Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1942, p. 7

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-HR-A-MY---14-HE-NA-NSTTS-N-OW A VILONAI PAGE SEVEN .4Is1iI. hometea at xetr, werehistans." But the pressure an1the IU mothen stiîl lives. He bas four minci keptup; "the dreaci alarnn O -~ ~~ ie in the Air Farce ovenseas. still bolds, strang, sheer, sure anl ch0ie ibacsnaplIa-Iesna ibms u oa .H LB R N EE £ isban s tii ar, isstp tihiIfcn ultimate." u-,T he niccst way of 368 We Deliver youthfuî, bis ambition still bounci- Idsra eu II taking Halibut Liver less, bis ability unquestianeci. Turnîng ta Industry, Mn. Ga .' OUT'A Oil. The Coner GoceryMn. Gardiner expressedci ean- diner suggcsted that local people OIJIUC L raS or Phones 367 - 38W eie toncd pleasure at bcing amang migbt have wondened wby man-1 M---1LuaScr the wideîy publiciseci residents ai power ai bbc district haci bec O0 85e - $1.50 - $2.75 Candies a fameci County anci was quite at permitteci ta go ta Oshawa, Pick- p home witb farmers Cannuthens ering anci Torntanta higber p-iy ~o=o=======o=o O=o=o= ýo= k-NONAGENARIAN and Rickard flanking him. His than an farms, and why the gov-- speaker improvised a farensic uÇopening remarks were vivid tri- ('rnment had flot interfered. Ans- chart as graphically descriptive Pho0neoar mn6re n'M en iserre a-of breathless eloquence the speak- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ing in this war and le described t a tin othe post-Dunkirk nias- er hastened to his conclusion. H *MMMMMM*nmmmmmm mm=-mmm..m~ . jwhen the fiendish Hun aerial o nrimprysordutn spheres of dominance and suze- Mrs JffeyOsaw, i vsi- ~AG INslaught was first loosed over Bni- .f unitions had ta be effected, rainty. broadly speaking yet cold- igMrs. erb. POhawips N Z5iM. arinr imelfws n n- out" and that determined ycertasaittrm a go ing tan andLanda in Agust,1940.Cinada's palicy. Factaries got thebaecn icansttgcmi- MisRoePamr iitdhrMtr.touh tt Ganadithe tim egf a iat io r]ght-of-way. Authorities daimba cnmeadsttgimli Mis Roe Plmr vsitd er t i thugt tat t eas tw, agrenhets a nsent anyfodth ti at e 3 years ta achieve tary cansideratians. aunt, Mrs. Ray Pierson, Hillier. and maybe mare, German prison- agemnsaddpn ayhs the pa fwriemntosDaai hr Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clmer and ers are loose again from the local in London right in the mids of,.Peutianofwe avtie muna ecition Dfam tChert e Donalda Ingeroil, sent th Internent Cap. At .45 ar . , .the bombings and carnage. From ~ dcinadw aebe t Hsdsrpino h urn y (d, nesll pntteI T hursdnt ampha.heAaw6ad45erd h be-it .ust over 21/2 years sa haven't militaristic scene drew oppasing weekend with Mrs. F. C. Clmer. toda sdy) guards fully . tle a ndhadreilaed h ihpit yt. How nes as between the blaadstained arme wer poted t al en cae covined tat fterHite ver, lately, younger men are forces pf evil and the last strang- Bowmnvile ed CossTagtraces nd xit of he ownandhad overrun western Europe the hein g channe]ed back énta farm holds of demacratic civilizatian. Day will bie held Saturday, May motorized patrols are scouring the benesy.of Sa i prep are vee production to some extent. Can- Here, brieily is the scene for ahl 23r. L uvaîFlercitoi, n oado tqir a.js the armed lorces, that having last ,< oice aebenbt f thase who proiessedly and hope- Mrs L Mura Flle, c oria A odea nuîyhs utSO much equipment in the retreat fective and elastic. fuhly pray for victary: "Hitler has 15C. i visiting Mrs. Ehi Wilson cnlddsittings dealing with fram France, the