Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1942, p. 3

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mm THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 THElJ C --- --. -- -- By Capt. Elmore PhilPott THANKING Le DEVOIR certain counter in the office of the North German Lloyd Steamship Le Devoir of Montreal has been Agency in Montreal, Arcand re- devoting whole columns to attacks ceived the payroll from his bosses. on me, which is far from displeas- Dorothy Thompson wrote a full ing to this writer. arcount of it at the time, which The general fairness or unfair- appeared in numerous Canadian ness of these articles will be papers, including the Gazette of judged by readers of this columfl. Montreal. who wll recal ,dthe general tone Le Devoir's own ideas of proper ~Wof~rvthn~ inewspaper coverage were reveal- hav*f rtt e n ed by Le Canada, the officiai Lib- about Quebec- eral party organ in Montreal, a flot nly n myday or two after the formers at- latest trip there, tacks on me. "The survey showed but after an ex- that on ail major war stories Le tended visit last Devoir's habit has been to play fail. My knowl- u the despatches fromn Berlin edge of Quebec .Vchy propaganda releases was ginedflotbroadcast to America by short- from ny fyrngwave cou1lusually be found prînt- visi, bt frin>e::i:ý-ed ord-or-ordin Le Devoir, y e r so fresi s~ quite often before they were d e n c e i n that t broadcast." So writes News, of province. During:ýýiý. ...... Toronto, reporting the incident ail tese yarsunder the head, "Le Devoir Likes and thsc ae Vichy More Than Philpott." fairiy regularly read Le Devoir. SMALL OMISSION 1 have always belîeved that the great majority of the people of On my recent trip to Quebec I Quebec are potentially loyal ta had the privilege of speaking ta British institutions, and potential- several thousand people. The ly as patrîotîc as any other part whole text of my speech was an of the nation. I have done mny best appeal ta the responsible majority to write that as plaînly as possible of French Canadians ta step on in the papers whîch regularly their irresponsible minority which carry my articles in Canada. But was driving the whole country, in I have long convinced that lac4 of spite of itseif, toward a disastrous education about the reality of the rupture. world in which they, live is the I warned that civil war would a curse of French Canada. bring, not what the minority of Not only is there a horrible gap trouble-makers want, but the in positive education, in school, sweeping away of ail French-Can- fromn the public platforma, and adian minority rights under thc through the press. But there is a present constitution. continuing and carefuliy calcu- Last week Rene Chalouit raised lated campaign of misinformation. the civil war threat in the Que- It goes back for decades, anr1 gen- bec legisiature. erations. Le Devoir would have senved It was in full blast before this its readers better had it printec war-when Le Devoir and other my message in Montreal (which ii papers, for instance, were glorify. completely ignored though press ing Fascism week after week, and services carried it from coast to painting Mussolini as one of the coast). Somebody with far more great world henoes and benefac- authority than myseif should have tors. told everybody in Quebec just It was continued ail thnough the where their risieadens, like Le war. The grim joke was on Le Devoir, are taking them. Devoir in one respect. For im- .AF R OM mediately aften Le Devoir was .AF.RFR pooh-poohing what I had written Hon. C. G. Power admits that hi about Vichy consulates bemng is trying his best ta, effect two re- centres of Axis propaganda, Can- forms in the R.C.A.F. ada closed those consulates on The first of these is ta Cana- that very ground. dianize the whoie air force set-u] ON THE RECORD as completely as the army and navy have already been Canadian- LeDevoir attempts to, treat as a ized. The second is to aboiish the joke my conclusion that "there is long standing injustice whic] every reason ta believe that Nazi arbitrarily and unfairly divides money finances anti-war aqtivities air crew men into commissioled in the province of Quebec?'