Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1942, p. 6

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THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 P~AGE SI X THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Maple Grove Visiors Mr andMrs Havey Visitors: Mrs. Wreford Souch Vîsiors Mr an Mr. Hrve and daughtcr Anne, Winnipcg, Hardy and Dorcen, Bowmanville; with ber sister, Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mrs. Charlton MeBride. Peter- . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell. Base boro, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White Line, with Miss Edic Platford. and family, Maple Grove, at Mr. Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf, Base Line, at Mr. A. Geo. White's . .. Mrs. Ernest De- Gunning's, Toronto. . . Mr. and barr, Violet and Grace. Columbus, Mrs. Lou Rundle, Town, Mrs. J. with F. and C. Shortridge . .. Mr. Hynds. Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. and Mrs. Bryce Brown in Toronto Snowden's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Har- S..Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruick- vey Swallow. Misses Jessie and sbank and Joan, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Joy Swallow, Toronto, at Mr. F. Peterboro. Elmer and Merton Swallow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Walters, Maxwell's, at Mr. H. E. ley Flintoff. Jean. Marilyn and Tink's . . . Mrs. James Hogarth, Barbara Anne Flintoff. Mrs. H. Hampton, Miss Jessie Hogarth, G. Freernan at Mr. Wes. Camner- menville, Miss Nan Allin. Toronto, on's. Zion. .. V. C. R. Armstrong, ...Mrs. Irwin Bragg, Ross and Toronto Hospital, \Veston. at William, Providence. at Mr. Jack home. Baker's . . . James Wcdge. Hamil-1 Sunday School next Sunday at ton, at Mr. Jack Yellowlces' . . . 10.30 ar.- No church service. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Allun, Bow-- Mission Band concert held on manville. Miss Nan Allun. Toronto., Frid ay evening -%vas %vell attended. at Mr. Wes Yllowlees' . .. Miss The children put on an interest- Ruth Cryderman. Bowmanville. ing prograrn and were ably assist- with Miss Ella Milîson . . . Mrs. ed by Mr. Bobby Henry. Ebene- Russell Gilbert w-ith her mother,ý zer. w,ý-ho sang two solos. Mrs. I. Mrs. Slemon at Cadmus ... Mrs \,un day. leader. xvas called to the Ralph Davis and Mrs. J. xYellow - platformn when a nicely worded lees at Mr. Leslie Allin*s. New- address wvas read by Christina castle . . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Camnpbell and Master Johnny Prout, Glen and Ross. Shaw*s, a Bothw,,,ell presented Mrs. Munday Mr. A. J. Balson's . ... Mr. E.n. with a lovely bouquet of flowers. Taylor. Miss Lena Taylor. Bow- Mrs. 'Munday replied very fitting- manville. Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mrs. ly. Proceeds $9.50. A. J. Balson and Ileen w;ith rela- tives at Cuitkshank. Mr. and Hyo Mrs. John rikhn and chil- H y o dren, Mi. A. L. Pascoe attcndecd the Hostein Field Day at Peter- Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Hugb boro . . . Mr. Thos. Baker and Annis, Enniskillen, at Mr. Cecil sons, Jack. Will and Art. Mr. Isaac Slemon*s,... Mrs. M. Moore, Miss Hardy attcnded Millbrook Fair Kay Moore, Bowmanville, Mr. D. ...Mrs. John Short and Walter, Moore, Mr. and Mrs. W. Medland Courtice, at Mr. S. E. Werrys . .. and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. L. Moorehead, Miss Lois Boag, Trame, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Donald Yellowlees. Miss Vi. Fred Cowling and Fred, Black- Porter, Toronto, at Mr. N. C. stock, at Mr. R. McNeil's... Mr. Yellowlees'. and Mrs. Cyril Avery and family, Don't forget the young married peop1e's picnic on Thursday, June 18th. SENSATI ONAL SALE F10 -GLAZE ENAMEL Due to a reduction in num- ber of colors manufactured. We are offering the follow- ig sensational values while the lîmnited supply of elimin- ated shades last. Quarts. .. . $1.20 regular $1.90 Pinte ........ G0c regular $1.00 Haif pinte .... 35C regular 55c Quarter Pinta . 