Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1942, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE S o ci al and P e rs o nal p~Pone 4r The band played in Millbrook Sunday afternoon. I.O.O.F. met June 3rd when candidates .received degrees and later the fourth degree which in- cluded hot dogs, cookies, etc. Mrs. C. S. McLaren was hostess to the Sunday School executive Tuesday night. Orme Gamsby caught 13 lovely trout. Lucky 13! Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker leave to-day for their new home at Winnipeg. It certainiy didn't look like sav- ing gas this weekend. Not oniy were there as many cars as usual but there were also two army trucks going up and down. Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton and family visited in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Glanville visited fri- ends in Lindsay and Toronto. Mrs. F. Peate visited in Nor- thern Ontario with her nephews, Messrs. A. and C. Haw. Marlow Hancock and Elvin Biewett have been transferred to St. Thomas. Exams and tests are the order of the day at 0.0.S. Miss Edna Myles is recuperat- ing at home from an operation for appendicitis. Miss Lenora Bail has resigned from the Central. Mrs. W. Watson and Mrs. G. Gauld visited Mrs:, Hopkins, Pet- erboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough and Marilyn spent the weekend at Peterboro and attended his sis- ter Opal's wedding, at which Mrs. Rosborough played the wedding music. Prof. Thompson, University of Toronto, wife and family. who purchased the Joseph Hall farm, spent the weekehd at their new home. Margaret Flintoff and Jean Forrester lef t Monday to work in Niagara district. District meeting of LOL. was held in Kendal Friday evening. It was decided to dispense with the "waik" this year and give the money to war charities instead. A church parade wili be iield July 12th, the brethren marching to Orono United Church. Lloyd Myles has been in the hospitai in England but is out again. Orono school board met Thurs- day evening. Ail teachers were re-engaged. Mt'. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and Miss Gwennie Phasey were guests at Mr. Geo. Crowther's, Newcastle. ,M'o Red Cross packing com- xrl*met June 2nd and packed these go ds* 20 turtleneck swea- ters, 35 rves, 8 heimets, 10 pr. gioves, 1IT'ero caps, 32 pr. mitts, ý 100 pr. socks, 1 sleeveless sweater, 4 layettes and 20 quilts. Some Orono W.C.T.U. members attended a meeting at Newton- ville. News was received here of the death of Jack Barnes. Jack had been around the world in a tank- er. It is presumed he was buried in Florida. Mrs. W. S. Roy was at Queens- ton where Margaret is Asst. Dieti- tian for the summer. J. J. Cornish is having a garage built. Congratulations to Lyness Glass, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Milton Glass of Orono, and Phyllis Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young, Toronto, who were married at Christ Church, Woodbridge, June 6th. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday. It was decided to cancel the straw- berry festival because of sugar restrictions. A donation was giv- en to the Church Deficit Fund via the bond method. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Mrs. R. H. Brown and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn attended an agricultural meeting at Bobcaygeon, Monday. Scouts met Thursday and en- joyed a relay race around the block. They were very disappoint- ed when informed that the Jam- boree has been again postponed to June 20th. To avoid errors let us repeat the dates-June l3th for SLEEP AND AWAKE REFRESHER Il you don't oleop wonl ii1 .nihb ae inte~ rutd by riatlessnesa 4kteym Wkidney. If your kidneys are oiIut ~ .