Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 6

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THURbAY, 1MAY 22, 1941 THE CAIfADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. T. F. BrmnÎon la out around a bit alter bis f3eVere beart attack. Pte. Bert, Jarvis, Petawawa, spent the.!:'Wtekend with Newcas- tle friends. Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto, bas been holidaying witb ber mother, Mrs. Edmund Thackray. Mrs. R. W. Gibson, having rent- ed her bouse ta Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, is now staying at Ehn- hurst. Mr. Stanley Rickard hs home fromn Toronto University and !0 now engaged in f arming until July lat. Mr. E. H. Code, Toler at Bank of Commerce, ih baving bolidays SPECIALS FOR THE 24th PUCNIC SUPPLIES* palier plates, cups, serviettes, WaX palier. JAP-A-LAC Sec Our speclal sales on these worM famnons paints. WOOLS Duukirk and Lewdura Wools, tic best for rrvlce knlttlng. WALLPAPER Spen -.the Jsoliday -paporlng tisat amanl bedroom-we have a goodassortxnent. WEEKEI4D RADING Gct you Star WeoklY carl>- Mornlng papers only Saturda>'. NEw LENDING LIBRABY JOHlNSTON 'S ,BOOK STORE Phono 651 Bowmuhivil THATRE BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. XÂY 22 - 23-24 Double Foalure 'Lucky Cisco Kid'i Wlth CaciarRomero, Mary Beth Hfughes adDans Andrew5 'Free, Blonde and 21' with IL7= nBauMary Dcif ughes adTosanDavis AlIbi Feature - Mareh of Tbme "ALL MEECAW' matin"e at 2.30 on 24th of May Mon. - Tues. - Wed. TUE MOST TALKED ABOUT (PIOTURE 0F THE YEAR ... Dumyl F. Zanuck's 'Grapes of Wîath' starriiig Hounry Fonda, Jane Darweil, Charlcy Grapewln and a great ouit NEWS and Mr. Fox. Coîborne, h reiev- ing in Uic teller's cage. Mn. J. N. McGill, MilIbrook, Corn Borer Inspector for Durbazrt County, paid bis annual visit ta this meighborliood Monday. Mr. J. D. Coomba, B.A., Toron- to, was a weekcnd gucat of Mn. and Mrs. T. A. Rodger mnd called on former Newcastle pupils. Boy. R. E. Morton will be at Thorniill on Saturday ofiiciating at Uic wedding oi a niccc, daugh- ter of bis brother, Mr. N. L. Mor- ton. Bey. W. J. Bycra, St. Stephen's United Cburch, Toronto, spent Uic weekemd as usual at "Harris Ladge" witb Dr. W. H. Walton- Ball. Mns. Catherine Fidler, Toranto, is again accupying ber cottage at the lake mnd Mns. Milton Long, Toronto, is at ber cottage «'Oya- pela." Mr. John Couglian of Guya- quille, Mgr. Imperial 011 Ca., Equador, South Arnerica, vhsited Newcastle wtb Mn. T. J. Hor- rocks, Toronto. Miss Connie Enwrigt i coni- pmyý with Miss Helen -,I. Smith, BUA. spent Uic weekend'with Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Glenney at Mn. Howard Glenncy's. Mn. Howard J. Toma bas been i Uic Oshawa Hospital under- going and ecuperating froni an aperation. The trouble wai not af a seriaus nature. Jas. Tebble bas bouglit Uic bouse on Churcli St. fornierly owned by Uic late Mns. George Staples and bas had Wm. Mail att helpingghbu put in Uic gardon. Mns. E. Ahbe, Toronto, visited ber sister, Mns. Walter Crowther, and was amang flic many frienda from outside pointa attending Uic funeral of Uic late Mrs. Parnaby Martin on Moilday. Brenfan ickard, Bell Tele- phone Ca., Chathami, spent the weekend witb bis -parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Stan- loy Rickard is also homo from Toronto University. Mr. and Mns. Herbent Pooley and iamily, Toronto, former rosi- dents of tic bouse now owned by Mr. Boy Brncb mnd f amily, Third Lino, were