Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1942, p. 1

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With Whieh Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newastle Independent, And The Orono News ZbIx BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE l8th, 1942INuI. rDl40 aWilliam Normant Tilley, K.C. ilustious Son of Durham Paid Well Mezited Tributes Recognzed as One of the Greatest Lawyers of Hl i s Time - Appeared M an y Times Before Privy Council in England in Outstanding Cases Durham County, indeed al Canada mourns the passing of One of the nation's mOst brilliant counsel. On June lth, 1942, news came with sudden shock to rela- tives, friends and ctizens gen- erally that an illustrious son of Durham County, William Norman Tilley, K.C., had passed away at Toronto General Hospitai, after an ilness of less than a week. Busy right up to the last with legal matters, the deceased vir- tually died in harness in the pro- fession lhe bac'pursued sa inde- fatigabiy for a full and whole- some lifetime. Durham had no more brilliant and successful son and many compare him in sheer intellect with that other great Canadian long since identified with the annals of Durham, the Right Hon. Edward Blake, Q.C., former M.P., leader of the Liberal party and among the giants of Canada's legal profession. Two great characterîstics mark- ed the lifelong career of Norman Tilley; his tremendous capacit'y for long hours at hard work and' William Norman' Tilley, K.C with it ail high devotion to bisprsne theorfv apal mother. When bis mother was arstth e o earing. 1' lef t widowed, Norman seldomn let theoeeaig a week go by, without setting Noted Overseas aside his work to motor down ta It is on record that when aC Bowmanviile to be with hier, or member of the Canadian Govern- if in distant parts, his messages ment once consulted a group of were hier constant joy. Seldom ednBrtsjug aotwt can great men sa arrange theirlednBrtsjugsaotw t tremnendous tasks to be constant British counsel hie should select jcompanions of ageing parents, but for an important case, they joined IV Mr. Tilley did if, right to the day in telling himn that, with a Cana- of his mother's death . That sim- dian counsel of such higb menit pie fact crowned his right to be as Mr. Tilley available, there was termed a truly great man. Now not the slightest need attempting Jý members of the legal profession to brief counsel in Brifaîn. 1 and the highest judges in the land The number of important cases r pay homage to his greatness. in which hie served reached, in Missed Being Farmer- the light of counsel's usual ex- One of the earliest stories of perience, almost astronomical f ig- his if e in that connection relates ures. He acted as special counsel that his teacher advised bis par- to the Canadian Pacific Railway ents that William Norman Tilley for many years and prior to that had no bent f or liw, in spite of association had specialized in rail- his desire in that direction, and way legal work. He was appoint- that hie should take up farming. ed consulting counsel to the C.P.R. The same story states that hie in 1918 upon the election of E. W., meto Toront o with $10 in his later Sir Edward Beatty, to the 'tket, stili determined to find presidency of the company. his ï&p .e within the legal prof es- His first outstanding case was sion,13nd became a student in law the International Fisheries Arbi- under Sir Allen Aylesworth, an- tration at The Hague, where hie S other of Canada's great iawyers appeared as one of the counsel who at the turo of the century for the Dominion of Canada anc' was Liberal candidate for Dur- for Newfoundlafld. He partici- ham.I pated as counsel for the