Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1942, p. 10

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TH-URSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114I Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce, - Midland, visited relatives here. Bandsman Harold C. Allun, R.C.O.C., Barriefield, wvas home. Miss Reita Cooke has been en- gaged as teacher of No. 9 Sehool. Jack Nesbitt. R.C.A.F.. Clinton. visited Mrs. Nesbitt at Mr. Thos. Mo!! at's. Mr. George Bonathan, Toronto, has been holidaying with Mrs. S. R. Bonathan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Branton and daughters. Whitby, visited Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Hanna and faniily, Corbett's Point, visited at Mr. H. M. Allin's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven. Toronto, were at their summer home, "Trelwood." Mrs. Ross Strike. Bowmanville. will address the W. A. June llth. Mrs. Wallace Holmes' group is in charge. Mrs. Norman Allun and Miss Marion entertained their cousin. Mr. Thos. Allun, before he return- ed to Chicago. Mr. Brenton Rickard. Bell Tele- phone Co.. has been returned to Oshawa from Trenton and is now boarding at home. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kerr and sons, Wesley and Donald. To- ronto, were visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allîfis. Miss Ethel Lockhart has Jno. McKellar, carpenter. m a k i n g some renovations on the house she bought on Mill St. Mrs. Alfred Gray, Toronto, wif e of Gnr. Alfred Gray, with the Canadian Forces in England, visit- ed ai Mr. Geo. Gray's. Several parents and their chul- dren from this section attended Miss Phyllis Challis' recital in 1 Bowmanville Friday evening. Mrs. Switzer. Newcastle, who had been in Oshawa hospital, re- turned home Saturday with her infant son. Botb are doing well. Afier several years of efficient service Arthur Nichols has re- signed as caretaker of Bond Head ROYAL THEATRE BOWMAVLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. JUNE 11, 12, 13 Double Feature "STRAWBERRY BLONDE" with James Cagney, Olivia de Havi- land and Rita Hayworth . also George Montgomery i Zane Grey's "RIDERS 0F THE PURPLE SAGE" with MaryHoward, Robert Barrett, Lyn Roberts, Kane Richmond Mon., Tues., Wed. JUNE 15, 16, 17 "WEEKEND IN HAVANA" in technicolor starring Alice Faye, Jon Payne and Carmin Miranda cemetery, inuch ta the regret o! the Cemietery Board. Warrant Officer Jno. Devlin of the R.C.N. is here from Halifax, N.S., on a week*s leave which hee Ibis section. North o! Newcastle is spending xith Mrs. Devlin ai the line will run between the Mrs. Merkley Clark's. highway and the ibird line ibro' Mr. Thos. Spencer Sr. xvas tak- Mrs. T. M. Gibson's, Herman en suddenly îll and liad ta have Scbmid's, Irvin Allin's, Ho'Ward a doctor. He had been working Alliin's. Clarence Allin's and H. hard and was probably overcome C. Pedwvell's farms by tbe heat and humidity. Mrs. Frank Gibson bas imoved After conducting two funeral int part o! -Grey Gables," for- services on June 3rd, (Mrs. Leslie mer Eilbeck lhome purcbased by Allin's and Mrs. Clarence Milîs'), Mr. J. A. Smith. The bouse is Rev. R. E. Morton wenita Lind- being turned inito a duplex. say ta attend the Conference. He Mr. and Mrs. C . S. Horrocks xvas accomipanied by Mr. J. W. and daughters have closed their Bradley, delegate, and Mr. T. W. home. ýGreenfields". for thue sum- Jackson who visited