Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 1

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Talking Reporter of Ev. enlng Telegram on Hand to R e c e 1 v e Donations Front Six 'Organlzatlons -- Am- ateur Talent Enter. tains -.Greatly Ap., Preciated. 0 1 Bowmanville, Newcastle and district apened'ifs heant sud cal- lective ,purse ta Jin Hunfer, "Talking Reporter aifixhe Torno Evening Telegram", sud gave hir. $ 535.05 Friday cvening lu the Opera House as a donation fa the Telcgram's British Wan Victims' * Fund. W. R. Strike was Directaz ai Ceremnonies for tac evenlug. Jin H-unten Ionarcd thc aud.i- ence which packcd thc opera house ta Uic doors by paying Bow- manville a visf in persan. Ait ci heaning a few words irom %in nôoanc could failita realize how thc tremendous power ai tala anc man's personalify that las been thc driving force behid tac B.W. V.F. whlch has sky-rockctcd if from a modesf stanting pqint ai e20.00 donated by Jin aud a icw mnends to thc present mark oi about $700,000. Jlm Hunter f old thc stary ai Uic fund. Boosfed by his own iniec- flous brand ai publicity freely * gîven aven fixe air it began ta grow as gits paurcd i ram peo- ple wanting fa make more than the regular donations ta relief ai Britishx civilians. By-and-by -they bcgan f0 realize its papulanity sud daned ta hope fhe fuud migît even reacix $50,000. If did reacix fixe fity thousand sud witaaut a * pause kepf an and on, sud now, ater anly a few montas in- exis- tence, is necagnized as f1. great- est ana most spontaneous chari- table fuud Canada has even known. Jz Only those wlo heard Ji Hiunter wlth bis eade, chari n sd "'magnctic ,pcnsanality, kuow Uic. power behind thc fund. ,1 Aniving about 10.30 p.in., mter beig delayed ion a broadca ,Mn Hunter sud hlm noD qali ceé escort ,W-erel~a~*~ha h last acf ai tace auers, Guêï sud Brownics concert. Then le was infroduced by CituiMIr Eb Strike wlith fte 4hx rcnstle "Good Fnlday IEre4g, Evcry- body" sud thc, presentiation ai donations WaÉ fanmaily made. Stepping ouf of liq role as newsmsu,. Jin Hûnrterthen spoke ta hlm audience as minutoanuon (ContInuied in P'acge3) Ontarioansd Quebec W ekly Editors Hospitably Enter- tained By Ambitions City. War or no war Uic conventions ai tae Ontarlo-Qucbec Division ai thc Canadisu Weckly Newspapens Association sf111 continue. The convention this y car was held lu Uic Ambitiaus City ai Hamil1ton where* publishens and flein wives wene hospitably enfertaied Frl- day sud Safurdsy. Delegates wene brought facc. fa face wita thc uccds ai war tIrougixouf fihe en- tin. convention. Mayor Wm. Morisan officlally wclcomed Uic publishers fa city' Friday marnig. He paintcd ouf thaf Hauilfon wsmdaiug, possibly mare war wonk tIen any other clty hi Uic Dominion. More in- dustries ilu fia cty arc manu- facfurlng tac tools ion war flan any athen place iCanada. Thus brings many problèmi fa b. iaced as Uiqusands llferaily pour into the city*evcrylay, and dwell"g mut b. iouud for theni fa Ilve I. Uncmploymenf la uuknowx,' fixe greatest worry on-tac mmnd aiflhc clfy's chiei executive la wbat la golng ta bappen ta ail fiese thousaads mter Uic wr. Viit TainaliaacClub Thc beautica aifie upper end ai Lalcp Ontaio wenc vewed at no6u by Uic maie hali ai thc con- vention. wlen they wcre guesta at a buffet luncixean given by tae Hamilton Sp.ctafor at fie Tains- hase club slfuafcd on the ligheaf point in thaf part ai Ontario. -Tis club resembllng a ninseuin ai In- dian relies -looks aver Burlington Bay. sud gives Uic touriat a won-« derful vlcw of Uic fruitful Niag- ara Peulusula whicl Io latdly equalled lu Uic world. Weekly editors wcnc Iighly ommenite&- by F. 1. ICer, man.