Domin- The first unmisfakabie evidence ion in the arbitration in the Cana- that hie was rigbt anc' his scbool dian Northern Railway case and, mentor was wrong came when hie during the first Great War, the emnerged as the gold medalist in expropriation proceedings in con- his final year at Osgoode Hall and nection with the Ross Rifle plant was called to the bar in 1894. at Quebec. He also acted for the Mr. Tiiley was born at the vil- Dominion in the Grand Trunk lageof Tyrone, Durham County, arbitration action, for the Ontario on March 11, 1868, anc' was the Government in the Ottawa scbool son of W. E. Tilley, inispector of, case and for the City of Toronto public anc' high scbools for that in the arbitration to f ix the prîce district. He did not have a uni- to be paid to the Toronto Railway versity education, but hie did pos- Company for its property. In sess in marked degree the capaci- commission inquiry work, hie was ty to think directly, an earthy best known locaily, for his work common sense that is given to as commission counsel inthe 1932 few, and an unmatched abiiity investigation into Hydro affairs. to appraise and evaluate human Singled out as outstanding nature and events. among his cases, and one that With these qualities hie forged captured the attention of the pro- to a leading position in the Cana- fession and the public alike, was dian bar and by his works helped the famous libel action launched to mould the jurisprudence of the by Sir Arthur Currie in 19281. Mr. Dominion. Tiiley acted for the late comman- For years hie went twice each der of the Canadian Corps in the year to England to present ap- first Great War and the cases re- peals before the Privy Council, and on these occasions he offen <Contiitied on pâle 6) Rotarians Present Trophy and Cups To Juvenile Hockey Champions Thirty-five youngsters were some yet with a stick in his guests at the annual hockey ban- hand.'I And they were right. quet held in St. Andrexv's School The speaker announced that his basement Friday evening under informai taik would deal with auspices of the Church and Rot- some "Highlights in his experi- ary Club. They had corne to par- ence in the realm of sport and take of the sumptuous feari- pro- some of the dodges employed to vided by the ladies or St. fool referees," and for an* hour Andrew's, to receive the cup the boys hung on his every word. awards of the past season, to sing He started with saying: "Boys, and enjoy themnselves, to thank I haven't had a good "BOO", their sponsors of Church and since the final game last spring; Rotary, and to listen particularly let's se- if you can gimme' one," to one of Canada's outstanding and they did with interest. hockey referees,. "Army" Arn-ý He recalled that the second strong of Oshawa. At the head game he ever refereed in the table were Forbes Heyland, Ross OHA. was in the old rink in Strike, Morley Vanstone, Rev. W. Bowmanville, where the home G. Blake, minîster of St. And- town beat Port Hope 3-2 in 10 rew's, Ross Stutt, Jimr Stutt, Dave minutes overtime, and he con- Morrison and Frank Williams. gratulated the winners at once, Morley acted as chairman and as he said, "before I forget itI SStrike was song-and-cheer later on." He related intriguingI sýer whie Dave, at the piano, stories about refereeing in theI at tconclson of-thme tfest .Sonfessd tat with aatheshout t tungcnclsonofd-the tues, .S.A. ansd tat i oer anadahe and The whole "gang" ipi close har- ing of rabid fans and "'kili the mony did Tipperary, Roll Out the umps", complex, he was uncon- Barrel, Homne on the Range and scious of it ail when his eyes and others. Then Chairman Morley mind were on the game. asked Ross Strike to introduce He