Sunday guesta of Mn. and Mrs. Irwin AlUn.. Mn. and Mrs. Poey Hare e- ceived word on Tuesday that their son, Mr. Jack Haro, now i Philadelphia, passed bis fiftb yoar in Medicine at Queen's University with honora in ail subjeets. Mr. H. C. Allin lias banded Uic keys af bis blacksmith sbop over ta bis wife and daugliten amd jain- cd the army. Ho went ta Barrie- field on Tuesday ta jain Uic miii- tary band af Uic Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. A pre-nuptial sbower was held for Misa Kathleen McKay, bride- elect, at Misa Ethel Wade's an Thursday evening. M~iss McKay ncceived a large number of lovely and useful gifts inomi lien mny girl fionda in attendance. Dr., W. Sberwin, Vtcinary Surgeon, periommed a major op- eratian on a cow bclonging ta J. H. Jase when, Uic cow refusing ta iflier die or get btter, lie op- erated mnd took some nails mnd ather metal substances irom ifs heart. Bras. H. E. Hmncock, J. W. Bradley, T. W. Jackson, Newcai- tlc, mnd Bro. Thos. Kinsman, Cowanvillc, ai Uic S.O.E.B.S., were in Bowmanvile Sunday cvenng attendig Uic annuai churcli parade ai Wellington Ladge. Lait meeting ai Sr. C.G.I.T. graup wai held on Friday alten- noan. Plans ion a summeci camp were discussed mnd cominittees ionmed. Cinistmnas carda had ar- ivcd and Uic group have' decided ta scîl a number ai packages. Next meeting will be Thursday at 8 p.m. The Municipal Council liai been plmnting more trees along flic ides ai streets, saine aifie trees being saine fine big red maples from the Fonestry Farin, Oromo. But these trees nover gnow sucli compact, dense licada non be- came sucli noal shade trees as Uic sugar maple. Mn. and Mna. Herb. Alexander mnd family, Markham, were Sun- day guesta ai Mr. amd Mns. Harold -Coucli. Mns. Alexander and Mns. COOL OFF Wfth A Carter ZOO,"MIce Cream Sundae t eSi refrShedad happy mter yen have coolel off wlth pouw eloousoutala oretions. Our menus» tI #qn te suitever>'tasto. aptCIAflSTH-IS WEEK ndae -----each I5C -M a e-* ach 20C suuy flaveur-- each 15c yTnIs SIATUIRDAY CR AMILYinnli Coucli attended thc W. A. anni- versary service in Uic afternoon at Newtonville where their sister, Miss Elsie Wallace, Pickering, as- sisted thc United Cburcb choir. Newcastle United Churcli Sun- day School anniversary services will be held next Sunday, May 25th, at il a.m. and 8 p.m. The special speaker at bath services will be Mr. Walter Moorbouse, M.A., Toronto, well known Sun- day School worker and black- board illustrator. Special muge wiUi Misa Arlene Northcutt, solo- lat, Bownianville, assisting. 21-1 Among Uic Newcastle follk at- tending Uic concert by first prizo wmnners of the Music Festival at Port Hope on Friday evening, were: Rev. R. E. and Laurence Marton, Misses Louise Hmncock and Isobel Allen, Mrs. Thos. En- wriglit, Reevo md Mrs. C. R. Car- vetb, Mrs. Topit, Mrs. W. Hl. Gibson, Mrs. J, H. Jase, Donald and Francis, Misa Hattie Mason and Mrs. H. B. Pearce. In lieu of antheins by United ChUrcli Choir lait Sunday Mes- dames C. R. Carveth and H. M. Alin amd Miss Betty Enwright remdered a trio at Uic morning service whem Rev. R. E. Morton preached an excellent sermon on Encouragement, as someUiing cm- inently worth whilo mnd the giv- ing of which sliould be more gen- erally practised. In Uieeovcning Misses Evelyn and Betty Allin mnd Rosa and Stanley Allun sang a sacred quartette.' Mr. mnd Mrs. R. S. Graham at- tended Uic burial of ber brother, William Harold Carniichael, at Cataraqui Cometery, inhgston, on