Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 8

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Strengthened Union Team Beats Ail-Star Mlushbailers Score 9-6 The strengthened Local 189 teain proved ta be a little too good * for the Ail-Stars as they defeated the féague's best by a 9-6 score at the high schaol grounds Sat- urday evening in anc af the best exhibitions ai softball displayed this year. This benefit gaine for * George Piper lived up toanai ex- pectations, and na adverse criti- cism was brought forward. Bath teams played superb bail, particularly sa in view ai the iact that many ai the players ,were uiiaccustamed ta each other's in- dividual type ai play. This is even more true in the case of the Ail- Y Stars, their tcam being made up af players from the High Schoal, 4 Mike's Place, Goodyears, Countice and Salem. .jixnxy Powers of High Schoal did the pitching for Local 189 and turned in a wonderful evening's work by halding the usuafly hard- hitting players on the Ail-Star team, ta 6 runs. In aur books, at least, Jimmny was the star ai the encounter. The Ail1-Stars started with a two run. rally in the first inning as Mason drew a walk, and went ta third when "Porky" Osborne bashed out a double, thc f irst ai his three hits ai the gainé. Mason and Osborne bath sconed when Colweil placed ane out to right field. Neither team scored again un- til the second hall of the second inning when John Moorcnaft drew a pass, wcnt ta second on a passcd bail, and scored on Pawers' single.- ta right field, making thc score 2-1 for the Al-Stars. In the upper hall ai thc fourth frame, hits by Dave Osborne, Clark, Gay and BagneIl gave the Unionites four nuns. Ted Bag- neil's smash was a mamixoth ROYAL TH lEE ____ BOWMANVILLE Thurs.- Fri. - Set.t SEMPT. 18 - 19 - 20 "RAD MAN"I Wallace Brry md Lionel Darrymore -ADDED ATTRACTION- M1ARCH 0F TE Feature md Shorts. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. EPT. 22 - 23 - 24 "SPRINO PARADE"' starrtsg Deanna Durbin ALSO News and Short Features D dlont into centre field with Clark 1and Gay on base. It was good for 1three bases, but Ted made it gào for Uic round trip as he was trap- *ped between third and home. tHowever, hc managed ta elude 1catcher Mcflvecn, ta give Local a 5-2 lead. The Union shaved another faur runs aven thc plate in the next inning as they took full advantagc ai three misplays by Uic Ail- Stars. These errons,, combined with twa hits, gave them a 9-2 lead. L In the meantime Powers was setting up a raw ai goose-eggs i the score book for the Ail-Stars. Aiter their two runs in Uic first inning Uiey were held scoreless until Uic seventh. Only one run- ner reached third base during that trne. That was i the fourth inning whem Daug Mcllveen singled ta leit field, went ta sec- ond on a passcd bail, then went ta third on Rickard's ily ta Moon- crait in leit field. John obligingly helped Powers ont ai bis predica- ment by promptiy catchmng two more fly bans and holding Mc- Ilveen on third in Uic proccss. ta retire the-side unassisted. Jerry Peterson, who had reliev- cd "Ace" Richards aften Uic iourth inning, held Uic Localites scoreless froin Uic sixth ta Uic ninth ining, and fanned six ion Uic four innings he was in Uic box. The Ail-Stars scored twa mare in Uic seventh as Piper singled and Don Maman got on base by virtue ai an error. Clarence Os- borne poked out a scorchimg triple ta centre field ta send Piper and Mason aven Uic plate with caun- ters. In Uic eighth, Ken Werry got his only bit ai Uic evening as be singled ta centre, went ta' second on a passcd bail and scored on Art Richards' single tbrough third base, making Uic score 9-5 for Uic Unianites. Piper tripled ta start Uic ninth inning and scored on an ove- throw ta second base, thus end- ing scaing procivities for Uic gaine. "'Hap" iarrison turned in a fine effort urnpiing, and aithougli there may have been the odd anc that did not meet with unani- mous appraval, lie kept bath teains hustlihg ailtheUic ue, wbich is anc Uing that hasn't been donc ail year. Ail in ail, Hap rates orchids for a nice bit ai work on an unwclcorne job. It's hard ta pick Uic stars frorn two such aggmcgations ai bal players as wcre on Uic field Sat- urday. But if there wee any cx- ceptional effulgences on Uic dia- rnond, we'd say Uiey were Jimmny Powcrs and Clarence Osborne. Jimmy tumned back Uic Ail-Star siuggers nobly, and despite Uic iact Uicyf did nick himn for eleven hits, Jimmy was weil-nigh in- vincible in Uic pinches. And giv- cm good support, he showed he can turn in a superb hurling ef- fort. "«Porky" Osbrne slarnand out Uiree bits i four times at bat ta lead Uic sluggers in the battlng department. R H E Local 189 010 440 00x - 9Il 2 Ail-Stars 200 000 211 -6 11.3 Umpires -Harrison mmd Jack-, man. Local 189 -Bagnil. 