Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1941, p. 4

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----------------~-*:~f - --'-y-' TETJRSflAY, MAY 3,'1IU IIN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST 1 ~ ~ Prfom 1%e StatesmasiFile PWK TEARS AGO Prom Thse Canadal Statesmali, lune 3, 1891 The lie of Sir John A. Mac- donald, premier of Canada, is 'ast ebbing away. Tliree doctors are1 i attendance but they hold little1 hope for his recovery. The inissionairy convention heid li the Methodist Church was a grand succesa. Miss L. Tourge, Orona district organizer, occupied the chair. Miss M.. Thiom, New- castie, was appointed secretary. The famne of G. C. Haines' car- riages cxtends beyond the seas for last wcek lie sold a phaeton ship- mnent ta England. The church parade of Weling- ton Lodge was to Trinity Church where Rev. M. Pratt preached an eloquent sermon to about 150 Sons of England. While R. M. Goodman of the Vindicator, Oshawa, was showing a revolver to Miles Kinsman, it accidentally discharged, the bal entcring the body of lis son Harry who was standing near, from -which death resulted Friday. Bowmanviile teachers are de- lighted witli the picture of Dur- hamn Teachers' Ass'n. by Mi. Henry. This fine group of con- centrated intelligence is on vlew lI lis studio window. Capt. W. Milligan of Clarke has agin brougit credit to himnself by capturing tac Ontario Rifle Ass'n. niedal. lits record of 95 points out of 105 made at Port Hope is re- niarisable. Tlýe Statesmnan has been named the mot widely circulated and inost influential paper in tais dis- trict, by a New York advertising" aecy. A ubrof friends of Mr. and Mms. J. T. Hooper assemnbled to celebrate witli taem the tenth an- niversary of their wedding day. On belia1f of the comniunity an address was read by Mr. J. J. rMason and a number of useful glfts presented. Sauina: Pavored with fine wea- ther Eldad anniversary was a genuine succesa. Rev. Jas. Liddy, Courtice, prcaclicd. On Monday Mr. J. Higgiiibotham was chair- mns and introduced a good pro- gamn One recitation was by Nora Werry. Admirabe short speeches were inade by Rev. Jesse Wiitlock of Columbus and Rev. R. McCul- lougli, Hamipton, and P. C. Trebil- cock Bowmaiiville.taMiss Minnie Hampton: Jabez Eiliott, Everett YOUR MOTOR Bus Service I ~ wot .151 4-0 will. puulike a Kitten ! Rave It Overhauleul at GAITON'S Tour motor wigl hum quietly, smocthly ansd e!- ficiently aiter yau've had It overiauled heme. Oui expert meehanies use al tise latest equipment anud )cmi do a perfect Job, even on tise complete rebuil- ing of a motor. Prces are always low. Ask us for a free estmae.. GREASE JOBS WHILE YOU WAIT Towing, Brown and Miss B. McCulloch wiil write at the July examina- tions in Bownianviile. . . J. T. Williamns is around again aftcr his illness. .. T. G. Stonehouse is stil confined to his house. .. Wesley Joli arrived at Brandon, Man., and got work at once. Tyrofie: C. L. Bingham, went to West Toronto Junction, Friday, having secured a situation.. . T. Gardiner and Sons have been erecting an addition to Jas. Hodg- son's barns. . . Come out to the geography match to-morrow even- ing and get a sharpening Up on the geography of Canada. Nestieton: Mr. Stewart and Miss Mary Calcolm are gone to Ches- ley to attend the funeral of their mother. . . Mrs. John Veale has returncd from Toronto after visit- ing her son who had an attack of typhoid fever. TWENTY-PIVE YEARS AGO Prom Thse Canadian Statesman, june 1, 1916 Prom Dan Douglas in hospital in Scotland: "Life in the Ward ia as eventfui as ever - they'il not let one alone very long. I'm