May 1MU. Ho was a, veteran of Uic war of 1914-18 amd'was Uic last of four brothers of Mra. Gra- hami. A silicen Union Jack draped bis casket. Ho died on May 12Ui at'St. Anne'a hospital (military), St. Aine de Bellevue, Que. Last weekend Mrs. Graham received word af Uie death of ber cousin, Dr. Beckwith, Saginaw, Midi. He was buried on Monday, Uic day of Mrs. Parnaby Martim's funeral. The death of Mrs. P4rnaby Martin in St. Joseph'a Hospital, Toronto, on May l6tb, at tiecocm- paratively carly age of 56 years, awakened widespread sympathy for ber bereaved iamily. On t,- day after ber deatb a letton was received by the farnily, addressed ta Mrs. Martin irom ber youngcst son, Gunner Sergeant Martin of Uic R.C.A.F., Somewhere in Emg- land. Numerous of Mrs. Martin's frienda and relatives are weighted dowm with a beavy sense of per- sonal bs in Uic passing ai anc wha was always so pleasant, bright mnd cbeery. SEE DURHAM COUNTY ON THE SCREEN Know yaur county; seelDurham an the acreen - as presente'd by Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, in the Cammunity Hall, Newcastle, on Friday evening, May 30tb. The program is being preaented under auspices of Newcastle Harticul- tural Society and all proceeda will go ta tbe British War Victim' Fund. Dr. Williams ia giving bis time and services froc. Admis- sion: Adulta 25c, Cbildren 10. 2- HyDRO ELECT1UC SYSTEM IN FLOURISHING CONDTnON Debenture Debt Now Reduced To $3,691.35 - Operating Profit In 1940, $2,160-19 The audifed neoat of Uic fin- ances ai the Newcastle Hydro Electrie Systomi noccnfby arrîved main Tarantoeamd waa read at Uic basf meeting ai Uic local Com- mission consisting ai Mr. Gea. Jamiesan, Beeve C. R. Carveti, Mr. J. E. .Rinch wihMn. H. S. Brittan manager and se'y.-tneas. The repart shows fliat at flic end ai 1940 Uic original purdhaso pnice ai $14,000 plus intercat bad boomn educed by sevenal advmece- ment paymonts and a lowcing ai flic intoreat rate untîl only $3,691.35 ai the debentune debt romains fa bo paid. If won't take mueli longer ta liquidate fils. The report shiowa: Asseta Total Plant --- ----$23,603.53 Bank Cash Balance 458.91 Accounta Becoivable 480.58 Equity in H.E.P.C. SystomB 1,487.46 Total Assets $26,030.48 LiabilMtes Debentune Balance $ 3,691.35 Aceounts Payable 12.24 Tqtab $ 3,703.59 Earnings for 1940 Domostie Service ----$ 5,138.66 Commenc'b Liglif Service 2,578.44 Com'nc'l Power Service 2,032.10 Street Ligbtîng ----- - 593.44 liiscellanoous 72.48 Total Earnngs $10,415.12 Exponses Pawer Purcliascd ~4,661.45 Operafion and Maimt'nce 280.67 Lime Transformer Mtce. 12.05 Meter Mtce.------------ 62.25 St. Liglig Mfcc --------- 36.43 Bibis and Colecting --- 914.80 Gen. Office Sa. & Expa. 25.20 Undistributcd Exps. 87.76 Interest------------------- 204.84 Paymcnt on Dcbentunc- 1,159.48 Depreciafion ~ ----- ----- 810.00 Total *Operating Costa $ 8,254.93 Nef Surplus 2,160.19 Total $10,41.5.12 Number of Usera Domostie Service Commercial - ------37 Total 249 The present is neyer aur abject; Uic pait amd the present we use an mcis; flic future only lu aur emd. Thus, we nover livec, we only ho pe ta live.-Pascal. Bvery good gift and ever> per- fect gift in frmiabove, amd coin- eUi down fraipfie Father ai liglifs, wlithwbom la no variable- Snemu, neltixer shadow of turning.