Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1941, p. 7

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TRURBflAY, APRIT.A 24, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, E ~NVILLE, ONTABTO PAGE SEVEN A citizen lias sent in thus sug- gestion: Whlle thc action ai Uic Bowmanvilllc Fine Brigade lias beca prompt sud very efficient la thc lest series' of fines, anecrciti- clan lias been golng tic rounds tuaI may or mey nat be justified. It lias licen Uiccustom,.to'a'italt e the fine hall until a quota arrived ta man tUic truck. Oftn la the iterval certain types aofines can gain greet hedwey. The sugges- tion la thet tle truck. leave in- mediately two or threc menara- rive and let tic rest of the iremen get thene as best tlicy can - and if tliey can. Dr. C. O. MHer bas been elect- ed President ai Oshawa Rotary Club effective from July laI. vAnnouncement HODGSON'S TEA ROOM and LUNCH BAR KINO ST. E.,,BOWMANVILE WiII Open for Business Thmsday, May lut Patrons ai former years and the gencral public are Invited ta visit aur lmpraved, redecorated quartera Koura fram 9 a.m. ta 12.00 p.m. Saturda.y until one o 'dock %L#àKE HODGSON'S YOUR LUNCH HBEADOUARIMERS LARGE SHIPMENT 0F BOYS' SIJT W. have Just rccelved a large shipinent af Boys' Suit s ln fine durable materlals et moderate prices. A wide range af siMc ln calotins of grec;, blue and brown. BEST SELECTION O0F MENS &UITSý W. f u of ta ah~ nca h. largest seleoons.f meWs. c on Istwn. 1 Neeleta say they are varying pices, colourWl andstyes t. suit eveiF hate.. Ready-made Suis from 112.5010. 35i00 COUGII JOHNSTON& CRYDERMAN Phone 836 M Monarch PUWTRY FLOUR 24 th a 35 PORE & BAIS 3Tut. 35 Lyon@ 802. Pkg. Tea - - 42e DOnMIn0 3003. GInÏer AIe lO Navy Tlssue -4 rolUs 2ft TIssue O & 2Me Aymr Soumis 3 tins 25c TOMATO - CELERV - VEO. - PUA Junket PIcg. c Creaun' * 1 Domino l b tin Baking Powder 19e CARDIN SEID -- 7 pkgs. 25e CTTAGE ROLL nnnn- Ib 25C Brfiafset BACON Sklnloe w-B'u Macaroi & £Chasse --lb. B1e LOM' - lb. 190. BOLOGNA . 05 lb. 15e GOLDEN RipE fANANAS n.-3 lb. 27cý New OAREOTO GRAPIMRIT bunohee 110 ô for 25o Doxefl LWMONS, 800'8 I * s 4 TRUPJIbAY, APRIL 24, 1941 iid ii i th e -sm r . 'Dr. 1. B. llam, former president of Drami Club af Ta- ronto, was -in Port -Hope Monday night glving onc of hls -famous llustratcd lectures. This one was on the I"Early Hletony af Ontario» P.A. of St. John's Churcli. spendlng $20,000 ta bulld ç*an"- rtçen and recrýa«onr hall for "thc large number ofagors et Xall- fax. Ia fact il lias already=.n a$266,000 for agor n fa au m aports alon fo~r supples, b!ýIa and rearbataoa2 taclliiesa0_414- ftnibutcd 200,000,p 't1clcsa i wool- len conforts lb these at alr who corne à%1~~IO9 * Obituary I SOCIAL AND Phiono Mrs. Donald Poole visited rela- tives at Wellington. Mrs' T. A. Brown, Ottawa, is Mis. Ed. F. Weekes, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. H. C. Osborne. Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, spent the weekend wlth lier mother. Miss Ella McIntyre la visiting relatives and friends-in Toronto. Mr. and Mr-s. Ted'iMason, Clin- ton, visited his niother, Mrs. T. G. Mason., Miss Patricia Emxnett, King, has been visiting Miss Margaret Storey. Mr. Jack Minore, Hamilton, visited lis mother, Mrs. M. H. Minore. Aircraftmnan Sain Stokes, R.A.F. Picton, wàs weekend guest with Mts. J. C. Bell. Little Shirley Cryderman, Ma- pie Grove, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cryderinan. Mrs. Irvin Yen and daugliters, Peterboro, are visiting relatives here and i Oshawa. Miss Jean Cochrane spent Eas- ter holidays with hier aunt, Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Taronto. If you want ta look your best, ladies, buy yaur new liat at Ding- man & Edmondstone's. Mrs. B. Hall and son Bai"y, Toronto, were.holiday guestw of Dr. and Mis. J. C. flevitt, Mrs. C. Burgmaster, who spent the winter in town, has returned tghèr home ini Enniakillen. A Miss, Arflne, Northcutt spent Easter holidays. with hier cousin, Miss Audrey Box, Port Hope. Mrs. Elgin ýVarcoe, Nancy and Michael, spent Easter holidays with ber mothier at Peterboro. Miss Margaret :Trebilcock la en- joylüg a visit with hier sister, Mrs. Nori-naHarnley, at Peterboro. ýMrÉ. J. A. Schaad, wio has been visiting lier àunt, Mrs. J. Mcmn- tyre, la retumring to Chicago this *eek. Miss Àudrey Elliott, Victoria College, Toronto, was guest aoflier paren±s, Mr. and Mrs. W. Len Elliott. Ladies, before buying YOur spring or suinier hat sec the lat- est styles at Dixagnan & Edmond- stone's. Miss June Gabourie, Toronto, spent Easter holidays with lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hallian. Mr, and Mrs. Wni:ý Ingrazn, 'To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and 1frs.'Harry Ingrani and Mrs. V. Argue.1 miss E. M. Werry, Toroôpto, spent Easter holidays with Mdiss Florence Gardiner and Miss Flor- ence, Werry. Mrs. B. H. Mortlock, Joan, [Kathl*en and- T-om, Bnptene visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, G(ibbs, Tyrone. Mrs. R. H. Armstrong libas re- turned from visiting lier daughter Ruth in Toronto, and hier brother, Mr. James Adamns, at Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Dr. Dorotliy James and Miss Mary Northwayr, Toronto, were week- end guestà of Mrs. N . S. B. James. mr. Ralpli Poole and nephecw Dick slÏenit'ËsÏtr wîth flie fanri- ees. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Poole, at Winchester, near Otta- wa. Ifrs. É.;mW. Pascoe, Brooklin, rites: Aiti. enclosing $2.00 for bps-cription to youx very welcome R it lg equal to a letter from le. anà MSLA.C. Hord, Ruth, Johin, Hugh a~Mrln Toronto, M&s. 'D. Morris, Midred and Mil- ton, Osliawh, vlsited at Mr. Go -4(ninClarke, Mrs. Lyle Wil- son, lss Dorothy Edger, 9Town, Mrs. rJýcd Lycctt and Mns. Lewis,, Orona, motored to Ottawa o'#er t¶e eend. . hemany friends of Mr. Reg. Geen Oshawa, wll sympathize wlth Jdlm i i the passing of his la- ther 11ev. A. L. Geen, Belleville, on Âprii 26th, in his 92nd year. lins. Wilfrid Williams, Nestie- ton, . i renewing her subscription writes: There la no better local newspaper than The Statesmani and we don't like to miss a single copy of it. Have a personally iitted Gos. sard Garment made to your mea- surements at The Evlyn_ Shop. E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative, in lis weekly crop report to Uic Dept. ai Agriculture, states: Cattle feeders are enjoyingj a satisfactory scason. The demand for -seed lias incrcased recently. Fail wlieat and secding look very pramising. However, a good rain la needed to start these cropi away. Mrs. Allie