* ~T W~A z.oÇ M . VIIVTLE.ONTARIO TMRUIWDAY, MAY 22, 1941 THE CA'. L& AMbAIIJJN aj -.--, --- ODRONO '~Gardon Bruton was home. Mrs. George Clvier vlsited ber % Nelsn. ~'.ill Baldwin was home on leave. Mrs. P. Gordon has returned Irom the south. Mru. W. Chapman has been i Peterboro hospital. CI Joncs is working in Stir- lng., Gordon Leaman was home on leave. Miss Helen Daubney, Ottawa, visltcd with Miss Margaret Roy. Leading Aircrattsman S. Hall Was home tram Brantferd. A.- number cf new books have been placed in Orono Library. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay are bath on Uic sick list. Mr'. Ed. Davey is visiting i Bewdley and Rossmount. Üi!ss Viola Neden is home trom coilege, Toronto. M~r. W. Chapman lu getting in electric lights. Mr. Buckley, Oshawa, has rent- ed an apartment i Kumrite Inn. The Statesman is on sale ai Tyrreil's Drug Store, 5c a copy. Miss E. Rutherford Is visiting In Toronto. Albert Harris lu having hi house painted. Miss Allie Wood vlited in En- niukillen. MiSa Lois. Wood, Toronto, wai home. Mrs. Peel, formerly et Orone, is visfting ut Mr. Fred Duncan's. Oreno Quartette provided music at Enniakillen Sunday afterneon. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hall on the birtb of a son, May 15Ui. Manley Littlewood gave thei softbail team a werk-out Thurs« day evening. Miss Gladys Maynard, Bow. mianville, lu visiting ut Mr. Wni. Barrett's and Mrs-. Crane'%. Miss Sadie Brown was taken Vo Oshawa baspital with a broken ankle. She is now home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and faxnily, Oshawa, vlited 0. W., Scott. Oreno Lodge mnembers attend» cd a service ai Oshawa SundaY aterneen. Mr. Clarke Thompsen, Toronto visited Mrs. W. S. Roy. Ris ta- ther returned home wlth hlm. .Rev. S. Littlewoed teck anal- versary services at Blackstock Sunday-,evening.* a - - a fi NEWS pROUDLY CANADIAN 1 Years sigo Picobac set out on a commercial adycture-to prove 1h..: Canadians should b. proud of the tobacco grown ini sunny southera Ontario. Picobac won by sheer merit, by demonstrating that the pick, of Canada's Burley eron is alwavs a mild, why favou "It1 1cool, sweet smoke. That's 1today* Picobac £8 Canada's otite pipe tobacco. DOES taste gooci ln a pipe il# HANDY SEAL-T1QHT POUCH -.15e '4,JLB. "LOK-TOP' TIN - 65c dIgo pocked ln Pocket Tins I ?icobêGROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO New President ro Institute A picnlc group from Osbawa U. U enJayed the Park Sunay - it be- %Sii . W u508DM le ing the tirsi picnic of the seasen. Mrs. I. T. Cbapman and Fcrn ~lf.. A~~kS are visiting bier daughter Florella Of OVAVAIV VVV8I51 (Mrs. Welsh), at Feneila. ___ Mrs. George Colins, Toronto, is Mrs. 0. W. Rolph was elccted visiting lier daughter, Mrs. j. J. President ot Grena Women's In- Ni Mellor. stitute ut tUdr meeting Frlday Mrs.H. Wlshis cterti~gafterneen. Other officers are: lot Mrs H.Walh s eterainngVice-Mrs. M. H. Staples; 2nd member et the W.C.T.U. to-night Vice-Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn; Secre- (Thursday). tury-Mrs. Il. Allen; Treasurer- Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Hooey; District Director- tha Boycbuk on Uic birth ef a son Mrs. J. Richardson; Directors- Lai Saturday. Mrs. F. Cowun, Mrs. D. Heoper, gaz Mrs. A. A. Drummend was Mrs. H. Dean, Mrs. R. H. Brown; hez bostess te the Young Women's Audtors--Mrs. G. L. Flintof and cdi clas et Park St. Sunday School Mrs. C. S. McLaren; Delegatea te tIi] Tuesday - evening. District Annual-Mrs. J. R. Coop- ma Chain letters have been receîv- er, Mrs. H. Déan. me cd asking for quilt blocks and Finunclal report showed a bal- ma W. S. stamps Uic Bc Rd Caoss ance of $91.70. Reports were giv- dai and War Saorgs respectiveîy. en by Mrs. Rchardson as te Agri- Rh Saînsculture and Canadian Industry; drE Citizens are urged te pay ne ut- Mrs. H. Allen, Home Economics; the tention te these appeals.. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, -Community brî Orme Gamsby, veteran tisher- Activity and Relief; and Milus F. vei man, caught a beautiful -l3Y% inch Cobbledick, Education. Makingý ong brewn trout which bie gave te et jam and contributing te the M. Rev. George Mason, Bowmanviile, Institute for the Blind was tabled. i a fermer paster cf Orme's in Uce A vote et thanks te lasi year's pei Presbyterian cburch. officers was given by Mrs. Jas. de] *The latesi report (secured MuY Dicksen , seCended by Mrs. W. S. 17) on the Clarke War Savings Boy. *campaign lu: 53 bonor pledges, Mrs. Bolph expluined whut pro-T 3 wagc plan, 51 casai pledges, 55 jects could be secured and a de- *bank pledges, and $489.41 hi the clion rcgarding what Uic society schools. Total is $10,622-41. wantcd will be voteti an at the A number from here attended annual.chreote thUi parade ai Pontypeel Sunday Mrs. Bolph iookchrefUi gevening. Messrs. N. F. Porter, M. remainder ot Uic program which s" Littlewood, R . E. Logan and C. opened with a pep talk. $5.00 was la Taylor rendered a quartette sel- donated as a speclal fai prize i action. September. Mrs. J. R.- Cooper cal Bowanifetrcnd wllbe and Mrs. M. H. Siaples wM meet Ed sorry te heur that Mrs. Taylor witli the agriculturât conunhttee m] <nec Lizzic Draper), who used te te sec about Uce cupboards 4nd Ja live i Bowmanviile where Mr dishes. Ijt was declded te sel 90 Bert Andrus lived, died ut ber tickets on a blanket and te runa.a Ohome in Dorchestor, Maso., as a refreshment booth, if permission la resuli et choking on some fo. ws granted, at Donnybrook Far. IH ScusmtTurdyco~ Mrs. H. Dean was put in charge Scots et hurdayevening ofthUi draw, and Mrs. H. Dean lie Lwith 24 prssent. Murray Patter- M~rs. j. B. Cooper and Mrs M. H' ti îson and Henry Leaman jeineti. Staples the booth. t 1$69.00 bas beca realized from sol- Mrs J. Richards5on gave a re- f vage. Two patrel corners havepotothmein MSTic y e been completeti and now there lu porst e the meetngai Mrs. Thick-hi 1. oney cnough te fix up the other sn's, eling wbaetibad bese cta bh îwo. ly the workentieniig espeal- h, Cemmitices from C. et C. andi hespital, and, Farmiers' Federa- Park Board met Frlday nlght. tien. r Owing té se mucb on it was de- Mrs. H. Dean was put in charge h Scided net te have a f ield day but et the exhibition of war work ut te Smaybe bave a street fuir later. "A the Institute convention te be held H ncommitice was appointedt t sec in Kendal i June. n about a date thut won't ,conflict It wus decidedto te snd thc usual Yq with other places. gifts te nietherà et aew babies. a' Directora of Durham Central Mrs. E. J. Hamnm, ceràvenor of A Agricultural Society met Monday program committee, presided. ever 91 night wben Uce prise llut wus re- Uhe reminder et the meeting. Y' ý' vlsed. $40 bas beca donatedt t- Mrs. R-. H. Browa and Mrs. M. H. VI ward making cupboards anad sup- Staples favored i wth a piano duet, n, >plying dishes for thecocmmunity and Mrs. Hamm reati an article E à- kitchea in Uic tawn hall. on "«Canadianisution and Natural- b Frientis were grieved te heur isutiori" which told the- duties of il 1- Meaday eveaing ot the suddea olti citisens tewurds thc new, Uic kdeath i Krby et Mrs. Fred Truli, duties of Uic new citizens towurds el (nec Lottie Cobbledick>, presum- the ceuntry, andi what ta do toeE Sably from heurt trouble. Mrs. become&*1àîituralzed, citizen, -us- Trull was weil liked and a great well us tclling what a gooti citi- churcb worker, ad Uic, sympathy zen shoulti be like. of the whole district gees eut to Members enjoyed a treat of * br babnti dugher dih, onapples brought by Mrs. Hamm. Lloyd and brother Newton, wbe Jn;. meeting is la charge of survive. Miss Y