Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1941, p. 4

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- ... PAGE FOUR ThE CAADIAN TATESAN BOWM~V JI NwÂî [ owmanvile-on-the-Lake WEST 51DEB BEACH Flyîng off* ê. W. J. Adair and Mis. Adais spent the week. end with ber sister, Mis. Edwir I4ttreVl, X.T.C. Cottage. eMiÏ. "Gtiy Luttreil and daughtez Min, Windsor, spent a few dayc with relatives at the Luttreil cot- tage. Miss Evelyn Bail, Miss Jean Wcstcott, Miss Elinear Wager, Mrs. Cremer and daughter Nina, Mr. F. W. MacGregor, Master Bruce Durno and Master William Fairbrass with Mi. and Mis. G. R. Durno, "Cheerio Cottage." The annual business meeting of The Chapel-on-the-H-ili was held last Saturday evening at "Daisy Dell" cottage. The 1941 exccutive was unanirnously re-elected fo: the follawlng seasan. Ail the re- ports indicate a steadily increas- ing interest in the Sunday actîvi- ties of tis littie group of cot- tagers from "Cedar Crest," "The Cove" and the "West Beach.' Small donations fromn their funds were ailocated ta the purchase of more Psalrn books, the Bawman- ville Haspital, the watchman at The Cave, the Red Cross, and the B.W.V.F. An argan fund was started ta which was added the proceeds of the fallawing Sun- SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Canada GOING DATES DAMLY SEPT. 12 TO 26, 1941 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days TICKETS GOOO T TRVE IN COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourlat, Parior and Standard sleeping cars âlso avaiiable on PaYment 01 sightly high. or Passage lares, plus price of parior or sleeping car accommodation.- ROUTES8--Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, Ill.,* or Sauit Ste. Marie, returning via same route and line anly. Generous optianal routings. STOPOVERS-will be allowed 1g amy Point In Canada on the going or re- tur trip, or both, within final Ilimit * of ticket, on application to Conduc- tor; also at Chicago, Ill., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, In accord- ance wlth tariffs of United States Uines. Full particulara from any agent. gel?-WI 11-à as in rs )f d j 'days special collection of $12.00. IAt the Sunday service Mr. Mc- Cartney was presented with an unusuaily fine Bible as a token of appreciation of the congregation for his conduct of the metings during the sununeî. The "Doisy Dell" Scotch singers cantributcd a choral selection. MaWJoJhn H. Fox took as the tapie of bis ad- dress, The churches in the bomb- cd areas of England and the work of the chaplains and auxiliary services in thc Canadian Army. The worshippers had tic unusual experience of bemng piped home in truc Highland fashion by Mr. McKay, ane of "Britain's OId Con- temptibles." EAST SIDE BEACH Is. .v. f j Dîicens ana Mir. and Mrs. Charle Depew. Mr. and Mis. H. Fraser, Marioi and Jessie, Newdark, le 5w day guests of Ml. anc is.A Gilders, "«Pleasant VîeW." Mr. and Mis. W. Mollon, Mis Ethel Moflon, Mia. B. Pilmer, To ronta, bMrsfA. Hlarding, Enniski] len, spent Sunday with Mrs. T Hoar. EAST EDGES WEST BEACH (By Bob Patte) ! The .East Beach put theniselve back iii 'the running on Suinda3 by edging the West Beach 9-7 .The win niakes it 3 gaines ta 4 The East played inspired bail be- bind Johnny Semiple who pitched na-bit bail until the sixth when Guy Roach clubbed bis maznmot} raund-trip-per into thc river. Guy slashed anather homer later in the 8th inning. Sandy" Colville of thc East and Jack Rice af the West