Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1941, p. 3

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?RU~SD AACEI 13, 1941 TEE CAKADIM~ STA ___ _____________________ t As isee Ut*1 197 CaPt. Elmore, Philpoft OUI NAI!IONAL "UIT] It is part af My Job to rcad newspapers whlch came from widely different parts ai Canada. Réadlng those papers these days should convince cveryone that thigs are far from weJlinh this Dominion. The current and i- : creasingly cxcited tone' af the e~ seces in Parliament la addl- toaproof af the state af nation- Forgettlng altagether about the a st, and making no attempt ta lxblanie for the existence of thinga as. they are how can any- anc who realizes the gravity ai thc times in which wclilve fail ta sec whithcr we are drifting i Canada? The democratic world la, rlght now, in Uic most dangerous posi- tion it bas ever been i thraugh- Out ail hlstory. Evcrybody knows Uiat Uic super-gangsters who hope ta enslave ail mankind are on Uic eve of makig their most desper- ate effort ta date. Britain, with class and Party Uines forgotten, waits wlth compîcte caini and complete unity ta meet Uic in- vader and hurl hlmito Uic sesIf he'attempts ta stornic citadel af world freedom. In Uic United States we sec Wendeil WilkIde competing i frlendly fashion wi his recent rival, President Roosevelt, ta sec who con. do most ta hcip defeat Hitler. In Australia -wherc Uic margin betwcen gov- crwrnent and opposition la 50 nar- row that It would be child's play for any expericnced politiciant t upset Uic applecart if public opin- Ion wauldstand for it - wc sec Uic whole Parlianient standing shoulder ta shoulder ta meet Uic very real and resent Urcat. In Canada we can pick up ncwu- paeso 0pctty-partizan that day aier day carry criticlama of Uic gavcrnnicnt which are s0 childish as ta niake anc wonder how Uicy ever get it print. On Uic other hand -there have been partizan justifications af Uic govcrnxncnt's war record whlch arc cquaily siily. itheir ignorig ai Uic plain facta. We read ai a cabiet mirlaster rcicrring ta ncwspapers whlch advocate national governrncnt as "maliciaus microbes." A m o n g thèse "maJ.claus microbes" arc soine aifUicernost influential pap- crs I Canada-which, incidentai- ly, supportcd Uic King govern- nient m tUic Isat generai election. That episode la uyrnbolic of Uic whole national situation. At a time when Canada should lie anc hundred percent unlted Uic exact reverse la truc. ]PARTIZAN CUISE I amn no believer hi Uic Uieory that autside Parliament are mainy super-men who could b. taken in- ta Uic govcrnrncnt, and transiorrn it overnight, as Churchilli'and Bevin did-i Britain. But Uic curse ofait 9. t rnakes hievitable p etuatiônoi Uic puerile party w arc, Pres and parliament, which suarrunds aur wholc war e&~ft withdense clouda ai suspiciotW, doubta, andi hates. That condition would b. dangeraus at any tirne ai real crisis. It la. marc than dangerous j'Thrce wccks ago, in these col- unns, I suggested Uiat Uic. 1ov- ernnicnt should reccllR. B. en- nctt from Britain, ta act 'as Uic executive head ai aur airpiane praduction program, in Canada. That suggestion -was later taken up in Parlirnent. Publicly Uiere lias been no real critlcism ai Uich propop4. Mr. Bennett has made a consplcuous succesi Britain as chief assistant ta Lord Beaver- brook in exactly Uic sanie Une ai work. There la no anc alive with a mare Intimate knowledgc of Canadian business. facto. 1Prlvatcly I hear Uitat one rea-- son for Uic gavçrnanet's heui- tancy la Uic impression that Mr. gennettVs rcturn to'Canada miglit have future politicai. repircussions nat now farseen. The vcry iact that such an at- titude la held i Canada tq-day la striklng proof that Canada la stil saund aslecp. We camiat too clearly _get hils inta aur own heads: The career ai any politi.. clan or any Party mçans nathlng whatcver as measured baside Uic real issue now at stake. As Mi. Churchill recently remarkcd,A'he second worse national crime là tUrnes 1ke these la over-confi- dence. Wecoculd Igns tUic war - indeed I arn positive