Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1941, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 PAGE FIVE ýBOWMANVILLE, ONIARIO THE CANADIAN STATESML ~ t 'Wg~ i 't '1 A&P COFFEE BOKAR au.3 5c 8. O'CLOCK 1-lb. RED CIRCLI 1-lb. 1 A"N PAGE Angel Coke Plain 1": 25C Doughnuts "na PaiWbt cmwholoW»t 2uvesl5c Weddings Ashton....Oke The marriage was quietly SOlernnized a t the parsonage of Dublin United Church, Guelph, when Miss Marie Oke, only dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Burketon, became the bf1de of Bruce Ashton, second son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Ennlskjl- len. Rev. Harold Stainton, Guelph, uncle of the groom, officiated. The wedding music was played Sb y Master ]Ronald Stainton, cou- Si o11 f the groom. ,je bride looked lovely in a ~eet length frock of hcavenly blue sheer trjmmed with mother ef Pearl buttons, with picture hat of blue baku straw. Her corsage was sweetheart roses and Pink sweet peas. Mirs. Gordon Bcech, sister of the groom, attcnded the bride, gowned in dusky Pink sheer with mýatching hat and corsage cf Anerican Beauty rose and blue sweet peas. Mr. Howard Oke, brother Of the bride, was bcst man. PFor travelling the bride wore a crepe frock cf cyclamen rose, with coat of black pin-point boucle with dolman sleeves, trimmed with white American lace collar, and black patent accessories. Following a brief honeymnoen te Niagara Falls and other west- ern Points the happy couple have taken up residence in Cartwright Township. Barrxi-Trul The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Truil, Hampton, was the setting for a pretty garden wedding on SSaturday afternoon, May 24th, when their daughter, Gladys Louise, becahie the bride of Mr. Harold Austin Barron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barron, Hampton. The ceremony was performed on the lawn beneath a flower be- decked garden arch, with Rev. Walter Rackhamn officiating. Miss Mari orie Hoidge, Toronto, played the wedding music, and Mrs. Joy Fawcett, Dearing, St. Catharines, sang , during the signing of the register. The bride was given in mar- niage by her father and worc a bridai gown of white flowered organza over taffeta, with halo of net and white violets and finger- â Pink and white snapdragons decoîatcd the Deer Park United Chuich Chapel, Toronto, for a quiet ccremony Fiiday evening, Ma>' 23îd, when Vivian ,Jean Mc- Naught Martin, daughtcr cf Mr. and Mis. John Matin, Toronto, became Uic bride et Howard -Al- bert Piekard, Bowmanville, son of Mi. and Mis. A. W. Pickard et Bowmanville. Rev. Dr. G. Stanley Russell efficiated, and Rebert Crosby played the wedding mu- sic. The bride was given i mar- niage b>' her fathen and wene a street-length redingote ensemble of appeal pink crepe with match- ing hat with dubonnet veil and accessenies and a corsage of white carnations and pink sweet Peas. Miss Dorothy Garbutt, Uic bride's only attendant, woîc a trock of romance blue ciepe with match- ing hat wiUi xavy veil and a cor- sage of pixik carnations sud white sweet peas. Allan Knight was best maxi. Fellowing Uic ceremon>' a reception was held. The bride's mother receivcd, weaiing a navy blue and white. crepe dress with nav>' marquisette redingote, and white straw hat, with a corsage of reses., The groom's mother, who alse îeceived, wore a white fierai print tîock with matching sheer coat, white hat and corsage et roses. Following their wedding trip te western Ontario, the couple will reside in Bowmanvulle. Those attending the weddinig and receptioxi froin Bownianville included Mr. anid Mis. A. W. Pickard, M.and Mis. S. R. James, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Picksrd,, Misses Lorraine and Evelyn Plckard, Mr. Lewis Dewell and Mr.. Jack Dunn. *1.