Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1942, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE gSOCIAL AND PERSONAL phonme 663 1- ----. -.-=---.-- Miss Emma Werry, Toronto, was guest of Miss Florence Werry. Miss Edith Carscadden, Toron- to, with Mrs. F. H. Morris. Miss Bea Reynolds, Windsor, with her sister Mrs. Ervin Foster. Pte. E. Willatts, V.G.C., Farn- ham, Que., with his wife and family for Christmas. STATIDNERY SPECIALS "'V for Victory"l ,.'ad and envelopes 19e "Carry on Canada" Pad and envelopes 25e Business envelopes 2 packages (25 i each) 9c From England .. . A new shipment of Queen's Bouquet Dinnerware in complete sets, open stock and gift items. Happy New Year! to everyone J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" BOOKSTORE Phone 556 King St. 'I P . s Dlcky and Dasy-of the Glen Rae Star Theatre wish their young audience the heaitiest good wlsh- es for the New Year, and every member of the staff joins in tue greeting. TRY THE NEW IIMPROVED Choc oUate Dairy Drink. Dr. M. A. James, New York City, is guest o! bis nrother Mr. Geo.: W. James. Miss Marion Warder, Brighton, with ber parents;* Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Capi. and Mrs. Clem. Percy, Ottawa, with bis mother Mns. John Percy. Miss Selma Bartîcti, University o! Toronto, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bartlett. Lieuts. Bill Brown and Bill James, Armoured Training Corps, Camp Bonden, with their parents. Mr. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, with bis sister Miss M. M. Jen- nings. Miss Greta Pollard, Guelph, with ber parents Mr. and Mns. W. B. Pollard. Mrs. G. B. Simmons, Mns. Paul Arliti and Jack, Newmarket, with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett. Miss Helen Williams, Peterboro Normal School, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Jamieson, Toronto, witb Mns. Herbert Jamie- son. . Pte. Henny Rodd, Fart Fronte- nac, Kingston, witb bis wife and children. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday, Stirling, witb Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday. Mrs. S. Snell and Miss L. Cawan o! Toronto spent Christmas wiib Mr. and Mrs. M. Comstock. Mn. and Mrs. S. Leggott spent Christmas with Mr. Hugh Ross and family at Wbiiby. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heningi and Jean spent Sunday witb Mr.1 and Mrs. S. Leggoit. Mr. Bobby Joncs is bolidaying wiib Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robin- son, Toronto. Mn. James McDongall, Mr. and Mrs. James Haugb, Toronto, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. John Mcntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Dobald Purdy, Ottawa, visiied in tawn dnring the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Edwards, formenly o! Kirkland Lake, witb Mr. and Mns. R. B. Clarke. Mrs. Harry Faster spent Christ- mas witb ber sistens, Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Mns. W. N. Tilley, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Allin, Pro- vidence, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, Toronto, at Mrs. John Allin's, Lake Shore. Mrs. Irene Scbaad, Chicago, visitcd ber aunt Mrs. Mclntyre before leaving for Macon, Geor- gia, for the winien. Sgt. Instructor Tom Sutton, Penn!ield Ridge, NB., was witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Haît for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. H. Leal, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Tweed, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ev- crett Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dawney, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hoar, Miss Doroihy Hoar, Toron- to, witb Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mn. and Mrs. R. S. Virtue and Dorotby, Oshawa, Miss Maude Ellioti, Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jobnston. