Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1941, p. 5

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THURSDAy PAGE FIVE niUMDAY, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Weddings Sienion-Enox A pretty house wedding was solenmnied at the home of the bride's parents, Mi. and Mis. J. R. Knox, Bowmanville, on Septem- ber l7th, 1941, when Jessie Kath- leen Knox became the bride af John Howard Siemon, sonl of Mi. and Mis. T. M. Siemon, Enniskil- len. Rev. W. Rackhamn conducted the ceremony before an arch of evergreens trimmed with pink and white gladioli. 4~The bride, given in marriage by 7her father, wore a street-length froek ai wisteria-rose crepe with match.ing turban and ber only ornament was a double strand of pearls, the gift of the groom. Her corsage was af pnk butterfly roses with bouvardia andi fern. Miss Helen Knox, Toronto, sis- ter of the bride, acted as brides. maid in a frock af soldier-blue crepe with matching turban and corsage of American Beauty roses. Howard Milîson of Enniskillen, was best man. The wedding music was played by Miss Betty Knox and during the signing of the register Mis. G. Brent, cousin of the bride, sang "0 Promise Me." The mother of the bride receiv- ed in a navy and rose printed silk dress with a corsage af briardlifi roses, and Mrs. Siemon, mother of the groom, assisted in a powder blue sheer with a corsage of talis- man roses. A buffet luncheon was served by six girl friends. Later the couple Ici t for a trip ta Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa, the bride travelling in a beige and green waol dress wth brown ac- cessories. On their return they will live in Enniskillen. Pequegnat-Teinaant St. John's Anglican C h u r c h, Bowmanville, was the scene ai a pretty and quiet wedding on Sep- tember 12, when Winnifred Irene Tennant, Reg. N., b ec a me t he bride of Carl Eugene Pequegnat. Canon C. R. Spencer off iciàted and the wedding music was play- cd by Mrs. J. Gunn. The bride is the daughter ai Dr. and Mis. Wil- liam Tennant ai Bowmanville, while the bridegroom is the son ai Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Peque- gnat oi Kitchener. The bride, given in mairiage by herfather, wore a becoming gawn af petal rose wool crepe with black accessaries. Her corsage was ai Jahanna and Madam Jules- Bouche roses, with baby's breath. Mrs. Jack Brough, Bowman- ville, was ber sistcr's attendant and chose a irock ai teal blue crepe with brown accessories, with which she worc a corsage ai yellaw roses. Mi. Roy Tratt, ai Kitchener, was groomsman, and the ushers were Mi. M. Peque- gnat, Hamilton, brother ai the bridegroom, and Mr. J. Brough, Bowmanville, brather-in-law ai the bride. Follawing the ccremony a re- ceptian was held at the- home ai the brid's parents, Qucen Street, Bowmanville, where the guests, from Bowmanville, Toronto, Ham- Mlon and Kitchener, werc recciv- ed by the bride's mother, chaîm- ing in a gown ai tur quoise blue crepe. She was assisted by the graom's mother, who worc a chic gown oi navy blue crepe. Mr. and Mis. Pequegnat leit on a wcdding trip ta Ottawa and on their îeturn will live in Kitchener. For travelling the bride wore a tailorcd black wool suit with fine white pin stripe and matching ac- cessories. TRAVEL BY AIR FINDING FAVOR A heavy Christmas air travel is being looked forward ta this year, states Stewart S. Sime, traific re- presentative for the Trans-Can- ada Air Lines. Baokîngs have al- ready been made insofar as T.C.A. services in castern Canada, Mi. Sime said, and capacity listings are anticipated. Arlne services naw make it possible for patrons ta spend Christmas with home folks or friends at either end af the continent with a minimum af travel time. Monarch Pastry FLOUR - 24 Mb. bag 85e Red Seal SALMONs, -. lb. tin 35e Buriord PEAS Aybmer PEAS 20 2oz. Un loc le 1oz. tin lOc EA 1/2 lb. 38e - 2.lbe. 35e HARRY ALLIN THE CORNER GROCERY Phones 367 - 368 Ceurteous Service THE MIXING