Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 11

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rIUSDAY, OCTOHECR 2, i$41 TEE ANAIANSTAESMA, EWMAqvxL~, NTAIO ______PAGE ELEVEN ~3ONONIEWS MM~M .. U U Scouts raised $9.00 tram selling of this home misfionary work is PONTYPOOL MAN part o htte olce a-gvnM.OcrSot uray Members of Young People's LIFTS TON WHEN Socil an Peronal Among the Winners of prizes at Bible Class, Orono, were enter- CHILD UNDER CAR Phone 40rl6 Meaford fishing derby was Madi- tained at Miss Bertha Cain's on 0___ ---son Hall. Sept. 23rd. Mrs. A. A. Drummond Jack Smith, 150-pound Panty- 1 M ý -in mot interçstng fashion told pboler, ta stili wandering how he' VISIORSexcpt o is xans. itbwas appointed convener of a bis ton car when his wee tbree- $Ùiss A. Muir with her mother. flying colors. Name committee. A. arge num- year-old son was pinned ner Miss M. Penfound at M. H. Don Graham was taken ta the ber of quilt blacks. were started, one wheel of it. He claims fis Staples'. hospital with a bad case of which, when finished arld put ta- first thougbt was ta get the boy Miss Augusta Thornton, Mill- quinsy. gether as a quilt top, will be gîven out, and accardingîy he grabbed' broo, wth rieds.ta the Red Cross. A quantîty of the' front buniper and llfted the brok wthfrens.Mrs. J. Moftatt has returned ta gum, chocolate bars, etc., in addi- wheel off the lad as tbe car rail- Miss Ednah Stutt, Grafton, with Toronto ta lok after Mrs. Keith tion ta money was recelved wbich ed down a grade. The accident friend. who is now out of the bospital. was given from the class ta the happened when Smith backed bis Dr. Floyd Cutteli, Buffalo, at Messrs. James and George Red Cross shower for gitts for car out f the driveway and the Mr. S. Cuttell's. Eagleson visited their cousins at Overseas Christmas parcel ship- lad turn]4ed under the wbeel. The rt, hMr. and Mrs. W. SeyT- Uxbride ment. A lovely lunch was served, father jammed on the brakes js rour, ih r and Mrs. . Sey- r Hnesn Trno aater which a vote of thanks was as the wheel pinned the boy's mr. a rd B. ellmouJrsey pr.Hed te Candieorot, Bil extended tô the hostess bY Elsie clothing ta the ground and start- MriHowisrsiserl, wt rerman, cHays ad FiherChanrs eatllfRoe seconded by Mrs. A. A. ed ta squeeze his body. Smitb Mr.h Ceds Poer' Ms. Wtem NHyeanFirfsewastOf.Drummand. took the brakes off, iifted the Mr. Cecilwas guestNewatsthe Park st. Church had the privi- front wheel over the boy and this Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carscad- Rev. DeMille a us te lege of hcaring Rev. C. DeMille, prevented anything more serious den, Stayner, Miss M. Fowler, To- ,parsonage Sunday. He preached a former pastor over 40 years aga, than a bruised arm. ronto, Mr. J. Eagleson, Osbawa, at Kirby during the day as well on Sunday morning, who gave an Mr. Gea. Eagleson, Bailieboro, as in Orono.. excellent Temperance sermon. In Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Fowler, Lind- Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wbyte at- an interesting manner he dealt DANCE PUT ON say, at Mr. J. Eagleson's. tended the funeral of Mr. E. with the way the liquor forcesWL W D Bowin af Pontypool Sunday. He slyly slip advertisements into FO E L W D was'found dead in bed., achools and homes by way of blot- Oe 0rltvsadfinso Mr.J .Gmysethehe ters and magazines. He intimat- Oe 0rltvsadfinao Mrs. J. C. Nigarameyspente pictures of the grand- ed, however, that public opinion the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. E. weeendatNiaar Fes. mathers in aid time costume tak- wculd have a greater effcct if Allen, gathered at thé Willows MIrs. J. Moffatt is having her en atter lest Institute meeting people wrate ta the papers. "Don't Pavillon Saturdey evening ta roof shinglcd. were shown at the meeting Fni- you believe," he stated, "that gov- shower best wishes and a purse of We welcome the White family day. They turned out splendidiy. ernment officiais don't care for money on the surprîsed couple. tramn Oshawa ta aur community. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw and public opinion. They do." Mrs. Dancing ta an orchestra compris- Mrs. A. A. Drummond visited son .immie, and Mrs. Harry Mer- R. Smith took the solo part in the ed of Mrs. Jettnies, E. Allen, Mrs. in Detroit. cer calied on Mrs. George Keith, antbem. In the evening Rev. Alldread and Norman Moffatt, Mrs. F. Cowan is having un- Western Hospital, Troronto, who is Littlewood spoke on the pareble sing sang, and speeches made the prftvements made ta ber home. doing niceiy after an operation. of the barren fig trec. Mrs. Lit- evening pass bappily, an d lunch Mrs. O. W. Rolpb attended Ty- Mr. adMs .Bet r n tlewood and Manley favored with brought a dclightful ending t aa roneWomcns Insitutd Mrs. . BiewTrone, Mn. and a vocal duet. At Sunday Scbool delightfui evening. Mrs. Jeffries Miss Marae t Msiiso ba Mrs. G.annet *owTrns and .David Rev. DeMille told the cbildren a pnesented the purse of money isecuedarstiart ickeng.b Cobrg, Mar. owand rs aviorgstory ta emphasize the tact that toilowîng the reading of an ad- ScutastiTounsayPitbr 14g. Cobmenc,MStan rste t r ach tree beers its own perticuler dress by Mrs. Alldread, bath tie pres t . Mcenziebgth14eWm Stan's. d t r.kind of fruit or fut. The banner bride and groom nesponding fit- trahiing h rst Aeni. ea h i.Stitns 1n clas was Maria Hancack's. tingly. Guesta were present from trainng inFirst_____r._an_____R._Shan New Toronto, Peterboro, Bow- Gardon Watson of Orono wa Myrtle are eipectlng ta leeve manville, Newcastle, Orono, Pan- at Stanley's lunch roomn when it Orono this month. They wîll be H W TO COOK" typool, Toronto, Oshawa and En- was nobbed. mucb missed in the community as teHOWse Mrs Maoris ontmpatig hey were active in iadge, musical TOPIC AT W l. teprse movig back ta Orono tram Bow- Band cburcb activities.TAN manville. Mr. and Mrs. G. Clemens, Stay- B R .SRK I N IT N fer, were guests of Mr. and Ms r.Rasa Stnike, Bowmanville, H P E IC W. J. Stainton. Mrs. Clemens Mwor HAPPENINaGSfrshe agatt, a fmepat re.f Park oursein dietetics et University From.The Oreno News o! Cburcha.foHer pmoer ofis rStili.: of Toronto, was speaker at the Octeber 1, 1925 in, u ng . her orne i tb Mrsiv-Women's Institute meetig Friday Cngmngerhm t Ms. and gave an bour's tank on the Clemens.subject "Nutrition"., In ber in- Orono School Fair was largely if w o the tari end af the teresting and instructive tallc abe attended and competition keen. storm Thursday and Friday we're gave much valuable knowledgePysclutrexeiessig L iu i re se~ h:vilae.nilk ndeh:e vgeabesan t atures tr? prcie or choo Li% G reci e lucky weudiln't get the bead. As regarding calories and vitamins, mng, paradig, public speaking, it was tw rtees were blown thre correct proportion of spendlng judgig and apple namig con- down and hydro power disrupted money (which was 115 cacb for tests were especielly tnterestlng O F Fo men had a pretty late sup- fruit; cereals, tlour- and bread; parade went ta Leskard; 2nd ta stapr n. wavilw under- fats, sugar and other groceries; Lockhart's; and 3rd ta Kirby. stan. mat, ishandeggs), and buts Physical Culture-lst, Clarke Un- PO S A D PANS , l, becfor: the papen reaches regarding proper buying. She ai- ion; 2nd, Sixth Line; 3rd, Antioch. POTS AND tasubscribersthe sound of 50i- o stated ta Germans had been Siging-lat Orono, 2nd Leakard, go" and swing music wtll bave storing soya beans for yeans for 3rd Antioch. Speaking-Keftneth ________ceased and 12 people *ill be the bread making. His, Mary Bowen, Sidney Bow- winner of a bicycle, a pair of Vocal solos were given by Mna. en, Elsie Warwarnick, L e n or a blankets and ten other