ý '~gng dlrecter jpiThc Spectatar /ion taceir eo41peratlon lu Canada's war effort. H.! stàted that tley lave a trcmcndbus Job to do lu binging Uic publIa' news aifie war sud backlng sWvrnnxnt'a mouetary drives. Munitions Planst Sf111 carrylng ouf the -theie aif war s 'visit ta fie Otia-Fenson Elevator plant wîcne vital muni- tions anc belug madc -wau next on fie pro . am. Atter travelln tbnauËbgo fxplapt if lss0,yta=e (QnI~on R*e hoo Olsd*léMOIdde A suni ai $300 bas been vated by Bowmanville Lions Club ta be donafed ta Uic Lions Brit ih Child War Vie- tins' Fund. This amount was passed Monday night on re- camiiieudation ai Uic Board af Directors and includes an autrighf donation of $250 plus the $50 which is usuaily de- voted ta entcrtaiulng fthe car- nival helpers ai the past year. If was icît that Uic great need in England la supremetfils year. The newly created wel- fane iund was originated by the St. Catharines Club sud is being admiuistcned by if for thc ilrst year ire. ai charge. THANKS CITIZENS FOR SUPPORT The. tawn commnitte. ai thc LCanadisu Institute For Thc Blind desire fa Uiank tUic citizens for their generaus support oi the rec- cnt campaigu for iunds. Thc ladies who undertook Uic canvas arc dcserviug ai no sinsll mcd. ai praise ion thc Uiorough sud dil- igent way in whicb tii. woric was donc, Iticannection we would asua express aur Uiauks to the boys ai thc Flnst an~d Second Cub Psckw for their good work on thc Tag Day., W. appreciate, fao, thc geucrous amaunt ai space given i he cocl- wiius ai Thc Statesman in promof- lJng thxe canipalgu and also i fur- 'taenlng Uic cause ai Uic Institut. tarouglaut Uic ycar. Thc nef results ai the above ef- fart anc as ioilows: Collections *. $ 227.46 Tag Day - -- 65t5 Lions Club 10.00 Total $302.71 Thc Cormmlftee la haplng fiat hils fatal will b.icreascd by donations whlch, lu past ycars haebeen recelved fronvaos > Signed on beali ai the S. Davison Chairman. Helen vi. dryderman, Secy.-Treasurer. isa Irna.Rablin, Hamilton, Mis EUsa Coflacutt, Toronto, sud Mn. M. L.. Racuigk, Strafford, were guests ai Mn. sud Mrs. T. H. SQUIRE BROWr BUYS CHOU 9- WEITE TOCK- Times are laokha..p ln fie beef caffle frade. AMng several shipients ot youug,.ieestock anîlgfroni the West for dIs- tributIn l central, Ontanlo was a carload purchased by.aur enter- prliang fownsman, W. S. St p les, propneo of e Wes EndGar.. a«le, sud a beef caffle enthusaf. BU!" bougît thc lot on Uic Sf. Boniface.,Man. yards where sblp- mnents ai winfer range cattie anc assembled froin thc western plains sud iced-pens. Thc wholc carlosd wag lin act punchas.d for sud furned aven ta Jas. (Scotty) Brown wbo fin"ses flein on pastùr n ou hlanld soufil ai -town. Seatty says: "Yes, taey arc a goad lot; Angus, Herefords, sud Shorthornn. Thcy ahippcd wdl; tIen. were no lasses sud th;y tae fo Onfanlopaiture Une sne içlks talc. to Duggan's Dew. And mind you fIe Inca! despite Uic higb price paid there is a weei chance ai maklug a nifty profit1 ou thc lot tac way fie grain la growing."1 TO ADVERTISE INI LONDONI At leuafonue muicipal council la 'Ontarlo las taken marc kidly flan- Bowmanvllle ta fie proposai fa advertlac lu tac Landan Fi an- ciel News ion r anuacturers. In Picto)n sevenal nienbens oi couna- cil were i favor oaitIfand thc deal was finally cloaed with Uic mayon himself puttiug up baU aif fhe $325 iequlred, "1WE 13AVE DEEN TaHiEE" -The C.B.C. las lnaugurafcd -a new senies, sequel ta 'Let's Face the. Facts' qntitled 