Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1941, p. 1

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With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville N VOLUME -8 BOWMANVILLE, ONTAI ..:- -- 71 > The Newcastle independent, And The Orono News I'HURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1941 NUMBER 18 T HIGH SCHOOL- SATURDAY UR H1108lylls HIow Greek CampaignB OBan DLYRUT Hitler ingM Mark MIDLANDS ARIV Sale of McGill.0fficeBldn Myl o icaorsMight IN OTO0CASNlext Move, rough Syria AT DSTINATIN Will Swell TownCffr Naval Munster Declares S ays Noted M ws Analyst Belp Canada's WarEfr Lloyd Passant and PyLx Soldiers Given Great Send Off OWISTANMNG STUDEfnT on. Angus L. Macdon- Bericus Ijuries Were go Speaking.,to Inter.cl ';WAR VICTIMS' Rererravy e To Seo e Acceptance of $115,- JRMHNERCMN ad Says Canada ing Home at Noon. Meeting« of Lio» FUND TO BENEFIT La. 000. Cash Offer O.K. "Not Lagging Be- And Rotary, Joh4i FROM CONCERT With Town Pathers hind" - Speaks for Two were seriously hurt in a Colingwood Rea 1h wa terned latwedneMday If Deal Can Be Made. The anadanP o-haur mtoraccident Fr daas Rvew a oVe The Girl Guides, Rangers and n Rgmn aBtaina - Bowmanville Will ple No i Deenc snt asin ollsin wthasuk--Cam iteerrownies of the town are uniting at a Maritime military camp after Get Less Than Fifty Of Government - corner ofOntaro anHde o ts. Like "Ounce of ý, entanfoentrtait entnttph eueboyseinkhai left the c a a ercent• SClsChurehi PasÉant and a passenger in his car,« ter on Acre pfera House, Friday, May 9th, at city latejMonday night for an un- 6Grediest English- rusahed y u .núvile Hospital, Bread." p.m., and will donate the entire t Te ds. illcthe i Hirty-1, thrersfagoJames an," , the foirmer with concussion, an poedtohawrhycutetheir trainirig from where the" H cill,t n ativoserof Boan- mnjured wrst uts and bruises,Prdc t Toronto Telegram's British War left off in Lansdowne Park ville, tenatprroseos i archc and the boy was later.removed to tn ly h atVctims' Furkd.Otw il eiiely the and ontra.Ctor resding ein sh "IGreece has deflated this bal- Toronto, with both legs broken. gamnsoe internatioa poli JmHutrnw cmenao Midlands as they were considered ingeytonD Cedbqueathinge ln Mussolini," declared Hon. According to Chief S. Venton wood Reade, noted Toronto n* of The Telegram, has kindly- con- one of the best regiments to have property to the vpoauen of over Agus L. Macdonald, Canada's the car was going south on On-, analyst than would be for Motented o be present and act in been stationed in Ottawa. Below $20,00 t!e o rporatanioTh nofte Mister of .National Defence for tario St. and the truck west on the mortals to forsee even rouglîhe capacity of Master of Cere- isabifdsrpono hi eqonnof Bowm anvilleetr- Naval Affaire, speaking to the cross street, the collision occurr- the outcome of the 1941 ol onies for the program, as Well parture written specially for The vemnlgyars hbuaebenomrmy Canadian Club Friday evenmng at mng at about the centre