AfMýY, OCTOBER28, 1041 THE CANADIAN STATESMA, BOWMANVIE, ONTARIOPAEEEl WOMDN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY DANVA&s HOL.STEIN CLUB SISTERS' VISIT Blyt, Geppi 10 o SOCIAL AND PERSONAL REPORTS SALESBRINGS FAMIILY iee 't tolowi"tes PhonL U E RS663 TO U.S. BUYERS TOGETH ER ACAIN priEao Šll"wasÈ Ý & ~~~~Col.BermrTrno MsJ.Nehamis visiting her 'son Mr. R. L. Mitchell Manager There seems to be a steady de- of sr.and Mr. Albera Hiroke bothsdl i tho u n 9o erSrcsN . ofthe Bank of Commerce mand. in Pennsylvamia for Hol- Cobourg well ifre h iwi ht edrheand Mrs. A. L. Darch visit- Mrs. F. A. Haddy Misses Lena asteiin ows romtDhamCN. countyrno matter what emphasis is placed ehiraunt, Miss Annie Rutledge, and Agnes Haddy, 1ir. Chas. Had- tand vicnt.atsthe C.MN.R. ta- re Aitrsigeetto lc nhgadces rdcin Twe.dy, Toronto, spent Sunday with toNwate o odyteefamnily er 12twshedheaHroke raiigo piebefofr Mirs. R. W. Conklin, Kingsville, Mrs. Harry Foster and attended wshipdtC.SEr &ohmefMradrshIAtt he faretrrtundtfr eswr 1 visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. H. the Trinity Church thankoffering Middletown, Penn., the third car cock, Cobourg.It .brwi-adtee sgo esnt e Knight . services. of cows and calves this season Sion of a visit by the calleve the, at rcswl oddrn Statesman for mailinginwa-M.F Swallow, Maple Grove, from the herds of breeders in Mrs. Thos. Basinger of Edmonton,waanlogftrrd ar otial ttisofficebruh.i ixGldnTakr Durham county and adjacent Alta., and by the younger sister, ilesarecopynbe mahsofie ogh ngesiacholwhichweighedareas. The shipment was again Mrs. W. A. Smith of London, and L Mrs p.enonCou15ls o oer. Tf h ae nvew handled by Fieldman A. J. Tamb- was the first timne in over seven-SLPEY EAE Mrs1LesHs• oterer. adtSantert's, wheonsuppied lyn, Orono. C. S. Erb & Co. had teen years when the whole family MsVennKoleer, Brgh to an se , h uple a man here to assist in the load- of seve-n brothers and two sisters BA E O Mritd . and enderson. Seo, n1iianAlnNwatl,2 and look after the ca te. Tewere together. The dayctrs spa nt CRE RS Nigaa als sen unaywih Mnissleaisnite ercl, w calves, the natural increase since singing, and a family photo was H Dr. and Mrs. . W. Slemon archr orM H ssMase itzes n ow anBcunryarnrminedtht ex wekthe cows were bought, were taken. A buffet supper was serv- Haydmg a oet ADspcandominiC W Son-wie Aouh herYo'ung Pop esniattended thé Women's Hospital Auxiliary is planning a house to house can- cedroundt4500.0. ngie oer- ette forty-fiv e membeseof trukadlghtop n olso Day ervce ws hld i St Joh's erene o Sunay.vass to raise funds to carry on the excellent humnanitarian work animal goes into thprreasuryaofTwenty members were absent ivioo rbu 2 e Angleic Churhla St. o rnda e.oJ.E. Tod, astrft.. for which this imstitution has earned such an enviable reputation. the Durham County Holsteir- three of whom are serving over.' noon.Acrigtroie i Pte.iHn hr RodFt Font. e- Clir.AE.Unted ChurchToron-St No matter how small your gift, it will be very acceptable. Should Friesian Club. seas. Among those present were rectTrnpttucdivnb nac, Kmngston, was with his wife to, who preached at the anniver- you be overlooked send your donation to Mrs. . W. Crawford, Contributors to this third palace Mrand Ms ho. HrocBwArtu .WieeIlntn and aiy over thfe weekend. sary services at Trinity Church - Secretary, Bowmanville. carload were: Bertram Hoskinmnvll. as tuko h iewe Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prower and on Sunday was guest