'Wc Have Been Tlene' wich gives promise ai belug excellcnt. Lait Sunday William L. Shrier. for tare, yeans fixe C.B.S. correspondent 'iu Ber- lin, delivcrcd a talk at 0 p.m. No admirer ai Nazidoni, Mn. Sînier declaned tixe greateat menace fa Hîtienlan i ll be froni tac su- fagounaiUictheaubiufafed pea- pile s. Th yc eel sad at c - ina ol t4 l lcoz -b f o fWoou4l.lx ce cpae tl .feclç iNvYr' rHURsDAY, MAY 15th, 1941 NUMBER 20 APPOINT' OFFICERS Elassed Rural Choirs feïuhm FOR VICTORY LOAN At Durham Cou.uty festival nhe iollowing offilcers have been appointed for Durham Coun- lui~j tytopomtete omnonofAdJu-...ator Leadism leà Cayata promte oinon aiw Ctartna d ct r an iixwll_______A-_____ Ztrnfdlie.AL O. u ofrm,. A. Hume, Port Hope; Vice Chairman -W. Ross Strike, Bowmanville; Organizr-E. W. Simpson; As- sistant Organizer-R. E. Gardin- er; Seccy.-Eric Oswald; Chairman ai Employecs Com-J. H. Briden; Chairman Publicity Committec- C. E. Stepherkson; Chairman Sales Com.-R. H. -Wickett. C. E. Stephenson has kindly donafed his bowling ailey at Port Hope ta the Victory Loan for the committee headquarters. W. H. Flaherty has donated part ai lis hotel at Bowmanville as a War Loan Headquarfers in West Dur- ham. The County ai Durham made a fine shawing on the Victory Loan ai 1917-18-19 when they rated l6th in the province. The executîve cammittee be- lieves the County will make even a finer showing on the ionthcom- ing 1941 Victory Loan. TWOROTARIANS Prlt Hop Eau HBonoured REPORT TO CLUAs&$Lions. Unaniamously Elect ON CONVENTION Deputy District ' Goveru .or Bot& Pres. Fred Hr and___________ Proe.-Euiect Frank fwiLuanul Say They Profifed ?rom Dis- trict Meeting.1 Two ai Uic delegates tfaheUicDs- trict Rot ary Convention in » Té. rouf o May 5tI sud GUi, spoke ai lait weeksm meeting oaiheUcl] club. Bath werc abviausly in. presscd by ta. business-Unke way praceedlugs were carricd ouf sud declered thcy had pnoiitcd by belug delcgatcd Uic club's officiai nepresentatives. Speaking iirst, thc lncaxlu presldct, Frank Williamxs, tald how hc lad gone ta Toronto Sun- day sud regisfcncd lu preparation for sessions nexf day. On Sunday cvenlug Mns. Williams sud le en- joyed, aloug with several other couples frorn Bawmsuvillc, a fine concert at thc Royal York af which Frnk Oldfield, Laurence DeFo., Lamne Davison's quartette, and ofiers sang. Manday mo.rnlng there'was~ an officiai welcomc tendexpd 'by; Mayor Conboy and later the. dcc- flou ai afficers duriig which Dan McQuarry ai Lindsay was closcu District, Governor. ,At dinnen Hon. J. là. Raiston, Minuster aif National Defence, de- Uiveaed an Important addncss wbicb. was given ifullu ic h Toronto -papers. He was'intra- duced by' W. J. Morrison, former HugI School principal ber. who was rccntly elecee presidcnt ai the Raftary Club lu Belleville where le la supernteudent ai thc Ontario Scixool ion Uic Demi. A couference fan presîdeufs led by Dan. Lincoln was a Mcature ai tac day main whIcl Mr. Wlliams said le deriveçl illimitable bene- fit. TIhis dynainle leader outllued at length what expceresuad observation lad faugîf lin> thc dutles ai a good president ta b. sud thls information le lad pre- pared In a prcsldnt's handbook. In thc evcnlng thc Gavcrnon's Ball cllmaxed Uic social aspect ai praccedlngs, everyane seemlng ta eniay if lmmensely. Nexf, Presldent Fred Hoar f014 oi TuesditY's prograin af wblch' tîme le attended thq secrctary'u'i conieence. The qo«7ïtary has thc mqsf responsîble position ln the club, rcmarkcd Mn.. Hoan, ouflu- ing a fcw ai hlm duties. Club or- ganîzation, procedure, Uic treaf- meut ai visitons werc 0f 1er lu- terestlng subi cfs Mn. Hoar heard discuscd. Bath speakers point cd ouf that tle conienence shauld havc been atfended by nuy Rotanians froni hxere if none oaitIs benefifa were1 ta be nxlased. A wonk about whloh the public <Continuod an page 7, Abbott W. 