Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1941, p. 7

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AY, MAACE 18, 1041 UMMANDANSATS OWMANVILL, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Y ~~~~~~~Pairkchester . The Wortdts Largest Housin Project OIAPEITO OIOEET S O C IA L 'Aampton W. I. .a.holdingHam AND PERSONAL jÇ.~ Most of us remnember elec- Irish PoiLc upro Phone M0 tien nlghts when g r o u p s Marchl7hat.3 m.sadr --.athred. "The returna Tinme. lr.J letCl n Mia .Doothy Eder spen the ~ . J. Hoe ~ arecoming in--only 4 panls talent,Bo anilwlprvd Min Dorothy Edger speft taeMs .J -on l iiigi ett hear from,"l including the proga.Amsso 5 n Weekénd wlth friends in Ottawa. Montreal and wl» attend the ces- ,. Bradley's, was about the__ - . 1- Miss Evelyn Taylor while out carnival at Lake Placid, Adiron- hecmmn ran. Ail waited- Sklnd Sunday fen and broke her daci, oers returming. fo the final resuits before. Reserv hrdz, ad 7h an. turning i for the night. for the Ana optlBrha hand. ~~Mr. and lirs, A. A. Bqnoyiiun , caiet ies-h ave beenr- ilemer ofth Pte. Bih Tai%, V.G.C.,is re ov- 1sf t Sun"day0o ta ap es Axilrdl»srvr eigat homne, from a protrte ek in OtI rahe atthe .. cripedtouslista upt6a "p>àht -_____ emlng, tra-aggitted n. obing The Sttestan'à sub. rmtret i ..1- M .Fred Hughes has been visit.- Miss Etfle>Harris was recipient inhave 'ta pndarght o vnin l e sd tPteb Ina i Tmono wth r. nd rs.of a war-savings monsy bank andhaeehdocsintdub Mrh . treer - Dsmerling. a sampis of British Columbla s- hv e a pngt o vnt 2-2iAl n .7 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the outeome, for A's viSekly farinera r niedt ted Edward and Hastings Regt., Camp r. ;Guernsey 'McCleUlan, To- isavg e spon stte ap- anu Brew horné. rno vstdhis mother, Mlir . 4iJn eas hgespsae. HghSeoolCaer Clb e C.Q.M.S. Ed. Thomas is spenf- A. licCleilan, and, cailed on his pelsheha mde Rg Iiig two wssks' furlough ini To- old-tlme frlend, Lieut. Art Baker. nytomrisuMa. t ec ronto and Hamilton. The exýetut1vof thé Girls' Aux- - 2th and 27th and we shail day wheanitrtnades Mir. and lira. R. P. Corbett and Iliary were buày last evsning aet- ." '. aerahdtedaln- a give ytro Nolspn tewekn wt r-rngn clr fetsad uni àthat la, the 3 months from "Cameta n hwteyWm. latives near Harriston. ture in their new quartera, Haraey JaurÇ4h tMac 1s, Jonh Mir' Clifford P. May, Windsor, Block. 1 ' after which, those in arrears and hosoe h br he vlslted lira. E. Silver and lira. Mr. Rager Bird and twa daugh- .~rP~ ~Buroeu mitto Adt i ahend , oka oghk Frank Werry, Betheada. ters weme iHamilton over theBueat io m ita thons aredevise-d doynthrogh as n Ptes. Faulkçner and Newman, weekend vlalting his sister, Airas ,. ' W.datical. along then aeachn V.G.C., Lindsay, are home oni Frank Taylor who la in poor dras~" 4Bu eo httime y.ar-g l short leave with familles. health. Btbfr httm r Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thurlowý Pte. George Carter, who trans- 7 ~ rives we can say definitely, --- ]Bowman Bouse, have etumneci ferred from the Governor Gen-_n7 'i , ~ i4 ans oefrsubtac hrieh-f f trrm vlsiting relatives in Brant- eral'aHars Gu5i'da ta the active spon' e ded ausrexectatis ford. Tank Unit, visl#ed the Carter excede ou epecà- Is The teen-age girls of the Junior Temily Ourway o eadhaer" emaeL Knlttin.g Club met last eveiing iii Lieut. A., L. Baker, Associate i y " 'a' s f in ade sagnoesoUN Misa H1elent Morden's, ta knit and editor of The Statesman, acknow- 1nitn-m teie a chat. ledges ecelpt of a letteonrm iosisednt-andutae adéevantgsHA Frienda af Melville Wiseman, The Three Mùslakteers V.G.C., TM;'~IYa aecoprtdwt Toronto, were gls d ta se hrn im and will ahortly eplyi. 