~ ofirman alb lota. poisons and ateg matryOI est ta liElyaufei, t... At th~e firit sign ai kidne trouble turn conficently te Dodd's Kidny Pila-for over hall a century the 0aoct kidney remedy. Easy t. tale. 114 D sKidney Pis the Orono Scouts and Guides field day and June 2th for the Jam- boree. At Park St. Cburcb Sunday morning a quartette comprised of Manley Littiewood, Glen Tamb- lyn, Stella Best and Muriel Ten- nant sang a selection, and at the evening service Dick Morton fav- ored witb a solo. The congrega- tion, tbrougb the minister, ex- tended best wisbes to C. J. Hugb- son wbo wiil be 95 tbis week and wbo retains bis interest in cburcb affaîrs altbougb not able for some months to attend regulariy. VISITORS Miss Mabel Lowden, Willow- dale, witb Miss Gloria Richardson. L.A.C. Donald Graham witb bis wife and parents. Mrs. Piggott and daugbter, To- ronto, at Mr. M. A. Cameton's. Marlow Hancock witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, Mi- mico, witb Mrs. I. Winter. Mrs. W. Uglow, Morrish, witb Mrs. C. Jones. Miss Mary Sisson and friend, Toronto, witb ber grandmotber. Sgt. Pilot Ron Patterson witb friends. L.A.C. Robt. Keane witb bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers and Jane, and Miss Margaret Mill- son at H. A. Milison's, and attend- ed bis sister Elsie's wedding at Bowmanvilie. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, with ber fatber. Miss Rena Bail at home. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie at W. J. Riddell's. Miss Rosaline Harness witb ber parents. Major F. Lycett and L.A.C. Gordon Leaman at Mrs. I. Win- ter's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Suggitt and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sey- mour, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour and Mrs. G. Sey- mou r. Mr. McGee, of tbe Globe and Mail, Toronto, enjoyed a fisbîng trip here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowan, Osh- awa, at Mr. T. Cowan's. Mr. and Mrs. Shier and ber sis- ter from tbe west at Mr. John Morris' at tbeir cottage. Gunner Ed. Hinton witb friends. Obituary j Mrs. Samuel Simpson Lillie Grace Hodge pasxed away at hem home in Altamont, Alta., on May 24th. She was born at Tymone, Ontario, in 1885, mamied Samuel Simpson of the same place in 1905; then they moved to Mymtlé, Man., and later to Deer- wood wheme thiey lived until 11/2 yeams ago when hem husband pass- cd away and since that time she bas lived in Altamont. She ix. sumvived by two sons, Percy and Burton of Deemwood, and three daugbtems, Mmx. C. Congdon, Du- hamel, Alta., Mms. W. Scott, and Mrs. Ed. Lyle of Altamont; also two sistens and two brothers. Brown's Mmx. Walter Farrow ix home from Toronto hospital tbougb stil confined to bed. Mms. Foster, Newcastle, is nurse in charge. Visitons: Mm. and Mms. Welling- ton Farrow and Wylma, Miss Jean Perrin and Mm. B. Morley at Mm. Lawrence Jamîeson's, at Coud Springs. .. Mmx. J. Hillier ix home fmomn a visit with hem daughter Mmx. Moffat. . . Mm. and Mmx. C. Turner and Sam at Mm. K. Ormis- ton's, Maple Grove. . . Mm. Geo. Stephenson attended a conven- tion in Toronto. Starkville Art McKay attendcd the horse show at Lindsay. The young feilows got up a charivari for Mm. and Mmx. Lavern Farrow. Murray Dunn bas had a severe some throat. Shiloh W. A. met at Mmx. Dob- son's on Tuexday. Mr. Finnie was out to chumch Su nday aftem bis strenuous win- ter of illnssx. Visitors: Lew Hallowell was in 'hie city. .. Miss Ruth Savery and Mr. Ewant Bobinson at Mm. Han- old Lyttle's, Newtonville. .. Mmx. C. Reid, Newtonville, withMm. S. G. Hallowell. .. Mmx. J. Tamblyn, O'-ono. with Mmx. T. A. Reid.... Will Henry, Newcastle, with Mmx. S. G. Hallowell. .. Mmx. G. Silver and Pickering friends at Mm. Geo. Etwell's. .. Miss Beulab