Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 1

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if V(ITTUP a" YV.L JiJ.r 12i but Talent of County Heard 'At Prize Winuers' Concet ý?resident Praises, Helpers Tegrand concert given by ILD7 pr!zheywfners in te Durhamn CLUBS Hope Friday night was of almost "" ~ff equal interest for people of Bow- DISTRTB UTIL JIGS manville district as résidents of cia oa very successul EM TO YONG FARMERS both as ta attendance and the____ class of entertainment provided. Mr. A. E. Fulford, president, fi Te ama itiuin o a brief QPening address, expressed Tue bredYorsri getio so hie appreciation of the large at- among West, Durham farm boys tenance, and then extended the took place at Hampton Town Hall thanke cf the association to al' Monday evening. Each boy-mem- ho ada part i making the ber of the club was entitled to festival a success. In these, re- too hs lsypres u marks he mentioned the board of tsince thse ar thoesection trustees of the United Church for raned fi age trato1séleekios. the use of the fine building, and it ws.ecdd2o r w ots. El also the high school board for the even boys therefore drew slips use Of their auditorium; to the from, a hat and 22 ear-tagged press of the county for publicity prsective gilts found n e w 80 frecly extended; to those who hromes. 80 generously contributed finan- hm cial support; ta Mrs. Gardon Gar- They owere taken from trailers net for assistance ini secretarial and boxes and paired ln grain work; Mr. George O'Neil for sacks and away went the boys flwr; to St. Paul's Church for ta tart their scientific feeding, the use of the piano; and in gen- the,,résu.lte of whlch will- be re- eral toalal who gave so generous- vealed 'at Blackstock Pair later ly of their time durlng the festi th&year. The Cartwright Ag- val. ricultural Society, under govern- Mr. Fulford paid high tribute mental, -arrangements, are 'the to the adjudicators, Messrs. J. sponsors,' and on Achievenient Campbell-Mclnnes, F.R.S.A., and De, the boys campete for cash William Marshall, A.T.C.L.,alga primes put up by the Dôiffiionc ta Miss H-elen Morris, A.T C.M and -Provincial Governments andt without whose assistance it wuld the fair board. But that iie only be very difficult ta carry through -part.of the story.la these undertakings. The main idea bchind an On- He also stated that medals for tariô 130ys'Swine Club le ta stini- second and third winmers would ulate interest fiswinie ràlsing;a be m~ailed when completed. The to imprové bacon types for the' first prize wihmers received their British markétand ta create a0 awards ipsmediately f ollowing dloser study Of production costs,c the rendition of their selections, scientific feeding, management9 while the winning groupe aiea re- and marketing.,u celved their shields, . Twb clubs are In operation inb The firet twa num~bers, the first Durham and, more in prospect. t, by the Trinity-Unlted, Orchestra, Bath East. and West Durhamh Bowsnanvile,.'anid the Betheeda Clubs were' organized two cea-à rural echool, werc cancelled as sons ago under auspices of Rotary these groupe were not prsn.adLosCusadbth are The first number, therefore, was f lourishing. The West Durham a recitation by Adrienne Paxton Clul4 arase through Bob Stevens of Part Hope. The vaices of the and George Chase praving with e younger artiste were rather mild pencil anpl paper that scientific t for sa large an auditorium, and hog raisiu¶g, aver a neido <Continued on page 1 0) (Coftinu.d on pag eriS) f Eidland K, ReLNëied In Eautern'aista Cm LetterTels Ab:ont rhm By Lieut. John M. James An Eastern Canadien Centre Monday, May 12, 1941. Dean George end Statesman