20e regular 35e Father's Day DON'T FORGET DAD'S DAY JUNE 21st See our cards and gif ta J. W. JEWELL 66BIC 209Y BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanville s I c ( I Maple Grove, Mr. Clarence Avery, Miss Lizzie Knapp, Burkcton, at Mi. C. Avery's. . . Mr. Donald Carr, Miss Blanche Beech ac- companied Mr. Carson Childer- 1 hose, Miss Adelaide Smith, Port Hope, to Mr. Harold Ormiston's, Enfield. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and Lloyd at Mi. Wilbert Smith's, Oshawa. .. Mr. Nora Hall, Clinton and Beryl, Osbaa at Mrs. David Grabam's. . . Mr. and Mis. 'Leslie Graham at Mi. Cyrus Asbton's, Burketon. .. Mr. and Mis.-Fred Ashton and family, Mr. and Mis. Bert Ashton and Bradley, Toronto, at Mi. E. Brad- ley's. . . Mi. Everett Sanderson, Marion and Jean, Miss Laura Philp, Toronto, Miss Evelyn Vir- tue, Enniskillen, at Mi. R. San- derson's. . . Mi. and Mis. Fred Smith and Lloyd, Enfield, at Mi. Wm. Trewmn'.Miss Jean Hous- ton witb ber parents at Auburn. Marie and Ronald Ashton ac- companied Mr; and Mrs. Russell Ormiston to Conference at Lind- say. Congratulations to D o n a 1 d Mountjoy on recciving bis Sparks and Wireless diploma at Guelph on Friday. Mis mother, Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy, attended the gradua- tion. Congratulations to Pte. and Mrs. Frank Osmond on tbe arni- val of a daugbter. Hampton Women's Instîtute met June 4tb witb program in charge of the East group and included: Piano duet by Mis. Howard Brent and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Tyrone; a talk on Infantile Paralysis by Mrs. Roy Knox; vocal solo by Mrs. Gordyn Brent; Topic on Healtb and Child Welfare wasi prepared by Mis. Luther Allin and given by Mrs. Honey. This topic was botb interesting and educational. The usual social haîf-bour followed. There was a fairly good atten- dance at Sunday School Sunday morning when a baptismal ser- vice. was conducted by Rcv. W. Rackham and tbe following chul- dren were baptized: Carol Aud- rey, infant daughtcî of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo; Francis Thomas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mu; Helen L. Rogers; Gary Chant, Carol Chant, and Roy Solina1 Flcýt t, Coluümb us, *M i ss Fe r n G i-roy, Enfield, at Norman Leach's... Misses Vera Leach and Hilda Hopkins, Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parrinder, Myrtie, at Alani Fisher's. Mrs. Herbert Flintoff had a W.A. quilting. W.A. met June 3rd with 14 members present. Mrs. Harold Gifford, Mrs. Reford Cameron, Mrs. Russell Perkins were the rheodore. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant. Local ministers and their wives enjoyed àt picnic in the park cn M'onday afternoon. it being the first of the season. Sunday School will be held at 2p.m. next Sunday and preach- ng service in the evening. Mrs. Bessie Braund. Oshawa, is now residing with her daughter, VIrs. Clifford Colwill. Rev. W. Rackham attended Conference at Lindsay. Visitors: Mrs. Richard Pascoe w'ith miss Lulu Reynolds... Mrs. ;eo. Armour with her mother Mrs. R. Wood, Orono, who is ill. ...Mrs. C. Ferguson and son Bobby,.Thornton's Corners, with Mrs. J. Macnab. . . Dr. and Mrs. )avies and children, Oshawa, Mr. nd Mrs. Geo. Edger and daugh- ter Rosena, Courtice, Mrs. J. Mc- Keever and Miss Cobbledick, Bowmanville, at H. Wilcox's." LCpi. Harvey Balson, Camp Bor- en, and wife, with his parents. .1 Private Bruce Yeo, Hamilton, .'ith his wife. . . Mrs. Walter Foley, Maple Grove, with Mrs Mark Blackburn. . . G n rs. John S Palidworn and Charles Simpson, Kingston, at Mrs. A. Allin's. Crooked Creek Saturday night Jack Reid's car took fire damaging it consider- Lbly. Visitors: Reg. Falls with his ister Mrs. R. Farrow . .. Mrs. R. Farrow in Port Hope ... Mrs. Mc- Kinney at her home . .. Mr. Ross Clark, Rochester, Mrs. Wesley Clark and Lorraine Clark, Port Hlope, at Mr. George Clark's... VIrs. Ogden with ber daughter Vhs. Walter Clark, Dale. .. Miss 5ileen Ogden at home. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, Mr. Archie Keith. Oshawa, Misses Irene Pascoe and Mvarion Ferdinand, Whitby, at Frank Pascoe's . . . Miss Ella Milîson, Eber, Jerry and Stanley Milîson, Solina, at Russell Stain- ton's ... Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelson and son, Fraserville, Mi. and Mrs. Anson Balson and daughters, Cal- edon East, Mr. and Mrs. R. West, Mr. Keith Maitland, Oshawa, at R. W. Ball's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Irene Kedron, Mrs. W. Leask and daughters, Solina at Mcl Morgan's ..Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce and Brooks, Ebenezer, Mrs. Gordon Short, Maxwell's, Pte. Murray Short, Kingston at Tracy Glaspel's ... Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mundy, Maple Grove, Miss Marion Johns, Bowmanville, Mr. Lloyd- Broome, Mrs. Harold Salter, Hampton, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and Keith, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, at Luthur Pascoe's *... Miss Doreen Balson, Caledon East at arfeld Trevail's ... Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Ked- ron, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vivian and daughters, North Oshawa, at Reford Cameron's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Warren, Berniece and Alvin, Thornton's Corner's, at Harold Gifford's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and daughters, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and daughters, Maple Grove, Mr. dnd Mrs. Stanley Cov- erly. Ebenezer, at Wes Cameron's ..Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean, Hampton, Miss Evelyn P~ar- rinder, Solina, Mrs. Chas Ferguson and Bobby, Thornton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Betty and Doreen, Caledon East, at Fred Cameron's, Mrs. Noble Metcalf e, Miss Helen Metcalfe, Maple Grove, Mi. Wesley Werry, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren, Hampton, at AIf. Ayre's . .. Mr. Herman Schmid,* Herman and Mary, Newcastle, Mr. August Geissberger and family, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's . . . Pte. Michael Nemis and Mrs. Nemis, Niagara, L CpI. Harvey Balson, Camp Borden, at Robt. Killen's, ...Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glas- pel, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. George Armour and Nellie, Miss Edith Rackham, Hampton, at F. B. Glaspel's ... Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Loran at Chas. John's, Lakefield . .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Gordon, Solina, at Russell Robbins'... Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon, Oshawa, Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronto, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's . .. Stanley, Lloyd and Jim Stainton, Rev. C. A. Lawson and Mr. Walters, Miss Ruth Langdon, Mr. Whitney Lang, Miss Ogla Lang, Toronto, Pte. El- mer Staintop, Camp Borden, John 1Staitnnd nEl. qtaintonPR.C.A. burning up a lot of energy, 0 help your eilidren refresh 9 themseives with glasses of cool Bowmaiiviiie D ai1 r y milk. Has the vitasxins they need. Order some todaY! Phone 446 for a Bowman- ville Dairy milkman BowmanvBlle PHONE 446 June group. Readings by Mrs. Luthur Pascoe, Mrs. Reford Camn- eron, Miss Margaret Perkins; solo, Mrs. R. Stainton. A nice lunch was served. -A large number gathered at Alan Fisher's on Friday night t1 honor Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Web-i ster on their marriage. Mr. A. T. Stainton called the company to order, Mrs. Russell Stainton read an address and Mrs. Thos. Martin presented the newly-weds with a case of silver flatware. Mr. and Mrs. Webster both thanked the people for the gift. The social time which followed was enjoyed by everyone.1 Trooper Herbert Wright, Camp Borden, Mr. Fred Wright, Bow- manville, Miss Marion Martin, Harmony, Mr. Jack Rainey, Whit- by, Miss Margaret Snudden, North Oshawa, Misses Marguerite Mar- tin, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's. The community was shocked on Monday to hear that Stanley Stainton, second son of Mr. Chas. Stainton, Clifford, formerly of Zion, had been found dead in bed on Monday morning at his uncle's home (Herbert Stainton) in To- ronto. He was in his 33rd vear. He attended the anniversary at Zion on Sunday afternoon with his brother Jim from Toronto and was apparently in the best of health. He was laid to rest in the family plot at Zion cemnetery on Wednesday afternoon. Zion anniversary services were a great success. The church wvas packcd at both services. Rev. C. A. Lawson, Toronto, was speaker. The children sang several selec- tions in the