total of guns U.S.A. Aroused oet inual sreon, the wlhle and Miss Fuller. the escape ai two weeks aga. This an"muiinavial ol Pearl Harbor," said Mr. Gar- eortd nd h halset o hecamman Ms W.WlimBoard was authorized by the Min- ahdave bee n aauste wnone d nrra nthrmsme lhesavd e ara ah comnqurd Mr. .WilamClinton, ister of National Defence, after hour's st eafie wTh asone nginea ntht r ogt fare- wHiru spent Sunday with her cousins, questionings in the House. An- hui tayfr.Ta a n n nietta ruh o cou ries.sae l inesf ilcoqurom Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. McIlveen. other naw is likely ta canvene. reason Canada leaped at once in- f tll]y to aur minds the fact af war. Leuntiegrad ta thesCrmea;rom Mis etrc RynlsWnd eatie3ACy. wih a deta the establishment, mnanfling, the reorienting of strategy andLeiga oteCma;fm sspetrMotenlsDayWid- her t mve 3must rem ain ute and extension oi wartime plants 1nnicies. The mightiest and most there to the Mediterranean, by- sister Mrs. Ervine Foster. outcame ai the local hunt for the William G. Mutton of ail kinds. ingenious demacracy of the whale asnIrnndrqndset- Mr ad rs Lsle . eihescapees. "Blitz" Described xo rld, pratagonist of mass pro- îng westward ta allegedly neutral Mr.rnwrs e sundaM.guei f________________ Native ai Darlington and former The speaker described an area dhiction in industry, was literaîî Spain and 'unoccupied" France. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. resident ai Bawmanville, who lhe visited in east London, ai half astounded and momentarily help- oTerendwer a iwAfripcnout- qitycelebrated,,snîntieth sqaeml hc eueless when the youngest and leastpatndrmtptapcu- quietiy a sur il hewas rd dless submarine bases menaced the -Mr. and Mrs. Bayd Siemon MI'5. L. T. McLaughlin is visit- birthday at the h1 ofai is dau- ta rubbîe and powder. But the experienced ai the warld's indus- io n rd otso h spent Sunday witb bis parents, ing her sister Mrs. Ackerman at ghter, Mrs. W. R. Armaur, 16 Hun was stopped the second day trial nations blasted and shatter- fo n rd otso h Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Cleveland, Ohio. Yonge Street, Oshawa, an May by a remnant afi ntrepid iliers ed Pearl Harbar, finest naval base United Nations. Thus cancentrat- Magistrate and Mrs. W. E. Mc- Lieut. Sybil Mutton, Grace 6th. He still enjoys goad health wba shot down 186 enemy planes. o h mrcs"I a one and enthralled ta the emphatic Ilveen and Miss Helen Mclveen, Hospital, Winnipeg, is home for and is quite active. Interesting in- That inspired Churchill's famous nut that Peary descended upon dotrinaie f ila y oacviation.- Long Branch, spent Sunday with a few days on leave. terview with Mr. Mutton appears "never bas so many owed so teud ai Japan just 80 years ago The ong drhe n task of cvlthe nt bis brother, Mr. F. 0. McIlveen. See Walker Stores advt. in thisiniiisu.mctaoie"Byasedrndacditpelet cet ed Nations was to bring liberatian Mrs. P. E. Ireland, Jahnie and issue; they give free deîivery in margin the "blitz" was haited and wvhat later became knawn As "The ta these peoples and the whole Patricia, Toronto, were weekend town. Brighten up; it's spring Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Clark, England saved. And out ai it all Open Door." History cannat goe guests ai Mr. and Mrs. IR. H. house-cleaning time. Peterbaro, spent the weekend in camne a story ai courage and en- match the rise ta power and ar- goe Westaway. ~Potsdam, New York, and attended durance unmatched in aIl hi tory, rogance ai any other