of the in- Series. A hundred Rotarianigs give an address. This in itself Statesman by S. Foster Ferguson withrligatin t ra compromis the Balmoral Hotel. The large tersection. • Both vehicles landed Lions and guests Of the Servic Will be Well worth the admission a native of Cartwright: conarragment w a dsioreachen thiec e adw Nigh nth1e a h frot of tecorner clushistne'sel-oudoraof 25c. Of course if you feel the 3prilamesSt.,Ottawa, Uconfirem eCsontwhereb with pleasure Mr. Macdonald de- pletely over and snapped off a ubsrvata hofMr.Rd o as n yon Editor, Canadian Statesman, omnil a noe 9 nivereanempirationaland infor..etelephoe pole m te way- thBowmanville Ont. ownership with the McGill heirs. - aive addirsonaCandaandomtheArhur erlier for L he progress of the present war ,These Young girls and their It might iriterest s f y Larte l aidngofrafrlprche ofc Thomas M. Dustan, B.A. War.". "The campaign in Africa Elliott, who was in charge of bHe -Itenrne pos o newl ikl . a ef ,Mrs.Doal Purdy,-Mrs- freias o ead e-w of sevt en MGl-uligalreofc Eldstso o Mr ad rsT.aInd rewerhas at les isatedtruck, was unhurt as was Howard be through Syria in an attempt t .Cameerm nandRoes1 uien-s. roaneye-wtne es of theon- setreurthe saben ceil ed Bwich es, im utrottadn EDstsn of owman Millwho As. fincblty of the mswagg terin-Edmons.tone, Duke St., also a pas- drive us out of the Mediterranean," Camp, have been planning andMtranment OftetBttaaMna ion t. b h oepie$1,0 esbodatro h oot awsaded new honrs at th grauvibrgat ictaftshe sdeclaredg, senger im the car. he predicted. "Even if that can ractising for a long time to do Mdad tOtwaMnaih'manville. Axiuc o settle oncevnengTelerm asknl ation exercises.of Trinity College,• There is no "«stop" sign at this be done, and it may be, it is nof eir bit in aiding the war effort.Totran, odd1epctvl and for all conented to coe toaBowman Tornt, innngfor ipotat Say gtat he was not speak- corner. of vital consequence. Britain doeÏ t was a happy idea to decide orn tal10orade11io'clok lft ther Capi-and at the sain co tnt ou blemaviler idaMy9hoata przs.the pnig rizoare th ginéfese of te governmnent not depd oher . life-line his entertainment which will in- fdon rdsiato arhr atod strokeof businsMas teterof ereoe ta n McDonald prize for general Bible bto eafo h aainthro anantoan ldetw oe-dtt1ysskits, and oe nitboardsnpracially te tn eil oedinssforith esrtinmtht egvnb h knowedg; te Dolitleprieople, the former premier of througthe Mdi ean to any- Patriotic solos,-songs and clhoruses, tetreumt.Crds, numb te red ets ,cuc et cetteGrlGieRnesadBon impovlemgenthi eadooing; arekroa Scotia . contrasted the pre- rte the possession now of Creteè'and clever dances. The entir e thoursadscfilled the estreets n'ght a sec iameting ridain-es teOeaHue nie Testavment irze an ae Testaar *Ith the last mn which Rtras and CyPrus is important for thé performiance will be presented by igandardndacen te ntran-ally conchied ngot iboune- rin rocest egvnt h ee top ad tettyeaeMr.dDus-d it