airI Jones and Miss Kathleen Simp- Maunder, Margaret Allen. Poul- other words Orona StreetFarsn try Juctgtng -Carias Tamblyn, No need to sSape and.scrub Will be aven, thé bootha will have Mrs. Richiardson reported an Reggie- Elliott, Milton Cornisb, lusiy ae. outo* been cleared' of prizes and the Everett Brw,_lnBsok inaiywtr ouin.of dance until the wee ania' hn,,rs the cook book. sales, and Mz-s. rn, elnB tck GiIltt'a Pure Flake Lye just lifte off grease layera . .. loosens j ar-baked food. .. t*ke the ~drudgery out cf washing up. ¶Keep a tin always handy! *Nnvetdinaole ly. in hot utint..The action O fi y. ituu the. octet. MR BOOKLET - Tbo O"'@ aoi ïoebowthpoweMmnem dam dagameddrain.... keep out- boum . dean and cdehu by detroving the catects off theaClouet .. how t peforna dommnof ta"ka Send for a bu . opy to Staidard Brande IM.. Fraser Ave. and Libety Sreet' l'ooutco nt, te Red Cross workroom was a bive of industry 77hursday et-. ternoon. Two quilta 'were on the go0, and sa many articles had ta be inspected that some of the ladies returned ta work after i3upper. A iaveiy atternoan tea ,vas scrved and a sbower of hings suitabie for putting in the Christmas boxes, wbicb will be ýhipped ta soldiers overseas if the near future, "'s received. Red Cross Inspection Commit- .e met Thunsday and packed ýhese goods: 10 dressing gowns, 17 quilta, 5 units of No. 2 quota, 2 pr. pyjamas, 22 scarves, 6 pr. seaman's socks, 23 pr. twa-way mitta, 8 helmets, 5 turtlc-neck sweaters, 15 pr. socks, 12 alterna- tive caps, 9 sicevelesa sweaters, 7 pr. mittsaend gioves, ail of which came tramn Orono, Clarke Union, Lesard, Kirby, Kendal and No. 9 sections. A wortby act was the assist- ance rendered by severel citizena in liacing a roof an the home oft Joeý Roibinson, also i the recon-j struction of a wdll which wasi badly needed in tbat vicunity. No lcas than 10 employees were cf- gaged (it looked like 8 bosses and 2 workmen). Hawcver wben the smoke cleared ewey the veterani Sandy Watson was engaged ta finish the job, wbicb, was a move1 in the right direction. The credit1 h h A BROKEN tooth impairs the use of a gear. Failure to carry the riglit kind or amount of ii4surance can cost you hundreds of dol- lars and impair the use of your property or business. k Ask this agenoy to review your insuranoe policies NOW. It will be toc late to do so after a los! Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowinanvllle IHooey gave the treaàsure-'-sreport. It was decidcd ta send $12.00 worth of honey instead of jamn overseas if the Red Cross wouldý allow the ordinary boncy tins ta be sent. $2.00 was ordered sent ta Bowmanville Institute for ward in hospitel. $ 10.00 War Savinga stampa bad been purchascd ince the collection bad been uacd ton that purpose. Mrs. Staples gave the vote of thenka ta Mrs. Strike, atter whicb atternoon tee was scrved. Next meeting will be a quiiting panty and pot luck aupper. Liquor Traffic Hit By Union Speaker Union meeting Mondey cvening was in change of Sam Keane, citizenship canvenen, who presid- cd and gave the ceil ta wonsbip. Glen Hancock ncad the scriptune. Canal Staples favored with a piano solo, Miss Berthe Cein with a vocal saloaeccompenied by ber- self, and Mns. W. H. Rowe gave a rcading. The topic "Citizensbip" was ebly presentcd by Mr. Robent Sherwin wbo deait with things in Canada of which wc sbould bc proud and same things of whicb we should rqot be proud-namely the liquon tic and gambling habit. It was announced that Union wouid carryon next week in spite of the tact that several of the leaders wiil be et Whitby attcnding a coecbing dem sfan- Sundey Schooi wonkcns. Meeting closed with a peniod of necreation conducted by Miss Kathleen Smith. Starkville Ule G.in amey. * pple Naing- Kenneth Temblyn, Wm. Gien- ville, Horreil Pincb. S. S. 14, Kir. by, won the silver cup for generel proficrency. In the double header an the grounds Monday, Orano ladies' softball team defeated Bowman- ville 3-1, and Onono junior base- bail teem tied with Oshawa 7-7. A banquet unden auspices af C.S.E.T. boys will be beid Oct. 9th. Addnesses twill be given by Rcv. C. W.