'Lent la ChoIcîl. ]or Zone I1O -Rev. W.J.H Smyth, Port Perry Gives Ad- dresi. content into naines .;xawadays by calling ciildren cifter -s9ur, great muen," declaned fixe speaker. "Many names stand ouftlunmy nxlnd ai living exaniples aif f e persoualities I have met. Those naieshae hgIsinifcaceforscxue ioa n i biu sddflmns.eddn , O ma c m e. On fthe other aud certain t..rn ft o to, .. o. .rn. . a y ul l e ,,n t~ take place iniM ay. t A Port Hope man, Abbot W. names that have been soiled by ot eofor hoewo ayb Lent, was unamino~usly elected txi wesacaaieat u frai when the enumera- Deputy District Governar ai Lions teronesaeanteatoaltr al.Beoeh sat h in Zone 10 at a joint meeting Mon- good folks."1 enumerator wiil receive detailed ite Ch l r s day nlght af delegafes from Peter-1 The naine 'Lion' is ane rich ln instructions from census commis- bora, Port Hope and Port Perry meAning, said Mr. Sniith. If sianers. For each living person h. wlhte omnvleclb .stanids for Liberty, Intelligence records he wiil receive an ailowi- A l t e sD with the owAtMotherclubDay succceds Bert Hutcheson, Port and Our Nation's Safety and at ifs auce of luv. cents. At every tenth _____________ PerrY, once ai Bowmanville in best is a naine which will long house visited he wiil make de- this office. be remembered by citizens of cv- tailed inquiries as ta the length PASTORAL CHANGES The. speaker was Re. W. i. ». ery town where Lions have been ai residence, rentas, repairs, Smyth president ai Port Per active i good wrk.. equipment and mortigages and IN PRESBYTERY Lions Club Who with customary Gea. L. Davidge introduced fthe wiil be rewarded with eight cents ARE ANNOUNCED balance ai vi ality, humor and speaker and Dan Curtis, vice pres- for acix form completed iu this____ worth gave his thouhtonfe ident ai the Port Hope Club, very category. Teana etn fOhw famo s Un of ta s pn t e ably m oved a vote of tanks ta ",Wha's ln a Name?" ar from n n. 1ev. A. S. Kerr, minister ai Presbytery ai the United Church being a desslcated freatise on After thc opening ai the meet- Trinify United Churcix, Collmng- ai Canada was held in TrlnifyT philology Mr. Sihhdsi. ing President Ted Chant handed wood, and former pastar of St. United Church, Bowmanviile, onf1V thlng eafl miorable ta - Uic gavel ta Deputy District Gav- Paul's CIiurch, Bowmanville, has May 8h ihteflom en BgN nl g h m r us hmaes Pern nr B ert H utcheson w ho w as in been el eted chairm an o . Sim co e le t d o fi9sf r 19 1 4 : C a Na es"charge of tac zone meeting. Presbytery. man, e v. J. Ver e r Mc1 ec2: ,Cai- g tac Irlshman's answer f0 thc King Street United, Oshawa; Sec- P Shakespearean query "Sure andlSae ~-1~ retary, 11ev. P. L. Juil, of Brook- a] lust cail me a bad naine and ye'Ill teman Stili Puts On Q.ooa rFront lin; 'reasurer, Mn. S. M. Chap- sec what's i a naine," sud then man, ai Pickering. recailed sarne af Uic weird coin- The foilowlng wcrc appoiuted ul binaflons that had been Inown- chimno h vn sPcb-ri su e a Webbc iadn aind o hotery cammittees: Missionany and ez mar~cd aWebbglryand avedMaintenance, 11ev. W. J. Smyth, lier tac ffrst finie he 'spled 'er.' Part Perry; Mlssionary Education, Pl This sels ta be au age when Dr. C. R. Canscallen, Principal On- e namnes are ehosen for beauty rath- tario Ladies' College, Whitby; . ter