Uitat we wouid Jase Uic war If Uic rcst ai thc demacratic world had been as slow as wc have been ta clear aur natianal decks for action h i most crucial battie ai Uic ages. That la why I thlnk that Uic Canadian people should say as neld sorage ortUicrea aithi ai Uie 1ordinary party caucas sys- 1 tcmn. I have heard many speeches i Parliament, but 1 have nover heard anythlng on Uic floor af Uic flouse which could compare, i point and pungency wIi those I heard behind thc closed doors af a Party caucas. Anyoric who talks frecly wlth prîvato members af tiilspresent Parliament knows that - regard- less af party affiliation - they are dceply pcrturbed at their di- mlnlahing Opportunity for effect- ----------------- IWMANVULLE, ONTARIO Ivenessa. They have trouble even in flnding out what actually la golng on - much less n hifiding a way to do anything about those actions they disapprove. The essence of democracy lu the right of the majority ta rule, and the rlght of the minorlty ta criticize, advlse and organize to became the majority. In Practice - as Churchill show- cd in England - the Most useful persanai agency for the safe- guarding and promotion af these principles la the private member who piays hi. Part for freedam on the floor of Parliament. ONE MAX, ONE JOB There are no supermen i Can-c ada, or elaewhere, who could b. brought ito aur cabinet, so as ta' wave a magie wand and changeý things avernight for the better. But there la one change whlch whether or not we remain on thé oze-party- or change ta the no- Party system af goirernnient. That is, each key man should be given one Job - and only one Job. AnX, cabinet minister, or big business executive broughlnhitoasasist that. cabinet minister, la doing evero thgthat can be execedIf hé d one acJob and daca it wlth everything he has ta give. The present Minlater of Agri- 1 the pursuit ai happiness.-3efier- It is quite cold here ta-day and son. THE CANADIAN STX. à. culture la also hi contrai af. Uic PAGE TEPM Wr services. Either of those tiks is enough for any superman, -f Wth things as they are. "Mr. Howe runs Transport, Ra- *0o, and ail Supplies, iclung ~AIrcraft Production. The set-up JW absurcj an the face af it. The key men i the cabinet nat delly have ta make big decisions rY day on matters which re- Ilre dee thought. They are aiso Ziced ta attempt ta carry on thefr ~ine detail wark which over- Whems mnany men even I nor- ha1 times. 1Democracy doca flot need ta 'lierate on ninetcenth century èhnique any langer than it tblnks it has ta do sa. 9 SOLDIER'S LET1'ER The Veterans' Guard ail went on furlougli thc lst ai Mardi and we have takcn over their duties, 50 right now wc have al Uic guarding ta do far Ottawa. Araund 100 men ecd day go on duty besides our own guards here at thc Park. It la interfcring wiUi aur plans and wark quite a bit. "D" Company goes on guard Thursday. We take over at 6 p.m. and arc reiceved the followig niglit at 6 p.m. I amn at thec Mac- kenzie building wli seven other lads. Then there are speclal guards for Uic Parliament Build- ings, Mint and s0a, n. Wc are on 24 haurs and then aff for 24. Our Company wil l e on duty cvery faurth day. I am oauthi the ranks naw. I was not felig weil and was las- ing weight, sa I amn outaide now' and feel 100 per cent better. I was an guard last Thursday, fic bri- gade Friday nîght, kitchen fatigue Sunday, and Company Hcadquar- ters fatigue ta-day, sa you cmi sec I arn kept busy ail the time. This wcek we are ail having tests on al aur work and have ta pass them. Rifle, aiming, bayanet fighting, map readig, geaw lncluded in the tests. rhave had a heavy. snow utorm ricre ticing up traic. 'Aillaur junior officers arc tak- ing a two wecks' course, so Uic only officer we have now la Ma- jrLycett, as Capt. Curtis and M.Oattes are hin charge of the special guard. Mr. Denms las been transferred ta H.Q.'s coin- pany. Pte. Sidney Casbourn, lut Mdland Reginient. AUl mon are cndowcd by tli Creator with inallenable rlghtsr among thcse are lice, Jlbertyr, and 1 - 1

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