'You~ dw have béoene ihu town Moliday mamning laoking Col. Lamne T. McLaughlin, G.M. and e ttrhae net atie well. edemands. Mn.Robrt obe atened heM.C., have returned tram anm-* Mr.sto ertMap le aena e ste s eetion tour of the Durham-Nor- Oun amecere thanks ta each Thur. F1-St ofhs ltrlr. .G Se, T umbelsud Command, V.G.C. an~ sd everyon of you and msyMAG 1-1-1 renta.., Mr. Tom Baker Sm., Solina, on-"M' we prove wanthy of your Mr. L. R. Wood was in Bethan tertained Capt. Cyril H. Mumford generasîty and confidence.D uleBl Thurday atendig te fnra and Jack Baker at dinner at the P or-Banan Hous pir ta attending 'fhssseMsChre o-the Fedenation meetingA n Orono.1 ' ,, _ - '7p Two Girls O"T teous. Misa Leola Miler was in Toron- Sergt. Tom H. Sutton, R.C.A.F., te, Wednesday, attending demon: nrieph ae a in E. rtbr ai.Toam________________________________________________ stratioàs at Elizabeth re' before going into the ,Brltisb Air As Parkichester looks ioda>'. This splendid aerial vlew shows the. oenmunity iakfngt orâ, with apariment buildings shopping centre, W. S. Staples, Massey-Hamnîs Salon. Training plan attended Bowmian- boulevards, quadrants, parka, heaiing Plant, eic, dlearly defiàed.-Photo Courtesy of Fairchild Aenial Surve ys. Agent sud prapnietor of the West Laitn ,Miss Marlon Werry, Toronto, ville High Sehool. EnTarg, a hs t Rpe apent the weeliend with hem p ar- -Do nat fa» ta listen i on CFRB When the edtor of The States-- froin 7 tu 13 atoisa. It.wiil con- the, Metropolitsu's mutual argan- buildings nearing completion sud sentative assembly of Durham DLOUDEL enta, Mr. an(' Mms. Frank Werry, Fiday, March 21et, when yauth- man was in New. York City last tain 12,273 well-planned dwelling ization. Juat how msuy af these others ready for occupancy. Ho Caunty tarmers, Saturday, March Gog Bethiesda. fui membera of the Bowmanviile mionth he had the privilege of umita rangiflg ini size from 2 ta 5 pebpIe live i and around Bow- took jparticulai' pains ta show and 8th. Through caurteay af the MRA Mr. sud lirs. George Gilmour, Lions Bicycle 'Club voies thanka vlewing and inspeeting at close rooms and rsnting for about $13 manville we do not know, but explain ta us the modern procesa Massey-Harris Company, under a ad, Kingaton, were weekend guests of for presentatian ai colora by range the biggest housing prajeet per room. per, manth including Fred J. Spry, local Metropolitan sud variaus stages af plastering. plan ai publie relations being for- dd Mr. and lira. Hugh Thurlow, Bow- sponsors sud boosters. in history. It ia knaWn as "Park- utilities. In other wardsaspart- representative, wll be glad ta te» Ho nover seemed ta tire at the warded by John Martin, national Cii@a pnan Hous, lira. Art Smith, Russel sud cheater" and la located in that ments ent frorn $32.00 ta $69.00 y'ou. barrage ai questions we asked publicity directan ôf the company, U IU *w~' The Harman af the Week: There Harmy, Toronto, Aircraftmsu Evan section af the city fanîfliarly eaUl- per manth. Juat think of it-the The inspection af Parkchester him on aur tour ai inspection. Mr. several rosis of motion pieturea Au 8,nCate are armrs i Onari wh hae Bathoome, Mnnin Pol, issed The Bronx. The above picture 51 buildings' will, houssanie by the editor ws made possible Df aantv iSoln n eepeetd neyer heard. af the Federation of Mary Baldwin, Orana, Mr. and gives the reader on]y a slight 42,000 people - a cammunity tbiough ans af his nephews, Wal- whie - a esident af U. S. during Theso pictures portrayed the i& onsn Agrkmulture!'