told of the- most spectacular the guest-speaker who occupied play he ever saw: The Sidney the place of honor between themn. Milionaires were playing Regina "Army" they were told hadl been n Regina and were one goal a basebaîl and hockey star around down. Their star, Dick Couch- Belleville somne years ago, and eneck had a bound up broken since that had taken up tennis wrist, He went in at the last and hockey, in all of which he moment. The goal was lef t had been a "stand-Out" until vacant. Regina defended by lob- drafted as a hockey referee in the bing toward the open goal. One O.H.A., some 12 years ago. The was dead on and Dick chased it. boys thought, "Gee! he looks He was feet behind when the good yet; he hasn't got a grey hair in his head; I bet'cha he could go (contlnued on Page 9) Cairn To Midland Regiment Unveilea at Edamonton i miss Claire Williams, granddaugbter of the late Lieut. Col. A. Lieut. T. Nules, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gqrniey, MM, E.D., offîcer T. H. Williams, original commander of the Midland Regiment commanc'ing; Acting Mayor Bissef, Capt- S. H. Ryand, Captain the Rev. E. D. Stewart, padre. Seated are Miss Claire Williams is shown bere puliing the cord f0 unveil a cairn to tbe Ontario aoc' Mrs. Williams. The Midiand Regiment, witb wbich mnany Midland Regiment in Edmonton, Alta. Lef t to rigbt are Lieut.- Bowmanviile anc' district men are serving, was stationeci for a Col. E. Brown, MM., E.D., area commandant; Lieut. B. Fourt, fime at -Edmonton before being moved f0 the Pacific Coast. 'ONTRIBUTIONS' RED CROSS DRI' ýONTINUETO GR( .Mrs. J. J. Brown s. Tordiff........... --------$ rs. C. E. Morris --------- isses M. & H. Carruthers rs. H. Diiliog ---------- eV. aoc' Mrs. W. G. Blake rs. F. F. Marris.......----- r.H. Ferguson --------- v. C. R. Spencer.------ Mrs. W. R. Strike :s. S. M urdoch ------------- [s. T. J. Webb........------ Jan Strike...........--------- [iss F. Werry..........------- rW. H. Birks.........------ ý.Silvester ----------------- Irs. J. Humphrey......----- rs. M. E. Lord........--- -- rs. J. Manning........------ rs. J. H. Swmndells rs. Fred Cryderman.---- liss Ethel Morris......----- Irs. J. E. Cuoningham .rs. T. Couifer.........------ .rs. A. E. Gibiers.------- iscellaneous ----------- Miss F. Werry 7.Cartwright..........------- rs. Thertell ------------ rs. E. Strike ----------- vIrs. C. A. Cawker.------- Ers. H. Pickard --------- Ers. T. G. Mason -------- qrs. Fred Cole ----------- VIrs. Sundsfroi ---------- Tack Brougb...........------- Wiscellaneaus ------- ------ Mrs. W. A. Eniger and N& Greenfield Miss Betty Eniger -------- tirs. M. C. Bell.........------ tir. E. Haggitb - ---------- tirs. F. J. Mitchell.------- tir. R. E. Osborne ------- tirs. J. M. James.......----- tirs. R. M. Jamieson.----- tIrs. Mary Jamieson ------ tirs. W. S. Staples ------- Mliss F. Gardiner -------- M'iscèllaneous ------------ Mrs. A. E. Devitt au Mrs. Aharan Mtis, R. M. Kersiake.----- VIrs. C. J. Smale .--------- Virs. A. J. Frank.......------ Vins. Chas. Ahanan -------- Virs. J. H. Bafeman - ----- Mviscellaneous --------- Mden's Canadian Club ------ Eastern Star ----------- (Repanteni) ------------ L. H ilderly -------------- Cecil Osborne ----------- Salvage Dept. ------------ Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie ----- Dr. R. W. Clarke.-------- Wm. Wiicox..........-------- Mrs. Bruce Mutton.------- G. R. Richards......------- Miss G. Chapmnao ------- Miscellaneous ----------- Mrs. W. Hamilton Miss Stevens.........-------- Mrs. C. J., Wray.......------ Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle.----- Mrs. G. Graham .------- Mrs. Hobbs (Horsey St.) W in. Kirkton ----------- W. Yeo, Odeil St......