his nephew, mier and are now residing at their Mr. G. W. Keith, BA. Mr. Keiib lakefront biouse. ",Half-a-Hill.' uvas formerly mathematical mas-- Mr~. Robt. Duck took downthe ter at Parkdale Collegiate, Toron- charred framew%,ork and roof of ta, and more recenily bie super-- the oId mill and grain ivarehouse annitated. He is now filling a on King St., the property of Mr. wartime vacancy at the Lindsay 0 A. W. Glenney that uvas gutted Collegiate. by fire last wjnter. Rex'. R. E. Morion conducted Miss Emma Rowland was win- the funeral service o!fIvrs. Milîs, ner o! the pillowslips for which vwife o! Clarence Milîs, tinsmithC pupils of Miss M. Bernice Smith's and plumiber, ai Northcuît & room sold tickets. The slips were Smith's parlours, Bowmnanville, made and worked by Miss Smiths June 3rd. Mrs. Milîs w'as a native mother in Millbrook. o! Coîborne and before bier mar- Mrs. Mattbews. Toronto. was niage was Miss Myrile Black, and down last week on business con it w-as ta the village where she nected witb the Mattbews' pro- spent bier girlhood that she was perty at Trickeys Corners wbere taken for burial. She was brougbt they lived for 'somne years afier up in the Baptist Cburch and the lie retired from the C.F.R. Baptisi minister o! Coîborne per- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase and formed the burial rites in Col-C sons. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hendry borne cemetery. She is survîved and Mr. Jno. Hendry and Miss by ber husband, wbo is employed Editb attended the Ho¶lstein with Mr. H. C. Bonathan and lives Breeders' Field Day and Picnic in Jacob Jacobs' bouse, and twoV at Peterboro last Saturday. daughters. Newcastle public school pupils Rev. R. E. Morion returned inaugurated a waste nubber col- from confenence on Saturday in lection campaign and called on order ta take bis services on Sun- a number o! homes, but were un- day. His morning address was able in the five days ta caver all part reminiscent and part pro- the territory. Proceeds go ta the phetie. It is 40 years since he be- Red Cross. gan ta preacb as a local preacher Sunday visitors with Mr. and and 30 years since lie becume an Mrs. T. F. Branton were: Mrs. ordained ministen. He recounted Jno. Tuf!, Mr. Percy Tuff and some o! the great changes that Miss Salisbuny, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. bad taken place in that time. in Gibsan and Mns. Fordyce and industry, transportation, public daughten, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. and home conveniences, thea Chas. Branton and two daughters, cburcb, and habits and customs o! Whitby. the people and prophesied stili s Mn. and Mrs. Gea. N. Bull and mare radical changes witbin then Mr. and Mrs. Wright spent the next 40 years. His talk ta thea weekend at their summier homes. children was a fisb story with a Mn. Gea. N. Bull, pioneen gladia- clear moral. lus grower and hybridisi of the Rex'. R. E. Morton receiveda Newcastle district, and Lieut.