DOW[ Bv ANNE ALLAN Hydre Home coomlst Grapes Hello Hamemakers! One ai the pleasures ai early Fail is nibbling grapes, right off the bunch! They are sa vcry delicate in flavour and texture. And Umsibly the best fruit available in September. Grapes are an excellent source ai iran and contain small amaunts ai vitamins. Then, toa, they are casily preserved in a variety ai ways. Substitute grape juice for the more. expensive impoîtedt fruit juices - the morning fruiti drink ,refreshing fruit cocktailst and sauces, relishes, catsup, con-t serves and fruit jelly. These sure-k ly add ta the cnjoymcnt ai meat,1 salads. desserts or midnightc snacks. Spicey grape sauce on a slce ai broiled ham; grape jclly on cold tuîkey--or on hot muffins. We are giving yau a iew recipès foir prescrving this perishable fruit. Remember - it's especial- ly good for the childien. September days and School dayst again have braught several re-E quests for well-balanced meals for cildren just starting ta walk a long way ta and fram school. And they do play sa hard that they cannat hclp but work up an ap- petite. 'Weary mathers mixing dough. Don't you wish that food would graw? Your lips would smile, I know, ta sec A cookie bush or a pancake tree?' Well neyer mmnd, make extra cookie dougb or pancake batter and store in your electric refriger- ator where it will nat deterior- ate. Suggested Sehool Day Meals 1. Tomato Soup wîth Crackers Pear and Cîeam Cheese Salad witb . Assorted Sandwiches Milk ias 2. Vegetable Saup with Crackers Chopped Creme Beef o os Apple Pudding and Ml 3. Tamata Juice Casserole ai Vegetables and Noodles Lettuce Salad Applesauce & Ootrneai Cookies Milk 4. Crcam aif Pea Soup with Croutans Jdllicd Vegetable Salad wlth Cîcam Cheese Sandwiches Hot Chocolate RECIPES Grape Jelly Wash 5 lbs. ai iirm blue grapes <not over ripe). Remave stems, place in kettle. with twa gaad sized apples. Add i cup ai water and caok an elcctric clemnent turned high until boiling, then ta low immediately. Do flot aver- cook. Pour inta jdlly bag and let diip overnight. Measuie juice and bail 5 mins. Add 3/ cup ai granul- atcd sugar for each cup ai juice. Stir until dissolved. Let mixture bail gently. Test for fiiishcd tcproduct by naticing wbctheî draps iorm a sheet on thc side pi a spoon when it is paured off. Pour inta bot sterilized jelly glas- ses. Cool, caver with paraffin and store in dark, coal place. Grape Jam Stem tee giapes, wash, and press tee pulp fram the skins. Place the pulp in a kettle, coak until soft, then ru bthrough a sieve ta remave the seeds. Cook tee skins until sot in just enougb water ta caver. Combine the two mixtures and bail for five min- utes. Measure and allow anc cup pr 4 paunds grapes 2 pounds sugar 1 pint vinegar 2 teaspoons claves 2 teaspoons allspice 2 tablespoons cinnamon Wash the grapes and remave them irom the stems. Place them in a pan and steam them, until they are soit. Put the fruit thiough a sieve, add the other in- gredients, and cook the mixture for twenty minutes. Seal it in dlean, bot jars. Grape Ice 213 cup sugar i cup grape-juice 1/ cup orange-juice i1% cups water 2 tablespoons lemon juice Bail the sugar and water ta- gether for five minutes. Mix anl the ingredients together, strain and freeze in clectric refrigerator. turne dto coldest point. Take' A Tip 1. As soon as îugs show signs ai wear, trini off the warn or frayed places and rebind with carpet binding. 2. The edgcs ai small or bed- room rugs aiten can be "button- boled" with beavy waallen yain in matcbing or contrastrng calao. 