i- fiee thplîities if meed be iii tdie trîuzéle to defeat thme agigres>ors anîd to pî'cscî'vce mei- oci'atic freedom. It is truie tiat thie a'în v lias beci sie- ivliat ovei'-siadoir-ed to tlie prescuit tiîîîc by the ster'linig perfo'iamiue of ('auada 's Airî Force anîd Navy. wirlibliai-c secuî action oui mauiY fronts,. ibile thîe iai-lias renaiiied inactive so fari s aetîual combat is eoulcern- ed. But it slîould iot be fom'gotteu-itîat in tîhe enid it irili i'cquire am i iuîasiouî of the Eui'opeaui continenut to emstre tlîe defeat of Hlitlci'isii. Theîu flicau-un- will be called upomu to play it-s pau't. Meaîîwhile Canadiaîi ti'oops luotii in Euglauid amnt in the Domnin- ion ar'e traininig tirelesst3- to fîjt thîemsclvcs for tîme supu-due struggle wii-cih lies aliead. hI trainîing centres. schIools aînd camps fri'oî omne end of Canada to tîhe otlîe' theî- are un- dem-goiuig strenîmous physical tr-aininig aund imnstrucetioni i mnoder'mî ieapouîs of irar 50 tiat tlicy irill mot lie fouid îantinug irlen the zero boiîr cornes. Tlhe lads of Cauada 's armuY lave sacnificed ail the confomts of civiliami ife auîd fle asso- eiation irith îlîeir loî-ed omies imi ordei- to serve tlîeir countm'y. Duriiig Am-îîîY Veck cix-iliamus gciieraliy wilIlihai-e the opportun- ity of sliowiiig, thiii appreciatiomi of tlîis saciif ice. Tlier îîililihai-canmce to .îisit trainîing cauips. to wiiiess pai-ades of tlîe troops. as w-cIl as to emtertaiimi the soidici-s imi tlieir home-. and at damîces anîd coîîccrts. Tie v arc asked. too, to w-mitc lcttcî-s auid seîîd par- cels ho tlîe boys oversea s diinug tlîis îveek. 1Thiîs is a citizemîs -shiow~ and ci-cri- coin- muinitvi-ni Canada ivill ivant to liai-e part ii hoioimîg thîe eouuit-y 's figtîtiugm eniiu on this occasion. Not onilv vili it prove to the soldicm's that the\- have îîot been forgottcîî by the citizeils gcerally. but it Nill assîst in ptiigliteniigthe publice mor'e itiiatel 'y about thme ole of ('anada's Au-unx-anîd tlîc niainîi- iii wilîi the tuoops a'e eau-ed for anid triaied. It shiould ser-v- to ai-ouse pat- riotie ferîor to a lîigbi pitel amnd to giîe the people of Canada 'ai-cal oppoi-tuiiity to deîiosti-ate tlieju truc appreciatiomi of the mmnirlîn ai-e mialzium thie gu'atest saci-ifice iin thme battie ho pi-escui- rv oul(i fu-edoiui. _V Blood Donor Service Thue cal luieir euît out sci-ciat îreeks ag-o to patmiotie maIe cîtizeisivî tbin a r'adiîus of '25 miles of Oshiawa as blood don- ors is receîviuîg a geui cious i'espouisc. Thi(s us a defiuiiue andt icve persoiîal contributionu menîueu 'tivrt- h le aires of 25 amîd 55 eau maikc heli boy-s oui active ser-vice. The Blood l)ouoî .Seî'vie îuutleu- the aus- pics of the Oshiawa Brandil of tlîe Uana- diamu Red Cross ýSociety lias lîccu estabILsli- cd iii tbe e cicu-al Motom's Aîitiitoini aud is equippeci foi' efficiemîci and eoifot. Tli'oingb the ivluoleliea utctl t' -()lui'mtionmiof doctom-s. înursesand(lothic- lllcspiiited cîtîzenu-.tliis ctiiie is rýe(ruuýizc(l as ouue of flue bcst ii tlîe pr'ovinice. Boimaiiiille Liomus ( 'Iiub i.,tî lie coiî- memdcd fou' tîme activi-utcmest its nmiemuulbeus liai-ve îorinimtakiig domuou's oi-ci- o Oshi- aira as ircllas beîin- blood domuors uhîcuu- 'l'ieu-c is saiti to lubeuiutousieed for- hlood scîmîmîl (veuseas to blild up a "-blood bauuk - ' of apu-opm'iate sizetheu'e. 