-Col. wvord on Tuesday of the deatb o! R. O. Bull, Commandant o! the one o! bis members o! the ClarkeÉ Interniment Camp, Bowmanville, Cburch, a fine young man and an are broibers. ardent churcb worker, John Spending a few days witb bis Barnes. No paticulars bave been great aunt ibis week was John received us ta bow hie met bis Crawford Kellet, Killarney. Man., deatb, but Mr. and Mrs. Bert now in training ai Vimny. He is a Crossley, Cowanville, with wbom2 great gnandson of the late Captain lie bad lived for 18 years and wba 1Francis Gibson, Newcastle, and regarded bim as one o! the famîly, grandson o! Mr. and Mrs. Stil were natif ied that bis body wast well who lived in Newcastle lving in a sealed casket in Florida. I wbere Mr. Stillwell carried on a He was in the merchant marine blacksmith business on the site and was a wireless openatar, hav- of the preseni firehal. . ing wriîten bis examinations ai 1W. M. S. met June 4tb with the Newcastle parsonage under1 President Mrs. N. Allin in tbe the supervision o! bis pastor, Rev. chair wbo read a poem "Witb R. E. Morton. Tbree weeks ugo Chisel in Hand.'" Devotional per- Mr. Morion received a card from iad consisted o! Bible reading him. posimarked Aruba, and siat- given by Mrs. Truman Clarke; ing tbat hie was coming home. A prayers by Mns. Carvetb and Mrs. memiorial service for John Bannes Hare: musical selection by Mes- will be beld ai Clarke Chunch on dames Jim Brown, Chas. Cowan, Sunday. June 2lst. H. Peance and H. Allun. Mrs. Non- man Rickand pnesented a review o! the Study Book. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown have RED CROSS CAMFAIGN received word that thein son, Gnr. CLOSED IN NEWCASTLE Harold Brown, bas anived su! ely DISTRICT ini England and bas gai in touch witb bis brother Milton wbo bas $1124.35 Sent to Headquarters been in England for 18 montbs. Their youngesi son, Stanley As in the campaign o! Septem- Brown. o! the R.C.A.F., xvus home ber, 1940, all the canvassers for lasi weekend. Recent visitons Newcastle and district in tbe Red wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Brown were Cross campaign tbai closed on Mr. and Mrs S. E. Parker. Hamnil- June 6th, were men. The canvass ton, and bier sisier, Mrs. E. Wat- was orgunized under the chair- son. manship of Dr. J. A. Butler with Fence and Excavating Expert R. S. Graham as sec'y.-treas., and Jno. Robinson and bis gang une, J. H. Smith, C. R. Carvetb and silîl busy cutting fences and mak- H. S. Britton, the executive. There ing gaieways along the route of is stili some money ta came in. ,; the projected underground uine Canvassers for Newcastle were: o! the Bell Telephone Ca. through Bond Head-C. S. Horrocks; S.E. corner---- 1 . aIQtIL, . READY te MAIL Overseas Gif t Boxes Containiiig: Butter, Cheese, Salmon, Chieken and Tea. Packed by Canada Paekers Limited CHRISTIES RADIO SPECIAL WALNUT GINGER CAKE......20c FLOWERDALE TEA............ lb. $1.00 Try a pound of PAR COFFEE . ... lb. 51c Pink Seal SALMON......lb. tUn 25c Aylmer PORK & BEANS .... 20 oz. tin 10c POTATOES ................bag $1.90 Hawe'm Liquid Wax, no rubbing, pts. . 59e Haw's Floor Wax, 1I lb 45c 2 lb tin 83e Hawe's Lemnon Oil, 32 oz. bottie ...... 59c with free polishlng cloth Hawe's Lightniflg Floor Cleaner, bottie 25c GRANT BROS. SEED CORN BERRY BOXES - SALT HARRY ALLIN The Corner Grocery . pJ2OE m - 8sa We Delivêr Normy Goheen who msa collecied along the bigbwmy east: N.W.- Ed. Neilson; N.E.-Ed. Tbacknay; Lake Shre-Robt. Hendny; a S. IW. corner o! Newcastle and Clarke (12 feniiies)-H. R. Peur- ce: Third Line <Part of No. 9)- F. W. Bowen and W. H. Gibson: Newtonvilie -C. M. Jones and committee; J. A. Smith Ca. fac. tory-Garnet Porter. The total amnount was $824.35, whicb was iurned over ta Miss Ethel Lockbart, Treasurer New- castle Red Cross. The sepmrmbE amounis callected were: By C. S. Horrocks-------- $ 26.05 R. S. Graham, canvass--_ 141.5C Tiny Tuekers ----j ------ 5.04 P. S. Red Cross ------- - 10.0C United Cburcb W. A. _--- 5.04 Noray Gobeen --- --- --- 147.4( Ed. Neilsan ------------_ 108.5( Ed. Tbacknmy -------- -- 85.0( Robi. Hendny --------- - 47.0( H. R. Peurce ------.