3b; Hoop- err c; Bnadd, 2b; Pickeil, cf; Moor- craft, If; D. Osborne and Siemon, ss; Pawcrs, p; Clark, ni; H. Gay, lb. Ail-Stars -Pipe, 3b; Maman, ct; C. Osbarne, ss; Calweil, 2b; K. Werry, lb; D. Mcllveen and G. Mcllveen, ni; Rickard, f; C. Mc- Ilveen and A. Richards, c; Peter- son and R. Richards, p. Oshawa I. O. O. F. Boaten By Locale Bowmanviile knocked Oshawa Oddfellaws ont ai Uic play-affs in two straight games when they1 whipped the Motor City lads 11-10 and 7-5. The locals naw engage Picker- ing in the finals for the champion- ship cup. On Fniday, Sept. 5Ui, at Uic high school graunds, the Bow- manville lads just managed. ta edge ont Oshawa Oddidilows by a 11-10 mangin, with Uic final out- corne in daubt right until Uic last man was put ont. The second game was played on Sept. l0Ui, with Dave Osborne corning Uraugh with e sensation- ai effort -in limiting Uic hard- hitting Motor City crcw ta 5 nuns, trhile the locals shoved 7 across the plate. Hitting by Ray Welsh, Dave McKnight, Dave Osborne, Maur- ice Conway and Walter Poiley was chicfly responsible for Uic run-making efforts ai Uic Bow- manville team. Home garnes with Uic Picker- ing team wii be played at Uic high school campus at 6.30 sharp, thc dates ta be announccd later. Ail softball fans are urged ta be on hand as these teains provide the maximum i diamond enter- tainment. RUGBY OPENS HERE OSHAWA VS. B.H.S. ON SAT.1, OCT. 4TH, There wiil be no junior rugby team froin Bowmanville Higli Schooi this season, mmd Uic insti- tution wiil be represented in Uic Lakeshore grouping only in Uic senior division. Similarly Osha- wa, Peterboro and Lindsay wiil be rcpresented only by senior teams, whilc Uic junior group will be composed ai teanis froin Ca- bourg, Pont Hope and Whitby Coilegiates, those scbools liaving no senior teains this season. The schedule for Uic senior granp lias been drawn up as fol- lows: Oct. 4-Oshawa at Bowmianviile. Lindsay at Peterboro. Oct. ll-Lindsay at Oshawa. Peterbaro at Baw'viile. Oct. 18-Bawmanville at Lindsay. Peterboro at Oshawa. Oct. 25-Oshawa at Lindsay, .Bovilce aI Pctcrbox'o. Nov. 1-Lindsay at Bowrnanviilc. Oshawa at Petenhoo. Nov. 8-Peterboro at Lindsay. Bowmanviille at Oshiawa. Sindaid..'s Merchants Wl. In PIBy-Offs The girls' section ai the C.O.F. fraternal league closed Sept. 12th when Dusty Clans' Oshawa For- esters went down ta a crusliing defeat before Harold Strathdee's Merchants. This series was tlie beit Iwo ont ai Uirec with Uic Merchants winning two in a raw easily. When Uic season opcncd, Uic Foresters looked, on paper, like Uic teain ta beat. Thcy complcted their scbcdule withont a loss, while the Mendiants had ta battie ail Uic way ta make Uic play-offs, getting inta Uic finals only mter a bard tussie with Uic Bawman- ville Foresters. Howcver, in this final game Uic Merchants played heads--up bail. They knockcd Mary Hughes ont of Uic box mmd Rosie Pness did 'a littie better, wlicl complctely disorganlzed Uic Forestens. Ini fact Uic Merchants looked good enough ta give sme ai Uic boys' tcams a real battle. In Uic boys' section Doug Tay- lor's Bowmanviile Foresters play Uic best twa ont ai three with Pickering, mmd the way Uic For- esters arc travelling mow Uic cup bas a good chance ai spemding the winter in Bowmanvlle. The ten teams in the league wil be entcrtaincd by Uic Order ln the Court Oshawa Lodge oms on Oct. l2tb. At this lime thie Iwo cups wili be prescntcd ta Uic win- ning teanas by H. B. McCabe. The managers ai these teami will also work ont Uic activities for Uic wintcr at this Urne. ~PITS AND PAIS Saturday's benefit game for George Piper was Just anc cx- ample