Hallo- well, Toronto, at home. .. Mn. and Mmx. Fred Wilson, Perrytown, at Mmx. Warren Cason'x. . . Danny Shutka, Air Force, St. Thomas, at home. NEWS WED IN BMLBROOK Mr. and Mrs. William J. R. McKnight, whose marriage took place on Saturday, May 30th, in Millbrook. The bride was former- ly Miss Madeline McDowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Doweli of Millbrook, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKnight, Millbrook. (Courtesy Peterboro Examiner) Weddings Walker-Cooper Spîmea, peonies, and pink and white carnations decomated the honWl of Mm. and Mms. Chas. V. Coc(per, Orono, on Satumday, June 6tb, for the mamiage of their daughtem, Audrey Elizabeth, to L!A.C. Charles Verdun Walkem, son of Mm. and Mmx. Clamkson Walkem, Toronto. The officiating clergyman was Bey. J. McLach- ian, Newtonville. The wedding music was played by Mm. Neil Stewart. Given in mariage by hem fa- ther, the bride wome a cbarming floor-length gown of white chif- fon with round fagotting neck- line and flowem headdmess. She camicd a bouquet of ed sweet- heant roses. and was unattended. At the eception. following the wedding. the bride's mother me-. ceived the guests in a gown of figurgd chiffon with corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother womc a navy redingote fmock with corsage of pink roses. The happy couple departed for a trip thmough Eastern Ontario, the bride gowned in a becoming blue tailomed suit witb red ac- cessomies. Their future address will be Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sharpe-Rosborough The wedding took place in Faim- view United Cbumch, Smith Town- ship, on June 6th, of Opal Lillian, daugbter of Mm. and Mms. Wilbert A. Itosborough, to Henry Arthur, son of Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Shampe of Ida. The ceemony took place on the occasion, of Mr. and Mmx. Bosbomough's tbity-sixth wed- ding annivemsary. Bey. J. R. Trumpour pefommed the ceme- mony, and the cburcb was pret- tily decomateci witb peonies and orange blossoms. Mms. R. C. Bosbomough, sister- in-law of the bride, played the wedding music and Mm. Stanley Shampe, brother of the groom sang "0O Perfect Love." Given in marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride wore a f loor- length gown of white organza em- bossed with velvet over taffeta with a slight train. Hem f inger- tip veil of white tulle bung fom a halo of orange blossoms and she caried a sbowem bouquet of Amemican beauty roses. The maid of honour, Miss Elea- nom Rosbomougb, sister of the1 bride, worc a shell pink-.fock of point d'esprit net on similar lines of the bide's. Miss Ileanor Sharpe, sister of the groom, gown- cd in sheil pink oganza, and Miss Dorothy White of Keswick, gown- ed in blue net over taffeta, acted as bridesmaids. The best man was Mm. Gordon Staples, cousin of the groom, and the ushers weme Mm. Russell Rosborough, brother of the bride, and Mm. Bac Stewart. At the reception the bride's mother received, wearing a Frcnch blue frock with white ac- cessories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wome a redingote frock of Wistamia sheer with a matching bat and corsagei of pink roses. Later the bride and groom lcft on a short trip. For travelling the bride wome a blue jersey fmock and white accessories. None are more hopelessly en- slaved than those who falsely be- lieve they are fee.-Goethe. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Council met June 2nd. At 2 p.m. the Court of Revîsion met, when tbree properties bad their assessmcnt adjusted and moll finally confirmmd. There was considerable discus- sion concerning the killing, of sheep and cattie as $354 was paid out this montb due to damage done by dogs. These bills weme ordemed paîd: Provincial Treasurer ---- $ 3.36 A. S. Miller, snow plougb.