get- ting on fine with crutches and beginnmng to explore the grounds which are weil kept. We are placed about two miles out of the city on a hll, and the breeze one gets up here is 11e in itself for purity." Bowmanviile district Methodists met in Newcastle. Pastor Connel and the people of Newcastle lef t nothing undone for the comfort of delegates. The meeting was unique and in keeping with the spirit of the times in that chair- mnan in khaki presided, Rev. John Garbutt, who has been appointed dhaplain of the 1l6th Bn. Bow- manville reported having con- pleted a commodjous parsonage iat a cost of $7,000. Sunday was our first real Spring-like Sabbath this year. Mr. and Mis. J. D. Storie, Qali awa, and Miss Ethel Power, Bow- Smanville, have returned from At- lantic City and New York. Rev. W. G. Clarke ieft Wednes- day morning for conference, mak- ing lis first appearance in khaki Las chaplain of the 235th Battalion. Town Council by a vote of 4 ta 2 gave $350 to a field kitchen for the 136th Batt. Beware of bogus $10 bills. After 38 years of faithful ser- vice on the G.T.R., John T. Nunn, Coiborne, retires on pension. Enniskiilen: Mis. W. H. Argue has received the sympathy of the community on the death of her , father, Robert Benson. He was born in Cavan in 1836. .. Anni- versary services were well attend- cd with Rev. W. G. Clarke of Bowmanviile the ninister. Miss Gertrude Stevens sang a solo. D rlington ,Council: Reeve Jas. -Stafdey' préid&. Four' tenders were received for cement bridge, the tender of J. Clatworthy being accepted at $803.26 for Tyrone bridge, and $575 for the Cowling bridge... A donation of $350 was made toward purchase of a f ield kitchen for the lSfth Battalion. Hampton: Miss Mildrcd Souci is stiil in a criticâl condition... New Porches BRudwood Floorisg &Gui LLUMBER GO. LIMITEO N A T. TEE 5 ANr<A.N uAI3ANftqa.o±vLILA4, E.J yV -.l4' dlpsdto say "music at night sweetest."1 Let us conclude th article witli a verse fmom tI awect sang fram anc cf aur mcý cmn hynin writera, Mary A. Lai] bury (1841-1913): Day la dyig itac wcst, Heaven is toudhing earth wit reçt; Wait and worship while tic nigt 10Sets lier evening lampa aliglit Wr Thraugli ail tac skY. Golden Jublh 1 1 , 1 Apply to neareat District Recrultlng Office or any local Armoury DEPARTMENT 0F' NATIONAL DEFENCE- CANADA j,-. Harold Williamns as been under tac doctor's came. .. Epworth Lea- gue was in charge ptF rank dry- dermian, Miss Minnie Horn gave a solo. Bowmanville Womcn's Institute heard satisfactory reporta of the year's work. Total members 59. Thc newly elected preaident la Mrs. C. Osborne. Brooklin: A nepresentative of thc Great Pamily Journal was at tac Brookih Spming hiorse show at whicl W. E. Jeweil and John Baker were judgcs. Hugli Green- lees and Thos. Baker were alse in attendance. R. S. McLaugllin's famous pony Jasper carricd off finst prize. Newtonville (Intended for last wcck) w. M. S. of tic United Churcb met May 14t1, with Miss I. Laing, president, in tiechcair. It wns de- cidcd ta pack the bale as early as possible i June. Treasurer re- portcd $30 taken in at the spe- ci W.M.S. service Sunday. OnE of aur valued members and li iusband, Mi. and Mis. R. J. RoWc were pncaented with two pictureE from the W.M.S. They recent1i celebrated tîcin 60t1 wedding an- niversary. Mis. Willis Jones gavi an interesting talki from the stud3 book. Mns. McLacilan closed witl, 1prayer. Mis. Sam Joncs is in Pool lcnlth. Mi. Willis Jones undcrwent E auccesaful tonsil operatioli Satur. day. > Congratulations ta Mi. and Mis Jas. Stark upon the arrivai ofi fine baby daugîter Tuesday. r Mis. Whittakcr, Mi. nnd