Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1942, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1942 to muke jam for the Red Cross. Cadlmus Mis. George McCullough gave a paper on "The best things are not Mi. and Mis. Haîîy Philp, Eve- iationed." Mis. Hodgeît, Matron lyn, Bobbie and Bryce, Mis. of the Childîen's Shelter, Paît Howard Philp, and brother, Brou- Hope, gave an inteiesting talk on gham, motoîed to Arthur on Wed- "Child Welfuîe." Next meeting nesday ta visit their aunt, Mis. at Mis. Cecil Buîley's. Topic is Wesley Philp. Mis. Philp is 82 'Peace." year of age and since the passing W.M.S. meets June 9th. af Mi. Robert Philp, Buiketon, is Signalmun Lloyd Morton hus the anly one left of that generu- arîived safely in Eng]and and his tian. mother has alîeady îeceived a Mi. and Mis. Thompson, Toron- letter from hlm. to, are ut "Dahlia Dell" with Mvrs. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mis. Wolf e. Laveine Farrow who weîe mai- Mis. W. D. Ferguson, Faye and i ied a t the pursonage, May 23îd. Garrie spent Sunduy with Mi. _________ and Mis. Ed. Stîong. Pleased ta see Mi. Harîy Mc- Kee home. S ln Mr. and Mis. Patterson. Guelph, Mr. W. Brown, Paul, Grant and Helen, at Russell Brown's. Mi. Milton Siemon with his mo- ther at Mis. J. E. Elliott's. We welcome our fîiends of the cottages back to their summer cottages. Newtonville Visitors: Rev. and Mrs. J. Mc- Lachlan in Lindsay.. Mi. and Mrs. Wilbuî Barrie and Alec, Mr. Thos. Barrie and Lorraine, Can- ton, at Mr. J. A. Barrie's. . . Mr. and Mis. Wm. Stapleton and Betty with the Stapleton Bras. and at Mr. J. Morris', Orono... Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery and two sons, Cobourg, at Mr. Ray- mond Bruce's. .. Miss Velma Mal- lough, Toronto, at Mr. George Stapleton's. .. Mr. and Mis. Ross Wallace and family in Toronto.. Mis. Cecil Robinson with Mis. Wyley, Argyll. . . Mi. and Mis. J. A. Barrie and Murray at Mi. W. A. Wright's, Tyrone. . . Mr. and Mis. Robt. Morton at Mr. Lloyd McGahey's, Peterboro. .. Mi. and Mis. Chas. Morris with her mother at Mt. Albert. Mrs. Morris remained. Rev. W. Rackham, Hampton, occupied the U. C. pulpit Sunday. W. I. met at the home af the president, Mrs. Gardon Martin, with 28 present. Plans were made SMO W-DROP COOL DRESSES 3995 -22.50 What could be cooler for throngh thse summer? Fresh polka dots in spun rayon Jacket, skirt, calot too! Washable. DARK HATS at gr.atly reduced prices Get yours now whlle selec- tions are thefr best Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Ltd. BOWMAN VILLE Eldad Anniversary Rev. J. McLachlan, Newton- ville, brought înspiring messages ta the many peopie who attencied aEldad anniversary services on r unday. In the aiternoan, with simple undi impressive staules, hie exhorted boys and girls, big and little, ta right living. -Home ' was the tneme af hîs evening address. Music by the schaol unaer super- vision af Miss H-elen Baker and assisted by Tyrone Mule Quartet, wus efficientiy provîded. Amicist the lavely florai background wus a beautîxul bouquet ai red roses and white carnations dedicated by Mis. Nelsan Reynolds, Toronto, in memory of her husband, the late Nelson Reynolds, who, uxîtil the trne of bis death, had taken an active inteîest in S. S. woîk, especiully ut bis Solinu home, having, neyer missed un unniver- saîy service ai thîs church. Manday night the Greenwood Drumutie Club displuyed great versatility in their excellent var- iety pragram, including vocal duets, trias, choruses, orchestral sélections, piano duets, mono- logues, and drama "Oie Maîtha." Entire receipts were $150.00. Visitais: Mr-. and Mis. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen, Rev. and Mis. J. McLachlan, Newtonville, Mi. and Mis. Luther Puscae und f ami- ly, Zion, Mi. and Mis. Walter Bray, Mi. und Mis. Gardon Law, Pickering, ut Mi. A. L. Pascoe's. ...Mis. Nelson Reynolds, How- aid and Barbara, Miss Kue Hous- tan, Mr-. and Mis. A. E. Whitnell, June and Lorraine, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Reg. Somerville, Mary and Eleanor, Cherrywoad, Mi. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, Hampton, ut Mi. Jack Reynolds'. ...Mi. Ben Powell, Miss Mabel Powell, Oshawa, Pte. Herbert Wright and friend, Camp Borden, ut Mi. Narval Wotten's. . . . Mi. and Mis. Nelson Fice, Donna, Marilyn and Keith, Taunton, Mr. and Mis. Frank Moore, Bux-ketan, Harold Moore, Camp Barden, Mis. John Westluke and Bill, Miss Iva Ferguson, Bowmanville, ut Mi. Frank Westlake's. Mi. Benson Crydermun, Glen Miller, Misses Jean Miller, Bar- bara Guthrie and Betty Snawden, Toronto, Mis. Les. Snowden, Mu- pIe Grave, ut Mr. Thas. Buker's. ...Mi. and Mis. F. Bray arid Elgin, Enfield, Mi. and Mis. Re- fard Cumeron, Zian, ut Mi. W. Parrinder's. . . . Mr. Sam Bray, Enfield, Mi. and Mis. Will Mount- jay, Kedran, Mi. and Mis. E. A. Werry and iamily, Enniskillen, Miss Ethel Cale, Bawmanville, Mr-. and Mis. F. Davidson, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Werry, Mi. and Mis. F. Mason, Mi. Will Muttan, Mis. W. Armaur, Oshawa, ut Mr. S. E. Werry's. . . . Miss Elaine Ormiston. Oshawa, Misses Mil- dred Snowden and Jean Jarvie, Mi. Lawrence Wragg, Maple Grave, Misses Eileen and Mur- janie Couch, Bowmanville, ut Mi. Jack Buker's. . . . Mi. and Mis. Foster Snowden, Kedron, Mi. and Mis. Roy McGill, Keith and Revu, Mrs. Chas. Lungmuid, Enniskil- len, Miss Marlon Johns, Bowmun- ville, ut Mi. Roy Lungmaid's. Mi. and Mis. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland, with Mis. S. Bush. . .. Miss Eunice Knapp,I Oshawa, ut Mi. J. Smales'.... Mi. and Mis. Russell Stuintan and family, Zion, ut Mi. Ed. Millson's. ..Mi. and Mis. F. Wright, Mis. Gea. Graham and Barbara, Bow- munville, Mi. and Mis. Ivan Elli- cott, Oshawa, Miss Eleunor Me- Millan, O.L.C., Whitby, Miss Janet Godfrey, Keewatin, ut Mi. N. C. Yellowlees'. . . . Mi. and Mis. Laine Hoskin, Allun and Murray, Tyrone, Mi. and Mis. Allan Mc- Kenzie and Lorraine, Columbus, ut Mi. R. Davis'. . .. Mi. and Mis. Aîley Noîtheutt, Arlene and Aud- with Mis. C. Blanchard. . .. Mr. and Mis. Joe Chupman, Hampton, Mr. and Mis. Mervin Hobbs and Joan, Enniskillen, Mi. Walter Blackburn, Janetville, Mi. and Mis. Everett Elliott and fumily, Oshawa, with Mis. R. J. McKes- sock. Mi. and Mis. Norman Leach, Taunton, Mi. and Mis. Douglas Elett, Columbus, Miss Jean Leach, Bowmuanville, ut Mi. J. R. Kivell's. ..Mi. and Mis. Arthur Taylor, Cherrywood, Mi. and Mis. Orvîlle Jackson and