Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1941, p. 3

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j TETRSDAYMAY 29, 1941 t IBy CaptEl TIS EMPIRE s B B I j, e r s c e a fligitThrough, CLOOGINO DIRT TuRnGf let's u r Flagwke .. "fly&e of'y... andy. keep a in da ina d drn ain the e ly.I W»fot har uplaat do. td ean.. a N.ro dhiaot'.lv in hot *woto. TUe ac"m Onf t#bu lys fii! hetaMdti.«u.. THE CANADIAN STATESMP4fN, Seet. Cmore Philpoit el Tic boys and girls an ts Street wcre up brigif and carly ta-day ta go off ta tic Empire Day' cercmony. As I watcicd ticmI run off I thougit ai tic Em- pire Day ceremonies I attended as a boy un Hamilton, Ontario. ,In some respects the world was -nat JOs different then. But in others tic differences werc so great that IMalmost as if tic two genera- ae.werc living in diii erent The greatcst difierence ofa ist thc idea fiat yaungstcrs naw, have -indccd must have-about the kind ai world in whici Uicy live. Tic children af tic first. years àf thlwnit century, at least in Canada, had every reason ta loah on tiemselvcs as "tic icirs ai ail Uic futue, anýd the long rcsult of finie." Tfwas a gaod Wrarld in wiici we livcd. Tic idea ai pragrcss, ai inevitable better- ment, was in the very air. Unless fie individual was lazy, or il, or given ta drink or some otier suci wcahness, he would certainly ".succecd" in ie. Everyane nat- urally assumed thiat caci gencra- tion, as a wihe, would be beffer ,off than tic anc before. Tic British Empire was tic local point ofaiaheti polit ical idealism of Uic scioolroom. And in spite ai Uic rampant jingoism of suci sangs as "and wien thcy say wc'vc always won, and wicn thcy ask us how if's donce" - in spife even ai tic insufferable spots ai spiritual snobbcry ai suci beautiful pocms as Kipling's Recessianal, witi its Nazi-like talk ai "lesser brecds witiaut tic aw - in spîte aifail that - thc ideai ai Empire whiiciwas faugit ta Canadian yautih itic lirst decade ai tifs century was a vcry fine ane indccd. Wc werc taught that tic Bri- tish Empire was thc living cx- ample ai justice, truti, and bro- theriood. We werc given ta un- dcrstand fiat tic constant Pur- pose ai Uic British impenial gav- ernmcnt was ta estabîtis freedoni everywherc - and tiat tic wcl- lare ai tic British subjcc, iow- ever lowly, was ai unceasing con- cern ta those entrusted witi tic Teins ai Empire,- As an ideal ai wiat siould have been if was magnificent. As a' description ai whaf actually did exlst if was so woeiuily wide ai tic mark thaf Uierc wcre Inevi- table iarmiul cansequences. GULF BETWEEN GENERATIONS Ii ta a matter ai cammaixplace knowledge fiat fie attitude'ai tic wiale present generation, borna a iiyUre ater 1914, ta funda- mentaily different fram fihat 'of tic older part ai aur people. If tic youngsters do flot reaqt ta thc whole question ai war, patrioffsm, and 50 forth as an> carIier genera- flan did, let us rnot fôrget tiat they have neyer had a secmlngly unsiakable foundation for thIcr ideas as their fathir, mothOrs, aunts and uncles had.. ýTiey.havei been expccted, iirst ta funiblei Meantinie a large 'arni'y ai train- ces arei several camps fliraugi- ouf thc nation, whcre men drawn by conscriptian arc placed in several fields for speclal traininlg. One ai these training campa la af Fart Eustis, a iew miles easf ai Williamsburg, wiere over 15,000 mcen are bcing frained for active service. WIth s0 many men i uniform n on ur.istreets if looks their way taward some basis ai fact about Uic braad outlines ai the world in which they live - and then ta base their actions an that autlfie. lIn my day there was no real argument about thc broad aut- U lnes ai the warld in wich wc lived. In this generatian Uiere lias been little, if any, basta ai agreement about anyUiing. About ail that we do agree up- an now is that aur way af i 1e ta