'I'lo-.c îrio doîîate bWood muay teed thie\- a'e cumi-i butimug dim-tlyv toird tlue saiihi- of lives of -wouîîded soldieus andJ civiliauls oui flicbuttle front. A Firm Rock for Safety Witli tîienty percemnt of ife insîurauiec menu mow iii activ-e nationial seniie and at a tune wbcienthe bîusiniess itseif lias been (!cit- ically exarnined iritli the idea of coiiser\'ihîî, manpoNve( and mateuials, G. W. Bou-ke. Presideuut of flue ('amadiami Life Iuisum'an- Officers Associationi, deelares tlîat lie ini- surauîce will faeece emfulyluvwatevru'fu- ther irartime restrictiois umylue micessau-y. The onie lessomu thie wi-41iti îst leaîuî tuonu the war is that nationîs uamîuot surv'ive amîd live uuto themiseli-es alomie. lui tbheliod of *reconstruction wîrluîuli ust folloiv tlîce mist be a vast expanusionmi ii the fr'ee ex- change of goods anud ser'vices betw't-n mna- De OanabiaÎn Rto~mfl Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Local éoru'espouudemts fri'on alînost cverN scctioni of Oitaioliai-e latelv bccuî comm- tribîîtiuîg items to the nmetropolitami press wibcl slîoîî a widespi-cad - crack dow'n -' om siot machiines. Eveî-î once iin au-hile that sort of brainu irai-e sivecps cce'tain !oinmihie tc andt Boivuiaumiille is nîo exceptionî. A -c a ag-o ire liad a uiiptîs about tîese "0mwe ai'me(-baidis' lui t he couicil sali-ed ils coîîscuemîe aîdcltook thîe licemîse moici- Tîem'e iras, a sloir-uip ftor some tiuîî; tlîen icw- dci-iees wîrie itioduced wioili w-e ai' iuîfo-iiel. take flue su'kei-s foi- a woi-semide tliani l)fore. It is emtircly possible to eleet a 'May-or and(lC ouicili-ilui itestiniat fou-itude st ficiemi tTo iipe out tluis lilot wilili-flccts lipomu thee clau'acem'of ev taxpayri iii the coîîîmîîmîmitî-. So tai'. tlîat lias uot lueeuî(louie. A uusu'bepittumîeîmî revenue ie 15 îîîllîed fm-ouîî muostîyr't-ilige -- opci-atou-'5 and(l hm; the citizeis. the taxpaYeus.thue chuum'ch-goei-: becoîie pamtic!ipamît5 iii a iniscu-able foin of glamiliitîg. TUne anîd agaiii Thie Statesmiaii lias halcuî a stanîd oui tlis questiomn but the .saie ol gainue pemsists. 1h s pt>or b)usimness. But let'it be motcd. tluat ci-ci as tlue oui slauiglit falîs upomi thue pool, whmo gaunbb îii'kle.s. aIl tom'mîs of legalized oanublticyig a thee ru-oaive of flue riie. Hou-se racini- tliat attu'acts t1iousamuds daily îrlîo squauidci mmilit is -yeai-lY are peu-îîittcd eu'ry latitude tlîat irastes mît oiilv muouler hulit limme . - anud tliat i. thme tiiffeu'euîe toda v betîret i- o r mdefeat ifus iwrm- itiJ Ilthese ii(comsusteiues au-c lei-elled off meî'e is not mih'li ope of equuuitv of puii-elelgc. Wliat thme vuimti'v îeeds amdui at eîcî-î-toîru: ieds is miem iii publlic lite iritli courage to ta ke ii fimuuu su a id oui thiese importanut issuies (of' thue daY a ud be less -omiplat-emt. Become Paper Conscious (Govcm'mîmiuemit îuuiiomut i--s deulai'e 'aniadaî muîust bcuomie papic-cu (isiotis anud thcu-e us ev i-easoni îviy- aeli office auJ liotise- hlod shîomld accor'd tile salvagre ilea tuiuu iî'loeleauted coopem'ahiol. Tlioughu, the iuîdi- viluîal i-oluim'm uav le siall tIe total -%ilh be lar-ge,.I1h ,,sa sinmple wav ohfuelieviiing the hum-demi on papem uuî.auattirem-s anid also of pu'ovidin- ig ateuiat foi' iar moi-k. Tlueme is also greait mceti foi' the conserva- tiom ifoh xistiigsitppit)is of paper. Wniting îîads amuit tublets liave alu'eatli beemi liuîmiîed ho t-cutaîmu sizes anud tiiere iîill ie mno icîr (tesigliis for coî'ems. Papem- iapkiiis iîill ii fumtumre be in .whîite oiulY- and of feovri sizes. La bels anîdbautds oui pao -kuges inl