Murray, Brooklin, Mi. and Mis. John Cruicksbank, Isobel and Douglas, Zion, Mi. and Mrs. Lorenzo Tîull and family, Mrs. Austin Burran, Mi. and Mis. Percy Dewell and Marilyn, Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and fami- ly, Hampton, ut Mi. H. E. Tink's. ...Mi. and Mis. Francis Thamp- son, Bawmunville, ut Mr. E. Hoc- kaday's. . .. Mi. and Mis. Ernest ..armei und famîly, Blackstock, at Mi. E. Crydermun's. . . '. Mr. and Mis. Jack MacNab and Aud- rey, Hampton, Miss Dorothy Mac- Nab, Regina, Sask., Mi. and Mis. Russell Balson, Bowmanville, ut 95th BIRTHDAY Mr. C. J. Hughson Highly respected and beloved citizen of Orono, arnd its oldest resident, who on June l2th cele- brates his 95th birthday. Salem Rev. Plant, Enniskillen, oc- cupied the pulpit Sunday, delver- ing a fine sermon. Y. P. U. met May 27th. Worship period was taken by Mrs. S. But- tery. This program was in charge of Mrs. L. Richards: Bible refer- ence, Mrs. L. Squair; topic in dialogue, F. Blackburn and B. Darch; piano solo, Miss M. Colla- cutt; readings, Miss H. Thompson, Mrs. L. Coambes and Mrs. E. Doidge. Recreation was conduct- ed by Mr. E. Doidge. On Saturday Mr. and Mis. O. Heîtzburg attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Anne Armour, eldest daughter of Dr. R. G. Ar- mour, Weston, ta Rev, Gerwyn Owen, son of Archbishop Owen. On the Saturday previaus Mi. and Mrs. Hertzburg attended the wed- ding of another niece, Miss Gay Armour, daughter of Mrs. A. D. Armour, Toronto, ta Mi. Dayfil Clarke. This wedding was solem- nized in St. James Cathedral, Toronto. The couple will reside at Kingston where Mi. Clarke is engaged in Mechanical Engineer- ing on War Aircraft. Mr. and Mis. Lockhart, Niagara, N.Y., visited her sisters, Mis. S. Buttery, Salem, and Mis. 1. Mun- day, Maple Grove. Salem fîiends are sorry to leain that Mr. L. D. Sykes is quite il. Hampton Visitors: Mrs. T. Salter with her sister Mrs. C. Dunlop, at Cold- water... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Faîn- comb in Toronto. . . Miss Pearl Gilbert, Whitby, at home... Mrs. Gea. Richards and two sons and Mr-. W. Yeo, Bowmanville, at Mi. Bruce Yeo's. .. Mi. and Mis. W. W. Horn, Mi. and Mrs. Gea. Faîn- comb at Dr. Wallace Hoin's, Port Hope. . . Miss Doris Cryderman, Courtice, at home. .. Mr. and Mis. Heîb. Osborne, Ebenezer, with Mrs. Annie Colwill. . . Mi. and Mrs. Gea. Edgeî, Courtice, with her sister Mis. H. Wilcox... Betty and Bobby Stainton, Toronto, at home. . . Mi. and Mrs. Harold Salter in Orono. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fossey, Toronto, at Mr. Hilton Peters'. .. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Yeo, Buiketon, at Bruce Yeo's... Mrs. Brodie, Toronto, at J. R. Reynolds'. . . Mrs. L. Niddery, accompanied by her sister Mis. Gage, Toronto, left Sunday ta visit relatives in Saskatchewan.. Mrs. Cumberland, Toronto, with her daughter Mis. G. Faîncomb. Mis. Lewis Allin was hostess ta the young ladies' class *ho met at her home for war work on Wednesday evening. A number of young people en- joyed roller skating ut Oshawa1 on Friday evening. We extend sympathy to Miss Maude Reynolds, Bowmanville, in the death of her sister Estella. Miss Lulu Reynolds, Mis, W. PAINT Use Flo-glaze paluts