-- Aira. Jack Giffen Niagara Falla idéesaf the immenaity af this about twice.the population of the t«FPhillips, plastor foreman, who the last world war came over ta power and advantages af modern C E Coonibes, R.C.A.F., Brant- were guesta at M?,s. H. Haoper's colossal $50,000,000 real estate city of Oshawa. Every apartinent with his brother Frank, bas been Canada sud enlisted and served machinery, built by Massey-Har- Moi., Tus -W d fordwas home on a week's leave NoasPrm'taboakn t e et built, financed sud owned is occupied as soon as eampleted. -cantinuously employed on this job with distinction overseas. ris, nsu 0acamrmodated - them- visiting bis wife sud Mm. sud lira. threatened gasoline ahartage very letoplianLU nComFrmpasansiy. taditt- aen14mntl.Itmihtb I wul tkea ul ag ttshvstath sttngtatprctcah. -MAGE-1th-é1 L. Hilderley. serlausly for aven Saturday sudsueCm u. among other things, tit l an or- lnteresting to note hors that the adequately describe Parkchester, taiasnareited formedopatothe JamesCany-A heda Mr. Tam Dustan, Trinity Col- Sundsy the aping-like weather Parkehesten embraces 129 acres ganized heap ai 110,000,000 bricks, plastering contractar waa T. A. as we have said nothing about the u-da bs ariehdsto aopionai legs, Toronto, spent thé weekend brought the hîghway* traffie of af maderately ralling.lsud - once 120,000,000 pounda af structural O'Rourke, a lite long and esteoin- landscaping, play grounds, wad- upt-at etaat akeiam witli his parents, Mm. sudlira. matorists up te considérable pro- the property of the Siwsuoy In- steel, 15,000,000 square teestof ed friend of the editor's brother- ing pools, tres shaded streetsý ing bath attractive sud profitable. f TA.Dustgn. partions. dians, in 1863 the praperty ot the .flooring. It will coat $W,~000,000 in-law, the late James A. Phillipa. central heating plant, electrical The Statesman, mantha aga, in-i-y Mrs Wiber IJoa, hliayig: r. ndMrs B.Hokin, PrtN. Y. Catholie Prateetary, sudhI split roughly 45-55 between build- We were informed the plaatering equipped kitchens, and many troduced the idea ai collective use it Fo ITootWas bert ahe oay ogem.and ira. Bh skeng a t 1938 became the prperty ai the ing labor and building matéril alone n this huge projet would other featues iund in this gigan- ai machinery as partial solution C n u s hi arotowasgust a th To Hoe, nnancetheenggemntMetropolitan Llfç Insursuce Ca. and equipment manufacturera. It mun well aven 5 million dollars. tic esidential community. But we of farin labor shortage. That ides FrankCryn-D alClp onta Skating Carnival sud at the 'of their 'daughter, Alice Elizabeth, To-dyi steseeo h ilb h elzto foeo a dwre yti rcia Royal Alexandra. to Rager Roy Alichin, onîy son of r-day a stimsie sen it. ialbe to ealizhaionan s adeik We are greatly indebted ta hope it will give aur, neaders alstriowan rd.bytapls'prciclFr.-Hg ____________________Mm. sud Mms. George C. Aleohin, wardsms ipan sd"_lMerpltn himuFmdrc erge Dufi, general toreman for slight idesaiofParkchester -a ilstraioohn Mtin apltes' prom- Enter Bowmanville. The marriage will area which will be conipleted this H. Ecker's pet business as ocia-1]M. O'Rourke, who spared no monument ta progressive buildingissJonMtnsuthMasy oi ears take place inApril. sprmg.logical dreama. Furthermore, 't refr i bwn sad ta the Metropolitan Lits In- Harris Company, through agents.N'5 .ucheasrMeffStapinsharenushsmin Mm sdMm.S.J.C~e, Parkcbester la eorsed ai 51 la ai direct intereat ta aven 29 ej%ýXgh Borne ai the apartnient surance Company. inhas e . da se ofarm sera.g Mr.î ad;Mrs S J.Coktieindividual but Interrêlated spart- million people iCsuada ami the - -daadraofrm!- Leqmington, bave been visîtmng ment buildings rsuging hi helghtl United States wbo are insured by his laister, lira. T. G. Masan. It's - - many years ines Sain lived i gthes parts but ho till retains bisC U ESSH W reading The Statesman regularly. àaln a E -ev T SOUTH WARD s * Word bas been received that the B, UNDAY S H O fallowing local baya have landedPassI yqeWA LUEIN Haekney, L.IBdm. Jack Cameran, -- The third i a senlea ai stiil pic- t* Gnr. Bruce Cameran (Ohaa) One ai Darlingto's îmoat hlghly tures "Through oye ami sar gateA Gnr Aex.Caern f W aiwam te a chlld's seul," was presented j ~ Bta a are taking a course in anti-air- msetdaway ls u er- venlng - -D R UOhte air A mopai18TlntySndyAnnis, Tyrans, had been MI for Sebool I the South Ward Scheel RG Schoal pupils froin Bawmsnville a year, but carrled an, servlhg bis