people with- Japan's Drive aigsi Wesa. .J ngt h a Mrs. Howard, Jollow and son the graduation of their sons, Allan much ai it the story ai the ýrav- in th at space oi time. And within In the Orient, the amazn; si Mr. m.J Kigtwa aksGordon and Mrs. W. J. Cary were andi Grant, iromn the Clarkson ery oi women, ald men and even the space ai weeks Japan bas de- der's web waven by Japan was a hier home with hier son Ezzie in inl Oshawa an Thursday attending Coliege ai Tecbnolagy an Monday children. Dramatic indeed was Prived us of sources ai raw ma- pattern of lines drawn ta Alaska,* Oshawa, was in tawn Manday the funeral of Mrs. Jallow's aunt, marning, when they will receive Mr. Gardiner's description: "When teniaIs we had nat dreamed ai dawn ta Hawaii, acrass ta the renewing olci acquaintances. Mrs. George Garrett. dgeso ahlro Business the sirens wailed, within the space oig Polinesian and Micronesian Arch- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edmondi- Rdegreesal Lai Bachelore totai aîo oing.i stn eein St. Catharines Fri- Sergt. A. L. Ashton and Sergt. Administration, ai minutes we heard the hum aiofMtrasLstieao vnt teglsa ni day attendîng the, funeral ai bis C:H. Westinghouse, E.F.T.S., Re- Among the members ai the lst malars; wilbin spaced seconds Besides rubber and tin, auran hsstiur adecm brother-in-law Mr. James Lawe. gîna, Sask., spent the weekend Midland Regiment stationeci at came the whislle ai bambs, the sources ai vegetable ails haci been passed e Bd u a Rad itin Laietaeadanae i with the former's parents, Mr. Edmonton, Alla., wha are home boam of explosions; then camne lost ta the Nippanese. Mr. Gar- teserevi and hml thfrc ies Ladis, akeadvatag ofthe andi Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Shaw's. this week on leave are Sergt. Art., the clang ai fire-reels ta iight in- diner recalled "delegatians from ofies Hiler ad scea edlthfrces Arcade Clearance Sale ai ladies' pcradPe.Dc afed numerable fines. Valunteers atop the Dairy Industries asking re- tua evil. hiter ie adtedly tarn- coats - the largesl selectian in Gunners Art Etcher and Fred Spie buits.Dc Pti ld ingsstula sotlruck heretriciandon thereof men-bl tawn at the lowest prices. Mutton have been transierned Lee Connors, Jack Irwin, Dean buidins sampdheu inendarlstnitnesso imarîsai egeab Mr. nd Ms. F A. ood sb-fram Pelawawa ta Debert, N.S. Bickell, Lewis Lyle, J. L. (Sam) îles. Within the hour aIl would be nuls," and he went on, witb dralaîgtespl ielm ie dMh."aWilon, GlîbrtAGreig(Kendah) under contraI. humor, "Japan bas now taken lime close ta victary yel ultimate- awa, were weekend guests of Mr and may passby praceeci ta New-WisnGlbr eg(eda) But thase ai rescue parties care ai thal problem." Now we ly doamed tta the deepest ai dis- and Mrs. D. J. Chambers, Centre foundlanci. Jack Hanna (Blackslock). laboreci fai n mb the nighl digging are asked la increase aur produc- asters. And s0 tao with the mis- St.MissDrtvM eln ad out the quick and the dead. Arn- lion of animal fats by 100% to guideci Japanese who taday sa __________________________bI rks stoissredy an suplnat aly au awn eeds ruelly dominant, must yield ta _________________Marjorie Jones, Toronto, spentbulance wokr o e ad n up ony orthn e mgt ith nleiNain the weekend witb their parents, En ikle he Redi Cross ceaselessly nendered but those ai Brilain. Ah aif wbîchth itofheUtdNaon Mr. andi Mrs. Reginald O. Jones. E ns il ils iaujtless mission. 