and enamels ta fresh- en your home lnslde or out. Best value for your money, easy ta apply durable and attractive colors WALL PAPER Make your room look like new wlth an up ta date paper, a wide seleetion of patterns and colors fromn whlch ta choose. Speclal remnant lots Furniture PoIish "WONDER NO-RUB'" Try it once. you'll use it alà ways. Best results wlth least effort 25e and 50e suze J. W. JEWELL "BiG 2099 BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanvile The general feeling amongst unenlisted men in this district that they "Ought ta be doing something definite" in the matter af preparedness is reflected week- ly in the number af new recruits signing up with the 2nd Midland Reserve Regiment. Thase physi- cally fit are added ta the strength and provided with battie dress. Provision is made for the train- ing af ail new men in the Elemen- tary Training Group under the able instruction of Sgts. Brummell and Cowle, and Cpi. Stacey and Cadet Flaxman. Men 17. 18 and 19 and aver 35 may, if interested, enter the Sig- nal Platoon direction af Lieut. Dippe]1 and Sgt. Samis. Every effort is being made to fit the local unit for the two-week period at camp which begins July 15. Members of the uhit will oe- interested to know that battie dress will be replaced by khaki drill summer clothing camplete with sun helmet and tunic. Lieut. M. Breslin has been post- ed as Intelligence Officer for the regiment. His grasp of the sub- ject was demonstrated in an en- lightening lecture Friday ta the group assembled informnaily at the armouries. Capt. Joe O'Neill M.C., devotes most of his spare time ta the mul- tifarlous duties of the reserve. The change over from the V.G.C. Reserve ta 2nd Midland Reserve has placed the heavy burden of reorganization on bis shoulders. Added ta this is the visitation oi, the variaus platoons of the com- pany in their different centres. Rackham, Mis. C. J. Kerslake and Miss Mary Katersan attended the W.C.T.U. convention in Oshawa. Those who attended Womcn's Institute District Annual ut Ty- rone were, Mis. Chas. Warren. Mis. W. G. Daîdge, Miss Norah Horn, Mis. Bruce Fergusan, Mis. A. E. Billett, Mis. Fred Honey, Mis. Roy Knox, Mis. Luther AI- lin, Mis. F. W. Allun and Mis. Herb. Rundle. They report a splendid convention. W. I. meet- ing will be held this Thursday. Mis. Bessie Rabbins was hostess for the north group wur warkers' meeting on Wednesday when vuriaus kinds ai work was en- gaged in and dainty refîesbments were served. "Joe" deserves a big hand for his devotion ta duty. C.S.M.E.H. Armstrong, Cobourg, has been added ta the strength ai the Company for full time ad- ministration duties and trainng ai prospective N.C.O.'s and cadets. C.S.M. Armstrong n the last war was a member ai the 5th Nar- thumberland Fusiliers, Imperial Army. He weaîs the Great War service medals, and in addition the Coronatian and Long Service medals. Sunduy, June 21: Diumhead seîvce and manoeuvres. Drill nights, Monday and Wed- nesday each week ut 7.30 ta 9.30 p.m. FARM FORUMS MAPLE GROVE FORUM Twenty members discussed price contral from the farmers' viewpoint after listening ta H. H. Hannam's addîess over the radia. War time economy should be dis. tributed as equully as possiole. The faim