Readers: Hene w. ance t an Easterr Canadien Training Centre, as tht officiais cal it, but most o! yct know aur exact location by ±sow 50 tise lengthy name docsn't mcar mucis ta yau. Secmccy plays e bif part here s0 I -sheil not deive It aur activities et toc great length Enougis t a sy that Uic lads ert living ta comortable quarters not working taa isard and are. e. jaying Uic change*,o! scenery and training., Wc are divided ittaCampais areas s0 that 'ID" Coy. whichis nean ta Uic heants of Bowmes. ville people la by itecif with the Uiree piatoons separated so fer as qu artere and duties are càncerncc, Actuaiiy tise situation le ta sase respects mucis like summen camp days when we epent considerabie tins. beautlfying Uic grounds and buildings we occupicd and cven wcnt in for a littie fency garden- fig and genéral lendscaping. No. 16 Platoon under Licul. Oattes isas iisduiged in e white- washcd rock front for its'hiome and ta deinitely show wiso lives there, Uiey have constnucted an eamtis crescent with tise number o: tise piatoan standing out in relief s0 tisat ail passenaby mey look anc marvel. No. 17 Piatoon under Lieut. Spencer haé aise gone decorative with fancy ahaped plots of eentm suroundcd by white stonesgatis. crcd tram tise beach, and again they have thein nase laid out fn rocks. One o! thé6 17 PI. lads froms Bowmenvile, Semmy Wilseon, I believe, wcnt e step fugrther and designed tUic Midlend. Crest ini amail pbbheo., Tise whole etteci le moat pleaalng. No. 18 Ph. hae not yct echievcd Uic effect thet Uic othens have, meiniy due ta tise tact tisat Uiey have a gret deel a! fillng "ip and rebuildflg ta do betore Uiey cen begin siapping an witcwesi. k$no on page 9) Endeevaurla'gtýp'void twa baya riding bicyclef dn ,thee tghwey nantis cf Hmtano uday elter- noan a truc I oeded l catthe was ditched and weckd.Leolie Latimer, Uic driver, was maktag a deivcry for hie employer, Grant Bennett. Tise truck overturned on strlking tise dltch and was badly demaged, but Latinmen esceped wliheafew brulse. Thse yalUable thorobred * stock were coXralhod wlthaut muais troubIe.,ý JUNIOR FARMERS FIELDDAY .AT BKTHANY Annuel meeting of tise Durhsam Junior. Farmers' Association was iseld at Pantypool, May 12Zi with M practically evcry township repre- e sentcd. President, Wm,, Rowland )u presided. E. A. Sumasars, Agmi- Sculturel Representetive, reviewed nsome a!f Uic more importent jun- ior pmojects o! Uic past year as g9 wdll as plans for 1941., to The .record showedk that the' h. Durham juniors are cpntinulng to re uphold Uic exceilenf record of %~ other.years witis fou4r hster-county ri- traptaca having been won Uic past td year. Tise.wlnnings fldludcc tise Grain, Potato . and Swine Ly Clubs and Uic Warden's Traphy7 aI '5 tise Qutate Distriçt 'Seed Pair. 1-Warden's Trophy isas been won Le cieven successive yeers. Grain is and Potato Club Teama won bQtm J. the Ontarioaend'Dominion Con. te tests. IP It was decided ta hold Uic An- le fuai Field Day at BethanY' on ,d Saturdey, June 14tis, wîtis a fair ýn char. o! tise proccede ta b. donat- - d for War -Services.- Thc Field Day will conist a! baye' and girls' tsoftball tournamcnts, a isard bal - ga 1 , North versus Souths witi ýe tise conciûdhsg item being tise an- es nual dance. Tees captains anc n asked ta scnd Uhir applications of ta Z. . A. Summçrai BcwnarinvUla 1 at an eely date. UIf enouisboyi' d teano are entered thee wilil b. twa groupa, A and É.-Thé Agou ta fIclude teas"thet have 9eltsr ewon or beeri n thUicsciai-fUsl àtise pa,,'and B ta conuleto! al ather teensa. ' Pectois of offlcer:nresultèd is >Rowland, Newcatle,, President- IGardon týa ,Milbmaok; Vice- 1 Pesiden-Everett Brown, Orono; 1Se'y.