------ H-. M. Bell...........-------- J. Pooltan ------------- Mrs. Jack Browno .------ Mrs. B. Burns.......------- Miss Eva Welsh.-------- Thos. Piogle ------------ Mrs. S. Claytao......------ Mrs. R. Stocker.......----- Mrs. A. Clayton ------- Mrs. Hlugb Camneron ---- Mrs. James Gibson ------ 1Mrs. Wm. Luxtan -------- Miss J. Bell..........------- Mrs. F. Crowe.......------- Mrs. T. Hamilton ------- LMrs. John Baird-------- 1Mrs. Fred Nelies.-------- .Mrs. J. Glanvilie ------ iMrs. H. Farrow ------- t Gea. Ciaytoo ---------- tMrs. Gea. Richards ------ -Mns. Sparnow.......------ a Mrs. W . Hall ---------- ;. J. Kennedy ------------ aMiscellaneous----- -(contIflLid on page 's. ad .zUm UUmm UUUU DECORATION DAY TO DATE CHANGED TO TV OA EEV RYNW I1DY UE2 1 On account of Maple GrovE By Buck Prîvate Anniversarycomîng onSun --* ~ ***. day, June 21 sf, the Deoratior Day ceremonies at Bowmao k) Headquarters Co. in Bowmiar- one cepartment frtoeto vleCmtr aebe ville is fast rounding itself into a weeks aoc' bas arraoged that ail cbanged to Sunday, June 28f1 weli koif organizatioil at the rate Reserve Army men are f0 have Througb the joint efforts o 2.the new recruifs are coming in. their holiclays start on July î9th. the Ministerial Associatioi 1.0The unit will be at full strength In case of men who have only aoc' the Town Counicil; 1-in time for camp. July l9th at one week's holic'ays fhey are Memorial aoc' Decoration Da: 1.0Connaught Ranges. Witb a per- paying $1.30 per day c'uring sec- is f0 be observed at Bowmar 10)manent Sgt. Maj. Instructor at ond week. ville Cemetery on Sunda: 5-the armories, training is goirig President Ernie Rehder of the June 28fh, at 3 p.m. Ther 000along at full speec' with the new Bowmanville Foundry Co. bas wîll be no parade as formeri, 1)(0recruits receîving their basic also been playing bis part aoc' but the Bowmanville Ban training anc' the experienced men bas arrangec' bis work s0 that ail will. be 10 attendance. Th 1.00 going loto advanced training. Foundry men may go f0 camp for service will be conducted b *1*00 the f ull two weeks. local clergy wifb Major Cano 1.00 C. R. Spencer presic'ing. H 3.00 Lt. L. W. Dippell gave a bigbly Wumruiomshv en orship Mayor G. A. Ec 10.00 lnteresting lecture f0 the company Sumruiomshv en mnc'stone wiîî extenc' gree 10.00 on signalling wbich was so en- ordered. for the boys aoc' will be ings f0 ouf of t own citizet 1.00 tbusiastically received by ail a welcome adc'ition wheo the who returo ta town for fh 1.00 ranks that fromn now.on the sig- wvarmn nigbts come. If is expected impressive occasion. 1.00 nallers wiUl be the envy of the' that tbese wiil be bere wltbm a 1.00 rest of the company. Lt. Dippeil few days. 1.00 bac' ail the signailing apparat us*** 5.00 on banc' anc'if was an eye open- New type gas equipmeot bas TAG DAY FOR 5.00 er f0 most of the men as fbey been ordered aoc' will be ready 2.00 hadn'f seen the likes of if before. soon. We bave sfarfed gas train- NA Y'-LE.DGIE. 2.00 Gangway-ole for the signal pla- Iflg with 1938 style masks anc' RAISED $189.33 2.00 toon! sbould be able f0 make progress .50 ***wben the new headgear arrives. The Conmmîttee comiposed There is sf iii room for more men. Sgt. Stevenson bas been busy lec- Principal A. M. Thompson, C 2.00 Training is carrieci ouf every turing aoc' giviog gas drill. lie Carter. Bob Kent and Ne îoo0 Monday aoc' Wedoesday eveinig*** Osborne wbo were respon! 5.00 at the public scbool grounds from Sgt. Cowle, Corp. Clark aoc' for the organization work for 200)( 7.30 fa 9.30. Spectators are admit- the rest of the boys are anxious Navy League Tag Day on Se ,.