Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1941, p. 10

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TEE CANADIA ISMAN, BOWMÀNVILL~E, ONTAR~O THURSDAY, MAX 89, i#41 Natural Color Pictures Of Duurham, C.umty 13Y Dr. Wllllamu Whle Uic world stands aghast aI Hitlem's destructive carnage, Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, comes la Newcastle Community Hall, Friday, May 30th, et 8.30 D.S.T., wlitha pradrani Ui the iest ai natuire> color photogmephy and addilaIoa how civilizetion, fire and' e axe ai succeeding genera- tians ai peaceful scttlems have robbed this country ai much af hem incomparable possessions - Uic nIMe -bush. The Doctor's lu. tinacy"With Durham County en- ables him ta locale the variaus points he wants ta illustrate in how we have misused aur great hemitage. His progran ai North- cmn Ontario's new iemtility lu Newcastle lest fal 18 lu striking contmast ta the depletion lu old Ontario right now. This pmogam is not only beautiful in pictures, but is somethteg worth whilc - Uic f inest educational feetume yet poduccd on what has gone wrang with agriculture, sponsamed by Newcastle Horticultumel Society in aid ai the British War Victims' Fund. Admission 25c and 10c. COMING EVENTS Remember the Canadien Legion Carnival, Friday, June 27th. $100 lu.- cash prizes. Help ex-service men la serve Canada. 22-i The apening Barn Dance et Burketon will b. held Fiday, May 30th, sterling et 8.30 p.m. D.S.T. Evcrybady welcome. Corne and bing yaur friends. 22-1* Lieut. A. L. Baker wiil b. guest speaker sud magistrale when Uic Lions Bicycle 5sf ety Club e- sunes regular meetings for 1941, on Seurday mamnlug et the Town Hall. Subject ai eddress: "Why Canadiens should soon enter the war." 22-lf Reserve Friday, June 13th, 1941, for a Piano and Violen Recitel by Uic pupils ai Vere McGill Fergu- son, A.T.C.M., and Edouard Bart- lett ta be heldite copera Hanse, Bowmsuville, at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.). Proceeds for Uic British War Vic- tims' Fund. Admission: Aduits 25c, childrcn 15c. 22-3 Dance, et Newcastle Commun- ity Hall, Satumdey, May 3ist. Local 189, U.R.W.A., Bowmae- ville, agein sponsor a dance ta raise iunds for patriatic purposes. Rocky Ramblers Orchestra wili provide clessy music iran 8 p.mý till 11.45 p.m. Round sud squame dancing. Members 25c, non-men- bers 50c, and a grand time 18 as- surcd. Local 189 Ihanks Uic pea- pie for Uie splendid turnout on May 10th. Came agein and have a reel good lime. 21-2 r Miction Sale Auction Sale at Uie home af Uic late Thos. McMulen, Scugog St., 4th house north of C.P.R. station, on Saturday, June 7th. The under- signed will seil by public auctian th. hausehold iurniture including Airway vacuum cleaner, chester- field suite, dining roam and bed- room furniture, rugs, Beatty elec- tric washer, 3 clectric radios, and many other articles. Sale at 2 p.m. D.ST. Hanse and lot, including three garages, will also be offered subject ta reserve bid. Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneer. 22-2 IAuction SaleI E. A. WERRY Lot 17, Con. 9, Darlingln Wll seli by public auctlon Thursday, Jun. Stil 78 Head of STOCKàER S OGood beef brceds, weigblng' ftoni 400 te 700 Iba., la- rcludlng PoUl-Augus, Here- foRs and Durbama, asteers andR boiers. Cattle have been ted and putured on my farina fou Mw aond uare lu ex- roletondtion. Tour op- * otuty te fM up your baok 50ranch. Sale ali1p.M. Sharp Standard Time DMUVEIRY ERSCASH ~ TI)JACKSON, I ~, Almetionee. it Enfield Visitors: Mm. Bob Stinsoft, To- onta, at Mrs. H. Stinsan's.... Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brant- lard, at Mm. Wailace Pascac's.. sur ad Mms. Godfrey Bowman and Mary Helen at Mr, Ellis Pas- coe's, Broaklin. . . Mm. Fmank Mc- Muilen at Mr. C. Beil's, Camipbell- crot. .. M. and Mms. W. Bow- man at Orono. .. Miss Elsie Semis, Pet%çboiro, and Miss Corsina Sam- is, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Semis'. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Mr. Wallace Pascoe attended Uic funemal ai John Beetan at Green- bank. Zion Visitars: Miss Berenice Stainton, LPeterbomo, et home. .. Mr. Lloyd Stainton aI Mm. H. Stainton's, To- mont... Mr. and Mms. Levi Bur- gess, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mms. Moley Flintoif and daughters, Maple Grave, Mm. and Mms. Del- bemt Flintoff, Kedman, et Mr. Wes. Cameron's... Pte. M. Nemis, New- market, et Mm. Rabt. Killen's... Miss Evelyn Wood, Bowmanville, at Mm. A. T. Slaintan's. . . Mr. and Mms. J. E. Smith, Victor and Helen McKittrick, Orangeville, R e v. Murray A. McKittrick, Hamilton, Mr. and Mms. Wm. McKittrick, Mr. and Mms. Hubert McKittrick and sons, Thonbury, Mm. Jas. McMastem, Toronto, at Mm. J. W. McMaster's. . . Mr. and Mms. A. T. Stainton et Mr. A. L. Pascoe's, Solina. . . Mx and Mms. Russel Stainton and family, Mms. Jas. Stainton et Mr. Ed. Millson's, So- lina. .. Mm. John Stainton, Misses Berenice and Eileen Stainton et Mm. Ross Lee's, Kedon... Misses Marguerite Trevail and Doris Leach et Mr. John Kiveil's, Sa- lina. . . Mr. sud Mrs. F. B. Glas- peil and Norma et Mr. Ray Scott's, Oshawa. Misses Eileen and Beenice Stainton and Audrey Ayre attend- ed the wedding ai Miss Gladys Truil, Hampton, on Saturday. Little Henry Haas had his fin- gem badly smashed in the manure spreadem on Manday. Mms. Norman Leach received word on Saturday ai lh. death ai hem mather, Mms. John Vice, et Saskatoon, Sask. 1 Salem Y. P. U. meeting May 2ist open- ed with prayer by Rev. Gardner. Mmr. F. Blackburn had charge ai the progrm. Mm. W. Taylor acl- cd as secretary. Mm. Blackburn deait with the topic 'n a thomough manner. Public schooi scholars eedered musical numbers given at the musical festival et Omano; eedlugs, Mms. E. Doidge sud Mm. Taylor; mouthargan solo, Mm. B. Darch. A cantest was conducted. Visitors: Mr. and Mms. W. Moi- fetl sud iamily, Orono, et the Squair home. . . Mms. Hutcheson, Toronto, witb her niece, Mms. F. Honey. .. Mr. Lindsay, Oshawa, with Mr. Hertzburg. They wcre chuins lu the lest Wold W.r.... Mms. sud Miss Moody and Mms. F. Hurst, Toronto, with Mm. and Mm.. H. Gaud., Mm.. Geud cnjoy- ed e notor trip ta Port Hope with them, sud Mr. and Mms. H. Moody and family, Toronto, spent the holiday et the Gaud home. .. Mm. and Mms. F. Blackburn and Grae et Mm. M. Blackburn's, Heydon. Mmes. C. Calacutt is quit. ill. Mm. C. Poilard 18 able la b. out egain. Mms. G. Burrus held another social evening et the school an Monday when $ 12.30 was elized for Uic war vidtima fund. Numer- aus articles ai danaled clothing for boys and girls and infants were an exhibition. Lunch was served and iurizes awarded. East gmoup ai Hampton W. I. weme entertained et Mms. Stain- ton's on Tuesdey while et Iheir weekly sewing bec. Mms. W. Cenn sud Mms. P. Cann cnterteined Salem ladies et Iheir sewing bec for war victims on Thursday. - Blackstock An A. Y. P. A. Ascension Day Rally Service wes held in SI. John's Anglican Chu.mch on Haly Thursday, May 22, when epre- sentatives werc present iran ail A.Y.P.A. branches lu Durham and Nothumberland. Parts wcre tak- en by Rev. E. P. Wood, Dean Ammitege, Cobourg, Canon C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville, Rev. Cri. sali, Port Hope, ]Rev. Johnston, Permytowe. Ater service ail ad- joumncd ta 1h. coamnninty hall where lunch was serv.d and e social time spent. Vote of thanks la Blackstock Branch was made by Ann Baldork, Part Hope, Pre- ident ai Local Cbuncil, and r.