Welsh Shantz, wli lias been living ln Chicago fr saine time, la now residing at 33 Beaumont Road, Rocliester, N. Y. In forwarding change ai address shc makes this comment: I have been thlnlcing up sanie littie items you can put in the "Do You R1e-3 -member When"' column and will send theni along later. Miss Helen F. Mason spent Uic weekend witli ler parents, Mir. and lirs. C. H. Mason. Helen la now on Uic permanent staff af the Wamen's Institute Brandi ai tlie Ontario Dept. ai Agriculture1 and spends most of lier time in western Ontario as organizer and teaclier af Girls' Agricultural Classes in Home Ecanomics.' Saturday niglit anather af tic popular "«Smakers" in tlie Recrea- . tion Roon o! tlie Goodyear wasr enjoyed by Uic members who1 heard a snappy pragram of en- tertaininient and seemcd to enjoy1 themaiseves imniensely. A clever1 magician, Billy Arnott, did lis1 stuffinla a lighly entertaining mn-( nez and Sllm Burgess, comiedian,( rolled 'em aver wîth thc type afi humor mca bcst enjay. Toronto Evangellet Here Next W..k A series oi special services at1 the -Evangelistic Tabernacle will culminate next week with Uic vis- it af Rev. P. M. Belismiti an out- standing Bible teatlier from Tor- onto. He is first coming Sundayi April 27th and will stay through 1 thc week holding Gospel servicesj each evening Tuesday throughi Friday at 8 p.m. On April lOti Miss L. Layaian, a missionary fromn Argentine Re- public, spoke tô a large audience about lier work there. Last Sabbath thc well known Ford fainily of Toronto and Los Angeles delighted sud brought profit to, another large cangrega- tion with music and preaching. lirs. Fard spoke on "What; I say unto one, I say unto ail; Watci." From this theme she .elaboratcd Uiat just as in olden tinies it was necessary to use watchmcn on the wafls of a guarded city, so lic h present we must be watchiul of1 Uic spiritual wellare af others and bc in-preparedaess for thceliaur ai Uic Lord's cannng. Mr. Ford toak part ln the quartette numbers sud a son'and daugiten created mclady blend- iag their skill on the cornet and tombone. TIc ,miaistcr Rev. C. W. Lyna is highly pleascd with -thc pro- gressive services lis conigregation have been gettlng. Latest Repor, Shows Work î.1 Redcmou. Thc wamen's work comnilttee ai Uic Red Cross have been vcry active since Janary and have compiled an impressive total ai supplies for solclers, bombed civilians and hospitals. .For Soldiens 1500 pair socks 26 pair wristlcts 77 pair miitts 37 helmets 181 scenves 136 sweaters 26 pair seamen's stockings For Hospitals 28 dressing gowns 336 handkerchiefs 56 sheets LFor flambed Civillans 20 quilts sud afghans 47 pieces boys' clothing 188 pieces babies' clathing 207 pieces girls' clathiaig 9. women's dresses 14 women's nigit gowns 25 Womnen's blouses 6 women's cardigans 20 pair women's slaceks. *Fredenlck Ù. Kerslake qlrl, Easter Sunday evening at hie hiome la Hampton Frederick Gc&ge Kerslake passed peaceful- ly tê> rcst, sanie ight yers previ- aus ',on a Sunday evenig i Martilh and at about Uic saine laur lis wife Katherine (Kate) Salter predeceased hlm. Re was born nean Hampton on ,;ýge 7th, 1866, and lad livcd la tl4a oxnomunity alh il ic. Fanm- lngo $o ven thirty years, lie sold hi& farm ta Mn. H. E. Tink, and moved into Uic village ai