()( ted free. A special invitation is ex- to gef the boys playing basebail1 day bas asked us f0 publisli 5.00 fendec' f0 skeptics anc' scoffers tb and' are gradually gefting their' following report: îlattend. tearn in shape. New sweaters bave Boy Scout Canvass -------$ * *hp n izi¶7p0 tn the piavers a nd' the T a0,1inçg hv Girl Guic'es .---1 I 1 1 1.00 1.0 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 .50 sort. Here is an opportunity for1 the business man, execufive, ai. white coilareni worker (who have obligations) to, do their litf le b't towarc's preparedoess. Jobn the1 Midlannis (Resenve) now. Learo about map reacling, Bren guos, trench mantars, signais, rifles, grenades, anti-gas, anti-tank, anti- aircraft, field craft, etc. The local Heaniquarters Com- pany of the 2nd Midland Regf. wiil go ta Port Hope on Sunclay oext ta, join witb the other parts of the campany anc' with C Coin- pany in a cbunch parade aoc' a at it feiiows. Rifles, bayonef s aoc' Bren guns have been cailecl in for use in camp in Ottawa. The reason for this is to allow pleoty of equip- ment for camp use. We wili have pleoty of this wbeo we arrive there. If is hoped that we will have trench mortars aoc' the oddc Bren Gun Carrier at aur disposai.ý This is a Heaniquarfens Company and if is their job fa handie al specialist equipinent. One.- of the boys remankeni on Mnn 2v ieht ,We havebeen 50 Bow'v;lle Rotary-Club -. Miss A. J. Bleakly ------ 10. AnonymoUS ------------ 1 Total $189 The committee realizes tý without the services of the B Scouts and Girl Guides sudh tag day would be impossib Their assistance is deeply appi ciated. Thanks are also duet Canadian Statesman for th donation of excellent publicity If there are others wishing contribute to this worthy cai piease îo,,rwriu yuur u,.,'t* I 1 A. M. Thompso, cbairmao of the !fi2ih eIOmiSaoain tir Mir mi Mir Mi Dr Re Mi Mi MI Mi M M M M T M M M N IV J iv )n i. of n a ay n- îe îy 'n c'- os 'is ess hs rels 2.00 training scheme. liîmemub r oca y ngn y! -vu --.- - 1.00( f0 be on parade. This will be both busy that I cannof understancl commiffee, for we wouid likef0W~ U -w -- 1.00 an interestiog aoc' an instruc- why two hours go so quickly. make Bowmanviile's contribution 1.00 tive program. Transportation wili Seems to me thaf we just ar- to tbe brave boys of the Navy L y n A xr aro h e î.no be provided by the Garton Bus rived." League n0f less than $200La In A Exr P iro h e 50 ihteJap staind v lp Rotarians at Fricay's lu cheon couic' be alded f0 the former 10.()o .Tocal employers are certainiy ing i0 the West aoc' the report 0f Duh mC nt held an informai session whîcb speech if may be emnbodîed mn 2.50 playiog their parts in foýlowing how the Hun freats the Lithuan- uhm C ut deait wîtb general business aoc' contînuecl warnîngs of officiais 1.))the goveroimeot request f0 ar- îans, how cao we stili think our Truckers Organize bac' one of their own number in particularly in the U.S.A. Lafesf 2 oo range for men of the IReserve good wiil wisbes work ouf9 No the persan of Pasf Presid.enf Dave ac'vîce ns that: Every bit of rubber 1.o( Army fa go f0 camp. M.A .oekoswa h uueboc aeG sln Morrison nieliver the speech of that exists or that cao be gather- Goo0Haryear plaintedn ofteadriig is closoing dthemota Scourpaect the day. A pieasiog interlude eni or made on the side of ail the 500 Harodyasupenfednfte o'tan is folloing the ScoutBe reard. Reports from Port Hope con- precec'ed reac'ing correspondence Unitec' Nations in the next fwa 1.00 ceroiog the receof meeting f0 or- wbeo Presic'enf Manse Comsfock years wiil be needed for war. By 1.0ganize the Livestock Truckers of asked' Morley Vansfone f0 rise thaf f ime we may be into, consini- BI ho A.QR. Devulrybcaaemtaoc'arNorfh..mberlaod