Mis Arthur Redknap and Alfred at tendcd the weddusg o! Mi. anc Mis. Lloyd Bradley iOsaa tMay 14ta. There was a meeting Monda2 nf lt aarage for contribution ta the Donnybnook Fair in Orona Visitora: Mi. and Mia. W. Me ICay and !amrily at Mi. Robt. Gar don'a, Elizabethviile. .. Misa Aud rey Cooper and Mi. Vance Coop ci, Orono, at Mi. W. McKay's. eMi. and Mis. Marris with lie parents at Mt. Forest. .. Mi. anc Mis. Bert Caldwell, Mi. and Mis Harold Caldwdl, Miss Helen Cald well, Mi. Ernest HaIse, Misa Bctt', Hogg and Mi. Roland Caldwell Toronto, at Mr. Gearge J. Staple tona.. . Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Col wita cousins in Oshawa. 1. Courtice (Intcnded for last week> Rcv. W. C. Smith conducte Sunday 1cvening service ithi adhoolliause an May leta. Owin ta thc yearly anniveraies thi ýstait now Mi. Smithi atatcd tai ýnext Sunday may sec tac lnst ( r the local services for same time ta Sympatay la eidtended ta IM i-Harold Scorgie and faniily aon tii ldeata ai bis father at North Osl )f awa. 3s A number, of relatives and fr ends united in givig a miscdfla cous ahower ta Mi. and Mis. Sic rs ney -Sitraball ait the home of M e, and Mis. Luthen Bannabail whE Lg many useful and onnamental art te cleï werc pncsented. cg Miss Jean Antil, local tnp damý ,S er, cntcrtained at the Bowlir Ld Toumnament and at the Mason Temple, Oshiawa. ,h Local improvements include: new house erected on Milton Gay faim north ai Ed. Pidduck's staz 'by Mi. Hutton; the beginningi new bouses by: George Vctzal, former reaident ai Caurtice nei Mr. MacGregor's home; by M and Mis. Mark Maronia (ni Pearl Konapachi), near tac la tcn's parents' lame; a new hou: 1nartially erected by Mr. and M Enîl Gatdheil just inside t] township of East Whitby an Cli Smith's fmmm. Sunday Visitons include: IV and Mis. Gardon Barrabail, Pt erboro, with their respective pa ent... Mis. Robert Adamis, M Margaret, Mi. Cecil Adamis ai Mn. John Walter with Mr. ai Mrs. Norman Walter, Par Sound. . . Mi. and Mia. N. CI mens, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. 1 Kinsman. Oshawa, at Mi. ai Mia. G. Trcvail's. . . Mis. S. PatE nosten with Mns. Wm. Hobi Oshawa.. .Mr. Norman BotliwE Peterboro, Gnr. Robent BotliwE Petawawa. Mr. and Mia. 1 Wade and Erma. Mn. and M Charles Wade with Mn. and M George Reynolds... Mi. and M Wmn. Hughes and Biily with M T. Wclsh. GARTON'S GARAGE CHECK YOUR HOME AND REPAIR NOW! SINGERS AND THEIR SONG$ Writtdu*ptil frThe Staesmn y wflknown Durhsam boy, Pred R. Poey, 123 Lake St., St. Cathaahses, Ont. MORNING AND EVNÉNO L HRYMS' Still, stil withi Thee, whcn purple momnig breaketa, î,hen the bird waketh, ansd the shadows fiee; Paier than momnlng, lovelier than daylight,'e Dawns the sweet consclagsness, I am with Thee. iAlone wita Tlee, amld tae mystic shadows, The solemn hush of nature 9 newly bomn; -Aloine with Tliee i breùthiess * adoration, elIn the cain dew and freihness r aoftac momfi. . .' Still, stiil with Theel Asto each s ncwbomn mornlng . ï A freali and solemn n p1fidour stiil is given, DSo does this blessed conscioýsness F awaking, Breathe each day nearflea unto Thee and heaven. rSo shail it be at last, ini that right momning, Wlicn tac soul waketh, sýid life's shadows fiee; ,, O in that hour, fairer than day- L ligît dawning, a Shail risc the glorlous taaught -I am witli Thee. ffncn. L ~H. B. Stowc, 1812;.1896. d Since the dawn of Creation "when thc morning stars sang ta- gether and ail the sons e God y shouted for joy," momning and ,s cvening have been sWecal seasons for offering prayer and proise ta - thc Creator. -This beautiful momnig hymn -for aur