- Iý i PUiELAD 2Mlb. 15C CORNU DEF .- 17c OXYOL . i 22c SAJMGN IKETA W in LGDSTER c= lmw 27c SOAF SUNLIGHT 10 am 49c QUAKER MUFFETS 2 Pu." 19c PRUNES 70-80'à " l. .10e 'MEATS PRIM RB OUT lb. 26,c ELADE IOAST lb. 19c SHORT RIE HOUT lb. 21c TENgam Wbok «or haak Rut SMOKED HAS lb.27. Rm 1tha Ban lb. 33e Pswk Shles nel ILdlb. 27.c flRNLOAP siiced lb. 29c tiP veil. Hen bouquet wau of But- terfly roses and lily cf the valley. Miss Acy Hoin, cousin et the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a long gown et pink net over taffçta with flowercd head-dress. She carricd a nosegay ef carnations and sweet peas. The groom was attcnded by Mi. Bloyd Wilcox, Hampton. Little two and a ýhaIt year old Joyranna Dearing, St. Catharines, cousin et the groom, made a charming little flower girl, dressed lni pale blue taffeta carry- ing a tiny basket cf pink and blue sweet peus and carnations, as she preccded the bridcsmaid, hand in hand with Master Franklin Trul, small brother of the bride, who carried the ring ini a silver basket. A buffet luncheon was served b>' cousins and girl friends of the bride. The rooms were gail>' dec- orated with flags and tlowcrs plnk. and white streamers anc1 white tapers. For travelling the bride chang- cd te a dusky rose costume wlth navy ceat and accgssories. She were a geld lecket, the gif t of the groom. Atter a motor trip te points east the couple will live in Hamilton. .Guests were present from Ham- ilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Lakefield, Peterboro,. Fenelon Fails, Bowmanville and Oreno. Several tram here attended the anniversar>' services at Bunketan on Sunda>'. On Saturda>' evening, May' 24, the play' entitlcd l"Uncie Josh Perkins"' presentcd b>' the young pepeof Broeklin was well ne- cidbeing ver>' humoraus, the actons taking hIs or her part ver>' ably. The pls>' was veny largel>' attended due ta the untavorable weathen. Visitais: Mi. and Mis. S. Peth- lck at Mr. B. Wood's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mis. G. Beech at Mi. S. Rodman's, Port Pe. . . Mr. Jas. Blomfleld, Torento, Mr. and Mis. A. Telter, Mr. sud Mis. L. Wearn, Donald sud Loins Jean, Toronto, at Mr. A. Wearn's. . . Misses Aima Page and Clansa Page wlth Mis. E. Page. .. Mi. and Mis. R. Gar- don and H1elen, Oshawa, at Mis. Wm. Oke's. .. Mn. and Mis. H. S. Annis at Mr. G. F. Leask's, Taun- ton... Mr. and Mis. F. Bllett and Douglas& Scarboro Bluffs, Mis. Turnbull and Jimmie, Peterbono, Mis. H. H. Ryley, Bethany, at Mis. T. McGill's. .. Mn. and Mis. E. A. Mitchell, Pontypool, at Mis. C. Boyd's... Mir and Mis. G. Whlt- taker, Hamilton, Mi. J. E. Gittin, Mis. G. Bradley' and faml>', Te- ronto, with Mrs. M. Griffin. GOLDEN WEDDINO IS CELEBRATED AT NESTLETON On Tuesday, May 2th ,1941,j Mn. and Mis. George Cernlsh cele- brated the happy occasion et their fiftieth wedding anruversar>' at1 thc heme of their daughteî, Mis. Wilnicr Fitze of Nestîcton. On May 20th, 1891, Miss Ruth Emma Wood was united in mai- rnage te 1&. George Cornish at the home of her parents, Mr. sud Mis. Samuel Wood of Providence. The young couple moved to the gîoom's faim home t Salem and thcy coxtinued te faim ini Dai- lingtonuntil June 1940 whcn in hcalth fonced hlm ta give upÀ farmlng and make their home wlth their daughtcr, Mis. Fitze. To this union werc boni five childien, (2 deceased), Russell of Whitby, Mis. Fitze of Nestîcten and Wretord of Bowmanville, whb with their