Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1941, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATEBMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1941 1nnskile Visitors: Mr. and .Mrs. Skoyles, Mr. and Mrs. B. Parkmns, Burke- ton, Mrs. M. Webber, Bowman- ville, Pte. J. Oke, Camp Borden, Miss R. Bryant, Oshawa,ý at Mr. Walter Okes '-Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday and Mrs. S okdy Solina, wlih ,Mrs. Wni. Oke... D4 s4. Olonto, Mr. and Ms. S. Turner and Helen, and Mrs. W. Oke with friends in Peterbor... )gr. and Mrs. I. Traveli, Beth and Bruce, at Mr. 0. C. Ashton's... Mrs. C. E. Sanders, Winnipeg, Man., at T. M. Slemon's. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brent, Miss E. Brent, Mr. Wm. Brent, Uxbridge, Mrs. C. Usher, Miss E. Usher, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Miss E. Smith, Hampton, at Mr. H. Stevens'. . . Mr. E. Austin, Ot- tawa, Mrs. Sweezie and Miss E. Sweezie and friend, Toronto, at Dr. C. J. Austin's. .. Miss F. Page, Boston, Mass., Misses Maud and A nuscellancous sbawcr was held for Miss Gertrude Petit t the home ai Mia. F. Muir on Tbursday cvening when about iarty girl friendsaund neigbbors gathercd ta, spend a social evenig with Gertrude before bier ap- proaching marriage and convey beat wîsbes. Seats had been ai- ranged an the lawn under Japan- esc umbrellus iram wbicb bung pinle and white streamers toaa pîettily decorated chair wbeue tbe bride-to-be received many lovely and useful gits. Gertrude in a iew well chosen worda tbanked ber frienda for the giltsafater which the evening was spent in games. Misses Eileen Wray, Dora- tby Adumsan, Minnie and Lottie Horn assisted the boatesa in the serving ai dainty refreshments. Visitais: Mi. and Mis. T. Sal- ter, Miss Sharp and Mis. Raitt, Toronto, with the Salter fumily and Miss Reta Keralake. . . Miss Elena Nddery, Tarante, t Mia. L. Nîddery'a. . . Raymond Petit, Enniskillen, ut W. Chapman's... Mi. and Mra. Chas. Johns and duugbteus, Lukefield, with rela- tives. . . Mi. Q, Willams, Osh- awa, visited bbx.end Mis. S. Wil- li. .. Mis. X Anthistie with ber mother at Beaniaville. Misa Jean Anthistle rcturned home with ber ater a holiday ..er... Mis. Milton Avery and daughteî Donna Kay, Columbus, Ohio, with Mr. and Mis. W. W. Horn and Mis. R. Avery. .. Miss Betty Ro- gers, Whitby, ut home... Visitera ut Mis. J. R. Reynolds' werc Mis. A. Armstrong, dàughter Judy and son Johnny, Toronto. .. Mi. and Mis. Edwin Burcbell, Mi. and Mie. Edward Burcheil, Miss Emlly DelNegro, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Earl Burcheil and baby, Kingaton, t Mr. W. T. Perrctt's. Tue Statesmun la now on sale each week ut Barron's Store, 5c a copy. Jean Russell, Rochester, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. C. Branton and Miss G. Page, R.N., Oshawa, with Mrs. Etta Page. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bawman- ville, occupied the pulpit Sunday. His inspiring address on "I wil be as the dew to Israel" was en- joyed by an attentive congrega- tion. The Statesman is now on sale each week at Slemon's Store, 5c a copy. Hanipton Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowers (nee Gertrude Petit) on their marriage on Sat- urday. Womnen's Institute held their annual picnic in the park on Thursday afternoon when there was a good attendance of aduits and children who fully enjoyed the program of sports and picnic suofler. GIFI SUGGESTIONS for Weddings & Showers Prettily decorated metal WABTEBASKETS -V Wooden SBRVING TRAYO (new and different) v CHINA and GLASS In sets and separate pleces NEW SHMENT 0F SILVER WITH SPECIAL $1 NUMBERS -v WOOL Evp7 lan sd every color neddfor service and home use. Siiecal Namber - Guelph Non-Shrink. Per bal One ball lsufflelent for one .pkof socks. J, W, JEWELL Big 20 Phone 556 "]Pm BAKED SOUOS ANSEL CAKE 'C,,w-29,c choc""olat.Mrohmalaw ROLL m- 1 7c Plin -r gmf DOUGNIOTS 12c BR EAD 2 wra;1Louves c Due »o a Goveoenment Blaxai. Au! A & p Bread WIB M. Wrapfd tJunsied. 