Cobbledick's group. Following a 'pet luck supper, a program was presentet inhi irby OFFICERS NAMED Wednesday nigbt which- was F RW RL A much enjoyeti. Under Uic chair-F RWA LON mnanship ot Mr'. Samn Berry a par- lod et communtty singing, led by The Durham Committce forc *Mr'. McKinnea, was enjoyed. Ger- War Loan bas uppointed the tel-E *ald Lowery gave a recitatien, lowing for Clarke and Newcastle: - *Stella Besit avered wlth a vocal Chairman-J. J. Mellor; Advisory1 *solo, and a number of lides, or Sales Cammittee-Wm. Arm-t comic anti otherwlse, wera sbewn, strong, C. F. Awde, H. C. Geode, c by Bey. S. Littleweod. C. B. Carvetb, B. S. Graham, T. A.s Nexi Saturday lu Victoria Day Reid; Publicity-C. 'T. Miller, B. C' anti the kiddies are prebably ail A. Forresier, H. B. Pearce, H. C.1 ready with their tire crackers. Wc Bonathan; Canvassers (selected1 Snotice several places are observ- frein naines sent in and limitedt t ~ing it on Moaday as the store- tive)-Neil F. Porter, Ted Woodi- 'keepers abject te Saturday holî- yard, W. E. Duvey,C. R. Carveth,1 9, days. This lu outrugeous. Pretty Arnoldi Reid. Eacb canvasser willl1 k soon the sterekeepei'5 wlll be be given bis territory by thet ikt holding even Cbris i suçb commlttee and the whole camn-1 s. littie revereace that Uhey will palga lu' te be completed ia 181 rt, change the date te suit them- tisys. During the cunipaign Uic d salves., Incidental, owlng ta Uic office wll be ut Neil F. Porter'a. ,j. apparent lmposslbllity et gettlng Cumpaiga starta June 2nd. 1 la 'tarmera te go on fast turne Uic stores are .opeig on tust unie ers mlgbt preach on Sunduy Visit- and closiag on, slow time i lots ing uTr the Couatry, which meana et pluces. Aaytblng for Uic al- lack of Sunday resi fer Uic termi- mighty dollar! Neyer mmnd Uic crs' wlves and non-attendace at poor clerkst churcb for bath the visited anti M At Park St. Church Suntiay thc visiters. Bey. D. Stinson et ahmeraing Bey. Llttlewaeti gave an Blackstock occupied the pulpît ut intcresting sermon la keeping nlgbt. Franklin . Tumblyn bas 'with the day whicb was known been elacted secretary et Sunday a s Rural Sunday. Among thc School in place et LeRoy Myles many iateresting tiiga whicbhae wbe bus jeineti the Air Force for said was Uic Idea thut city preacb- grouad work. dive Of Orono Dies In Caigary Educabnd Here 2reaeltes werc sorry te leara at J. L. Bowe, better knewn as pey, had tiieti May iitb in Cal- Iry, Alta. Mr. Bowe was bera ýre about 78 ycars ugo and wus iucatat inla rena scbool. Fifty- mce yeursaugo nexi July lst, ho irried Margaret Harnbly, a for- er teacher i Orane and Bow- inville schools, who, with anc Eughter EdtiiUi Mrs. Haroldi hedes) and several grantichil- an (one et whom, marriati on ie July lst that Uic Bowes celc- uteti their 50th wctiding anni- rsary) survive. While in Or- ei Mr. Bowc lived where Mrs. LSmith new lives. Healase liveti iBowmaaville. Ha was an ex- ert barness maker. Bruce Wad- '11 lu a nephcw et deceaset. rwo Over NinetY Ceiebrate Ocasion in Sanie W.ek ht's not very otan a village the Le et Orono bas twe nonagenar- ns celebrating their birthdays .e saine week , but such lu Uic ase ncxt week. On May 26Ui Mr'. 2. Duvey celebrates bis Glut ilestene, and on May 30Ui Mr- , mes Hotigson celebraie bis lUOith dy Mr. Daey l very active and i tuf control af bis fuculties. le used te be a sailer andti$i [ligbt new lu in fishing ant inh ah stories. By the way, ibis uc- ive eld gentleman can sill dance he horapipe. He hasa't much use or the spendtbritt habits et Uic runger generatien 'anti their ha- it et gettiag into debt. Ha makes lus home wih bis son William,1 yaf kaown taxi driver. Mr. Hedgsoa wus bora la Ty- roe and spend the summier with lu son Bobert ihere, andi the win- tra wiU bhis daughier, Mrs. D. G. Rcoper, i Orone. Ha bas been a îember