rits.Syra i te nxogiclteRngersGuidseanBrownm t a n muh tde11:0has proft- dissioi2cWrVcis ud Ne wt Y r k . Ne yAiriel D us- a a, P& "an st a. tnlid b"p or erma _ ec a h da es o f gm e eae o a ea vi e ert 0 t e o s d f o h el lh u h ls Ha i gas Big Cap a t iy a ,lries andlidr fght o Th i on Bicycle idty olulcnt inued orncag dat) te e da f eieternw ay c e na rk th ampitetoth tr s t eneig b rf hilltaloin,000 than enasaaaArL e an utane afster Tanote ur before a delegationrom thehthe Osh- s a the npacstte nyds the wer et ularl weoma ies tim whe co W eY sop A levie t e former rinds werelost ha h C rudo Pib igi oto u ancaauRtar.Cub.aArodl cube w aith ers, whe treenbads- U.S on, i llars r a a p e u LaGarda l ahuntnw w have t iht aloemeige elnthe ouci atdiferntties payd ay d more than welcome m Cn- ed in t wold. on m c room of he town halowhereras tn cludingraeOeuedy heewa oae the fel irs 558aca re in esally. but one afeso hs rbe lre apeetenofrthe e bs -- S.yearsaagoa"Toughathe o areGat Tc.NR ttoNwate ov e0pce nt ofwhricheigtmatar pesn.ehwojetofOs-fa w yt hey r eam o h me ." croaaonurbrdHosti land.Pusheoahearin ith nwee ow Cousandaawa Rotarianslubeing preentwasboveand E nrthwileEntriWhatOmemories tonsomerof t a elo ncatteslce fo rees emoymnthi rojeciti e a e offot'for high forthirclub tesponsothecsae priseNtwiniTirde ss my. Wachi n ehAsdaF rS t r a hrsthogotDra.n Faried eld a2 ai 0Mos0dmain o eqi up t. appOUstroag lch, ioas proudigto eesipdtth ulm tprc sr durn ecostr Ff cnceedit s o omoveet m shalwa. n-BgerandBte TisYir olimse fore on çntionC.S.ErO CmanTdlton g ale the - dti#Oubthti iof rce cnsuvvete tado avn js oeclbas-loHgngholAdi- Fiarccutso dean it h Mdans Odrl ndPn.,US.Tereer bls nhe sie ngeti froun*tl y.Bt omin cr sis uope's welalt in o eanvillethe.shwa o- rsp st-de ubs ripton yt T e quietly, thmovedtho ysi r pae e xg t Saudy r, th a25cows andh esad2cle teed t at 58bui wi ch he.tnt ear-coti u snw ade otran r lnin ohv ne•qSaema ae nw ben af ar s. No confusiamo adwt anulg ayfortheCanad a nthe lt Teseriogh o a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,t miifiningerayhamttvlubeawre r eh schomale "eronal" painsaceanorer b oeng hrNatioa nstitutfothBndsteC .EbCmayb and.Pscon -hadI'Din ris- ithudcnain th seesCofucda wRthe gusts to the eberws annua Wrhl LonstthrfewforgtfCu oe it wrastchingb.WAtchey alethe wrhms f h wre citnheotwrvaudt eomentrml.e marine trooruble, of the rclub BillCalverre the ClubeHobbyehownto hir edtiste ad-navac clmn.hr andhe r a wife, se orde Therbigthin tisyr i3,8004Caiancrec Fiaid ou o i lo or su0 * wrkà rfMconud onpa-ed ) aildsort zn Mo e ei a a.ryIn- ium afernoand t e Isveg Ftin a a stcrincall o s ie.omer e t hefeqet e ansonte Pub entn er:,re WUTmby bringnduesetoodateuwasobrought;ofifastoyear'stshrewillcbe toppedveSinceslast fall;viourjAuditneveryuassistanceiwas given byuallteflectedsmodecreased donatioeisiOrono;.J.rH.rJosenNewcastle; Go tenpâegr rnprs anu-cmn *ài.Luýef ehi owab neCunninham.ChiranA.M.Thmponsat-s-eilsA.,s reuenstlyh conern, hyoed to