--- __ 37.0( F. W. Bowen and Harold G ibson -------:---------- 61.1! C. M. Jones ---- ----- 125.7! G. Porter & Mns. Gogerty_ 25.0( Newcastle Red Cross msa votec $30000 ta the cmmpaign fun( from uis local !unds mmking total !rom ibis district o! $1124.35 Obituary Mrs. Leslie Allun Afier a long illness, Leab Beat- rice Brown, aged 44, beloved wi!e o! Abert Leslie Aluin, died ai ber home in Clarke Township on June lst. Mns. Alun was bora in Les- kard, the fourib daughten o! Mns. Dwigbt Brownanad the laie Mn. Brown. When a young girl with ber famoy ibey moved ta the Lake Shore, Clarke, wbene she bas resided until ber deatb. Her manniage ta Leslie Allun, Lake Shore, wms commemorated in a bemutiful sliven weddiag celebn- tion la Apnil o! lasi yearn Besides ber sorrowing husband "î4 j tf Eao"i U S E A T CmINmm EVENTS0 Mapie Grave Sundmy Sehool Anniversary will te held on Sun- day, June 2lst. Pull paticulars nexi week. 24-1 Slvation Anmy services Sun- day, June i4ib, ut 1il mm. mnd 7 p.m., donducted by Adjuimni and Mrs. Moulion o! Toronto. 24-1 Rus. Creighion's Orchestra will be in the Commuaiiy Hall, New- castle, on Thunsday, June 25ih. 24-3 Reserve Fridmy, June 26ih, for the Red Cross Garden Party ai Mns. J. H. H. Juny's garden. Spe- cial feature will be a sugariess, bomemade cooking sale. 24-1 Sauina Young Mrried People's Pienie will be beld mi Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on June l8ih, ramn or shine. Bring your own silver- wmne and cups. Dianer mi 12.30. 24-1 ClassifiedALd Rates One cent a ivord cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisemnent is flot patd saine ieek as inser- tion. Extra charge of loc when replies are dlrected ta a« Statesmnan box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e eaeh. In Memnorlams, 50e for notice plus 10e Per line for verse. Classifled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTHS OSBORNE-At Bowma nville Hos- pital, June 8tb, 1942, ta Mr. and Mrs. Gardon E. Osborne, a daugbter (Linda Louise). OSMOND-In Bowmanville Hos- putai on Saturday, June 61b, 1942, ta Mn. and Mrs. Frank Osmond (nee Audrey Thomp- so) the gift O! a daughter. Constnce anet 24-* here will be anniversary ser- _______________________ vices ai Clarke Cburch on Sun- DEATHS day, June l4ih, ai 2.30 and 8 p.m. - D.S.T. Special music will be sup- plied in the afiernoon by Osborne CONLIN-In Bowmunville, June Quartette and ut the evening ser- 5tb, 1942, Janie Wilson Conlin. vice by Kirby choir. Rev. R. E. beloved wife o! Mr. Wesley Morion will be in charge o! ser- Conlin, aged 51 yeans. vices. 24-1 WATSON-At Cesanea, on June Ebenezen Sunday School will isi, 1942, John Wmson, Jr., be- hold us 98ib consecutive Anni- loved husband o! Annie May vensary Services nexi Sunday, Pollon, age 68 yeans. Loving June l4tb. Services will be con- faiben o! Lame o! Oshawa, ducted by Rev. H. C. Wolfnaim, Lewis and Irene, bath o! To- Lindsay, a former piston, ut Il ronto. a.m., 2.30 nd 8 p.m. Monday ____________________evening ai 8 p.m. the A.Y.P.A. o! Cards of Thanks Oshawa wilpreseflt tbeir one-act tentinment will featune guesi Mn. Leslie Allin and daughtens soloisis, literary numbers and desire ta thank thein nuany frieîîds feais o! magic. 