of Mr. and Cobourg; Gordon L. Kellogg and KetB ahngescrwEgnS. daughter, Toronto, were guests of Ms. F. R. Kerslake. I. J. McConnell, Port Hope; Lu- Bowmanvile, skiddd on th his sister Mrs. W. B. McMurtry.. Mr. W. Carpenter, High School J. J. Duffus and Co., owners of iFOREGES . tamEitrPan oHerLastoe nd H.ble. MTnk& f, ShttoSSiO slnd ipr odsrae Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty, teacher, Mr. G. Davidge and Mrs. the tow truck. There will be a REGESSIBamEio ln own amptone; Nole I. etl, PSrt owFimTrn gTimpc rv h rc Elizabethville, were guests on W. Densem, B.T.S., were in Hamp- number of witnesses in the action, H ONEST, RELIABL E To Derrick Turnià Bowmy;Anville; Lelie CoaesW Port ram - agaiofconsatreothnrhat Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. ton Monday evening .iudging the including James Fleming, court AS ENGLISH ARE FoP PerrErt Tby A. J. Tamblyn, rdJ. L. SDrham Conty bw ei ee o onrardatagesi h Tamblyn. publie speaking contest for the reporter.-Peterboro Examiner.Fo ohr at Bn,M. J. tablynWo, J.R. Shothornat te wreéellreresroadwscvrdfvteevs MIrs. A. L. Woodley, who spent Township of Darlington. St. Paul's W.M.S. Thanksgiving Mr. Brownelo, Orono; S R ctt.TanTly, WA od, bRenedna tocthelrcnd slso the sumrmer in Oshawa, leaves The Prower Block (Couch, service was held in the Sunday . .J.MllreOoosa-- .Sct, .T TlyW A oat redngsoc el yRussll4 Monday for her home in Santa Johnston & Cryderman Ltd. and School room, Oct. 21st. President MdsedTrnity ongteopljeton aThe sean o 4yil oaowstroro. byDgasand Gry atUnion ie Monica, Calif. W. L. Elliott stores) has been the Mrs. W. H. Carruthers.opened the "Mssions.' Taken froith gsubject ag uanomaistorAbsenceo One of the shlippers in conver- by eaconrMurphdy Mrs. Frank Strange and Missest section of King St. to re- meeting with the topic "We live of his own Ilife during his days in rain ruined prospectsfra ation with the editor, Tues9day, et Frsada Cae and the Helen Strange, Kingston, are ceive a coat of paint which greatly by faith in God." Mrs. Kennieth college, Mr. Mellor brought to his to average in grain crops. • Roots took a serious view of the Situa- dighsp vn eraale of reapel visiting the forme' agtr improves the appearance of that Werry took the Bible reading, audience an interesting story of and vegetables, when not planted tion which is draining the best of Egt-ee edwr sold at Mrs. E. C. C. Southey. section of the town. followed with prayer by Rev. A. the five months he spent in bar- at a lucky moment, refused for local dairy stock to the U.S.A. ni onvilles5on t 6theand.7th, Pte. William Tait, Headquarters Alice Jackson. Mission 1hand R. Cragg. The guest speaker, Miss ren, unsettled, Northern Ontario, weeks to make even an appear- Producers across the line have, nd ferse 53aros h n went o heU..A Conipny, st MilandRegiment, mti rntypiaycass room i uragaeaveyi- as a, student missionary. Con.. ance. Prediction was that vege.. through govermen 1a tin uyesfrom adecrssthe lnewer spent four days at horne with his Oct. 20th. The meeting oee teresting address on Chmna with struction camps were about the tables and even corn would be a achieved a prxmate parity rDryen eat evidene a atthe parnt, Ms.C.W.B.with quiet music followed by call lantern slides of the people and only forms of villages or towns complete failure. poiinadtutruhpoAthye aea rolneriri TaietsM.adMs W . to worship. Peggy Dippell read a pae.MsReaDdesnnandeolofthrourisThen the raiscm.Secod perity, have the money to outbid