eth aes t h C..I.. dn L Kelog,' . J Runal 1 d t neW i ein1 r nt Ofth e -l tn e , s n w a d d t A anS re ulan in e t hae pa d I trsoh aanb en s ailed"acn ts ue n d rbe- wth e r res e ocnt weore i en Onlyaatmal l dttu oat hBi n de a C . M C nn l, W ec m to realaleacr- for th e hbit ptos pntosf chidrn an paedycalelttn in sto evey ossb e prtunit g et r y n ntw ol b eur rdAsin ae elM to Allmmeberstrettogo ou on aadultsalikethatee andhis c m.. Aud i r emnsb p. ntuhwt hi deriends. ed tn p hei tBa day oer Ithe Bomalnvil;N,.Mtafac lr Ser ta R Co e e #6 Olt n tofo h A a se,. ecrusitngE.campaign or inas ug ein m itee nhave wbeen r cically i l "reas " T in te a e r. SoThe qu ie y nd qu ily asnthe top --n amuntcssa lt haoit te DMr.Lh.an w enmaleG oe more membersal; I - and4 cthu spromoteswmpdnhelattewdas itHinand youknowtooentrainmppaent madethat oneus oors mn scnsaei.N r rikhn n eb . i,,-bregthe ade. eso s fte t on B omanille s trs. etresd reests rd n i ona- that yw ou cann ot sy: I intot screlynwa i t heas going ton. one canresfu that wh engy ink nd o, oia;ad1ik . e ra so ti é tI.gd t afs ilt ,an .énaRY P s N' e e of d c dthe e e s tc oe th me s- ton no " h eest eiv er n h r w e e a l o r elzeThe b hnecsar y arter $of ,Bro .,a tn o s sagemnl Te mrnetotle fte cfrom Lins Calubresdtet luExHobyS owill be e d Friay the a you simply f orgot . hgraspaand eeadwish "bstro' themInsttef ork.ilsisWh knws r . a by okdatrt ha.grleofs DuMe z'htto nacmaal pro fteTed Chman Visig otarianub.eveningthand Saturd a ornig p Now lthes eite fin it"ersonal" (co nte 7 hoe sghtma besaedpthisTloadnst ed yH.A rguauseotal ie weqd.b a r M erHbella Smith, t 10.3 DST so tat tejuingof einea lo stantis "radefr, ilence. )eway.quIt man e yors.Nentwcate, eea:ad a Broo ngde dt aor. rnof asybegi promptWly.Otsipd eest loohlefor exusi vr sitnewsgvn yalrfetd erae wnaoith amersa, racJit W@ forward by Iren Cunningh udgeshaire beiM« hpsng elctd y u- orfreitfulne. A riqely as edtoa ta apincers and wire, for there wasF Judgmnt wa handd dow in lc Schol Inpecto T. R Mc-the dadlin. Anlxtensontofoot o workin maingate ca favor of he plaintff indtheactionnEe nThese Judas awillbeell oi wleeks acns necessanr on ready to accommodate the 3 brough b WMr.,oriaisos qalfie ttrn errlialede. acont fcheroas.Nowwet aea. Te atle oud g uac BomnilaantteEélcsons, eaone bm hdein xeran haedsunshined attind te ery companiotuiytogey n i on ol b eu- ed as fra ufl Ilo LfInuacCmpM.aMbrs.alteoke hisaordhe aritiuar ranch s ofclimateiinviteret spe. ntuhwtto wslie red.edt u h tgdye herethy oud llbeunoae Hi odhpM.JsieBreuton, wmish to nnonce theteevarus cra thy is m«eass teppr oqity n ucl a h o a muts ml te fr adrnkanLeeris.Che Iat tths nJr y Ass& Çizes eng's. O;g ageetofshirola Tedurgthe astftwiernon ad s . anys: "After this fnal RAiN.D SUPeITEa neT ws mngu ansa oul henbetke iChageb the Supreme Cout at Cobourgro ter, lserarnt Bucsaroeveig h ubi s it to courteous appeal, you will.oe n hefuels Vst n- a herdsanfo h .S r Tuesday afternoon. The judgment saeondon