aoc' take a bow. If was bis birth- erable production of synthefics. ixk Bihop A.R. Bevrîey ase.te r e hti heid 10 Canton Hall, were none day aoc' be confesseni ta "at ieast Wîth that in mind it would be ad- Preaches inalistake. fo0 encouraging. Notice of the 22.", Congratulations aoc' thanks visable ta lay in a new pair of 3.50 Preaches s ôntinueni, Bisbop meeting appeareniin an eastern were expressed for 'Doipb Nich- beavy-soled shoes. Sermon at St. John's Beverley, showe4à humility aoc' paper but Dariington truckers olis, a former Rotarian, wbo sup- A leadiog authority, P. W. 1.00 cooperation. Today many people were 00f likewise informed anc' plied the uanusually luxuriant Lifcbfield, bead of the Goodyear 1.00 At Sf. John's Anglican Cburcb mut be firsf or they are dissaf is- attendance was limited. Wheo fiowers of the day. Tire aoc' Rubber Co., was recent- 1.00o Sudon mrnSundayopA.R. mor n wingethsBisbopus inerA.wdR. frintheerv-iewedr wee altwoortofromprte iheh pesowsn-ee 1.00 Beverley, Mfiei.D., isar f ieti srioshsip who are af al fimes exceei- sVluoters awere alssienfr alrpre-igwtedthe prenssof asaee-n 1.00 the d M.A., D.D.ont, Bsp of toEveryone must cooperaf e aoc' f111ingly busy, knew onîy vagueîy spply carse aoca asith10 pre- ang witb ase findangshof those 10 10.001 doeeo oofsoef the place fhey are besf fifted for. that the movement was afoot. prn h la bc h o-atoiya ela h roig 5.00 an exceptioiially large congrega- Bb i Tepa icefy 5th manville Club is sending ta the Institution, that "the rubber 2.00 tion wbicb inciuded a defacb- tolerance aoc' forbearance, ail at- county units are f0 be organizec' ments Rary Fair. Aree raesoprtai far ware tan ostc 1.001 ment of men from Internament tributes whicb are oac'ly needeci as affiliates of the Livestock the personnel of Red Cross ginls ment of Standard Oil of a new 1.00 Camp 30. in the world foday. The danger Truckers Association of Ontarioanaoc' woundec' soidiers" who are syntbetic process without cutting Bi.0e0ly ulnd h f oern prhwee, aoc' the programme seeks two f0 fake part. Morley announced ino the production of aviation 1.0 haater fBarnabas, felloW a lack of conviction. This was the generai ends: first, a more f irm the Hockey Banquet f0 f ake place gasoline was 'a hopeful develop- 1.00 misoary ft auao'pon- onf ofBanb.butis position as a cooperafive body; that evening. As a prelude ta the ment, oc sientist were moot- 1.0 e of wer bs harctr aysaic' Bishop Beverley proved the second, fa cut costs due f0 over- speech of the day, the club sang ing h use sof wheat f0 produce 1.00 serve -as an example foday. He împerfect goocloess of the best ofat aing o ere.Tir aim sbeletoso lbsnsfraalcobol from wbich f0 manufac- 1.00 pointed out that Barnabas was men. The Bisbop pieaded for ~ htsc oprto ilb quarter of an hour. tr syntbeti CS. 1'.00 generous and added that gener- tolerance, for imperfections of in uine wlth the goveromets de- The speaker introduced bimn- But regarclless of bow rapidly 1.00 osity is measured not by wbat we men aoc' appreciation of their best sire f0 save gas aoc' ou. Farmers self aoc' warned, "In case there the maniufacture of syntbetics 1.oo give but what we keep back. Toa points. He finisbed bis sermon are invited tf0 help out by stating are any reporters present, I1 a may be expanded, the significant 100 mruch be saini is spent on pleasure amini the attentive silence whch tir pinth aoition c, inssile say that my speech today wihl be facfy for ciilians is that every 1:in relation ta, the amount gîven t ark an interested congregaf on. vntifg the assrociatonate o precisely the one I delivereni at pouind of such forseeable produc- 100 tecucteRdCoso te Canon C. R. Spencer