omie oui thie maket w-hm ein iamieties as ho size. col- oui' anid decoruutumu. I-ees a pam'agm-apli fm'oui a leem- er ei-cd this îreek fr-omit a Stmihesmuam subsciber iii Euiglammd rhuielu shows boi thbey -(onserve pîapem : Our ivashe paluer loi-m- v tomies arouuii cuieli ieck, papeu's ai-c put iii bumitles. torii iip letters anmd scmaps iliho bg.Oh course ith lis it is an offemice ho %vaste or buiu-îia scu-ap of paper ou- -ard boam-d. We tise semaps ot odd paper for lelteis anîd use euiîelopes oi'cm-aund ovei agaimi bY pashimig paper oî'er o)r usimug ecoiorny, labels. 1 opemn the wîrap- peu' around Thme Statesîmam cau-efuly and tuse it w-hen writing hto relatives. Vîue also write on old Christmas amnd other cards and then tliey are used for sali age. " I. s i t s r s t' s Wlth Which is Incorporated The Bo-t-nanviI1e News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 86 Year's Continuons Service Te The Town of Bowmanville and Durham County. Meinber Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian ~ UMm <* Weekly Newspapersw Association Class A Weeklies of Canada SUBSURIPTION RATES $2.00'a Year, strictly ln advance. $2.50 a Year in tbe iJnited States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Soldiers' Letters from Overseas Lieut. Wm. G. James, whose got there until the ime w-e lef t, S neir addu-ess is 10 Armoured except for a few bours sleep on Regt., 5tb Can. Armoured Divii'Sahuu-day night. These English suon, C Signals, Canadian Army folks really treat us like kings. f Overseas. bas sent the folloiving As soon as ire auiî'ed ah the il letters to bis parents: Overseas League me w'ent ho our Sornew-ere ini England rooms, cleaned up and w'ent ov May 3. 1942 shairs ho a tea dance given by Dear Folks: Lady sornebody or other. Heu-e I Here I arn shuck in camp on a !met a* very nice girl and irent e beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon around London %ithb heu- that 'S as Orderlv Officer. We ail have evening. The girls in London are bad our turn ah the blasted job exceptionally nice. This lady, r and ih is just my misfortune to much ho my surprise, took me ho e get it on a day like this. hwo of the best night clubs in the So far ire havent bad a rainv, big city and I didn't have to day since we've been o-eu- bere pay fou- a hhing. I didn't knoîr ti and consider ourseli-es yer- fou-- exach!y hou, ho hake it but she e tunahe. 'Ne have also had jlenîr- absolutely uefused ho let me go t 0f route marches and baie seenl ahead and pay it. We finalty end- quite a bit of the country. Eng- ed up ah a dance ahih ayau t land is certainly beautiful in the Hohel in Piccadilîr irus.w'ic ýl spring. isn't exactly the cbeapest place. Yesierday Murray Mitchell iras Sunday mruning this same s posted bere before going back to young lady called auounid for me the unit. He bas been laid up for and w-e -ent on a sigbt-seeing a couple of rnontbs mitb pneu- 1 tour of London. Weshministeu- monia and bas just gol out of the Abbey impressed me more than convalescent bospilal. anything else. It is simply oî'er- I bai-ent beard fu-om home yet w-helrning. 50 rnuch so that I ment but I expech I wiîî gel a paper or auound gaping mitb my mouthh somelhing this w-eek. Sorne of the open. I w-as disappointed in Buck- other lads bai-e receix'ed one ou- ingharn Palace. Ih is not a i'erv hîro lethers and a couple of par- umpuessive structure. 