- 3.75 Mmx. E. J. Randaîl, R vs F__ 32.00 J. J. Mellor, salamy, etc-----66.55 E. L. McNacbtan, 50% me bospital --- ------------- 107.25 Mmx. H. Morris ---------------- 5.00 Wm. E. Davey, taxi, B.O.H. 2.25 Orono Times, printing ---- 4.00 Dr. W. H. Stanley, B.O.H..- 3.00 Canadian Produce Co., 2 lambs killed ----------- 16.00 Geo. J. Stapleton, sbooting dog...............--------------- 5.00 E. B. Duvaîl, supplies......---9.36 R. H. Wood, came of bal-- 4.50 Mmx. J. C. Gamey, insur- ance premîum.........------227.75 C. J. Allen, 4 trips as valuer 10.00 C. J. Allen, 1 sbeep, 3 lambs killed ---------- 39.00 Geo. Laing, 3 cattle killed 165.00 J. H. Lowemy, 8 sbeep killed 120.00 A. H..Robbins, fence viewer 4.00 Edwamd Dean, fence viewer 3.00 Stanley Rowe, fence view'r 2.25 Omono Hydro Comm., lights 10.99 Road Voucher No. --------- 795.34 DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of June 10, 1926 South Durham League opened here, witb Newtonville winning 6-3. Wallace, Newtonville south- paw, seemed unbeatable. This game now tics Omono, Wesleyville and Newtonville. Clarke Orange District Lodge decided to "walk" this year in- Lindsay. Consignments of speckled trout were receivcd fmom the Brantford Hatchery for streams in Omono community park and o t b e r streams in this district. Building opemations are being rushed on W. E. Davey's new sbop and nesidence. C. C. Stonehouse, Oshawa, archi- tect for the new addition to the High Scbool building, ix meeting the Board of Trustees to-day with bis complete plans. Bey. J. W. Rae announced be would tendem bis esignation as pastor of Centre St. Cburch, ef- fective July lst, 1926. Why bather with monoy orders and letter-writlng? Place your Bray ChIck order through the underalgned. Per. sonal attention - prompt delivery and the usual Bray hlgh quallty. JACK HUDSON, Orono; WILFRED RICHARDSON, Pontypool;, F. L. BYAM, Tyrone; or A. W. GLENNEY, Newcastle ®RONO Mms. Jno. Hendmy ix mucb im- 1 proved in health. Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Martini and family and Bemnice and Doro-'c tby Brown attended Miss Phyllis1 Challis' necital in Bowmanville. Miss Mildmed Brown retumned to Toronto aftem bolidaying with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hendry and family, Mm. and Mrs. Robt. Hen-r dry attended the Holstein Picnic1 at Peterboro.S Recent Visitors: Cpi. Wm. Tay- lor, Windsor, at Mm. B. Jaynes'.. Blanche Taylor, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Bedwin's. . . Mm. and Mms. S. Powell, Dormene and Elaine, and9 Mm. A. Bedwin at Mr. N. Gamt-t shomes, Wbitby. .. Mm. and Mmx.t C. J. Mitchell and Miss BerniceE Brown at Mm. Jno. Mitcbell's... Mm. and Mrs. Frank Johns, Mm.3 and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Oshawa,i and Mrs. J. Baskerville, New-c castle. at Mm. W. Baskemville's..t A. Hendry in Kingston. . . Miss Lorraine Beighton in Hamilton.. Cowanville Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer visit- ed at Mr. Mac Stapleton's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephens and Stanley. and Mrs. E. Farrow were in Toronto Monday. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Burley, Doreen and Kennetb, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer attended the 25th wedding anniversary of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan visit- ed at Mr. John Lowery's, Orono. Friends were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Jack Barnes. No particulars have been eceived. Sincere sympathy is ex- ténded to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crossley. Jack will be buried in Fiorida. Clarke Union Mrs. Harold Aluin, presîdent of the Gooci Will Bible Class, enter- tained the