conductenivneo h ppaiaedt the Lions Club May 25." Readers tion aoc' a great deal more than 1.00 wth cu.naa, the RdCosrothe regular moroing service andc' irsbipments. of Tbe Statesman will recaîl reani- cao be forseen wiil be neecled for 1,00 Bisbop continuei, bac' an open welcomecl the Bishop fa the pul- iog that masteriy address aoc' milary pu rposes. Mr. Morrison 1.00 aoc' liberal mind; today there is pif. Bishop Beverley joineni Cao- Here's one Cyril Coombes, em- the warniog that we sbould short- deait as formeniy, wifh the tecb- î.oo a marked lack of cordiality f0- on Spencer in welcoming the ployee Defence Industries Limit- lbeathe end of aur raw rubber nical mefbods of syntbetic pro- l.oo wards new people aoc' new ideas. men of Interromeot Camp 30 aoc'dien af Ajax, brought the editor resources s far as domesfic use duction, but the overtone was the 1.00 Bishop Beverley then qufi mentioned the fact tht St. John's the otber day:-Why we wili winl was concerned. There is no indu- warniog thaf -we inight as well 1.00 Tennýyson's immortal uines, be-i Cburcb will celebrafe ifs lO7fh an- the war -- Englanni is the Mother- c afinatte moment thaf recov- begin fa feul ourselves . . . anc' 1.00 ginning 'Tile aId order changeth, oiversary on June 25tb. John the land aoc' Germany is the Father- ery of the Malaya rubber plan- helieve if . . . that we shal bave that tbere is a tendeocy ta reject Icburch is cburch is one of the ther start a f igbf. Mothrawy ogproio ie been used fa, aoc' prefty s000 ne ies oady mrlyb- ldesf in the Diocese of Torono. wins. If any further information fou. q ,. L T 1( X1TTM'RFIPIP25 VTýNT rylqff" VOLUME 88 Mlad Midland Regiment Is Again 100 Pei Cent Active ServiceUnit at West Coast Member of Midlands Relates M R ILG IE Interesting Story of eirIMOEREENROL UDE Activities in the West.I-W RE N OLE presses Fact They Are an AT FINAL MEETING Ail-ut AtiveUnitGirl Guides held their final (Special Correspondent) meeting for 1941-42 season in Thiswee th lstBn.MidandCentral School on June l5th. An Regt. C. A. (A), stationed at a important ceremony was carried Pacific coast port, celebrated what out, namely the enrolîment of tu them was a great occasion. Ail the fo llowing girls as Guides, 1Audrey Northcutt, Betty Lunn, home defence personnel, number- June Bickle, Joan Rice, Charlotte ing over 50 and unwillingly ac- Gray, Vivian Prout, Lillian Sbee- quired in Edmonton, left to join han, Jackie Clarke, Peggy Dippeli, another unit, leaving- the Mac' Ruby Welsb, Doreen Wright, Midlands again with 100 per cent Patsy Smitb, Betty Clayton. Active Service men so that they are free to go anywhere to figh We are counting on ail these and help end this war. girls to be of real value to the Naturally, there was a cele- company. bration because the Midlands Another special event was the were begirîning to feel that they1 presentation of badges to Collette bac' been relegafed to the discardi Ferguson and Jacqueline Hey- and' would be used as a training land which makes them "First unit for sending drafts of men to Class Guides", the only two in other regiments destined for over- Bowmanville, Collette being the seas service. (Already 54 Mid- f irst one to obtain this bonor. We lands have been sent to Hong congratulate these girls on re- Kong and 100 to England with~ ceîvking their reward for hard other units). Now, they feel there work that had to be done. One or is at least some hope of staying two others are nearly ready for together and seeing some action this badge and we hope by an- as a unit. ýother year f0 have many more. The celebration took the form The Girl Guides take this op- of good-natured jibing at the portunîty of tbankîng everyone Home