- New Testament: James 1:17. TOPS TEE FESTIAL Miss Helen Wilhlamsl "I have mucli pleaiurc in pro- sent ing tflifnest talent of Uic festival ," s a d flic ,adit dicator J. ca mpell McLn es as le intro- duced Helen W llams daugitor ai Mr..and Mns. Frank Wiflianis, Bowmnville, to a Port :Hope audience. H-elen was awarded bighest marks, 92, in Uh i DWam County Music Festival, i" piano sala challenge, and was awàrded a gold modal. Tyrone Y.P.U. met Thursday evening with Art Hamilton in charge ai pragrami. Scipture reading by Lamne Montaon. Solo, Bille Dud- loy. Tapie by Bey. Gardner on Uic Govennment af Canada. ]Read- ing Helen Youngman; piano duot, Bille and Donald Dudley. Anniversary Services were well 'ttended on Sunday. Bev. A. B. Cragg ai Bowmanville, gave two inspiring sermons. HIe spoke .ta Uic children in the monning an Jewcls. Special music by the Sunday School assistcd by Uic Carmuthors Maie Quartette at niglit. Visitons: Mr. and Mns. Robt. Hodgsom, Toronto, Mn. Leslie Virfue, Osha- wa, visitod with finonda. Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, lins. C. Mcliann, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Laura Virtuc's. Mn. amd Mns. Balpi Davis, Sol- ina, at Mn. Larme Hoakina. Mns. Art Spicer, Marylin mnd Aillon, at Mn. E. A. Vitue's, Mn. and Mra. Harny jaldwin, Courtice, Mn. and lira. Howard Cale, Hamptoan, at Mn. Russel Luke's. nx. J. Thompsan, Orono, at Mn. Will Virtue's. Mr and Mns Carl Bradley, Oshi- awa, Mn. and Mns. Clarence Brad- ley amd Master Maunice, Asbburn, at Mr. Eanl Luke's. lira. R. Hatierley returned homo Sunday fromi Dixie acconi- panied by Eddy Jolinston and Rffl Watson. " Mrs. Walter Park witi Mrs.. Thea. Down, Lakeficld. Mns. Clarence Brooks and Onia,- Clarksan, at Mn. Gea. Brooks'. Mn. mnd Mrs. Gea. Brooks returned ta Clarkson witi Uiem. Blackstock United Church Suxiday School Anniversary was hebd Sunday wifi a splendid attcn.danee. In fie morning Uiechcildrcn's choir ai aven ý60 vaices, wlth Miss Lama licCoil dircting, providcd beautiful music. Service was con- dueted by Bey. D. M. Stinsan, witb Miss Thora Davison, draina- fiat, Bowmanville, as special speaker, wbo told an inspiring story. In flic cvening Bey. S. Lit- tiewoad, Orano, preacbed, with music by Betheada Quartette. Congratulations ta MnI. and lins. Jas. Bycra on: tieir 57ti wedding anniversary on May l4ti. lins. W. A. VanCamp la home fain fie liospital feeling muci botter. Master Ronald Hoapen inactur- cd bis arn and bas it in a casf. Mn. Sain Jeffony laishme 'aiter spending flic winter in Toronto. St. John's W. A. met at lirs. Ed. Darey's May l5th. Rail cal was answened by a sbower for fthc war vietima. Pragram took tic orin ai a spelling match. A splen- did accounit was given ai Annual W. A. meeting in Toronto whici Miss Eva Parr atfcnded. Visitons: Mns. Mark Webdon, Uxbridge, with friends home. ;~ Mn. and ins. N. S. McNally âhd Verna, Coibanne, at Mm.' ôS. Fonden's. . . Misses Bfie, Annie and Hazel Wrighit, Oshawa, ai Mn. Jabez Wright's. Pink mnd white streamers and a profusion ai spring flowers boautified the United Churci basement for Uic Twentieth An- niversany Tea ai the Women'n Missionany Society. lins. Jabez. Wright, president, pnesided. Pnay- or was giveft" by Mms. J. A. Jaohns- ton. Miss Effa Wrighit, Oshawa, gave a piano solo, "Sabbath Chimies." Mns. B. G. Carrutiers, onganîzen ai Uic socicty when sic and Bey. R. G. Camutiers naw in Torontaoliad flua charge, was gucat speaker. Sic gave an in- spiring tallc and congratulated thie socicty on flii work in tic pasf twenty yoans, but warned mat ta "rest an aur oars, but to press on bocause aur biggest tank lion ahead." A lieartyr vote ai fianks was moved b e.W. Marlow, and secomded by PO.F Stinnon. Mns. Milton Sandérson, Toronto, f avored with a sala IlWe Would Be Building." 