afternoon and Master Bob Henry, Base Line, sang a solo very nicely, At evening service the choir was assisted by the Bal- son quartette and Misses Margaret McCleur and Eileen Stainton who favoured with a vocal duet. Pro- ceeds over $120. On Monday evening Tyrone Dramatic Club presented their play "Here cornes Charlie" to a full house. Everyone enjoyed the play which was well given. Be- tween acts music was furnished by Misses Joan and Glenna Mor- gan and Irene Crossman with piano trios and by Mr. Alex Mc- Master and Mrs. Chas. Naylor with piano and violin duets. Now Showingt JOHN PAYNE MAUREEN O'HARA RANDOLPH SCOTT in "TO THE SHORES 0F TRIPOLI" In TECHNICOLOR REVIVAL FRIDAY NITE Henry Fonda Gene Tierney "The Returu of Frank James" NEXT MONDÂY FOR 2 DAYS Thriils and Adventure BRUCE CABOT CONSTANCE BENNETT Wiid il Hickok Rides with Warren William PLUS ________ ROBERT YOUNG MARSHA HUNT In JOE SITH, AMERCAN CHARLME CHAPLIN in "The Gold Rush" comlng soon AFTER In a drawing contest, sponsored by the Canadian Boy magazine open to boys in Canada and New. foundland, this district won twc honourable mentions. They weri Ethel Gilbert of Hampton ané Bill Rundle, R. R. 2, Bowmanville Tyrone Tyrone Sehool News (Doris Park, Grade IV) Glenn Brooks was the only one wbo got out eaîly on Friday be- cause be bad all bis work up t0 date. Starting in June, Miss Chap- man lets the ones wbo h ave satis- factoîily completed their week's work, leave at 3 p.m. Fridays... Minnie Smitb bas quit scbool 10 help a lady on a faim near Salem. ..Grade VIII came to sebool on the King's Birtbday to have an extra lesson. Tbey are also tak- ing extra lessons in the mornings. ... We bad our pictures taken out on the front lawn by a photo- grapher. Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright, Tyrone, witb relatives Mi. A. Stainton, Toronto, witb relatives .. . Mrs. J. A. Plant witb berý parents in Norbamn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley, at Mr. D. Stainton's, Tyrone . . . Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Petbick, Toronto, at Mr. S. R. Petbick's . . . Miss Noreene Ratz, Bowmanville, ati Mrs. T. Stevenson's ... Rev. and Mrs. H. Stainton and Beverley, Guelph, at Mr. E. C. Aston's ... Mi. and Mrs. D. Lewis, Joan and Donna, at Mrs. A. Sweetman's, Uxbridge . . . Mrs. Wesley Oke witb ber daugbter, Mrs. S. Tur- ner,'Osbawa . .. Mr. and Mis. M. Oke at Dr. C. J. Austin's . .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards, Maurice and Bobby, Bowmanville, at Mr. G. Beecb's. On Saturday evenifig, June 6th a company of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn's many friends met altheb' cburcb and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Wearn before leaving this comn- munity. Rev. J. A. Plant led iii community singing. Dr. C. J. Aus- tin read an address of sincere appreciatoin of their stirling qual- ities wbicb found expression in business, community enterprise, and churcbh ife. Mr. E. E. Staples presented thema with a bull fold and money. Mr. Wearn îesponded very appreciatively. A goodly number expîessed their appreci- ation of Mr. and Mrs. Wearn and 'their family during the almost 9 years residence bere. Ail wish themn well in the future. Lunch was served. Salem The S. S. anniversary services here on Sunday werc well attend- cd. Mr. S. Saywell, Oshawa, gave two fine addrcsscs, and the choir and S. S. scbolars rendered good mnusic. At the evening service they were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Burrus, Oshawa, who rendered splendid vocal solos. The churcb was tastefully decor- ated witb flowcrs. Y. P. U. meeting Tuesday even- ing last was a social evening. For the summer montbs only one meeting a montb will be beld. The president conducted opening exercises. Mrs. R. Winter bad charge of the program and gave the devotional; topic, E. Doidge; vocal solo, Grant Winter; read- ings, Mr. L. Squair. Recreational pcriod conducted by F. Blackburn and E. Doidge. Dainty luncheon xvas served. Anniversary Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry, Mr. and Mis. E. Werry, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foster, Campbellcroft, Miss S. VanCamp, Town, Mr. S. Saywell, Oshawa, Mrs. N. Rickard, Mr. and M\rs. K. Werîy, Sbaws, witb Mr. *and Mrs. W. G. Werry. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Winter, Harmony, Mr. and Mis. G. Burrus, Osbawa, and Miss H. Cowling at Mr. R. Win- *ter's. . .. Miss R. Bearss and Miss D. Taylor, Toronto, at Mr. J. Hall's. Mr. and Mrs. K. Squair, Mary Joan and Charmon. Shaws, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and fam- ily, Mrs. and Miss Roy, Orono, Miss I. Stephens, town, at the Squair's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and sons, Newtonvîlle, ai Mr. F. Blackburn's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster, Mi. and Mis. S. Lancaster, Newtonville Mi. and Mis. I. Munday and fam- ily, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs cC. Welsh and Donald, town, ai Mr. S. Buttery's... . Mr. and Mis L. Annis and daughter, Toronto Mi. and Mis. IlP Hooper and Mr L. Annis, Tyrone, witb Mi. anè Mis. W. Cann. . . . Mi. S. Mc. Cillip, Toronto, Miss A. aîld Mr A. Rundle, Oshawa, Miss F., Mi C. and Mi. J. Rundle, witb Mi and Mis. P. Cann. . . . Mi. anè Mis.. R. Langmaid, Solîna, witi Mis. G. Stephens. . . . Mi. anc Town Receives Offer (continued from page 1) was granted a tag day here for Saturday, June 2th. The C.P.R. wrote re "-low- bridge" %ign to be erected at Man- vers Road bridge. It must not be painted on. A wooden sign must be affixed. Reeve Morris read current dis- bursements of $2123,64 general, and $12,00 relief. Councillor W. J. Martyn pre- cipitated discussion on the fire- alarm system and criticized police for not enforcing more strictly the traffic by-laws. He was not anxious to get after farmers and local people but held that truck- crs violated the law and got away with it wbile police 11turned their backs and looked in store win- dows instead of doing their duty" and that their overhead could be met or reduced with fines if they were on the job. An instance was quoted of a trucker blocking the P. O. driveway with nothing donc. Chairman Glen Martyn of the Public Property Comm. was au- tborized to contract for a further 20 tons of coal, if necessary, in addition to the 10 tons already on order and to dlean out city hall basement if necessary to accom- modate. Councillor Glanville was authorized to use $25.00 for sign and Councillor Nicholas reported on progress of work at the cerne- tery. Beach Association were notified re gates at crossing and shelter - now ready for watchmen yet to be secured. Roads and Streets Comm. was authorized to hire township lean-wheel grader to ditch out the middle road. Meeting adjourned into evening twilight. At 1.45 Friday, June 5th, an O.P.P. car was parked opposite a hydrant near the Challis Garage. It was headed east and the opera- tor seemed entirely oblivious that a by-law was being broken. The bane of police seems to be those who won't obey the law. In con- sequence they are flirting with destiny. The car thus parked was an official car. LOCAL POLICEMEN RESENT ACCUSATION (Continued from page 1) these itemns as of the permanent record: Since April, 1942, there have been, 4 arresta for other places, B8 complaints investigated, 3 ac- cidents looked into, 2 cars stolen and both recovercd, 38 reports sent to other police depts., besides voluminous correspondence and ail the other duties as above out- lined. Long distance phones were 18 which necessitated immediate action and patrol by car. There is a long, long list besides this, but the point to be made is that the traffic laws have been upheld and the fines collected have been far in excess of police costs. There have been, within that space, 20 charges under the Traffic Act and only one was withdrawn, as well as 2 by-law, 2 C.C.C., and 3 O.T.A. charges, ail successfully prosecut- cd. Fines collected witb costs have amounted to $157.00 with the high of $84.00 for, May, and, as was asserted, the cost of the Chief's car, monthly, runs about $16.00. Hence the charges fal considerably flat. The town pol- ice wish it to be known they wish' at aIl times to be fair; that they do not wish to make a "racket" of traffic by laws by "pinching" out-of-town truckcrs w it h o ut duties to peîform. He said that the Cbief is required to register and report on upwards of 100 foîcigners in tbis