esaonBdigwsstfr un t b them Ie oari Tonmy ae.M eagudloythang e d atp eige if abs er onre a eae haedalt e h ars _p t ha oa u yea ould r e ers a in-awMrA.RdesaHlsKighndBbStvn wr o elssspeoerresher ninet n d- eaeadvr rswrhyaeodco.Vgtbe ndfed edigree dian rm tis dis-oec rd gh two e aalogueCat.n[3nes burg. th~~~peia"nd r.Da mng he viaaWerhe wear iing bto put our- ros responded sloly. No re-t rt hve benlyolde, at fnytr m tnbuh io tbdtm ihVaton Mr. ot.Micel hsreur-tiomns uoerctioM plonvC rield s stut9cs.ifi l a reet oe r epctd arm era i e t esh ed to h e U.S.A o dn tah eeyondothosew h Ca w tb ead Mto .hero m N. e Yr k t y a i tm ' F n . r ftheTyne . M H. erm e n t w ere s r - t th oroughly une ra nstan w at ev e notie anthav eage fian lfewd pgee o s e nsf o h i - rvil ed at r d e a tn' sh , ooten r ia i n 3 l s afer. peaa t iit wih he o ati n vwas prize money on myat he s e k f rled. will b d- e dne nd regr d to s io ns - endousro wth o éablsan - is hvew wasoth at si nc th reFem a d W cales k b o g tg r allpclarngmuus RotaytFar.f'Inet eaOc.o15htisue o the afteethe pre enthonfact. sBin weektevp snew pres nt p ice f mik, oupld he vy p ices Dou las pSon top-vingneieU.I.aAe an- 1 .dHraD. Bryan andtM r.lni T epe di t e e edpe a r, n w m i i , t o pt fr m o n at e ly i ab inn thy N e c sh te n ou n e t a es e f o d tVH y 15 0 f ra se p vh iwre in daT or in too n wof neesto theisiany fr died s e l aim oto r b e hrit ansbu rte- las of t e sesnp rduct, a e, evs no m rm of poi onMch.At R ucssell h e wntto usdafist1nf E rg . JFmh nt ac n wl d e on - f m Gro, ev . oy H . R ck ardn f iv es e i .l iv e i l aresent g row e r anco m e ra s te a m d az p o u r th A e ron y a y to me a l of In dian 12 0, w h le or ne z h l M s ot . ihel hEg . eOr. s en ey ern te u est e a lrson ) wafr s h n ou red by -to the name hy dr ste u sa ple s whno ic h h e aeevolv d from o sver ed a t ha s i o elltffh e rryale sFak rs, htKa na aid pvn cod Sd t e o ei e o k C t ar Van t-P illis' w d ding t ofthe m ny o h s e lo w r er a d R ut bene thnre a d t Fayiso ns e om bina tion of go.od s e a d t e e tte r q i ty o m ,c nd y v r10 0 f r toufea s. on o - ve uoe g-,NO af e a L L O W E 'vsi w h ler oa t; o° wa ° p ri e e ta r sdCwr d rena e ig p a o s a0o c a efot t er nIihf 1 9 n n Itur e makes a thidlsseofto e r t heus r e n the iTw ins .doen o kpc. ToStwa t's tan etdand .padart cularlyesle wt $5 inea ontary FiUiota en sse dd fr ers w h h b re outst andingiinmDor isoDudle who f r ead o n pumpkinofamazing iprop or- metsof pegeds pri ce at e shioutlook ad o etot, es du nds.D rato atan H. oghe lious teation workcamps, he ife a worksefofnators ofatos tentiaon s pdircthed to is ismar te ilkofproducefr . A RsHlds Your Choice ofsAn cadiran Ha f engi neer of summeresand wis ntescool, nds:two favorto e hns Jan Rundlthgoercotewhcr he asm tis Spom e rcannthcayony and omust Bl fIdaa a 15,w e o z qVe e th i g r o vthe wHyd i Tro e tri c o er Com- c achingR o nfe.rncesa n whof vse Jim Hancock a n ael nle u ssues hc ha e vo ed r n elouh e ca usnd tae s o sn iedof M ry ae F r s, K na, pi r missin , anno r une ths w ek. ame rhst on e wabro d W s all alo t assistedChiin.haIt mba nofbe oo dlate d to hol en ebet i c o cipted fo r y h e r 10 0 or'w , ' E .Coin Ve "W cn' etth mtrilstomsscae the Rev irdswrshieervdadlgtu ic detof at"ega ietabear"in oma n army. Othersquarshippingthir 1 sE co sut the m," ti n nhe ad. C. D. ne ls a ndLaR. H. Rickar-d. ~ M rtongavillm-doen thio fl dh av . T Se argt- hihsan d too an te U.SA . a nd B A LUpon