et Uce S.O.E. for over 50 'ara. He reatis wltbaut glasses, ad bis, haring lu stin axcef1eat. An interesting feature about tii gentleman is that he bas neyel eten a meie. Like Mr. Da- y , he a 8a deplres the cardless- Yca etyouth in mney matirs He lu net active like Mr. Dave3 butsill manages te walk around in Uic gurden. Orono citizans extenti heartm congratulations te these two yen, erable gentlemen. Si ta .w -c i Drama In Shadows lEnjoy.d By Union Members E Under direction et Miss Mur- t garet Miflsoa, thé tirai ahadow p lay t be seca la Orono was n jye ti Montiay evening ai Uie Unilon meeting which was in charge et Uic missioaary cenven- ors, Margaret Miflac anti Myrile Sii. WiUi MXyrila Smith reati- ing the story et tha lite 6t Dr. Wrincb eight scenca w are per- trayeti behinti a curtain by vani- oua members cf Uic Union, a strong figbt Uirewing their sha- dows whicb coulti be plainly sean by the audicAce. Tha titlceofthUi play was 'Christianity Mayas On."y These taking parts were: Dr. W ri nceh -Glen Hancock; 'Mrs. Wrinch-Mrs. H-. Dean; Dr. Suti- erlanti-Murlo H a n c o c k; The Dean, Dr. Masn andtihte minis- ter-Mervyli Keune (3 parts); The witch docter-Sain' Keane; Thc patient i the Indian vlluge-Elsie Bowc. During the worahip perioti Mary Harris readthetic cripture anti Myrile Tarablyn gave a rend- ing. A cornet sole by Manley Llttlcwood aad a violla selo by Mr. A. J. Knox werc mucb an- Joyeti. hi was deciiedti t accepi Bow- maavilce's invitation ia attend a campf ire service ut Creain of Bar- ley Park nexi Mcnday. Those de- siring te go ara «ta be ai Uic church ai 6.30 D.S.T.. Only one meeting a month wil be belti during June, July anti Augusi. June meeting will be on 2nti ant i wll be the crokinole purty given in honar of t ha winning White greup by the losing Redi anti Blue groupa. Gien IHancock wus put in charge et the IUnion bal team for the picnic. Elvin Blewett gave the ineasu er'p repart whlcb sbowed aver $22.0O la tbe treusury i pite of ~buying War Savinga stampa te _be given to thc church. 1 Lake Shore, Clarke A car-ticullng epidemaie seemas te have siruclo ibis section. Chas. Alîdreti solti bis car te SIi Lan- caster; Robin Ailtreti solti bis te Charlie. anti be hapurchaseti Les. Allin's car; B alpi Simpsoni bas bouigbt Alan Brewn's. Mrs. W. H. Juynes bus under- gene an opcration iToronto General Hospital.- Recent Visitera: Mrs. M. Finnucan and Misa Mrjorie Finnucan. Teronto, ai Mr'. anti Mra. 'C. Mitcbdfl's. Mr'. anti Mrs. E. Wlcks, Toronto, wlithMr'. anti Mn. Sam Powell. Mr'. anti Mrs. B. Alldred anti Lois i 1fronto. Miss K. Simpson wlth Mr'. anti Mrs.. B. Hndry. Mr. anti Mi'. Bey. Jayaca in Toronto. Let us net be wcury la wel daing; forin h due seaoon we abal rcap, if we talai not.-Ncw Testa- ment: Olatens 6:9. Starkville Thare was a geeti attendance ai ;unday Scbolalt Shilci Sunday. Sbilob W. A. was nicaly enter- aineti ai Mrs. McLachlan's, New- mnville, on Tuesday. The young people apant an en- oyable lime at Mr'. anti Mrs. laordon Trîmù's Tbursday evening. Thc amaf son of. Mr'. anti Mrs. Drme Falls was takan ta Bow- manvillc Hospital. ýGladti t sea Miss Normna Huila- veil aut again. Mrs. H. B. Gilmner la expcctlag visitors frein the West ibis week, Ilso ber nepbew wbo lu training nthc Air Force neur St. Thamnas. Congratulations te Miss Edna Farrow upon ber passing ut Nor- 1u School ut Petarbore. litors; ,Mrs. E. White, Elizabetiville, k ~ a t u n e - b o r n a a t t e r v t i g , ~êossHa owell. jar. anti Mrs. Chas. Yula anti family, Oshawa, ai Mr'. Win. Savery' s. Mns. C. Raid anti Hazel, New- tonville, ai Mr. S. G. Halloweil's, Mrs. J. Henry, Taranto, lu viait- ing ai Mr'. Rosa Hallowall's. S,.mday guestsataiMr'. Thas. Falls' werc Mr'. anti Mrs. Stan. Falls anti family, Misa Olara Hearn, Toronto, Mi. anti Mrs. Arthur Falls anti