Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 4

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PA P OUR THE CANADiAN STATÊSMA, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY COE ,14 Ioeooeroemoeommoeemooe......... RC.L. GIfliR ~ Y'r GoVeuInedCorcuat0l COAL SNORTAG« Prot.ct Advertls.re SF.E CA NA DA A T W A R .1 On Ocobr'6, 17 the members "Canadian coal dealers and dis- Asseen by Canadian Edlten on a Tour of MilitaIy campskothAuiBreufCrcl-rbtrsaemkn vy effort M u n ti o P l n t s a n d N a v B a e s a E a t e n C n a d . ~t io n s , o f w h ic h T h e C a n a d i a n -to c o - p e r a t e in t h e B u y N o w ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ~Statesman is a member, wil meet ca ipaign," stated Mr. J. McG. in Chicago for their twenty- Stewart, coal administrator under Artcle No. 4 N w Z ala d a d m ny ron th X4 eighth annual convention., The the W artime Prices and Trade Atie NoA.."Nwteates The Cny fommon- Bureau is a cooperative and non- Board. "THEB... Uied tteir Traeng lanim ti profit association of two thousand "Wherever and whenever pos- gro.MP.wting ainih nd P lot 4spublishers, advertisers and adver- sible they are filling their coal grow'tiing agdteedisnti ecies ini thé United yard to capacity. But," hie adde, *. party wtnese Cdln 0f ara for 90At rmngsethooland the he W hie t e ana ian edtor' sgh. A pr se t t e P an cais : ~ -States and Canada and is an im - "4their efforts w il fail unless te y' patv*itdng heir etourof aEas- neces9aryraiiarys t sandbheh-portant factor in the progress of secure the active c-operation of ten and, ctafyony hrèments, such as recruitmng centres,È industry. few of the larger dealers have tentndatal nytrècommand headquarters, repair teavriigadpbihn h eea ulc nyavr flying schools or stations were oni and equipment depots to a total At heChcoffmeigteyrso dck bgenuh o the agenda. Fort this reason and of 124 units spread across Canada, members willec ffcrs and stock -coal sufficient for the total . because Canadian weekly news- with nearly 100 aerodromes and discuss circulation methods and winter requirements. Most deal- paes ae leaycareda1,860 buildings. The staff requir- problerrs of mutual mnterest. The ers can stock only a few hundred seres f aticeson he ommn-ed or nstuctrs admisratonobjects and accomplshments of tons, and must keep seing their ealth ofairaion tne CPlan-l and maintenance of the schools is this association are of direct con- coal, if any great quantity of coalEdtrSeCad'soem A y pweseart i ic ing dea nyi 00Omn oto the pa a cern to ail advertisers. is to be moved before October 1. e hmbltadsau generai way000men wit o the prorl eormiyetmtd an00,oo, Whether a business maires an "If your dealer, through some At Camp Borden, editors were amaze y ey r gnted in y tth hai-iporntphae 000, of which Canada's share was annual investmlent of $500 or temporary shortage of coal, can- power displayed bY units of Canada's modmag.Careslk 0f Ca nda's arl-iportapam eto be about $350,000,000, but the $5,000,000 for advertiuing pur- not maire delivery immediately that shown above move with amnazing rapitansm hterwa ofCnd' a rga. toalwas later boosted to nearly . poses, it is of course dcsiiable that upon order, order your coal now truhseigyipsal ares We stopped briefly at the Mal- $1,000,000,000, with Canada's por- . " the maximum value be obtainéd anyway, and ask him to deliver itthogsemnyipaabeares ton Airport, location ,of Elemen- tion about $600,000,000. The Plan & in exchange for the money ex- at the earliest possible date," said _____________________________ tary Flying and Air Observers' has expanded very rapidly since pended. Ini determining the me- the coal adninistrator. l'Help 'intheirbsitresst c- Theotma u sc. rn Scho ls, as well as being a central- it was announced in December, dia and methods to be used, a yourself and help your country by it i etitrsst o qn nTasCnd i ie.199 n ti o unn u careful study of values in thc light fifling your coal bin now." operate by ordering their coal as the psiit u ei o in fthe latter connection we were thousands of pilots, gunners and of exlsting, approved standards Bowmanvile residenits will find NOW. hpir told that aviation authorities re- observers at about twice the rate is essential to the most poial garded the Malton Airport as the prfitble_______________________for_________________________________ outstanding omie of its kind con the Thiniy led foSrvti ime relts. sadadswh American continent. It is a thrrnTeFrySrvc h eiie tnadlhc to watch the big silvery planes Meanwhile the Atlantic Ferry . ' ............ .. advertisers use ii. evaluating F oso g r rsl ih W 0 take off with their load of passen- Service is another twentieth cen- suit of thnespae advrtisingtaeuite gersfor destinations -ail across tury innovation which would " B uretuof Ci ratofs.The Audi o tlgg r rsi w t e p n Caada. At the Training School have seemed incredible a few e. uofCrlain.TeB- itneactivity prevailed in both years ago. We heard a story con- eau, or A.B.C. as it is better brnce o isrutinl or.cerming thc Atlantic flight made known to advertising men and The embryo pilots receive fifty recently by Hon. C. G. Power, p9b4.shrssesiu otablihel hours of flying at this school, us- Minister of Defence for Air. It194Prvostthttm Uc uug i Cnain-uitdeHvi-seems Uiat hie was about to leave Throughout Canétda, froni dawn te dusk, keen-eyed young men publishers of newspapers had no land Tiger Moth. This sturdy lit- Scotland one morning on bis re. froin Canada and other Empire countries learn to becomée gnesi eeal cetd wy tlc biplane has a top spced of 104 tumn journey and in the hotel R.C.A.F. schools of Uic British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. means of telling advertiscrs about miles an hour. The air observers lobby just prior te leaving hie had Nothing is left te hazard in Uic training of a gunner for upon bis their circulation, In other words, on Uc oherhandusethetwi- a few minutes' conversation with Sarp eyes and quick trigger finger depends t ag extentUif the rewren etbisc sad engincd Avro Anson bomber for a casual acquaintance. That eve- ficiency of our Air Force. In this photo a young gunner of Uic R C ard for circulation values or ac- tluirtranig n rconaisacening Mr. Power walked into the A.F. with his Vickers gun stands by the tail of a Fairey Battle reaâ - ccptcd methods of verification of aeril phtogaphy bobing and lobby of the Chateau Laurier in for actionte iclto itpbihr air navigation. Ottawa to meet face to face the aily had a circulation of, soy, 5,000 ~ Camp ordeasame mon wîth whom hle had cCnampd cotan. Te eastward across the Atlantic. He dustry. We have taken cvery was at a distinct disadvantage i The ext ay w wcr at amp rse is uta. The ncdentwas one of Uic most interested sofeguard to prevent it and«Uic meeting the cdaims of a competu- -*. Borden, where wc luxicled wlit shows how distance has diminsh- observers on Uic trnp and declar- vast mjority of Canodian flrn's tor who might dlaim 5,000 but......~ ."*** officers 'of the SerieFyn dadta o a rl a e d he would have a real story to are only too anxious to produce really havre only 2,500. ..... erieFli1 e n ta anhstrl akntlluo is return home. 'Jim- at reasonable prices in this war." Mnadto ownin uic c~~' teraini Shool an asndthet wng ySpence was Uirough.the blitz As the editors' party went froDm figures Uic advertisers of that day Ui wr idsar gana i Uc Several members of our party frmsart to finish, serving as an place to place on their tour, ob-, began to ask for other informa- Great War, making good use of had already mode the fliglit to Air Raid Warden in his own Lon- servations wcre frequentj er in h eastepbiain Uic Bor en han ar. S orly ftr B itla ndretu n and spoke of don district and it was clear Uat lamenting the fact that it re uir- W here do s it go? How much do . noon Uic sun broke through low- it quite casually. Another young he retained many terrible mcm- ed a war to produce such a vast people pay for it? The answers to hanging rain clouds and there mon, James Spence, press officer ories. Hie sad that the bright amount of new lndustry and to these and