~ and non-commissioned ranks. . Evidently Le Devoir did not Ail parties in. parliament have give its readers the advantage of given cordial approval ta, the sec- a report of the evidence taken at ond part of Mr. Power's plan; but the tîme of the breaking-up of the there is difference of opinion as to German-Amerii2an Bund. A part the wisdomn of his first propoa of that evidence, given ta the Dies There are two sides ta that par- Committee, was a revelati n that ticular story. -- 'ý;î-r n+prnrinnve a.Al air i'rew men undergo tii evr rdyatron ve u k le 1 I *IRLS and WOMEN e n s il a0 -e ,e AGE 18 -45 SINGLE OR MARRIED To Take Two Week Course In MACHINE OPERATION Sponsored by Small Armns Ltd.., Long Branch SUBSISTIENCE ALLOWANCE raid by Dominion-Provincial War Training Programt Apply 4 p.m. - 12 midnight OR WRITE TO War Emergency Classes Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute GOèipDSurs FA r TrO "KEER F)ir", same training. But under the Royal Air Force ruies only haif af thse men who are in the air cnew become afficers. They do exactiy tise same jobs. They run exactly tie same isks in the air. But the minute they relurn to solid earth lhey are arbitnanily divided imb i "ýsheep" and "gaats". The sergeant wiso recently bnaught tise big bomber limping home framn Berlin has ta go ta tise sergeants' mess. The observer, who was bnougist borne in lise same plane, gaes witis tise "officers and gentlemen." This was bad enaugh in the army of the aid days when it was openly and bnazeniy based on ciass. Il is even wonse now when ils basic motive is so ciumslly camauflaged. Mn. Caldwell told parliament isaw, at one aindrome in Bitain, the wisaie aquadron, in private conversation, urged him ta use al bis influence ta have this mon- straus systemn ended. The pilot of- ficers were just as eagen as the sergeant pilota ta have a change wbich would enable them ta be pals togethen on tise gnound as Iisey are teammates togehher ln the air. OUT 0F LUCK Under tise present system, as applied in Canada, tise 33 per cent( ai men higisest an tise lista aif graduating classes in R.C.A.F. scisools autornaticaily became piloI off icers. Anotisen 17 per cent are suppased ta neceive commissions witisin a few months ai arrivai averseas. But it daes nat wonk ouI thal way. Tise 17 Canadlians wiso stood 0 fnam number 33 ta number 50 onb the list may be scaîtered ta tise a four corners ai tise carIs. Sameh go ta Egypt. Some ta Australia. b Sorne ta India. Same stay in Bril- 0 ain. t Promotions are made an recom- mendalion of tise officens comn- manding eacis unit. In practice d tisaI means that lise Canadian wiso9 may bave been number 34 on tise1 liaI gnaduating fnom some airr schaol in Canada may have ta wait a yean, on foirever, ion tiset pilot officen's commission wisich iis cburn got in Canada, if bisf cisum isappened ta be in tise top 1 33 per cent.c Tise sysem-if it can be digni-t fied by tise naine ai a systemn-is1 50 ridiculaus that il is a wondert lisat il isas been able ta iast tis long. There is notbing as bad as tisaI in aur anmy. Thene is noîising like it in tise navy. ALL CANADIAN? Il does nat necessarily ioliow tisat it is wise ta segregate al Canadians in the R.C.A.F. as dis- tinguisised fnom tise R.A.F. Most ai tisem, ai course, are now in tise R.A.F. Tisis includes nat aniy tise twenîy-two ail-Canadian squad- nons. But il includes lange num- bers ai Canadians in mixed for- mations. In these mixed formations tisere anc men, nat anly fnom every nook and canner ai. tise English- speaking world. Tisene are Pales and Czecks and Frencismen and patniats fnom Holiand, Nonway and eveny otiser sucis nation. Tise cosmopolitan R.A.F. migisl well became tise nucleus of tise International Air Force tisaI will have ta be lise cane ai a Warld Police Fonce when this wan ends. Segnegatian ai ail Canadians in- la anc ali-Canadian air farce migist tiserefore be anc step back ta tisat exclusive natîanallsm wisicis was a root cause ai tis whoie wan. But if segregatian is tise aniy way we can end tise absurd and unfair system ai rcguiarized fa- voritism as