banged out 4-baggers also. Alter Roach's first circuit claut thc West garnered 6 marc runs foi their bclated asat inning raly whîch failed two runs short. Crombie and Cole were thc big bitters for thc East with 4 hits apicce, whilc G. McIlveen and Colville also shone. Guy Raach and Rice werc Uic anly ones ta show zip for Uic West with 2 hits cach. These two teanis will prob- ably meet again on Sunday. West Beach-R. Roacb, If; Large lb; Allin, 2b; Guy Roach, p; Hut- chesan, ss; Ricc, 3b; Cowan, c; Blunt, cf; H. Depew, r!. East Beach-Crombic, c; Semi- plc, p;-Colville, lb; T. -Depew, 2b; G. McIlvecn, 3b; Dickens, as; D. Mcrlveen, If; Cale, cf; Sumniers- fard, rf. RH E West Beach 000 103 03 -7 7 4 East Beach 204 020 lx - 9 13 3 Obituary IMis. Smith, Mr. Rothwell, To- *ranto, Mis. Peters, Thistlctown -spent tac wcekend with Mi. andi -Mis. B. Short. Miss Barbais Webster, Gait, is e visiting ber sister, Mrs. J. H. Ben- nett. S Mi. and Mis. J. AllUn, Mi. and Ef Mis. Bill Hutchison and Jean, To- - routa, visitcd Mr. snd Mis, W. tMcDanald. Mrand Ms. N. Wool*ay snd s Mi htrMi. and Mis: P. Dclli- dsugbtMr. aud Mis. McKay, M. J. *Hicksan, Mi. Stover, Toronto, Mi. and Mirs. O'Neil, Peterbora, Mr. and Mis. Andrews, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. H. Hail, Guelph, Mi. and Mis. Keppler, Mi. S. B. Richards and son James, Mis. Rothwdll and daughtcr Marion, Mis. J. Saun- deis, Toronto, at "Lakeside Cot- tagze." Mr. W. E. Suttan, Miss Ruth Gruetznei, Miss Melba Grant, Mi. Gardon Grant, Taronto, wcrc weekcnd guests at "'Bothendeane." Miss Lorraine Davie, Taronto, is holidaying with her parents, Mi. and Mis. C. Davie, "Sunny -Noak." Mi. and Mis. J. S. Felton and son Alan Arnatt, Norfolk, Vii- ginia, Mr. and Mis. W. R. Piell and daughtcr Eiîcen, Ebenezer, Mi. and Mis. J. W. Balson and Jean, Hampton, Mi. and Mis. G. W. Morley, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mi. and Mis. H. N. Hagernian. Mis. H. Howe, Miss Ruth ]Por- ter, Miss Betty Yake, Toronto, were gucsts of Mi. sud Mis. G. C. Yake.' Misses Sheila and Mildrcd Wil- sari spent a week with Mr. and Mis. Keith Wilson. Abie Dsich is running'close second ta Contractor Gilders by building for bimself a new boat- bouse and daing an excellent job. Mis. J. Dickens, Winnipeg, Man. is staying at "Hancyrnoon Inn"~ and is gucst of her son, Mi. E. CORN 4 nai Grow sweet, Vresh Tender Ds 1 POTATOIS 10 M.G w lasd o.i2I1< stem SS BLUEBERRIES canadtan,' ALL AY MONS daMiornla Vresî,Aivai&--4 si t'a" C"" 's E lPS BLsl LLDAY go#.LEI st sma .'e9eIWIEl ~LIs Alme wetu-s ANlN PAGE BAKED GOODS Ooughnnts do.12c Angol Cake Main ,""-O29c BREAD A &PQHA MEÀ STEAKS or ROASTS q HAMBURG STEAK lbî. 17c PRIME RIB ROAST ib. 27c CRISICVT POT *OAST ib. 1 6C MLADE *OAST m«ty lb. 1 9c SHORT Ron ROAST lb. lic Gmine Spring LAMB 31c 1 16. 2C l.2r *i!&MLROAST sooisilb. 2ic OUF BOLOGNA slic.d lb. 1 Sc SMOICILWEINIRS IL.25C AC &MÈISE LOA&F Sliced lb. 23c CORNÎD SISKET mwu i. 19c Il~i~mbjet te -mje il ukausos. ~ui4Siu IIt o jmur «" -W &OU -RA %M - U se m* U-. PEAS lbau 3 for25 PORE a DEANS Jny-s ~8' LIPTON'S TEA"am u.42c p;A3c JewoI Shortenng; '. 17C ATSI PPLE JU 2 15C LOISTER Choice 27c CICEENsonoies. 