'i sought adds anaîher neason why Can- wben Europe's madman bas been Darothy is dietitian at the Trans- these people out next day," said adas iarm pahicy diverges îrom subdued. These were the senti- ! Canada Airpant. Visitors: Pte. Gardon Stevens, Mr. Gardiner.. "To them it was that ai Brilain. "Sa far, aur agri- ments expresseci by one ai Can- P C.Caelyws acioI iV.C.P.C., Howard Smith, Peter- all in the day's wark, valuntany cultural palicies whicb have been ada's ablest Ministers. C W. C ael a odOtO boro, aI Mr. H. Stevens' . . . Mr. and spontaneous." Twa things developeci aiter full Cabinet dis- Moviflg Peroration radia icenses 24 haurs afler pa- andi Mrs. W. E. Sanderson andi symboled their iailh: the cross an cussian, have been adequale la "All these vasl areas now with- t per was printeci ast week. Haw- family with Mrs. Wmn. Oke . . . demalisheci churches andi the Un- the neecis ai wartime production" in the predalory grasp ai the Axis t ever, no excuse now as hee bas an- Miss Olga Sanderson, Bawman- ion Jack planteci in devastated was the opinion ai the Minister, pawers have, in the past, made ather lot ai license,, 50 buy yaurs ville, at home ... Mr. and Mrs. T. areas. Faith andi courage! Hitler and the hope was expresseci that, passible the trade andco cmmerce to-day. Smith and Mr. J. Smith, Black- cannat conquer people like those. though changes may be acivisable ai the civilizeci warld," said Mr. Mss Selma Bartîett, daughter stock aI E. C. Ashton's .. . Misses Andi seeking tbem aI night, the andi imperative, Canada wauld Gardiner, and hie emphasized the r ofiMr. and Mrs. C. A. BartleIt, is Laretta and Adelaide Smith, Part speaker saw them buddled an the meet, as she always bas, in agri- paucily ai the present holdings ai si home iromn Victoria Calege, Ta- Hope, with Mrn. Ella Smithb.. ,cancrete iloons and steps, in tbnee cultural production, full necessi- the United Nations in ternis so e ronto University, where she is Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis, Joan andi tiers ai "tubes," uncamplaining, tics in any national emergency. moving Ibat bis audience cauld tI rurn, regislered in final year Paitical Donna, aI Mn. A. Williams', Caes- a total ai same 130,000 eacb night. There was mare, much mare ta, have no alber conception ai ibis t( FOR EVERY Science and Ecanamics. area . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm That farlitude is bard ta under- Mr. Gardiner's exposition, but wan than an "aIl-ouI" lasI ditch c Mr. Donald Mcîlveen, Manning andi iamily, Miss Donalda Gif- stand unless seen in persan. Thein space limitations will nol permit slruggle. "We must holci these o riao Pool, Toronto, and Mr. Gilbert fin at Mr. H. Rabm's, Burkelon sans andi relatives widely scat- a full report. Concîuding, the lines lill aur equipment, civil and b U U fUMcIlveen, wbo is emplayed in a ... Mn. andi Mrs. R. McGill, Keith tereci abroad thnougb the Empire, speaker said, "probably, in gen- military, is adequabe ta the task h DEMAND war induslry in Niagara, spent and Reva at Mr. R. Langmaid's, tbey "carry on" in the simple cral terms, I bave said aboalahioa global liberatian; that is the t Sunday witb their parents, Mr. Sauina . . . Mr. andi Mrs. S. Raci- faith that "they will neturn ta I should be expecteci ta say on supreme conception, andi the r Bowmanville Dairy milke i and Mrs. F. O. McIlveen. man, Scugog Island, Mr. and Mrs. help avenge." this occasion," yel the audience speaker gave bis audience their l Mr. Aleck Birks, iarmerîy ai 1. Traveîl, BeIh and Bruce, Osb- Farm Policies was inîrigueci by bis peraratian choice in the three main necessi- particularly good for