- sponded ta by Laverne Devitt, Tyran. Young P.aple'a Union presentcd their play ,Cloud Lips" lu the communlly hall on May 24Ui, for Uic United StmdayJ School. A large cmawd attended Rev. D. M. Stinson,.bÇis Evi. Brown, Miss Sui. 'VanCamd u Mm. Roy ilgiartner'attèndoa ually eaI]Lindsay anSmudy Sympathy la extondéd- l;ô Mr. VCTION SALÉE ehold Goods and Effects an sd Brown Streeta - on Fi lot Day of May, 1941 aud effecta containeR on Uic heu, diang mont, living rocin and equipint. i 1p.m., D.S.T. W. J. CHALLI8, Auclioneer. Richard Hooper on Uic dcath ai his brather on Saturday. Visitors: Mr. Hiram Cain, Miss el~ary Cain, Mr. Sid Dunscombe, Mrs. Norton, Toronto, with Mrs. John Farder... Mr. and Mfrs. Gar- net and family at Pontypool. Pte. Stan. Rahn, Petérbomo, wlth his parents... Mr. and Mrs. Os- m~ond Wright, Miss EdiUi and Mrs. John Wright at Mr. and Mms. Galdwyn Faint's, Qucensville... Miss Joan Marlow, Toronto, With Mms. Jas. Marlow . . . Sergî. M. Fallis was home .. . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shoo'c and baby, Tomonto, with Mms. John Marlaw. . . Mr. and Mms. Russell Wilan, Mr. and Mrs. Bab Willan and baby, Miss Leah Willan and Mm. Bill Palmer, Tomonto, wlth Mms. Wm. Steele.. Mr. Jack Waldon, Toronto, at Smith Bras. .. Miss Mebel Van- Camp, U. ai T., at home. The Statesman is now on sale each wcek at Gilbert's Store, 5c a copy. Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mms. Fred Ashtoi sud iamily, Mm.' sud Mms. Bert Ashton, Miss Viola Bradley, Tomonto, et Mm. E. Bmdey's... Mr. sud Mms. Henry Ashton sud family, Mms. Reuben Ashton, Port Hope, et Mm. Leslie Greham's.. Mms. Kenncth Wood, Teddy sud Patricia, Bownenviile, Mm. sud Mms. Luther Goodman, Mms. R. Woodley, Miss Coma Woodlcy, Ty- one, et Mm. C. Slemon's. .. Mm.- Keith Wilson, Mr. sud Mms. D. Fontaine, Miss Irene Sharp, Miss Ursul McNeil, Toronto, et Mm. A. McNeil's... Mm. sud Mms. Relph Venstone and son, Whitby, et Mm. R. McNeils... Mm. sud Mms. Ross Richards and Maurice et Mr. Har- my Lemmem's, South Monaghsu.. Mr. and Mms. Walter Bridgctt sud family, Mm. W. Thampson et Mrs. James Ashtan's, Columbus. .. Mm. and Mm.. Farewell Blackburn and daughtem, Salem, Mm. sud Mm.. E. Twist and bebe, Maple Grave, Mr. Geo. Clements, Toronto, et Mm. M. BlackburnIs. . . Mr. and Mms. Roy Thompson and Garry, Leskard, Miss Veda Purdy, Bow- manville, Mm. sud Mrs. Frank Os- mond, Newcastlc, eat Mm. W. Thompson's... Mm. John Gilbanks i. visiting 'with his brother fromn the West et Mr. Elgin Teylor's, Saline. . . Mr. and Mms. Fmank Carter, Bowmanville, Mms. F. G. Niddemy and Phyllis, Mary ilau Widdicombe, Hampton, et Mm. C. Avey's... Mr. Norman Hall sud Clinton, Oshawa, et Mrs. David Grahem's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Diékinson end daughter, Celifor- nie, called on friends hem. on Sundey. Practice had commenced for aur anniversary under the leader-, ship ai Mm. E ý.E. Steples. Intended for lest weck) Visitors: Mr. end Mms. Fred Temblyn, Messrs. Harold and Glenn Tamblyn, Mr. Dick Morton, Mm. John Tamblyn, Mms. John Brown, Orano, et Mm. Lloyd Ash- tan'... Mr. and Mms. Chas. Smith and iemily, Hampton, Mr. and Mm.. Merwin Dickinson, Port Hope, Mms. Frank Thompson, Taunton, Mms. David Hall sud family, Mm. Cecil Hubbard, En- field, Mm. Chas. Henry, Oshawa, et