24-1 and neighbors fan sincene kind- ness and bemutiful expressions o! En! ield S. S. nniversmny ser- sympthy sbown during the iii- vices wiil be held on Sundmy, ness and death o! a loved wife1 June l4th. Afiernoon service ai and mother. 24-l* 12 p.m. xitb music by the scbool. 1Evening sèrvice ai 7.30, wîtb mu- We desire ta thank aur friends sic by Enniskillen chair. Rev. D. and neigbbons for their kindness M. Stinson wiil preuch. On Fri- and sincene words o! sympmthy day evening, June l9th, cammenc- in aur necent bereavement. îng mi 8 p.m. the Sprîngvmle Mn. and Mns. Leslie Mountjay.1 Young People will present their 24-i' 1Play. "Only Smlly" witb music 1 between acis. Admission 30c and Mns. John Watson and family 15c. Ail services on E.D.T. 24-1 wish ta ihmnk tbhe many neigbbors and frienrds for- ibeir kindness during M. Watsan's long illness Articles For Sale and thein bereavement, also for tbe many beauti!ul floral inibutes. FOR SALE-28-44 HART PARR Tracton in Ai working arder, 1 wish ta thank li my friends price $60000; Monitor claver and neighbons fan thein symnpathy buller, $50.00. Frank Bmmsey, and kindness duing my recent Canton P. O. 22-4* beneavement. ý Mrs W. urome.FOR SALE-SEWING MACHINE 24-1* good repair, eight dollars; alsa goo...ic 1-e1-auyuua.rijAn-1 ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Bessie Mildred, daughter of Mrs. Merkley Clark and the lite Mr. Clark, Newcastle, to Mr. Ro- bert Lloyd Stephenson, son of the laie Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stephen- son, the wedding to take place the latter part of June. 24-1* Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hooper, Tyrone, announce the engagement of ibeir daughter Lorna May to Arthur James G. Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Richards, Tyrone. The marriage ta take place quietly June 2th. The engagement is announced of Stella May, daughter o! Mrs. Strutt and the late Mr. Elias Strutt, Tyrone, to Clifford Fred- erick, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Petbick, Enniskillen; the marriage jto take place the latter part of June. The engagement is announced 1of Florence H. Oliver, Reg. N., of -the Port Hope Hospital staff, -daughter of Mrs. Vivien R. Oliver :of Bowmanville and the late V. R. 1 Oliver formerly of Cobalt. Ont., -ta Pilot Officer W. Grant D. Mac- Millan of R.C.A.F., Halifax, N.S., son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. sMacMillan, Princess street, Port l- Hope, Ont. Wedding wil! take eïplace the latter part o! June.241 541 two daugbters, Mrs. Leslie AIl- dned (Neta), Maple Grave, and Mrs. Robin Alldred (Myrtie) at home, msa ber aged mother, Mns D. Brown, four sisters, Mrs. Robt. Putterson (Neta), Orono, Mrs. R. Bone (Line), Toronto, Mrs. Wal. ter Farrow (Fan). Newcastle, Mns. Roy McKmy (Gladys), Bronte, and tbree brothers, Milton and Clinion, Clarke and Alan, Oshawa. Thene are msa thnee grandehidren. Among the numenous floa inibutes were one from the Lake Shore Sunday sehool and onE !rom the Newcastle W.A. Friends atiending tram a dis- tance wene: Mn. and Mrs. R. Mc. Kmy, Bronte, Mrs. Frank Glover Miss Mildned Brown, Mr. and Mrs R. Bone, Lloyd and Phyllis, Mr3 Reg. Doodbmm, Toronto, Mertai Edgar Puscoe, Mns. Bill Piensor Waliens, Mn. and Mrs. Jno. Brown Oshmwa; Mns. Herb. Tink ané Mn. B. Tink, Sauina, M.r. and Mrs Ken. Bmlland, Mrs. Jim Bail, Les. kard, Mr. and Mns. Albert Ter willegar and son, Columbus. The funenal services were con ducted by Rev. D. E. Montan Newcastle, June 3rd. Palîbearer wene three broihens, Milton, Clir ton and Alun and thnee brothers in-luw, R. McKay, R. Banc an( F. Coucb. Iniermeni was ai Bow manville cemeteny. .24-1* FOR SALE-6 POULTRY RANýGE sheliers size 8' x 8', misa founts, irougbs and tanks. Used one season only. Apply Johnny Werry, Blacksiack. 