income has nat risen with the cost af production. J. H. McKeever, gave an informative talk regarding the pîopased new refrigerution plant ta be apeiuted lacally. Next meeting June 15th in Maple Grave hall. NEWCASTLE DISTRICT FORUM Forum met Monday even.ng ut Wellington Farrow's, Brown's section, with 16 present. Feeling ai meeting was that Wortimc Prices and Trade Board thould have more presentutian uith a first hand knawledge af agricul- tural pioblems; that the price ceiling should be applied ta artic- les the faîmer has ta buy for op- erating purposes (c.g. apple bar- rels, fruit baskets, spray mater- l); that fa.rm prices had not risen ta as high a level as had other prices at the time Puice Ceiling was set; that the prin- ciple afi puce ceilings was the most satisfactory basis ai aperatian but that the faim situation shculd be maie closely studied. Mis Far- row and Wilma served uefresh ments. Committee ta arrange meeting June 15th are Mis. C. Allen, Miss Wilma Farrow and John R:ckard. PROVIDENCE FORUM B urketon The radia broadcust for faim forums on "The Farmer Looks ut Visitais: Mi. and Mus. D. Kay Puice Control" by H. H. Hannam, and Bill, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. brought together at M. H. Wight's W. Sanderson, Olga, Murray and the largest attendunce we have Ray, ut Mis. C. Sandersan's. . .. yet had ta aur forum meetings. Mr-. and Mrs. C. Ruhm, Mn. and Ail the families in this section, en- Mis. C. Avery, Haydon, Mi. Allen gaged in agriculture were repre- Stuinton, Enniskillen, with Mx-. sented with the exception ai thîce. H. Rahm. . . Mis. T. Builey and It was decided that all favoued Ruby, Oshawa, ut home. . . Mr-. a general puice ceiling. In regurd and Mis. E. Cochrane, Joan and ta articles bought fou home and IGeorge, Mx-. and Mis. Ross Oke family, the quality af many are and Billy, Oshawa, with Mr-. E. inferior, while they have saught ta Adams. . . Mr. and Mis. L. Short- maintuin the same puice. As for ridge, Oshawa, and Mu. J. Short- articles for faim aperations, prices ridge, wbo bas been visiting ut are geneîully higher and many Brooklin, ut home. .. Mu. W. Has- things cannat be baught ut any, kmn Oshawa, ut home. .. Mi. and puice. It wus feit thut under the Mis. Norman Philp have retuin- ceiling puices thc grass income af ed ta their home in Montreal. .. fanms arc much the same but on Mis. L. J. Gutcheil in Toronto accaunt ai higher cost af produc- with ber mather who is ill. . . . tion the net incame is lawcu. The Mis. T. G. Bneck in Toronto with gîeatest advuntagè ai puice ceil- ber brother and sister-in-law, Mi. ing is that it is un attempt ta pue- and Mus. A. S. McKecbnie, wba vent deflation aiter the war but are there from Winnipeg, befare a puice floor for faim prices leaving foi Kansas City. . . Mx-. should also be established ta ex- and Mis. W. Lansberîy, Bawman- tend fou two or thuce yeaus aiter ville, with the Gill's. the wur. A disudvantagc ut pue- Anniversary services were beld sent is the fact thut we bad not Sunday with a good uttendance. parity prices wbcn thc ceiling Rev. A. F. Gardner, Tyrone, taok puices were set. bath services, in the afternoan Chaules Burdctt repoited thut speaking ta the childien, and in the sale ai salvage