class at ber home. Lorne Nortbover had bis bicycle taken from the veranda of bis employer, S. D. Souch. The party wbo took it must have known the place and also the dog as he usuallv gives alarm to strangers. AI Brown, on the Cowling place, bas rnoved to Nortb Oshawa. We understand the tobacco firmn is stocking the farm witb cattie this year. Mrs , H. J. Souch and Eiieen visited at Niagara with Mr. and Mms. Bob McLeod. We extend sympathy to Mr' Wes. Conlin and family on the; loss of xife and mother. Miss Ireland spent the weekend witb Mrs. Pearce, Bowmanville. Boy Berry visited friends near Newtornville. Lake Shore, Clarke Mvr. L. Soucfl andi Allan, Oshiawa, O..C, uelph, placed the kPer- at Mr. W. Adams'. .. Mr. and Mrs. cherons and carniage classes. Roy W. A. Adams and family at Mr. Ferren, Cavan, and Nyle Bristow, A. Gibson's, Lockbart's. . . Mr. Campbellcroft, weme principal and Mrs. W. Holmes in Belleville. winners, witb Ferren capturing ..Joyce Poliard, Newcastle, at the championsbip. In this class Mr. J. Holmes. was Ferren's black staliion, Buddy Surprise, grand champion aithte C.N.E. and the only Canadian bred horse to capture it, whîle a Newtonville Bristow exhibit was oac Prince, fimst at the C.N.E., 1941, and neyer beaten in the show Visitors: Mrs. Carlaw, Wark- ring. wortb, with ber sister, Mrs. Wiilis In the iight and carniage classes, Jones. .. Mr. Elwood Moore, Cas- were tbe hackneys of Mrs. Mary tieton, witb Mrs. Jas. Stark. . .. T. Kelly, Peterboro, winners both Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson, in Canada and the U.S.A., and the Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. Gor- Ivan Cochrane stables, Nestieton, don Drew and Patricia, Oshawa, also C.N.E. winners. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and Bacon Hogs Dawn, Bowmanville, at Mr. Geo. Bruce Lockie, Zephyr, judged Stapleton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Dan- 1 the iimited entries in the bacon iel Jones and Patricia, Oshawa, hog classes. Haliard Argue, Mill. at Mr. J. A. Barrie's. .. Mr. and brook, captured the cbampionsbip, Mmx. Frank Werry and family at witb Russeil Darling, Fraserville, Mr. Cecil Stapleton's. .. Mm. Frank and C. L. McNeil also winners. MeMullen with bis brother, Mm. The latter took the Canada Pack- Neil McMullen, Lansing. . . Mr. er's Special but the T. Eaton and Mms. S. R. Nicholîs, Toronto, Special Prize is deferred until Mrs. S. Parsons, Exeter, at Mm. grading is completed. Sid Lancaster's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Judges in ahl classes agreed on J. C. Moore and Howard, Burford, the excellence of all the exhibits. at Mm. Thos. Burkell's. .. Mr. and Will Jobnston of Illinois said On- Mrs. J. W. Lancaster and Mm. and tario Shortborns were in beavy Mrs. Sidney Lancaster witb Mm. demand as breeding stock in the S. Btyttery's, Salem. . . Mvr. and U.S.A. at ahl times and meleased Mrs. George Halford and family, the news that W. J. Russell, Port Hope, ai Mr. Frank Gilmem's. Unionville, bad ecetly sold to Mrs. W. H. Jones, Mms. S. Rowe, Marrelbar Famms, Illinois, a Mrs. G. Martin and Mrs. F. Gilmer Scotch strain bull at $8,500 the attended the Trustees and Rate- bigbest price obtained for a Can- payers meeting at Tyrone. adian bmed bull in the past thmee Congratulations to Mr. Wm. decades. W. A. Dryden pointed Argaîl wbo was 79 years old last out that the effect of closing the week. C.N.E., and the International ai WV. A. of the United Church met Chicago, has been to drive stock- Junc 3md ai Mrs. J. T. Pearce's men to smallem faims; that the witlh a good attendance. A quiz quality shown at Miilbmook was on -Wbat do you know about the equal of Class ',A" exhibitions Canada" was held. The hostesses anywheme. ser'vcd