10wtefPtc h 51v. T C PEASar*wTinat9 1wPak4 lier. i Apior oi.le-M. 9 Tourae Juico Nw Pck2 T 19e M AYONNAISE Aune Lake Shore, Clarke Recent Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Robt. Pattersan and Jean, and Mi. and Mis. Kenneth Bail, Stark- ville, ut C. Biown's. .. Len Buck- Ici, Kendal, ut B. Jaynes'. . . Mr. and Mis. H. Peteis, Jean and Arthur, Part Britain, Mi. Pidgeon, Port Hope, Mis. Moase and Mi. and Mis. Chidley, Maripasa, at C. J. Mtchcll's. . . . Mi. and Mis. Chas. MeNeil, Winaipeg, Men., t G. Marti's. .. Miss Clara Hgarne, Toronto, at W. Adams'. Mi. Breretan and Mi. D. Wright, Newcastle, arc painting thc school. Union,_Darlington' Visitora: Mi. and Mis. George Boweîs and family, Nestîcton, Ernest, Howard and Laverne Ai- ton, Heapler, ut Mi. Walter Fer- guson'a. .. Mi. and Mia. Wiil Mc- Laugblin and Mi. and Mis. Russel McLaughlin t Camp Boîden... Mi. and Mis. R. Grill in and Veina and Celia ut Mi. Huiry Larmer's, South Monaghan. .. Miss Audicy McLaughlin la bolidaying with frienda in Oshawa. .. Private and Mis. Hanna and Kenncth, Lcam- ington, ut Mr. Frank Mooic's... ma,. and Mis. Cecil Rahm and f amily ut Mr. Harry Rubm'a, Buiketon.. . Mis. Will Cook and Ethel, Mus. McQuinty, Port Per- ry, Mi. Art Noac, Toronto, witb Mis. Surah Moore. Maple Grove Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Bert Wilkins, Misses Doris and Greta Wilkins, Courtice, Mi. and Mis. Gardon Osborne, Pickering, Mi. Ralpb Ormiston, ut Mi. Cecil Jef- fery' s. .. Mis. J. L. Mctcalf and Misa Helen Metcalf have retuin- cd ulter viiting ber son, Mi. Otis Mtcall, Montreal. .. Mis. Gunn- ing and Miss Gladys Gunning, Toronto, ut Mi. J. R. Metcal!'s.. Mi. and Mis. Charlie Greenham, Miss Audrey and Master Elgin Greenham, with friendsaut Minle Lake, neai Apsley. . . Mi. and Mis. Denis Pickard, Masters Guy and Wayne Piekard, Town, ut Mi. Micle Brown's. . . Miss Doreen Jeffciy with ber cousin, Misa Velma Cruga, Busc Line. .. Misses Betty Stevens and Marlon Foley are attcnding camp t Sparrow Lake... Mus. L. C. Snowden and Miss Betty Snowden spent thc weekcnd with Dr. L. H. Coates, Brantford.. . Mia. R. D. Snawdcn, Oshawa, Mis John Sanders, Town, Mi. Thos. Snowdcn, Mi. and Mis. C. H. Snowden, Mr. and Mis. W. J Snowden, Miss Nellie Snawden, Mi. and Mis. H. G. Freeman visit- ed Mi. and Mis. Samuel Snowden at their cottage ut Rice Lake. ... Misa Helen Bradley, Whitby, and Miss Margatet Bradley, Scugog Island, witb Mi. and Mis. Perey A&P Red Circle COFFE B-.35c DEMISwt l k3 !0-« OU) CEEE ib.25c CORRIAESQuaker 2 fer 15c PLIJ S Choie. Lombad tuni 7 LYO'S TU u'eA !W-44c MONlacILnoUn M1.75oM 5oE ROESFoUn -m. 25c OXYDOL 2 LMe43C CAMAY SOAP 3 m- 16C .MMNA B 4 Ph«a. 19e TOMATOES lo&ua&Tft- le PEAS tdd25 M0 CRUEl 23C PEiLmSOAP se4rnM»a17C SEIORTENIN Cloeib. 14C i'i UDDUV TO MARKET ÇEANGES. PURCHASES LIMITE» TO 4FAMILY WEEKLY REQUIREMENTS Byers.1 Miss Audrey Lamnb, Red'Cross Nurse at Port Lorlng Outjiost, is home visîting her sister, M". WmI. Lycett, and other relatives.'