between afficen-pilots and sengeant-piiots, by ail means let us have segnegatian. THE OFFENSIVE ON THE HOME FRONT (By Dave Carey) Evenyone is impatient for tise United Nations ta "take tise of- fensive." Tbey cali for a second front in Europe, and already Bni- tish and Canadian planes anc pre- paring tise way in deadly fashion. Wbat we need is an "offensive" rigist iere at home. Il is obviaus that we must put cvenything mbt tise maximum production ai siips, tanks, planes and guns. And we muat give cheenful obedience ta, tise spirit, as weil as tise letter, ai ail gavernment regulatians. But we must aiso 'put fonwand an aggressive plan ion building a pattern nation. Tise world has laaked ta tise dernacracies ta produce a pattern for living. We bave isad tise mec- dam ta, wonk it aut, and if we laul ta give tise blueprint now-otisen nations have a plan and this gen- eration may neyer have tise chance again. Our ancestors nal oniy pianeer- cd a new country ion us, but tisey aiso pioneercd in tise neairn ai moral courage. Penisaps tisis was lise tougiser jab and tise one wbicis was nccessary before Coniedera- lion could become marc than a dncam. Perhaps we need la pioncer again. Fan instance, George Brown and John A. MacDonald werc not even on speaking tera and yct, for tisein lave ai Canada, they wene wiliing la forega personal feelings and ambition, and wonlk togetiser unden a liird man for tise unity ai Upper and Loweî Canada. It %was oniy in tisis spirit ai self-sacrifice lisat a uniled plan was found and wOxýked ouI. Whiclh is harder: ta cul down trees, burn out slumps, f igist Indians; or to bdry ambition, dig OuI prude, lisrow away hales and decide to wonk witb otisens fan tise good af lise country? Canada's idestiny dcpends ai tise simple decision ai ecci one o1 her eleven million ordinary peo- pie as ta wisat be is going ta livE for, and tise daiiy determinatiai ta, figst isard fan il. What we need is a conviction about what CanadE can do in tise worid. Tisen we will f igist an aggnessive battie berE witbin aur awn country againsl gneed, isate and fear; so tisat w( may be united ta take tise figi outInmb tise world. Canada wiii become great ir thse eyes of ail when she came: finst in tise beants ai ail her pea pIe. BANKS * POST OFFICES OEP1ARTMINT STORES * DRUGOISYS OROCERS * TOACCONISTS 100K STORES aid oh« RETAIN. STORESos P/hile War' Rages Cabinet Ministers Asked SiIly Questions Hon. C. D.Howe, Ministen of Munitions and Supply, in the Do- ninion Cabinet, is considered ta nc one ai Shc comparativeiy few n the governmenî who has shown outslanding ability. Since war )nake he has been literaily, night and day at his job which la date sas involved spending aven four billions ai dollars and the letting il thousands ai contracta. 1He was torpcdaed int the Atlantic on the way ta England but survived to carry on wilh scanceiy a hall- lay. But unden aur system of govcrnmefit he is compeiled ta be in tise House ta pilot his esti- mates and answer questions of the 244 athen members wha have :he right ta ask them. Hene, for example, is a colurn fnom Hansard, May 191is, 1942, page 2801, which shows hima un- d1er fine on the question ai Wan- time Housing whicb cames under his department. Day aften day this sort ai thing goes on whiie war rages elsewhere. Taxpayers are enlitied ta tisese facls and may determine in their awn minds whelher Ihey wisb llieir Ministen ai Supply iseld back fnrnm his stupendaus task wilis this sort af petty cross-f ire. It could and aughl la be assumed by same unden-secnelary. Il is likely Ihat piaster wiil be faiiing off in a good many places if tisis sont ai lhing goes an. Mn. Hawe is one ai tise Big Four aI Ottawa who accepls crilicism yel gels Iisings dane . . . wben frnee ai obstruc- tions. Quoling frorn Hansard: Mn. Howe: I have yeltat knaw Ihat tisese are shoddily buili houses, and I cannaI accepl mý hon. friend's word unless he give, aulhority. Mn. Castleden: I wiii accepî- Mn. Howe: I will not accept il 1 know sometising about tise plar ai tisese bouses, and 1 knawtli men wisa build tisem. Tise han member is giving an expert opus ion. Mn. Castieden: If yau