lunch. Mrs. C. Burley add- Speeches ed to the enjoyment by readîng S. S. Staples was ringmaster tes cups. Strange and wonderful and announcer over a loud speak- werc the futures foretold. Next er system. He called upon promin- meeting June 24th, with the bos- ent exbibitoms and authomities to tessex in charge of lunch and pro- say a few words to the crowd. grain to be Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. Among these weme Capt. Mum- S. Burley and Mrs. G. Tbompson. ford, who ecentiy bought a $1000 Ail ladies of the congregation are bull from Marmeibar Farm, Ill., as cordially invited. a berd sire. Jack. Baker, Dumbam's A Correction - It ix Alden Pol- fieldman, H. R. Wbite, Guelph, lard wbo has gone overseas in- Bert McLean, Lindsay, Garnet stead of Elmer. Shields, Reeve of Cavan and W. F. Bill Morton ix w'orking in the Rickamd, M.P., ah 0of wbom ex- CGE., Petemboro. pmessed high entbusiasm of the Mis. Robt. Morton has accepted faim and the quality of stock. a position at Pickering. President Robemt McCamus and Bed Cross collections for New- Secretary J. N. McGill had beeii tonville and district amounted to apprehensive that the Holstein $12625. Field Day at Peterbomo might A number from here took part overshadow Millbrook, but their in Miss Challis' Recital in Bow- fears were unfounded. It was a manville.grnshw Anumber from here attended Pgrand show. the funemal of Mrs. Leslie Aluin, Shorthomn winners weme: Bull Lake Shore. calves: 1 Richardson, 2 Gamnet Rickard, 3 Chas. Aluin. Heifer calves: 1 Jas. Leask, 2 Pimmett & Peace ix liberty in tranquillity. Son, 3 Baker Famms, 4 Elmhurst -Cicemo. berd. Yearling beifers: 1 Russell Power witbout justice is soon Osborne, 2 W. F. Rickard & Son, questioned. Justice and power 3 Capt. Mumford, 4 Donaldson. must therefore be bought to- Yearling bulîs: Bcath Famms, 1 gether, s0 that wbatever is just and 2, Donaldson 3md. Two yeam may be powemful, and whateven femalex: all prizes went to the [s powemful may be just.-Pascal. Dinsdale herd. Beatb Farms won Power is so cbaracteristically the grand championship for bulls calm, that calmness in itself bas any age and Dinsdale captured it the aspect of power, and forbear- in the female classes. Damlington ance implies strengtb.-Bulwer- sent a strong contingent of spec- Lytton. tators. Blackstock Victonian Women'x Institute met at Mmx. James Strong's on June 3md. Bible eading was tak- en by Mmx. Hector Shortridge and Womcn's Daily Prayer was read by Mmx. T. Smith. Roll cail wax anxwencd witb poultmy or garden hints. A donation wvas made to the Institute for the Blind. Mmx. C. Marlow was in charge of the progmam. Mmx. Stanford Van- Camp gave an intemesting talk on "Poultmy." A neading on the Wat Womk accomplished by the Wo- men's Institutes in the nine pro- vinces was ead by Mmx. C. Mar- low. Beading "The Need" was given by Mmx. L. Byems. Contest and lunch weme also enjoyed. Wednesday evening in the com- munity hall, friends gathcred to do honoun to a newly mamied couple, Mm. and Mmx. Leslie Bea- cock (neh Grace Vickcmy, Port Penny), with a miscellaneous xhowen. Mr. Laverne Devitt act- ed as chaimman. As the couple were asked to the platform, the Wedding Mamcb wax played by Mmx. Lorne Thompson. A ecita- tion "For he was Scotch and so was she" wax given by Mmx. Earl Herman Wilson and George Fowl- er. Relatives were present fmom Camemon. Mmx. V. M. Archer and Mrx. Wallace Marlow attended the Trustees and Batepayers meeting at Tymone. Visitons: Miss Miriam and Ralpb Ncwell, Fenelon Falls, and Miss Pollock, Kingston, witb Mrs. Ja- bez Wright. . . Miss Wilma Van- Camp with Miss Bessie Edgemton, Cadmus... Mmx. S. Swain is home fnom a montb's visit witb Mmx. O. Carley, Cavan.. . Mrs. John Mar- low with Mmx. Ivan Sbook, To- ronto. . . Mmx. Foster Ferguson, Ottawa, witb friends. . . . Miss Kathleen Taylor, Petembomo Nor- mal, at home. .. Mm. and Mms. A. L. Bailey in Toronto. . . Allan Booker, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Book- cm, Cayuga, at Reeve C. Devitt's. ..Misses Ruth Malow, Phema Hooey and Florence McLaugblin, Toronto, at home. .. Miss Norma Hooey was guest of Flying Offi- cen and Mmx. T. G. Chumcb and Mm. and Mms. Joseph Porter, Lake- field... Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mal- colm, Oshawa, and Miss Christina Curry, Toronto, witb fiends... Mn. and Mms. Lorne Wannan and family, St. Catharines, at Mm. N. Mountjoy's. a _______________________________________________________________ I s t TRURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE Lockhart's School Holstein Field Day No. 9 Home and School Club <Contrnued from page 1) Business Directoiy met for its final meeting and elec- them as just plain silly. They ________________ tion of officers on June 3rd. realized that as farmers they were paying for the upkeep and trans- ea Treasurer's report showed the port of eleven trucks, drivers'Lea largest balance (including our wages and so on; s0 they arrang- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. $50.00 Victory Bond) wbicb. we ed among themselves to get their Barrister, Solicitor, Notary have ever had, although our ex- cream taken to the nearest fac-Phn35 penditures, in addition to running tory. A similar enquiry was madePon35 expenses. have included about into bread distribution, and that Bank of Commerce Bldg. $90.00 in cash donations to-Ru s- enterpris e ended by ail the far- Bowmanville sian Medical Supplies Fund, Red mers on one route agreeing to Cross Campaign, No. 9 War Work buy from just one bread truck. W. R. STRIKE Committee, Hygiene Prizes in the They established an egg grading Barrister, Solicitor, Notary school, Durham Co. Musical Fes- station, operated by the Federa- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal tival, gifts for nine No. 9 boys in tion. and owned by them; they Money to Loan . Phone 791 uniform, First Aid supplies for sponsored township weed control- Bowmanvilie, Ontario school, and donation to school and last winter, Miss Macphaii1 board to be applied to the scbooi was informed, the Simcoe Federa-j L.C AOB. hydro expenses. (A very comn- tion members expanded their in- 1 .C AOBA mendable record.-Editor. . itiative and study, resulting in Barrister - Solicitor War Work Conl¶Tittee had on more "learning by doing." Notary Public - Etc. display some of the cbildren's *"Politlcs Foreshadowed" Law in ail its branches clothing and layette work which Ms Office immediately east of Royal hav benmaeas eî a sme "Hang on to your seats," Ms Theatre huive. ey rmaeparte a o$3 Macphail remarked as she sug- Phone Office 688 Home 553 onits ha ot aot 3 gested that farmers were begini An brefrpotofth as ning to think in termis of politics; 1 ets Conv e ention oas he y atrnot that she Wanted to see the ett BonventiAnuwal picnctobeMat Canadian Federation of Agricul- own Paknu in 27th.b ture to go into politics, but that! DR. J. C. DEVITT Officers elected for 1942-43 are: they would be doubly warned toi Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson President-F. W. Bowen; V i c e- keep out of it. Trying to peer in- rdaeo oa etlCl President-Ross Ailin; Secretary to the future after the war andlGerad t , ffoalcentar Jl Col -Btt Aun TeaurrChar- o prospective surpluses when Bîdg. Bowmanvilie. Office hours let G lenn: Eecsuier-M rynations return to production, Miss BoswGen Mrs. eC MaeM ry Macphail feared a severe reac- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, Dean, Mrs. Fred Bowen, Russel' tion uponth famrofhi