attention-this wcck la used -for solo and anthemn as weil as for congregational singing. It was rwrittcn by anc not dhronicled as da hymn writer altbiough her alight 3contribution ilaoa' high quality. The mention of lier namne, IEWriet Beecher Stowe, imniediately calls ta Wilnd her famous book "Uncle -Tom's Cabmn, which has been ýe read by millions, played before millionson the stage and screen. Shc was tac daughtcr ofa1 am- oua father, Rev. Lyman Beécler, and one cof a big faksily of giftec brothers and asiters, incitding Yl i 1%Wrd Beeccler, - family naines that wiil live long i the memnory cf the people of Amcerica ,d for tac contributiopis they made .e ta their day and genemationg fol- ig lowiiig. at This hymis-prayer was tue re- at sponse of the soul of Hèrriet of Beecher Stowe, voicing tac !deep experiences in lier hcart. Tfint is r.why i stii touches the tender iechords in aur hearta to-day,, à- To think o! morning son.4s is always ta think of tahé good > Bishop Ken (1637-1711). As 4 lad i an Engliali achool hbig'oice d- helped tg swefl tacdevout Sa Ir of tac morning' hymns and, ai- en ter ic, lie uscd ta chant, his 0Wn L-morning and evening sosiga to tae music o! has lute. Wliethcr the c- mornlng be briglit or duil him g hynin is always refreshing: LeAwake, my soul, and with the A sun .'s Tliy daily stage of duty run; re Shake off dufl. sloth,an of of ise, aTo pay thy momnlng sacrifice. ar Pcrhaps one cf tac hynins tha Ir. made a lasting Impression upor ee Ken is tac beautiful verses fraiE jt- tacelieart cf G. Gascoigne (1525. se 1577). liS simple morning hymr .~ las kept lis emor rgatf he four liundred yea7 rs at o a. Ye that have spent tac sileni niglit r. In sleep and quiet rest, t- And jay ta see taecdheerful light kr- That risetali the e ast; is Now lit your hearta, yaur voices id raise, id Yaur marning tribute bring, ry And pay a grateful song cf praise le- To heavcn's almlighty King. W-. Another fanuliar and favorili nd mamning hynin was writtcn b1 r- tac giitcd acliolar and paet, Jolu bs' Keble: l New every morning is tac love. Ed. Our wakening*and upmising prove rs. Through sleep and darkness Irs: safely brouglit, [r Restored ta 111e, and power, and r. thouglit. Ir. Thinking cf evening sangs t6 firat that would came ta mini 0f B.ddlng Firm P. P. Morris CJo. Hum Speolal Dlsplay Of Modern Comfort Deddlng Wleicta histamy cf living i the firat part cf tac 20ta century iS wrlttcn, a goadly dhLpter surcly will be devoted ta dual purpose fumniture-the coucli by Éay that becomes a bcd by niglit, cern- mented Ted Morris of -tac F. F. Morris Co.i a recent interview. The add-Ih-room ole such fur- niture lias played has contributcd in considerable measure taward pèrmitting ardhitccts ta scale donlvn uartera in size and adjuat renta so hat more familles tday cntaifordta ivm( ete reidential areas. nd thc vogue las facilitated enormously tac task cf tac isterlar deconator i laying out amail-size homes. Foremoat in devcioping tac dual purpose coucli or dhesterfield lias been the iirm of Simmans Ltd. For fiity years, tac Canadian hanses merged into today's or- ganization have been pioneering in tlcvclopments of 'greater com- fart, baut and utility o! beda and bdngFor Simmons Ltd., this la Golden Jubilée year, and tîcre la to be clébration througli- out Canada and tltoughaut coun- tries tac world over ta which the Canadian firm. exporta its pro- ducta. In Bowmaniviile F. F. Mor- ris Ca. is markig tac occasion wita a special display and offer- ing of Simmons gald tag biedroom. and living roam fumniture. Dual purpose furniture lias reaclied its pcak in sleeping com- fort