4 21c GUI CEUSE m. 27c SAIDIES Glaier Tn 10 EETCU IJP Hdn2 for 37c PLUES orai-s7 A'P CQFFEE BOKAR au?3 9c 8 o'CLOCK 'àl m 35 c RED CIRCLE a. 31C A&P FOO STORE pç;pç2ç Sunday scbool. The funcral wbich took place from Uic famnily bamestead, Lot 23, Con. 7, Darlington township, on Manday, August 18, 1941, was largely attended. The service was conducted by the pastor, Bey. W. Rackham. Mis. Reta Cole Dudley sang a favorite bymu o! Uic de- ccased, "No Night There." The pailbearcrs were fivc gisudsons, Russel sud Harold Balson, Ralpb Lainier, Ross Crydeinian, Bru=e Taylor, sud a grand-ncphew, Lloyd Taylor. The flower bearens weîc neigbbors. Interment took. place in Eldad cemeteny, Uic ser- vice being conducted by Uic pas- tar, foilowed by Uic lest rites of the I.O.O.F., o! whicb Uic deceas- cd hsd been a member for farty- two yeais. Left ta mouru thc lasso! a loy- ing father, grandfather, afd bro- ther, arc foui daughters uanc n son, Mis. A. J. Balson, Hampton, (Effie); Mis. E. Larmer, Blsck- stock, (Edna); Mis. E. Cryder- man, Ennisklilen; (Lyda); Lena E. Taylor, Bowmaanville; Elgin R. Taylor on the borne faim st En- niskillcn; aud nine grandsans snd nine gisuddaugbtcis; also thîe sisters sud anc brother, Mis. Mary Rainey, Orono, Mis. Jennie Blcw- ett, New Toronto, Miss Margaret Taylor, Orono, sud Mi. George Taylor, Pontypool. The passiug o! W. T. Taylor emphasizcs that anc by anc the fine sud honorable personnel o! aur senior gencration arc fewen mauth by month. Eyesight Education And Efficiency By C.lI.Tuck Optometrist Siecielist Disney Bldg. g e (opp. P-.) Number 188 "Eyeslght Conservation", (Part 7) In psuedo on false conditions a! ciior, bîougbt on tbiough run- clown condition physically, over taxation of Uic cyes in their use or at their paiticular wark. It may be nccessary ta bave second or third examnination befone de- tcrmining Uic percentage a! strcngth best adapted ta Uic eyc unden the condition then in cvi- dence. Wene simple tiy on glasses used în these cases Uic cyca would become accustomed toas certain type o! lens wbîch in many cases hastens the dcvelapmcnt o! the eranr. When this condition is later discovered sud an attempt la made ta remove tis type 'o! cor- rectian Uic eyes will figbt againat it because thcy bave been tricked into somethiug which was un- neccssarily stiniulativc r a t h e r than corrective. In this age o! cfficiency it is nat necessary ta replace any impîav- cd scieutific procedure witb gucs work sud inefficicncy. The skilled practitioner regu- lated u is practice by legisîs. tion, violation wbicb, places bis license ljeopady sud may ln ample recourse in case a! mal- practise. (to be continued) ýalem Rcv. Gardner's father, who la visiting at Uic parsohage, scem- pauied hlm ta Uic Salem aftcr- noon service. Hampton W. I. East Group met in picule faim at their sewing bec at Mis. E. Doidge's an Tucsday o! last week whcu a quilt was set up sud quilted*. Visitais: Mn. sud Mis. H. Moyse, Town, weîc Sunday guests with -Mi. sud Mis. C. Collacutt... Mr. and Mirs. L. Welsh, Mr. sud Mis. Pringle visited Mi. sud Mis. Swinson at Barrie on Sunday. .. Mis. F. Wakefield, Bessie sud Donnie, Little Briton, are speud- ing thc weck with Mr. sud Mis. G. Burrus. . . Mi. and Mis. F. Blackburn sud Grace spent Sun- day with Mi. sud Mis. L. Savery, EnniskIllen Wedding beils arc an Uic verge o! ringing here again. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mirs. Ray Trcwin on their marriage. A vcry inteîcsting letter was îead at Sunday School on Sunday morning by Supt. Mi. W. Moore fnom Sapper Canicion Oke, North Bay, in appreciation a! a Water- man fountain pen sent ta him by oui Sunday Scboal. The best o! luck Cameron! We wish Mis. C. Buigmaster sud her sister Mis. C. Stephens s veiy fine holiday in Uic West sud a safe return home. Messrs. Cecil Rahm sud Robert Pieston paradcd witb Uic Genenal isses Joycè sud Nsucy Gimblett, M Construction Ca. o! ilamiltan. hi Zmbc>c>c cm - - - - - - - - - - Co Sa 01 PE FE cý toi El D. d St s' Ca I toi AL Ra Ph Mz ai ln em W bore Casa 1 Get The Most For My Mouey? Even the. chiren cas teil you that aaswer because se my of thenfVio shopping wlth their Parents at the, Arcade. You wili like oiff merch dl styles, courteous, qulck service. Our busiini plealàg you by having everything you neoil, when you ueed lt, at popular pruces. Shop At The Arcade Fer Scheel Andi Save 1; GIRLS' PEiNT DRESSES, 8 ta 14ye79c~lu GIRLS' SILK RAYON $ 9 DRESSES, 8 t. 14 er $1.9 GIRLS' BALERIGOAN ]BLOOMERS, sise 26 ta 3s2 5c eHRLS' PEINT DRESSES '-49 c 10 -12 -14 yeams -. -- - GIRLS' "Better Qualty" PEINT$ DRESSES, 8 t14 yars MISSES PAT. STRtAP $ .9 SHOES, ame il ta 2-z CRILDEENS SOCKEES. Ali~f sizes and color ----- - ----- l c KNEEPA N! ----- --98C BOYS' CHAMBRAY SHIRTS f Size 12% te 14% -- - ----_ 5C BOYS' BLACK LEATHEEI$19 SHOES, ise Il1to2 - -- CHILDREN'S GUNMETAL $1Afl OXFORDS. Size 8 to 10% PAt VOUTES' NAVY DENIM LONGS, wlth elaebc .k. ----79 BýOYS' AND YOUTMS' BLUE$1 DRILL OVERALLE, wlith bb..P BOYS'~~ tNELN HGL e[qj[5 URfLVE' <'aNwg- [OSE - ------ c PANTS - SPECIAL VALUE 4 quoc - BELECTIONS - LOW PRICES r TRE ARCADIE LARGE 5 SHfOP AI BOYS' BROADOLOTIEA WAISTS. Sises 6 ta 12. 49stc BOYS' BROADCLOTE SHRTS. Si»e 12 te 14% ---- 9 BOYS' LONG SLEEVE PULL-.8 OVER SWEATERS, 26 ta 32'JL BOYS' PURE WOOL SWEATERS. site e 26ta34$100 BOYS' FINE TWEED CAPSAC AU i m -- s-l--ze---- -- 9 BOYS' ALL WOOL WINDBREAKERS -------$2.9&8 William Thomas Taylor, EnnlskWlen Called ta bis eternal'home au Friday evcning, August iSth, 1941, William Thomas Taylor was gently neleased from the suffer- ing which be bad borne foirnmany manthis with sucb wonderful Christian patience sud a fortitude that was an inspiration ta those who knew hlm best. Deccased, who was in bis eighty- thurd yeai, was bain October 20, 1858, in Northiumberland County sud was thc son o! thc late Robert Taylor sud Mary Ann Riggs. He spent twenty-threc years of bis Ie in Northumberland, sud sixty years i Durham Caunty (twcnty years in Clarke townsbip and forty years in Darlington tow'n- ship). A life-long farmer, the late Mi. Taylor was a faithful worker ln the chuîcb and Sunday scbool whceebe served for many years as eider sud superjutendent of Uic 1~ a I. i éPolice SMÎOn Sts Aniquie Chah -'Case*y's' Lust St Wus Cuspdor is - Feverish activitY la évident in PUBLIC ]BEIFACTOR cvcry move o! W.. J. ",Casey" Maityn, these days. As chairman of Uic police comxittee on the council lie is busy erecting in- numerable truffic signs. But It la flot about Uic signs 1 we,,eftc led -ta write just naw. y Alter an intervai of four years 1. be bas made another magnifleent igift to thei conifoit and conveni- ence of Uic police station. This d ie it is a luxuiious easy chair. a Wben a reporter went up ta h. Uic Police office Uic other day y lie was dismayed ta find that an eaccident bad just occurrcd out- ,fside thc town hall. Traffie wus ebadly jamxned; two cars wcre a mass of wrcckagc and theicni- tjuicd lay nlaaning on Uic grass. rIt was a shambles. But thc ï strange fMature was that no mier- ber of Uic local constabulary was a n hand attending ta business. 