Hamp- ton same twenty or more years ega. Ca quiet unassuming disposit- ion,a sd higli ideals lic was res- petêd by aIl who knew hlm. In e_4rWlii e lie beceme a member ai Harupton Churdli sud far msuy years ad been an active member of the officiai board.. A regulan chundli attendant, wien health pcrMitted, and a sympathetic sup- porter oi ail things for Uie-good of mankind. Surviving are anc daugliter, Rets *M. et home, oné' son, Dr. Ever t G. Kensieke af Cannauglit LabÔ&atanies, Torahto, also two bro0es Frank R. of'Bowman- vlle.'n Chas. J. of'Hamptan. Teuneral service was con- ducted by ils pestor, Bey. Walter Bacffam, on April 15th inani bis iatÈ' residence. Relatives and naa neiglibors only, attending Uic private service. .Six nephews were thc peil- beaers, Lloyd sud Oscar Ward, HoWard Price, George Kersiake, Hilton Peters sud Harold Selter. Others ironi Taranto, Milliken, Glih'Millen. Orono, Oshawa sud Bayý Village, Ohia, ettended Uic funerel. John Wright John Wright, a higily esteemed member ai Blackstock commun- ity sud a man pramnact i thc aif o that district, passed ta lis reward on Merch 3lst, 1941 la lis 85th,,year. 1He Was e son ai the late Thomas Albert Wrighit and Thirza Werry. Bora near Uic village af Hamp- ton *an August lOti, 1856, Mn. W=tghtad livcd all isls ic in Duhni caunty and was consid- eredanc ai tic outstaading fan- mena and livcstock breeders ai Cart*r.ight. For sanie years pre- cedlng lis dcath le was retined, living quietly and enjoying tic evcnlng oa ifeic t Bleckstock. Ets interests for Uic betterment af Uic individuel and Uic coin- munity included activity as a di- nectar ai the Cartwrigt Agricul- tural Saciety, e memben ai the United Chunci Board and a trus- tee ai thc Bleckstock Scooal Board. Mn. Wrighit was rccag- nizcd for lis unsefilsi intenets aad ionest work as a man ai sup- ciar dliaracter wliose lacs cen scarccly be rcplaced. Inais deth a landmenk af thc more virile pionýçer days in Uic townships ai Derlingtaa and Cartwright is ne- Surfling are is widaw Ruth FREE For a Llmited Time 1 GILLETTE BLUE BLADE FREE Wlth a Package ai Five 6 Rades 25e NOX ZEMA-ï UMITEI oariyt Dv May c09nloue- tien-* gener.ua(u.gular) I1Se jar.of NOXZEHMA'S double sala. Cold Cream fo, oudnl I-'ah a te& alma, new Ise JtOf NOMZMA CP.EAM. igSOC vaiue 1 Ol mi. e. hahinE SAVE MONET! BUY THE LARGE SIZE 'LOWEST' It's real cconomy ta.- buy the lJuge ises af produota you use reg- 1PRICES u]arîy in your home. As a nuls yau niake a onsiderable saving BRINOS INSTANT EASE TREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SIIUT Ceresan Dust DIsinfectant 1T1.10O- 5Ibs. 4.40 V~, ue ta an enror we adver- t16< h. 5 lb. tin at a lower price Iweek. $4.40 la the. corret nehslum rehail pnice acroos Oaa- adý FOOUMALDEHYDE 16 oss. 28e oven wbat you would pay for an equal amoilnt in mmal sizes. Look at theae examples 1 By ordering the large sizes af lIes. popu]ar brandi e how mach you cen save - We list amount saved as compared with the. purahai. af the mmafl ise. BAYER ASPURIN, go. ALKASELTZER, go. Tati Save 85e BBc Tau Save 33o 57c PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, Uso. 4«c Tati Rave 160 ENO'S FRUIT SALTge. 