'Ne w-ent ho cels but tbey liî'ed on the coast the House of Parliament but and therefore that rnuch neau-eu-. couldn'h get in. Afteu- lunch w'e Friday nighh a couple of us ment for a w'alk auound Trafalgar w-eu-e invited over ho a Party au Square. I don't think Irve ever the nursing sisters mess (Eng- seen so many Canadian soldiers lisb>. 1ir %as somew'bah different mn my life. Canada House and the fromn our Canadian parties but w-e Royal Au-h Gallery au-e nigh on bad a lot of fun. the square. This aflernoon Bu-ow-nie (Lieut. I rejoined the officers I carne Bilt Browtn) and my roonz-mate tmp witb and %'ent ho another tea w-enh in to London for their fiust dance. This one w'as sponsored lime so expect tbey mill have by Lady Townsend fou- officers in quite a bit ho hellirben hhey gel the forces and it realîr iras a back. boney. Il mas held in Guosienor I may be tioi'ed sbortly but I House just off Park Lane in a arn afraid I cant tell you mucb buge ballroom. And again I bad about it. Il cerhainly is bard le the good fortune ho meet another irrite these lethers irben there is beautiful girl. The dance ended s0 very lithle to say. I hope the aht 7 p.rn.. se a gang of us îîent nextltetter w-mît be a lmlle mou-e out ho dinner mvith the girls. unteresting. Wbile houring London you can't So far me baî-en't any coin- belp but notice the ruin and bavoc plaints about the food, altboughi created by the jerry. Ih seems a w'e're beginning to miss fruit. shame ho 'bomb places that are of Thi mek m we-e uck, we ecbno value to the Huns' mar effort bad thu-ee eggs. other than breaking morale. Don'h forget ho write, love. 'ill. If you don't know' somebody in May 11, 1942 London it can be ,ery expensivej Dean Folks: as some of the other lads have I've jush rehurned from rny first i found out. The pound mbicb is trip ho London and irbat a place'.j S4.47 just goes like a dollar. I mas We ment up Saturday afteu-noon lucky I had a î'ery delîghful but and stayed ah the Overseas Lea- inexpensiî'e w'eekend. oue in St. James Place, jush off You ought ho see us riding Piccadilly Circus. This is a fairly around on our bicycles, it makes central spot bath ho see the sights quite a sight. We certainly have and the centre of entertainment. seen quite a bih of country on We didn'h stop frorn the timne me themn including some marvelous 1 1 we nu ut( nsc Coal Pric es Reglatea ON A CASH DASIS The Wartime Prices and Trade Board ceiling price regu- lates the price of coal as it does that of Most other com- modities and recognizing the Government's policy re- specting consumer credit generally it is coflsjderedj in the best interests of the trade that the fuel business be piaced upon a cash basis. Fuel merchants of Bowmanville commencing June 12 are closing their books for credit and thereafter ail fuel must be paid for in advance or paid for on delivery. There wiii be no exception to this rule. Ail old fuel accounts must be settled before new order is filled. 1. J. Flett Fuels 1.. Holgate & son Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. The Ii.fe inisurane, onîpanies are iiot biaiîpered in their- operations 1w the ir-- limie limitation to ha If a poiund of sugar peper o. or ha If of the tea forinerlY coni- SIIlîletI. or even lîy thewiiiall reduietion ini t-off'ýe Icuenllv a iîîoîîiiîed l.but thev are fitil îî plentv of di ffieul tv iii miaking sales iii tie înidst ;)f ii appeals madie for liionler bll l1v the CiUtVrurulMent aIidthe Red L ()SS Suei. Tlîeî are al firiîn roek for the Safe- t.v of the ( andianlii