9 Alaimed Uic reporter rushcd 1inta Uic office la find Chie! Sid- 1ney Venton calmily and firmly seated in some kind of a leather contraption with bis feet firmaly elevated on Uic desk whillcCon~. stable Walter Hall gazed refice- tively sud admiriugly at #iiM. W. J. "casey, i7artya Two Provincial officers, a district inspectai and Crown Attorney Chaiinian o! Uic Police Commît- botb likewise staod by, mute but tee of thc Town Coundil wbo last smiling. weck pnescnted a fine antique Qutside Uic clamour for police cart i oieofc.Ti hclp rose but Uic reportrto pi<ctre last appeared in The fdil under Uic speil. He began Statesman on the occasion four cautiausly ta examine Uic master- Ycars ago wben bie presented a piece of oak and borsehair in uew "specially ventilated sud or- wbicb Chic! Ventan reclined. nanientcd cuspidar ta Uic police "Where'd yau get it?" station." "Casey brought it."1 Then, like a flash thc truth wa a suspect is bcing questioned bie ievealed. Out of Uic bo¶¶xnoms gets so dizzy watching it that bie generosity o! bis heart Mi. Ma- finally coinesOut with Uic truth. f tyn bad iesuiiected this fine aid Soanail bnor ta Cauncillar 4"Casey.', "Chaise" (F'rench) and prcsented iThis incident recaels an equaily it ta Uic Police station, notable anc in ?cbruaiy 1937 whcn Investigation revealed Uic uecd "Casey" again saved thc day by bad been of long standing. îcmoving thc standard pint size Tbraugb long standing, rather cuspidor which was woefuily in- Uian sitting, the succeeding in- adequate and praviding, from bis cuxubents a! thc office bave becu awn pockct, a streanilined mnodel menaccd with two serious ail- The office bas been a model o! ments: ither thcy developcd flat cicanliness since that red-letter feet fram Uic erect posture or day On Feb. i2, 1937 when "Casey" tiey became quite uncamfoi¶able Prcsented thc new marOon colon- t frani rcmaining seated too long cd, ventilated earthenware eus- r on an unpadded chair. But Uic pidor (spitoon). These luxuries new chaiÙr is on roilens, it swings aie nat alaowed for- in fie« tawnC aiounid,- swings back, swings for. budget, but are neventhéicas es- t ward, thc idea being that while sential and appeciated.a Newtonville. .. Miss Joan Mun- day, Maple Grave, wlth ber cou- sin, Miss Doris Buttcry. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings,m Audrey and Miss M. Tennant, Orono, wcre Sunday gucats ut "The Ma- pies."..Mr. and Mis. L. Annis and little girl, Toronto, sp-ent Sun- day witb her arent... Doreen and Donnie Richards spcnt a Jolly weck with their grandparents, Mi. and Mis. F. Lane, Providence. Maple Grove We welcome Mi. and Mis. Charlie White and faniily, Osh- awa, back to oui comxnunity. They are residing with ber ma- ther, Mis. J. D. Stevens. Mi. and Mis. Howard Wood and daughter, Pairy Sound, visit- cd bis mother, Mis. James Wood, on Sunday. Mi. and is. E. W. Foley and Mr. and Mis. Bert Caiwell and Tcddy spent thc weckcnd in Pet- erbaro with relatives. Mis. Wm. Jeffcry, Mi. and Mis. Mark Munday, Mis. John Mun- day, Mi., and Mis. R. L. Worden, Mrs. Mary Vickery, Mi. and Mrs. E. W. Faley attended thc Munday- John wedding at Lakcficld, Sat- urday. Mi. and Mis. Lawrence Staples and son Barry, Bethany, visitcd at R. D. Timnble's and othci re- latives. Mis. Fred Stevens, Miss Susie Laird, Miss Audrey Grcenham, Miss Ruth Abernethy, town, are attcnding Uic sehool for leaders at Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Whit- by. Miss Ndflie Snowdcn attended thc trousseau tea for Miss Phyllis Clemence, Shaw's, on Satuiday. The Church School on Sunday was vcry well attcnded. Misses Doris and MaryAlldrcad, town, sang a duet vcry nicely whicb was enjayed by ail. Mr. Eliner Rundie, Torontb, took up thc les- son in a vcry efficient and effec- tive manner. Glad to sec some of aur Ebenezer fricnds dawn. Mi. Norman Down, Ebenezer, is cx-, pectcd ta bc with us ncxt Sunday. Misses Greta Munday and Nel- lic Snawdcn attended Uic showci given by Miss Marion Riekard at lier home Monday evening for Miss Phyllis Clemence, bride-ta- be. Congratulations ta Mi. Wallace Munday and Miss Jean Johns on- their manrage. We welcame Mis.