baking the Ontario Research Foundation, awa, Mr. Bruce Ashton, Cart. "Bilain faces a far dfierent whicb, broadly, was a world's sur- lies: (1) Food, (2) Munitions. as welI as for table use or a Toronto, and son ai Dr. and Mrs. wnîghl, aI Mr. E. C. Asbbon's . . . situation in respect ai agriculture 'vey ai the embattîcci scene ai Ihe (3) Manpower. In a final word,o W. H. Birks, xvas home bieily, Mns. A. Fuller, Mns. D. B. Kay, than does Canada," said Mr. Gar- moment. With no "blackboard" Mr. Gardiner emphasized someS pick-me-up for the children piar tai graduating at the Off i- Toronto, LAC Donald Mauntjay, diner, and bold wby. He spoke ai for visual demanstrations, the fealures ai the iigbting man-r between meals. The whale cers' Training Scbool, Brockville. LAC Harry Gregg, Guelph, Mrs. visiing in 1936 aI Chester in the _________________________________ family iill love it-and it's Mn. Keibh Sheman, son ai Dr. E. Mountjoy andi Fay, Bawman- iamned valley ai the Dee, iamed and Mrs. C. W. Sleman, bas ne: ville, aI Mr. A. H. Sharp's. because ai Hawarden, home ai good for them, too. Try it turned home fram Toronto Uni- Mn. andi Mrs. W. Sanderson and the Victanian giant ai Liberalism 0 today! versity wbere lie is registered in iamily bave moveci back ta Ibein and be saw there lusb pastures A S e i l D today! ~Medicine. Keitb will spend the iarm vacateci by Mr. E. Strang. wbere grazeci 125 importeci Cana- AIlci l B summer in a war industry in MisIeeSapbsrtre-1 dian Haîsteins, owned by a Ger -f Niagara. lier pasitian in Toronto aiber a man, Von Tnussler, wbo a bci ssN ityatraraa.btn itbree montbs' illness witb scan- brougbî Ibrift andi science ta la- U E ~ E Mis Ktt Sorydagheroflet fever andi sinus trouble, cal agriculture. In 1940 Mr. Gar- MIKDr. andi Mrs. V. H. Starey, bas Rev. James A. Plant delivered a diner iound all Ibis leisurely and APLOB O S reburned iram St. Hilda's College, fine Mother's Day address Sun- camiortable wasbe ai peacetime 0 LuToronto University, wbere she is day evening. acres changeci ta planneci praciuc- 0 A FRAGRANT NEW SOAP1 FIA egiseredin Arts. Kity expecîs The saci news bas been receiveci lion unden area Boards. And t; tla attend Sbaw's Business Caîlege ai the deabb ai Hillier Stainton, same 6,000,000 new acres baci been for part ai the summer. Nelson, B.C. Sympabby is extenci- broken. "Why" a§ked the speak- LOWEST Fl ie Miss Mary Jury bas returneci ed ta bis sisters and brothers, er, "is this, wben in Canada we Fi îe inom McMaster University, Ham- Mesdames E. C. Asbton, W. Tre- are bonusing ta restnicî acreage9" PRICES 3 oz cake 5 c6 ilton, wbere she is registereci in win Mr. Allan Stainton, Rev. J. The answcr is that a paunci of ________ English and Philasapby. Mary H. Saintaon, Guelph. wbeat, as ilaur, will deicat bun - ________ e expects ta spend most ai the sum- Sympatby is alsa exbended ta ger andi sustaîn resistance langer i mer in Bowmanville wibb ber Mrs. Sydncy Trewin in the deatb Iban a pounci ai meat. It takes 4 0 TO PREVENT0 Bowmanville aunt, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. ai ber sister, Miss N. Taylor. ta 5 lbs. ai grain ta pracluce anc * i~Te ollawing are among bbthe_________ pounci ai meat. Sa Brîtaîn grows many 28-year alds ordereci fram cereal needs upan expandeci acre- A LNMO H K LE CR Dairy h~ere ta Connaugbt Park, Ottawa, CANADIAN CLUB age andi asks Canada and other TM C ino the Canadian Active farces: countnies ta pravide concentrated P W E Lame McQuarie, R oy Neads, Jim D 59ssu h s ch es ,EXon PHONE 446 Cully, Tom Carter, Dave