are- Mn. Howe: I suggest tisa li hon. memben witisdnaw tise Iern "lshoddiiy built." Mn. Douglas (Weyburn): With dnaw nalhing-idiculoi5. Mn. Castieden: I ask la, be per mitted ta complete my stalernent Tise evidence upon whicis I base( tise fact tisaI this gypnoc wa paanly put on was lise facî tisa tise plasten supposed ta be place, in tise joints ai gypnoc was f aluin, off. Mn. Hawe: Give me the stnee and address ai ttih ouse, and wiii bning a photognapis ai it. Mn. Castleden: I shall be ver glad la do that on lise ministen' carnmilment tisat tisere wiil b no pensecutian or intimidation c lise people wbo live in tisat bousi Mn. Howe: Tise people wb live in tise bouse I amn sure di nat tell tise hon. memben wisr ise bas stated. Mn. Castieden: I was in tis bouse witb tise people. Mn. Howe: And they tld 1th hon. member, dîd tbey? Mn. Castieden: No; I saw thi piasten f aliing off; I saw il on thi floar. Mn. Hawe: Why, Ihen, would àinîlmidale tise residents aiflù isouse? C Mn. Castieden: I knaw perfectl -iweii il is nol wise la give peaple -names in Ibis bouse. 1 Mn. Douglas (Weyburn): ' rhave leanned that by experienc - Mn. Howe: Just a moment. Gix, eme one name tisat bas been USE in lisis isouse, foliawing whic -thene has been pensecution. Pei 5pic are using baose language ovi ýfthere in tisat section ai.tlie bous sand I do not cane for il. h Mn. Douglas (Weybunn): TI in 'Twas Junetime tisen, and yc es 0- -RALPH GORDC 1 28 Crawford St., Toronto. TO ROTARY CLUB Private W. K. Nurcombe that I received yaur parcel and ta think yau vcry mucis for yaun generosîty and thoughlfulness. Such boxes are aiways ver>y weil- corne and heip ta satisy aur de- sire fhr sweets wviich ai course are impasible ta obtain hene. LICIPl. A. C. Brown, B25288 No. i Holding Unit, R.C.E. Base Post.Office, England Just a few uines ta thank you for the lavely parcel I received today. I cannaI seem ta find wonds ta show my appreciation. I will close by Ihanking yau again for the parcel and wishing you al tise best. Cpi. P. T. Walker, B83107 No. i Canadian Tunnelling Co. R.C.E. Canadian Army Overseas Just received yaun guIf pancel ai cake, canned gooda, chocolate, gumn. razar blades, taotis paste, sisaving saap, etc. Thanks from tise bottorn ai my iseant as il sure was a surprise and I appreciale your kndness very mucis. I arn in excellent isealtis and spirits and hope thalt tus struggle will soan be aven and we can ail gel home. Best wishcs toalal my friends in Bovnianvilie. Canadian Arnsy Overseas 1 am rnwiling in appreciatian ai lise iavely pancel which I neceiv- cd. Il sure dacs aur heants gaod wisen wc receive sucis lavcly par- cels frorn ail you peaple aI home. We can't go wrong with 50 mucis support fram yau ail. Every tiing is fine with plenty ai outdaor scisemes coming off now Ihat spring is hene sa you cars bel wc, will be thnking oi the Rotary Club ai Bowmanville when we sit dawn for a rest beside a ian- 1cmn some nigist and cal some ai the swell food tisaI you have sent Hastings and Pr. Edward Regt years since we landed on these H. Company shores ta try and uphold the Bal otOfcEgad name of this country. It is not Buta ewstOfie, Englhand o the fault af the men themselvesi fort a fewnes a t ak outhiat we have flot done aur bit. fo yurkid if.The contents God knaws how anxious we are ta PHONE 663 were exactly what one would get into action. Two years of want A chocolate bar is as hard idleness has flot helped aur mon- ta gef as gold, sa you might guess aie very much, but we are stili how we feel about il. I know we holding on for the one fact that_________________________________ shall hald the front if .Terry cornes some day, very soon now we hope, with the thoughts of you folks ewl go into action with a dlean empioying its contents at the pre- of some fishing tackle, so as soon backhom inCanaa. e'l beconscience and a strong heant for sent lime but in a few days I will as I get out of here I think I will seeing yo~u ail in Bawmanvilie the men, womnen and children be able ta dig in. You will prob- try my hand. If there happens ta 500ii. who believe in us and ail the ably get a laugh out of that diet be goad biting