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Spencer, Ottawa, witb their respective par- ents, Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spen- cer and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. El- liott. Mr. and Mrs. Stuari Morion and family, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin and Bobby, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, with Mrs. Truman Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hugbes, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baîl and Preddie, and Mrs. E. Bennett, Oshawa, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. E. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. John Box, Misses Audrey and Jen Box, and Mr. George Box, Port Hope, speni Christmas with Mr. and Mns. Ar- ley Northcutt and family. Miss Eileen Large, Toronto, Pte. Jack Large and Pte. Gorden Major, Camp Borden, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Large. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. M. Ellioti, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Murdof!, Lindsay, spent Christ- mas holiday with relatives and friends. Mrs. Hall and son Barry, To- ronto, wiih Dr. and Mns. J. C. Deviti. Barry remained for the Christmas bolidays with bis grandparenis. Bill McFeeters and Don Thomp- son o! the 'Oshawa A. & P. staff, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McFcet- ens. Bill bas joined the R.C.A.F. and is now siationed at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robinson and Mns. George Jackson and Stanley, Toronto, werc recent visitors wiih Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfncd Addinall, London, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Cox, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Frank Doyle, Hamilton, and Mn. and Mrs. James Cox, Napance, were wjth Mn. and Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl. k, I S~A5OWS E TiR C-S Phone 2666 WE APPRECIATE Your pat- ronage . . . your recognition of Garton 's leadership in their field . . . your cooperation in making 1941 such a successful year for us. . . . The Garton organization wishes to express their sincere hope that 1942 will bring you health, happi- ness and success. CARTON'S GARAGE Bus 'Service Woodstock, Dec. 27, 1941 Dean George: I enclose cheque cavering ne- newal o! snbscriptiin ta the Statesman for 1942, and I also want ta wish you the compliments o! the season, and ta express the hope ibai the New Ycan may sec you make aven greater pnagress than in the year 1941. You sureiy are conduciing a vigorous and effective campaign in your wcll dinected efforts ta betten conditions in genenal througbout the tawn and caunty you serve so weil, and especiaily do the farmens owe you a dabi o! gratitude for the leadership you are igving themn and the splendid way in whicb you advance ihein inienesis at eveny oppatunity. If Andy Clarke daes nat make some complimcniany refenence ta Ediion James Sunday mannings, 1 am disappoinied. Sa ta a worthy son o! a woriby sire, I say, "more power ta you." Yauns vcny tnuiy, E. C. Thornion P.S. What bas happened ta the "Dimn and Distant" items in tbe Orona News? OPEN HOCKEY SEASON JAN. 13 At a meeting heid on Dec. 29th ai Chanie Fenguson's, President a! Canadian Fonesters Hockey League, it was decided ta sianti the schedule Januany lStb. Four teams will play unden these man- agers and coaches: Charlie Fer- gusan, Joe Childerbouse, Hanny Dove assisted by Gond. Hursi, and Len Bartan assisied by Ken. Hamm. Games wiil be piayed ai, Ornn eveny Tuesday nigbt. Magazines Wanted Saturday, January 3rd, bas been chosen for collection of magazines and reading ma- terial for the armed services as off-duty readmng material. The Lions Club are co-operat- ing and citizens of both town and country are asked to phone any of the Lions mem- bers or F. Vern Ott, organiz- er, No. 418, s0 that a convey- er may caîl and pick up the collection. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Vanstone have been visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCready, Lethbridge, Alta. On their return Byron will report for duty in the Flying Corps at Toronto. W. J. Bennett, formerly of Bowmanville, who is retiring from active association with New Toronto council, was tendered a farewell dinner by fellow mem- bers on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson, Hamilton, A.C. Cully, Mt. View, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cully, Toronto, srpent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hilson, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Prout, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Prout, Joyce and Donnie, spent Christmas Day with their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Prout. Mr. W. H. Hellyar, Miss Grace Hellyar, Clinton, Mr. Brenton Hellyar of the teaching staff of Queen Alexandria Sanitarium, London, visited with Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rhines and family and Mr. and Mrs. G. Lock- ington and family, Lakeview, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Kitchen and son, Oshawa, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Maynard. LAC Eric Swindells, R.C.A.F., Winnipeg, Miss Grace Quigg, Gaît, A.Ws. O. Davies and D. Wake- field, C.W.A.A.F., Winnipeg and Brandon, Sgt. Pilot F. Pue, Tren- ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells. Editor Geo. W. James received an invitation from Prime Minister Mackenzie King to attend the historic meeting in the House of Commons, Ottawa, on Tuesday when Winston Churchill, Britain's Prime Minister, addressed mem- bers of the Senate, members of parliament; and representatives of the press. A violent truck-car crash oc- curred Monday night at Preston- vale. Rounding the curve at the top of the bill Bert Bell's taxi from Oshawa was in collision with an Andrews Transport. The force of the impact ripped two front wheels from the semi-trailer and crushed the front o! Bell's car. He was sligbtly cut on the hand. Mrs. G. P. Moyer, Toronto, died Tuesday noon in Bowman- ville Hospital resulting froma in- juries when she feli f rom a car a bal! mile east of Newcastle Monday morning. She had just been given a ride by a passing taxi driver when she attempted to open and shut the rear door. The wind pressure on the door hurled her ta the pavement. Christmas visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernethy were: Bruce Metcalf and sons Donald, Neil and Lorne, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin DeNure, Jean and John, Peterboro, Norman Metcalf, El- vine, Harvey, Mildred and Jean- ette, Maple Grove, Mrs. J. J. Ab- ernethy, Peterboro, Mrs. Frank Abernethy, Manilla, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcalf, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwell and Mrs. Mina Colwell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dunham and sons Jack and Stuart, Beeton, Mrs. A. Bradley and Mr. Gordon Brad- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Sutherland and Margaret, Bond Head, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lymer and sons Bill and Ray, Mr. Wmn. Lymer, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Col- well, Bruce and Linda, town, over tthe holiday. Mrs. A. Bradley, Mr. G. Bradley, Mrs. Sutherland and Margaret remained for a few days. What s "Parity" ln Farm Prices Acute distemper in agriculture bas shifted, largely, fram the wheat belt o! Western Canada ta the mixed farming aneas o! cas- tern Canada, and particularly ta Ontario. The west, with surplus grain, bas incneased live stock production. But that, in degree, is seasonal. Hog production falîs during winter montbs. Faîl de- livenies of bogs are so fan below the standard o! 200 lbs. weigbt that the Bacon Board threatens dnastic action. Everywhere f arm- crs are seeking a way ta improve their finances. They demand "ýparity" prices as a way out. What are paniiy prices? Tbat is a universal question capable o! a goad many answers differing in phraseology yet meaning about the same tbîng. In general the answer may be stated that parity prices sbould enable a farmer ta exchange what be produces for wbat he necds on as favorable a basis as be did in good times, for instance 1926-29 wbicb, by law, bas been chosen as the basic par- ity period for wage carners. The Canadian Federation o! Agriculture, in season and out, bas called upon the fedenal ad- ministration ta f ix a policy whicb will assure farm