Mm. C. Crossman's. .. Mr. and Mms. C. Slemon et Mm. J. A. Wer- y's, Enniskillen. Y. P. U. met on Tuesday even- ing. Howard 0k. took charge ai the warsbip peiod. The Bible reeding was eed by Mms. F. Bec- kett, th. devotionel on "The Challenge ta Youth"l by Mm. C. SIeman, and a solo by Mms. Lloyd Ashton. Miss Winnie Trewin taok charge ai the fallowing pmogagm: Reading by Miss Meta Degebr, th. tapic on "The Lii. ai Charles Dickens" by Mms. C. Slemon; a vocal duet by Misses Meta and Blanche Degeer, and e reading by Glenn Tbompson. FORESTERS (Contlnusd from page 1) cd on their 22 mile hike ta« Port Rope. The traffic prablen was handled by Uic Eastern Division Ontario Provincial police under Inspector Hunter ai, Belleville. In ail, Uiree new police cars and anc- police notercydle escorted Uic battalion. P.C.W.F. Thonpson was assisting with Uic convoying ai Uic troops. About 65 trucks ai ail weights and sizes were needed ta carry thc equipment ai Uic regiment. Son. ai these went ehead ai Uic main body, as Uic advance perty, whil. Uic remainder followed b.- bled Uiceniarchlug men. On. Red Cross ambulance was attached ta the unit. The band which led thc regim- n1 fite tewn was under Uic lead- rsrhip ai bandnaster Corporel E. A. Boyd. Tbe band which includ- dda large number of regîmental drums was made Up ai a bugle band whlch playcd part ai Uic Umecand a bras band which starteR ai 1cr Uic bugle bsud. Thec men detldarcthettlhey Uiought Uithe am ai Barlcy Camp waa .. Zfineal camping graund Uiey bave baR since their enlistiment. One ofitUic rn ata- tractions wsth wma i nnng~pool whieh aiter Uibard narch waa wecomcd by nnany ai Uic boys. A so a maRc et Newton- ville Ftrldayfou Uic mldday meal. The reniainder ai Uic trip te Port Hope Uic marchlng will b. atag.- gered. The transport wll carry part ai Uic nen for a distance and then return sud pick-up Uic remalnder ai the .nen.'. AUl ranka appreciate4 $he boa- pltality they recelved iran the citizens ai Bowmanvlle. The mcn werc qulck ta make frienda with tbe reuldents sud il was nol lo'g befare Uic boys seemed quite et ' BARRON-TRtTLL i,- On Satur- day, May 24th,, Il 1ý,Hamp- ton, by the Rev;,. , çkamn, Gladys Loulse rn* o r and Mrs. L. Truli, npton, ta Harold Austin, son o rand Mrs. Gea. A. 'Baron,. Ramtpton. 22-1 DEATEt STAPLETON-At Pot[ope, on Manday, May20thl 1 - George Edward Stapleton,.age. dyears. Internent 0aniifeCerne- tery. IN MIEMORIAM GILDERS - In ldrin remem- brance af Mrs. Sarah Jane Gil- derà Who departcd 'Ibis rIff. ane year ago, June 1*t, 1940.. Sadly missed by daughters, Mabel, Ethel and Elsié, and sohs, Al- bert and wrnl. Yaur presence i8 ever sicar us, Your lave remains.vith us yet, For yau were, the klnd of a Mather Your loved ones wilI neyer farget. Her 111e was anc long sacrifice, Her heart was truc and tender, She toiled sa hard for those she loved, Then left us ta rememnber. 22-i* REYNOLDS --- In loving memary af aur dear mather, Annie Rey- nolds, wha passed away' three years aga, June 151, 1138; alsa aur dear father, Sauel H.1 Reynolds, wha passed away ten years aga, July 27th, 1931. O happy haurs we once enjayed, Haw sweet their memory stili, But dcath has left a loneliness The world can never f111. -Sadly missed by the famnily. 22-1* Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE - 50 ACRES Ai soul, modern buildings, hy- dra, 12/ miles narth-.of -Na. 2 izghway, 3 miles fran Whitby. GW. .i3 ality. Will -sacrifice. W.J. Richards, Lot 2, Con. 3, Pickering Twp. 22-2* FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK house an Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern canveniences; will be sald cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Belinian, Ki.ng St West. il If LOT FOR SALE-ON LIBERTY St. North. Phone 538, Bowmanf- ville. . 