-Treas. - Garnet Rlckard, tBcswmanville. Directoma - Hop e' Allen White, Carroil Nichais; Caven, Erlc FaI- lis, Fred Brown; South Mona- g'an, Gereld. Anderson, . A 1 a n Irelw an; Menvera, Hoar~d Mal- cois, Eenl Weathemll1t; C a r t- wnigist, Neil Malcolm, Orval Stin- son; Dellngton, Wesley Wcrry, Howard Million; Clerke, Alex Hendry, Franklin Tamblyn. ENGAGEMENT Mm. and Mms. C. M.. Murdaf! wlsh ta announce tise engagement a! their anly daugister, Borea Ilees, te Mr.' Cecil Waadruff Myles Elliltt, son of Mr. end Mme. M y1e Elliott o! Toronto, Tise weddin to takluelaC.aembridge Street ' Uniod. curç, Zndsyon Oit-, Uk'dA, Juie Itis.- > r BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TElÈ SEVENTEEN CAS FEATURE SEVERAL TRAFFIO .CHAýRGES A docket a! seventeen cases camprised the heavicet session fi eame tins. in Magistrat. Gec's Court here 'Tucaclay. Hearing o! thc charges arising out o! Uic accident ta which Charles Lenion, Wm. C. Woolner and Gardon Wooflcr were ta- volved was deferred until June 17th at which tise tise Crawn thought Mrs. Lyons Allen mdgist be recovered sufficiently ta ap- pear as a material witness. The three have W. F. Ward for coun- sel. Four Quebec lads, Leslie Fian- der, Donald McKillop Wm. Hem- mon and Wm. Reilly from Verdun and Pt. St. Charles ail pleaded guilty of charges o! theft and breaking and cntering. "'Tisy al came tram very good homes," stated Constable S ilv eest er. Scisoolisauses No. 23, Clarke, and No. 1, Darigton, were broken itt on May Ilth alsa Uic home o! Norman Rickard, Newcastle, tram which several watchcs were stalen. Two of tise boys were only sixteen and twa seventeen. They were placed on suspended sentence. Three Finns who have been lodged ta Cobourg jeil stace Set- urday- night werc faund guilty on charges of intoxication. The driver of tise car will epend twenty days it aieuand cachis l assessed $20.00 fine. They were apprehended by Traffic Officers W. F. Thompson and Seiple in Bowmanvillc on Saturday alter a wild chas. from Newcastle. "It was thc most recklcss piece of drivtag I've ever seen," de- clared Offîcer Thompeon. "He couldn't do it agata wsthout kill- ing someone. I had ta stop tam before he. wrecked tise car on1 tise main 'street hem.." "'Arvua Vuori, tise driver seemed ta bei having a good tins. because h. drave witis anc hand out o! the window and was taottag tas horn," added Officer Sciple. à Dr. Harold Fergusan said ta evidence he hed not yet received tise results tram a blood-test macl on tise driver but h. had no isesitatibn ta saying Uic tria were drunk. Three constables con- firmed this. "The car came itt town at 60 miles an hour and struck tise bump etthUicest end o! King St. tisrowing it over thc curb. It was a nirmacle thcy missed a tree,"I sa.td Officer Thompson. "W. ssanaged ta stop thcm ta front o! thec Balmsoral Hotel. -The men gave tiscir addrcsscs as Trenton but I have three otiser addresscs as well."1 Of tise remataing cases anc wasz settled out of court; anc was a1 ninor traffic infraction and twoE involvcd two juveniles in theft. 1 Presentation Made To RetiringPastor Myany former members of Trin- tyY.P.attended Uic Monday evcnig meeting t a te part tnaa farcwIl Serice isonaing tise me- tfLng pestar, ev. S. Devisais wio ths dnc so mucista assiet is this phsase a! Christian endeevour. Qulté fittinghy Mm. Devisais him- self delivered Uic address cf the evening and et Uic conclusion Uic president a! Uic society Lau Dew- cil ead an address ta Uhir pastar eftcr which Miss Amber Morton, on behai! of the saciety, pesented Mr'. Devisais with a git a! e beau- tiful miror, somethtag by wiih he and Mrs. Davison ma3z. recahi Uieir pleasent associations et Bow-' manville. An excellent pnogram was given by tise aider members, many c! whom have not withdrawn tram tise saciety. Mme. J. A. Cole, Mari- an Dudley, and Joyce Luxtan played a piano tria ta brilliant style. Hazel Rundie, pianist, play- ed "In a Monastery Garden" and Mrs, Stuart R. James sang two. oalôs "'Lais. o!tise Tisusises" and Uic appcaling "Mighty Lek a -Others taking part intahUicwm- ulsp service werc Wllfred Hambhy,1 Oshawe, Donlu Dudley, John Ashs-' ton and Mn. Howard Jeffery. 