from this sec- the evening gave a splendid ser- tion umaunted ta $50. $5. ai this is mon ta the parents on the spirit- ta be given ta the junior Red ual training ai childien in the Cross ai Providence school and home. Singing by the choir was the remainder ta Red Cross of enjoyed and the churcb wus nice- Bowmunville. ]y decorated with baskets ai Next meeting on June lSth ut floweîs. On Monday evening, Mus. I. Buagg's. Reeve C. R. Cuuveth, Newcastle, showed bis beautifully colored pictux-es of Ontarioaund British Columbia. The pragîam was in- Zion teuspersed with musical numbers by a quartet, alsa from Newcastle. The pragîam was a success in Visitons: Mu. and Mrs. Russell evcny way. Stainton and iamily, Mis. Jas. qt.niuntrbnusuî nt VAna Haydon Visitais: Mus. D. Higgins, Miss Laura Philp, Toronto, ut Mn. R. ISanderson's. .. Mn. Norman Hall a nd Clintan, Mr. and Mus. Eaîl Kennedy and family, Oshawa, ut Mus. David Gruhum's. . . Mis. Cyrus Ashton, Bunketon, Mis. B. Power and Betty, Toronto, ut Mr-. Leslie Gîabam's. . . Mis. Wesley Thampson with relatives in Bow- manville. . . Mn. and Mus. Bert Ford, Buffalo, Mi. Johnson, Lind- say, ut Mn. C. Aveîy's. . . Rev. and Mis. Harold Staintan and Beverly, Guelph, Mr. and Mus. Elmer Hawes, Wbitby, Misses Grace and May Trewin, Toronto. ut Mx-. Wm. Trewin's. .. Mu. and Mis. Everett Beecb and family, Mu. Carson Childenhose, Miss Adeluide Smith, Port Hope, Mi. and Mis. Austin Larmer and family, Mu. and Mrs. Ross Rich- ards and family, Bowmanville, IMu. and Mis. Cecil Rahrn, Union. a t Mn. Alymex- Beecb's. .. Mx-. and Mus. C. Avery ut Mx-. Harold Lai- me,',, Bux-keton. . . Mx-. George Çowling with Mis. Gardon Cowl- ing Bowmunville. dongiatulations ta Mn. and Mis. Eux-I Degeer on celcbrating theix- 43id wedding anniversary; also ta Mx-. and Mus. Wm. Trewin on celebrating thein 36tb wedding anniversaiy. Y. P. U. is closed for tbe sum- mer montbs. Mus. Sam Woodley bas maved inta the other bouse on Clarence Woadlcy's faim. Puactice is in full swing fon oui anniversary under the leadership of E. E. Stuples. ..Mus. Wes. Cameran ut New- castle. .. Mx-. and Mis. Thos. Mur- tin and Lawrence ut Eugene Mur- tin's, Cluiemont. .. Trooper Her- bent Wright, Camp Borden, Mi. Fred Martin, Miss Marguerite Martin, Toronto, ut Thos. Mur- tin's . . ~ . Mu. Alf. Ayne ut Moose 1Creek ... Mr. and Mus. Wes. Cam- eran, Jack and Joyce, ut Morley Flintoff's, Maple Grave. .. Misses Mary Jewcll and Eileen Stainton, Bowmanville, ut A. T. Stainton's. ..Mus. Fred Rabbins and Isabel with ber mother, Mis. Curtie Down, ut Mus. Orville Osborne's, Bowmýanville. . . Mu. and Mis. Mel. Morgan, Joan and Glennu, ut Wm. Leask's, Solina. . . Mr. and Mis. A. T. Stainton ut Gar- don Leusk's, Solind'. . . Mu. and Mus. Gardon Law, Mu. and Mis. W. Bray, Pickeing, Mus. Ross Lee, Kedron, Miss Margaret Bal- lard, Toronto, ut Mus. J. W. Mc- Master's. .. Mr. S. A. Gates and Margaret, Mu. Brisebois, Oshawa, ut Hans Geissberger's. . . Mu. and Mus. Chas. Nuylar, Mu. Alex Mc- Master, Mis. J. W. MeMaster ut- tended the Ayrsbiîe sale ut Oak- ville. . . Mu. and Mis. Russell Peukins and Margaret ut Walter Hulutt's, Oshawa. . . Bob Hoy, Oshawa, ut Ray Camenon's. . , Mu. and Mis. Norman Leach ut John Kivell's, Sauina. . . Miss