- Munday ta oui comniunity. IV Misses Betty Snowdcn snd T Grcta Munday have rctuined. ta bceir wrk ater spnding a week n at Deer Lodgc, Haliburton. ?#r. and Mis. Ernest Twist and w son Raym'ond visited with rela- b tives in Oshawa. 0 1 , 1 THE CANADIAN STATES)JAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. AUGUST 28- iiààl WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES Tou Are Assurred Absolute Satisfaction fh Fit, Q»Utali7 p Frice. Parowax Jar Rns M emba Semis BO Ufl3 2for 2U5e f c; OAP SPECIALS $1 indas Crearn - 49c 5 Cakes jergens As't. 23e $1-20 Bromo-Seltzer - -69 4 Cakes Woodbury's 24c Laie Noxeia - 8 9e 4 Cakes Bouquet lo-c6 Jergens Lotion & -Cream 47c 10 Cakes Casile - 25e 4 Snoweap Toilet Tissue 25e neMACLEANS m unu3c Sm4ft-73e Bnue 3SC-45e Beans FIy-ToxSsuo Oe 29~ 4 4 fr 18e Lunch Kits - - - 75e Razmah Caps. - Sc 1.00 Vacuum Bottes 49e - 98ge espirtn - - . 50e Thermos Bottes 1.25 - 2.50 Milers Hay Fever Caps. 1.00 Fod'Juga3 - - - 1.981 Benzedrine Inhaers - 55e Vitails C1Brylream, ade ei Halo 54C -99c 25e-.49e 39e - 69c 29e - 49c Use Kersiake's Sweet Plekie Mixture for Beets and-Cucumbers No heatng - 20e & 35e WE FfT TRUSSES P.R.COWLING, Phm. Bu DUvry Motais war veteisus at Uic C.N.E., Toronto, their rganization win- ning second prize. Glad ta have Rev. Plant back w'îUi us aftei bis thicee.wccks' aoliday. He gave a fine addiess cn Sunday cvcning ta a very good aongiegation for this time o! year.' Visitais: Mi. and Mis, W. E. Sandeison sud family at Mi. Jas. >kc's, Clarke Union. . . Mr. F. Pctbick,1 Toronto, at Mi. S. R. Pethick's. . . Mi. Wilbert Smith, Dsbawa, Mi. sud Mis. H. Ormis- in sud faniily, Enfield, at Mis. Mas SmiU's... Mi. and Mis. R. :.Preston in Toronto sud attend- >d the C.N.E . . . Mi. sud Mis. C. ;tainton, Ray and Catheryn, Osh- iwa, Mi. 'sud Mis. B. Ashton, artwiigbt, at Mi. O. Asbton's... [nrs. R. Walton sud sons, Kings- >n, with ber parents, Mi. sud [is. H. Stevens. .. Miss Dorcen sbhm holidaying witb ber cousin, :hyllis Niddcry, Hampton.... Eastcr KeiUi McGill is bolidaying b is unclc's, Roy Lsugmaid, So- in. . . Mi. and Mis. C. Stiers, Sapeer, Mich., Miss Evans, M. gnd.,s. H. Gnnblctt, Buddy and Sinione, Miss Vers Giniblett, Osh- awa, at Mi. R. McGil's. Master. Buddy Gimblett iemained for a holiday. . . Mis. E. C. Ashton, Ms. B. Ashton, Ms. G. Beecb sd Mis O. Ashton attended a gaîden Party at Uic home o! Mi. T. Redman, Scugog, an Tuesday evening. Mis. E. C. Ashtan sud Mis. G. Beecb assisted on the pro- gram.. . Mi. sud Mis. R. MeGil at M. R. Langmaid's, Solina... Mis. S. Pethick with ber daughter Mis. B. Wood, Oshawa. .. Messrs. M. Ferguson sud V. Smith, Miss- es Orile MeGinnis sd Charlotte Harniot, Mt. Forest at Mi. A. Ok's... Miss Merle Oke retuin- cd borne from Oshawa. DREDGING BEGINS Dîcdging apeistions sud badly needed repairs on Port Darlington Harbour wiil commence within thc ncxt few days, under Frid 1 Hg

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