familles were able to attend thc celebration. Mis. Burke, Bewmanvifle, a lif e-long frlend, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Argue, Janctville, and Mis. Herman Wilson, Nestlcton, were present for supper at which thc beautlfully decorated wedding cake was cut. xIn thc evening some 25 friends gathered fer cards, violin MUSIC and the singing of .old favorite htnins. The older members were seated anound the gucst table *hile Uic younger enes sat about the. îeem. After a daint>' lunch Wretord Cernish îead a short ad- drcss and Russell prescnted the parents with appropriate golden1 gifts frein the family. Two grand- daughters, Jean and Greta, pics- ented a basket of floers to Uic honoured couple, and friends and neighbours gave gifts fer Uic oc- casion. The gatherixig sang "For They Are Jelly Goed Fellows" te which Mr. Cornish niade neply.1 After a short social chat the 1 guests departed with happy1 wishes te the bride sud groemi of fifty years age.1 Durham Count>' friends jein in heaity - congratulations te this1 honeuied couple. Elect Mis. Thompson,ý PreshyterialfHead Inspiring messages wcre heard en May 2lst when Peterboro Pies- byterial W.M.S. conducted their 3th annual meeting in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Port Hope. Reports were presexited b>' bath Presbyterial Secretaries and Aux- iliar>' Secretaries. Many n c w ideas were mentioned and pro- gress was shown in mest reports. Mis. J. A. Box, president et Port Hepe Auxlliary, wclcomed the. .guests. Inspirational addiesses were given by Mis. John Williamsa, Prov. Pies. W. D., Toronte, and Mis. J. W. Foote, Port Hoe.. Misé Mary E. Anderson, îetuined ,*baeonagy-t Kobe, Jbpqnî Nw.. guest.speaker at bath sessions. Musical numbers wenc given, a trio by Mis. L. Russel, Mis. Town and Mis. Goodman, and a sele by Miss Winnifred Jcnnings. These officens werc elected and instslled by Mns. John Williams: Hon. Pies. - Mis. C. Head,' Col- borne; President- Mis. A. Glenn Thonipsen, Campbelltord; lst Vice Pies. - Mis. David Ewart, - Ce- bourg; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mns. L. T. McLaughlin, Bowmanville; 3rd Vice -Pres.-Mis. C. Meiklejehn, Waikworth; 4Ui Vice Pies.-Mis. J. Dutton, Peterbord; Hec. Sec.-- Miss F. M. Galbrai, Bewxnan- ville; Cornes. Sec. - Mis. J oh n Stenie, Cimpbellferd; Treasurer- Mis. F. H. Row an Peterbono; Mis- Sion Band Sec.-Iis. W. G. Cha- pin, Peterboro; Girls' Groupa Sec. -Mis. D. Rutherford, Bailieboro; Young Women's Sec.-Mrs. J. W. Foot., Port Hope; Home Helpens Sec.-Mrs. J. M. Simpson, Lake- field; Exchange & Students Sec.- Miss G. Harvie, Cobourg; Librar>' Sec-Mis. J. Eakins, Millbrook; Litenature Sec.-Mis. H. B. Mc- Innes, Brighton; Welcome and Wlfarc Sec-Mis. Harold Tate, Mflbreok; Suppl>' Sec.-Mis. Wm. Purves, Port Hope; Asst. Supply Sec. -Mrs. John Brown, Fort Hope; Life Membeîshîp Sec.- Miss Davidson, Peterboro; Glad Tidings Sec-Mis. C. J. Carlew, Warkworth; Press & Hisorian- Miss F. M. Galbraith, Bowman- ville; Finance Com.-Mis. J. M. ougOmemaee, Mis. L. T. Mc- YauglnBomanv illeL Mis. C. Meileoh0 arkworth, Misa G. Have, obu 1; ihout Port- folo Ms.Blewett, Peterboro. Mis. Chapflin, Lakefield, Mis. il. Cadnius W. A. and W. M. S. ef Cadmus were royally entertained at the home of Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt on May 2th. Devotional period was taken by Mrs. J. E. Ellott. The roll caîl was responded te, by il members. It was decided te don- ate $10.00 te our faithful and ef- ficientý caretaker; ta, have the piano tuned; and te buy a $25 War Certif icate te be made ouàt in favor of the