M. Mc- Clueî's mather and sister and some friends visited her at F. B. Glaspell's. Beef stew takes on a banquet flavor wben caakcd with a smull quuntity of pickling spice. The full mcmbeusbip af the "Circle 8 Club," having complet- cd a quilt tbey are ta raffle for war chauities, spent Friday in Oshawa ut the picture show. ~I M M M- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -m LOCAL' RESERVE ARMY NEWS I BIy Buck PrivateI STAR' THURSDA Rich, heavili CHENILLE 8B Regular $5.98. Star Val White Spreads with trimmi peaeh, rose or wlne andq multicoloured patterns. Ti Easy ta wash-îi UNBLEACHED CO STAR VALUE EACH Ideal for f amily use or su bed size, 81"x90" of tough1 finished with, KRINKLY SEl For Housecoats, Sportswear, Drapes in white or pastel sl blue. Also in smart checks sign. They make up beautifi ironed. 36" STAR VALUE YARD Large Absorbent TERRY TOWELS in smart check put- teins. Size 22"x42" and perfect quality Reg. 59e STAR VALUE 50c each CWALKI Maple Grove Visitais: Misses Jean Miller and Barbara Guthrie, Toronto, with Miss Mildred Snowden. . . Miss Jeanette Godfîey at Mi. Norman Yellowlees', Solina. .. Mis. Leslie Collacutt and Miss Lenore Colla- cutt at Mi. W. H. Westlake's, Sa- lina. .. Mi. and Mis. Wes. Cam- eion, Master Jack and miss Joyce Cameron, Zion, at Mi. Morley Flintaff's. .. Mi. and Mis. Willuîd Lockhait, Master Bruce and Miss Florence Lockhaît, Niagara, wîth their sister, Mis. Ivison Munday. ..Mi. and Mis. Eveîett Hall, London, with her sister, Mis. H. R. Foley, while attending R. Hall's funeral in Oshawa. . . Mi. and Mis. Gardon McKnight, Harold and Marilyn, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Huggins, Oshawa, at Mi. Keith Ormiston's. .. Mi. and Mis. Wal- ter Symes, Port Peîîy, Miss Beryl Wilkins, Mi. Gordon Martin, Osh- awa, at Mi. R. L. Woiden's. Victoîy Club will meet in the hall on Friday evening, June l2th. Crokinole will be the game. 23-1 Practice is on the way for the anniversaîy, with Mi. Leslie Col- lacutt as leader and Ednu Swal- low as pianist. Motheî's Day pîogram was car- îied out on Sunday, with Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, as speaker. Others taking part weîe Mildred Metcalf, Muriel Stevens, Audrey Greenham, Mis. Ceciu Jeifeîy. Enniskillen Visitais: Mi. and Mis. F. Snow- den and Ann, Mi. P. Mountjoy, Kedron, Miss Reta Paiish, Brook- lin, Mi, and Mis. C. Smith, Jack and Anna Marie, Hampton, Mi. and Mis. R. Langmaid, Chus. and Helen, Solina, Miss Muriel Lang- maid, Peterboro, Mi. and Mis. F. J. Billett and Douglas, Scarbora Bluffs, Mi. Ormiston. Oshawa, at Mi. Roy McGill's . .. Miss E. Cale, Mi. and Mis. E. A. Weîry and sons attended Eldad anniversaîy and were guests at Mr. Ed Werry's ... Mi. and Mis. F. Rog- ers, Whitby, at Mi. Wesley Oke's ...Mi. and Mis. F. Bray and Elgin at Mi. H. McGill's . .. Mr. and Mis. R. McGill and family, Mis. Langmaid at Mi. Roy Lang- maid's, Solina. Mis. L. Lansing (nee Dolly Hall) Nestleton, a former Ennis-1 killen girl, visited Mis. E. C. Ash- ton. On visiting the Presbyterian cemeteîy which through the ben- evolence of Mi. Gea. McLaughlin, Oshawa, has been converted into a spot ai beauty, she found in- scribed on the large tablet therei the name ai her great