'Mrs. Âni Taylor gave a piano solo, "Alpine Glç?w." Mir&. Jabez Wrightfand Miis BElaeWright g ave apin duef, "Wlf chou Fligif". MnO. Frank Stinson, Mns. Boy Taylor- mnd Mnn. A. Jolinafon formnerý presidenta, gave short taài. 'lis.ý Harvey Bruce, Mp.F.'Kewcll and, Mmm. H. 3.. D.ll, also'ormor pre- sdtwaro umable te bo pro- st bt sgtegeetings. A fire-. stonled b hay cake wam flic centre decoration, of.fthe tea table, Mms. W.' C. Fýerguson, Bowman- ville, and Mns. S. A. Dovitt pour- cd tea. A dainty lunch was served ta the 85 lJçies present. % The Statesiman la now 0it sale cacb week at Gilbert's Store, 5c a copy.. Itrbute Plgé <ontlnued from Dacs 1) ye wild pay off the nationaul àebt f aa 9kthEsc figures as .cci ive proof, the two promoterg go the Rotary and Lions Clubtat bacI. the -schesme flnarsciafly vand that s how bettei hoga fouùnd boet- ter homes ti Dwitm. Port Hope Rotary'did -the same for IWMa Durhami. Since.thon the Plan ha$. financed Itself. The I..ays put Up $2.0 each for membersbip and registration; the pigs grow upand the governmnent's advanced. reg- istry, centrafly located sire brings about, with good luck and man- agement, litters -from these spont- sored pigleta, and from these, each boy turns back two ta the succeeding year's dass of boys. So the thirig becomes self perpetuat- ing., Members of the -Rotary and Lions Clubs have flot lost inter- est., They.turn out each year for the'annual distribution. B ut up-. oo flic geretuMflyoverburdened holder * . .(Bd.> Sum- miers'resta the care and succeas of the prograin, year by year. At 'Hampton, representing thc clubs, were President-elect Frank Willams, R. B. Stevens and Bos Strike of Rotary, and Preaident Ted Chant, J. J. Brown and Vern Ott of the Lions_. Speeches were made by thc prosidenta,. by Mr. Summers, and by Bob Stevens wbo enivened. Uic occasion wlth a story about. "mother and the buttons?' Each boy was presénted wltb a feed chairt, .a record book and a manual on cure and manage- ment. These are gotten up by Uic Provincial government and re- cords must be kept by thc boys wbo in turn report direct ta Mr. Summers. At the conclusion of the draw and paynient of the $2.00 eacb, Mr. Sumniers suggeated a vote of thanks to the service clubs and the boys responded long and loudly.i Menbers af the Club -this year are: Harvey Yellowlees, John Baker Jr., Rosa McRoberts, Ken- netb Minler, Lewis Truil, Harold Forder, Raymond Smith, Frank Simmons, Donald Metcalf, Har- vey Partner, Dalton Darreîl, Ralph Larnier, Eber Millson,ý 13 in ail, but only doyven are àctual- ly in thec competition for honora at Blackstock Fair. It was pointed out in discussion after exarnination of thec books of instruction and charta and carda, that thec two governments, domin- ion and provincial, seem to de- vote more tme and money f0 in- structions in fthc care, feeding and upbringing of pigs and livestock generally, than tbey ever have donc along thc same limes for the cidenof Canadia. --And there' scemed f0 be agreement i - this thouglit.. This Boys' Swinc Club idea may be thc vcry tbing that President J. S. McLean is searching for as foundation for a permanent bacon etport business. Burketon W. A. met Thursday. Somne of Uic mon in Uic village enjoyed a fishing trip over Uic weekend. .People are busy putting their gurdens in. Here's hoplng we get more rain. Recent Visitons: mrs. H-. Abbott with friends in Bowmnanville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sbortridge and Shirley,. Oshawa, with Mn. and Mts. H. House. Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson and family, Toronto, with frienda. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bray, Shirley and Donna, Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferguson, Oahawa, with Mr. and Mra. S. Moffatt. Misses Effie and Roene Avery, Mn. md .Mns. B. Wilson, Oshawa, he was mot a "bad" boy at ail md Mr. I. Cook, Toronto, with Mr.1 JohnAvor>'.-1 Mr. Win. Hall, Donald mnd Miss Helen Hall, Mr. Harry Bennett, Toronto, Mr. Boy Owens and Or- land Bailey, Oshawa, wiUi Mr.1 and Mns. Thos. Bailey.1 1Mr. and Mns. W. Cochirane, Jeanne and Harold, Bowmmnvllle, with.Mn. mnd Mrn.,H. Rahini. f, Mr..HaroldWilson, Oshawa, an. d Mrs. A. Dean and baby, h~awa, af Mr. L.,Gatchcfl's. rlrri. T. G. reck with frienda . ad Ir s. S. M offatt w ith fri'in shiOawa. SMr..and 1Xn.,H. Gilamd lis. J. Giltat ther cottage ncar Bob- caygcon. ,The Statcbmih' lu now on sale cadfi wcok at GIl's,'Store, 5c a copy. Drediea At SolIna, "'Young Wàrd "~Pions Car '2 Recently Walter Parinder, Whoa lives anc mile west of SaUina, was ' cultivating ln a field just west afIF thc bause - onl>' a few rocdafromM bhis garage. But the field liad ab 'd ep gu fy i t-and theeby f ha gone to a Rcd Cross knittlng bec. The orily. othgr man about Uic farin was EMon Bhyao, a frail, quiet, well-mannedflttle boy af 14 yeéiEB1s jotrwas tô do chores. He liad-.beeri there ion a few wecks mxii. sed ta be a model of efficlency mnd diligence. Ini faut his foster-purents, The On-s tarie Government, gave hlm a fair î blIl-of-icalfi -(monally> or Uiey.c would mot bave permitted hini3 Uic liberty ai Uic Parrinder farmi. 1 The fact was that Eldon was ont parole from. Uic Boys' Training Scbool, Bowmanville, but bis con- duct af Parrinder's wai exemplamy -until that idrowsy affernoan at couple weeks ago. Eldam's homet was up near Timmins, 500 miles r away. Sa ho deceed a holiday fors burnself mnd a visit homo-Uic aid scbool-boy urge. Ho aearched tic bouse, watcb- ing Uic boss froni Uic west win- dow. Ho collected $21.00, Uic car keys, car mnd diver's liccnse, a sandwich on two - Uien got the car ouf ai the garage. Themo waa a abat af hanse liniment i a mye bottle. lio took fiat fao. Ho wait- cd till the boss witi fie gney mnd bay dippcd hua flic guily - tien,' ai ter curofully closing fthc garage dooms, Eidon bit for fhe fail uncut -down thc lame not 100 yards from i biatrustiul boas. In Uic evening, calling flic caf- fie borne, the "missus" nissed bath boy mnd car. Police wcre notifici. The Training Sebool sus- pected lic wouid bead for Tim- mina. Ho did. He was cauglit at Matheson, aniy a iew miles from home. Ho tavelled 450 miles over a single-track rond mnd no anc spotted tic license plates on this stolen car. The neason was fiat Uicepublic were mot informi- cd - on be may have been stop- ped muci soonen. J. J. Brown leit fan Matheson ta bning Bidon back. And be- wildened Mm. Parrinder,- under gruff condescention ai Provincial autiorities, Uic fostor guardiaxis, was tald ta go. along with Mn. Brown if lie wanted ta gef bis car back. Ho went. It's a 2-day trip. There la no anc at home ta do flic fani wark mnd milk bis 7 cows. He w4s '"tl" by police and afi - ciais ho bad no recourcc non me- dncas. This costly business may nequire iurther