-DeMille, Oshawa; Gar- don Lepp, premier of Ontario Boys' Penliament; and Stuart James, Bowmenvtlle, member for Durham. Old tnienda were startled with the news tram Carnievale, Sagk., of the deeth of William Petterson. " Cowanville Mn. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Port Granby, visited et Mn. Clan- ence Burley's an Sunday. Mr,. and Mis. Harry Rutherford and daughten, Toronto, visited et Mrs. B. Mllson's. Mr. and Mis. Wes. Stninger, Mr. and Mis. J. J. W. Stringer ,visited et Mn. M. Chetterton's, Clarke Union. Thene will be communion ser- vice et Clarke Chuncb ncxt Sun- day. Jack Berqes, Toronto, et home witb Mn. and Mns. Cnossley. We arc having a teste of fal a nd what it meens, by cold and Iwundy weathen with tnost. SSilo fiiling and thnesbing is the Iorder of the day. dTmhe wta ofcas, leeading ut damae wind ofales wek id mbut fcw epples ta, be picked. It elsa blew down Percy Fenrow's silo. Mns. Silver wes in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Savery is visiting ber family in Oshawa. Mn. and Mis. H. B. Gilmer hed a visit tram their nephew wbo is in training et St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and femily wcre in Part Hope. Miss Wray wes in Peterbono. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Dunn vlslted in Toronto. The Women's Institutes have undentaken a groat piece of work for thc Canadien Red Cross In supplying large quantities of jam, baney and canned fruit by valun- tary contribution for sbipment to Bnitain. Ta-date this ycar 341,524 lbs. of jani end honey and 42,865 lbs. o! canned fruit a total of eppnoxieately 384,489 iba. are neady fan shiprnent averseas. This wlll be distrlbuted troc by the Red Cross as Uic need anises in the Britisbh Iles. Rolo Clrk_ ownsh First Tank in Canada Produeed by Canadian Pacifie Railway Please read these names aven and report an ame missing, alsa ,give the nkand ieddress of any Man whose n ame appeans here ta .J. J. Mellor, Township Cienk, Orarro:a OverJi Bseas St. HJimBostock CPc. Web. Bostock Cg.Piot. F. Bostoc St. Pilo te ons CPe .ed Whiten LC. B. .Carcadesn L..C. Bey.Hedeso Cat. . Bîclow St. H.Lyce i Spe W . . J..McK ne t Sa e.hoGmVnntt Drivaied hoe) Driver He. WeHton Sapper JH.kW. Hary Pe JCk .Stobrt Pt. C. E. eMora Sgt. mat. S.CMor Sapper C. W.D oope Sappe. r Een ttae R.A.F. GFre Whttaer R.A.F. GeRoge ores R A.F.e SrveRoy Myles MerAci eervc aCnd Mervi eanout BobvWrideht) Bob JWnigb Bob o.Mn Gea. Mckenn Cha. Wlke Grea. Rolpb FredMLycett Dr. Maing R.y Mioe Roy Scttero Ron. Patterson D.iC.k Pers J.C.Hamey K. BHalw P. LBrielo F. Morni Wmaltr n WamLewDen Tom Luges Noimn Hughes GiobrtanBrto GilbcrttcDent Gle. Michelln ElmrBalMien Wmi. Barden Mltyd Gren Lloyd Myles PTmEvWansc Goro LEas GRsdLema Ral Wrini Ait. Perrinh Willis Wtnght PaterMeritin Wacle Wrgt CccirdHnderson ardonMajor Alexf. CRei Brceiff Caant Baruce Tennant, Coamahenant Doc nl raa Joac e toey Hcl race ork CBoibrutn Bob Keenr JinesMajore Ernie ABwn Erhne Aln JohnedKen Altred Perrin Edga Geri Duva Kedghe Miîso -KehTenant - McMurray -------ille Mn. and Mns. Ken. Tubman have gone ta Lake Simcoe district. Mrs. Hoakin fird family bave moved into Mr. Philip Stephens' bouse. E Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Vende Cooper (nec Marguerite McKay) wbo werc married in Oshawa Saturdey. Thcy are cf- joying e boncymoon trip ta Ot- tawa and wili neside in Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Cccii Robinson attended the funenal of E. Evans at Onano, Tuesday. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bebee, Orno at Mn. L. E. Millson's. Mn. and Mns. George Kuibel et Mn. George Beare's, Green- bank, and had the piesune of bering Rcv. Wallace preacb. Miss Nancy Gardon, Elizabeth- ville, et Mn. George Kimball's. Mns. Harold Couch, Newcastle, Miss Mebel Wallace and Mn. Douglas Wallace, Greenbank, et Mn. Wilfred McKay's. Rev. Wal- lace celled an many aid tnlcnds in the village. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Couch, New- castle, Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Linton, Whitby, et Mn. George J. Staple- ton's. Mn. and Mns. Reg. Woodbam and Marie, Toronto, Mns. Norman ti. I. Semis, Newcastle, et Mr. Ed. et C.- Bnown's. Semis'. Mrs. S. Powell and Donald et Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, A. Holdeway'a, Part Bnitein. Olive and Gladys, et Mn. Hanry Mn.,end Mrs. F. Johns and Mns. Whitney's and Mn. Stanlcy Wliit- Wilson, Oshawa, at W. Basken- ney's, Brighton. vilc's. Mr. Roy Bickle, Bethesa, with Miss Jean Campbell.THSI TR E Miss Marion Bruce in Bancroft T I 5T U for bier bolidays Direct tram Ottawa comes this Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hopkins, late release issued by the Director Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, Osh- of Public Information, whicb is awa, et Mr. Arthur Redknap',S- tic officiai setup for disseminetion Leiend Millson and Keith Bur- of autbentic governmental activit- ley, Peterbaro, and J. T. Pearce, ies: tThe Dominion govennment Trenton, wence t home, bas grented a coat of living bonus Mrs. Whittakcr ând Mr. and to, ail civil servants neceiving less Mrs. Arthur Redknap et Mn. W., then $2,100 e ycar, or wba, if ne- Cbester's, Oshawa. aevn ven $2,100aemna MranetMns. . A . BWrigetas workers without supervisary MurayatMns . Wih' duties, engaged ini war wonk. The Mrn.Ro Smtad bonus la 25c per week for eech Carls atMr. has.Cowns, risc of nc percent i the cost of Cai e. Chs living. The maximum bonus in Cowenvile.tUi first instance is $11.91, based Newtonville Sehool News on il Percent wartime risc in the (By Bud Joncs, Grade VIII) coat of living. Girls are making dol bouses In fulitinent of thts handout tram cerdboard boxes. They make thc government bas already issucd the furniture out of plasticine. cheques for $1,500,000 and pay- The floons are cavered with a ment dates back ta August lat., piece of real iinoleum. . - . We for ail who are to, benefit. A per- have put different kinds of fruit son getting $2,100 per year has and vegetables in coiored dhalk an incarne of $175.00 per month. for a border on the blackboard. A soldier's wife et the smc time ...We are having the children having n hlrn e ut$50 bring flower pots. We dig up the n hlrn e ut$50 gereniums and put them in the pots. The childnen take tbemn home for the wintcr months and bning theni back in the spring..-- We take music cvery afternoan. We bave taken "Bluebells ofD CIS I Scotiand" and "John Peel."... On Fniday we held the wicner roast and aur Red Cross mceting s t back t the woods., We had a Oh great deal of fun pie ing..«' Burley's garage was broken inýtoA.J Sept. 28th and several thinga were d i e Y o 1 taken. Some af these were,9 tires, 2 gallon of alcahoi, anc case prcsAeI rain of anti-freeze, and Ronld's bestrie AeIn ea n case of bcavy duty sacket wrcncb- B c mn es, which you can't even buy now. Tbey aipboned the gasoline out of______________ two cars which were in the gar- age. Thcy took same spank-plugs besides other thinga. SPECIAL PRIZES AT ORONO FAIR The T. Eatan Ca. special pnizes in the Bacon Hag classes et Orona Fair offened two specials: For a pcn of tive market hoga, bacon type, six prizs rangîng tram $12.00 downward; an d $12.00 for a hog judging contest. This important teetune of the fair evidently wes not much stres- sed. Only five exhibitors, ail tram Orono, district, bad entnies. The winners were: W. S. Moffatt-5 A's. Milford Shcnwin-4 A's, 