'Tati save 22e 9c FRU' WVTUVES, ge. Tati SaveIlc ANACM NýTABLETS, ge o. Tati e,88e EX-LAX,go. Tati Rave 1ac PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER Tati Rave 70 DRINK SHAMPOO, go. BROMO-SELTZIR, go. 39C 9e 39e, Tati Save 810icc Tati Save 2300 ou NOVA-KELP Tablt Lge. Tati Save 1.16 2.79 Johinton's BABY POWDER Lg. Toti Save 120 500 MODEBO ' ig. IT! lmTatiSaev.130 - 79o hIZuJ~ TOOT BRI H Tou Save 37e - 790 Tati Save 1.10 - 1.10 49 [w~M Z~O ~PRESCRIPTIONS A ISPECIALTY 1 i a PECIAL age' TaathiPowder Roth for 34o A.LEX McOREOOR Phone 792, W. Denver j Whitfield, six children (Hettie) Mrs. Nanman Holmes, Oshawa; (Rosie) lins. Richiard Stinson, (Elva) Mmns Percy VanCamp, Carl, Albert and Osmond, al af Cartwright; elso five brothers. William, Enniskillca; Frnk, New Toronto; Arth,.ur, Oshiawa; Non- n-in, Hampton; Jabez af Bleck- stock , sud four sisters, (Eliza) lins. Rabt. Piilip, Burkcton; (Srah) lins. John Larmer, Blackstock and Anale sud Effe ai Oshiawa. Many friends ettended the fun- erel fain outside points, Toroato, Oshiawa, Lindsay, Fenclan FeUs, Caven and Bowmsuville. Floral offerings main relatives sud fiinds werc supplementcd by beautiful wreaths rminhUi Blackstock Sdliool Board and tle .Ladies' Orange Lodge, organize- tians in whidli Mr. Wright main- teincd e keen intercat. Six neplicws bore tic remains ta ticir lest rcsting place la Ced- mus cemctery, Messrs. Norman Mountjoy, Leslie Mountjay, Aus- tin Lamer, Ernest Larmer, Leslie Wright su Russell Wright. The funcral hcld on April 2nd wes langely ettended and wes conductcd by is paston, Bey. D. Stinson assisted by e former pest- or, Bey. F. W. Newell, Fenelon Falis, and Bey. E. P. Woods, nec- ton af Blackstock A ng1i ca n Churcli. Grandehild Baptizod By Toronfto Rector St. Johin's Anglican Churci was the scene ai an intcresting cere- mony Fridey aflennoon wlien lit- tle Patricia Ana Cerpenter, deu- gîter ai Mr. and Mns. Walter Carpenten, was baptized by lien grandiather Bey. C. Carpeaten, recton ai St. Leonard's Churcli, Tornto. ,Both grandmothcrs ai Patricia Ana were present ta witaess the rite, as well as thc nectar af St. John's, Canon C. R. Spencer. Thc gadparcnts are Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Boanycestie and Mns. C. R. Spén- cen. IFSS lIME TO CLEAN-UP! Springtime la Paint and Wallpaper Time WE OFFER THIS WEEK BUNTE8TIED AND BUNWORTHY WALLPALPEE Speciafly Low Prices GLIDDEN'S FLORENAMEL a hlgh quallty flonr paint on sale et qt. 98c, reg. $1.45 <t. GIMDDEN'S JAIP-A-LAO ENDURANCE PAIN The best for outalde work. 81111 et he low prdee of qt. $1.W5 JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE King st. Tel. 651 DISTICfAGENT WANTED THE CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY establlshed in 1.900 with morie than $234,000,000,of Insurance-in-Fore requires the services of a District Agent for Bowxnanville and, vicinity. Prevlous lîfe insurance expenience îs not necessary, but standing in community and ambition to succeed essential. To a man capable of filling this position will be offered an attractive contract ýwith splendid opportunities for both immediate and future income. Applications will be treated eonfidentially. Apply to the Superintendent of Agencies, Crown Life Building, 59 Yonge St., Toronto. 1 1 r- PAGIC SEVEN ANVILLE, ONTARIO TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B

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