19-tf Seeds ForSae FéOR SALE - HUSTLER ýSEID Ptaegood size, goofi coôk- crs, 1c per lb. for quick sale. Apply W. G. Watten, R. R.'2, Burketon, phone 2377. 22-i Notice The office ai W. R. Strike willl be closcd each Saturday aiternoon at 12.30 commcncing May 3ist, and until fumther notice. The of- fice wiil not be closed on Wed- nesday aternoons. 21-2* Tea Cup Readlnge TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. ta 10 p.n. Darch's Tà- bacca Store, phone 2884. 8-4 Diugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugleas Prastltloner Liberty Street - Bowmanvlle Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 22-i home. The boys, tired from their long trek, weme early in retiming. Aiter midnight very few of the Faresters cauld be seen an thc main street ai Bowmanviile. .Another merchant who did bis part te make Uic soidiers feci more at home in Bawmanvillé was Jimmy Infantine who gener- ausly handed out oranges ta al thc lads in kahki. J CADETS (Cantinued from page 1) The signallers demonstreted th, Morse codes sud semephore, et the conclusion ai which e message. wes sent around Uic scbaooi grounds. The twa lnfantmy plat, qons p ut on e display ai physicai exercises which was cancluded by competitive games. Ceptain S. R. Widdis, District Inspector, was vcry high in bis prels. ai Uic marching af the cadets. They are some af the best cadets ta _parade lu this dis- trict. fThc lads abcy Uic com- mands exccptlonaily weil under aficers chosen iran their own ranks. Alan Temblyn was chosen Uic besI dresseR cadet byAhe inspeet- ing aificer sud bis prise was pre-, senteR by Col. McLaughlim. Prizes for Uic hlgbest score in smeil armis shoating wgs ewardcd te: lut, Jim Clarke; '2nd, Alan Tmbly sd 3rd, RyAberncthy. Th e. ee 9:c1n dby Ceptein ,WldRis, Major P. H. Jabb and Lt.. Col. Dr. Q. C. Bonnycastie wbo' were also on Uic reviewlng stand. AI Uic conclusion af the lnspec- tlçn Uic company m a rch ed Uirougb Uic main Street lu smart style. Pie wes served ta thef baya befome Uic inspectioan d Ice creen et Uic conclusion. Those in chbarge ai drill were Principal L. W. Dippcll, Mm. Gar- don Elliatt, P. T. Instructor, Mn. Harold Longivorth, in charge ai dm111, Mm. W. E. C. Warkmen iN charge ai thc band- Major P. H., Jobb.and 0; Q. M. S., Ed. Thomhast ai 2nd MidlaqoaIlucharge ai driil. MTAENT MARION DOUGLAS Hlhland Creek, Ontarjo, Cain nner on New York Radio Program, en- tertains on Concert Grand X~ylo- phoneCathedral Chimes and Or- chestaBella, accompanled by Whitney Leach, Pianlat and Sing- er. Additionai talent pro;vided up- .on request. Book ear]y. 20-3 Wanted WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD in a private faniily for an eider- Iy lady. Central location. Ap- ply Box 148, cla Statesman. 22-1* MASON WORK WANTED - Brick work, stane wark and plastering. Phone 2501 Bow- manville, A. G. Skoyles, Burke- tan. 20-6 Wanted to Rent WANTED-HOUSE TO RENT IN Newcastle, immediately. Apart- ment or raams. Mrs. Marley Sallows, Newcastle. 22-2* WANTED TO RENT - SMALL house wanted at once. Reasan- able rent. Write ta Whelsby Flint, cla Taunton Post Office. 22-1 Beauty Culture BEAUITY CULTURE-ANNWER- sary Specials on ail Permanent Waves. Machineless waves, reg- ular $7.50 for $5.00. Wark guarianteed. J. Stevens, Opera- tar, phone 2245. 