Defence men who had ail for the fat which they have do- been given an excellent opportun- nated to the salvage work. It has ity of going "Active" before tbey helped to swell their funds but were sent on their way. Songs more important it aids the war such as "Home, Sweef Home" work. (See notice in another col- were sung to entertain the de- un-n.) patrting guests and ail in ail it was quite a farewell which, I fear, did not raise the spirits of the SIX MEMBERS OF Home Defence boys. But, enough of that. ît was just SPENCER FAMILY inserted to squash any rumors ON ACTIVE SERVICE wbich, we understand, have been floating around to the effect that Lieut. Selby Spencer recently the Midlands are not an "active refurned from England where be service unit" and neyer were. Any was attached to the Hast ings & Home Defence personnel we have Prince Edward Regiment, has re- bac' we took involuntarily and ceived his Captaincy papers dat- have only had them with us a ing from April 25th. He will now littie over a month. be attached to the Prince of Wales Compare Unit to a Townl Rangers (Peterboro), and is on We wonder what the people at his way to the Pacific Coast to home know about our unit. We join his new regîment. Captaîn wonder if they know we are ai- Spencer is son of Canon and Mrs. most a complete town in our- C. R. Spencer, St. John's Anglican selves. Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gamney, Church. Canon Spencer is the M.M., E.D., could be comrpared to Chaplain of Interroment Camp 30 the Mayor of a town or village and as such holds the rank cf with nearly 1,000 citizens, ail Major.1 maie. The Council couic' be made Six members of the Spencer up of the Reeve or second-mn- famiiy hold commissions in the command of the Battalion, Ma- Armed forces. Besides Capt. Sel- jor F. L. Dudley. Depufy-Reeve, by Spencer and Major C. R. Spen- Clerk and Treasurer combined cer, Charlie holds a commission would be the Adjutant, Capt. H. witb the Midlands on the West R. S. Ryan, and the Company coast, and Tom is a Flying Offi- ofCommnanders o f Headquarters cer in the R.C.A.M.C. at the bos- ofCoy. A, B, C and D. Coys. couic' pifai in connectiori with the Miii- ar- be compared fo tbe councîllors. tary Airport at Trenton. He bas 300 Naturaliy the council bas f0 have recently returned from New- oie its staff of clerks, collectors, etc., foundiand. Tosn-niWas heand these are ail contained in the serve in His Majesfy's Army. .ir- Batýaiion Orderly Room aoc' the Major Roy Melville is at present he Company Orderly rooms. in England with the Firsf Divi- Froin there on the unit breaks sion, and Lieut. Dudley Oliver is .46 down into much the same itemns at Camp Borden wifb the Grey & .87 you find in a town. We have a Simcoe Foresters. This large re- post office whicb distributes as presentation in Canada'sf igbting .00 many as four bags of mail aoc' forces is a great credif to the .00 parcels every other day, a doctor Spencer famiiy. 1.00 aoc' staff wbo take care of as Mr. and Mrs. Hlugh Cameron -.00 many as 30 patients a day, an of Bowmanville have fîve sons in - intelligence sectio n which pre- the forces. At present the Spen- 9.pares maps <if the surrounding cer and Cameron familles hoid bat country and also acts as tbe town1 Ithis enviable record. 3oy newspaper in keeping a diary of h a ail important events wbich occur. ble. This group of men migbt be com-n- Goodyear Recreation Club pic- pre- pared f0 the town newspaper of- oicexiii be hein af the Cream of fhe fice which tries f0 f md out every- Barley Camp on Saturday, June hir 20th. The activities will sf art at Y. (Continued on page 7) 11.30 p.m. ausel _ -1

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