rceipt of oderslthat t e Dik C a hrie and Roy the asre i toge wis Sed t aer f ts msbe tomalviewe treind er testo cads . etrns' ua rrd- a im eiely feco aely ekn ownn d - D new a i care f l a pi, o poultry sh o. r-Th e t e gem e t hsopinon, Ot ro baedu e to halfits forna eneanor ai al eneott ni n rsDdleworkers is - - Sof t nAttea n r icut rlcolumn- hs ,madeflitte sud i f anofe. i o d o r C MAKFCSCEE srenth ndfthe wtrainin.ogreduced evidencatiteybutwll,ap, tel€eadWtOnV1f1e 1sr oftho pucot t wo ays laelthe dairymcan' ositiryonandmuthey PAPR, ATSto utandfew days dur O urradwig thecholhelpingofavron h.a farm, dnleis.ov ere ae n or eaue snsawkning be- NR KtN h e Hy d e tr iet. er A . L. Bakernf ren es andVise i tors: M r. and M rs. e u - w hIt hm a im s 1s a turm p h at foe n exte sping . Fnr pe f or h onV A W applie or ran sfner. imult am a on bod.W llan- e i e e nethr s. rieMis will eghovleFar"20 nlb Heow a- gram tesavrtualyohip ng hin hn 6 imod ace Nowisth tmetogeyur eulycaan ffe th aial os m which ObiTaRcarsPwrige. HyeMrindMs.les to rick it upnd and proe- viewofrte srousno te US.of the supplies of Kntting Wools a may.lead to srviceaoversea.Too, etrbr a r. Ge or ge uce ifor theciot bet sive tue ain e otestcy re uar p icsoarenln s tt e mai agof Miess C t e A D ,Chr- HendR y he a e rsns .M s a r a fl ar o olr h w h h o en e n hs o iin toé needs.wcst ,tim.Jo n F diaelMff c i s Atey k o nnne Lyl e a k il fin s tae m ns a rcl u a ou n a ý a eltl t ,i ,o Parotc ttineyRi red akie, wi hlfit eigmad MraissAneofLylie awoman of a Ne roMnrveal, atuti Mr. R.aey h diymns oito, n t Hih as s writing, pape ref hrand teM ii gDrthy ad quide t a - lov b l ture and J. Rowe's. . . Mr. ande Mrs. Harryawaenig b- M RR ' ff f aP R wihceti Hatoic olos.uis Mad feine ay, Toronto, hewill popularwhamong aahostiof.friends, MayfoCobourg, at Mr.FrRobt. Mor- " bhebriesa ids fo t heir sistaer. asd ecfulio eton O t- to s . Mr. and sw. .B r i l wih o e 0ls ep o ri m a s vruly ntigi h n 6 small pads •a15ciMr. o rd it ,'Kfe igs tn ilhe 9hinBw avil e eral and Mu r t, Mr. FranAtin-psst erc t p adpo iw o tesro s o h NYwi.te ip e - 10c br e o ms cmean f o mhicu iadH ospta w er se a dbenf r ins, nionviles.,.Mr. and Mrs. uei o h ot .stain supiso ntigWos*thm eadshervilb MWiceosam h astre ots.Peios.Prtridgee, Torot, at Mr. George reua, rcs. Vrmdl s Anville, MarCaleofssog nh eat u oe h pyialr-s 87a nd i h s a ughtl e r, rs. In Éuthe ledngliray o teMr. JohndwrdsJKngst. rialsinouAgennequnm- apelclertd hibrh wintr radig.Nowwend. issLylehadlivd pactcal. d together. . . ran r ing rats' ters s s ci n ofuch loclsm yallMssAhe lein BowmanvilleGoelorgespleontandéal andMk bgsvngMngarnedLDA.rnd n n teRop. HL.h Whroi toinr itbAss kize George eynodqwitanthe excenashrt erad .. rs..eorgeSmthatMr. Brt O ET ua rdcs.Ti ekedw ffryumn ieil u rcseo TOHNlS rtnCppr ou onrticenwhoiws injred i n ds pemnt inTorot o. f Caldwel's, oro to.Mrs b. Thos.orh-etr ae ftefl esn clhceti aroteclr. Ms aim in e ama es ro nDougwllas sevicetokpacel ftorom her resi- the. . .Mr. and Mrs. L ansnBrU ETOTKrD A TA EOiHSe P O E72N W .-• "h bebrdsmid orthi dse er 9o n BQuee n vit. to nBowm an Millon ad Do r ree n k a . itn fn -h B00K STORE -I M H wTrtdiver i o an - villeH ceetalwery where herbemn soAe's, U Banl .Mr . A'er* vneoe lt odm thea o scont;,Jondutwee aid ithefmily po. PRev. N aylr, igarant, at L.M.MillonVLETgTsus-20'ec50' 3 5 chargeheshap occMr dllim t uautedin hechabMissgulra ayanhavMr ak'iG1erth F/' 0cMLK f AGESA L- -E.