people. It i,. tatet l, il afaut ithat more Calnadiaus: art, t îriiin1t o lite inisuralîce at this tiime tlai ha nver before. He Was Good to lus Mother Most etitorial references to the passiàilg of truir îýreat national figures are keyed tu the thenue of w-bat theV accomplishied for tlieir o tv or the einence thev achieved ini thic partienlar spheî'e the ' chose and the 'ervies rendered as citizn-, of their respee- tive eotiimiinities and of their contri- as a wlîole. lI this issue -ut be foiîmd the ohitu- arvî. ail too iniadequate. of on,? of Durbamn 4gnnvs 2eatest sons, W. 'Normnan Tilley, ?iîuîmore coulti be saiti of blis ac- uoiiipl isbuieiits ai lus gift of lelpimg 111011 8101al n md bis Couicealed phid- a uthlrIo pies. Oui' cditou'ial reference mille depart froin ilte tradîtional and brin.- emphasis to bear uipon the greatest of bis great tîualities. M-itb ail (offlie init(elleetial'erniineice and foiu'uefnuiesýs of addi-ess -whicli broughlt himi initernationial faille. lie possesseti oie uaity that was little known outside of bis famnilv ai borne town circle and that w-as the quai- itv of the heart. It nianifested itself ini bis in;tenise lo.%alt.v to bis famniilv- and bis passion- ate attaclîmiemt for ]lis niotiier. With al bis vast preoecîîpatioui lie founi timie to c9nie home, w-len ini Toronto, alinost every w-eek- eind to be with lier'. particularlY silice the deatlî of bis fatlier. Wlîeu overseas he mever forglcot to write or cable and these nianifes- tations of gcniiuie affection mnade lier' lîfe one of peace anîd llissfulness. Anîd it suistaiuied liim too. The great mn ivitlî whion lie associated probably kniew littie of these ties bet-eeîî nïotheqr and son, but tuer coîîld ii<)t have failecr to note that tliere nust have been some hidden motiva- tion foi' tle broad lîumauîity- tlat character- iâze(1 bis apl)roacli to the burdeuis he assurned witluim court aînd ont. amîd ini lus club aînd social coîtaets. Tliere mîîuist hlave beeuî sorne- tliig of tbe tradition of piolîeers of Britishî stock unicouiscioiîslv- to îîphold. for the Till- eys were U.E.L. stock. The Statesmail joins ivith othiers iii înourming the passing of a triily loyal son of Durhanm. . - V One Armed Bandits IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI Froni The Statesman Filesmum m=i TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Caiadian Statesman., From The Canadia Statesman, June 21, 1917 June 15, 1892 A letter from overseas tells of Courtice: Masons have begun camp life. Men of the 235th fonnid t he new school room at Ebenezer. Chas. Bounsali and Lawrence. John Balmer is home fromn Mingeaud of the Cobourg Batteri-. New York. right across the way from them. Home papers are eagery sought. Columbus: Mrs. Redman, De- W~e have a "*wet" canteen but troit, Mich., is visiting hier sister haven't seen a drunken mani i Mrs. John James. . . . W. Smith, England. M.P., has secured positions for A front page report features a Geo. Fields and Philip Harper in huge "Conscription" rally at Mas- Western Canada. sey Hall. Toronto, mostly Middle Bethesda: Jno. Lee, teacher, aged men and women. The meet- reports the following leaders at ing was called by the Liberal recent exams: V-Ethel Cole; Sr. party to offset anti-conscription- 4-Richard Hoskin; Jr. 4-Edith ists who had demonstrated a few Hoar; Sr. 3-Wm. Roy; Jr. 3-G. days before. Dr. Michael Clark. Werry; Sr. 2-Edith Potter; Pt. 1 Liberal M.P., from Red Deer. -Florence Werry. Alta., (Red