24-1* FOR SALE-1931 FORD COACH, good condition, motor over- bauled, tires good. Ownen en- lisied. Apply Dalon Dorneli, Backstock, phne Pont Penny 184r2. 24-1* FOR SALE-PIANOS, FIFTEEN ta choose fnom, pnice $29.00 and up. Gumraaieed fan ten yemns. Chas. H. Pemcock, 80 Simcoe Si. Nort, Osaw, phne 251. 22-4* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fn oaven 300 pattenns mctully in stock. You are învited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furnitune Store, 156 Simcae Souh, Os- w . 46-tf PIANOS FOR SALE-MASON & Risch, bnand new console m- dels, one slightlY used, low pice. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe Street Not, Oshw, phone 251. 224* FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods mailed postpaid, in plain, sealed envelope, witli price list. Adulis only. 6 sam- pIes 25e, 24 samples $.00. Pleas( state age. Atex Rubber Ca. Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 21-k FOR SALE-I 36-50 GOODISOI'ý Thresbing machine on rubber good remodelled Iniennationa Hammen Mil, in finsi dm55s con. d dition; 2 gas engines 1½2, near. Lt ly new and 6 b.p. International S good condition. M. J. Peremnan t. R. R. 2 Oshawa. 24-l' FOR SALE - EPICURE GREED and Golden Plume Celeny plant le each; early and laie Cabbàgi plants, Red Cabbage, Savo: Cabbage, 50e per 100 plants early Cmuliflowen, 75e pen 100 late Cmuli!iower plants 5C pe 100; mIsa Brussel Sprouis. S. i1 al Jackman & Sons, Nurseriex .e phone 780, Bowmanvilie. 23-t OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITUR Store - Everything in m.deri chesierfield, bedroom. dinin c-suites, ad studios. Beddingz an floor covengs a speci1tý Qumlity menchandise ai coun peti tive pnices. Before buyin )n visit Badle's New Furnitui r, Store, 156 Simce St. S., OsÙ n, awa. 46- s- Wanted To Buy *WANTED -LADY'S USED B' cycle in nood condition. Wril n-Box 82. Statesman office, Bov r, manvîlle. 24. n- WANTED TO BUY-ONE DR~ 7- en smmll chairs suituble f( d Sundav Shool pimary dus f Mns. W. H. Jones, Clarke, phor 603. 24-: Stemdy customers. Must be bon- est and reliable, bave travel outfii or meuns o! getting one. No capital or expenience re- quired. Write The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Depi. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montremi, Que. 23-3 TO YOU, MADAM OR MISS: Penhups have you aireudy been a saleslmdy. If you are intenesi- ed in mîking a !ew dollars each week tbrough easy wonk, in your spane time, seliing weli- known Rawleigh Products, ap- ply for deimils: Rmwleigh's, Depi. ML-140-314-F, Monireal. 24-1 NEGLECT 0F CONSTIPATlIJ is always dangerous. T a k Kipp's Herb Tablets regulari: Trial size 25c. Economy pack age 75c. Alex McGregor, Drugs 24-1 Chicks for Sale CHICKS FOR SALE - BAB) Chicks, White Leghorns ar( Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.F sired. Apply Alvin Clemenç near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-t CHICKS! - BUY THE BESI As booking is unusually heav this year we suggest you orde at once to avoid disappointmenx Many breeds to choose fromi Tweddle High Qualîty Chicki Price list on requesi. Stewart Seed Store, phone 577. 