1 si t] i îw id e- it le id r. id al il )r rs a t ;0 d rTDcb-)A Y, AY 2n., 94 Durtag .Uieir recent convention ri'tae .V CatrMng ta Hamnilton, members of!tUic OÀ- i Drcofo!tise Canadian tario-Quebec Division a! Uic Can- 1ekly Newspapcrs Association, edian Weekly Newspepers Aseoci. 'ampton; H. E. Rice, President ation vislted Uic big plant ta, tise Canadian Weekly News- whlch Bofars anti-aircraft guns prs Association, Huntsville; arc manufactured. At their dimuser' drew O. Hcbb, Newmarket, Hon. Angrus L. -Macdonald, Min- ediate Past President of- Uic ister a! National Defence for Nev- taric-Quebec Division; Walter ai Affaira, was guest speaker. lsBehn, Georgetown Herald; Frank the upper photo Mr. Macdon l aMcintyre, Dundalc, Presîdent- shown as ise addressed Uichews- Uect o! tise Ontario-Quebec Divi- pepermen. lIn Uic lower photo ea lan; R. A. Giies, Lachute, Que., group is sisown durtag Uic tour' $ec'y.-Treae. o! Uic Ontaria-Que- o! Uic Bofore plant. rom left ta -be Division. Dowmanville si Wm. Shotter T4 Recoverlng frani Uicbloi which cnlatments f icmhe rnk dealt ta the Bowmanville Ban, it isas now been decided ta re anganize and carry on. At a meeting Tuesdey nigi plans wcre laid ta terminate tih inectivity whichhais caused pec pie ta wondcr whcthen tise bani actually existed for Uic peet ycai Win. Sisotter wlso hes had wld, experience in band. work ani long Bcen assocleted WiUi tise loa musiciens will b. Uic leadert4 At Uic meeting in the caunci chamber reports .werc given tai last year ac4 a siate a! officer elected. ThI was !ollowcd byà nigorous discussion on Uic bec- neans of getting 'thc band fit( action et once. Lieut. Col. A. H. Bounseil, 2n< Batt. Mdland Regt., address< the meeting requestfig use a! any instruments nat nceded et preseni for a pcriod o! about Uiree monthi as a military band la betag organ- izcd in the district. lIn retumis the lcal band was off emed use o! the Armouries <Badminton Club) for quarters in wisich ta practice anc 3tre any propcrty instrumentE nd unifarnis while not in use. Dhe gethemingwelcomed Col. aounsall' s r est and offer anc ýwas decidcdta coopemate witm ti. Ail parties holding any in$ru. îcnts or band property of any cid are rcquested ta turn it over ;a member cf Uic executive et sce in order that a check-up may )e made, end aiea thet Uic uni- orma may be cleaned and press- Id and Uiasc not ta use put in torage. Prectices will begta Manday, &ay 2M a t Uie Armouries and ail ommer membere or any othcrs teested are invitcd ta attend .8 p.m. The folawing werc elccted ta he executive: President-J. H. Lbernethy; Vice Presîdent - W. sotter; Trcasumer-E. Henning; scretary-Gilbemt Joncs; Execu- ive Consmitte-Frank Tuerk Sm., Valter Woiiey, W. Tait, Librari- Sous of England From SeventTowns Hold Church Parade Last Sunday E Ir tc i f. st al tif h SI tic ' br The mast notable Bons a! Eng- land Cisurcis parade ta years was hIs~d Sunday ,evening ta Trinty United Churcis when members o! Uic sodlety from Peterbaro, Mill- brook, Ncwtonviile, Pont Hope, Newcastle, Oona and Bowman- ville gathered hem.e t tise lodge rooms in tise Dleekiey Block. Marshalled by Benjamin King