.. Mr. and Mis. F. Swallaw, 'Mr. Cliffard Swallaw sPent a. few days t Bala, Muskoka. Sincere sympathy is exteiided ta Mis. Tunnicliffe, Oshawa, in the passing af her husband. They were residents here before going ta Oshawa; alsa ta Miss Wright who was a sister-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil .leffery, àhfidMiss Wright attended the funeral in Oshawa on Monday. Mrs. D. H. Costes, Brantford, passed away Manday alternoon. The remains were brought here and laid beside those of her late husband in Bowxnanville cerne- tery. The f irst session of the church schoal services was held on Sun- day. Misses Lenore Colacutt and Doris Stevens sang a duet. Mr. Stan Coverly, Ebenezer, Very sc- ceptably taok up the lessan with the older classes. The community picnic which was held recently under the aus- pices of the W.M.S., was a huge success, there being a gaod tuin- out. A game of baseball was en- joyed by the older ones, while the sports comnuttee had races and other sports for the yaunger ones. Solina Visiters: Mr. Roscae Baker, Manning Pool, R.C.A.F., and Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, at Mr. W. T. Baker's... Mr. and Mrs. Nar- val Wotten, Francis and Arnott, Mrs. L. Arnott at Dr. L. B. Wil- liams', Lake Scugog. .. Mr. Jack Mulett, Toronto, Mari orie Kane and Dorothy Short, Oshawa, t Mr S. E. Werry's. . . Mrs. R. J. McKessock with her daughter, Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Mrs. Sid Hockaday with Mrs. Wm. Oke, Enniskillen... Mr. and Mis. Will White, Donald and Douglas, Orona, Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and faniily, Oshawa, Doris Stevens, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and famnily, Hampton, at Mr. Gea. White's... Mr. and Mma. Edgar Prescott and family at Mr. Al. Prescott'S, En- field. . . Miss Ida Reynolds and Mrs. Norman Reynolds, Tarante, at Mr. Jack Yeilowlees'. - . Mr. and Mrs. Slagt and Barbara, Mr. and Mie. George Davis, Picker- ing, at Mr. Jas. Smales'. . . Mr. Jirn'iiaem R.C.A.F, Toronto, spent a few hours t his homne and with friends here on Saturday prior ta leaving for Calgary where he will receive further training. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Kinsale, with friends in Peterboro. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ormiston and Mai- ion, Columbus, Muriel Tink, Base Line, at Mi. Bruce Tink's. Mai- ion and Muriel remained for a vacation. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse VanNest and Bilan, Windsor, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. There was no church service Sunday but services will belid as usual next Sunday with ReV W. Rackham in charge. Tyrone Mr. Robert Cameron lef t on Friday ta take an airciaft course at the Government Training School at Gaît. Leslie Brooks and Leslie Thomp- son attended the Royal Black Knights' parade in Havelock on Saturday. Members af the W.M.S. wete weil entertained at the home of Mrs.. A. Hiils, leader of the Baby Band. Good attendance of mo- thers and childien were present and enjoyed a talk by-Mrs. A. W. March who is visiting friends on this circuit. The guest speaker, Mrs. L. Phair, was unable ta be present. Lunch was served and 'a social time enjoyed. Dr. L. B. Williamns, Toronto, gave an interesting talk wîth lan- tern slides in the church Friday night. Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Moore, SaUina, with Mrs. Byroni Moore. .. Mis. L. Swif t, Seaport, Ill., Mis. W. Towle, Detroit, Mich. with their sister, Mis. R. Hodg- son.. . Mr. and Mis. Jack Hoag, Mr. and Mis. Fred Brooks and Floyd, Cobourg, Mis. J. Maynard, Owen Sound, MLis. Martha Lamb and Percy, Oakwaod, at Mr. Geo. Brooks'. .. Miss Nina Hodgson, Miss Marion Werry and friendS, Taranto, at Mr. R. Hodgson's.. Masters Glenn Hodgson and Bob- bie Longman, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Raymond Clapp's. .. Mis. F. Rose, Sutton, Mrs. Earl Stepheng. and Joan, Mount Pleasant, at M4.11 W. M. S. held th!eir August*meeèt.. insat Mis. W. Ashton's Auguat 6th. Alter the devotianal prepar. ed by Mis. W. Ashton, a good program was enjoyed consisting of piano solos by Ruby McLaugl.