investigation. As we go te presUiis crme cas closes. Bidon carne up ln juvenile court and was sent back ta Uic training sebool. Mr. Par- rinder made a round trip af about 900 miles ta recover bis battered car. His cash expense plus flic ficit plus losai time and damage ta car wil mn well avor $100.00. Ail this due ta this amail boy wlio was iammed ouf by his fasten par- enta, The Provincial Governinont, ta, Parrindor with Uic assurance they withheld Uic fact that ho had previously stolen a car. To Mr. Parrinder'o request that the Government meot at least'part aI thl ss, the officiais absolutelY refused ta consider it. The States- mani bas gathercd and presented these facts for Uic bonefit aif fam- cr subscribera. Orono News YOUNG WOMEN'S CLASS The Young Women's Clans ai Park St. Sunday Scbool met Mai 20th at Uic home ai Mns. A. A. )rumxmond. Mns. H. Allen, 1sf vice, preaided. Meeting opened with a worshlp periad, followcd by 'business period. The topic wai divided into two parts. Mns. F. Lycett, wbose bus- band Major F. Lycctt lias boom im the army 13 years, gave a mont interesting and instructive talk on thc Army, dealing with Uic ion- nation, duties ai officers, signa of ranks, time telling, map reading, etc., mnd ending witb a short ro- vlew ai army otiquette. Mns. S. Hall, wbaso husband la a media- nic wlth. the Air Force, tallced briefly. on tlua phase Of Uic de- oence prograni, dealing with Uic officers amd flictypes af planes. Mme. Allen nioved a vote ai thanka ta. Mns. Lycett, lins. Hall and lns. tÏrummond, affor whicli lunch wai served. June meeting will be at Mns. Thé nicest cou rtesy you cmn show your guosts from uouf towm is ta have their visita mentioned on thia page. The nicest courtesy yrou can show .your rInonda la ta let them. learn ai your viait tliro' this page wheneven you go awaY. Most ai us have flic five senses, tasto, amell, siglit, aound mnd touci. A chosen few bave thcee raore, a sense af proportion,a sense ai bumornmd cammon snse. Your BYES cnmbamethe b"ssitofthu very but il es. You cn ejoy char, unobstructed vision at everryanle ai a cost of leu than 20 per day . Proper oye welfem lu aaured whe' "ou wea COIECTAL Wkh.-Vision Lemus Latir examine Yuuey.a Cowling's Ding Store Phono 695 Prompt Dolivery ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARE May 30-31 - June 1 Bowmanvllle To Toronto $1.20 milton _ __ -$2.05 Owen Sound $4.10 Parry Sound - $4.85 Sudbury --$1.50 Windsor $6.60 (Governinent tax 10% extra) Also te mmi intormetllate points. Going - Ail trains atter noon May, 30 - Ail trains Mai 31- Morning trains lune 1. For train service, limits,,etc. Consult Agents - Procure Dodger. Pool Train Servlcp Canadian Canadian Pacifie Ntional HAVE A WEEKEND, PICNIC But flrst visit Lun's Grocery where YoWÎl find a wide varletyl .,of foods - prlced at money-savlng figures. . SALAD DRESSING 10lc, 19c, 35c, 49c Kraft Sandwich lc 9 aD IAE SpIou<I -10,9e I six-bottie cartolas OfCnchCoca-cola * 25 OheicIs - 15cPepsi-Cola -250 Olives 17c, 19c, 35c Canada Dry- 27o Pimento or plain Krft and a varlety of other delici- CheOqe lOc, 1Sc, 59e ous thlrst-quenchers eERNIE LUNN Phone 596 Grocer h . Dres s Cleara8nce Sal 2fer $3.75 Th ieshopper wilil get at least two of thein. Regular $2.98 ad$.5valses in printed ilks, sharkokins, crepes, chiffons ad ceci teanJdividual stiles. AUl the new Sprlng sae. Ms14 te 50. Delivery fe 9*s 375, ARCADESTR BOWMAN VILLE k eAGB SIX

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