o! Zawmanville and led by Uic Higis Scisool Cadet Bugle Band thc parade stepped off taward the CexotaPhis l thUicofficera, ta- ludflg West Dumrham District Deputy W. J. Berry and Herbert Hancocle, who isolde Uic same of- fice for East Duries, et Uiceisead. Brlefly pausing et the monument ta observe a two-mlnutc silence, a wreath W* aida1 by Thamasi Cartwr t- and David, Armnstead d bi.of! thé, iodge. The service un Trtalty cisurcis empheslzed tise Petriotic note, tise front about Uic aiter being beauti- fully decomated wi flawens, flage and photographe of tise leaders cf Uic Empire. Tise sermon peached by Rev. S. Devisais, was insplmtag and along patrlatlc limes. Vislting brethren were muchis nmpresscd wiUi tise fine service. Miss Thora ]Devison added ta Uic service taniser endi- tion o! e patrlatic reedtag. Salas were sun g by Mise Merlan )Dudley and Orile Osborne. At Uic conclusion a!fUic service the Sans O! Enghand marched back t thUic odge roomsewhere the visitons wcre ententalned. Votes o! Uianks wcre mnoved ta thase who had aided wi arrange- ments for .the service and lunch was semved. mdReorganized Post of Leader f REcEIVES WG i ,Jack "Mickey" Roacis L_ Sois a! Mm. and Mrc. Lewis Roacis, eLiberty Street, Bowmenville, who ewa prcsented witis hie wings and r sengcant's etripes et a cenemany à et Camp Borden on Friday. Mic- cs key, wiso hec been witi tise R.C. A.F. stace lait feul, hec been ste- tiersed et Fort William and Camp Borden. He la one cf tise local lads Who has donc well in sparts ne setter wiscnc ise ias been and we jota with hic hast et local t riends in ottering congratulations ron hic recent achievement. Donnybrook Fair Proc.eds For Victlmis Fund. sEverybody un Durhams County is gomg ta have an eppertunty te tae part in the Donnybnook Fait et Orono Fair Grounds an Wensday, June i8th. It is planned te have eveny rcsident et Clarke Townshsip cantnibute somnething abseiutcly free a! change, ta this uniqe affain. hrt-1 icles, impliments, tumniture, live E stock-tai fact enything thet wili] be useful la acceptable. It ie ta b. given as a united war dona- tion ta ealize money te be for-c wanded ta tise Britishs War Vic-à time' Fund. Se you are aesuneda that every ccnt reaiized wiii go ta a Most wartisy ceuse un aleviat-r ing lasses susteined by tise brave( and- courageous Bitishens whov have been so ruthlessly. bombed1 by Uic destemdly Nazis.a Citizens autside Clarke Town-r ship are condially invited ta at-s tend tisis stupendaus patniatic event with a vicw ta buying any- t thing on tise grounds tiset appeais te your heant, Your desire ord your packet bock. you buy It atd YOu.r awispnice as cveny lest art-h ici. on tise grounds wil b. pute up et auctian and gae ta tise big-C geet bldder. Every auctionecr InS tise County ie bcing invited ta o contribute hie services for this s big bergain day. Make. a note o! tise day now- f June 18th. Watch for marc par-m ticulars tram week ta week. f Mmand Mme. Elgin Mundayy and Babby, Stirling, epent Sunday i et hi~p arcntis, Mark Mundey,b Meple Grave. L Holiday Saturday Bowmanvllle merchpite wili observe Victoria Dpay on Saturday, May 24tb, when stores wilI be closed. Farmers and housewives are warned te buy lu a good stock of supplies Friday to last over the long weekend, Stores will be open Friday night ta the usual boums oh- served on Saturday night. No Public celebration la bcing held ber. this year, but kla l expected that a large number of citizens will be decorating their homes and stores ln prepar- ation for the coming Victory Loan drive ta start June 2. RANGERS, G UIDES, BROWNIES I4OLD CHURCH PARAD The girls of Bowmenvillc'e mc active Young folks' organizatiai