we'l1 be in for a Roal Hoprthings we stand for. May God statement but at present it is good feed. Ronad Hopergrant that we will be able ta go quite true. 1 know the whole I read in The Stateman that Jut a few Elnes in appreciation on and carry it on to the bitter country is on a diet these days Daie's store had Tony Salento, the of yaur kindness and in sending end. We wili not only do oun (I delest the word ration), but ail 'Wp' heavyweight, in ta demon- me such a useful parcel which I best, but you will be able ta say il means ta me is no solids fr a srt oetc .I edosi received in perfect condition. in future generations that no one while. The nearest pub is a cauple strate some tckle. If he drpsh Many of the boys here frorn town could have done more. Thank of miles from here and besides aany, ou candteiim the Bratis have received similan parcels and you once more and keep up the I'm. stili a bed patient, so that I eNay rm anden A Foehve no daubt you will hean frorn good work. arn on a no fluid diet, except f delarendanope sn on h iser them. We are having a nice siege course for miik, fruit juice, tomato reains ono heMdr of xarrn weather, and it realiy Sgt. Lew Wiseman, C18655 juice, etc. Terrible, isn't it? raen la a nice change after two weeks, Canadian Provost Corps There is a honey of a brook for Say Hello ta Dony Martyn for of rain and sleet on the ranges, Staff of Canadian Detention fishing right behind My camp me, will you? Give him my can- in South Wales. We have had a Battalions which has been stocked up plenty gratulations for breaking inta tihe fewîrwctcesatbasbai ad wil Canadian Armay Overseas in the pre-war days and F'il bet lclpitc n eihmta soon be ready to starS another I received a parcel packed by the speckied backs are just aching I'm of age ta vote (turned 21 last s. asno a bho did a wndenfu Mrs. Ross Strike. Ladies being to be hooked. I have made the month), he'li get my vote when Mrs.Hoarwho id awondrfulfirst, I have scribbied a note of acquaintance of the game-keeper, I get home, that is of course if Ejob in packing my parcel. thanks ta Rotary Ann, and now ('Casey' Martyn's blood relation this war ends before he's too oîd Cpi W.J. . cKnght C678 am conveying my appreciation ta 1 bet!) who says that the owner ta hoid up his job an the Town ) Cp. W.J. R Menigh, C678 She club. It came while I was af the estate is out East with the Council. They say thse finst ten 3 "'D" Coy.. Hastings and here in the hospital fighting a Arrny so lie doesn't suppose hle years are the hardest. Prince Edward Regiment, battle with pneumonia, which by xould mmnd if a few Canuck ang- Thanks a million for thse parcel Canadian Armay Overseas. the way is a battie I naw feel I lers tried their hands at a litIle and best of luck toalal the Ro- i Let me express my sincere already won. Diet keeps me fromL fishing. He's offered me the use- tarians. tthanks for the lovely parcel you îsent me. I wrote a short note ta - sMrs. Hardy thanking her for packing it for me so beautifuily. It is neaily a treat for us to re- ceix e such luxuries. Chocolates ri and things like that reall are eluxuries aven here. They annat 1get very much chocolate even forý the children naw. We are veny thankful for ail you are doing for the boys aven here. The clubs *back home are ail veny goad ta *us. Carry. on the good wonk. -Sgt. Ernest Hunt, C5343 Adminitration Wing No. 1 Cdn. Div. Ilnf, Reinf. Wing t- Canadian Army Overseas d Mafiy thanks for the iavely is parcel. Everything in the pancel itwas in Ai condition and greatly ýd appreciated. I wish you wauld 9canvey ta Mrs. Vanstane that the parcel arnived in good condition, Iand that 1 enjoyed the cake im- rnensely. I allen think ai the aid town and wonder what it will bd "Y lîke when I get back. There cen- s tainly have been a lot of changes )e in thse two years I have been )faway. I have seen quite a num- -. ber of thse boys frorn tawn. Anmy a ' lîfe seems ta agnee with them.0 id Thse boys are ail itching for ac- it tion and want ta gel it aven and get home again. I visited differ- lent places that have been blitzeda dt e T eeph u le and when yau tatothe people n (ele he xiii win the war. Thein spirit isT e mnarvelous. I was in Liverpool a e xean ago when it was bomibed 1 * teadily for 14 hours. e Gunner Syd Fow les, ly 4th Anti-Tank Battalion a h scr te ýs 3rd Regt. 