ofMr.and Me sres. E rcoes andrvie tefohunrdsaf-ether be winnt say. .I . o otda rnhFcoy Cmay h ol copn alowdMr. os heflls(pun shon nnsklen Mriae to xbitsondslyutl1p.. w't b ethufors t h ev e ththr ewr be oraieteneesr re m t B os. thir dsiain cliedi hrsttmetofcai.Tke plae theg ltter part ay.We tesowcoeeadehii.hev ad fte uio His Lordshipallwed the usual tos may remove ther hobbies. willwield the blueopncil. LastiThursay the wanderin 1fifteen.days stay M. a n MroLos.l b rull, , T h ios wlb hasecied tW yno tea trnyt yu ,wheorter got may teephoed hc all, It willsb remeb erd.htanuneteggmeir cori n t inue sndsotrdin h o bbynin p nower il«Ies yug o n P. O. Therepae 7)wa s, a gf eiiny o ice de Mrse. bowt ciorocolctol duerGlayseSm, to 1how becau.sof h te jbenefaanven esand thesre bare r'88 the sm of 10,10 uner" he Hrolk damol o n of Mr. ef eiultimtly. Oha s n th e .sno yourpae fr willconsaescod fpepl fo t h e terms of a double.indemnityein..end Mrs. G.lA.tBaron, Hampton; tinet f yoe? of he Blmora Hotl looing t an surnc pliy el b hr us te mrrag t tkeplceinMa, contIne o Page. 7) -something big adbluensonn wheeMls. ofW ba mnd.T Ros, popret o of the Notuge il e ei wowek wsne styon %be rarPa s ' ilroedintodoin avroth lifinte act3 , i oV olEN tAE E TSWorkers S o drrt S l age d RESE M P TofBEhe ails.Nte a o e S e a Gr H oseEo m n mar in whic Mr. Ross cameJFrank Williams fidnthe causexofraitheaexciteMondayaevening. As he encount h mnvl ea n J icwthoeas ee e t ldFetor Pesed O.A . TU ENT o " Conmf2"dmea T meed t"m f ei Uiruha rt cètheopinio htby t bcoeMcn. otl ndSerealtertOe ing or epADtUlATE TUES. RegimaenvFitt eircap rachofth R MHllnghe Oe aet ht tecore MRs's dethipre stdfotne.Otherdiecorsar G-EBaske. wold b hed frm Jue 2th tCo.istneedtte same as the future citizens to travel and hrtet nthe o curAsedytesfie.gChaset. W. Comstoc, J. E. Cun.Thengrdutintexaerises anth Jul 1At. The lacerthis yaisniz actR UPR IPNET]oe ory meeanV aged y overtheir w onr niae the felt tha tato.o go etninhmAt.eady .r, li aitOBueOcr vnaiogriculualCo1iege, ConuhtRsanges, jstoutsieo MyrR.O onsay.I hesprn o 93 r whicset forthe causePliofdeat rie , .M.Vnsoe. •edsalvageMrcapin instituted Guepan Tesdayhe hreated- ofthwtw ..ory iin ornto htalr tractedCrmaggtaeleyhruhEnln asle sufcatos easiâonlytoer a wekigo ndeMr elaer- ed b Dr.on dis. C. W. lemon,.m.All mmberw s, o the uitiu.Cl r .Coneatemc teto n eei hat oyn theiexesvehsptl slatisfacto ry. Hezhehtthofelashikplaf Sid Litter andtCliff Sai . ndthMs.oMclesden and whoave iaed the ir tn h lieWlaes"e t ftehseswihwr ter i aniglacof airthe qurtrsfoeasebltoowste andRotMveen aireraubbtaen. aslwiell sthos ebr icini en etyelected it. milessapart. For ahminimumfee contributay caus asgve s h floinMrednainst abenMs truth wet wng Te tis Car andie other~othe etteasturdn o aad ran ueitnetf repoAterlastatthbethverigh acomodaio burnig and this in his op theDra onyMsfFet-oihnetl uidnadoe eehnoe na mrsiewh r bet aemthe cam.OtroDsrc, oa rhM-stisfed! ,a eo eur o hs eden-spoie o vr ebro brogh th cuseofdeth i al otalrad aknoleged aclo ad of ooGlds oulis gradutio n bceremony.e S éir iim A n andtw ee the arages o . .okin p epei n l-th oraiton the termsof te olcy1Slia . . ... ---------....