parity prices. They point ta the fact that the United States govcnnment legis- lated toward that end and by that very faci, Canadian prices were f avorably affectcd. According ta the Country Genîteman, a mca- sure befare Congress authonizes the President ta fix a ceiling on cammadities, but farm pnices could nat be confined under 110 per cent o! parity. This farm paper presents a schedule a!f farm prices whicb wc reproduce, with a ck n ow1e d g- ments, as woriby o! study. Actual and Parity Prices o! farm products, August 1941: Farm Actual 110% Parity 7Products Prices Prices >Butter! at, U.S.A. lb. $ .36 $ .364 $ .331 Whole Milk, N.Y. cwt. 2.44 2.36 2.15 Eggs, U.S.A. doz. .268 .309 .281 Hogs, U.S.A. lb. .104 .108 .098 Wheat, U.S.A. bu. .885 1.31 1.19 Their base period is 1909-1914. Actual prices today are above parity in most cases. Eggs are off slightly and wheat considerably. It would be intcnesting to find a similan chart ouilining Canadian prices. Radio Service RADIO REPAIR - ALL WORK guaranteed. Roy Neads, Cente Street, phone 546. 11 BUy STANFIELD'S UNSHRUNKABLE UNDERWEARi It's the Best Because it Wears Longer Combinations in weight you pre- fer at $2-00 to $4-50 Sold in Bowmanville by COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN STATES PATRIOTISM MORE IMPORTANT THAN POLITICS 431 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, December 29, 1942 Dear George: Your ediiorials during the last few weeks have been sncb a dem- onstration o! the idea that patriot- ism 15 of s0 mncb more import- ance than politics even when the besi interpretation is put on that word, that I feel driven ta give you my thanks and for what it may be worth, my encourage- ment. Every right thinking man in Canada is in my opinion feel- ing smothered in a fog o! frustra- tion and if sufficient beams can be launcbed ta penetrate the gloom this fog will eventually be dissipated. Wbat we need is gavernment with guts and 1 don't care wbat party banner it flies. More power ta you, George Hart FEDERATION SECRETARY PRAISES STATESMAN Booth Building, Ottawa, Canada December 29, 1941 Dean Mn. James: We want ta express aur ap- preciation o! tbe meeting yau beld. at wbich J. S. McLean and Mn. Meigben and aihens were present, as nepanted in youn issue o! Dacember 25th. As we have said before ta you, we believe the question o! solving the problem o! agicultune is a national anc and it sbould engage the attention a! sncb men as Mn. Meighen and Mn. McLean. Youn effort in bingiîîg thero ta a meeting with practical fanm- ens deserves bighest cammenda- tion. If ibis could be done in every town in Canada whene ihene is a gaod weekly ncwspaper, it would go a long way towards solving the prablem o! agricul- ture. Wisbing yon the compliments o! the season. Youns tnuly, Canadian Federation a! Agriculture, W. E. Haskins, Secretary. A. AYRE, SHEEF BREEDER CLAIMS FARMING A DEPRESSED INDUSTRY Fair Vicw Farm, Hampton, Decemben 23, 1941 Dean Sir: Enclosed find cheque for States- man until the finsi o! 1943. Again I wisb ta ibank you for giving me the opporturîity o! ai- tending the dinnan given by you on Satunday. The discussions xvere very in- tanesiing. Pensonaliy I hope that any o! the town on city peopla xvho bad the pnivilege of attend- iog thai meeting, will not be led ta believe thai the statament made by Mn. McLean and latar in the meeting by W. F. Rickand, M.P., that the fanming industny is not a depnessad indusiry ai the present. I do agnee witb the state- ments made by the othen gentle- men, especiaily M. H. Staplas, J. T. Brown, Gannet Rickand, and Russell Osborne. Fanming is a depncsscd industny ai the presani time. At the pres- cnt pnice o! wheai, whicb is peg- ged ai 8212 a bushel and Decem- bar option is quoied ai 74e a bush- ci, makes appnoximatcly 48 loav- es of bread, which the consumer pays $4.80 for, and the farman gais approximaiely the 80c. A pair o! ail woollen socks will cosi 85c. The farmen gais lass than 5c for the amouni o! wool in the pain o! socks. The tanning industny is mucb the sama, as ail the tanians that I know are millionainas which have made their