'e C.A. (A.F.) an unprecedented demand for telephones. At tihe sanie time, it e. Tank au Arny verea bas diverted large quantities of telephone niaterials and equip- ,e Tiad oufor temchape 2 itdparcel which I received. It ment to war purposes-both in our factories and our armed forces. h, is veny thoughliul af the Rotary 0- Club. Yur pacel arrved 'in ex- er c ellent condition. C hl i c k e nl is e, quite usetul when we are out ons mianoeuvres. Tise country is look- se ig veny fresis and reaily beauti- n euti CEï gefi. Myr {chuni andcI me resu/tfor Whiie we stroiled 'tisrough the that it is no longer possible to satisfy peaceful, scented, waaded grounds ail civilian demand for new installa- it made a fellow wisb ail the trouble would cease that night. It tions. Even whien new telephones s nat su mucis fan aur sakes as fon those we have left behind us. must be installed, the choice of \Ve don't wvorny as ta what will happen ta us, but I think the instruments and services is linsiited. folks back home do the wonrying. ____________________________ Taday is just grand, it is Sunday, ýo it gives us an oppotunity ta do aur corespandence. By the ertie ou re tis eteryouto A a te/e phone u eD u xiii be enjoying tise warmen LIS a usere .t.U 1 . fl~j~ the eriS>» days. Tisank Mrs. Dippeil fan theth goad job she did of packing. >you can help to safeguard tele- Ple1 Arnold K. Lobb. phone service in the interests a lvwIleII t iet Canadian Armay Overseas of Canada's war effort by care- R PR Oouth ' er, I just want ta thank the Rotary th . e 1 lI . ONIPLYiec Club for the sweii parcel whicb Ui3 nerîgthee arim *k W landed here yesterday morning. telephone tactics :- fur telercie,, U.The contents I can assure you yu il igwiliibe very mucis appneciated 9* Ust p tCl and whoever decided on them ________________ certainiy showed goad judgment. 93 aje 1101sro Please tbank Mrs. Tim Garton fanor Ca 1'.u~'//g7,93 LSGee >0 a gaod job af packing. To me it e~w1~P..s~. ~'~j. "s will aiways remain a bit ai a mys- Ain.,- P ery just haw these packers can FRAN ese P.,,,ni),, ith get sa much in a srnali space. On WILLAMS crt'etIl»,s0,00 o/ý one occasion I took out the con- th".. dý,65OOoo1/00 tents ai a parcel and on trying (ire 4 "e 3u- ta replace it had almost enoughMage.t4 ' N. lef t for another parcel. Trhe Bawmanviile Sextette in 'A '11~ v A ?i rT A T)TA lT c;r'A 'TV.C;MfAN. OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO nho. W e dntspee as ucdait caioth er a'seedidsn Coches- er. ohe svea urd isappchnt- ent, owevar leaving isne sorty an, wharerohahybe geherty aa i befo aing an moeu- vres. Wefre gai wen ano eng trea.te fie in spiellofntheis- trae ie insitereofth in- tae eataen there Srne, but noeat leaileof usthaegainedt neight, th ofuas hye myaistd ue is t, engams.tm as Tan s aganfor a in pace whihn caan ssr aouin e artiiy apprcI atesIshfor y hau il at s ooediidualiis fry a a tat tawn beaus iniidl' nasa a wn thouse itsms a if w downl apprecit e l unsiiwe e lDn't woprry abot utlse aks we.D'rbenwell loboktte ilands wen teim ellcamoe hferahnp ing we can measune up. Cheenia. The District NewsPaper and Your Printing YOU EXPEOT yaur camimunity newspaper ta take the lead in advocating district betterment. YOU EXPEOT your newspaper ta boost for good roads, goad schools, and ta support dis- trict celebratians and associations. YOU EXPEOT yaur district newspaper ta support welfare and chaxity drives. YOU EXPECT your newspaper ta help bring people ta this district and thus increase pur- chasing power by the added numbers. BECAUSE of these services we believe it ta be bath fair and just ta, request that ail print- ing used in this district be dane within its bounds. WE OFFER a printing service that is bath high-grade and reasonable in price-plus good service. Therefore, by spending your money here it does dauble-duty-supports district welfare and cuts expense. PAGE THREE IË t

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