United Church; and that we have a concert on the Wednesday following aur S. S. anniversary. The program was planned around the topic "Mo- thers," and was in charge of Mrs. Harry Philp. It opened with a talk on Mother's Day by Mrs. Gal- braith, followed by a rcading "Dear Old Mothers" by Mrs. El- liott, and a reading "Joy of Mo- ther's Day" by Mrs. Galbraith; piano solo by Mis. Anson Taylor; reading "Our Mothers"l by Mrs. H. Philp; reading "Mother's Way" by Mrs. Gea. Johnston; and solo "My Mother's Hand" by Mis. H. Philp. Rev. D. M. Stinson gave an interesting talk on the life of Dr. Grenville in Labrador. A de. liclous lunch was seîved by our genial hesteas te whom a hat HELP FOR KIDNEYS OR MONEY BAC1< Gin Pâlea are sold on a "satisfaction or money back bai". If you're net entirely satisfied with their help your funded. 'au& TYRONE W.. HEARS TALK ON VITAMINS Tyrone Women'ls Institute met at the home of Mrs. R. Hodgson and was well attended, the Pre- sident Mis. F. Dudley pîesidipg. 'Roll cail was answcrcd by a x change of flower slips , bulba or roots. Conveners ,cf Standing Commnittees weîe appointed. Plans were miade for'a strawberry festi- val. Donation was -grantcd the, Canadian Institute for the Blind. District Director Mis. Harold- Skinner gave a report from *llie District Executive and questions were discussed and preparationo made for attending the District Annual. Group leader Mrs.. R. Wright took charge of this program: Solos by Mis. A. Colville, Bow- manville. Mrs. J. Thickson gave reports of the Farxpers' Feecra- tien and the 1940 Jani making. 5h. also gave a talk on "Charrni from Vitamins,",stressing the fact that at a judging in New York the Vitamin Girl exceeded the Glana- our Girl. She emphasized the serieus îesults froni the lack ef different vitammns and stressed, the value etfzilk and xilk pro- ducts, petatees and other vege- tables, whole grain bread. and cereals, raw fruit and canned ta- matees, cggs, meat and fish. These can b. obtained in Canada most seasens et the year. The retiring president was pre- sented with a- beautiful bouquet of sweet peas. Lunch was scîved by Mrs. Wîight's greup and a social haUf heur enjoyed. B u rk- eton Anniversary services here on Sunda>' were well attended, Rev. E. W. Rowand, Peterboro, bemng thie speaker. In the afternoon Mr. Rowland gave a talk te the chil- dren, and the Sunday School, un- der the able leadership et Mr. R. M. Thompson, sang several numn- bers ver>' pleasingly'. At the even- ing service Mr. Rewland gave an inspiring address, and the Balson Quartet, Hampton, added greati>' ta the service in rendering several numbers. The play '"Clesed Lips" 1will be put an Wednesday levening by the Tyrone Y. P. Union. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rahni and Allan, Blackstock, ?&. and Mis. L. Ferguson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis. S. Moffatt. . . Mn. and Mis. A. Brunt and childien, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Enniskil- len, with Mrs. C. Sanderson.... Rcv. and Mrs. E. W. Rowland, Peterbore, Miss Jean Johns, Mi. W. Munday, Mr. -W. Ormiston, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mis. M. Heard and famil>', Enniskillen, Mi. and Mis. Gea. Bowers and f ami>', Nestîcton, Mr. Laine Hos- kin, Tyrone, Miss, Ella Hoskin and. Mr. Glen Heskin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis. Wesley Hskin.... Miss Betty Moffatt with Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Wilson, Oshawa. .. Mr. Harold Wilson, Oshawa, and Wal- ffl:*E . Tpr. Heward Gatchell, Camp Berden, Mi. and Mrs. A. Dean, Oshawa, with is. L. J. Gatchell. . .. Mr. and Mrs. H. MeLaughlin, Mn. and Mis. H. Wight and Joyce, Osh- awa, Pte. Garnet McLaughlin, Te- ronto, Mn. sud Mis. H. McLaugh- lin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fonder, Nes- tieton, with Mr. and bMrs. J. Mc- Laughli. . Mass Ruby Bailey at Niagara Fas..