district; to in- terview them regularly and to report to thc "Mounties," and that in bis opinion, the Chief is an Ai officer. The Provincial constables second the motion 100 per cent and tbey quoted instan- ces of cooperation too long to be included berein. When interviewed, the Chief had littie to say except tbat peo- ple repeatedly phone hlm about stray dogs and demand action and, as he points out, there is no by-law on dogs, and be, therefore, is belpless in the matter. FinaU&, when endeavoring to otts "character" evidence, it ,C learned from outside sourw; that the Chief of Police of B%.vrnan- ville bas an unîmpeachable re- cord personally and during the ~last war was an original in the Imperial Forces, was captured and held as a prisoner of war, and finally carne 10 locate bere wberc, at the moment, bis ser- vices are questioned byý one or two local citizens. It is pîedicted that a full drcss debate on the question raised is in prospect. II~ caubse; that at aIl times tbey have. donc their duty and will continue so to do in the face of ahl un- founded complaints. Tbey par- ticularly wisb i to1 be known that tbey are not required to upbold the game laws. That is the duty of Councillor W. J. Martyn, but tbey will assist him at all times if and wben be may make charges to be heard in court. Il must be remembered tbat the towna's share of fines amounts to two thirds of the total; the pro- vince gets the rernainder. It may also be stated that police work 7 days a week and are on caîl 24 bours of the day; that tbey are cbaîged witb looking after ju- veniles and that juvenile delin- quency bas increased since war broke out by 66%. And so far as the fiscal budget is concerned, the Chief, acting as Court Clerk saves Ibis town annually, just $300.00. The officer in charge of the Royal Canadian Mountcd Police who checks aliens in this~ district, wben interviewed, stated that be bas had the fullest cooperation from the police of Bowmanville at aIl times and expressed amaze- ment that they bave so many Eyes Tested - - Gl asses Fitted Satisfaction in Price and Quality 'Assuired 25c Jergens Ail Purpose Cr. 49e HALO SHAMPOO 47e Jergens Lotion 29c HALO SHAMPOO both for 47e both for 50e NOXZEMA CREAM o 19e, 40c, 59c, 98c, $1.25 Nivea Cream -- ------- 50e Nivea Skin 011 50c, 90c M Velvetta Sunburn Lotion ------- 39e Noxzema Suntan 011 ----------------30c, 60e WHITE SHOE CLEANERS -T-------------- 15c, 25e NYAL FASTE or LIQUID-------------- 25P~ PALBEACH ----------- 25e SHU-MILK ----------- 19c BLANDOIL Lovalon Hair Rinse ---35e Substittite for Olive 011 Marchas HairRWsh -15c, 5 OZ 25Marchads Har Rns -c, 5 4 oz 25eKremi Hair Tonie 59c, 98e SILK-LIKE Soft as a fleeoy Cloud! the iiquid siik stockings 25c bottie Flashlights ----45e to $2.75 Cameras ---$1.35 to $7.35 Sun Goggies --- 25c to $3.0 Arrid Cream-------39c, 59c Odorono Ice ----- ------39e Odorono Cream 39e 25 1_ 2poils Muni----------15c, 39c, 59e ________________Films Deveioped FREE REPELL THOSE MOSQUITOES WITH S5ta-Way 39e Citronella Candies, 2 for 35C Phone f11II~C ffht TlEWe îit 695 UUVLING'S UULi UIILItrusses June Furniture Sale - AT - Fe F. MORRIS Co. Features Modern Bedroom Suites In The Latest Designs And Newest Finishes Suite shown is a typical June value with lovely butt walnut fronts, waterfall tops and concealed drawer pulls. Vanity has the new triple mirror and six drawers. Bed, chest of draw- ers and choice of vanity or dresser in regular or blonde walnut Regular $1 35.00 SPEGIAL 99.00 Coal Pric es. Regulated ON A CASH DASIS The %Wartime Prices and Trade Board ceiling.price regu- lates the price of coal as it does that of most other com- modities and recogiiizing the Government's polidy re- specting consumer credit generally it is considered in the best interests of the trade that the fuel business be piaced upon a cash basis. F-uel merchants of Bowmaàville commencing June 12 are closingtheir books for credit and thereafter ail fuel must be paid for in advance or paid for on delivery. There willl be no exception to this rule. AIl old fuel accounts must be settled before new order is filied. .J.Flett Fuels 1. A. Holgate & Son Sheppard & GMI Lumber CO. .MMMJ ir- -

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