181 e rs. . is, 'il in -t ý-tf ro RENT - TWO FURNISHED1 rooms, central and pleasant lo- cation. P. O. Box 345, Bowman- ville. 24-1 FOR RENT - 4 ROOMED COT- tage, cellar, garden, frj4it trees, haîf mile west, hal! mile north Enniskillen. Apply John pry, Silver St., Bowmanville. 24-1* FOR RENT-COTTAGE AT THE beach with modemn convenien- ces, screened verandah and gar- age. Rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. Archie Tait. 24-2* FOR SALE OR RENT - FURt- nished cottage "Windy Cove" ai Bowmanville beach, screen- ed and with bydro service. Ap- ply Mrs. Gerry, phone 2287.232. -Wanted to Rent WýANTED TO 'RENT-FURNISH- ed house, ahl conveniefices. By reliable aduli family. Write Box 83, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 24-1* Lost LOST-LARGE BLACK COLLIE dog, with white collar. Dog collar on same. Phone 2460. 24-1* Ilp Wanted HELP WANTED - HIGH. school students. Apply Brook- dale-Kingsway Ltd. 24-1* WANTED - HOUSEWIFE, splendid income opportunity, part time, experience unneces- sary. Apply Box 84, Statesman Office. 24-1 HELP WANTED-YOUNG MAN wanted to drive truck and learn good trade, flot afraid of work. Apply in person. Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers. 24-1 HELP WANTED-GOOD WAGES for willing girl or older woman to belp with general housework. Apply in person to Mrs. Orville Osborne, Concession Rd. East, Bowmanville. 24-1 WANTED-HOUSEKEEPER OR girl for two adulis, one child eight years, new, small, well equipped home, suburb of To- ronto, very fine residential dis- trict, $35.00 monthly. Mrs. J. N. Stanley, 28 Beecbwood Ave., York Milîs, Ont., or Mohawk 5413. 24-3 TIRE REPAIRS Having your tires repaired pnomptly will keep youn car rolliag langer' G.F. JAMIESONÏ TIRE VULCANIZING SHOP 22-tf 1~ tf WANTED - TEACHER FOR Base Line School S. S. No. 3, Darlingion. State expenience and wmges expected. Howard Foley, Secretary, Bowmanvîlle. 24-1 M iscellaneous FOR SALE IN ORDER TO CLOSE an estute, MnIogage for $1600.00, intenesi 5 % annual!y; principal due Manch, 1945. Apply ta M. G. V. Gouid, Bannister, Bow- manville, Ont. 23-2 M SEEDCORN We are offeming ail varieties of Seed Corn. Gov. tested No. 1 for germination and quality. Also the leading Hybrid Varieties for Eastern Ontario Noé. 606, 696, 355. Hungarlmn, Siberian, Golden MilUett's, Sudan Grass, Rape, etc. Seed Buekwheat. Western feed wheat, oats and barley A.W. GLENNEY Telephone Clarke 33-12 24-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - SOLID B RIC K bouse on Centre Si-, Bowman- ville. Must be sold to close a1~ estate and will be sold hea ps for cash. Appiy A. E. Bden, King St. West, phone 526.- 13-t! FOR SALE - LARGE, BUFF- colored brick housè, containing 6 roomns, hall, and large clothes closet. Ouiside measurement is 31 fi. x 21 fi. Brick is 13 fi. bigh from fouildation ta eave. Pur- ebaser miy have immediate possession and will be grinted permission ta naze and remove it from present location. Apply owner. Ed. Youngman, Ponty- pool, Ont. 23-3 Buy the Large Size and SAVE ÇASHMERE TISBStE - Combleteil wu'apped Soft Pute White 700 SEZETS )to the roll AS'HME 3for251 [H SUMMER NEEDS Noxzema 19c, 39c, 59e, 89e, $1.25 Noxzema Suntan 011 -- 30c Duration Let-Do ----- 45 Silk-Llte Lkquid Silk Stoeklng - 3 shades 15c, & 25c Ho-Saver - the modern liquid silk hoslery ------ 150 Arden Velva Beauty Film Liquld Stockings ---- $1.25 Nlarpine Shampoo 15c, 2 for 25e Sta-Way............