22-2 For Rent TO RENT-5 ROOMED APART- ment, ail canveniences, imme- diate possession. Apply W. T. Synons, Bownanvillc, phone 2251. . 22-1 FOR RENT - 7 IPOMEWFUR- nished cattagd, *d*wianville Beach (East), 2 verandahs, i screened, fireplace, and garage. Rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. A. Tait, P. O. Box 477, Bowman- ville, phone 388. l8-tf-l* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - AYRSHIRE AND Durham cow with caif by side, a good caw. George Benetin, Hampton R. R. l,,phone 2612. 22-1w FOR SALE - DUAL PURPOSE Shorlh9mn bt4l ai y' for ser- -viéëtt éioR.O.P. *aam and sire bred iran high record stock. T. W. Scott, Oshawa R. R. 2. 21-2 FOR ýSALE-TWO REGISTERED Jersey cows, four years.old, just frcshcned; twa Jersey heifers anc year old; also iifty hives o becs and apiary, equipinent; propemty aof the laIe Wm. Beatty,, Elizabethville. Apply ta J. Mor- ley Wilson and H. Victor Wil- son. Executars ai the, estate, R. R. 1, Part Hope. Phone Gar- den HMU 1712. 21-2 Summer Cottages FOR SALE OR RENT- LARGE lake front cottage, sale, sandy beach, ail conveniences anid niccly iurnished. Apply Mrs. Austin Wllan, Cacsarea. 22-1* FOR RENT-FURNISHIED COT- tage with sceened porch and electric. Windy Cave, Bow- nanville West Beach. Apply Mrs. W. E. Gerry, Bowmanville, phone 2287.- 22-1 tlelp Wanted HELP WANTED-BERRY PICKC- crs wanted. Apply J. H. Ail-1 dread,' High Street, Bownan-: ville, phone 496. 22-2e W AN T ED - SOMEONE TO. share comfortable furnlahed home. Heat and ent fre. for board. Mms. F. W. Couch,' On- tario St. 21-2* HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general housework. Stcady cm- gloyznen -. Apply Box 147, cia Statesmin Office, Bownanville. 22-i iAP-A-LAC PAINTS for your Verandah Floor USE FLORENAMEL It la Sti 98ecaquar( , Plus thc Tax ROCK SPAI VALRNIS Our le Sale of this clear bard varnlsh la atili golng strong. W,&LLPAPER Re-paper that bedroçin. We bave a large choie. of papers aI reasonable prices. 1JO HNSTON 'S BOOK STORE 'Phone 651 Dowmaavil C1ausiIi Ad Rates On. cent a wôrd cash, ech lnserlon (minimulm charge 3k). Charge of 25o extra la made when a dvertisemenî is net paiR samne week as inser- tien. Extra charge of 10ç when replies are dlrected to a Statèsman box number. Dhrlhs, death andu marriages 50e ech, In Memorlains, 50o for notice plus 10o per lin. for verne. ClasifIeR adver- tilacients accepted up until 6 p.m.Wedncsday. Weekly Feed Speclal W E E KL YEED SPECIAL - Scratch Grain camposed af. whacracked corn and buck- what a $1.65 per cwt.' Offer good puntii June 5th. F. C. Van- stone,- phone 777. 22-1 ArtUicles 'For Siale' FOR SALE - FINDLAY COM- binatian gas and coal ran~ge, good shepe, dresser, ice box, linoleum, etc. Cheap. Kurv Inn, Newcastle. 22-1, FOR SALE - 36.50 RUMLEY Trectar, excellent condition, closed lu cab, lznproved wiring systen, extension roed wheels sud 'ice picks. Will senl cheap,1 for -cash . Apply S. T. Dowsan, R. R. 4, Bownville. 22-1* FOR SALE -' GURNEY COOK slave, ivamy enemel, with wetem front; alsa brass bcd, large size. Phone Bawmsuville 2230. 22-i FOR SALE - '28 W IL LYS- Knight sedan, lu faim condition, e bargain for~ $40 cash. Howard Hailman , Bowmanvile Glove & MiII Ca. 22-1* FOR SALE - CEDAR POSTS, 8 it. long, 20c post. Phone Bowv- manville 2122., 21-3 FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Cangolcum rugs. Select yours from aver 300 patterns actually ini stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- niture Store, 156 Sinicoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up ta 50% an tires and tubes, including new Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Full stock in al sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf BABY CmICKS-BLOOD TEST- cd Leghorns and Rocks, mlxed, sexed and started pullets. R.a.P. sired chlcks. Ail eggs praduced on aur farni. Low prices on Rocks and Leghorn cackerels. Alvin Clemens, phane 2433, Bowmanville.. 