family, Baw- manville. Miss Hazel Farrow anti sister Misas Doeen Farrow anti friand kvith thair sistars ln Toronto. Messrs. H. & O. Ferristar, West- port, with their auni, Mrs. A. Dobson. Mr'. A . Dobson lu up a portion ot aacb day. BowmanvIlle Lait year's peitet crop in many districts turneti eut to e aainesi atotal failure. Soea arins in titis county planieti their usual acreage and conditions promiàseti well but ivien the crop was barvesteti il was founti that bligbi bhad dene it'a work. Quite a aumber hadti t buy petatees. for table use and- many mare wxIl have to buy sced. I'here lu oaly one intelligent Uiing to do anti that lu ta buy certif led seed from places la Canada wbere they specialtze in preclucîng it ... and ibat means, preterably, the Maritimes. htisl likely Uic provincial gev- crament will ýstep in with a plan cf compulsary inspection and gradlag. if se, it will simply be anoiber case where curelesaness invitas goverameni action. Evry lilte wbile, pessibly evcry season, those who grow' poiatoes sboul< insure themscîves againsi f ailure anti losa by gciting extraprovin- cial certitiad seed. i will bea meaey-saver ne matter, what the limita in acreage. We are tortun- aie in having here anaetofibe bat scati stores la the provinca, wherE Maritime certifieti seeti petatoeE et af variaties arc now. i stock Accempanyiag ativertiuement wil give particulars. This p otato question waî braught te the attention ot Tii StateMjan lasi suaimer anti fal anti we teel ebliged. te urge thosi wbo havé! net se far donc se. tI get la as early as possible aW purchase certif ied seeti require meats before the supply lu cx. hausteti. We anticipata regula. tiens et seme sert by thc govern. ment anti wifl announce same if anti wben. cd, lun'i abe?" "Oh, yes. Sha believea there ar iwo aides toecvary questian-b' own anti ber moter's1ý' F. F. MORRIS CO. Funeral Service - Furniture Orono PAGE - -vS PAGE ELEVEI4' Clarke Union Mrs. Gea. Fogg continues la Èlork health; ase Mrs. Ernest _Mr. Aluin Brown, Clarke, bas mhoved te the place vacated by Mr. Vanderbilt. Congratulations te Dr. and Mrs. Sherwin on the arrivai et a baby boy. Mr'. and Mrs. Servage and daugbtar, Harmony, were ut Mr. a.J. Sauch's. Mr. anti Mrs. H. J. Souch anti 'Bileen, I'. and Mrs. Servage and Dorothy visiteti Miss Clara Wil- llamsan, Hastings, on Sunday. 1 r- - Umm Cowanville Congratulations te Cawanviile icheol on winning two shields ai the Musical Festival iPart Hope. A presentatien was held for M'. and Mrs. Frank Parker on L'hrsday evening. Bey. Morton wuas chairman of a short pragramn, following which an Aladdin floor lump was presented te, the bride andi groom. Mrs. Charlie Cowan is home atter convalescing from her op- eration at ber daughter's, Mrs. »by Smith, Newtonville. -A social evening lu neing held mt Clarke Churcb Tuesday night. KéTwtonville Young people will prusent, their play. Výitors: kiss Annie Neabit, Newton- VIne, witb Miss Flossie Graham. vf.and Mrs. A. T. Perrin, To- jot, at Mr. W. A. Beid's. Mr. Stan Grahamn, Newcastle, uat Mr. T. J. Simpson's. .Mr. and Mrs. R.,I-askili at Mr. Stan Porteous'. Miss Kathleen Simpson with lbér sister, Mrs. Robi. HendrY. Miss Dorotby Hollingswarth at home. Mrs. Theodore Stephens and baby at ber father's, Mr. Erwin Farrow, Garden Hill. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly, Osh- awa, at Mr. J. J. Stringer's. Brown s Brown's Home and School As- sociation held its last meeting cf the season with Lake Shore As- sociation in attendance. Next meeting is 2nd Tuesday in Sep- tember. Mrs. Chas. Alldred, vice- president of Lake Shore, bad charge cf the pregramn which was much enjoyed: Piano selo by Edith Hendry; reading by Mrs. Gardon Martin; vocal sole by Miss Pauline Delmne; musical sel- ection by Miss B. Allin, Mr. R. Allin, Mr. C. Gibson and Mr. M. Aflin. Mrs. H9. Reicbrath intre- duced Mr. J. J. Mellor of Orono who spoke on "Grumbles" and told briefly cf the rule ot Uic German people. Mrs. W. Adams and Mrs. Clijit Brown had charge cf a treasure trail, after which lunch was served. Red Cross met at Miss Jean Perrin's. Next meeting wiil be at Miss Ferne Webber's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker were presented with an Aladdin floor lamp by their close neigh- bars, Cowanville and Lake Shore friends. Visitors: Miss Audrey Webber, Bowmnan- ville, at home. Miss Wylma Farrow attended a girls' club meeting at Misses Olive and Gladys Whitney's, Port Granby. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stephenson and tamily at Barrie. Mr. Alanzo Cowan, Newcastle, at Mr. R. Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter and Mary, Miss Jean Perrin, Miss Aud- rey Webber and Mr. Bill Morley at Mr. R. Branch's. Miss B. Cain, Orane, with Miss Ferne Webber. Mr. and Mrs. W. Raye and tam- ily, Torante, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Mar- tin and family, Stayner, at Mr. Wellington Farrow's. HIGHLGHTSude . etc." (I-Caesar, speak- FROM HANSARD 'r Hanson <Tory leader): "If that lu a threat, the Minister wMl On May 1, 1941 J. A. Ross M. not get his estimates. through P., Souris, Man., closed the debate very quickly." prior to the vote on amendments. <Here was a threat too). He contrasted Roosevelt's war Mr. Gardiner: "There is ne ar- budget with that laid down at Ot- gument at ail; no rule that permits tawa. He showed that in the U.S. it ... lhon. members wiil have an A., Agriculture stood second on opportunity to discuss tliat When the list in national importance for the other matter cornes up." governmental consideration and And that was the end of a per- * that $ 1.00 in $5.00 was appropri- fect day even for those who duck- ated for farmers' benefit. In Can. ed both votes. They could now ada, under a budget for $1,450,- hike for Huil and drown their 000,000, Mr. Gardiner accorded guilt. Or hie to their offices and farmers but $1.00 in each $180.00. answer mail--and maybe decide Some contrast! And C h i c a g o to audit and liquidate electiori wheat stood over 16c higher than debts of 1940. Which wouldn't be Canada's peg of 70c. a bad idea i view of the fact that Then the House divided on the these columnns are open at ail amendment to the amendment times te permit news and acts. (Mr. Douglas, Weyburn). The vote: Yeas: 40-comprised lle Tories, C.C.F., Social Credit, and ti F * La Prarie, who stuck to Portge tD and the wishes of his constituents.____ Nays: 134-were straight Liber- ais, save for A. W. Neil of B. C. The number of diabetics in On- Some were paired (and so appear- tarie is increasing year by year, ed in Hansard) but quite a few but health authorities point out evidently ducked behind the cur- that this is not the alarning situa- tain or under the table and hadn't tion it seems. -enough to face the music after Diabetics are more numerous opposing Mr. Gardiner's scheme. because they are living instcad of They were followers of Mackenzie dying. Up te 1914 diabetic child- King in March 1940. ren hardly averaged a year of 111e, Vote on the axnendment of Jack and by 1922, the year of the dis- Diefenbaker M.P., (Sask.) saw covery of insulin, their duration of only minor changes. Yeas: 44 rep- life was a scant two years. Now it *resented the opposition groups. Lbas stretched into the years of Harry Leader hadý gone to the middie age. lobby. Nays: Only 128 includini Moreover two-thfrds of tic A. W. Neill <Con.)