flan practica1blity and mean- Home Missions, Rcv. George Tel. s ig he said. One suggestion is fard, St. Andrew's, Oshawa; Col- of ta âes1gnate'ehillden by numbers lege and Students, 11ev. Martin l until theY, rcýach an age whcn Uiey Jenkinson ai Pickering; Church s could picktiielr own naines; tixen Property, 11ev. W. P. Rogers, M there wauld be no excuse for hav- Bowmanville; Christian Educa- ai Ing ta go throagh ice bearlng an tian, 11ev. S. Littlcwood, Orno; unpopular In Biblical days Publications, 11ev. ClTad g naines rea4xyhad meanlng con- ~ Park, Whîtby; Evangclism sund ci tent Ada, JcobAbrhamallSocial Services, 11ev. W. E. Mill- idlcated ..samto g.bu Ah. son, Norfhminster United, Osh- bearer or lndlcalted> '-iebhope for awa. Ils utuc. . 1ev. A. D. Cornett, Simcoe St. Sc Place naines, fo were more United, Oshawa, and Mr. W. A. JE rich lin meanlug iu the past. Beta- Holliday, Whitby, led an interest- st c.e means Hause ai God and -tac ing and vital discussion on "EIder- le nat naine Israel indicates the ship", as a Meature ai the meeting. olialhopq ai the anclent pea- Several pastoral changes were Ci pic who elcvated their diety ta made, effective July lst. 11ev. i spiritual leader ai Uic staf e. Sidney Davison ai Trinity Church, of Perhaps the moist cammon Bowmanviile, and 11ev. John Grif-i~ naine, Sm)ith, undoubtedly orîgin- fith ai Leamington are exçhang- of ated when everyonc was a srnitix,_______ ing pulpits. 11ev. H. H. Lackey ai M or workcr af a crait. Now its Ennlskillen requested a change di orîgin la 50 laqt i the mists ai Par Uic second consecutive year flan last weck ai Uic Ontario- in pastoral relations. 11ev. T. H. i Urne that anc gullible soul work- Thc Stafesnian has been awarded Quebec Division ai the Canadian P. Anderson will become su 1 di edi ouf a mare or lesa logîcal con- Th 1G esnMmrilT nection befween Uic nuwnerca ThStpesnMmral rophy Weekly Newspapers Association. minister at Centre Street Un te , Fi Bill James, whose duty if is fa Oshawa, and Uic new supply minr- of prevalence of Uic Siniths ànd a for bciag judged Uic newspaper "make up" the iront pagé ai The ister at Albert Street Church, si slgn sIe saw on a large iatory- lu a town ai 4,500 ar Iess popula- Statesman each week, was pres- Oshawa, will be Mn. Don Joncs, Il "The Smith Mauuiacturig Co." tlorn ln Ontario and Quebec with ented with thc handsime trophy student minister at Emmanuel ri 84 ut rdeminlâtlio Pames the bcst iront page. The awand at a banquet initUic-Royal Con- Coilege. Mr. Jones la son ai Uic di " agesf we ahould put more was made at fthe annual conven- naught Hotel flda4y night. late 11ev. Perry Joncs, Oshawa. nt DR. W. H. BIRKS HEADS DURHAM MEDICAL ASS'N. The. annual meeting ai Nortix- umberland and Durhsm Medical Association was hdld lu Cobourg April 3th, wifh 25 members pre- sent irom Campbel]Mord, Brigh- ton, Cobourg, Pont Hope, Bow- manville and Enniskiileu. A banquet was held at fixe Bri- tish Hotel. Dr. Stuart Page, To- tonto, gave an interesfîng paper on "Medical Emergeucies in Gen- eral Practice," which produced a keen discu§sion on varlous pÎob- lem subi ects. If was dccided that four meet- ings would b. held during the year, wifh lut ercst ing meetings planned for June, Septemben and October, ta be' held iu Cobourg. Election ai officers for 1941- 1942 resulted as follows: President -Dr. W. H. Birks, Bowmsnville; Vice-Pnesidenf-Dn. W. W. Wade, Cobourg; Secret ary-Treasurr- Dr. Harold Fenguson, Bowmsu- ville; Representative ai this socle- ty ta Uic Ont aria Medical Associa- tion convention af