-. Mn. and Mrs. I. Cochrane and fainil>', Blaclcstock, with 1&. and Mis. E. Adams. . .. Mn. E. Wright, St. Catharines, Miss L. Henders, Miss B. Fergu- son, Mr. C. 1alle>' and friend, Mr. and Mis. T. F. Wright and Doreen, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wright and Arthur, Mis. Burg- master, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill and farnily, Ennlskillen, Mr. and Mis. J. Larmer, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mis. Rebt. Philp. ELEPHANTINE JOY PA.RTY RTR' Gjames - Prizes . Dancing F A IR eFOR EVERYDME a OSHAWA E---- R-------------TO-AID CRIPPLED CHILDRE'SJ AND WAR WORK CLUB The Oshawa Rotary Club holda a Rotary Fair each year ta raise funds to pravide expert medical treatmnent for thase poor and unfortunate children who suffer framn deformity and iii health, and whome hfe's future would be blighted witbeut such help and assistance. CGeorgeous .- Gigantic mID WAY Thirty-two fascinating boothe of games and chances. Surpnses-New Ideas-Rotary Pool. WIN THIS GRAND apecracuUtar Ttreer 0'41 OLDSMOBILEp ARA&DES 1in{n thep Criv-pIeA <1ildren's and War Work Club for 25PÀ and becomne eligible. The holder of check holding- cor- responding number ta ticket publicly drawn in special car booth may have this new automobile for $1 .00. MONDAY TUESDAY EVEMINGS vote of thanks was extended for the use et her home sud kind hospitallty. A sinail gift was pie- sented to the. twe elderly mothers present, Mrs. James Nesbitt sud Mis. Ansoxi Taylor. Miss Maîjonie Galbraith is fin- ishing eut the. term at Cadmus School as Mrs. Thonipson wished te be relieved awing to sickness iu the home. A number of relatives sud tri- ends attended the birthda>' paît>' et Frank Goff and joined with himn i celebrating his 2lst birth- day.0 Visitera: Mn. and Mis. Robt. Turner and her mother, with Mn. and Mis. R. A. .. . ... Miss Helen Fowler, Newmaîket, was homne.. . Mis. R. Slemen is visit- ing her daughter, Mis. Russel Gilbert, Salins. . . . Mis. R. G. Dickinson, Les Angeles, Calit., with Mfiss Mountjoy and Mis. El- liott. . . Mr. and Mis. Meredith Fais and Crystal, with fniends at Midland and Garie. . . Mi. and Mis. Srith Ferguson anid Collette, Bowmanville, with Mi. and Mis- A. E. McGill. . . MId. sud Mis. Russell Nesbitt, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. Marvin Nesbitt. Ju versaiy of Mi. and Mis. Ceci Pascoe, Selina. Visitons: Miss Mamian Taylor, Toronto, with her aunt, Mis. Stanley' Malcolm..-. Mi. and Mis. Wilton Cread sud famil>', Barrie, with her broher, Mi. Malcolnm Emerson. . . Mr. sud Mis. Wm. Samelis, Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Samdils and famnil>' with Mi. Wal- ter Samelis, Scugog. . . Mr. anid Mis. Wilbert McKinstry, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Marlow. - . Mr. and Mis. L. Jabi witli Mr. Geo. Johns. .. Mi. and Mis. Hamie>', Hoskin, Elmvale, Mi. and Mis. Ivan Hos- kmn, Tenante, Mr. and Mi&s. Mel- ville Trace>', Oshawa, Miss Alice Hoskin and Mr. Melville Henry, Oshawa, at Mi. R. Hoskin's... Mis. Jas. Williamsan, Mr. Arthur Jackman and Mi. Frank Jackman with Mis. Wm. Williamson.... Mis. Susan Johns, Mr. sud Mis. Geo. Johns and Bull>' with Mr. Geo. Chapinan, Ball>dut. . . Mr. John Proutt with his sister, Mis. Jas. Malcolmi, Port Perry. Kendal Visitera: Miss Beatrice Thomp- N~sonn Toronto, with relatives.... NestetonMi. and Mis. Willsu sud baby, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. M. Centre Street United Church Robinson...