13-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfleld, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qua]ity merchandise at cam- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 158 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 19-tf FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods, mailed postpaid In plain sealed envelope, with price list. 6 saniples 25c. 24 saniples $1.00. Adults anly. Dept. F, Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, Han- ilton, Ontario. 15-8 Court of Revision And Appeal TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON Notice is hereby given that the fimst sittings ai the Court ai Re- vision for thc Township ai Dar- lington wiil be hcld in the Town Hall, in thecVvllage ai Hampton, an Saturday, June 7, 1941, at thc hour ai 2.30 p.m. Standard Time, ta hear and determine thc several complaints and omissions in th. Assessinent Rail for Uic said Municipality for the year 1941.. Ail persans having business at the Court are requested ta attend. «J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk ai the Township ai Darlington. Dated at Hamnpton this1M 9 day af May, 1941. 21-2 I. Hastings caunty iarmers arc jPlanning a meeting in Belleville ta organize a branch ai Uic Fed- eration 'ai Agriculture. H. H. Hennan. Dominion president, and V. S. Mllburn, provincial secre- tary., wiU b. Uic main speakers. DICORATE FOR VICTORY LOAN Launehlng of 1941 Vlctouy Loan Thic citizens et Newcastle are. klnRly asked, lu coufouin- auee wlth thc request of the Provincial Committe., to Roc- ouate thefr homes and places of business from Furiay, May 301h, to Monday, lune Sud-, to mark Uic làtshchlng oet1h. uew Vlctouy Loan. Reeve C. a.. CarVeth. Mon of 309 40p 50 PR?, VINVu»% Suepl Wmat normýa I.Vb& o ~tU tTr ursTol a Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE ai Richid Habbs, late ai Uic Town ai Bow- manvifle, in Uic County ai Dur- ham, Retired Rubbcr Wamker, Deceased. Creditors and alhers havirig dlaims agàinst the above estate are requircd tdr send fuil particu- lars ai such laims ta the under- signcd an or before Uic 23md day ai June, 1941, afler which date 1h. Esttes . assets wiil be distri- buted, hevlng regard anly la laims Uiat have been meceived. LAWRENCE 'C. MASON, Bownanviile, Ontario, Executar. 21 3 Wilsongs Furnlture. Co. Inner Spring Mattresses $8-M8 Gaad laoking h eav y spring-filled maîttresses, cavered lu durable iancy ticking. Winl give you years ai confort. AU sizes, aI an anazlugly îow -price. F loor Coveuing Speclal «$1@49 Borderiess rugs 6 x 9', inlaids, cangaleunis, feltals, heavy linoleums, lu ail wldths. The larg- est dlsPlay ai floor covcmings and ru gs in Uic clty. Wilson's prices are lowerl Studio Couches $15@95 Sprlug-fllled studio couches in attractive coverings. 50 beautiful studio couches ta chaos. iron at bargain prices Uiat will save you inany dollars. New Chesterfield Suites $39-50', Modemn Vring-fiied Chest;erield'suites, exkcellent day- erngs, earedP4 showi-woad. A real buy. Chest6rfild àsuites lu heavy iigured rièh velours, luxuriant deep-seated cormforl, custon-builî styles, iully guarantced' construc- tion. We carry a large selection la choose iran and aur prices arc alweys lower. Dedreoom suites $59@95 Thrillingly new, smnart wate',fall dbsign. This is an out- standing buy. AI wilson's you can iind yaur heart's desire lu a bcd- roon suite. Modern and perlod designs. Wilsan'slawer overhcad mcans lower prices ta you. Baby Buggy Bargains $4SCuh Choos e from a grand selection, ail styles and cal- ors. We carry a-complète stock ai Gendron and Lloyds Prans and Folding Cart'iages. STRADE IN BARGAINS Sacrifice prices for immediate clearance. Il pays ta visit aur trade-in departnent. The largest stock in aur histouy. 