unden processes devised by Sions Ltd. It provides ail tac reat-enjcyment ta be obtained ifrom tac standard bcd; perfect spring base, fine mattress'cf sel- ectcd, pure materials, piilows of 1higleat quality fiiled witli steril- iizcd icatacrs, durable but attrac- tive tickings. It was in 1891 that two young Canadians, Macntasi and Wil- liams, set foot on thc long rond ta beds and bedding dcsigned for 3 sound sleep, real repose. Firt, 3 thcy made only feather piilowa; tas tlxne went on and their business cxpandcd, and tliey became asso- tciated with otler companles, thcy sproduced fibre mattresses, box Bsprings-, brasa bed, cast iran beda, cota and couches. In their strug- gle toward their goal, they duic- cessively reJected the umlovely cast iran and brasa bed, and ul- timately the flrm set the modern standard with the wood-finlsh metal -bed. liard, excelsior-tuff- ed mattressea made way for sprmng-flled mattresses that were buit of the finest materials. Wo- yen wire sprlngs that sagged were repiaced by combinatians that af- ford the perfect base for the bet- ter mattresses. Cleaned and ster- ilized feathers and other materials set a health standard toda de- manded everywhere. Peced dual purpose furniture became the ultimate in achievement. In achieving their improve- ments, MacIntosh and Williams of 1891 and their associates and suc- cessors were flot alone. They en- joyed the collaboration f loyal employees; ainong the 925 on the Simmons payroli last year, 301 boasted service ranging from 20 to 47 years. And among the vast network of local agents, from the start carefuily selected for their ability to merchandise quality goods, many had been seiling Simmons products for more than a generation.1 IThis- organization, with its flair for offerlng beda and bedding Iw'elcomed by the aleepers of the Iworld, today boasts the largeat bEmpire. cor nte rts b medn . atr i h rts L. Clar-ke 1UVnion 1Clake Union Home and School Club met May 1Oth, when this program was given: Vocal solo by Orville . Chatterton, accompanied by Miss Ireland at the piano; mouthorgan solo by JTack Osborne; duet by- Miss Gwen Chatterton and Master Orvile Chatterton, accompanied by Miss freland; Mrs. Dan Fraser rendered two fine readinga. Officers were re- elected: President-Wilmot Bul- lock; lat Vice President-Kenneth 1Hills; Recordlng Secretary-Mrs. Neil Rainey; Pianist-Miss Ire- land; Treasurer-Marshal Chat- terton. President thanked all the iofficers for the belli they had oiven him and hoped they would continue. Refreshments were ser- ved. This wiil be the last meeting until f ail. Fo-glaz Paint ia made with a specialy treated linsced oil which, causes it to flow evenly and smoothly I.aving no btwrb marks. Brush' marks are reaily hundreds of riny grooves in a paint film. . The grooves coilect and hold dirt wbich flot only spoils the appear- ance of your paint job but may cause early peeing and cracking. Whcn you paiet with Flo-glaz, there is no place for <in ta catch and hold on top of the smooth film, whichwashes dlean with the. natural rains. Corne in and setee Lb. oFlo-gkze Paint Colors for Sprlng. je W. JewoII, "Big 20" AiU key Salvation Armyoffi- ades and programmes. The Sal- cers in Canada have been asked vation Army lias assurcd the wiar- býr Commissioner Benjamin Ora- boan committee that throughôut mes, to co-operate fuily wlth local the couzxûry it is ready to azsist committees from coast to coast in in any possible way with any lo- the War Loan I'Tordh Day"l par- cal arrangements belng made. -~ I ~ t -i ni ,e 1 1 ---- ---- 1 !C

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