Osborne, (Continued from page 1) perd sucb ancdesao ort1 oz.8 1Gardon Jallow, Barney Dillon wbicb was made permanent tbra' Thein plan takes lesseneci man- Sandi Russ Brown. a coursle aI Regina Narmal. powen. It is wartimc eiiicîency n98ÇT Thence farwand the warld was tance and every man ta bis past. - ----------AG bis "ayster" wbicb meant be baci Canada, on the other banci. baS ~ TABLETS tai make bis awn way witb bis aîread3' in store enaugb wheat b D 25< jar for 11 Seeoafuuega.Wti10last.3 or mare years; hence policy25 5ÇJz years ai leaving Nebraska lie bac coulci nol be, Iagically, other than 0 earned bis B.A. aI the University lesnd -a acreage and con- n 1.4 AINES' SPECIALS eeeonea uturegoal.Winbio enimce adEVLO0N &NoOXZhpEd ar ofManitoba anci won the Galdci ceratie prduct aieanialend the University canierred on hlm Canada's policy. 1Ilr0 hapdHn bis LL.D. degree. He b le ca mle Blitz Conqueriîd PRINTING ~hoels ovomiht Ha es IQ IDW Xn rbbn, t. 9C piniai the public school at Mn. Gardiner then debailed Best Resuits - Prompt Service _______________ Lemberg, Sask., and in 1916 be- samething ai the English Cotin- Hawes' FLOOR WAX, paste, lb..... 45e came provincial Liberal Member tryside, witb gnanleci trees and g ai Parliament ion Qu'Appelle and dîtches and plane traps wbich Hawes'VFLOOR WAY, 29bm,........ e- eici the seat, undefeated for 22 had been improvised. General Bowmianville power ai Ibis country anci con-. :ludcd with the apening wards ai bhis summary. "If wc ever have to endure a real attack et . c. Vote of Thanks Ex-ianmen Fred C. Hoar, in a most apprapriabe and maving spech, praposeci the higbly menit- sci vote ai thanks. He suggcsted to tbc audience anci la bbc Minis- ter that the "key men" in agri- culture shoulci stay an tbe farms of this country bccauc there caulci be no guanantec under the short- riandeci situation ai the moment that farmers coulci, witbaub the rewards that anc cunrenbly awand- ed la Industny, deliver the goads. Charles Carter Jr., Zone off i- cial of the Lians Club, Precepbon of bbc Bicycle Club anci the Boy Scouts, protaganist of Civic Im- provement, also spake. He askeci. Phone 451 as a member ai bbc executtve, that bis bearens risc up anci bning Ibeir friends anci neighbbrs ta contribube la the 1942 drive for funcis ion the Reci Cross. The Na- tional objective was Nine MIl- lions ai Dollars; bbc local objec- tive was anly Nine Thousanci Dol- lars . . . a mere "drap in the bucket." AI 10.30 the meeting casually disperseci. Han. Mn. Gardiner lingereci ta speak, brieily, la local notables, ta polibical friencis and focs, ail ai wbam admire him, nighb or wrong, made no mistake about that. He was overnight guesî ai Durbam's local memben anci leit before dawn la drive back ta Ottawa anci be in bis place in the House aI 11 a.m. His 500 mile roundittnp meant anly 2i2 bouns absence iram adminis- trative duties. e'. King St. N ewest Designs FLOOR COVERI NGS We have just received a large shipment of smart floor coverings ini lovely new designs. Brighten your kitchen or one of the rooms now with a sparkling new rug or cover from edge to edge with covering by-the-yard. FELTOL - REXOLEUM - CONGOLEUM CITY PRICES - PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY FROM STOCK Estimatcs Cheerfully Given, Without Obligation Come in and sec our selection CLRALKER STORES, fJMITED w4fi~ take ,Iqr'r "e'w "fF UIT SALT ENO RUIT SALT' bRULY PLEASANT- TRURSDAY, MAY 14,1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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