deiinitely ciallengcd as if lias 3neyer been chailenged before. Wc arc fightig, naf Ibecause we want ta figlit, but because aur very palitical existence ta tireatened. Q ur basic position is therefore defensive. And Uic wiole lessan ai history, bath in polifics, busi- Ehess, as weil as in war, ta fiat armies, institutions, and even em- pires wiici remain on the dci en- sive lose out in Uic end. Tiat, I think, is flot merely for the reason praved aver and over again in war fiat attack is the best defence. I think it alsa ap- plies ta fthc spirit ai man, and fie body ai cvery living Uiing. The Maginot line was the ruin- atian ai France, not s0 muci for its final effeet in the actual fîgit- îng. If was disastrous for what it did ta the spirit ai the men and women ai France. The greatcst ai ail its lessons, for us, is fthc reminder ai tie ioily ai trying ta escape unplcasant things by iid- ing'in any funk hale or iorfress. We in Uic Englisi speaking world made g similar mistake. For almasf twenty years affer fie lasf wgr wc bamnbarded aur yaungsters',at, home, in churci, at sciool, and, by countless books, wifh the horrors ai war, the wastfculness ai war, tic' iutllty ai war. Whaf we tao much ignor- cd was Wiat we, and they,. were supposed-ta do -about it., Wc fail- cd ta point aut 'that il wars wee ta be ended bcfwcen nations, as tiey -had long since been within nations, fiat the anly sure way ai doing fiat was by thc estab- Llishment ai law and arder in place ai the law ai tic jungle, whicli naw extats. And wiat was more clangeraus, we failed ta show these youngsters fiat as long as Uic law aif thc jungle does pre- vi1l, yau eltier have ta be ready ta deicnd yaurself, or be gobblcd up by creatures witi lless civilized ideas. than yaur own. WE MUST ATTACK We can neyer wm tic present cpoch-markig world struggle, ai wiich tis war ta but anc part, until we rid ourselves, once and for ail, ai Uic Maginot lune men- taity. Wc can neyer go back ta whcrc we were in 1939, mucli lcss ta wiere we wcre in 1913. Wc must attack on al fronits - political. and-. social as wil as Uic mere niliary fronts l in*tis war. Hitl1er proposes ta*- take, inta is new or&_r al or moât ai Africa. We cap, see"~ battle-cry ringing throug the 'wiolc ai that vat continent - Arabia for tic Arabs .- Atrica for Uic Africens. Wc can become in cvery coýner ai' Uic. globe Uic friends ai those f ighing ior.freedom, Uic encdies aif thosimamntaiing oppresson. We cen> become, in fact by thc middle, ai this twentleth. çentury what wc, werc in tieory wërp sf1;- poscd ta be wvhen if bcgap . -tic friends ai thc oppressed, thc tea- . chers ai Uic ignorant, the feeders ai Uic iuWigry, tic liberators ai tic explaited and enslavéd. Wecacn became ail these tiings, parfly because if we f ail ta do 50 we shail surely perti ourselves, in thc palifical sepae as an Em- pire and in ever, increasirng' nuni- bers -as actual living humazn be-- 'ýls;bably neyer in ailisto'ry diltt we face iquife 50 seriaus and mibnacir a world as we do an tai Empire D)ay an which I writ.e. We arc resftitng against desperate odds týia atacks of twa ai Uic woist gangters in hiâtory, who have undeir ticir contrai a large part ai ticeniaterlal and human, resaurces of Uic entire earth. At any moment we may alsa have ta witisfand the attacks ai Japan, and perhapa ai thc Soviet. Tic mosf tragic part ai tic whale business is that wc got ourselves wierc we arc ta-day by1 runnlng away irom. aur plain duty, by fallng ta live up ta aur own Promss , cn false ta those ver daswihwerc tic very bedako hqxwe iad built wiat greafness we iad achieved. Whcn tic Chinese Ambassador in London coinedis famaus cpi- gram i nSeptember, 1939, flot everyane knew what he meant. "Thc sky ta black with chickens coming home ta rooaf," was Uic way he put If. Most ai them are home already. 