3. Batter for pancakes ar f riters should be made at least an haur beiore it has ta be fricd. This allaws the starch grains in the flour ta swell, sa that the batter is llght and digestible wben cook- ed. QUESTION BOX Mis. C. M. Writcs: Our linen bas a lot ai fruit stains an this year. Haw can thcy be remaoved? Answeî: The secret ai remaving fruit stains from linen is t4b treat the stains as quickly as possible (befoi:e being launder- ed). Try holding the stain over a basin, cavcring with barax and then pouig bailing water tbîough it from a beigbt. Miss B. L. Says: Black specks and blotches have formed on aur silver. The aluminum method did flot; remaove it. Have you a suggestion? Answer: Make a paste ai whiting and olive ail. I)aub the mixture on the spot, leave far a time, and then polisb with an o14 picce ai silk. Mis. M. McB. suggcsts: A piquant appetizer - A little mound ai finely shredded beet toppcd with saur cream. Miss - C. R. says: Prctzels crushed t fine, are grand wben added ta a frcsb vegetable salad (just before serving.) Travelogu. By Dr. L. B. Williams At Baker Home An unusual caurtesy 'was ex- tcndcd ta iricnds and relatives on Sunday whcn Dr. L. B. and Mis. Williams came from Toronto ta the home ai Mr. and Mis. Thomas Baker, SaUina, ta give a private showing ai the remarkable series ai sreen pictuies wbich they have been prescnting, freely, ta Durham Caunty audiences. Enr- thusiasm for the series and the educative talks by Dr. Williams had been carnied ta older folk wha could not get out comioitably at nigbts, sa he planned and carried out the Sunday shawing largely as a courtesy ta 85*jiear aId Mis. T. Baker Si. The Wttens and Pearces and Gilberts and others jaincd with the hasts and for twa hours listen- cd ta the Doctar explain the scenes and expaund bis doctrine ai how ta build a greater Canada, and haw a better appreciation ai the history and traditions ai Can- ada may be acquired and perpet- uatcd. Vicws and travelogue ex- tended ail the way from the sub- arctic witb its Indian background and unlimited possibilities for scttlement, all the way ta the Maritimes and the home ai Evan- gelîne at Grand Pie, witb apple archards ai the Annapolis Valley and the tidewater lobster fisher- ies. There were views taa ai the Baker faim and Mis. Bakeî's scrap-books, all ai whicb flashed iam-lllarly across the scîcen. The worth ai the work that Dr. Wil- liams is doing ln the way ai "new educatian" did not escape the aIder folk wba marvelled at what enterprising people, sucb as the Williamis', have developcd fromr the new science ai colar-photo- graphy. It is indeed an exposition that leaves a lasting memory for bath yaung and aid. The cantrast witb only 40 or 50 ycars aga be- came vividly lmpressed and the wonder was that governments bad not developed and employed the mcthods wbicb are now being emplayed, free ai coat, by Dr. and Mrs. Williams. This gesture ai genuine inteîest in the older folk ai Durham by these former Enniskilleners will nat be forgotten, and it is diffi- cult, adequately ta express thanks for their courtesy. There are sec- tions ai Canada that now are quite familiar ta those who met on Sundayr and there is a larger vision ai the Canada we shall see ater the war. The tact that we cannot please everybody sbould flot keep us from tnying ta please those whose expectations along that Uine are reasonable. TRINITY Y. P. U. With Miss Doris Dudley presid- ing as chairman, Trinity Young People met Monday evening. Af- ter a short business peîiod con- ducted by President Lau Dewell a few minutes were given ta de- votions fallowed by two delight- fui soprano salas by Miss Donaida Creaser. The speaker af the evening, Rev. A. F. Gardner, popular Ty- rone pastor, introduced by Mi. Laine Mortson, gave a splendid address on the topic "Self-Disci- pline" in which he dealt with thîce phases ai the subject, physi- cal, intellectual and moral. Nestieton Nestleton Women's Association met at Mis. L. Joblin's. Scripture reading and prayer was given by Rcv. D. M. Stinson. Music by Leon Elford. Ladies decided ta have a supper and bazaar. Meet- ing was in charge ai Mis. Gea. Bowers' graup. Hearty vote ai thanks was given the bostcss and those in charge. * Nestîctan W. I. will meet at Mis. M. Emcrson's Oct. Ist. Visitors: Mis. Jas. Williamnson visited ber brother, Mi. Henry McGill wbo la in