Phone 790 - House phone 325 Osborne, Austin Turner. country with consequent discon-1 X-Ray Equipment in Office Mr. Osborne moved a vote of tent that might throw _______________________ appreciation to Mrs. Garnet Rick- into politics. v them againtor ard who has taught in our sehool 'Remember the UFO. They - Fnrl ietr most co-operative. He announc- \veren't prepared to go into poli- FUNERAL DIRECTORS since the'new year and has been tics. They did flot wish to do so, Srie n or n a ed that Miss Reita Cooke, New- but their local or countv officers Srie n or n a castle, has been engaged as tea- ail up and down the provincel F. F. Morris Co. cher for the coming year. Mr. were pulled into polities by the1 Osborne also expressed the ap- members." Modern Motor Equipment, Am- preciation of the club for the U.F.O. Mistake bulance and Invalid Car. Tele. work of the retiring president Ge'c ready for the aftermatb of phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. during the past three years.. the war, but keep the Federation LicesedAciner Miss Mary Bowen visited in out of polities. Safeguard the ne coer Toronto. Federation from political action. Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newton- Think politics but don't repeat the CLIFFORD PETHICK ville. has been with bier grand- UFO. mistake. That was some Actioneer - Enniskillen mnother. Mrs. H. C. Bowen, who of Miss Macphail's advice. Far Phone Bowmanville 2536 hasn't been in the best of health. mers could join ail one party if Speciaiizing in Farm, Livestock, $18.65 was realized from sale of, they feit like it and they could Impiements and Furniture Sales. salvaee collection made in No. 9. be powerful and stubborn enough Consuit me for ternis and dates. Sc'hooi board. who were in charee to get something done. Or they 50-tf of the collection. turned the pro- could join a new party already cAeds over to F W. Bowen and formed. ELMER WILBUR Harold Gibson for Red Cross. "If we don't do something along Hampton - Ontario those lines, I am afraid that when Specializing in Farm, Livestock, MILLBROOK FAIR the time comes we will do some- Implements and Furniture Sales _____tbîng wrong. And when we are, TERMS MODERATE trompag 1) getting near that stage again, I Phone for Terms and Date to: (Continueu fo ae1 hope we wllail remember the Bowmanville 2428 principal exhibitors were Nelson ____________________ Wagg, Claremont, Harry Patter- 'Tbink of our industry first Vtrnr son, Millbrook, S. S. Staples, Ca- and our nation second! Some _______________ van, James Whittington & Son, people might think that does notR..MU AY vs;BVSc South Monaghan and Harry Mc- sound like the right order. TheR.BMU AY S;BVS. Intyre, Keene. The Wagg string best thing we can do for our na- Veterinarlan inciuded Strathore Guard, twice tion is to save our industry. Church St. - Bowmanvllle grand champion at the C.N.E., and One of the impressive observa- 'Phone 843 29tf twice grand champion at the In- tions by Miss Macphaii paid high te rn a t ion al1, Chicago. In the tribute to the Farm Radio Forums- Staples' string was the junior witb their new empbasis on think- Dorreil. Four local girls sang grand champion at the C.N.E. iast ing as not îikeîy to make much "White Cluf fs of Dover." Miss year. Wagg took the championsb'i real orogress if it was not foilow- in the three year oids; Mclntyre ed by action, that spirit of survey_ Helen VanCamp, Mrs. John Ham- captured the junior and Wbitting igaddigmnfse ytelon ndM .CclHllav ton & Son the team cîass. - igand daimnifeost eingsanDaMsnci Hili gae Prof. M. W. Staples, B.S.A., ofSiceFdrto grusradgs Dnigwsejye the Animai Husbandry Dept., _________ to music by Mrs. David Wilson, ý 1

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