- lin, Helen Ashton end Margaret Precott; readings by Miss VioIl Shortt and Miss Helen Stark; and a paper by Mis. M. Hobbs. Lunch was served by bath societies. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- ville, occupied the pulpit Sunday in the absence otRev. J!: A. Plant who will be with us A'ug. 24th. There wrnl be no service this Sun- day. Visitera: Mr. and Mis. Russel Truemnan, Muiray and Noreen. Mi. and Mis. Walter Green, Ta- ronto, and Mr. Cecil Hubbard with Mis. D. Hall. .. Mi. and Mis. Clemence MéMullen and Mi. and Mis. Neil MeMuilen, Toronto, ut L. C. Pascoc's. . . Mi. and Mis. Edgar Prescott and fan¶ily, Solina, at Mi. A. Prescott's... Mi.. J.!>J. Ormigton, Oshawa, at Mi. Hax9ld Ormiston's. . Mi Neil McCulloch and Miss Ida McCullach wcre umong the artists assisting onthe pragram at the alteinoon tea t Mis, C. Naylor's, ZMon. BowmanviII. Bech (Contlnued from page 1) ter, Toronto Irish Regt., Halifax, Nova Scatia, Mis. Porter, Mis. Thampson and Mis. Practar, To- ronto, were Sunday guests af Mi. and Mis. R. Mycra. Twenty yaung people of the Goodyear plant held their second wiener and marshmallow raast at the East Beach on Tuesday. They danced ut Depew's Hall ta Rockala music, and faund it ta be quite the stamping place for Baw- manville's yaunger -generation. WEST BEACH Visitais at the "Simpson Cot- tage" over the weckend weie, Mr. and Mis. F. Moat, Joan ahid Doug- las, Mis. F. Scott and son Bobbie, Miss Mary Carmichuel, Misses Betty and Marion Mackinnan, Mr. and Mis. F. Pankey and Shirley, Toronto. Mi. Bill Durna, cmployed with the Hydia Comm., Calabogie, Ont. and Miss Jean Westcott, Mrs.M. Cremer and daughter Nmna, To- ronto, weie guests af Mi. and Mis. Durno, "Cheeria Cottage". Under Mr. McCartncy's inspir- ing leadership the Chapel-on-the- H-ill ut The Cave is steadily in- creasing its quiet influence in the Beach district. Last Sunday saw a record attendance which appreciated greatly twa solos given by Miss Bernice Naad, a wcekend visiter at Happy Daze. Major John H. Fox, who is in Canada while awaiting'his de- parture averseas with the 5th Armaurcd Division gave a tulk' (by special request) on persanal observations of, 111e' in, England during the Il~~ànd a hall af the war. The high spots af his addiess were, perhaps: the des- truction, af chuiches fulloaI-his- toric inteîest which had been cbarted by the Nazis as ammuni- tion dumPs; the miraculous escape from Dunkirk following the Na- tional Day of Prayer; the ls af li1e among the Chaplains and Medical Officers, a heavier per- centage than in any other service because these men ici uscd te leave until the ather men had been withdrawn from danger spots. This loss accounts for the >appeal ta the U.S-for qualified men ta fil these gaps. The graup of Old Country folke wbo detained the Major afteir the service gave some indication af thec icception af his remarks. Tue people- at The Cave wish ta remind everyone that there is always room an the beaches in- aide or outside af the Chapel for anyane wbo can spare the hour from 12.15 noon on Sundays in July and August. WEST TROUNCES EAST BEACH (Reported by Bob Patte and D. Baker) West Beach trounced' the East Beach at the Beach Sunday 16-10. It was their fil th clash af the sea- son. The wmn for the West malces it 3 games ta 2. Tue East gat off ta a gaod staît in the first inning when they pushed across 4 runs, 3 on Dickens' homer. Then again in the top hall af the iourth inn- ing G. Mcllveen slashed a 4-bag- ger makig it 7-5 for the East. However, in the last hall of the faurth the West scored 7 runs, three an Guy Roach's home run. Three errais were also made in that inning which helpcd the West. Tue Roach biothers and Large were the pick ai the West, while Dickens, G. Mcflveen