Michael) was the NwHvn .T olcDp principal speaker. With great RNwHvn .T olcDp eloquence hie advocated conscri- eeve, has inspected roads and tion of manpower, wealth and bridges and given us a liberal sum resources: said hie. "You cannot f.or repairs. .. Sheep are on theI take a poor man's ail and leave increase. (The Editor comments: the wealthy at home to pieupe 1 'But wool at 15c is not likely to millions." Ed: "We are of opin- promote the industry niuch long- ion that conscription must corne in er, thanks to the Dominion Gov- Canada along the lines laid down ernment.">.- by Dr. Clark." Newcastle: W. T. Bonathan has Chas. M. Bice continues his sold out to Mr. Nicholson, Toron- "War" comnuents and says, in re- to..Mr. Chandler's house, da- gard to the U-Boat menace: maged by fire,-is being converted I "Thank God the U. S. and British into a double dwelling. navies now will work together: they mean victory." (The tw-o Tyrone: F. G. Byam and Miss f former paragraphs are featured My Byam are in Toronto. .. Miss at this moment, June 1942)« Maude Emmerson, Peterboro, isp Locals: Miss Lillian McLean home.h spent Sunday in Toronto. .. Miss Hampton: Chas. Stonehouse and S Sarah Woods, Toronto, was guest wife have moved here. .. Cheeseh of Mrs. M. A. James. . .. Mrs. C. factory is doing well, turning out W. New and son, Brandon, Man., 8 or 9 daily. .. Mrs. Enoch Ste- are visiting hier father, Mr. J. }H. iespeenep usadwt H. Jury. . .. Port Hope Public and a fine younig daughter Wednes- IHigh School teachers have re- da..... A. B. Cryderman is train- ceiv~ed a 1017 salary increase. . . . ng pupils for anniversary in the Capt. G. C. Bonnycastle has been beautiful cantata "Gathered Flow-Q given charge of headquarters ers." e clinic, London, Eng. Enniskillen: The new toîl-gate Birth: June 20th, to Mr. and north of here to collect toîl from G Mrs. Alfred Ayre, a daughter. foreign peddlers is working fine;T Deaths: Arthur Gibson, Black- ten cents has been collected from a stock. aged 63. William Gimblett, an imported Russian.T Darlington, 79. Corp. John Wil- Providence: Fred Hoar and Miss ai liam Steele, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ida Allin visited friends in Whit- p« Wm. Steele. Blackstock, killed mn h-.. Strawberry social at Jno. Y action at Vimy Ridge, age 23. Elford's will be featured with a i Lieut. William E. Lockhart,.B.A.. basebaîl game between Queen's is Royal Flying Corps. killed in ac- Own and the Growlers. i tion. a son of W. T. Lockhart, ex-1 M.P., and Mrs. Lockhart, New- Editorial: "During the past few ,ut castle. w eeks the editor has driven over t Enfield: Mr. and Mrs. Luther a large part of Darlington and de Bradley, Cannington, at Mr. Sam Whitby and has found crops Most i ar Bray's. . .. Frank Gilbert autoed promising. Frequent rains and tO J. Stinson to Pontypool. ... Many warm weather have greatly pro- r from here attended the funeral of iioted vegetation." "Subscrip- fa John James at Columbus. tions for the Hon. Alexander tO Solina: John Pascoe raised his Memorial include $50.00 from ar barn and Paul Williams was i- Thos. Patterson, Bowmanville, sa jured by a falling scaffold.. John S200.00 from Dr. John Hoskin, th Kivell has built a new silo. Q.C.. $100.00 from W. R. Brock, e. W. H. Martin, Cobourg, at Coun- and S500.00 from Northrup & Ly- a cillor Baker's. man. go Enniskillen: Gertrude Stevens, Locals: $100 was voted the an Peterboro. at home. ... 