• 3 NEW BOOS manvile, Mr Charle Hog endat bas logeasier phesalhhose87,indh illagerM prmsitedconuctgead te ervaiceriiapeds weler soed t earn IKHMSCO PUD .5 ie87hNIFEZ In th en i g i ra y o M .Jo n Ed ar s K n st n t .Mn s ylr al es frm rel a of t e ud en passi .ndf Mrs. M at C ertified $ 1 59D. . ra ds an o ohe pi winte10M ainD twl nd ii ato f m hl cl i ves, frl iends ae n the muncipll Cote n ta peo Snd a y nuay when 50c PTis w -nX C OM P r OU mN - - - 32t pce in rts.teet s lte councig atth i l was sxctikingoteshtiony o f s eci e mtal fell .down ts O W EST 'P r G l.- N n Cor sv cliigdaae wo ogas eldbaoie iren t of F-Mloy ad Millsonhas secreda HEZE eoAL-- 6-z -S forlchirdren,!dTasteothatcarean-allereers weretGl enatn, * eCn ... PWDERiPUFSe-.-. - 2.fot9e.aAr -runchy nTfaORDomin e th ionnt 25-or- Pre a inn redB iy lt.cRvh etoa hoNa tL .l eson!s IASLVETABisses - 00s c • s29cH3Ne' PeaarteButter is extra goodcbe- JAR Benard ichlls. Cathans M.Two r rnew pu il startd 5eto 4f9¾ HSA lez.- 3 caus itsfrehlyMWedelh ndhp curand R. M. Mihell ellad eville.a- ' schooleJim and Piip Gilmer.9 52cBOAIACD --- - 1cnyad Survivis ng areer ahe, M. .. our n tew micaeacher comesMPUND A25lmond JohnLle, formce hevclr ofthe every ThrsyWhvetlaken Richmello tow~Mny forbwaltknille; tresi- Ml aof h dne. . idayofmr.. eoXdPao.1t RA Cofe--.3cties, Mris anR. heottpToronto, in owet topame sna hwn 54ge Antacid H om.- -siezePe Quaoy t aSavng rs.R. . ik tce, Bellevill e aowmanll T elboswntainsE S M-S L S 6 o . - 9 L DOMNvOonEN2-BUTERthMr. redarynBowhMaisslle' andtrucklde irsn a a. ...-PwdrEDAn4cso au couveBC.,anwd Town lerk of lod s a soy fTasgivig. ysolSoa e eesarih.eiGossralacolsed - Red OCT.poitin a M23 to Nor. OV I 3 F 2for 13c _ _ for chilCherries - thab.r49c Closearelatives attending the crncynu iaorlDoiio 1 Lfuner a wee s Fred RappceeSc eot W ater 50c sizeN-2s Evr BgGarnee _ raa LyyLd termeg he san Mie (ByFBuy NOWGrae an dAsave 20% Bottle special 39e 98lbeag .Bute 2.49xta gHoops, erad Missellie attains, --- Wrigle's Gum s-DA. PRESENT QUICK 48-0. PKG.Bowmavillae Ber a ftheTekTooth.Brusesr nen mus-cwn valable Prim Canadin Legin metZriday eve Th curss Cl-zub ilba e 9 RI NTN A' tins Whitby. Mr. Jackson, President 2 50of Whitby Branch, was also in- The Boy Scouts wish to thank This special offer ends November 1 7 troduced and both spoke about1 the public generally for the gen- g F 7 I I Legon wrk.erous support given to them on u/1Refreshments were served by their annual Apple Day. The total n DOMINO e BU L BS Comrade. A. Fewster and C. W. receipt. were about $107.00 and Tait. There was -discussion of the proceeds from the annual PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIA Y 2540, 60 and 100 watts which falls on November 8th, and ket of apples at both the Rotary LYSOL citizens of Bowmanville and dis- and Lions Club that bring stu- Pow der 19e L UX OR 2 for 25e trict are reminded of that appeal. pendous prIces are yet to be re- Disinfectant 1to oad 0wn Attendance was not qumte up to ceived' Antiseptio 30 nd 0 wttsexpectations due to many other - -- -- -- - functions falling upon the samne Special thanks is due to Mrs. P.3 oz. - 35c evening. Those who were absent Cowan who .donated the use ofc missed really unusual entertain- her store to the Scouts for the 7 o«. -65c ment provIded by the young artist occasion, and to Mr. Gilbert Jones Laura Secord guests. Plans for the winter's pro and othet's who assisted in dec- oz. 1.25 C d DRUGS W eie S T R ES .L i i TEgDam and a membership drive are orating the window and preparing Candies bn 72 M