and Colville were ta the fore despite defeat for the East. These twa teams will prabably meet ugain ion Sunday evcning. East - Crqmble, c; Withcridge, pý Calvifle, lb; D. Mellveen, 2b; A. Calville, 3b; Dickeens,sas; Surn- mersford, l; Cale, cf; G. Mcfn- SportNews High SchooI Win$ Over Courtice The High Sehoal team advanced a natch in the playoffs by defeat- ing Courtice, Tuesday evenifig, by the score of 19-7. Hlh Sehool toak a î lé eiatcat with Ameis astheicspark plug and Were neyer alterward in danger af being over't'aken. The regu]ar scorer ws5absent and the Iollow- lng sumnmaiy coflveys an outline af the results: For Caurtice, Petersan pitched a consistent game but breaks ian against hlm. Tue 19 hits and 7 walks iegisteied against him would have resulted i a larger score if hé had not kept them pretty well saced. H. Gay 'got 4 walks, 1 hit, 1 run. Cryderman gat 1 hit, scorcd once. Peterson gat 2 twa-baggers. Vinsan gat 2 walks, 1 home run. Tex Ricleard leatured the last moments aI the1 game by catching, at duale, Ames' wallop that was tlcketcd for a round trip. Piclele came thiaugh with 3 hits, 2 runs. Brown got 2 walks, 1 run and Dunster, 2 hits, 1 walk, 1 run.1 Foi the High Schoal~ Masofi got 3 hits, 1 walk, 3 runýs. Ames got 4 hits including a homer and scored 4 times. G. McIlveen, 2 hits, 1 walk, 3 runs and was caught stealing home on his 4th try. Ilc also got a homer. B. Rickaid, with a hit and a walk got 2 runa. Calville started with a hameir, got 2 hits, 2 walks, 2 runs. C. Mcllveen got 3 hits. D. Mellveen with 2 hits got 2 runs. Slemon got 2 wallcs and 2 runs, wbile Pawers, who pitched a steady game, delivered 2 hits and 1 run. Another highlight ai the game wast J. Elliatt's double play ietiring Colville and McIlveen. Courtice Lose. To High School Once again it was Courtice and High School that praduced the thills for a large crowd af sot- bull fans ut the High School grounds last Thursday as the stu- dents waged an uphill fight ta tic Couitice 8-8 ini the sixth inig by virtue aI a 'two-run raily. Tuen the High Schaolers praceed- cd ta stage a thrilling finis in the last inning*when they pushed thc winig run across the plate ta take a close 9-8 verdict in one af the most dazzling gamea aI this, or any other, year. Youthful Gib Mcllveen emeîg- cd as the joint hero af the ullair along with Jimmny Powers. Pow- crs gets credît for gaing into the game in' the sixth innlng and holding thc Courtice team hitîs for the last two inninga and fan- ning the only tbiec buttera ta face hlm in the lat fhume. Gib Mdflveen got three hits out aI foui times ut bat and was aucceas- ful in gctting ta firat base the only other tinie he missed gettmng a bit. In addition, it was Gib's hit that sent brother Chale scurry- ing acroas the plate with the win- nig counter in the lat inning. At thc end af the firat canto the score rcad 3-2 in favour ai High School, and from then an tbey neyer saw the lcad again until the lat inning. Courtice addcd thie more ta tbcir~ total mn the second,; another twa in the fourtb, foilow- cd by a 'single counter in thc sixth. Except in the firat and ixth inniinga the High School were un- able ta bunch their runs, and sa they had ta be content ta go aiter counters the hard way-by the onc-per-inning route - anc of these bcing a homer by Gib Mc- Ilveen ta lef t field in thc fourth inning. Mason pitchcd the firatfilve inn- inga for High Schaol and wulked two, atrucle out two. Poweis, in the two inninga be was in the box, walked anc and strucle out four. Peterson didn't lare as well as the last time he faced the stu- dents. This time thcy toucbcd him for ten hits. Just the same Jerry toole time out ta fan six, but ulmoat nullified bis fine ef- fort