paraded in a body ta St. John Anglican Churcis Sunday nsornir wisere they woresipped and isea an excellent sermon by tise recto Canon C. R. Spencer. Under Mrs. Donald Purdy, di trict commissioner, Leaders Mai garet Storey and Eileen Coucisc the Brownies, Capts. Mrs. Royý Quinn and Mme. H. Cameranc tise Guides, and Captata a! th Rangers, Mme. Howard Jeffer Uic girls marched tram tise Pubil Sciscol groundsa thUic curcis. During Uic service Miss Lillia Naylor sang a well rcndercd sol( "Juet For Today" and tise chisc under Mme. John Gunni led tantth singing. The Guides, Rangera an( Brownies hold parades ta th, variaus cisurcises cf tise town seL eral times cacis year. Shorthorns 'Shipped To BenefitMaritimec Tise Beef Cattie Division cf th, Department o! Agriculture, Ot tawa, carnies an its advancec policies in tise midet cf war; ii tact tise cection and dispersai c Young Sisortisorg bulls as tounda tien brêeding stock isas just beei campietcd f or thc year 1941 ani ecale larger Uian ever. Tise offj ciai name cf tise departmcnti "The Dominion Liveetock Produc tion Service." Tise abject is th, improvement of grade cattie ii outlying districts ail acrose Can ada. Each spring, purchaeing agent- ofthUi govemnment visit Sisorthorr cammunitices in Uicvariaus pro: vinces, and witis local experte, se. lect yoùng stock for shipseil Tise purcising agent tor, Ontaric is C. F. MacKenzie, Kingston, and tom same years th iselcdman as« eisting him in Centrai Ontario haç been Jack Baker, Hampton, Ont, Despite bad roade, tise Ontaric quota cf over 40 bulla was beugis up, tise government paying by chseck. These buils were tisen as- sembied at Guelphs priar ta ehip- ment ta destinattion. One car was- siipped ta the Sudbury-Manitoulin district. Twc shipments wcnt west ta Winnipeg and Regina and anc extra-select carlot went ta New Brunswick Qualified herdemen accompany eacis shipment. Jack Baker me- turned lest week elter deivering to tise Dominion Govermuent agent ta New Brunswick 6 dark red buils., tise cream o! Ontario's seicction. From thence h. crossed to Nova Scotia and brougist an- other bceg-eire back ta tise Eas- ter Townesips cf Quebcc. Interviewed on isis return, ficidman Baker etated that con- litions generally neyer ioaked better despite lack of raint ail clear Uiraugi te tise east ccast and that everywhere tisis government aolicy cf iserd impravement isad shown remarka'.ie recuite. He cx- plained that Uic gavernment >aught bulle anly from campetent >reeders and retaincd ewnership tiii they were turned off as beef. They weme circuiated in backwamd districts on loan ta raîse beet- cattie standards in Canada. Breeders wiso- cantributed te thie sisipment tram this district icluded: John Rickard, repre- senting W. F. Rickard, M.P., W. JS. and Garnet Rickard, Capt. 0.H. Mumtord <Pres. Durhsam County Sisorthorn Breedeirs Asso- Three cars werc badly smasised and a bride o! oisly a !ew hours was cmiticaily tajured lin an accid- ent thrce miles wcst o! Bowman- ville carly Seturdey evcning. M!argaret Jean Grant, a former nurse o! St. Mcheel's haspital staff, Toronta, who was married Saturday aftemisoois ta H. Lyons illen, was taken ta Oshsawa Hoas- pitaliun a criticel condition. The husbend escapcd Uic crash w'ith anly minor injuries. The Ai- len car was travelling cait wisep isey wcrc struce by e westbaund car dniven by Cisarles Lemon, age 7, 2nd Street, BowmanviIie. Travelling behind the Allen car vas a car driven by Trevor Har- ison, Wellington St., Bowman- ville, wisicis piledit thUicwmeck- age cf Uic other two cars. Mme. Allen, hate Wednesday .igist was reported as bcflg mucis betten. She recelved a surgical Dpenatiais Sunday morning