monay from the produets o! the farm. In the dairy indusiny the farin- er neceives iess than 5c a quart trra the milk soid ta dainies wxhila the consumer pays 13c. I know o! men who didn'i make a success oui o! farming who wvant ta the citv and xvent ia othe ne- tail miik business, ho a course af not many yeans they have bacome w'ealihy menl. In ibis district thena isn't a 100- acre farn oui o! ten thai bas more than ana man on it, wbenc ihere should be twa on every !arm and in smc cases ibnce. Fnom aur own yard wc can count 6 silos that nai a shovel full o! ensilage bas been put int themn ibis ycar owing ta !anm con- ditions I am sunprised ibai anyone thinks that fanming is nat a de- pressed industny ai the present time. Wisbing you the compliments o! the season. Yauns tnuly, A. Aync Habit is a cable; we wcave a rthrcad o! ht every day, and ai last we can not break it. A New Year 'sMessage Citizens of Durham County: To conceive proper expression for the sentiments of any man occupying a position of public trust is most difficult in these times of world crisis. It is, therefore with very grave feel- ings that I dîseharge my obligation to the electorate of Durham County in wishing for each and everyone the best in health and success that may be achieved during 1942. We have as the great- est bulwark and hope of the preservation of democracy the in- spiring words of The Empire's great leader, Winston Churchill, lately spoken from the Capital: Let us ail, solemnly, grimly and with enduring determination, be worthy of our heritage. May I subscribe inyself, as ever, your servant, Cecil G. Mercer, M.P.P, Elizabethville, Dec. 30, 1941 Cowanville Christmas vîsîtors: Mn. and Mns. Leland Payne and family, New- tonville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lay- ton and family, Mn. and Mrs. N. Drew and family, Mr. Gea. Lay- ion, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley and Gardon. Port Granby, ai Mr. Wm. Layton's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farran, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Port Granby, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer, Mr. M. Witiy at Mr. Clarence Burley's ...Mn. and Mrs. Bob Hendry, Lake Shore, at Mn. T. J. Simp- son's . .. Mr. and Mrs. AI!. Perrin at Mr. W. A. Reid's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Henderson and family, Mr. Jack Barnes at Mn. W. C. Crossley . .. Mn. N. Andrews and family, Mn. and Mrs. E. Farrow and Arthur at Mr. T. Stephens' ...Miss Dorotby Hollingsworih ai home . .. Mn. and Mns. Harry Rutherford and daugbter, Toron- ta, wiih Mrs. B. Milison . . . Mr. and Mns. Clarence Burley and childnen ai Mn. Brooks Cowan's ..Mn. and Mrs. Wes Stringer ai Mn. and Mrs. R. Alldrcd, Lakel Shore, Mr. N. Andrews and fam- ily, Mn. and Mrs. T. Stephens and Stanley ai Mr. E. Farnow's, Gar- den Hill . .. Sammy Seymour in Bowmanville with bis parents.. Jack Kelly bolidaying with friends. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Hugb Siapleton on thein manniagt Newtonville Christmas Visitons: Mn. and Mns. 011o Kîciser (nec Ruby Payne), Toronto, Miss Lila Payne, Pari Robinson, Arthur Payne, Thorold, Stanley Payne, Peterbono, ai Mn. Reuben Payne's. .. Mn. and Mns. Raymond Bruce, Isabel and Mar- ion, ai Mn. J. J. W. Stringer's, Cnooked Cneck. . . Mn. and Mrs. W. Hancock and Miss Olive Joboston, Peterbono, and Tuppen Johnston ai Mn. Dave Denaultis. Mn. and Mrs. George Campbell and Jean wiih friends in Toronto and Bunlingion. . . . Mns. Wm. Smith ai Mn. Miii Kimbalî's.' Mn. and Mns. Ai!. Brown ai Mn. Wm. Lake's, Newcastle. . . Frank McMullen wiih bis sisten. Mns. Carman Bell, Campbelicnoft.... Mn. and Mns. Cecil Robinson ai Mn. Sidney Lockhari's. Wesley-1 vill... Mn. and Mns. Wm. Staple- ton and family and Miss Meda Hallowell ai Mn. Max Stapleton's.z .Mn. and Mrs. George Stapleton and family and Mns. Thas. Staple- ton at Mn. G. N. Smith's, Stark- ville. .. Miss Beainice Thompson. Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Ira Thomp- son, Kandal, and Mns. Annoti, ai Mn. Stan. Thompson's. . . . Otta Coatham, Antioch, ai Cecil Sta-z pleion's. . . Mns. Gardon, Mill- brook, Mn. and Mns. Vance Coop- er, Oshawa, Mns. Laking and Mar- lene, Newcastle, Mn. and Mns. George Kimbaîl and Mn. and Mns. Jack Kimbaîl ai Mn. Wilfred Mc- Kay's. .. Eveneti Joncs and Irwin Bolsby, Toono, Mn. and Mrs. S.1 R. Joncs, Mns. Henry Joncs,' Mn. and Mns. Willis Joncs and family with Mns. G. WI. Jones. .. Mn. and Mns. Bill Taylor, Lindsay, Mns. Jas. Pollard and family. Newcas- tlc, Mn. and Mns. Norman Scott ai Mn. Wm. Milligan's. . . . Mrs. George Siaples and grandson, Hanry Lougblin, Cadillac, Mich., Miss Jean Wade, Lindsay. Jack Wade, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Hary Wade and Billy with Mrs. J. Wade. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and Carias with Mn. Sam Smith's Sr. .. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty and son, Part Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Burkeli, Mn. and Mrs. Cleland Lana and family ai Mn. W. C. Lane's. .. Mn. and Mns. Launie Cole ai Dr. W. Sbanwin's, Onono. . . Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Tynone. ai Mn. J. A. Ban- nie's. .. Mn. and Mns. Elmar Ran- dali and John, Oshawa, ai Mrs. H. Randall's. .. Mn. and Mns. Willis Farrow ai Mn. Clarence Buriey's, Cowanviile. . . Mn. and Mns. Ivison Tamblyn and baba. Oshawa, ai Mns. C. Hoskin's... Mn. and Mns. Percy Hoskin and babe ai Mn. George Dinnen's. Wesiayviiie. .. Mn. and Mns. Percv Buriav and family, Kendai, ai Mn. Cecii Burley's. . . Mn. and Mns. Russel Lowe and babe, and Billy Morion. Pont Hope, Mn. and Mns. Lloyd McGahey, Paierbono, ai Mn. Robi. Morion's. .. Mn. and Mns. C. Weish and babe, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mns. Ivison Miinday and famiiy. Maple Grave, Mn. and Mrs. Sam Butteny, Salem, tand Mn. and Mns. Sid Lancaster ai Mn. J. W. Lancasten's. . . Mn. SALVAGE SCRAP STEEL NOWM The news despatch b'iýow re- veals that Ottawa is fully cog- nizant o! steel scrap laying around, especially street car tracks. The Fort Erie Times-Re- view and The Statesman have for a long time urged intensified col- lection of scrap. Now Ottawa bas an alibi. " cst of collection" is prohibitive. We told o! Kingston recovering their street car tracks. Wonder if Ottawa knows that there are today, December 30, 1941, over 1000 idie men in this district, with prospects of being idle for some time. They are oui of work because the gavernmnent didnt look fan enough ahead to meet the entry o! Japan ia the war and Provide the matenials for them înstanily ta turo. ta othen work, with nai a minute's delay. Let these temparary unemployed men recover the abandoned car tracks in Oshawa within the space of ane week. That is a challenge! Ottawa-Abaridoned street car tracks in Canadian cities repre- sent a reservoir of scrap metal, but it may remnain uniouched be- cause of the cast of callecting it, salvage officiaIs said. It was estimated ihat thousands of tons of unused steel, admitiedly valuable for war purposes, lies embedded in Canadian streets. The difficulty is that breaking and restoring street surfaces makes the cast a! abiaining the scrap uneconamical. "Sa fan we bave been encaunag- ing the collection of scnap above ground raiber than under it," a salvage officiai said. Haydon Visitons: Miss Unsul MeNeil, Pickering, witb ber parents...* Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Mn. and Mns. Louis Ashton and Many Lau, Toronto, ai Mn. H." Ashton's. family, Miss Viola Bnadley, Mill-' fond Edgerton, R.C.A.F., Toronto, Jim Bradley, Enniskillen, ai Mr. E. Bradley's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Ormistan, Enniskillen, Fred Siannard, Bowmanville, ai Mn. L. Ashion's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Austin Larmen and family, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Richards and sans, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Larmer and daugbtens, South Monaghan, Mn. and Mrs. Evereit Beech and family, Pont Hope, Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Becch and fam- ily. Raseneath, Mn. and Mns. Gar- don Beecb, Enniskillen, ai Mn. Alymer Bech's. . . . Lient. and Mns. Gardon