ai how succesa can be at- tained if a wholc-hcarted, ca- operative effort is put forward. Proceeds will likely be over $100. The Union gat behind this yen- turc with a conceted drive. Aid ta say that their goal was achiev- cd, is putting It mildly. Jim Coylc, manager ai Local 189 softball team, would like ta thank ail the players an bath Uic tcams for Uic uniclflsh manner in which they gave thein services, since many inconvenicnccd Uicm- selves cansiderably i s sacrific- ing their time ta corne dawn and PAGFÉ EIbHT Editors lawetifate New Canadian Ta%" Members ai Uic Camadian cdi- look-scc at a Canadian factary tors' paty which neccntly visitcd I mow rolling tanks off thc as- wartixnc establishinentg in E st- smbly lime. cmn Canada, arc pcrmittcd a-g-o1 gave an effective shaW in de- malishing trees and a croscroads with high explosive, while a boaby--trap comedy-drama provWd a masterpiece. It was regrettable that owmng ta aur schedule very littie appor- tunity or Uie was available to look up boys from this district who were stationed at the varions camps we visited. That was the chief disappointment of thc whoic trip with the editor ai The States- magn that he dld mat meet and chat wîth more Bowmanvifle boys. H-e was ever on Uie alert for them but mizsed out. Camp Débert An entire article could be de- voted ta that other great military camp at Debent in Nova Scotia. A year ago a wilderness, today a veritable city with 30 miles of roadways, 422 permanent and 82 tempanary buildings, plus fine stations, banks, telegraph offices and al the ather rcquirements ai a great army. It is recarded that autharity was granted to con- struct Camp Debert on August 7, 1940. The first battaion moved ini thc latter part ai October and by Christmas Uiere were 12,000 men haused in the camp. The farest had been cleared, roads built, water and power systemià installed, and buildings erectedl, an achievernent that canstitutes a miracle aief inerngand stands as a tribute 'ta the enterprise and efficiency ai Uic Engineer Services Branch ai Uic Canadian Arwu5. The editors' party wcre at De- bert for only twa or Uirec houri, but i that time were treated ta several remarkable dermonstra- tions. We watched wiUi amaze- ment as Universal carriers crash- cd through Uic sturdy iaplings ai Nova Seotia forests wli evidenti case; we saw thc mait skillful usi af camouflage by troops in tacti- cal exercise, so decelving indeed that it was impossible to detecti men in Uic open only iifty yardsg distant; and we witnesscd Bren1 plaY this gaine. Jim wauld aima like ta thamk Uic ticket-seilera and Uic men who acted as clerks for Uic rafile. Thanks ta "BuckP' Large, "Hap" Harrison and Fred- die Jackman - thc former who rnanaged Uic AU-Star team, and thc latter two who acted as urn- pires for Uic game. Thanks ta the spart fans who turned ont ta Uic garne and ta the people who bought tickets for Uic draw. In short, Uiamks ta evcryone who played his or her part in making this venture isuccessfi!î The systein would absorb about 10,000 recruits pcr mamth, ai whom perhaps 6,000 wauld bc valunteers for.activa, service amy- where and Uic remaa.ni.g4,000 would be secured pnder UicN. M A plan ai compulsory service far home defence. Froin Uic ad- vanced centres werc procured Uic reinforcements for overseas, while aIlihers would go ta thein own units Dfor further training. Brigadier Stuart expresse him- self as wdil satisficd with Uic type of necruits being secuired ünder thc systern mmd likcwisc *1 ici fact that a large pcrcqntagc ai yaung mcn brouglit thUicbasic training centres under Uic N.R. M.A. were volumtcering ion active service mywhece. BaiSe Tralnint (3etre Canadian editars had a chance ta sec Uic 'plan ioperation dur- ing thc tour. At Brantford Basic Training Centre Uiey saw recruits in thc prelimainary stages ai their training. The lads remain there for two monthsanmd receive in- struction in first aid, rifle and bayonet, sqnad drill,' protection against gas, mmti-aircraf t rifle and liglit machine-gun, fining on Uic range, ficldcrafî mmnd rap-read- ing. Tiere are 28 such centres across Canada. The Brantford Centre bas about 1,000 recruits at anc time. From sucli centres Uic recruits go ta