and scc tise accident hua been given tur blood transfusions. W. C. Woolner, Elgin St., Bow- manvillc, owner and occupant o! se car witis Leman, was emreated )n e chargea!f being tatoxlcated and o! permitting an operetor ta rive wlthout a permit. Charles remois wes charged wlth reckeless riving and wli drlvtag wlthout permit. Woalner received isead acemetions. Gardon Waolner and Wme. Peter Woolner, ail o! Bow- nanville, occupants o! Uic Waoh- iem car, wcre untajured. Mme. Grace Harrison and Aider- nan W. H. Harrison, Bowman- ile, accupaents o! Uic Harrison ar escaped with anly betag bedly saenup. ise cident was in- restigeted by Canstable William .Tisompean o! Uic Provincial Iolice trafflc petrol. Relatives et Toronta seid thàt he tajured brldc's mother, Mis. meant, widow o! the lete Rev. rames A. Grant, 118 Earl Grey toad, wea bearisg up "bravely" Lder the asaoc. Mm. Gmant died n Januay Tise acident brougist e second ement o! tragedyit theicwed- ng. as an aunt o! Uic groom dled Otttewe wliheahcart seizure hamtly befome ase was scisedulcd o heeve for Toronto. Mr. Allen la son o! Mm. end Mme. H. H. Allen dOttawa, and, after the wcddflg ri Mm. and Mmi. Allen plenised o liv. et Ottawa. rT'PQT-1 A Xr 'RK A xr inn- -i -i nà -i NUMBER 21 -Crack Regiment Arrives tWill Encamp HereTngh sAt Cream of Barley Park Asi) ROoDCAUSESsAstweago ta advance gad of the Grey& Simce oesters, in full march- l7rJrTlLrrnxrTing order, swings srfoel VEHfICLjj1vOCjj>Sf past The Statesman office on their way ta Cream o! Barley Camp, ON FR NTS REET where tise :erainder ofth:e bat- vouac 800 strong. Transports, The bad road at bth ends of field-kitchens and al the modemn the tawn took their first tal in carriers whih frm part 'of the trafficw accidents late Tueday regiment of today, have taken up evening. A heavy tractor trailer positions and hot meals will be truck and a light car were in- provided on time for the over- volved. The truck ging east by night stop of tises suprbly train- the Glen Rae Dairy cut over ta ed troops. )E the left hand side of the road ta The unit'is under command of avid the bumps. An approachtg Lieut. Col. Rutherford and tie Ot westbound car driven by Lenka order of marci, which forma part Dns Koren, 210 Ritson Road, Osawa, of final training, is that leaving 'e collided with the truck as it at- Toronto Tuesday, the battalion ing tempted ta get back on the prper will foot it through ta Trenton, ird side of the road at tie top of tie with appropriate stops, and there or, hili. . entrain for an unknown destin- The lightcoach model car . was ation. Stops wil be made at ls- ahost completely demlished but Whitby, Bowmanville, Port Hope and an intermediate point be- ar- tise young lady miiracuiously es- tween tiser. and Trenton. of caped inj)uries. The fender and M jr A g a M w t sit n aipr ft he van were damaged in recruiting officer, M.D.3, King- Of the accident. Trying ta avaid thse stan, was in Bowmanviile Tues- he approacising car the truck paased day making advance prçparations ry, close enaugh ta a street ight in but w e neve e , b y n lic front o! Osbornes service station we neveebyn ta rem ave the base with the fen- tatn t e me e f ct t at t ,an er.The mpatofthe toape were on their way and lon der. is meipctotse tw would be here on echedule, h. a, visiiesmeeingturedie car had- notising ta say. It was as- ir completely around s0 tisat when sumed tisat this is but ane af a Le it etopped it was facing east. general movement of troope late- id ly taking place now that a war d f mavement is agamn under way e CENSUS MEN in Europe. Bowmanville pople v- ~~will hv an opportunity o com- START ROUNDS paring tic "Grey & icoe's JUNE 