-------.---39o Anti-Mosqilito Cream --- 35e smail 59C large 9sc SAVE 20c Sal Hepatica Saline Laxative smail 30c large $1.15 SAVE 55c Ex-lax Chocolate Laxative smail 15e large 33c SAVE 12e Feenamint .Gum Laxative smail 19e large 69e SAVE 16e Baver's Aspirin Tablets amail 22e large 98c SAVE 85e Alka-Seltzer Tablets smail 29c large 57e SAVE 33C Dr. Chase'. Nerve Food smali 60c large $1.50 SAVE 30e Sloan's Linimneijj. smail 33e larg 1î.~ SAVE $1.01 MacLean's Stomach ýPowgiér smail 59c large 98o SAVE 20e Jury (4 Loveli The Rexail Drug Store When we test eyes It is done properly g- -. ,r~.. .- V 0 ;eý ý m 1 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - PUREBRED AYR- E sbire cow. Apply Harvey Part- ne'r, R. R. 1 Tyrone, phone Bow- mnanville 2328. 24-1 FOR SALE-1DURHAM HEIFER, cal! ai side, jusi renewed. Ap- ply Albert Hilîs, Enniskillen, phone 2496. 24-1 FOR SALE - OSTEIN, DUR- bam, H-ereford springers, c0ws and heifers, also several stock- -ers. Apply M. Heidi, R. R. 4, Port Perry. 24-1 FOR SALE - HAY, 45 ACRES standing hay, alfal a and timo- tby. Good crop. Apply Lillian Mountjoy, phone 2313, BoW- manville. 24-1 FOR SALE -- SPRINGER COW. due June lStb; fresbened cow with cal! ut foot; bath good large cows. Apply Ralph Davis, Solinu, phone 2413. 24-1 Notice Notice - From June 28th ta July l2ih inclusive, office bours o! Dr. C. J. Austin, Enniskillen, Ont., will be 6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. For emergency calîs, phone 2576 until 10 p.m., ihen Port Perry 104r32. C. J. Austin, M.D., C.M. 24-4* Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. We are carrying a large stock o! suits, Full and Winier couts, pants, windbreaker5, etc. A eaUl wlll convince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond Si. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS baving any dlaim againsi the Estate o! the laie MATILDA HENRY, wbo died on or about the 22nd day o! May, 1942, ut the Village of Bluckstock, in the County o! Durham, are ne- quired ta file the same with proof 1thereof witb he undersigned, 1Executor, or bis Solicitor, not liter iban July 3rd, 1942, afien wbicb date the Estate will be dis- tributed and mll daimns of wbich the Execuior bas not received 1notice will be bmrred as agairisi 1him. DATED ut Bowmanviile ibis .9th day o! June, 1942. LESLIE MOUNTJOY, Blackstock, Ont., Executor, 1 by M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ont. His Solicitor. 24-2 - 1 -~ ~ r1u~i - WANTED - MIN FOR ATTENDANT DUTY Good Working Conditions will consider applicants with military diseharge or those over military service age. Appiy Thse Superintendent Ontario Hospital Whitby Whitby, Ontario 23-24. Wanted - Feiuales FOR MAID SERVICE Good Salary Good Living Conditions Steady Empioymfeflt Will consider applicants over mnilitary service age. ApplY Superintendent Ontario Hospital Whithy Whltby, Ontarlo 23-24 STE WART'S SEED STORE SEED CORN Hybrid and Open PolIinated Corni. Dent and FIin1WJ Varieties 1> SUDAN GRASS, MALETSe SORGHUM, ROOTS, RAPE. etc. Berry Boxes Two-mn-One Bug Kilier Fertilizers Cattie Sprays BULE GARDEN SEEDS Phone 577 Bowmanvlle For estublished Wutkins Route. C.N.R. Ticket AgencY À j ýj 1 Phone 778

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