'Tiase from Spain and Japan are W~MANVILLE, ONTARIO REV. W. J. TODD AND ALL FAMILY ESCAPE_-BOMBS A former minister ai St. An- drcw's Prcsbyterian Churci, Bow- manville, lias writf ci Mrs. A. A. Hancyman tf ding ai Uic narrow escape lie and is family liad in a recent bombing raid. Rev. -W. J. Todd, whoio talil weil remcm- bered by many cifizens ai tis fawn, 'returncd tais native Ire- land same years aga ta continue is minlstry ticre. Since fiat tume his interest in Canada and par- ticularly tis district has been keen and he has hcpt in touci wifh hevents icre' firaugi fre- quent letters fa fricnds and by receiving tic weckly budget ai ncws in Tic Stafesman. Rcv. W. J. Todd, cla Rev. T. G. Keery, Tic Manse, Lisburn, Northerix Irehand, Apnil 25ti, 1941 Dean Mrs. Honcyman: Doubtiess you. know fiat we had a violent air atfack an Tues- day night week for about six hours over fie very district wiere we live, and thc sigifs ai sorrow and devastatian are fao numeraus and sad fa fhink upon. Tiank Gad, we had a miracu- lous escape on fiat nigif but iad fa leave ticeliause nexf forenoon withouf waifing fa remove any ai aur belangings, and witiout knawing wiere fa go on fie spur ai thc moment. However, we came ta a brother minister's hause and were recev- cd witi "open arms." Tiey put tieniselves about fa give us fwo bcds <Motier, I, Lilile and Eileen) and wc arc cosy enough for tic time being. Same bombs are stili uncxplod- cd in aur district and'tius we cannat gef back into flic iouse for a fcw mare days, but wc -sial Ivenfure in next wcck. Nearly al fie houses on aur avenue arc smashed (some com- pletcly), so dan't you fink wc iad a marvelous escape? Pîcase ftcil ah aur iriendsi Bowmanviile ai aur escape, but ask tlicm fa fhink ai Uic iundreds wia lhave been bereavcd. Yours sincerely,. W. J. Tadd. VIRGINIAN SAYS U.S. BOOSTING AID TO, BRITAIN'DAILY Dear George: .As iftla now saniefinie since yau have heard irom nm, I thouglif 1 would let'your readers' know that wc arc very muci. alive dawn here in Vrgmxia, where tie gencral feeling ta,,"a4 Qutfor Brifain."1 A "lBundles for ritain" cam- mittee was oriz_cd--licre recent- ly in canjunction witi tic panent orgarizatian in. New York City, whilchIs an incorporafed body acf- ing under a special charter and nationally endprsed.', 'Tic iirst drive ior funds here was in canjunctian wlfh a con- cert given in Phi Beta Kappa liall, af Uic Coilege ai William and Mary, ,wicn. Uic English comcdy star. Gracie' Fields had a capacity audience ai aver 1,500. Tic enfire praceeda aioftis con- cert wcrc donaf cd ta the "Bun4les for Britain," whici amounted ta nearly $1,000. Tic ncxt big drive was tiraugi tcGarden Club ai Virginia, which was a -sigitseeing trip Uhraugi Uic state ,as weil. as a speciai sponsored tour Uhraugh Willanisburg. Tic enfire pro- ceeds of.Uiis drive werc given ta fie "EBundles for Bitain" iund. I do nat hnow jusf wiat was thc net procceds for tic state, but thc aimunt turned over fram tic Willlanisburg drive was ncariy $900._ 1Tic office and raoms in tic cit y arc locatcd in Bruton Partah Episcapal ciurch, whcrc Ucere are attendants caci day busy sewing and rcpalring clothing prescnted by tlic citizens. Several large- siipmcnts have been shipped tis spring f a England, constating ai wearlng apparel, medical supplies, bandages, clti and variaus art- icles for fhe poar, wlio have been made hameless by Hitler's mar- audera and assassins. PAGE much like -World war l, twcnty- four years ago. In order ta provide recreation for the saldier boys, the clvlc or- ganizatians here, have securcd several roarni on the ground floar of a large block which is furnish- ed and made aVailable by papular subscrlption. Sa far the sum af '2,OOO0 has bcen pravided, a hast- esa has been placed in charge and cverything for ftic cntertalnmeuit of thc boys is bemng donc. Another large ncw autdoar