$t.0hasben or ,baedan lasi M lok oneredth on thupo 18 an 45 in perectphycalsn.Bon-osatitrs mi esriegaottebatiu h o elwhpecutr threo j udg e n oodere taNet onileW Ii---........ a.0 nld by th.commttesarrndvmpon-;hm add eofBSAadhathnd h ned on nMsm or ewl eisti re eaasTof yan , ed mtehotlsismstu- mernt e.maiy d for hih f he o oe-Rtr lb.....140tee mr wrkaes tpactn ner irecay., ese ntned oaagraut n i . Sriei h erftr fie ei tMser of sooing bSga luteswelstadnhrceitc wre bndmni T Rospre to Ms Rs.ofd oatostoMssHleeug aniis pe av asoa lqu hihboeth hu plyay ie uin h Dpty ndPstFrtsrncplrilrmoetstrth e s h kp cenan roieuh mas RlTh olcysore, Bothatnle, hn orsSceayBwavil.be«hSdEhReeasVGEdfmusqoain einn Idyo Wdedyevnnsatteo alsieChpehvigasTunhhrewsntianw o O h am rnile iyl shal edad nthe sl o indateit bal, ivngupregulrkrilsce-.Sodreceive diUbanddrn h eio tyasa nofcro h rn LaLuckfcaetoéhough, old joyGedt ,i ukh i nai claue.onca 4,wa 94u.uTa in a ubro owavlepo aa oe na in1nro enslrut C AMPhe o DgEbeit h onyaleste iei aasrdeny rloestwu where adthsrmalp much as it brought forward a ie& mtre oaoonoMndyansofepy otlstewnradwa lsne w tohyneulraryutetshv, fcoresbtatalnetre fo tkn h jsto teconr. h mvmeti wet o teperutes ttb gh t oten hecmmsioin erithwsomnyoftes c-a aa fomte tdetboy Me frevrubachostetycotibtd ohi biite t ptw t uya ar fslown pradna m te nte tae mne imn who uht t.tRwofTheSaltm ionAry adesiumlt nu rn. sOff toAC He hstaai-tiv evc ocsaesilfilteapitet ewsfor waseparke nfoof lthe oeaitoo. In Britai ccmodtoni it on dth cas o d eath , ogMsebal.CdtSbi utn N e rsaeaailrmtonwthWelan Chmia'lonsnede, o thoedwhowis to e ars cammaeonheHih coosYrkHthe y onWhz a l y av ailbet hsewotae thosee oftetfed o i ' e- B aniler fee e ll srrunin dstics utth Bw-stucio C. heCol hs etino om secalbrnc tisBordAisnw harmn f he Th- y oo o bcyle a oe f h the oroer' DeartentThon Coissi oi Lieu etn e d as w ell or gIzedand if all c dom - a the has taken ItmnaD esComanyched o igtn retWrhesre esa nd Mvr a n s. t.hollin aden cuaeeirlytvlan se to, i an d r. W. ME . Jutoc, of be enpidt o owthe staffof hem nitieracteirs effort te ov r AAirFo EaTran ES. n ednBta t recigallha i n r., of CamenR. ., alln she the uOn tri awa otposil *Urort omeical rhefeeorinontheat lu ti o mae Hs elffNtoelSla wlctive whohas een tudyng t e ti e applica n ay al t ilt ar ffis l hs.Cfo.only one ofnitshkind in e sthe rlbycr. e t hewr h hse Mr.ll leas twothmeetltheexpem ttionste Ogoe- C alsorsatre.A.., ret urn.. the Arour forcfuthr parius enga civ okeW h swell athe ms en ive * ovem tenilllklraeo e (lr n ctin u sed n aget)h e e k s,Mt W o mher warJtE. rn mente gr ato.m n llaCndan Legion.e(hcMa o ntinued Jon ae ylife in alconresadprv, satisfactry. He hed culturalClfactorllinethe nation'situlife. 1101

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