bufildig. The attendance wus ex- L W S vrsdaoetesblata aig o aeo u verýy-day 10wCeLfr- attended the carnival "Gay Blades 'comn'unity, as he had slways cllent, eonaldering unfavarablè rcs o a anbgaddsvig ytkn datg formn * ~~Ini a Sunken Gardon" held b>' the dn'vrulywsathem. The sustained intereat PRICES 3105 o a aubgaddsvnab'ikn daig tarmi> 5 Oshawa Skating Club an Satur.. n, itull ight up ta the frarn the beginning ai the pro- 1______ speciala for ibis Thurada>', Frida>' and Saturda>'. Donti Miss ihem! a' - day. They were in s party ar- moment when dath called hlm, i grami te its close gave evidence WB RESERVE THE RIGET TO IT QUANTITIES ranged by lira. S. Davison ai his 7th, 7ear. - ai the greateat appreclatien. The _____________ lamm Bownsuvile.-Oshawg Times. K-nown b>'ey an s ublic first part af the evening program C-Aad Dra onyfis.ansd me- spried a, onahlsuay was taken up b>' familae gospel BRINGS INSTANT EASE A S .&C A L I ê' laie fM.T -nýW14t pne ah a edmaycouecnutdb .Shar- ii ,A B . .--LE S9 ntv ofCrwJt.'ro"wns isiip dowri the cames ai office as rard, with Mms. Sharrard at the '~n n , IlE I C " B 3 has aold the St. Catharies Buoi- 'ing strength. F~or 40 years as' delight for the many boys and 50 UU' KD EY PLL 3 nesa Callege ai-, whlch ho 'v*as Superintendent of Tyrans Metho-' girls present who truly lot baose principal and ownem .for many chtan sd jeter United Church sun and sang ta their heart's. content. LY O O P* - eo c no ls:yru V 1 years. Mr. Wright 'has recenti>' day Sehoal, ho exercised a kindii> Followlng the sing sang T. H. L S L S A o 0 s2apened the Lakeshore Business influence an the children ofithe Lockhart effered prayor. 'x' lk-eien -- 29 7 I'College at 919 Lake Shore Rosd, community. Hoe was aima chair- The beautiful pîcture atory A'lNK fl- UiMDUUiNi II 'CREDTNew Toronto, which la opposite man ai the officiai board ai the shown was entitlsd "Little Faith *uuuuuuAMPS COM OUN 87 prove an excellnt move for Mm. Mm Annis was a achool trustes minutes lira. Smth frein Oshawa108 Wright as well as the young peo- almotail s» is lite, sud bis son, held the attention of aen by berA.S . BL S19 le f Mumica, New Tarante and AlnF Annia, Crawn Atre simple, snd effective delivery ai Marr' s Jewellery incuh wh a budsineussofat Oshawa, states that ho cannai this Engliali atory, the setting a AMofKAL ~uO triigwlthin close distance te remember a tme when the achoal Which Was ionseaiold L nns 25c C M H R T D IL 3o. 19cl>:LE 9 I Phono 468 King, Sireei their homes sud under stih a board seal was not i the bouse. market places sud aluni districts, -L op - 2tn6 capable and experlenced prich- As a member ai Darlington Town. now destroyed b>' Germmen bomba. Lux_______-__2_'for___ pal. -a hip Council ho was a tewer ai It was regretted that Supenint- 3 5 Corets - M4 ______________________________________strength in guiding constructive tendent Mm. W. Henderson ai the législation sud efficient manage- sehool wss unable ta be present A J gW ale 3.L.. rn ______________________________ment. b>'reanon oaiiness. Rbiao'sBas> 3U .DA1Bràe4a1 -- s a m ~ m uT h e la e m. n n s a a o r ' O L D E R ' , , ,P hDÀ /'s 3(f ort a t i g N Alhs > o g a nearEbenzerApni 22,1871 ~o wwu~ r 'ino -- - 88 lu*Cfee RdRve iatW rter n' ases. Oimeing wlol be hsld at the lalesOI240 -- - 44o-I Nabo lfee edRer -Wallon Annis, Dunbarton, George home afIdu inselen Cameron on Nabo Fivorng mitnane.sd Mms. A. H. Lnc5htwusserved, atter which R ne valus fat Large variety of fresh The funeral was hold from Ty..an-sn S5noy. ---n-s----ihmnoU le Cuc o udy, "mie er houis. M . Annis resta in Bow- "But, lok, daddy's eut a long 'r Lauea Secord DR II! ho e P~ie367368Free Delivery minvillo Cemeismy, moumned bywa" Candles UI WW eie Pu "ý'361-68 1mily, relatives, sud the w hale wa"Iknow, dsar, but your father'. communit'. . iured.1" 11M CANADIAN STATESb PAGE SEVM

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