30 Uscd Chesterfield Suites $5.00 up 9 Dining Roam Suites, $14.00 up Quebcc Cook Stoves - $5.00 up Large Axininster Rug.- $6.00 Bufiett ____-$6.00 Extension Table - $3.00 Cupbaard -$4-00 Dresser $4.0e Bcd; $1,00Q up Several Breakfast Sultei% Kitchen Cabinets,. Couches, Wardrobes, Hieintzman Plana, China Cabinets, Cribs, Prans, Desks. Came early for cholce selection as Uic.. bargains wlU b. plckcd up quickly. FREE DELIVERY Wllson's Furniture Co. 40 Klng W. 20 Church St. OSHAWA 18-4 Veterlnary la. B. MURRAT, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarlau Church St. - Bewmnvile Phone 848. A utudY ln the.B0019- et "Eevelaton" *Y\t Bach Wednouiday 8 p.m SURfDAY -11. AIL- Subject - '*The Heavenily -7.30'-PM" Subject-«ýCitles o eft fgie" E VANGOEýLISTIeC TABERNACLE GLENNEY'S GRAIN -FEEDS SEEDS NEWCASTLE -W. are offerlng seed corn of the best varleties. Al Geverument tested Ne. 1 lncludlng HYbrld Varleties atthe best pruces. Forage Plants, Milletts, Su- dan Grass, Sugar Kane, etc. Swect Clover, Seed Buck- wheat. Buylng wool at hlghest nmket prices. Telephone Claidk 26-12 The ,aew, aimplified mouaing wish "FLO4TING" len.ea FU L' fUE Ft-LE X Lenses ride on sprlng cushions in this modern spectacle mountlng. Only anc attachment holàs eachi lens. Temples are connected directly ta the bridge through graceful, flexible gold.fihled armes that absorb shock and strain, re. duce lors breakage. Nuisant Fui. Vue Tri.Flex give wea7rers added protection, plus a refreshing as. PlicitY of apPearance and pon. StiflctioL. JURY & LOVELL flic RoxaflDrug Store, Whep - We Test Eres ItlaN Doue Properiy.. Phone 718 Deuvegy An Important Message To Every. Householder: W. sincerely advlse you ta make arrangements now te get your next winter's fuel supply. There la plenty oi coal available at thc present lime. and prices are definitely at their low. No anecacn pro- dlct what Uic situation will b. next. f11, but wve are certain prlce cannaI be lower than, they are now and Uic poslbility la they iplght b. Consderably hlghcr. You have nothlng te las. and .everyth1« o ge i, by orderlng aI this lime. You'll aývemoiney: you'U have your coal ln your bin and youM euth aelft an emirgency. Il la also a decided advalatage ta order "'blue-'coa4l," be- cause this tuademarked anth»mite assure$ YQU of gettlng what you asked for-Uic heworld'àu nanratite. Thmce diyâ, wlihso many fuel proble2nh, substitution or mixlig mayai necesalty ha more prevalent than beiqu, id Ibis means Inférior heat and more mout b you. But wli «blue coal" Uic blue colour that you caii egoaI a glance, guarantces Uic qualty--and guarantees delivcry of th. coal you ordered. Why flot gel ln touch wli us by Phone to-daY--mnd we arc sure you will thank us next fail fou the auggéutlon wc are makring ta you naw, because we alnccrely i»- Ueve that what w. say la truc: youU1 be batte f xnany ways by getting "blue coa1l' and ordcring It àli pad& 6111 Lumber CoJWtI,04 i p. - 1 . 1 - 1 1 1 MMM [ISE e- WANT APS -MIL me 1 1 1 1 - 1 - -1- THE CAIqADLdU ESMAS, ýBOWMANVn.14, ONTAMO 1

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