other questions, f foilowed a great scramblc as one of Canada House, London, carne lights of. Canada's cties wcre thegaempymntoUusdsfcurhvenipratbc- mgpndes Yaeranerad orih- over by boat but wos leaving at most omazing phienomenon of hisyoung men both in factory, army, ing on a publication's value to !nt plansid tha on fo a busy te turdaydtotake a, bomber visit. Another member of Uic air force and navy. The words of advcrtiscrs. planes are taking off from or Party was Group Captaini Sully, General Wavell, the noted British The Bureau has a staff of es- landing on this fîeld at an average former Commanding Officer of leader of Libyan faune, were rc- pecioîîy traincd auditors who of one every 25 seconds. The in- the Trenton Air Station who took called, whcn he said: "What a mke an annual audi ftecr terval seemed even shorter during charge on visits to Uic air train- world wc could make if we.would muac 1 ditrd of 0f tpulher- our stay. The piots at Camp Bor- ing centres. He remarked that put into' peocetime endeavo culation rer0fep chrpubshero den, having already learned thc about 3,000 lads were coming un Uic cnergy, self-sacrifice and co- memer.udtearepts aed onil ABCs f lyig t n Ecmntry- Urough thc 17 recruiting centres operation that we use in Uic able to advertisers so Uiey con Sehoso lyircnow avan ed nr- cvery two wecks. Canada pro- wastefulncss of war.",i esa strcton. Thre reinavaed viourab buy space i esaers and strcton.Thy ecee75vids Es aout 80 per cent of Uic Next week: "The Navy". periodical.s on Uic basis of defin- of flying I ten wceks at Bordep. . studs Tereanerac r standards and kown volues. Insrument flylag, night flyinig, .~ nlnAustralia and New Zea- aional detikr n d t acrobatics and formation flying lanid. Add to this the fact that PAINLEBS PLAN ation aavetlsngmadetheir are taught here anél lessons are Canadian airplane factories are FOR? AYognciveuse fhae iongmto tn- continucd in wireîess, armament, turning out 40 planes o week and r'JN ieue0 Inform aiofl wegan om cnepio o teINCOME TAX A.B.C. reports. I i ae0 navi awnanthrmatyhp o artupendous undertaking in which mrhnsadohrlclavr Wchooî intornizato aiageCanada is engogcd. For mon n ersome avla tisers witb limited appropriatioffl atCamp Diebcs rt N. S., whsten c. .MasesSckben Yyaapol aeit is of course just as Important vet CadeUicR.A.., Opeainal iisesSea npaying IcoOTe Inathat Uiey too use a deflaite mca- visited the R.A.F. Operational ~In concluding tiuis article we lump sum annually or by instal-sr fvle hnte u d Training Unit. This is a finishing »~ ol iet ut rmsece ments witb intercst. Now, wit sr o aue hn hybu.d achool for plots who will be os- by Federal Cabinet Ministers dur- the nunubèr'of indome tax poyers chandise by well-kaown measures siged . t l o andight- k ing our stay in Ottawa, Hon. Mr as well as Income Tax rates sub- of weight, quality, color, etc., and mu.It illoffr a eiht-eekRalston: "Wc need men, muni.: stantially uncreases, Uic Dominion now A.B.C. bas mode it possible course for piots from Service tions and moaey. We especiouly Government bas pro%.idcd a me- for them to make their invest- Flylng Schools sucb as Borden aeed men and more mca. England thod of paymcnt out of income, ments ini newspaper advertising Groduates will become pilots in wants more Canadians. The end which bas cnabled Uiousands ý; means of -equally accurate and Hudson squadrons, dcfending wa- of Uic war is not in sigbt. Such shoulder the adde dburdcn with- verifled information. .....