Cowling and David, Niagara, Mns. Hatherley, Tynone. ai Mrs. David Gnaham's. . . Mn. and Mns. Earl Stephenson and family ai Mn. A. Randle's, Hamp- ton. .. Mn. and Mns. Fred Cowling and Fred Jr., Blackstock, ai Mn. R. McNeil's. .. Mn. and Mns. Fane- well Blackburn and Grace, Salem, Mn. Walter Blackburn, Janeiville, Miss Bessie Blackburn, Ottawva. ai Mn. Mark Blackbunn's. .. Mns. Jack Potis, Collingwood, Mn. and Mns. Cecil Sleman, Mn. and Mns. Olason. ai Mn. Wm. Martin's... Mrs. Wotien, Miss Wilma Wutten. ai Mn. Gao. Fengusan's, Oshawa. ..Mn. and Mns. Theron Mounijoy ai Mrs. Sam Mouintjoy's, Hamp- ton, and Mn. W. J. Challis', Bow- manville. .. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto. ai Mn. A. Mc- Neil's. . . . Mn. Milton Slemon. Lloyd and Gardon, ai Mn. Russell Giiberi's, Enfield. .. Mns. D. Hig- gins. Miss Launa Philp, Toronto. ai,,Mn. J. Sanderson's. . . Arthur Tnewin, Oshawa, Miss Grace Tre- win. Toronto, ai Mn. Wm. Tre- win's.. . Mn. and Mns. Roy Tbomp- son and Ganny, Leskand, Mn. and Mns. Frank Osmond, Miss Dora- ihy McDonaid, Glenn Tbompson. Newcastle, Mn. and Mns. Walter Bridgcti and family, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Tbampsan, Mn. and Mns. Roland Tbampson, Bowmanville. Miss Lamna Thompson, Tononto. Lloyd Thampson, Pickering, Don- ald Tbompson, Peterbano, ai Mn. Wesley Thompson's. . . Mn. and Mns. L. Graham and Jim. Henry Ashton, ai Mn. Cyrus Ashion's, Burketon. Wa welcoma Mr. and Mrs. AIy- mer Beech and familv ta aur cam- miunity. having imo'ed anta the Beach fanm. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Wiibun Blackburn (nee Eileen Cowling) on thein manniage. Sympath-, is extended ta the wa sgiven by Eileen and Vivian Cowling. Santa arrived and royal- ly entertained both old and young, after which he unloaded a well filled tree of presents. COMING EVENT Notice -Special United Prayer Meeting at the Salvation Army New Year's Night, Thursday, at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.), on behaîf of the Allied Cause. 1-1 Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 46-7 With the coming of the new year we pause to thank ail our vaiued customers for the business we have re- ceived fnom them in the past. Wc like to feel that the friendiy relations existing between US for so long are based on somcthing more personal titan strict com- merciaiism. Witb these thoughts in mind -we can together face the new year with the spirit o! m u t u a i co-operation, adapt ourselves to Canada's ail out war effort, and end uP wvith a victorious 1942. Jewellery Phone 463 King St. WEEK OF PRAYER January 5th to January 9th, 1942 AT 8 0'CLOCK EACH EVENING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3lst - WATCHNIGHT SERVICES Salvation Army - Trinity United - St. John's Anglican 11.30 p.m. 11.15 p. m. 11.30 P. M. General theme: "The Names of Jesus," Isaiah 9th, verse 6 MONDAY, JANUARY 5th - In Et. Pauls Canon C. R. Spencer - "Wonderful." TUESDAY, JANUARY 6th - In St. Andrevv's Adjutant J. D. Hart - "Counsellor." WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7th - In St. Johns Anglican Rev. J. E. Griffith - "The Mighty God."1 THURSOAY, JANUARY 8th - Salvation Army Hall Rev. W. G. Blake - "The Everlastlng Father." FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th - Trinity United Church Rev. A. R. Cragg - "The Prince of Peace.' Offering for relief work at each service under auspices of the Ministerial Association. REV. A, R. CnACC, President. ADJT. J. HART, Secy.-Treas. -~ r.,. ~ 4 t., momm. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 2 and Mrs. Percy Hamilton and family of the late Wmn. Hooey. Bobby, Millbrook, Miss Eileen Ailarge number gathered at the Glide and Mr. Oliver Weatberilt, school on Monday evening in Oshawa, Mr. andi Mrs. W. Wea- honor of Miss Eileen Cowling, therilt with Mr. W. E. Reid's. . .. bride-to be. A large table, prettily Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid at Mr. and decorated in pink, was at the Mrs. W. Widdis', Millbrook. . . . iront of the schaol, behind which Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byers, Reg. the guests of honor were seated. McGahey and Garfield Hutchison, The evening opened with singing Toronto, at Mr. Sid. Hutchison's. and carols with Misses May Tre- .