Bowmanviile Hospital. Miss Miriam Williams witb Mis. Gea. Marlow. Miss Mabel Noon, Toronto, with her father, Mr. Jac Noon. Miss Evelyn Maîlow with Miss Dorothy Bowcrs. Mi. and Mis. L. Jablin with Mis. Chas. McNcil, Janetvîlle, and attended Presbyterian anniver- sary. Mi. Murray Woods, Bowman- ville, at Mr. S. Malcolm's. Mr. and Mis. H. Whecler and famlly at Mis. Jas. Williamson's. of sugar for every pint of fruit. Cook until thick, which will take but a few minutes. Pour in dlean hot jars and seal. Grape Conserve 2 pints grapes 2 oranges 1 cup seeded raisins 2-213 cups sugai i cup walntit meats Wash, stem and seed the grapes. Silce the oranges very thin, and add to the grapes. Add the rais- ins and sugar and cook, until the mixture is transparent and thick, on electrie element turned 10w. Add the chopped walnut meatà. Pour while hot into hot, clean jars and seal. tGrape Catsup MISS JESSIE KNOX US FETED BY SIXTY FRIENDS About sixty gathcred from the community and S. S. No. 21 at Mi. Lloyd Ashton's, Haydon, an Sat- urday evening, September l3th, in honor ai Miss Jessie Knox, a bride-ta-be ai this month. The room was tastily decorated with pink and white color scheme and a bouquet af flawers. Aiter the couple wcre seatcd, "For They Are Jolly Goad Fcllaws"' was sung and Vivian Cowling prc- scnted.the bride-ta-be with a bou- quet ai pink rases. Mi. Albert His very ably acted as chairman. Mrs. Cecil Crosaman read an ap- propriate address in verse faim, after which the couple werc showered with confetti and Mr. Lloyd Ashton pîesentcd them with a beautiful walnut occasional chair in maroon. Mr. Wilbuî Blackburn sang a solo "The Sangs I Sing"l; a îeading, "She liked him raie weel"' was given by Mis. C. Gaîrard; piano sala by Miss Jean Crossman; reading "Wives," and another short poem by Mis. T. Mountjoy, and a trIa by Misses May and Winnic Trewin and Eil- een Cowling entitled "John and Jessie."' Contcsts and games were enjoyed. The happy evening end- cd With a dainty lunch, follawed by the best wisbes ta John and Jessie in the days ta corne. FOUNTAIN SPECIALS Bauam Splits - 2 fr Milk Shakos al ilavors Sodas any i laver 25e Ise lOc NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE 0F. BREAD Others Have Gone Up - StU 8c a Loaf at Carter's Help the Red Cross. Buy a Lions Club tfeket on a $50 War Savlngs Certificate. Heip fthe Red Cross. Buy aLions Club ticket on a. $50 War Savings Certifîcate. ".Bakezi fot £4Zr LLiaif4 Mr. and Mis. L. Joblin at Mr. Geo. Johns'. Mis. R. Jackson, Mr. and Mis. H. Sheffield and Christopher Bg spent the weekend at Nestieton. Mi. and Mis. R. Malcolm and Mr. Andiew McGill at ,Ms. Peter Wright's. Mr. Oscar Edwards and Bert ,ThornhiUl called on friends. Mi. and Mis. J. L. Brandon, Mr. A M and Mis. H. Devitt and family, Bobcaygeon, Mi. and Mrs.K Lamb and Miss Lorraine Junýkin, 5 1 T'S ALWAYS DEPEHDA LEI Fenelon Fails, with Mis. Cecil Wilson. WE SALUTE ENTERPRISE SCarter's jomn in a salute ta enterprise with the thousands who will gather at eight o 'dock Baturday evening to witness the formai presentation of the traffic light system by officiais of the Lions Club to the Town of Bowmanville. While you make merry as guests of the Lions Club at the gala street dance drop into Carters for refreshments. Mlany Saturday Evening Specials WEEKEND DESSERT ... PIES- PIES Something unusuai - sometbing really good to serve for dessert ... try Carter's pies. One pie serves six generous portions. 'j, 3, s,, a '4, ,0,p .4,3 ANYTIIWE18STEATE ! Drop in for a refreshing pot of tes. FOR COFFEE LOVERS! We serve "Ithe best coffee in town." * "FORCREAMINg USE CARNATION MILK" RED ROSE TE Puppy BISCUITS Fresh Fish For Frîday Salmon, FilUets, Etc. EAT FISE FOR HEALTH *PRBSTONB" 4N77-FREEZE im"sdeb> the ,anavfactsérersof "Bveeds4 ' FJblights and Batteries "Esvready> Radio Batteries, "Sté- Way' Lotion etc. SEPTEhMER 25, 1941 Fi i 1 PAGE FIVE; L 1 -

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