by issuing five free passes. "Tex" Rickard kcpt up the par- ticularly fine bîand aI ball which be bas latcly displayed. In addi- tion ta catching a gîcat game, "Tex" swatted out thice bits i foui times ut bat, ane bcjgiga bomer ta le! t field in the rourth inning.,Hariy Gay had the other homer ai the game, thc Courtice firat sacleer poling anc out ta deep centre field i the second inning. veen r!. RH E .West -, R. Roach, p; Large, lb; Higb Schoal 310 112 1-9 10 2 Bailey, 2b; Guy Roach, c;, N. Mil- Courtice 230 210 0-8 7 2 len, 3b; Shanilock, as; Bennett, Umpires-Cole and Murphy. If; Street, cf; Blunt, rI. _________ Umpires - H. Depew, stre et. Mike'. Place G~t ictues Mke'sDowns Local 189 In Wa'Pcues Mk' Place cmeîged as win- ________ners af their first round play-offs Tuere la no slackening af Uic ugain as they delcated Local 189 interest excited by war pictures by a convincing 13-6 margin in a ariIllustrations depicting aur ncw beavy-bitting garne ut the higb fighting equipnicnt. Tue excellent scbool lat Fiiday evenlng, there- coloured pictures af Britain's by ç1iminating the Unionites in Flghting Planes and Warships af two stiaight games. The game Uic British Navy, pictuies which was originally scbcdulcd for Mon- can be obtained fiee, have arous- day but was changed te Friday cd great interest amongat Cana- ta enable Local ta field their regu- dinespccially wlth Uic young lau team. fians Mikc's Place startcd off like a Tue Canada Starch Company '41 Buicle us they sent five runs Llmited have now cxtcnded their aver Uic plate in Uic Ilist ining, Fiee Pîcture atier ta Include usera and eleven men made their ap- ai their fumous Canada Coin pearance ut the plate ta take part Starçh. This afici bas been made in the asault. Altet'Union had to fuclîtate collection of comploe,~ their turn wlth Uic wlllaw, it seti wlithi a shorter spaceot,.oked us thaugh thc garce was, tisse. Tue educutional value uni ý,aU galng, 4 develop ito g, exceptionally attractive appeur- slug-fest, as 1"red"i Hooer pled ance ai Uic fine pîctures has oc- anc deep Inta let fild foor a casioned a dcmand for themn in round-trlppcr sending Brown i every Canadian homne. Tue mak- ahcad aI hlm. ers ai Canada Coin Starch wm l b Tommy Dcpcw bit a double in- commended for their enterpise ln I!0 centre field ta start the second providing this pîcture service for inning and scorcd on "Park" os- the orn frot. bornc's bit into centre. Mike's the hme font.Place again iilled Uic bases, but were unable ta make any addi- tions ta their total. The man who daca nat wrk Tlghe and Mutton both drcw fer Uic love aI work but only for walks and Came home on "Sonny", money la not likely ta muke Woods' triple ta centre field, te inoney nor ta mid much fun i make the score 6-4 ln favor of the lile.--Charles M. Schwab. Billard Kings. In Uic thlrd, Uic FILMS DEVELOPED FREE TWENTY.FOUR-MOUR SERVICE ilb. Jarf Cannint ]Fly Parowax Rings Cern!'. ;,, Coll 2 for25C d«z. Se Ise 6for lOc Gillete 20~5OD&. Bl" Ç ASHMERE 49C ____ TISSUECue Noxerna TISSUE ltpp1c-flC 19c-89c of L(umYhJm49e 700 SHEETS m to the roll tath rli100 A.S.A. Ant Trap fo alt 35C 3 . 5, Glant Kinachen - 69o Woodury Soap 4 for 34e Victory Health Saits- 39e Lux Soap - 3 for lic D. T. Health Salts 59e Lifebuoy Soap 2 for Ilic Kkovah Sali.s - 25c - 69e Castile Soap 10 for 190 Grape Salis - - 50c -1.00 Odex Soap 4 fer 18e UCOHOMI te$lie$ siz. 59V 980 30# Sun Batlilng Glaffles Caps 19c4319-39c Cameras 1.25 - 11.15 Flashllghts- 75e -:2.75 Tooth Brushes 19 e - 50e HIndas Cream Ilera. 