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap win and Blanche Degeer at the and Alfred and Mrs. W. Whittaker piano. Readings were given by at Mr. Edgar Whittaker's, Hamil- Mrs. T. Mouotjoy, Mrs. C. Gar- ton. Mrs. Whittaker remained for rard, Mrs. Gordon Becch. Miss a longer visit. . . Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Degeer gave a piano solo Chas. Morris with hier mother at and Vivian Cowling played the Mt. Albert. . . Mrs. Jas. Stark guitar and sang. Howard Foley, and family at Mr. Moore's, Castle- Maple Grove, gave a reading. An ton.. . Mr. and Mrs. Leland Payne address was read by Mrs. H. Ash- and family at Mr. Wm. Layton's, ton, after which the couple un- Cowanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. xrapped gifts of every descrip- Pearce, Laurna and Bobby, Mr. tion from a well laden basket. and Mrs. Earl Walkey and Joan Another feature event took place ai Mr. Harvey Oshorne's, Wel- at the samne time. The draw was came. . . Mrs. Leushner and Ro- made on a beautiful cross stitch ger, and Lawrence Gilmer, Nia- quilt done in blue and red. We gara, Raymond Gilmer, Montreal, tender our thanks to Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe. at Mr. McNeil who donated this quilt in Frank Gilmer's. . . Miss I. Laing aid o! Haydon War Workers. Lit- and Mr. Wm. Laing, and their tie Joan Hobbs drew the lucky cousin Mrs. Mclntyre, Detroit,' ticket which belanged to Mrs. Mich., at Mr. George Laing's, Or-j Mark Blackburn. Proceeds from ono. . . Miss Mabel Johnson of the quilt $35.00. A bounteous Moosejaw, now of C.W.A.A.F., lunch was served. Guelph, Kenneth McLachlan, AC2, of Vancouver, and now of Man- (Intended for last week) ning Depot, Toronto, and nephew W. A. met at Mrs. H. Ashton's. of Rev. McLachlan, Miss FeliciaBil esnw rabyM. Galln, TreteonwiRevan Mrs. hOrmiston; devotional on "Christ- J.n McLcentn ihRadMr. mas" was given by Mrs. Ashton; J. MLachan.reading by Mrs. Blackburn; duet Jack McLacblan will report for by Misses Eileen Cowling and duty with R.C.A.F. Jan. 12th. Blanche Degeer; reading by Mrs. Miss Lena Vivian Gîbson, Mill- C. Garrard. Lunch was served. brook, and Mr. Clarence Soper, Mrs. Earl Stephenson is better Bowmanville, were united in mar- after ber accident when she scald- niage by Rev. J. McLachlan at ed bier foot. Newtonville Parsonage. Dec. 27th. r.LodAho sqieil Conratlatonsto r. nd rs. Mr. Geo. Riggs and Mrs. E. R. Hughi Stapleton (nec Meda Hallo- Ormiston have gone ta Bowman- well) upon their marriage. ville and Toronto for the winter. Mrs. Hammond Brown bas re- Visitors: Miss May Trewin is turned from a visit witb bier sis - spending a few weeks with bier ter who bas been îll at Kingston. parents. . . Miss Jean Houston is Glad to see George Kimbaîl out with bier parents ai Auburn.... a! ter bis illness. Norman Hall and Beryl, Lloyd Mr. Lee Wever and bride, Hall, John Graham, Oshawa, Ken- Thornbury, were recent guesis at neth' Graham, Toronto, at Mrs. Mr. Reuben Payne's. David Graham's. Mrs. Peter Laing, Orono, iS Visit- Christmas Tree Concert was ing Miss I. Laing. held on Tbursday. An excellent Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane program was given under direc- spent the weekend with Mr. and tion o! Misses Jean Houston and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Burford. Winnie Trewin. Mr. C. Avery was Mrs. J. Wade, Jean and Arnold, chairman. Readings were given and Mr. Bill Hoskin were recent by Ronald Ashton, Shirley Gar- guests of Mr. Willis Farrow's. rard and Vivian Cowling. School Inspectar and Mrs. A. A. Mar- children put on several choruses, tin and family. Brighton, visited duets, trios, pageants. etc.. which at Mr. George J. Stapleton's. was mucb enjoyed. A two-act Jim and Elgin Savery, Oshawa, play "Haw Betty Put Tbings Over have been holidaying with Bud Pa" was given by the yaung peo- Jones. ple. Guitar music and singing

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