Windsor in May 1941, Dn. W. H. Benson, Port 'Teu-Y.ar Count To Begin H.r. Early On June Underath fa seck truthful answcrs main millions ai Cana- dians, uesrly 17,000 census enuin- erat ors will set ouf on their ap- pointed rounds an June 16th ta talc. fixe en-yesr count ai Uic Dominion's people sud nesources. Nine bulky fonins wiil be used. They deal wif h populat ion, merchandising and service esfab- lishinents, hausing, geucral f arna agriculture, fruits sud vegetables, abandaned on idle fanins, animal praducts, gandens, sud so farta. TIere la also a supplemental Annual landMeeting1 Whcthcr Bowmianville Baud is sf111 in existence has long been a controversial subi ect with townspeople sud now it la up again for discussion. Ail present members of fixe band and all former membens are requestcd ta b. present at a meeting in fixe council noom Tuesday, May 20th, at 8 p.m. which has been called by. acting president J. H. Abernethy. This meeting is the annual meeting, now aven- due, and is for the purpose oi cnding last year's business and discussing whether it might b. passible ta carry on in spite ai the severe lasses by players having joined Uic FLAOS PRESENTED TO HIGOH SCIIOOL Two new Union Jacks now adoru fixe poles stop ai Bowmsu- ville High School. These two flsgs wenc afiicislly pncsented f0 Uic school by Mrs. C. W. E. Meafix, Toronto, in memory ai er father thc Iste W. B. Coucix. Thec ere- mony beld Monday, May 12th, was the. date of Mr. Couch's birthday. Mr. Couch wassion oven fiiity yars s memben ai ta. school board and was kecnly intcnested in scixool affairs. In pnsnting Uic flags Ms. Mestix stafd thaf she hoped thcy would b. an inspiration toalal ta b. loyal ta King sd Country. Chairman afixhe Boand, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, was in charge ai Uic ccrcmony and Principal L. W. Dîppell moved a learty vote ai tixanks on beixalf ai the scixool. Board ai Education mcmbers, fea- chers and studets werc in rontj ai fie sciool whce the preseu a-9 flan was made. ENGAGEMENTS Mn. sud Mrs. W. McKay, New- touville, ,wisl ta i au=. -te engagement ai tair eldesf dugh- fer, Helen Kathleen, fa George Mlton Kimbal, ldest son aifMn sud MIrs. Milton Kimbail, ,ew fonville. Thc wedding ta take Thc engagement is anoucd ai Vivian Jean McNaugixt, anly daughter ai M. and Mrs. John Martil, ta M. Howard Albert Pickard, elden son oi Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickaffl, Bowmanville. Thc wedding will take place quiefly ou Friday evening, May' 23nd, in Deer Park Chapel, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Charles Gardiner,[ Millbrook, wisl fa aunaunce tUic engagement ai their eldesf daugix- fer, Doris Laret ta, ta Raymond Francis Tenny, Peferbono, sou ai M. William Terny sd fie la ei Keen Contest Marks Publie School and Soloiste Groupe on Opening. Days a t Port Hope United Thc adjudicaian, J. Campbell. Mclnnes, created su Instant lit with pupils sud audience by con- ducfing massed scixool chairs ai 150 voices tanougix their test nuin- ber af Uic Durham Counfyý Music Festival lu Port Hope. This was an outstauding feature af Tues- day, tae opening day. Thc large choir sang penfectly under is direction sud received warm corn- mendation for its performance. The lt annual festival was apcned by Uic president, A. E. Flford, Part Hope; sud 11ev. J. W. Gordon, minister ai Port Hope Unitecd Church, welcomcd the comnpetitont sand audience. Thc adjuidicator lad words ai praise for tIc hlgh standard ai Performance .aof-'Uiceconteitants. H. said: "Yau canat estiniate easily Uic work tUic