- Mn. sud Mis. H. Beyd, Parsonage, Oshawa, was Uic scene Mi. and Mis. Carle>', Bruce and et an interesting wedding on Ma>' Barbara, Mr. Fred Thomas and 5th, b>' Rev. S. A. Kemp, when Mi. Bob Alexander, Toronto, Mary Victoria Hoskin, younger with Blake Alexander's. . . Mr. daughter of Mn. and Mis. Richard and Mis. Geo. Swarbrick, Mi. and Hoslsin, Nestlcton, became the Mis. Stan. Whale, Mr. Deug. Gre>', bride of Mi. Melville Charles Mr. N. Gi.>' and lady friend, To- Trace>', son of Mr. George Trace>' ronto, at Mr1. A. Greig's. . . Mis. and Uic late Mis. Trace>', Mid- Burge and daugîter, Cobourg, hurat. The bride was becomligly are vlsiting Mr. sud Mis. W. G. attfred in a rose crepe dress with McCallistcr. .. Miss Alma Cooper white hat and white accessorles. is visiting with relatives hene. - The>' spent their honcymoon in Mis. Stoker visited li Uic city. Toronto sud are residig in Osh- Mis. G. Clark retuîned to the cit>' awa. Satuida>'. . . Pte. Walter Wright, Mir. and Mis. Harold Wheeler Pte. Willis Wright sud Annie, held a part>' at the home of 1er visitcd thcii mother, Mis. F. parents, Mr. and Mis. Richard, Wigt. .. Mn. and Mis. Les. Reid Hoakin, on Saturda>' cvening. at Mr. Jas. Swarbrick's. . . Miss Friends and neighbors enjoyed a E. Enipringhala isisting hci sis- pleasant evening. ter, Mis. E. Underwood. Congratulations to Mi. and Mis. Pet. Martincîl gees te Kingston George Connish who clebrated this wcek ta enlist. their 50th wedding anniversar>' Thc Song Service which has at Uic home et their daughten, been hcld the last two Sunda>' Mis. Wilmcr Fitze, on Tucada>' evenings has been quit. a succesa. evenig. Came along each Sunda>' night at Mx'. and Mrs. R. W. Marlow 8 o'clock and sing "The Old attended the lSth wedding anni- Sangs."1 Monclay and Tuesday evenings at 7 o'clock. Bands, Floats, Decorated Cars, Horses, Bicycles, Clowns, Fancy Costumes, Marching Unite. E4 23 Chicken pot pie is a Thursday breat of chicken and the second dish tbroughout the hotel depart- joint cf a fat capon. Pie crust ment of the Canadian National and vegetable contents ioflow Railways Systeni, a custom faith- conventional f ani.ly practice but fully observed with ail the force there is a piquant addition te the of tradition. From the Atlantic te sauce which remainu a chef's the Pacific, from Pictou te Jas- 'secret not ta be disclosed by the per, the individual pie appears on proverbial wild horses or threat Thursday menus. The, chefs use of rack. Bright Sayings of Childien for a whUle, then gone forever like a plece of Fruit Bread from the Carter Family Bake Shop." SPECUAL THIS WEICK FRUIBREAD .- .- .- .n .- af 12e BUY WAE BAVINGS BTÂMPS WIth the money YOU lave b>' buybîg bread at the Carter Family Bake Shop you will bc able te bu>' more War SavingaS tampae. Brown or White BREAD, cash and carry -2- fér'Sc THE -CARTER FAMILY Phono 855 Bakers for Two Generations Dowmauville Oshawa Rotary Club Invi*tes Young and Old To Corne to Their A. & P Fruits &1 Vegetables Am<.-h jo nai rw~VgtbeA~ Grn LEMONS Doz. 21c CARROTS rwaae%.=O 2 for 13c BAANS 3 6. 20c POMMTES ",e.6 nbs. 1 7c GRAPEFRUIT Laisise 80'3 E.5 CELERY HEARTS Teflp 2 chs. 1 7 -4 3"-l B. 1-53 DLACK TEA 27c DLACK TEABUende Indiau 2e le 6 3c coin SYRUP o Y Me a22 4T49 GLD CHEESE lb.' 24ce miLD lb. 19C Lý - - lý TIIURSDAY, MAY 29,1941 PAGE PIVIC Plekard-Martin 1 1 1 Imm 1

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