theatre is now being constructed which will accommodate a large number during thc sunimer and fail. We have li-ad a rather late spring as wefl as a dry one, as a resuit thc grain is ail headcd out and ripcning. H-ay crap wiil be short for lack ai rain and straw- bernies wull soon be over. The fruit crop promises ta be up ta the average as ail fruit trees were laden with blossoms early in Mardi. Junc apples will be on tic market in another ten days, ta be followcd by smail fruits then grapes and figs. There is considerable building activity an thc Peninsula as a re- suit af war orders in defence plants. The siipyard at Newport News near here, employing ovcr 20,000 has just campleted 2,000 new homes for the extra cmploy- ces and ather industries. lMany new dcvelopments have sprung up and alrcady many hundrcds ai new houses can be~ seen.ail over thc country within a short radius ai Williamsburg. Tis has given emplayment ta Uiousands af men, while the scale ai wages have risen to a war-time hîgi. Thc administration is watching cvcry move ai Uic enemy and ia conjunction with Canada, wfIl use every effort i the production ai arniament ta help defeat Uic Axis powers. If England can anly hald on long enough, until Uic vast i- dustrial machine ai Uncle Sam cari get its stride in full swing, tien we can look for thc defcat ai Uic Axis powers wlitout ques- tion. I read from tme ta time ai Uic active work being donc in West Durham as you relate it caci Week in Thc Statesman and I just want ta let you know, that wc down here, stand witi yau and wMf continue ta do so, until vic-. tory over the Axis focs is assured antd the world made sale once again for democracy. -Tourists are stili flocklrng ta thhs place by Uic Uiousand.s as hardly a day passes but you sec hundreds ai foreign cars, -that is cars from other states, an Uic streets and in Uic parking areas. It hs estimatcd that i the past two months over 40,000 have vis- ited here and Uiey strn kcep cam- Iig. The Restoration is stil daing a lot af building and wiil spend over $3,000,000 tis ycar, whilc thé. Parks Service ta also spcnd- Miig $450,000 on Uic tunnel and !barkway, towards Jamestown iland. J. A. Osborne. Williamsburg, May 20, 1941. People have more interest ini you than you think. Just wait un- til samething happens that you don't want known. The motar industry ofiers us an opportunity ta make sacrifices in the interest oi national defense. We shahl be asked ta get alang for a while with those iunny aid 1942 models. Oshawa Rtary Fuir J..p. 2nd and 3rd Thirty-Uiree scparate bootis and many ncw features wrnl be enjoyed at the Rotary Pair i Oshawa June 2nd and 3rd. It is bcing held at Rotary Park on Centre Street. There wiil be an old-fasined country store that ta certain ta attract widc patronage. Fortune tdflers wiil be tiere, and for thase who want ta iang Hitler thcrc'll be an apportunity in anc ai the booths. Public intcrcst is centred on the new Oldsmobile sedan which is going ta be ofiercd ta somc for- tunate ticket hoider for anc dollar cash. Tis ycar's fair wilfMature a receptian commîttee ai which Hon. G. D. Canant is ciairman and wîll include the 1941 presi- dent Maurice Hart and ail tic club's lionorary members. Tiese gentlemen are being drilled in ex- tending the welcoming iand in a way that will make strangers irom far-ofi Bowmanvile and Durham Caunty feel at home and ready for fun bath evenings with ail inhibitions cast ta tic winds- even tiose bred in Scotland. "Bigger and Better" is the slo- gan for this year's fair and al tic net proceeds will be spent un behalf of crippled children in Oshawa and district. For the young folks and those who feel that way there wiii be dancing ai all the approved types giving an opportunity for ail plain and fancy jitterbugs ta came into their awn. That's only part of tic story. Came and sec <the