1 BI. M. H. Staples-4 A's, 1 BI. M. H. Staples-3 A's, 2 BI. R. G. Mofftt-2 A's, 3 BI. W. S. Moffatt-2 A's 3 BI. L. Hooey-2 A's, 2 Bi and 1 B2. Winners in the hog judging cam- >ttions have not yet been made vilebie. The nesuits would be ýnteresting beceuse ail the haga fere slaughtcred and exact rail tradings made by a member of ;he bog gnading staff of the Do- ninion Dept. of Agriculture. Home end School Club meets October l5th. Red Cross was beld et Mrs. J. Hommes' Sept. 23rd. Next meet- ing et Mra. W. Beskcrvilie's on October Stb. Mn. Reby la silo-f ilig elong the ahane district. Mrs. Bey. Jaynes la under the doctor's cane. Reccnt Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. A. Gibson and temily, Mr. and Mis. L. Soucb and Allen, Sbiloh, ?Jr, and Mis. Wiliis, Ottawa, Mr, Reg. Gibson, R.A.F., and lady fricnd, Aylmer, et W, Adams'. Mr. and Mns. L. Alldrcd and Doreen et Les. Allln's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rickerd et J. Hendry's. Mn. and Mrs. Tinney, .Lindsay, per month and no bonus at ail. tAccording to figures given the House by the Prime Minister at the last session. there are be- tween 60,000 and 70,000 civil serv- ants now tin the employ of the Dominion government. There is no attempt, apparently, ta con- sider whether farmers and sol- dier's dependents should shaae in this fulsome paternalsm. To speed, up paint jobs inone American airpiane factory, end- lesa conveyor chamns carry cylin- ders and crankcase sections past the painters, who remain at the same station. [AN ELECTRIC Rwa- To Buy Now! ig and Supplies Are 9Scarce. .95 te GENERAL ELECTRIC ,Wsailet Get clathes whiter and brighter with a G-E Wesher, in half the timne i used ta teke. The G-E Activaton provides three zones of gentie, thorough washing, the De Luxe Loveli "Pressure Cleanser" Wianger, end many other features alce the G-E wey the EASIER way to get whiter clothes. Budget terras.cmu *ewmUe ma a. Don Christian Electrie Slmcoe St. N. 03hawa ,., ..~'. ÉI '-*~~~ ,. mm THE CANADIAN STATESM«, BOWMANviLLE, oNTARio q G" ratefully accepted bY the chine la the chlld of sweet and dalng such a fine Job. He re- ~3Gavernment for use by the ears. It will be fallowed by veeled that 300 of the tanks Canadian Ârmy, the firet of hundreds and thousands of belng made at Ângus wlll b. for thousanda of tanks ta be pro- others ta hclp the Empire ta ita the British Purchaalng Commis- duccd et the Angus Shopa of the vlctany.,, sien. Sir Clive Baillicu, head of Canadien Pacifie Rallway Com- Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of the British Purchaalng Commis- pany, Montreel, rolled off the Munitions and Supply, preised slan ln the United States, sald assembly line and gave an lm- Mn. Coleman, H. B. Bawcn, chiot thia firet tank was "a symbol of pressive test performance befane of motive power and rôlllng Caneda'a war effort and a por- a lange gnoup of govennment end stock of the riliway, and the tent of Hltler'a doom." company officiels, newepper workers wha had donc the Jab.* The picture layaut shows the men and shopa workers. Ho sald that the armor plate on tank belng tebted befare D. C. It was a new note ln Canadeas the tank la equal ta that to be Caleman, et beft, and oth6r affi- wan hlstory whcn this mlgbty found anywhene. Hon. J. L. ciels; Inset a thoraugh examine- war machine rumblcd out of the Raîston, Minister of National De- tien by Mr. Howe, left; Mr. Rais- shaps, ta be turned aven ta thel fence, spoke of the great need for tan, rigbt, and Brigadier K. Stu- Government by D. C. Colemen, ail thesé machine as fest as they art, D.S.O.., M.C., vice-ehief of the vice-president, Canadien Pacifie ean be produced and thanked the Genenai Staff. Department afîNe- Rellwey, who sald: "This me-, rellway and the warkers. for tional Defence. AONIML ett

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