* ~r ters about Uic British Isles. In- talk is just wishful thinking. Wc out financil embarrassment. De-. structors ot Uic School are a11 cx- are just preparing to win it. Wc vised througb the urgency of war nypulcton ih adl pcrinccdpilos frm Brtainond cîcoe costrutivecriicis* . -financing, Uc lntsoh bihadvance circulation are cligible moat of Uicmn have beca Uirough spurs us to greoter effort."is 0sun that people say to for A.B.C. ebrhp th c blitz over England and Uic Hon. M r. Pow er: "Recruti"'- th, m e v s W y d d w o u lfc to s i p r~ t t i continent. In talking with theun, for Uic R.C.A.F. is going wll.tink of ti before?" advertisers as paid circulationlis they exr'ressed admiration for Wcr0ieyuhsfonhg ogain the benefits of this in definite evidence of laterest on Canada but also an eagemncss to schools, colleges and universities.stoelmtntesmynent plan, the be bock in En gland bclping to We need men' of special aptitudes. intallment of 1941 tax must be hesaesm ura is andC defcnd their homes and families. We wclcome criticin of any and paid in September, 1941. Those nwppr u dctsr n Empire Air Seheme The Link T r ai n er, used in aal kinds. Let us have it. WIi- who paid Uic tax for 1940 wiil py prospective advcrtisers arc lavit- This as n t Uic oaly plac troiing entre 0f he C mmon- out iiticsm w woud foishor o11-wPlfhd fthe 140 ttal d r-rc to testfr ouBlatet A..C. ODAY' CAN DIAN FAN RTM.Y lulu wel annd tht hela acuaIn a llbt m chin-aunnr. H mua wherc we cncountered British wealth Air Training Plan, gives of ourbest efforts." ing cach 0f the bost four months of report. blnle the TOnuny u1MaU Well as the Lewis and Bren mathle-gam for both greundussdanllrif lu bcin lookedto as ic idea Uic fedging ilot Uc sensaions Hn. Mr. owe: "Rw mateials tasdyear and laJanuor they iiens& eesautee a erck-sbotwlth tu revolerhasrevolaversaaserwlth arifae, u inui b. deaay wlt airnuen. More and more Canada are now Uicilo phesenobioscun. Mo.Hw:"Rwmr mustwll estimate their total tax pay- Wonder how grandnua was able au anti-tank rifle and know 11ev te opmrte two types cf miortars. Soins of iswaosar ltte ~ranig-roud orEmprefih-and problenris of actual flying, be diverted froni private con-able a icwrate.,theb- roseagade hevseneer On top, a Bren gun lu getting ready for action; centre right lu a Tommy gun and lf, otr ae ters.. England no longer bas ode- without leaving Uic ground. These sumption. '*Sharp curtalment isrd ac id from this i aotal- we saci on bg ppar- mn lfatry Dren-u nosetion lu taldag pésition lu the open. quate space and blitz conditions devices are produced in Canada. required in the. non-essential il a rcde y ai diidig Uc re dclngbat are net healthy for traineei. We In Uic picture above upert dustrièýs. War industry is movlng how much ta pay eoch month dur- - saw more thon one troinload of Davies, President of the C ana long wdil now' aftcr many bcart- n th eitmots f192 young English lods westward Press, bas it ail exploinedtehini ches aond bottie-necica. I want to in ytcig t oncsivef 1942, bound in Uic course of aur tour. by an officer at the R.C A.F.ste-add at eisaiucyn- o mJan areto Auguot .inclusive. We met lads from Australia nd tion at Camp Borden. profitecring in Uic munitionla battez, others mcrely to pay for C n d a u ei a ' r d ci n a o eP Q theun. These taxes must be col- lccted to provide for Uic war ef- fort. The Goverament anticipates a record volume of business in tax Twety-ivePoudes fom rehCanda offices durlag Septenuber, i la Twnt-fv Punes rofFechlOa ing with those wbo ws otk advantage of this modern, sen- sible way te discharge their ob- (Left) There in only ene plant la ligotions. Only by commencing Norths Anerica whure cannon are ta poy in September con this plan msde fwom serap te finiabhcd gun in be followed. ocen brought under ïttmnt for (Abeve> Gun harreis havetoh e-ta t ven creal dise ase os the result ofii t es e e t l fu i a u to m e th n t ua ' *a vigorous dominion-provincialinteelere uact compaign. "The resuit of these .. a e eit t lh teean o fcjoyb.Soe catpainmuete the jfoteseBig batteries cf tuefms. is that venreal disease so fr u nutieaie t Sorel, p'ý lactors od adv a s e tre a n n uti. L mtd a matter in the present war as in (ut -one usadcrae r 'the 1914-1918 conflict. Yct the -f)25pud gnad authorities ,re taking no chances omý9Of h "xbyln tS . - lest war is followed by its usual resuit - an increase la venerealluqatio. erae n, incidence." An editor's note adds: rc ncu« fasiby - ,.. - "Latcst reports fru ebe sources state Uiat the venereal e, diseuses are on Uic increose with "Iý ', ý;r c . "ýl . lý,ý775 1 e ý r, le,

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