0. L. By- band for outdoor music .... Rev.in. ers has purchased the Martin pro-~ W. A. Bunner is in town .. . Town a perty. Council has granted Councillor ail Tyrone: Miss Dora Percy at W. M.A. James 3 rnonths leave of R. Clemens'. ... Alfred Goodman, absence for a trip to England. ... w Sask., with his brother. J. B. Reynolds won the scholar- w Hampton: Rev. H. W. Foley. ship in 3rd year Physics at To- A Brooklin, occupied the pulpit on ronto University. Mr. Reynolds, us Sunday. . .. Fred Corden lost tîvo w-ho formerly taught at Enfield, HE fine cows by lightning. came 3rd in the Eist with lst hion- ed Maple Grove: George Stevens ours in several subjects. W and familv, Peterboro. at Jacob Married: Norris-Butson, June ni: Stevens'. ... Dr. J. J. Rae preach- 8th. Herbert Geo. Norris, Bow- ed a powerful sermon at the an- manville. and Elizabeth Butson, cc niversary. East Whitby. 1-~ XVeahth in Future S ectirity YTOUR wealth is flot only something that you have now, it is also sonie- thing upon which you may be relying for financial security in old age. The ownership of a Confederation Life poicy is both present and future potential wealtb because it insures security to one's dependents now and provides for financial independence in old age. No investment yet devised, other than life insurance, does these two things so well and so economically. Confederation Lifr Policies may bc had with Monthly Incorne Total Disability Benefits. Before You Insure Consult C onfederation Life Assoc iation HEAD OFFICE TORONTO i 'i -- t -~ .4-U*~flt - - ~ THURSDAY, JUNE 18, iqý2 1churches and other historic build- At the Grosveulor House praC- parents other than a cable of tl 1ings. tically every allied nation was ne- death. He is only going ti h 1 You w-ould cetainly enjoy the presented by, officens - Chinese, îrith us for 10 days and then î 1country over here. Each house Belgian. Ytugo Slai'. Czech. Potes. is going to rejoin his unit. He ar ha lu wr itehde ac tNrrgans. French. Arnericau T emember him to al bis ciij grass and small gaden. The roads Newr Zeaand. Welsh. Irish, Bri-:1Pals in Bowmavle h osi are ail pared and there are hun- tish. Scotch. Negro. South Afri- the Fish & Chip Club know 1)i,, dreds turning and tîristing ail cans. anid a couple of dark fel- .rell so be sure and tell thern, over the place. You have an air- loirs w-ho didnt have their port The ireathen bere has stiti b,,,, fut timie funding ybur a around of call on thîeir sleeves. The Cana- perfect and I arn beginning to as ail the signposts have been dians of course domuinated the like the place a lot better. I bote( taken doîrvn as well as the names place. 1To get some of your mail soouî. s of villages and streets. 1Th-e rank of thue 8fficers varied keep w riting. By the way you rnighit try send- froin 2nd Lieuts. (English and Best of evenything, love, Bill. ing a letten by airgraph.' They Amierican) to the Adjutant Gen -__________ Only' cost 10e and they get here un eral of the British forces wbo about 8 days. Airmail costs 30ceiras also in attendance. Sevenal In conduct do not make trifles- and gets here in about 10 days. of the foreigners whose rank I of trifles. Regard the srnaltesel* Airgraph forms can be obtained !couldn't figure out must have action as being eîther rugtor- at the post office. Try one. Hoîr i held high nank because they had wrong. and make a consciente Of about sending over the old Star ý a lot of service stripes an-d braid little things.