feachens are daing in thc early formative peni- ad ai Uic studeufs' lives: I realize how valuable Uic teachers arc lu this respect, sud wh.en I eau, I neyer hesitate ta compliment thein for if." The openig canipefitians were for school chairs. Bcthesda, wln- ner n ua ifs s was praised for ifs truc fane sud luterpretation lu fixe sang "Vive la Canadienne." Mrs. E. Robb la music teacher tIee. A special ncw frophy la bclug awarded at thc Grand Concert Friday cvenig ttheUicocmpetitor who reveals Uic mast pnamislug musical talent during Uic festival. The donon lsa aolnymous. Again this ymer Uic adjudicator la suprcmely-popular with youug- sters and adults alike. Thcy like lis fidh~dly heipiul crificlin, lis humor, lis anecdotes, sud' Is warm personality. Many from. Bowmanville arc* atte4 theUi Festival ion Uic wlolc tane days sud report thaf Uic courage, if 15 ~TWO BAPTIZED ATr ST. PAUL'S The most suitable day in the whole churcli year, Mother's Day, was chosen ta perforin the rite of baptism at St. Paul's Church. Two children were presenteci, Suzan Louise Thompson, daugli- ter af Mr. and Mrs. James Thamp- son, and Joan Marguerite Beclc- ett, daughter af Gnr. and Mrs. Stanley Beckett. Rev. A. R. Cragg periffmed the ceremany. *In his sermon, Mr. Cragg de-ý veloped a theme suitable ta the occasion and the choir gave ifs service of sang in the spirit af the day. A good congregatian at- tended in the morning. Are aptize Church Serice 1Bpeial Choir Compoed of Mother Diretd By irs. A choir composed af mothers of the. church led the music at rrinity Sunday morning, with. M'rs. W. E. C. Workmnan presldlng at the organ. Two solos were weil given by Mrs. Wesley Cawker and M1rs. Win. Roberts. Mrs. George Pritchard took a solo part in the anthem. 11ev. S. Davison touched an the universal theme of Mother's Day in rernarks whieh drew poignant nemories frons many ofaili sten- ers. Sixcteen baptisnia in all were performed by Mr. Davison, assist- ed by twa mnembers ai the session, T. H. Lockhart and W. C. Fergu- son, the iollowing children being 'ifered by their parents f or bap ism: Robert Andrew Hnà son ai Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hanah Franklin John Lenz, son ai Mr. and Mrs. John Lenz; Cecil Clark Tomlinsan, son ai Mr. and Mrs. W. H. C. Tomlison; Carol An Cale, daughter ai Mr. aud Mrs. Robert H. Cale; John David Buck- ley, son ai Mr. and Mrs. John I. Buckley; Norman Albert James, an of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. James; Frederick Walter.- Van- stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mor- ley Vanstone; Fay Arlene Co, daughter ai Mr. and -Mrs. Limer Cox; Dorothy Lavonne Barton and Beverley Ruth Barton, daughters if Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Barton; Nancy Diane.Jaokman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Jgck- mlan; Barbara Jean Bathgate, Laugister of Mr. and Mrs. Peter ~atgate; Elizabeth Ann Foran, laughter. ai Mr. and Mrs. E. J. oran; Donald Maurice Prout, son f M. and Mn. Maurice E. Prout; Sharon Laverne Kllpatrick, dau- ghter-ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Kilpat- lick; Harrieta Patricia Wood, Laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth B. Wood. VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE. ONTA] 1w. elpFor Donib Victiiu Given At Guides' Coct JimumterTack $535 Pubisens X, ar Iidutrie Que.._f Dou 1s8hCiowned ntabtirn Nrmr Wlth Which Are lnc orporated The Bowmanville Nefâm- The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News

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