2ND with aur No. 1. Midlands. Since tie country is going ta be deluged with censue figures in a PT. PAULFS W.M.S, few months we migit as well pre- p are for a bit of it. The 1931 of-. St. Paul's W.M.S. met in Uic 'sficial figures show that Bowman- manse May 2Oth, with a gaod at- ville had increased 26.29 per cent tendance and President Mrs. W. or an increase of 850 coula ta the H. Carruthers in tise chair. Mrs. he preceding decade. Has that pro- Kenneth Werry had charge of the )_grese been repeated? The papular pragram and gave a short talk on d idea je tiat Bowmanville is going "Living the Christian Lfe ithUi ibackward tastead of farward but Home." Bible readings were tak- nof perhaps the census compilator w~il en by'Mrs. Reta Dudley and Mrs. À-prove ta be a gloom chaser. In Fred Pattinson, fllowed with en 1931 Uic population of Bowman- prayer by Mrs. Werry. Mrs. J. H. aville nunibered 4083. daw it Jury gave an mntercsting addrcss The tawn isas alwaysdnis on the 111e o! Masih, an Indins 111e from the Goodyear Tire and missionary in India. Mrs. Wcrry LsRubber Ca. I is aperating in a aIea spoke on the 111e of Miss hêhealtisy condition now and, we Archibald of Trinidad. The meet- Sedit that activity will be re- ing ciosed with prayèr by Mme. ln fected' ta a sharp risc of popula- A. R. Cragg. Refreshments *erc n-tion figures. What tise area f served. Bowmanville taday would have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 ben ha notUicGaodear ire Mrs. Edith Black and Mrs. Jim iý division been removed is seen in Clarke epent thc wcckend ta To- - the number it cmploys at New ronto visiting relatives. - Toronto. :Bride Is C iitically Injured ý Ini Bad Highway Accident Three Automobiles Wrecked FOLKS JOURNEY FROM CALIFORNIAe TO VIEW BLOSSOMS It's became a regular custam p for Canadians to go South for the 1 winter, but when Calîtornians it came ta Durham County ta sec t] the apple blosoms in bloom, well, ci that's new. And such was tie case this week when Mr. and Mre. R. G. Dickinson (nee Frances ri Cnley, formry of The States- v. man staff), and their ciarming a, litte 6 yar ad daughtr Larr, matored ail the way tram Cuiverr: City, Califamnia, in order ta be b iscre for Apple Blossom Week in 0 Durhamn County. It is over twenty -. yars since they had rvcied in f this giariaus sight and experience ot drîving Uirough this fansous orchard district. They couldn't m~ have timed it better for Uic blos- ti sme are grgeous this wek and or the editor of Tie Statesman had ar the piasure of accompanying di thens on tiis dcigitful drive.o! Li al the rciards visited Jack Bak- dl er'e at Sauina toppd them al for a sheer beauty and grandeur. H. had two rws of Duches trees,M full ength of tie orchard, which m werc a mass a! sivery white pet- ne ais which entirely blanketed tise leaves and branches which made ný nc teel yu wre realy in f airy- y: land as yau walked tisrough tise dl archard. Our Calîfornia friends aiI said it was worth comng 3000 v miles ta witness once agan such P a glorius bit f Ontaria scnery. P ~th Gi Orme Gamsby infarms us a je Partyýof newspaper folk from thc R IToronto Star landed in Orono Ur, Sunday for a fish upsetttag bsai churcis attendance. Howcver, h. went without much coaxlng. Tihe c] girls supplled an excellent lunch dli at wich Mr. Ceci Mercer, M.L.A. ai was an invited gucat. Seventeen ah spatted beauties werc capturcd te and ahl voted it a lovcly day. a Orme reports Uic lunch was the ai bet "grass lunch" sa far ths tri scason.M P'l rE rIn ~tatermrn With Whlch Are Incorporated The Bow manville News9, the Newcastle lndependent, And The Orono News

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