-Spurgeon. Weeklies? We don't get an aw- jup. fui lot to read except books, I Anothen Bowmanville boy i5 Teear w redm h am cetainly looking forward to h ere ah 3 C.A.C.R.U. with us noir. fls.here a mi ne t o doedms- h thefirt cpy f Te SatemanDo you remember Murray Mit- what he likes; the true, where a that " get over here. I am taking chell? He is commissioned'and 1S man is free ho do whah he ought. -nyj days leave at the first Ofi wihh the British Columbia Dra- June so expech to go to Scotland.. goons. He bas just corne fromI -Charles Kingsley. Weil I must study my lecturesi the hospital after being down for tomorrow. Be sure and writej with pneurnonia. While he iras1 Do you wish to be free? Then as yet I havcn't received any in the hospital he got new's of the above .ail things love God, love mail. Also cigarettes. death of his brother Bernard and your neighbor, love one another Love, Will. that w-as qluihe a shock to him. love the common weal; then you He has been very w-orried because wIll have true hi' erty.-Savona- Lieut. Bill Browrn of the No. 3 he hasn't had anx' news fu-om his rota. Canadian Armoured Corps, Re -_____________________________ inforcement Unit, Clanadian Army Overseas, has sent the following __________________________________* lether to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i J. . ronScugog Street, Bow- j 1871 e 71 Yeors of Security ta Policyowners 0 1942 3 C.A.C.R.U. Can. Army O'seas May 4th. 1942 Dean Folks: Well folks I've been ho London. Yesterday after churcb parade a feir of us cycled ho a nearby sta- tion and caught a train for the "big city." We arrived in Water- loo Station ah 1.30 and took a taxi shraighh ho Madame Tusand 's Ex- h-ibition. This is the îvorld ne- nowned exhibition of former and present celebrihies done in wrax. Et is really a marvelous sight and I hav'e a souvenir guide book that I will send you laher. Later we vent down town and ahe in the Quebec cafe. We had all ire want- .d ho eah and plenty more for 60c. From here we ment ho hhei Grosvenor House for a hea dance. Thbis affair lasts from 4-7 p.m. and is exclusively for officers. Thbe bostess is Lady Towmn and she irelcomes you af ter ,you pay your hiro shillings admission.i u'ou are usbered ho a table ah vhich a hostess is also there. She is also a Lady so and so and you inroduce yourselves. A feir min- utes laher some girls are ushered to the table and hhey are your dance and tea partners. They hoo nre invariably daughters of well- t-do families and they are verY fiendly. The usual run of af- fairs is ho take your partner out io dinner and then corne back to another evening dance ah the iame place, but me couldn't do tah because me had ho catch an caly train for home. We all had àivonderful time there and me' ,o the usual number of addresses and phone numbers and a hearty uvihation ho corne back again. After we lef t there we still had in hour and a haîf ho put in un- .1 train hime 50 we decided ho 'alk around a bit. We had only 'alked about two blocks mhen an menican business man invited is aIl into the Dorchester Club. ere we met some girls who ow'n- Id shops on Park Lane. Before ve left them they had planned a ig party for us next Sahurday îght. Then on the train ire sbared a rnmpau-tment witb three girls in îe Service from France. Tbey eu-e i'ery attractive and of course ve bai-e their address and phone umber. They are only 20 min- tes bicycle ride from our bar- acks.

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