the Advanced Training Centre for their panticu- inn arm. or service, sncb as iaian- tmy, artillcry, engimeers, armnored corps, machine gun, army service corps, etc., where Uiey are traincd intcnsîvely for twa naonths in Uic use af arms mmd vehicles peculiar ta thein service. In Uic case af infmmtry, for instance, Uicy are lmstructed in Bren gun, 3-incli mraTommy gun, grenade, rile ayanet and revolver, pro- tection against gas, driving ai whecled and tracked vehicles as wdil as in tactical exercises. There are 26 ai these advanced training centres acrasa Canada. The cdl- tors saw tliem in action aI Camp Borden, Pctawawa and Valcar- tier. 19 Army Trades Sehool Meanwbilc another vitaily im- portant ole imoulding Cana- da's new army la being camnlcd out at Uic Army Trades Scbool i Hamilton, wbcrc soldier-students learn Uic trades associated wli rnechmmized equlpmemt. An en- tirely ncw developmcent oai Uts war, -thus achool is but anc phase ai the linge trades-training pro- gram ainaed at praviding skilled and semi-skiled tradesmen for gie Canadian Army, wbich Io mow complctely matanized and which bas armorcd negiments mmd tanak battallons as its striklng weapons. Fan example, ail students at Uic Army Trades Schoals finit at- tended anc ai Uic 90 Canadian Tecbnical Schools. Thcy wcnc aloa first tralned In Uic fundamentals ai soldiering at a Basic Training Centre. At presenit there are about 1,300 students at the Hamiltan school wlh an u]>#mate capacity af 2,000. Thein periodi ai instruc- tion range from Ilirce ta five months, depending on Uic char- acter ai their trade. These lads Wlll becorne artillery artificers, carpenters and joiners, clectri- clans, engime artiiccni, mater ve- bidle fitters, Insruent mmd wlrc- THURSDAY, SEPTEMflR 18, 1941 fi SPORT NEWSA THE CANADIAN StA<TESMAN, BOWJMANVILLE, ONTARIO LCANADA AT WA R_ <Continued from page 1) gun, 3-inch mortar, and artiilery dence during the aftornoon. They firing that again testifled ta the have provcd most useful in train- hitting strength of this new army ing personnel ini driving and in the making. maintenance. With C an a da's The Trainint Plan newlY-e<juipped tank factories Brigadier Kenneth Stuart, D.S. flt ee ong u beporecionitwil , M.C., Vice Chief of the Gen- mad e mogý em ae ë anaian- cral StA, wha recently flew back male fornak wiil be a-vail- from Britain after several weeks4 abefr hsDivision. of canference and study wxth Bri- Camp Petawawa tish and Canadian military men Camp Petawawa was famous there, told the editors thpt the in the last war for turning out Arnxy Training Plan was devised4 same of the best artillerymen and to dovetail with British require- engineers found in any army. It ments. Moreover Canadian troops4 is fitting that ini these days of now ini Britain were organized mechanical wari are, Petawawa and equipped in accord with Bri- should again be the locale for tish practice. Canadian afficers training of Canada's artileéry and were eonstantly being brought engineering corps. The editors back from Britain for instruction-4 were treated ta an astonhshing ai purpases and ta head up new display af gun driil by the yroung formations. He campared the4 artillerymen, bath on the 18- _general schenie of re-inforcement pounder and the new 25-pounder, training ini Canada wîth the wide- which will soon be the standard ly-publicized Commonwealth* Ai, equipment. A firing demonstra- Training Plan and declared that tion by two batteries of howitzers the training centres would pro- and 18-pounders ont on the vide training capacity for a maxi- ranges, indicated that the Cana- mum of nearly 50,000 men at any dian gunners have lost nane ai one tirne. This is apart altogether the skiil and accuracy posimsed fromn the "formations" already in by their fonebears. The engineers existence for overÉcas service. Refrigerator- Range a- Washer Radio Save From 10Oto 20 per cent DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38-40 Slmeoe St. North OSHAWA. Open Evenfina PHONES 84. AND 85 e,----------------------------------w-w e - less mcchanics. These arc only a iew aith Ui50 types ai tradesmen in Uic modern amy. A large staff ai instructdrs is required for. Uic four main departments, which are: Automnotive,* Electrical, Ma- chine and Fitting, and Carpcmtry. Ini addition there are facilities for draughting, blacksmithing, weld- ing and sheet metal work. Offleers' Trainint Cemtre What about Junior Offilcers <subalterns) for thc Canadian Army, ai which il is estliatcd that neariy 6,000 wifl berequircd in Uic next ycar? They wiil be pravided througli Offices' Train- ing Centres establishcd at Brock- ville, ont., and Victoria, B.C . If thc course ai training seen by thc editars' party at Brockville is any triterlon, Uic Army's new officers'. will be lit in every. way ta met any' possible emergency. The cou rse is a strennous anc and prc-cminently demands a higli standard ai physical fitncss. For Uic first manth qi thc three months' course, thc potential offi- cers undergo training, conaimon ta ail aras, including squad and rifle dm111, protection against gas, routç marches, motorcycle niding and trench-digging. Thcy then receive advanced instruction in tlieir par- ticular an. It- is a strict rule now, a lesson frorn Uic last war, that offices must came up from Uic ranks. Candidates for commissions must have semved cither four months i an Active formation or for anc ycar with a Reserve unit. Thcy may then be reconimeded ta go ta Brockviile by their Command- ing Officer. About 1,200 men are now in training at Bnockvillc, with one-third ai Uiat number bcing gràduated ecdi mantli. Study the Keynote Sucb is thc gigantic training scheme fan Canada's new anmy, now in fl aperation across Uic far-flung Dominion. We have de- scribe& only what we iound in Eastern Canada. Its counterpart wil be found in thc West as well. There is no gainsaying Uic fact that the compllcated arins mmd machines ai modemn war require close application and concentrat- cd study. The old days ai con- stant squad and rifle dril and route marches are gone. Duririg aur whole tour wc saw only anc band. There is little time for music in this war. It is studgy, study. study, day and niglit. Can- ada's army is beimg whipped Into shape by long, hard hours af grinding on Uic part ai instruc- tors and pupils. Naturaily il tends ta become momotonous and grousinig is i- evitable, *-but in tUic curse ai many talks wiUi bath officens and men, we heard fcw serious cani- plaints other than Uic expression ai a general desine ta be on Uic way overseas. MonUi aiter month at Bordcn, Pctawawa and Debent' tend ta became tiresome, ta put it, mildly. Il was Uic samc at Val- cartier' wherc Uic French-Cana. dians wcre chafig at inaction and amadous ta be on their way. Thcy realize, hoWcvcm, Uiat their hour will came mmd when it does, they, wiil be thoroughly traincd mmd supremely prepancd ta strike and strike bard. As Canada's army training plan swings inta high gear, we rnay look forward confidemtly ta pas- sessing a poweniul machine that wil gloriously uphold Uic tradi- tions ai 1914-18. (Next weck's article wiil deal with "The Munitions Industry.") God has s0 made Uicemmd ai man that a peculiar dçdiclousmes resides in Uic fruits ai personal industry.-Wilbérforce. YOU CANNOT tie Up a bmidle if the, string in too short. Neither can'you b. whofly re- imbursed if the. amount of yonr insurance is lltoc short" to pay for a serions losu Wo your property or business. Ask this agency te revlcw your Insurance Pol- tces NOW. It wll b. tee late to do so mter a lois!- Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 STR.EET 5i Bowmanville E e nd Formai Preseutation Of the NEW TRAFFIC SIONAJ- SYSTEN, SATURDAY3 'SEPT. 27 Ils Wrsbi ti r aor f Bowmnanvil1e Winlrosive theglt rm ow- maniflLons Clubyon 1biiaI1 of the ,mi oc lly 1,9z.oe po vincial officiais -iflb. primt. Dancing 9 t. Mldnlght TO THE MUSIC 0F, The Eleven Collegtams Eveu'y ticket holder has a chance to wln $50.00 War -Savlngs Certif Icate.1 Entire Net Proceeds to Bowmanvllle Red Cross. This entertainnient and presentation sponsored by - 4 4 4 4 DO WMNVILLE LIONS CLUB EXHIBITION DISPLAY PURCHASED Don Christian Efectrlc again have obtained the General Electrlc" and Findlay 'Exhibition Display. LARG~E SAVINGS Al* m 1 ONLY 0 F EACH MODEL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v 1 1 lm Iqqupllqqw"

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