490 Frultutives - 220 390 Absaîblue Jr. 98e- 1.95, Olympene 50c0-1.00 White Shoe, Cleaner 1 At - - 15 - 5c Carter's Llttle Liver PIS ,Kt -'s - 23e -69C We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses 95 P. R. COWLING, Phm. De Delvry Unionites tied up the bail game. twelve mnen on bases; Local left when George Piper doubled to five runners stranded. lef t and Floyd Bradd hit a mam- 'Mike's Place-McKnight, If; I. math hamer ta deep centre field. Piper, 3b; Depew, p; C. Osborne, Neither team added anything ta ss; D. Osborne, 2b; 'Large, lb; their totals until the f if th when Rundle and Braugh, cf; Welsh, c; the Garagemen bunched twa Kent and Blunt, rI. walks, two outs, and four succes- Local 189-Bagneil, 3b; Brown~, sive hits ta make the score 10-6 lb; Hooper, c; G. Piper, ss; Bradd, in their favar. Then they sent 2b; Moorcraft, If; Tighe, cf; Mut- anather three runners acrass the ton4 and Clarke, rf; S. Woods, p. plate in the sixth ta cinch the R Hl E game, as they held the Union Mike's Place 510 043 0 -13 17 1 team ta aone lone counter for the Local 189 222 000 1 - 7 7 3 rest af the game. Umpires-Cole and Murphy. Tommy Depew took over the mound duties for Mke's Place in However brilliant an action, it this game and turned in a very should flot be esteemed great un- creditable performance in holding less the resuit of a great and goad the heavy-hitting Local sluggers motive.-Rochefoucauld. ta seven hits in the entire even- Hon. P. M. Dewan will soon be ing. Tommy also connected safely seen in a different rale fromn that three times out af four trips ta the of Ontario's Minister af Agricul- plate. Dave Osborne was the ture. He has consented ta be- heaviest hitter of the day as he came one of the judges of the Old banged out four safeties in five Time Fiddlers' contest at the Ca- attempts. nadian National Exhibition this "Red" Hooper was the leading year.f batter for the Unionites with two Millions af men and women ihîts out of four times at bat. This have~ decided they would rather brings Hooper's total ta "fîve-for- beg 'for what they want than eight" for the two games, as he strive for it. We have become hit three safeties in four tries in hitchhikers thaumbmng aur way the last game against Mike's through life. Many af us would Place. 1 rather suppress aur opinions and Depew walked four and struck enjoy a free ride than fight for out two. Woods walked six and aur bread or beliefs. - Clayton struck out five. Mike's Place left Rand ZCVERY CAR BHOUW - HAVE ONER Every Canadian motarist who sets out ta eut down his con- sumption af gasoline and ail by hall is eing asked ta, place a 50-50 pledge sticker on his mator car. Authorities hope that within a. very short time the car which does nat carry this sticker wifl be the exception. PLAN NOW TO ATTI ORONO FA Under auspia.. of Durham Central AU Society TUESDAY AND WEDNESI leSept. 16. END iiultural DAY 174 4àC -ý This is rooognized as one of the but P " t raire in Central Ontario. Durhamn Oounty bas a roputation for its fine pure bred H " u. "".c.orne and ueo thor n the oompetitive rng " WRITE FOR PRIZE LIST M. fi. STAPLE$, Secretary, R.R. 1, Newoastle. I DBANiANAj 2Ibs. 17, ==ARO GEOWN, LARGE. u NIES»L"-TTUCE Head15 ONTARSO GROUX, SALMON FMAS CAEIW IOUPES Bak. IC ONTAIO GROWN Ne. 1 GRADE POTATES 10lbs. 2C CALEFORNIA VALENC'IA ORANGES176 large CAOIA mC>. LUSI3U5 GRAPES 2 Ib. t2 5c A & p t ffira m EA*T STEAKS or ROASTS1,29 nP&"e ~un. Siolib.W29c CUbI r ac. Bump HAMBURG STEAK Extra Loen lb. 17c BLADI ROAST Prit»"d IL.19c $MOaT aie ROAST ib. 21c PmuE REOAST lb. 17c SSIETPOT IOAST îj lhes b.16c MEUINE SPRING LJB LO0 INS FRONTS 3231<1 b.29c I1b 21 VML IOAST bonwus ib. 21c à P SOLOGNA Slioed lb. e WNUEI Smok.cSkinl.as Fi».Quaiiy lb. iSe UELOAF sioed' ib. 23c A&P FOOD STORES THURsDAy, AUGUST 14th, 19,41 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX

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