-straight Party cases of diabetes begin atter forty but evidently, ater ail pairs were years of age. Each year added tù recorded, a tew more ducked into the average ite expectancy meaffs the storm-cellar to avoid leer. that more potential diabetica are And yet, they may have been living to that age. Another reason cailed hdhe on account of illness. for the higher figures is that dia- Who kiiows? betes is discovered more frequent- The Statesman, quotlng C. P. ly because f better med1icucre reports, gave McNevin of Victoria and facilitiez for diagnouis. credit for sticking wlth the speech For at least two tiousand years he made. But one of our iuusUS.k serlous men have recognizeti and ly weil-informed reades, Prof. C. studied the diseuse. They found B. Sissons, called in ta correts. that diabetes ia more common He said: "Look uP Hailsard." So among women than men, that it we checked the list and find that is more prevalsnt among Jews Lboth Bruce McNevin (Victoria) than non-Jews but they discover- and W. Frank Rickard (Durham) eti no reason Ïor theuseonditions two of Uic earhest and most out- and no cure for Uie diseuse. As tspoken opponents cf Mr- Gardin- early as 1796, treatment I& speci- ter's scheme, did net appear at rol-. alized diet was begun In "nlad *cin. They were neither "straight, but Uic most hi"hy e eloe rplace, nor show" wben both votes <iabctic diets only served te pro- were taken.' The Press Gallery long 111e ta a limiteti extent and *would render a service if it were were 50 strict and limlted that 9te describe Ottawa'a cyclone ccl- they dld net allow maintenance cf 1 lar. weight and strength. These votes eut cf Uic way. the To-day Uic diabetlc rarelY dies House settleti down again te crys- cf bis diabetes, and credit for this etallize Mr. Gardiner's bonus busi- gees, cf curse, ta Uic discoverera 1ness. of insulin, Uic late Sir Frederick H-arry Leader said he had tbree F. G. Banting and Dr. C. H. Best jwhopper meetings durmg Easter and Uieir co-worker, Dr. J. B. erecess, i Manitoba, and ail back- Coulp. ;s edbhis stand to thelliit. Insulin is not a cure for dia- y Hon. Mr. Gardiner beat him by betes. Injections cf titis invahi- ,400 per cent-he beld 12 meetings able material, however, enable Uic d and eut cf it ail he boiled things diabetic ta enjey a reasonably div- e dewn to a series cf amendnients ersified diet and avoid Uic danger L_ which he read te Uic House-and ef acidosis and diabetic coma. a which the Heuse wlll have te ac- tiavlbetoa dbtis Le cept. Fer it bas long since beceme InOtis aiable te indibetscbu 1apparent that Mr. Gardiner gets sIn Ontarlo, net ongl ieswbut t his way with bis estimates. sefe.upprtig fathe woho e The debate dragged on ail ev- wold nt be ablet erUcln es ening, mestly questions answered expnse Yar rau gmenwti fec li- ~by Mr. Gardiner. He was bedevil- sUib ranemethe lten illed by ess.NcoloDouglas, munic4»ahulea%-.adb lpx~ Perley et. al, until, tewards clos- m5pe ent ofeathe Uc latte. ern as ing, bis temper becajne frayed. 7 e etc i ot e Under. Mr. Nichoisons insistence Depitethe knoWn value of in- di -this: ui[ j a method of treatment, e Mr. Gardiner: "If yoll want ta pateR' iedicine vendors and o take that-take it; I won't argue quacks still attempt te exploit Uic id further." "I think I understand sufferers of ts disese by Uic e-what my hion. friend is trYing te promise cf cures by means ef ~.do ... ta get it on Uic record . .. waters, herb teas, etc. ls éa .etc." The descendants e osre- a- Mr. Douglas: "Stop being sus- tives f diabetica should guard picieus!", againt everweight. There is ne Mr. Nicholson: I resent the debt that a predisposition ta Uic suggestion made by Uic Minister disease is hereditary and Uic chiel ...etc." asseciated cause in many cases is d- Mr. Gardiner: "With regard to obesity. During Uic later and that,-ever since this item has middle decades cf life it should be xe been before Uic committee, I a rule for relatives of diabetica te &r think both Uic chairman and I keep their wcight at or under nor- have allewéd for tee much latit- mal limits.