uncle, Gea. Bradley, as being the fiist persan buried in the cemetery which was just 100 years ago. Mis. Lansing leit here aver 40 years ago. ÇASHME RE TISSUE- COenpletely wvapjed Sofe Pure 'White 700 SEETS ito the rail AHM 31or251 TAT ANT TRAFS --35c' STA WAY----------,--- 39e FLY TOX -----24c. 43c, 73e MOTH KILLER, i lb ----39e BLOCKETTES ----10, 25c FOR STOMACH ACIIDITY Ainpho ici----- ------ $1.50 Bisodol ------35c, 55e, $1.19 Dyspepsia Tabs ----------50c Biszodol Mints , -----25c Antacid Powder ---------- 50c IANUIAhl The ideal substitute for Olive 011. BLANDO~~ I nternally or externally, 4 oz.----25e Phone ffUIIIl~We fit 695 IuU VLING'S DRUG STOREtrse RURAL MAIL BOXES SNEED PROTECTON The federul gavernment is ap- pealing ta farmeus ta take espec- ially gaod cure ai their mail boxes, as there will be no more avuiluble for the durutian. Already thc supply ai boxes bandled by the post offices bas been cut off, so thut none but thase in stock are obtuinuble by would-be purchusers. The boxes farmerly sald for $5 each, and arc made ai galvanized metal. Ta maintain existing boxes in the best passible condition, pat- rons on rural routes are usked to straîghten up the posts ta which the boxes are afiixed, and ta paint the boxes, as the paint will act as a preventative and prevent rust- ing. VALUES at WALKERS LY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ly patterned .... . EDSPREADS lue 4-8 7 ' / -- irng of bine, green, orehid. X~ centre panel in beautif ni vo designs to choose from. need no froning! MTON SHEETS COLORFUL CHINTZ For Cuntains, Cushions or Couch Covers 1.69 fawn, blue or bnown grounds. Reg 29e ummer cottage. Double yd. Star Value fibre unbleached cotton goad hem 04½/ yds. for 1. 00 ERSUCKER rPlay Suits ou Window CHILDREN'S SUN SUITS shades af green, pink au sand uiotous floral de- fully, and should nat be STAR VALUE A49c in floral prints or striped braadcloths 59c with contrast ca]laî and trimmmng. H AIS DRESS SPECIALS Ail Sprîng Mîllinery, Al aur $2.98 and a selection ai oui stnuws and fcîts $3.98 dresses are being offered during tbis sale ut Reg. $1.98 and $2.49 $2.17 now clearing ut AIl arc 1942 spîing and summer styles in perfect condition and there is a good 69c each assartment ai sizes Don't miss Ibis chance! ERKw STORES, LJMITED BOW M AN VILL E WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES you are assured entire satisfaction in quai- ity and price EX-LAX BRYLCREEM FASTEETH'lSRU-MIK 15-33e 25c-49e 29c-49c 19e Dental Needs __________ Colgate's Paste -- 40c, 25ec /ý 0 LF Pepsodent Faste 29c, 45e Pepsodent Powder 29e, 45e P R E Colgate's Powder 25c, 40e Listerlue Faste -- 25c, 40e Am Wet' Buss- ----- 50e L El m i Colgate's Brushes 25cemL l J s0r Frophylactie Brushes 25e Tek Brush ----- ---- 29e ICON@MY *'uée $$se Listerine Antiseptie SIZI 59 29e, 49c, 89c091 Pepsodent Antiseptlc 25c, 49e, 89e 9830 Band Aid ----------10e, 25c Lux Soap, 2 for -------- lc Elastoplast Dressings Lifebuoy Soap, 2 for Ile 15e, 25e Ffrst Aid Kits ---29e, 79e Cashmere Bouquet, 2 for lic Absorbent Cotton, i1lb. 39c Pahuolive Soap, 2 for ---Ice m 1 4m THURSDAY, JUNE 4,1942 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIC)

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