parades for yaurself, and have some real fun. EANADA MUSI BDRRDW $ 6OOOOOOOO0 A Statement by thme Minister of Finance In money atone, this war is costing Canada i round figures, $4,000,000 a day. That ia tbree and one-quarter times the daily cost of the Last vear of the luat war. This conflict couts se much more becauso h les a battie cf glatit, ewift mahies... as weil as of mon. And to build other titan the very best machines would be futile. They * muet be worthy cf our men. Canada dare not ... and will flot ... sacrifice mnen for lack i quality or quantity cf flghting machines. Hence we muet produce them on a scale * hitherto undreamed cf. To do this, Canada needs now tO borrow fr om her citizens at least $600,000,000 in addition to the revenue raieed by taxes. To obtain this money Canada will on June 2nd offer Victory Bonds. Fortunately, Canadians have the money to buy these Victory Bonds. This le shown by a gréadly expanded SCHOLARS UM ARS (Oshawa Daily Times) Thc Midland Regiment, present military incarnation ai Uic North- umberland Regirnent and thc Durham Regiment, has inheritcd maony honors and gailant tradi- tin.Now, in their own rigit, Uic Midlands are faund ta have a new and pcrhaps unique distinc- tion in that its four campany com- manders, as weil as a number ai junior officers, are ail former school teachers. One af tiem ta Major F. E. Lycett, farmcrly a principal ai the Oshawa public school systcm. Commanded by Lieut. Col. J. C. Gamey, M.M., E.D., Uic Mid- land Regiment's home headquar- ters is at Cobourg, caunty town ai N'orthumberland and Durham Un- ited Caunties, and not at Midland, Ontaria, as sanie mightien from Uic name which refers ta a district ai Ontario and not ta a municipal- ity. In addition ta its scholarly field officers, the Mldland Regiment has two ardaincd ministers as combatant subalterns. One, Lieut. J. W. MacIntosi, has been a Bap- tist mnintter for 15 years. The otier, Lieut. A. M. Wootton, is a son ai thc Rev. F. M. Waotton, a mintater ai Uic United Churci at Picton. Lieut. Wootton has been mini,ter ai Uic United Church for ten years. He had previously studicd law at Osgoade Hall and was admitted ta thc Ontario bar in 1926. Last but not least, the Midlands have Lieut. H.R.S. Ryan. as as- sistant adjutant. It is claied that for some time he was Can- ada's youngest mayar. He was ciccted ta Uiat office in Port Hope in 1939 he was stiil in hta twenties. national income and by record savings deposite. If every person who ham savings or who can make payments eut'cf wages or icome wlU invest in Victory Bonde, the Loa will bc quickly, subscribed. But the wholehearted support of every citizen le necessry. Wbat Canadians have done before, Canadiane can and wiil do again. Our population was lesu than nine millions in 1918 and 1919. Yet i November, 1918, eut people invested $616,OOO,OOO i Victory Bonds. Eleven monthe later, i October, 1919, they invested, $572,000,000. The total subscnibed for Victory Bonds un those two bans wau $1,188,000,000. This year, wth aur population increaeed to more titan twelve millions, the nation that did it before can do it again--and in greater meaure. The ferma of the Loan will ha an. nounced May 3lst. Get ready te buy every Bond that you can. COLDSTORAGE Have your fur coat etre ina oeritfied Cold Storage Vaulte. Solentlfically reigerated te give oold dry ahr for lte protection of your garments againht any damage by moths and otiter lusots, as weII ausuum- mer heat. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cloaning Phone 419 Cmay ieW. Ca» and DeUiver Happiness is seventy-iive per cent self respect. The Duke of Wellington said after the Battie af Waterloo: "The British were no braver than the French but they were brave five minutes longer." %ýi unam or MNANCE r "FMM

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